heyitslapis · 9 months
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draw your (OCTP) as the one who is so touched starved it hurts & the one who can't keep their hands off of the other
(couldn't decide which color i liked better. Tumblr nerfed the images, so click for better quality) As always, reblogs are appreciated, but don't feel obligated to. I made this for me & if others enjoy it then thats a bonus!
Original image & credit under the cut!
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Original image by Benaya-Trash
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chloe-skywalker · 6 years
We Will Get Through This Together - Stiles Stilinski
Stiles Stilinski x Fem!reader
Warnings: injuries but they're not described
Word count: 753
Summary: Stiles waiting at the hospital to see if you are ok after the Alpha pack had kidnapped you and tortured you, and to see if they did any physical damage
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Stiles p.o.v
“Where is she?” I asked frantically
“She's being checked over by a doctor. She is covered in blood and dirt, he’s checking to see if she needs surgery or not.” Miss McCall informed me
“Stiles, what happened?” she asked
“I-I don’t know. I got a call from Derek who said the alpha pack had paid him a visit and they mentioned something about y/n and the old bank so I went there and I found her like that.” I stuttered out, my breathing picking up.
“Ok, ok Stiles breath, ok? She’s alive and it doesn’t seem to be anything to serious if anything. Ok?” She said in a not so certain voice and normally I would comment on it but I’m in the middle of calming down from a panic attack.
“Shes-shes got to be ok” I kept repeating under my breath
“She will be. As long as she has you. Look Stiles even if she is hurt badly, as long as you are by her side she will be ok emotionally.” There she goes my best friend's mom going all wise.
I nodded as my breathing slowed. I turned and sat down in one of the waiting chairs outside her room.
As soon as I saw the doctor come out of her room I stood up.
“How is she?” I asked emetitally
“She is going to be ok.” the doctor replied
“I sense a but coming. What's the but?” I asked inpatient
“But, she is going to be scheduled for surgery. Whatever attacked her animal or human cut deep and we will have to repair her on the inside so she can completely heal. She has a lot of pain in her side and where the cuts are. We will schedule surgery and some X-rays to see if anything is broken.” He explained
The alpha pack did this to an innocent teenage girl. My girl and they're going to get what's coming to them.
“Can I see her?”
“He needs to see her, and I’m positive she needs to see him to.” Melissa told the doctor.
“Yes, you can go see her. It will be a couple hours before she will need to be prepared for surgery,” he said before walking off to I assume schedule that stuff. Melissa nodded at me once I looked at her.
I entered the room so fast I’m shocked the door didn’t slam against the wall.
I saw her there, laying bandaged up and looking so weak.
It hurts seeing her look like that, she is one of the strongest members of the pack and she’s human.
The fact that she hasn’t turned or died mean’s they didn’t use their claws or teeth.
“Stiles” it came out as a stranged whisper but I heard it loud and clear.
I rushed over to her side. “I’m right here baby. Right here.” I said as I grabbed her hand, holding it like my life depended on it because it definitely felt like it.
“Where-where am I?” she asked confusion laced in her voice.
“You're in the hospital. The alpha pack did this to you. Do you remember anything?” I asked her hoping she didn’t remember what happened to save her from the pain.
“I remember all of it, I remember all of it Stiles an-and I’m scared.” she whimpered out, clutching my hand tighter
“I’m not going to let anything happen to you again, I promise.” I promised her, bringing her hand up and kissing it.
“What-what did the doctor s-say?” she looked nervous to know but it’s better if she hears it from me, I think.
“That you should be ok, but you need surgery to repair your side. They did a lot of physical damage, but nothing permanent.” I told her in a soft tone.
I moved to sit on her hospital bed. I saw some tears fall from her eyes and started to wipe them away cupping her face in my hands. I wrapped my arms around her pulling her into my chest.
“Hey, hey, baby. . . shhhhh. . . listen it’s going to be ok. The packs on their way and I’m not leaving your side ever again. I’m with you forever baby, forever.” I whispered into her hair kissing her forehead.
“Forever sounds good to me.” she said after pulling back enough to see my face, with a slight smile on her face.
“We’ll get through this together.I’m not leaving your side.” I finished before laying back with her, hoping for her to catch some sleep.
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heyitslapis · 1 year
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In the spirit of Pride, I made a pride icon feat my gay ass OCs :3
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heyitslapis · 10 months
in a shippy mood w my Gems rn......must draw them
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