#emery saks
emerysaks · 1 year
Angie the kind, sarcastic vet and Peggy with the overly dramatic golden retriever.
Sorry it took a while, but I hope you enjoy it @poppyseedjunky
Puppy Love
Puppy Love - EmerySaks7 - Agent Carter (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Peggy Carter was beginning to think she and her recently acquired companion would never be seen. After arriving more than half an hour ago, she had been ushered into a small exam room where she and her charge sat and waited.
Finally, the door opened. A petite woman with light brown walked in with a tablet in her hand. She wore a white coat with stitching over the left pocket. Dr. Angela Martinelli, DVM. She smiled at Peggy and then bent down to pat the dog that rushed toward her, tail wagging back and forth as it pawed excitedly at her coat.
"Well, hello to you, sweetie."
She looked back up at Peggy. "Hi, I'm Dr. Martinelli. I'll take care of your kiddo today. What brings you in?"
Peggy smiled as the golden retriever continued to lavish the veterinarian with affection. "I'd like to get a wellness exam done for her and ensure she's healthy."
Dr. Martinelli beamed and glanced at the chart on the counter. "Excellent! How old is your dog?"
"I don't know," Peggy admitted. "I found her nine weeks ago and have been trying to find her owner ever since."
"You've been fostering her for nine weeks?" Dr. Martinelli looked up from the chart." That's impressive."
Peggy frowned. "It is?"
"Most people try for a few days and then either rehome the dog or take it to the pound." She smiled at Peggy.
"Oh, I couldn't bear to take her to the pound," Peggy said. "I had her scanned for a chip, but she doesn't have one."
"They're plastered throughout my neighborhood," Peggy confirmed. "I also posted her picture across social media." She laughed. "I didn't realize there were so many pet groups and websites."
Dr. Martinelli grinned. "So many! But that's the best way to get her information out there if someone is looking for her."
Peggy sighed. "I haven't had a single promising lead, though."
"Sometimes people dump dogs." The vet, whose tag read Dr. Martinelli, sighed. "It stinks, but there's not much you can do about it." She leaned down and scratched the dog behind her ears. "She's sweet, though."
Peggy smiled. "She is, but she's loud."
Dr. Martinelli laughed. "Of course! She's a golden retriever."
Peggy shrugged. "Is that normal for the breed?"
"It is," Dr. Martinelli nodded. "Does she grunt a lot?"
Peggy's mouth dropped open. "Yes! I thought perhaps something was wrong with her, so I brought her in today."
Dr. Martinelli shook her head. "Perfectly normal. It's how they communicate." She knelt in front of the dog and examined her teeth. "Great dental, hardly any tartar buildup." She ran her hands over the dog's coat and felt its belly. "She seems to be in great shape. Young, too. I wouldn't say more than two years old."
"Does she need shots or worming or..." Peggy waved a hand. "Whatever it is that dogs need?"
Dr. Martinelli stood up and chuckled. "First time?"
"Is it that obvious?"
"Only to a trained professional," the doctor grinned.
Peggy felt her cheeks redden. She knew nothing about caring for a dog; now, the adorable veterinarian knew it, too.
Dr. Martinelli placed a hand against Peggy's arm. "Nothing to be embarrassed about, Mrs. Carter. We all have to start somewhere."
"It's Miss," Peggy instantly corrected her. "And please, call me Peggy." Was it her imagination, or did Dr. Martinelli perk up at that information?
"Well, Peggy," the doctor smiled, "You're doing great. I assume you're keeping her until you find her owner?"
Peggy nodded.
"In that case, I recommend we do a few small things like basic vaccinations and worming to ensure she's healthy and safe while she lives with you. A second dose won't hurt her if she's had the vaccines. And, if you end up keeping her, it's one less thing you have to come back for." Dr. Martinelli paused and gazed at her. "Of course, that's only if you decide to use our clinic for her primary care."
Peggy felt her face grow warm. Dr. Martinelli's affable nature put her at ease. It also didn't hurt that she had the most adorable dimples, which appeared whenever she smiled.
"I hadn't gotten that far, Dr. Martinelli," Peggy admitted.
"It's Angie," she told her, and the dimples came out in full force.
"Angie," Peggy echoed. "How lovely."
"Thank you," Angie laughed. "Now," she said, lowering herself before the dog. "How about you sit with your foster mom, and I'll be back with some shots in a few minutes?"
Peggy watched the dog excitedly wag its tail before giving Angie a wet kiss.
"Such a good girl," Angie cooed.
Peggy smiled. "Goldie does that to me all the time, too."
"Goldie?" Angie looked up at Peggy.
Peggy blushed. "It's what I've been calling her."
"You named the dog?" Angie teased.
"Well, I could hardly keep calling her Dog."
"Uh-huh," Angie said. She stood back up and grabbed her tablet. "I'll be back with the shots, and then we can talk more about Goldie and her future care."
Peggy blinked. "But, I'm not sure I'm keeping her."
"I see."
Angie smirked. "You're not keeping the dog you've already named."
Peggy rolled her eyes. "Are you always this sarcastic to your patients?"
Angie stepped through the door and smiled. "Only to the ones I really like," she told her before closing the door.
Peggy stood there, grinning like an idiot. Goldie barked at her, and Peggy looked down. "I like her, too, girl," she murmured. "Maybe we should ask her on a doggy date when she returns?"
Goldie licked Peggy's hand and then pushed her head against her palm.
"Yes, I like you, too," Peggy told her.
Goldie looked up at her with wide eyes, and Peggy relented. "All right. I might even love you, but that's not public information. Okay?"
Goldie barked in response, and Peggy laughed, knowing that all her secrets were safe with her new friend.
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grantvaleska · 5 months
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Earrings: Piece of Me - Milena Earrings Necklace: LaGyo - Precious Necklace Sweater: Pox - Aiko Sweater NEW @ EQUAL10! Skirt: Emery - Ether Skirt NEW @ COLLABOR88! Bag: SAK - Koi Bag Hair: Studio Exposure - Girl Hair Shot on location at St. Cheateau.
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capituloperdido1 · 3 years
Chapter 1
Here is the first chapter, please let me know what you guys think! Warnings: Anxiety Attack, mentions of SA
There was not a night, in which the shadowsinger did not wake up sweating after his night terrors. It had become a routine for him, to see the flames in his dreams, to see the smiles and dark eyes of his so-called brothers while they laughed at his pain. At first, he would find ways to comfort himself, he would read, pray to the Mother, and even journal (a suggestion given to him by his blonde friend). However, after the years passed, and his nightmares did not disappear, he had come to realize that the nightmare was a punishment from the cauldron. The scars, the nightmares, the fact that he did not have a mate; it was all a punishment for the horrors that he had committed. So he accepted the nightmares, he accepted the scars, the accepted the loneliness, he accepted the punishment Azriel rolled over the bed, taking off the sheets that had covered his body; and sat at the edge of the bed. He took a couple of seconds to look around his room. Five... the grey walls, the black wooden desk, the leather chair in front of the fireplace, the basket of dirty clothes, and the book that the priestess had let him borrowed. Four... the satin sheets on his bed, the trim curls on his head, the fleece black pants he wore, and the wooden decorations that surrounded his bed. Three... the chirping of birds in the morning, faint music from Velaris, and the sound of trees moving with the wind. Two... whiskey and roses. One... the taste of the chocolate pudding the house had given him the night before. He exhaled as his mind acknowledged reality. Sometimes, when the nightmares were too real; he woke up afraid to be in that cell... prison that his childhood self had called home. He stood, looking for his fighting leaders as he got ready to go to the training ring. Maybe the day ahead was not going to be bad, maybe something good might happen. Maybe, a certain auburn-haired priestess would be there. -.-.-.-.- The sun was just rising, the cold autumn wind tickled his wings as he flew up the house of wind. As if she had guessed he wanted to see her this morning; Gywn moved with gracious velocity while she tried the new obstacle arrangement that was meant for that morning. Azriel smiled to himself, one thing that he admired of the priestess was her willingness to overcome any challenge. She had become known around Prythian, the priestess, and her Valkarie friends, as the fiercest women in their territory. Some feared the group of females, others wanted to become like them. After the Valkaryes had conquered the mountain, many more priestesses had come to train with them; even some Illyrian females, not more than a dozen, had decided to learn the ways of the warriors. Nesta, Emerie and Gwyn had to help him and his brother train the new recruits; so they had resolved that the hour after the normal training would be focused on the three of them. However, over the last few months, he had a few one on one training sessions with the priestess. Once her smell hit him, his shadows became restless; one mischievous shadow shooting towards Gwyn and flying around her. They always reacted to her that way, as if they were anticipating throughout days and nights when they would see her again. At first, Azriel had been mortified; he worried that being surrounded by his shadows would make her uneasy, afraid or even disgusted. But, as always, the priestess had surprised him by smiling and opening her hands every time she saw them; welcoming his shadows with eagerness, not fear. -I was wondering if you would come today- she said playing with his shadow. Stop, come back he said to the shadow; but again it ignored him and flew around her hair as if saying i'm not leaving until i want to. -I had a feeling you were going to fail the training course, i could not miss it- he said jokingly. -mhm, sure shadowsinger- she smiled, taking a sip of her water - we both know I'm faster and more agile than you ever were- He laughed and took his leather jacket off A moment passed, and he confessed,- i couldn't sleep- -me neither- she said smiling sadly. They had never talked
about it.
What kept them up at night, they didn't need to. They resorted to talking about books, trains and make snarky remarks to each other. He had to admit that her competitiveness matched his own; and in some way, it helped him forget about his nights. -well... how about you time me, and then i'll time you shadowsinger- she said. He smiled, he appreciated that she never pushed him; and in return, he never pushed her. He knew her terrors, he had been there to witness most of them. But unlike him, he prayed to whatever deity existed that she could overcome them. If there was one person in this world who did not deserve one bad dream was Gwyneth Berdara. -hmm... but let's make a bet priestess- he smirked. -you win, ill bring you the stash of chocolate brownies Nesta hides in the house. I win and you will let me look at more of your notes on mind-stilling-  The priestess had come one night with stashes of papers in her hands; she had dumped the papers in his lap and said - i have not finished it, don't judge the writing. But read it, and try some of the exercises, it has helped me with... you know- From that moment on, he read mind stilling exercises for his anxiety after a bad dream. Gwyn smiled, tying her long hair up in a ponytail. His shadows stilled for a moment, not in fear, but in admiration. -sounds like a deal shadowsinger- He dared to open his mind to his shadows, curious to hear what they were thinking; beauty, they said, autumn beauty. -.-.-.-.- Somehow, they ended up training until Nesta and Cassian came up the stairs. Neither of them had completed the course without busting their asses in the sand at least once. However, she was happy to convince him that even if there was no winner she would let him borrow another copy. Azriel knew that meant he would have to bargain with the house (who somehow held the brownies away from anyone) and exchange some smut books for at least one or two. His brother approached him smiling; after the Blood Rite and all the mess that had been the last couple of months, Cassian and Nesta were finally able to plan their mating ceremony. Azriel never pictured Cassian as the man who would talk for hours about how Magnolias and Lilies could not go together. But his brother was so happy, so excited to plan his ceremony; that he had been part of every decision made until that point. Nesta was more than happy to lay off the decisions of lighting and colors for their mountain ceremony; she was more focused on the guests. Cassian had insisted on inviting some of the high lords; to satisfy Rhys and make it somehow a place to prepare for Koschei. Nesta had refused and had threatened to poke Rhysands eyes out if someone other than Hellion, and Kallias arrived to their ceremony. -hey Az, you look like a whole building fell on your face man- said Cassian while tying a bun with a string of leather. -and you look like you need an ass-kicking, should I tell Nesta to humiliate you in the ring again?- he responded, smiling while he remembers the oldest Archeron sister kicking his brother out of the ring in their last hand to hand combat As the rest of their class arrived, Azriel took the chance to get near Gwyn. - Listen, I know I didn’t let you go back to your chambers. But... thank you, for ... you know being here - he said while scratching the back of his neck. She smiled. And his shadows danced happily looking at her dimples and red lips, beautifully matching her hair. -you know Azriel, I know I’ve never said it. But as your friend, I will be here whenever you need me. If you need to talk, fight, or read some smut... I’ll be here - Gwyn said. He nodded and attempted to show that her words had not just opened a light inside him that for five hundred years had disappeared. -thank you Gwyn-. -.-.-.-.-.- After the training, Azriel walked to his chamber when he heard the voice of his brother in his head. I need you, there is a mission that needs attending. Now. He sighed, he hated that Rhys sounded upset every time he talked to him; but after the mess during solstice, he had not been able to make
things right with him. With anyone for that matter; he had avoided Rhys and Elain, too scared to face the feelings that surged when he now thought of the seer. He flew to Rhys house, landing at the roof where his brother watched the bright morning of Velaris. - Azriel- his brother acknowledged him with a nod. After a couple of minutes, his high lord spoke. -how close are you with Gwyn, the priestess-. His eyebrows furrowed -why? Am I going to have to stay away from her too? - he said with an intentional bite in his tone. Rhys looked at him angrily -no. I need you and her for a new mission. One that requires trust, and your head on your brain, not your pants- -I would never think about her like that Rhys, not knowing what she had endured- he responded in a low voice. Rhys got close to him and put a hand on his shoulder - you’re right, I’m sorry. I know how much you respect and connect with her- -which is why I need you to take her to Helions library for a couple of weeks, I need her to do some research on the possibility of a fourth trove and how to help Vassa- It took Azriel a minute to process what his brother was asking of him... No, what he was asking of Gwyn. -no- he responded. Rhys grabbed his shoulder a little harder -what? What do you mean no?- -I mean that Gwyn will not leave the library under your orders. She is not ready for that- he said, his voice rising at the anger and protectiveness he felt in his chest. -how do you know that?- Rhys responded with the same tone. -because... because I know- Azriel answered -and you keep making decisions without regarding people’s feelings and fears, and that’s not okay Rhys- He knew that was unfair; his brother did what he did for the sake of the court, for the sake of the world. -Azriel that is not your call to make- his brother said in a softer voice. -neither is yours, especially because you don’t even acknowledge her existence. Or any of the Valkyries for that matter- he moved away from his brother. It took him a minute to look at Rhys, who had a pained look in his eyes. -you’re right, I can’t argue with that- he sighed-I’m sorry, I know I should’ve talked to her first; and now I will. However, if she says yes, I will task you to protect and help her. I can’t send Cass because he is ... mated now- Azriel laughed sarcastically. Of course, he thought, leave it to Rhys to make his cut bigger with a few words. -of course my lord- he said, and shot up to the sky without saying goodbye.
At the library at the bottom of the house, things were usually quiet. That was one of the reasons why Gwyn had begun to train; the library offered no distraction to her mind, no way to still it if thoughts raced through her. She had been shelving books that Merril had given her for the past hour; thinking and avoiding the memory of last night's nightmare. The blood, the rough hands holding her down, the children screaming. It was all too much, it was all too real. She had gone up in the morning to the training pit. To avoid sleeping, yes, but also because she somehow knew that Azriel would be there. She hated that he had to go through what she went through, but she was grateful for his presence at the moments when she needed him the most. Steps sounded at the end of the hallway, and Gwyn stiffened. They sounded male, heavy, and loud. She knew it was not Azriel, his shadows always let her know that he was approaching. She looked up from her book nervously, ready to run away if needed.... But that was her high lord looking at her with a sweet smile on his face -hello Gwyn, Valkyrie, Carynthian warrior- he smiled. And she realized that out of the three brothers, Azriel had the best smell. She liked the smell of night-chilled mist and cedar, the others smelled too sweat and too flowery for her taste. -high lord- she courtesy nervously. -please, don’t do that, we are practically family right ?- he said while offering her a bag that she had not noticed he carried. -I’m bringing you the best chocolate croissants in the city, Feyre told me you and Nesta enjoy chocolate at the same rate. I hope you like them- he placed them in her cart, knowing she would not touch him. Another set of steps sounded at the distance, and her sister appeared walking with rapid-fire towards her. - I told you to wait Rhysand- Nesta said. -I...it’s okay Nesta, thank you High... Rhysand— Gwyn said, opening the bag and smelling it. Damn... that was dark chocolate in the croissants; her favorite. -what can I do for you guys?- she said while taking a bite of the soft, sweet bread. -we were wondering if you wanted to dine with us tonight, here in the House, only Az, Cass, Nesta, Feyre and me- The High Lord said. - we have a proposal for you, but we want to talk to you about it first-. She looked at Nesta, who was stealing some of her croissants. - su...sure... I’ll gladly accept. It would be an honor - she smiled. -.-.-.- After her shift with Merrill ended, she went to her chambers to bathe quickly. She should change, she knew they dined casually, she wanted to fit in with the group. So she bathed, braided her hair and decided to wear a flowery blue dress that showed the mid of her back; it had a tight bodice and a skirt that flowed until the top of her knees. It had been a gift from Nesta, she had told her to use it whenever she wanted to practice what she would do when she went to Velaris for the first time. As she climbed up the stairs, she imagined what life would be like if she was brave enough to leave the library. Gods she wanted to be in the city, wanted to try the food, hear the music, look at the people. But it all scared her too much. She was waiting for an opportunity, she said to herself, an opportunity to escape the library and be dragged to the real world. The smell of roasted potatoes, beef, and vegetables filled her nose; she thanked the Mother that the house cook. she approached the dining room and smiled at hearing Nesta laugh so hard, probably at something her mate had said. She was happy that her sister had found a man that grounded her, filled her (in every sense of the way) and that respected her. She was a bit jealous that she had found a mate though, she had studied the relationships of mates for months, and understood that they were rare but only rare among powerless faes. Which meant, that the possibility of finding hers was minimum... or as Merril liked to say an absolute zero. -you came!- said Nesta, smiling. Gwyn strode down the hall to sit beside Nesta; her eyes looking around the room to acknowledge everyone who was there.
-thank you for inviting me - she said, coming out as barely a whisper. Rhysand approached with a smiled that brightened the entire room, - thank you for coming, Gwyn, i know the effort it must have been but i appreciate it-.
She smiled -those chocolate croissants were really persuasive my lord-. Rhysand got even bigger -look at you, already teasing me as Cassian does-. The house placed food in front of her, adding extra vegetables. To which she frowned "i didn't know you cared for my vitamins". She ate silently, admiring how the dynamic between all of them was. She couldn't deny the jealousy that threatened to rise, she missed having a family. No, she missed being able to enjoy family without the fear of the outside world suffocating her. Minutes, hours passed and they all kept talking. Azriel had changed his seats to be in front of her, the shadowsinger looking deeply at her while she played with her water. She felt even more comforted now that he was near her. Rhysand stood and cleared his throat -well, i'm sure Gwyn has had enough of our voices; so let's get to the point-. He approached her slowly and passed her a paper she had not noticed he carried. -we want to officially invite you to be part of this court- he started. -Everyone that is here admits that there is no one more deserving and capable to be the official scholar of the Night court-. He laid the paper in front of her. A contract, offering an obscene amount of money. -you... want me to work for you?- she said -yes, if you are comfortable doing this of course- he responded. The contract asked her to inform, research,and educate the leaders of the court, on different matters she would be asked to. -Before you accept- Azriel spoke softly, looking at Rhysand, -you should hear what the first mission would ask from you-.
Rhysand nodded, -we are looking for the possibility of a fourth trove, and we can only do so in the biggest library of the country.... in the day court-.
Leaving the library, she would not only leave the library but also the night court.
Was she ready for that?
-Would i go by myself?- she asked him
-No, you would go with Azriel as your bodyguard, or assistant, whatever you need from him- Rhysand responded.
She smiled, looking at the shadowsinger. - And you accepted this?-
His mouth quirked upward -if i didn't we would have had Nesta to deal with-.
This was it, this was the push she had asked for.
-Rhysand, i would be honored to be the scholar of your court- she said, - and i thank all of you for trusting me, i will not let you down-.
She looked around the room to find every single one of the court's members looking at her with loving, proud eyes.
She would go to the Day Court, she would find a way to help her friends and her world.
Gwyneth Berdara looked at her future companion, the beautiful male with eyes of honey that she would daydream about.
Who knows? Maybe this mission would bring them closer. Maybe they would finally talk about their nightmares, their fears.
Maybe she would finally be able to show Azriel how she felt about him. And maybe this time, he would listen.
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winfredkipling · 3 years
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Your father’s bannermen would rally to the son of Eddard Stark. He declined to identify who that individual is.Prosecutors said Theer had been having an affair with former Army Staff Sgt. How could they know what mischief Soren might get up to, off in those hills? When he conferred Oakenshield on Tormund Giantsbane and Queensgate on Morna White Mask, Marsh pointed out that Castle Black would now have foes on either side who could easily cut them off from the rest of the Wall. “Gods?” said Richard Horpe. The above reward will be paid for his apprehension and confinement in the jail of Guilford or any of the adjoining counties, so that I get him, haibike e mtb 2020 or for his delivery to me in the south-east corner of Guilford. Imagine my distress. “Down. 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jacquesvalentine · 6 years
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L O O K  B O O K #369
Hair: Besom - Pesha (NEW!) Hairbase: SIIX - Filipino hairbase omega Tattoo: Bolson - Sak Yant Top: Gato - Lara crop top (OMEGA) Jacket: Emery - Texas denim jacker over shoulder (@Uber) Septum: Cae - Basic septum Pants: M.Birdie - Ein Look jeans Shoes: Semller - Moon landers (@TMD) Necklace/earring: SEVEN - Ancient necklace/heart hoop (@Tres Chic) Choker: Eclat - Strap buckle choker Icecream: Banana! - Taiyaki ice cream Bag: Ryvolter - Keva triangle bag (@Uber) Socks: FAKEICON - Basal socks tintable Glasses: Rebel Gal - Poxi open wide glasses Eyeliner: UniCult - Basic liners (@LookBook) Backdrop(rails): CMYK - Let's not fall in love Bench: Tentacio - picnic set bench Bag: Junk Food - Honey Buns Bag gacha Drinks: Random.matter - Market Bubble Tea (@Kustom9) Poses: Ana Poses - Various poses
Shooting location: my studio(no slurl)
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manchester united babykläder  Monchi är känd
manchester united babykläder  Monchi är känd över hela kontinenten för sin förmåga att upptäcka talang till ett rimligt pris, genom att kunna av en spelare för billigt och sälja dem med vinst senare under åren. över 300 miljoner euro i vinst för klubben i spelarförsäljning som säljer sådana som Sergio Ramos, Dani Alves och Ivan Rakitic - tre spelare som han också upptäckte med sitt stora nätverk av spejdare. En klubb under uppbyggnad Efter uppsägningen av chefsscout och rekryteringschef Sven Mislintat i början av februari är Arsenal för närvarande en klubb som genomgår en period av förändring inom alla områden och särskilt när det gäller rekrytering av spelare.
Arsenals signeringar under Emery-eran har varit en blandad sak för fans av norra Londonklubben. Lucas Torreira och Matteo Guendouzi har varit sensationer, medan Stephan Lichtsteiner bara har försämrat saker för ett redan trasigt försvar. Potentiell utnämning 
av Monchi kommer att se den 50-årige före detta målvakten återförenas med sin mest framgångsrika partner i Emery. billiga matchtröjor fotboll  Duon fick massiv framgång tillsammans i Spanien med Sevilla då den andalusiska klubben vann tre Europa League-titlar i rad från 2012 till 2015.
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oldieschool · 4 years
The DJ Top 30 – June 13 2020
T.W.L.W.W.O.30NEW1Winona Oak ft Robin Schulz – Oxygen29NEW1Astrid S – Dance Dance Dance28NEW1LIZOT, Holy Molly & Alex Parker – Back to her272112Gareth Emery – You’ll be OK26302Nora En Pure & Lika Morgan – In the air tonight252014Sofi Tukker – Feeling good24254Tiesto ft Becky Hill – Nothing really matters2318143LAU & Shaun Frank – At night22292Cash Cash ft Laura White – Gasoline21273Sofi Tukker & Grogon City – House Arrest20245Drenchill ft Indiiana – Forever summer191515Echosmith – Stuck18225Angele – Flou (Lost Frequencies mix)171415Dua Lipa – Physical161313Vintage Culture, Adam K, Mkla – Deep inside15911FLETCHER – Forever14175Yetep ft Heather Sommer & Kyle Reynolds – I hope13611Ava Max – Kings & Queens (Moti mix)12194Antoine Simar – Be alright11165Le Shuuk & Jerome – You and me10116Afrojack – At night9310Julian Jordan & Kimberly Frensens – Love you better8128Sono – Keep Control (Outwork mix)7510Velix & Playmen – Silver moon629Kygo ft Sasha Sloan – I’ll wait586KSHMR & Sak Noel – Bruk it down419Meduza ft Shells – Born to love3108Merk – Bam Bam279Nicky Romero – Stay146Steve Aoki & Icona Pop – I love my friends
The post The DJ Top 30 – June 13 2020 appeared first on DJFM - The Dance Music Powerhouse.
source https://djfm.ca/the-dj-top-30-june-13-2020/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-dj-top-30-june-13-2020
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Den franska fotbollsligan runda 18, Paris Saint-Germain bort 4-1 seger över Rennes, i denna avslappnade och roliga seger, Neymar, Mbabe och Cavani gjorde mål och Neymar och Mbappé hjälper också många gånger, vilket gör Paris coach mycket Lycklig . Efter-spel intervju, sade Emeri Neymar prestation i detta spel är inte bara en bra sak för laget, det är för de människor som älskar fotboll medför utmärkt prestanda. Neymar två passerar två skott i detta spel, är i Paris för att vinna den största hjälten av alla. Även människor som inte tittar på bollen kommer att tycka om Neymar.Billiga Fotbollströjor För Barn bra kvalitet, många fans gillar. Efter matchen berättade Emeri för intervjuaren att "när Neymar ger en lösning på domstolen så här är det självklart bra för laget och bra för alla som älskar fotboll." "Alla fans på platsen, fansen i framför TV: n, alla fans i Paris, eller till och med fans som inte tittar på bollen, kommer de att vara nöjda med honom efter att ha sett Neymars framträdande i den här matchen och kommer att gilla honom. "Billiga Neymar tröja barn, välj det för att stödja deras favorit klubb. "I kväll visade han sina talanger i alla aspekter, utmärkt taktik och mycket bra prestanda på plats. Våra tre strejkare gjorde mål och gav hjälp, och de gjorde ett bra jobb. "" Neymar känner nu bra, han har styrka att göra all action, han bidrog till bästa prestationen efter att han gick med. Han kommer alltid att ha något kreativt spel, jag för honom och hela laget är mycket tillfredsställande. "El Merida sa.Billiga fotbollströjor barn med tryck, från Bästa fotbollsbutik köpa fotbollströjor Billiga. Worldwide Delivery.
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Sevilla kan vinna La Liga, säger Guillem Balague i sin senaste kolumn
Köp billiga
Billiga fotbollströjor
från Premier League, La Liga, Bundesliga, Serie A, internationella kit och mer. Största urvalet av fotbollsskor på nätet. Anpassa med anpassade utskrifter. Worldwide leverans.
I sin senaste kolumn Guillem Balague säger Sevilla kan vinna säsongens La Liga efter Jorge Sampaoli sida slutade Real Madrids 40-spel obesegrade på helgen.
En skada vinnare från Sevilla substitut Stevan Jovetić såg andalusi komma bakifrån för att slå Los Blancos 2-1 på Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan på söndag kväll.
Som ett resultat, Sevilla är andra, bara en poäng bakom Madrid överst i tabellen, om än att ha spelat en match mer än Zinedine Zidane team, som halvvägs kampanjmetoder.
Och Guillem reflekterar över en potentiellt avgörande seger för Sevilla, liksom att svara på alla dina frågor i sin senaste kolumn ...
Sampaoli s Sevilla är den verkliga affären
Sevilla kan vinna ligan, men de måste ge 100 procent, medan Barcelona och Real kan göra misstag och kommer fortfarande att konkurrera om det.
För Sevilla att vinna, de måste även förbättra deras bort rekord - de förlorade två gånger den här säsongen och vann fyra gånger, vilket är en dynamisk förändring från förra säsongen när de gick ett helt år utan att vinna borta. Det är en annan show av steg framåt de har tagit, men de behöver ännu mer poäng.
Mentalt, de är redo för ligan, det är ingen tvekan om det, jag tror att de kommer att tävla fram till slutet, men de måste ha den perfekta säsongen, medan Barcelona och Real kan göra misstag och de kommer att finnas kvar.
Inte alla jämmer och elände för Madrid
Real gjorde inte mycket fel tills de sista 10 minuterna. Marcelo sa att de avslappnad förmodligen efter poäng målet och definitivt enskilda misstag Benzema, Ramos, Marcelo och Navas hjälpte Sevilla vända spelomgången.
Men innan dess, såg vi ett lag som hade accepterat taktiska nyheten av Zidane med tre mitt ryggar. De hade förberett det under veckan och tanken var att stoppa Sevilla attackera ner vingarna, särskilt med hjälp av vänster av Marcelo utrymme.
Så genom att sätta Nacho bredvid Marcelo och Raphaël Varane hjälp av Dani Carvajal, innebar det Sevilla kunde inte attackera ner vingarna så lätt, men det innebar också Real attacke mindre eftersom de hade en mindre framåt.
Det var ett spel som Real inte hade förlorat, skulle det ha varit ett bra resultat för dem. Så för 80 minuter det fungerade och det var intressant att Real anpassad till en rival, något som vi inte har sett på ett tag och en annan plus för Zidane, övertyga sina spelare som var rätt sak att göra.
En annan Sevilla Late Show
Sevilla har gjort åtta mål i de sista fem minuterna av spel de har antingen blivit ritning eller förlora, vilket tyder på att de är fysiskt stark, tror på vad de gör, och har kvalitet på framsidan och konkurrens gen som uppenbarligen Unai Emery introduceras till dem och Sampaoli har nu tagit till en ny nivå.
Det är bara andra gången Real har förlorat ett spel som de vann med fem minuter att gå, så som berättar hur stor en vinst det var. För Sevilla, var det en show av gemenskap mellan spelare, chef och fläktar.
Zizou är fortfarande lärande
På samma sätt som vi prisade Zidane, har vi också att kritisera honom för de sista 10 minuterna av spelet och det är något jag har sett förut. Det är ett tecken på en ung chef och han reagerade inte mycket väl vad Sevilla kastade in spelet i de sista 15 minuterna.
För det första genom att Toni Kroos ut och sätta Mateo Kovacic i, som såg förlorade, medan Kroos - Jag vet inte vad han såg i honom, men han kan garantera besittning, till skillnad från Kovacic, som är mer direkt i det läget och riskerar lite Mer.
När Pablo Sarabia och Stevan Jovetic, som var helt avgörande och igen, bör Sampaoli lovordas för att vända på spelet när de kom på, trots att Real hade Lucas Vazquez eller Mariano Diaz Mejia på bänken för att försöka ändra den dynamiska och tvingar Sevilla att vara mer försiktig - han inte gör det. Sevilla hade initiativet och vid ett tillfälle hade nästan 87 procent av bollinnehavet, men Zidane inte reagera på det.
Ingen plats som hemma för Sevilla
Taktiskt var det ett intressant spel eftersom båda lagen var mycket försiktig i 70 minuter eller så. Real spelade med tre på baksidan, och Sevilla, som normalt gör också, flyttade till en back fyra.
Varken risk något, har de inte vill förlora bollen, det fanns minst sex män bakom bollen och inte mycket rörelse av bollen, det handlade om att inte göra misstag. Detta var en följd av två spel i koppen där en hel del mål hade medgav, men också om vikten av ligan fixtur.
Så det var först efter Real gjorde att spelet fick liv, och när Cristiano Ronaldo - som inte var särskilt inflytelserik i spelet - gjorde det verkade som om Real kunde med sin defensiva struktur, har knappast påverkats av Sevilla attacker, för att ta spel. Men Sevilla hemma kan slå vem som helst.
Guillem svarar på dina frågor ...
Kommer någon att lämna Bernabeu fönstret? (@ Garethdavies80)
Zidane vill inte någon att lämna, så truppen bör förbli densamma.
Vad tror du om Alexander Isak, den potentiella nya Real Madrid signering? (@ Lew_Barlow97)
Jag har sett videor av honom och Real definitivt vill ha honom för "B" laget, en "B" team som de vill göra mycket starkare nästa säsong. Han är lite långsam, stark - starkare än hans kroppsbyggnad visar eftersom han är mycket, mycket tunn - och som Zlatan Ibrahimovic, har han en hel del kvalitet trots att han är en stor pojke. Han har en stor potential, men han är fortfarande ung.
Vem tror du är mest sannolikt att vara Real Madrid nästa Galactico? (@ Lukemcfeeters4)
De kommer definitivt att gå för en Galatico på sommaren, Paulo Dybala ser ut som han kommer att förnya sitt kontrakt med Juventus och kan stanna ett år där, David De Gea någon som om Keylor Navas fortsätter med oregelbundna spel - Jag tror att han var delvis att skylla för Sevilla andra mål på grund av sin placering - kan vara ett mål.
Och låt oss se vad som händer med säsongen och där Real slutar, men om de har en svaghet i centrala mittfältet, är det endast den anläggning mittfältare. De har bara Casemiro där, så Steven N'zonzi kan vara ett mål.
Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang vill gå till Real och om han håller på hans imponerande goalscoring statistik, han också kunde vara ett mål för Madrid. Men det är fortfarande för tidigt att säga vem de kommer att rikta nästa.
När Steven N'zonzi var på Stoke vi Stoke fans visste hur bra han var - han Barca material? (@ Andrew19889)
Han kunde faktiskt vara en Barcelona eller Real-spelare och historien är att engelska klubbar vill ha honom också, är hans buyout klausul endast € 30m och han vill inte förnya sitt kontrakt med Sevilla och han kommer att vara en av de stora överförings namnen på sommar.
Tror du Barca kommer att flytta för Sampaoli på sommaren om Lucho lämnar? (@marilichat)
Jag tror att Luis Enrique eran är slut och den modiga sak här är att faktiskt erkänna det av klubben och tränare och sedan gå vidare. Men det betyder inte alltid sker och som sedan innebär att nästa år, klubb, lag och tränare lider.
Så vi får se vad beslutet Luis Enrique tar och jag berätta varför Sampaoli kommer att vara på toppen av listan med Ernesto Valverde, eftersom han har en bra relation med Lionel Messi, Neymar ville att han skulle bli Brasilien förbundskapten, och han också får mycket väl med Luis Suarez.
Naturligtvis är han argentinska, men han gör bra med Sevilla på ett modernt sätt, vilket ger bra fotboll och han skulle gärna vilja åka till Barcelona. Och på grund av alla dessa saker, kommer han att vara på toppen av sin lista.
Någon sanning i rapporterna som förbinder Gerard Pique med en återgång till Premier League? (Tony)
Jag är säker på att Gerard Pique inte vill återvända till Premier League på denna punkt i sin karriär.
Är Barcelona överföringspolitik hindrar La Masia tillväxt? @ Harisubramani15
Det är en komplex fråga, men i grund och botten Barcelona har tagit en hel del felaktiga beslut när det gäller riktning mot La Masia på senare tid. De vill ändra på det och så har överlämnat en hel del beslut Pep Segura, som var nyckeln i Academy of Barcelona för 16 år tillbaka i tiden, innan du flyttar bort för att bli regissör Liverpools akademi. Och han bytte en massa saker där och nu är han tillbaka i Barcelona försöker omdirigera Barcelona in i framtiden.
Vi är redo för din fotbollssäsongen. För fotbollen fläktar eller fotbollspelare, har vi alla
Manchester United Tröja
du behöver!
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emerysaks · 1 year
A Little Help from their Friend - Chapter 5
This story is finished! Thanks for hanging with me since <checks notes> 2015. Ha!
I hope you enjoy the final chapter!
A Little Help from their Friend - Chapter 5 - EmerySaks7 - Agent Carter (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Edwin Jarvis quietly shut the door behind him. He had slipped into the chilly penthouse unannounced in a gesture of deference, as he had done so many times before. Usually, clinking mugs and snippets of conversation floated from the kitchen as Miss Carter and Miss Martinelli began the day with a shared breakfast. Yet, the space was strangely silent this morning.
"Miss Carter? Miss Martinelli?" Jarvis called out tentatively, his voice just barely rising above a whisper.
Suddenly, a rustling sound came from the study, and Edwin hurried over to investigate. As he crossed the threshold and peered into the room, he was startled to see Miss Carter and Miss Martinelli tucked under the blankets, their hair mussed from sleep. A moment later, he realized with a blush that two nightgowns lay scattered on the floor and, more importantly, that Peggy Carter's gaze was trained upon him.
An arched eyebrow barely belied the blush that rose to her cheeks as her eyes drifted to the nightgowns. Although Miss Martinelli remained blissfully unaware, still lost in sleep, Edwin, ever respectful, felt embarrassed to have inadvertently interrupted something private. He raised a finger to his lips, pointedly looking at Angie, and then stepped back into the hallway to give the two women some space.
A few minutes later, Peggy emerged, clad in one of the nightgowns from the floor. As she cinched her robe, Edwin dipped his head. "I apologize," he said, clearly embarrassed. "Forgive me for intruding."
“The electricity went out yesterday evening,” she explained.
“Yes, Mr. Stark mentioned that and asked me to come by and check on you ladies this morning.” The corner of his mouth lifted in a smile. “I see you were resourceful, as always.”
A faint blush colored Peggy’s cheeks. “Yes, well… we decided to move the bedroom to the study for the evening because of the fireplace. Angie was rather adamant about our sleeping arrangements.”
Edwin chuckled. “Yes, Miss Martinelli can be rather persuasive when she puts her mind to something.”
“Quite, “ Peggy agreed. She drew a deep breath and continued, “Mr. Jarvis, I would appreciate it if you kept what you saw here to yourself.”
Edwin nodded gravely. “Of course, Miss Carter.”
Peggy sighed and ran a hand through her disheveled hair. “I hope you understand I am in no way ashamed of my feelings towards Angie, but until I can discuss this more with her, I would prefer this matter remain private.”
"I wouldn't dare dream of disclosing it," he assured her. Peggy seemed to relax at this assurance. But then, a calculating gleam entered her gaze. "One other thing, Mr. Jarvis."
"I couldn't help noticing that all the circuit breakers were operating normally. Yet, we still somehow lost power throughout the entire building."
Edwin frowned thoughtfully. "How peculiar."
Peggy held his gaze. "Coincidentally, the only building that contained an occupied penthouse."
Edwin shrugged innocently. "I suppose it must've been the city grid." He could feel Peggy studying him, so he remained silent.
"No, I don't think so," she disagreed. "The grid appears to be functioning normally. The building next to us had power. I clearly saw lights in the windows."
Edwin held out his hands, palms upward. "I don't know what to say, Miss Carter. I am not an electrician."
Peggy nodded. "The curious thing is when I checked the circuit breaker box, I found this," she said pointedly and held up the remains of a small capsule. Jarvis' eyes widened as he realized what it was, but he quickly schooled his features into what he hoped was a neutral expression.
“Imagine my surprise when I realized this shockingly familiar object was one of Howard’s experimental EMP devices.”
“Really? How odd.”
Peggy gave him a pointed look. “Yes. It is.”
“I don’t know what to say, Miss Carter.”
“Nor do I.”
“Perhaps Mr. Stark was careless with some of his items when he moved from this penthouse to his current residence,” he ventured.
They stared at each other momentarily until Edwin finally broke the silence. “If there’s nothing else?”
Peggy quirked her lips. “That will be all, Mister Jarvis.”
“Then I shall bid you a good day, Miss Carter.”
“Good day, Mister Jarvis.”
He opened the door.
At Peggy’s soft tone, he turned to face her. “Yes, Miss Carter.”
Peggy’s eyes softened. “Thank you.”
“My pleasure, Miss Carter,” he replied, a ghost of a smile tugging at his lips before he stepped through the door and closed it behind him.
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jacquesvalentine · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
L O O K  B O O K #290
Hair: Burley - Lucas (modified to remove hat) Hairbase: SIIX - Arabian hairbase omega Tattoo: Bolson - Sak Yant Hat: 2byte - Beanie 19 gacha Top: Semller - Tourist gacha tee rare (@PocketGacha) Pants: SEUL - Tapered leather trousers Lip ring: Xia’s boutique - Lip ring Septum: Cae - Septum basic 1 Shoes: Vale Koer - Storm stompers (@Kustom9) Socks: Vale Koer - Thermal socks (GROUP GIFT!) Bracelets: FAKEICON - Smosh bracelet set (@SaNaRae) Choker: Ec.cloth - Miley spiked choker (@Rewind) Earring: Swallow - Egypt earring (@Shiny shabby) Plug: BOYS TO THE BONE - Enkel plug Rings: BOYS TO THE BONE - punkt bento rings Glasses: Emery - Bertha round metal glasses (@Collabor88) Jacket: HXNOR - 6ix shoulder bomber Poses: RK poses - various poses
Shooting location: Stone Ridge(TAXI)
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oldieschool · 4 years
The DJ Top 30 – May 30 2020
T.W.L.W.W.O.30NEW1Nora En Pure & Lika Morgan – In the air tonight29NEW1Cash Cash ft Laura White – Gasoline282210Loud Luxury ft Brando – Gummy27302Sofi Tukker & Gorgon City – House Arrest26216Lil Sis Nora – Fun25283Tiesto ft Becky Hill – Nothing really matters24292Drenchill ft Indiiana – Forever summer231812Jax Jones, Europa, RAYE – Tequila22244Angele – Flou (Lost Frequencies mix)211711Gareth Emery – You’ll be OK201213Sofi Tukker – Feeling good19253Antoine Simar – Be alright1813133LAU & Shaun Frank – At night17204Yetep ft Heather Sommer & Kyle Reynolds – I hope16234Le Shuuk & Jerome – You and me151014Echosmith – Stuck14914Dua Lipa – Physical13612Vintage Culture, Adam K, Mkla – Deep inside12147Sono – Keep Control (Outwork mix)11195Afrojack – At night10167Merk – Bam Bam9810FLETCHER – Forever8155KSHMR & Sak Noel – Bruk it down7118Nicky Romero – Stay6310Ava Max – Kings & Queens (Moti mix)559Velix & Playmen – Silver moon475Steve Aoki & Icona Pop – I love my friends319Julian Jordan ft Kimberly Frensens – Love you better248Kygo ft Sasha Sloan – I’ll wait128Meduza ft Shells – Born to love
The post The DJ Top 30 – May 30 2020 appeared first on DJFM - The Dance Music Powerhouse.
source https://djfm.ca/the-dj-top-30-may-30-2020/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-dj-top-30-may-30-2020
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oldieschool · 4 years
The DJ Top 30 – May 23 2020
T.W.L.W.W.O.30NEW1Sofi Tukker & Grogon City – House arrest29NEW1Drenchill ft Indiiana – Forever summer28302Tiesto ft Becky Hill – Nothing really matters27265Friends of Mayday – Past:Present:Future261911Alan Walker & Ava Max – Alone pt II (Mio mix)25292Antoine Simar – Be alright24253Angele – Flou (Lost Frequencies mix)23283Le Shuuk & Jerome – You and me22179Loud Luxury ft Brando – Gummy21155Lil Sis Nora – Fun20233Yetep ft Heather Sommer & Kyle Reynolds – I hope19244Afrojack – All night181611Jax Jones, Europa, RAYE – Tequila171210Gareth Emery – You’ll be OK16206Merk – Bam Bam15214KSHMR & Sak Noel – Bruk it down14186Sono – Keep Control (Outwork mix)139123LAU & Shaun Frank – At night12712Sofi Tukker – Feeling good11147Nicky Romero – Stay10413Echosmith – Stuck9813Dua Lipa – Physical8119FLETCHER – Forever7134Steve Aoki & Icona Pop – I love my friends6211Vintage Culture, Adam K, Mkla – Deep inside5108Velix & Playmen – Silver moon467Kygo & Sasha Sloan – I’ll wait319Ava Max – Kings & Queens (Moti mix)257Meduza ft Shells – Born to love138Julian Jordan ft Kimberly Frensens – Love you better
The post The DJ Top 30 – May 23 2020 appeared first on DJFM - The Dance Music Powerhouse.
source https://djfm.ca/the-dj-top-30-may-23-2020/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-dj-top-30-may-23-2020
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oldieschool · 4 years
The DJ Top 30 – May 9 2020
T.W.L.W.W.O.30NEW1Tiesto & Becky Hill – Nothing really matters29NEW1Antoine Simar – Be alright28302Le Shuuk & Jerome – You and Me271614R3HAB, Cara Mae & Frank Walker – More than OK26264Friends of Mayday – Past:Present:Future25282Angele – Flou (Lost Frequencies mix)24273Afrojack – All night23292Yetep ft Heather Sommer & Kylie Reynolds – I hope221311Mabel – Boyfriend (Tiesto mix)21243KSHMR & Sak Noel – Bruk it down20235Merk – Bam Bam191510Alan Walker & Ava Max – Alone pt II (Mio mix)18205Sono – Keep Control (Outwork mix)17148Loud Luxury ft Brando – Gummy16810Jax Jones, Europa, RAYE – Tequila15214Little Sis Nora – Fun14196Nicky Romero – Stay13223Steve Aoki & Icona Pop – I love my friends12109Gareth Emery – You’ll be OK11178FLETCHER – Forever10127Velix & Playmen – Silver moon94113LAU & Shaun Frank – At night8612Dua Lipa – Physical7311Sofi Tukker – Feeling good676Kygo & Sasha Sloan – I’ll wait5116Meduza ft Shells – Born to love4212Echosmith – Stuck397Julian Jordan ft Kimberly Frenses – Love you better2110Vintage Culture, Adam K, Mkla – Deep inside158Ava Max – Kings & Queens (Moti mix)
The post The DJ Top 30 – May 9 2020 appeared first on DJFM - The Dance Music Powerhouse.
source https://djfm.ca/the-dj-top-30-may-9-2020/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-dj-top-30-may-9-2020
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oldieschool · 4 years
The DJ Top 30 – May 2 2020
T.W.L.W.W.O.30NEW1Le Shuuk & Jerome – You & Me29NEW1Yetep ft Heather Sommer & Kylie Reynolds – I hope28NEW1Angele – Flou (Lost Frequencies mix)27302Afrojack – All night26273Friends of Mayday – Past:Present:Future251813Kryder – Drumkore24292KSHMR & Sak Noel – Bruk it down23254Merk – Bam Bam22282Steve Aoki & Icona Pop – I love my friends21243Little Sis Nora – Fun20234Sono – Keep Control (Outwork mix)19225Nicky Romero – Stay18128Gryffin, Seven Lions – Need your love17207FLETCHER – Forever161113R3HAB, Cara Mae & Frank Walker – More than OK1599Alan Walker & Ava Max – Alone pt II (Mio mix)1487Loud Luxury ft Brando – Gummy13710Mabel – Boyfriend (Tiesto mix)12156Velix & Playmen – Silver moon11195Meduza ft Shells – Born to love10148Gareth Emery – You’ll be OK9166Julian Jordan ft Kimberly Frenses – Love you better859Jax Jones, Europa, RAYE – Tequila7135Kygo & Sasha Sloan – I’ll wait6311Dua Lipa – Physical5107Ava Max – Kings & Queens (Moti mix)42103LAU & Shaun Frank – At night3610Sofi Tukker – Feeling good2111Echosmith – Stuck149Vintage Culture, Adam K, Mkla – Deep inside
The post The DJ Top 30 – May 2 2020 appeared first on DJFM - The Dance Music Powerhouse.
source https://djfm.ca/the-dj-top-30-may-2-2020/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-dj-top-30-may-2-2020
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oldieschool · 4 years
The DJ Top 30 – April 25 2020
T.W.L.W.W.O.30NEW1Afrojack – All night29NEW1KSHMR & Sak Noel – Bruk it down28NEW1Steve Aoki & Icona Pop – I love my friends27292Friends of Mayday – Past:Present:Future261814Feed Me – Nothing hurts like you25283Merk – Bam Bam24302Little Sis Nora – Fun23263Sono – Keep Control (Outwork mix)22244Nicky Romero – Stay211413Kim Petras – Icy20216FLETECHER – Forever19224Meduza ft Shells – Born to love181312Kryder – Drumkore171011Cash Cash ft Wabel – Mean it16175Julian Jordan ft Kimberly Frensens – Love you better15205Velix & Playmen – Silver moon14167Gareth Emery – You’ll be OK13194Kygo & Sasha Sloan – I’ll wait12125Gryffin, Seven Lions – Need your love11612R3HAB, Cara Mae & Frank Walker – More than OK10116Ava Max – Kings & Queens (Moti mix)978Alan Walker & Ava Max – Alone Pt II (Mio mix)8156Loud Luxury ft Brando – Gummy739Mabel – Boyfriend (Tiesto mix)699Sofi Tukker – Feeling good548Jax Jones, Europa, RAYE – Tequila488Vintage Culture, Adam K, Mkla – Deep inside3210Dua Lipa – Physical2193LAU & Shaun Frank – At night1510Echosmith – Stuck
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