#emily prentiss 25 days of ficmas
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DAY TWENTY-TWO: Snowed In w/ Emily Prentiss
a/n: I was feeling so thirsty for grey haired Emily it's not even funny. I tried my best to be vague with descriptions because I have yet to watch season 16, but it is hinted at from what I've seen from online! Everything else is already finished, now it's just about getting them out!
masterlist | ficmas masterlist | AO3
TAGLIST: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @their-love
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It was a weak attempt really, to act like you wanted to leave where you and Emily were holed up. It didn’t take her long to persuade you from trying to get a connection through the thick snow that was blocking it, to coax you on the bed and into her arms, where it was warm. Your relationship was a new development, but the pining certainly wasn’t. You’d had a big fat crush on her since she first joined the BAU, and you were forced to sit on the sidelines as she got hurt by that cult leader, as she faked her death, but now that she was in a stable position, she was all yours.
You couldn’t help but twirl her grey strands in between your fingers, the silver glint enchanting you as she rested. The both of you had been desperate for some alone time, but it just felt like your job kept getting in the way. Strangely, you had to thank the universe and mother nature for the opportunity. What was supposed to be a stay in a cabin for work turned into the best date you think the two of you had in a long time.
“Entertained?” You heard Emily ask you in amusement. “Entertained and cozy, thank you very much.” Her chest moved up and down lightly at your playful remark. “I would think so, you hadn’t said a word since we laid down.” You set your chin on her sternum so you could look at her with a raised brow. “Well, maybe if you weren’t so comfortable, I’d be able to be sociable.” That pulled another laugh from her, “Oh, you are just full of surprises today, aren’t you?” She teased with a grin. There was no malice or aggression behind her words, just love & admiration.
“Always.” You said cheekily, before leaning up so that your lips met hers in a messy kiss.
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squiggledrop · 4 years
Day 11: Christmas Party - Spencer x Reader
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Ficmas 2020
Listen to my Christmas Playlist!
Summary: Ficmas Day 11
Word Count: 1.7k
Pairings: Spencer Reid x Reader
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Rossi was holding his annual Christmas party for the team, and the two of you were excited to spend a nice evening with the people you considered family. You stood on Rossi’s doorstep, knocking on the big wooden door to his house. Spencer’s arm was linked with your yours and he held the bottle of wine you brought in the other.
When Rossi opened the door, he pulled you both in for a hug. You heard muffled voices and festive music pervading from the other room, and the warm smells of Rossi’s cooking filled your senses. Spencer handed him the wine, and he thanked you both before taking your jackets to be hung up.
Spencer grabbed your hand and the two of you walked into the living room to greet everyone. After saying your hellos, Rossi offered to get you guys drinks, to which you happily obliged before everyone moved to the dining room for dinner. You all drank and laughed over Rossi’s delicious meal, enjoying the relaxing time you got to spend with your friends.
After dinner, you all retired back to the living room. Everyone was slightly buzzed, having had one too many spiked eggnogs. You plopped onto the couch next to Penelope and Emily, Spencer sitting on the adjacent couch next to Derek. JJ and Will sat together in a large chair across from you while Rossi took his seat in his large armchair, lighting a cigar. He offered one to Hotch, who politely declined.
After another hour so of exchanging stories and jokes, JJ and Will decided to head home to their boys, Aaron taking the opportunity to go home to Jack as well.
“Oh! Be sure to tell Henry and Michael we can’t wait to see them next week”, Spencer called out.
“We will”, JJ reassured.
“Henry hasn’t stopped asking if it’s almost time to go sledding with Uncle Spencer and Aunty (Y/n)”, Will added on, laughing. A bright smile grew on Spencer’s face, and you looked over at him, your heart swelling at how much he loved his godsons. Penelope noticed the way you were looking at Spencer and placed her hand on yours to get your attention as everyone was saying their goodbyes.
“Have you guys ever thought about it?”, she whispered, loud enough so only you would hear.
“Thought about what?”, you questioned.
“About little baby geniuses?”, she asked with a giddy smirk. You felt heat rush to your face, and you stole a glance at Spencer, who was in a conversation with Derek and Hotch.
“I mean”, you smiled causing Penelope to squeal. “We’ve discussed it”, you trailed off. Penelope gasped and pulled you in for a hug. Emily noticed and leaned over asking what was going on.
“Oh nothing”, Penelope gleamed, “Just our resident genius and beloved (Y/n) are going to have beautiful little babies”. Emily’s face lit up and you laughed, shushing them as you nudged Penelope’s side.
“We haven’t decided anything”, you whispered, looking back at Spencer to make sure he hadn’t heard anything.
“But you’ve discussed it”, Penelope said, raising her eyebrows.
“Yes, but-”, you chided.
“But you’ve discussed it”, Emily smirked, cutting you off.
“I hate both of you”, you huffed, holding back a smile. You looked back at Spencer, noticing he was finishing his conversation and Hotch patted him on the back before leaving.
After everyone bid their goodbyes, Rossi walked Hotch, JJ, and Will out, a small lull falling upon the room. Spencer looked over at you, sending you a quick wink. You smiled, sending one back. Penelope watched the adorable gesture and smiled, nudging you. You looked over at her and glared, silently telling her to not bring up your previous conversation.
Spencer noticed how red your face was, and came over, sitting down beside you. It was a bit of a tight fit with all four of you on the couch, so Spencer made sure to pull you close to him.
“You okay?”, he asked, placing the back of his hand on your flushed cheek.
“Yeah”, you said curtly, feigning innocence. He searched your eyes for a moment, scrunching his nose.
“Okay”, he nodded. He relaxed further into the couch, causing you to lean further into his chest.
“You guys are so cute”, she cooed, admiring the way Spencer looked down at you in his arms.
“Yeah, I got a good one”, you chuckled, turning your head to face Spencer. He blushed slightly and placed a kiss on your cheek. You snuggled further into him, slowly rubbing your hand over his arm that was draped across your torso.
You guys talked and laugh for a few more hours, relishing in the opportunity to hang out without the horrors of work looming over your heads. You yawned, the eggnog having caught up with you, and you closed your eyes resting your head on Spencer’s shoulder.
“I think we are going to head out”, Spencer said, rubbing your back. You sighed, nodding.
“Yeah, I’m getting a bit tired too”, Emily said, looking to Garcia, who was her ride home. Everyone nodded, getting up to say their goodbyes. You went over to thank Rossi for a lovely night, who pulled you in for a hug. Before going to say goodbye to Penelope and Emily, you noticed Spencer and Derek standing in the corner, their backs to the rest of the room. You were about to go over and see what they were up to, but Penelope pulled you into a huge hug before you could say anything.
“Please keep me updated if anymore discussing happens”, she gleamed.
“I will”, you laughed, pulling back. “But we haven’t even discussed getting married or anything like that, so don’t expect any big updates”, you said, hugging Emily. Both women just smiled, causing you to shake your head, trying to hide your own smile at the thought.
“You ready babe?”, you asked, making your way towards Spencer. He quickly spun around his hands behind his back.
“Y-yeah, just um, can you give me a minute”. You looked at him quizically before nodding. Derek placed his hand on Spencer’s shoulder, who smiled at him, almost relieved. Derek walked over to you, Emily, and Penelope, placing his arm around your shoulder.
“Here, let me walk my three favorite ladies out”, he said, ushering the three of you to the door. Rossi handed all of you your jackets, wishing you a safe drive home.
When you made it outside, Derek made sure Emily and Garcia got into their car safely, before coming over to you waiting by your car for Spencer.
“Is Spence okay?”, you asked as he came to lean against the car with you. You pulled your jacket around you tighter, the cold winter air blowing against you.
“Pretty Ricky? Yeah, he’s great”, Derek reassured.
“Then what were you two scheming?”, you laughed. Derek paused, looking to the doorway, which Spencer was currently walking out of.
“Nothing bad”, he smirked nodding to your boyfriend, “I promise”. He gave you a quick hug while you rolled your eyes at his vague response. He patted Spencer on the back goodnight before getting in his own car to head home.
“You ready?”, Spencer asked. You nodded, getting into the car.
“Tonight was nice”, you said as Spencer started the car. “Even though we see everyone all day, I feel like we never get to just hang out and catch up like that”. Spencer hummed, nodding at your words. He turned on the radio, the gentle holiday music filling the car. You closed your eyes, leaning into the headrest of the seat. Spencer looked over at you, admiring how peaceful you looked.
“So”, Spencer cleared his throat, breaking the silence. You opened your eyes and turned your attention towards him. “Little baby geniuses?”, he smirked, trying to stifle his laughter. You gasped, rolling your head towards the window, not wanting him to physically see your embarrassment.
“How much of that did you hear?”, you groaned while giggling along with him.
“Enough”, he said simply. You shook your head laughing as he peeked over you, a small giggle leaving his lips.
“I’m going to kill Penelope”, you chuckled, rolling your eyes.
“Don’t”, Spencer said, grabbing your hand, causing your eyes to shoot over to him. “I must say she does have a point”, he smirked, glancing at you. You took in a sharp breath at his words, your heart rate picking up again.
“Really?”, you asked earnestly.
“Of course”, he squeezed your hand. You looked at him, the passing street lights highlighting his face as you drove in the night. You bit your lip, your heart never having felt so full before.
“Um”, you started, Spencer looking over at you. “What were you and Derek talking about, if you don’t mind me asking?”, a playful smile on your lips. You noticed how Spencer tensed up slightly, and he hoped you couldn’t see how red his face was.
“Oh, um, I kind of do mind?”, he laughed. You squinted your eyes at him, not understanding why he couldn’t tell you.
“Alright, be all cryptic”, you laughed, still holding his hand.
“I was just”, he started. “I was asking him some advice on your Christmas present”, he said, squeezing your hand.
“Oh”, you giggled. “You could have just said that”. You brought his hand up to your mouth, placing a kiss on the back of his hand.
“Yeah, I know”, he smirked. “But based on me finding out about these little baby geniuses through Penelope I rather not take any chances of spoiling the surprise”, he teased.
“Okay, fair enough”, you laughed, resting your head on his shoulder as he put the car in park, having made it back to your apartment. You both got out of the car, Spencer wrapping his arm around you as you walked towards the building. You rested your head on his shoulder, placing one of your arms on his back. Spencer snuck a glance at you, excited, and slightly nervous for you to get your gift from him.
What he didn’t tell you, however, was that it wasn’t just any Christmas present. It was a very special one that came in a tiny velvet box that he has had on him every day for the past month, just waiting for the perfect moment to give it to you.
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youresog0lden · 4 years
The Third Of December || Spencer Reid
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25 days of Spencer MASTERLIST
masterlist (NORMAL ONE) 
Warnings: mentions of death, cursing, mentions of a dead body, crying, and kissing. 
Summary: Y/N regrets telling her feelings to the one and only Spencer Reid.
WC: 2.3K
Everything changed the night I told him. He got more distant with me. He never talked anymore. He made ways to talk to the rest of the team but never me. It was frustrating to have someone you used to be so close with not even acknowledge your existence. Sitting in my office Emily barges in. 
“Hey Y/N.” She says quietly
“Hello Em.” I look up for a second writing something down on the sheet of paper infront of me. 
“Is Spence still not talking to you.” She took a seat on the couch. 
“No. He doesn’t even look at me. He just kinda ignores me.” I look at the calendar. December 3rd. 
“It’s been two months dude. I miss my friend.” I sigh, taking a sip of the burning coffee infront of me. Two of the longest months of my life, everytime I needed someone to come over and tell me everything was going to be okay, everytime I wanted someone to hold me as I sobbed because we lost another kid to a case. He was supposed to be there, he always used to be there. Then suddenly he wasn’t. He wasn’t there at my door with chinese food and a movie. He wasn’t there when it was three in the morning and I needed someone to hold me. He wasn’t there on the jet when it was a long case and I needed someone to rest my head on their shoulder and tell them about everything going on. He was my person, without him here I was empty. 
Work felt like a choice, not something I had to do. Work was exhausting. Emotionally and physically. Nothing felt the same as when I first joined the BAU. I’ve accepted it but sometimes you just need to let everything go and take a break for yourself. 
“Y/N, you listening?” Emily asked. I shook my head. 
“Sorry what?” 
“I said Spencer told me he found someone.” she said softly. I just look at her. Why would she tell me this? 
“Oh. Yay good for him.” I said softly fighting back the stinging in my eye
“Listen I have a lot of work to do so um.” I looked up at her. She nodded and told me a quick goodbye and left shutting my door. I let a few tears slip looking down at the paper. The phone rang in a matter of seconds so I wiped my eyes and picked up the phone. 
“Hello this is SSA Y/L/N speaking how can I help you.” I asked. 
“My son he’s missing. He hasn’t been home in twelve hours and the police won’t do anything. Please help me. He’s all I have.” the woman on the other end sobbed to me. 
“Okay ma’am take a breath tell me your name and address and i will talk to my team and I’ll call you.”  I answered I took her name and address and state and I got to work pulling a case together. I quickly hit print on my computer running to the files room and grabbing them along with a case file for everyone. 
“We have a case.” I spoke to Hotch. He nodded and hinted his head to the conference room. I nod walking out and setting up the spots. Watching everyone walk in. 
“Okay what’s up.” 
“We have a missing kid in Greenville, North Carolina. He is ten and has blue eyes and blonde hair. His name is John Alexander his mom called me about an hour ago saying that he was missing and the police wouldn’t take it as a missing persons report because it hasn’t been twenty four hours yet. But they did investigate and found that there was no sign of a struggle and that there was no forced entry.” I stated, looking up from my files my eyes meeting everyones but Spencers. I resist the urge to roll my eyes. 
“So it could be a family member or someone he trusted?” Emily said. 
“When we get there Emily, David, Morgan go to the crime scene. JJ and Spencer start on the geological profile. Y/N go talk to the family. I will start with the neighbor see if he heard anything. Wheels up in 30.” Hotch spoke. We all nod except for me and Spencer. Him reading the file and me just standing there like an idiot. I let a breath out of my nose and look at him. 
“So Emily told me you found someone.” I said looking at the case file the same as he has been doing. 
“Yeah.” his response was short. 
“Well I’m happy for you.” I said softly looking up. 
“Mhm.” short once again. I just frowned slightly, sighing, picking up the file and walking to the door. 
“I’m sorry for telling you. If I would’ve known it would cause you to stop talking to me I wouldn’t have told you and I regret it everyday trust me I do.” I turn around walking  to my office grabbing my to go bag walking to the jet. I take my seat on a chair as Emily sits beside me and Derek sits in front of me. 
“Hey pretty girl how are you doing?” 
“Could be better but what's to be expected.” I laugh slightly so does he. We all make small talk. 
“So what did you say to him?” Emily questions. 
“Yeah you guys did look like y'all were talking for a good minute.” JJ quipped 
“Nope. I was talking and he was giving one word answers until I told him I regret telling him that I was in love with him and if I could go back in time I would. Then I left.” 
“So you didn’t give him time to talk?” Morgan reposened. 
“No. I didn’t want to hear what he had to say. He stopped talking to me, he didn’t answer any phone calls why would I want to hear what he has to say. He didn’t have to let it ruin the friendship. I told him if he didn’t feel the same way then to forget about it because I didn't want to lose him and guess what I did. I told him I didn’t want to lose him and yet here we are.” I spat out. JJ cleared her throat looking behind us. That’s when I knew he was standing there and that he heard everything. I roll my eyes and look out the window as we get ready to take off. We make it there within an hour and head to where Hotch had assigned us. 
It’s been two days and nothing. We need to find that child the police are trying to say he’s dead. But I can feel that he's not dead. Everyone is working there hardest to find him but nothing. 
“Find anything?” I ask Spencer walking into the room
“Does it look like I have,” he spat. I gasped slightly. 
“Sorry.” I muttered quietly. I look at the map on the board. There were three circles on the board. 
“Does he have any family or friends in this area.” I pointed to the median between the three circles. He shrugs. I let out a sigh before turning around his eyes for the first time in two months meeting mine I took a deep breath. 
“Listen, throw your little hissy fit when we are not working. If I ask you a question there's a 100% possibility that I am going to need an answer. So please for the love of god quit being a dick and just talk to me when we are working after we get cases after I don’t care if you ever talk to me again.” I angrily talked to him. He sighs pointing to the map. 
“There.” he points. “His cousin lives there.” 
As we drove to the house we got our vests on and out guns ready. We all pulled up and jumped out of the car. Hotch was the first one in the house. I was the second. Sam (the cousin) was sitting in the chair with a wicked smile on his face. 
“Where’s the boy?” I asked. 
“In the yard.” 
“No he’s not, we didn’t see him.” Derek said 
“I never said he was above ground.” he smirked laughing. 
“I’ll go find him.” I said they nodded as I ran out. It was dark outside but not dark enough to where I couldn’t see. My foot hit the ground as I tried to hear where the most recent dirt was dug up. Right when I think he's not there my eyes catch something. A little bit higher ground.  
“I need a shovel.” I screamed loudly. Pretty soon I see the same boy I yelled at earlier come running towards me with a shovel. I thank him quietly and start to dig up the dirt until I hit something. I drop to my knees using my hands to dig the barrel out. I finally get to it. 
“Help me?” I asked. He nods helping me lift it. I use the head of the shovel to pop open the barrel. I let out a loud scream dropping the shovel and backing up until I’m in someone's arms. I start crying frantically. Everyone is coming out of the house and rushing around. Everyone stops once they see him. I clung onto Spencer. He walked with me to the car sitting in it, his arms still wrapped around me. Whispering things into my ear. Everything I tried to do I couldn’t get the image out of my head. 
“I told her I’d bring her back her son.” I cried softly. 
“I know, but sometimes this is just part of our jobs.” he says softly. My arms wrapped around his torso as he hugged me tightly. He grips my shirt tightly. Afraid if he lets go. He will lose you again. Hotch gets in the car and Spencer lets go putting his seat belt on. I do the same but at that moment he puts his hand on my thigh softly squeezing it. I put my hand on top looking down at it. I’m still madly in love with this boy. My head started to hurt so for a second I rested my head on the window looking out before feeling my eyes fall and I’m falling asleep. 
“Hey wake up.” I heard his voice softly say. I shake awake looking around and yawning. I open my door getting out before remembering the events of the night. I walk into the police office seeing John's mom rushing towards me. I prepare myself to tell her. 
“Where is he? Where’s my boy.” she frantically asked. 
“I’m so sorry to tell you this but he was found dead at the site.” I said softly. 
“You promised me you’d bring him home alive.” she thrown out angrily
“You promised.” then I felt a cold palm against my skin and my face turned red slightly. 
“Ma’am I know this is rough.” 
“No you don’t know anything. Are you a mother?” 
“No.” I said softly
“Then shut the hell up. You have no clue what you are talking about.” she spat. 
“Ma’am I know this is a tough moment for you but don’t you dare land your hand on my agents again.” Hotch told her. I just stood there in shock. I felt someone's hand on my back. 
“Come on Y/N let’s go home.” His voice is soft. One of the first times I’ve heard it since that night. We all get in cars heading back to the jet. Everyone lets out sighs when we get on no one really saying a word. As we get ready to take off I feel someone sit beside me. 
“Spence.” I called out his name as I walked through the apartment that belonged to him. 
“In here.” he called out from his bathroom. As I approached the door I got more and more nervous. I walk in to see him sitting on the counter sink with sweatpants on and nothing else. 
“What are you doing.” I stifle a laugh walking further into the bathroom and walking into his open arms. 
“I don’t know. I’m relaxing.” he said softly into my hair. I run my fingers up and down his back hearing him release a sigh. You can do this just tell him. 
“Spence, can we talk.” I ask from in his chest. 
“Of course we can. You know that.” 
“I’m afraid to tell you. I don’t want you to hate me and I certainly don’t want it to ruin the friendship.” I said softly. He pulled away lifting my head up with both of his hands so we were making eye contact now. As an instinct my eyes darted from his eyes to his lips and back to his eyes. 
“I love you.” I said. 
“I love you too.” he laughs.
“No Spence I love you.” 
That was all he said his hands dropped to his lap and he just stared at me.
I look over to him. 
“I regret not saying anything.” he spoke.
“When you told me you loved me. I regretted letting you walk out the door. I was just shocked and I guess I didn't want to admit my feelings so I pushed them aside and just ignored you. I’m so sorry.” he said a tear ran down his cheek and before I could say anything I was wiping it off his face and holding his cheek with my palm. 
“But, I want you to know that I love you too. I have since the first day I met you. You changed my life.” 
“What about that girl.”
“I just told Emily that so she’d let me be about us.” he says. His hand moving up to cover mine on his cheek. 
“I love you Y/N Y/L/N.” he said softly, kissing my palm.
“I love you Spencer Reid.” and with that I kissed him softly. 
“About damn time.” I heard Morgan say. I sit back in my seat and rest my head on his shoulder laughing. 
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DAY SEVEN: Mistletoe Kiss w/ Emily Prentiss
a/n: These last two days have been super fun to write, it's a relief that I'm getting back my sea legs!
masterlist | ficmas masterlist | AO3
TAGLIST: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @their-love
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You could kill Penelope. No, you were going to kill her. You knew she planned this, elaborately placing a mistletoe right where she knew you and Emily would be standing. She was supposed to be your ride to Rossi's Christmas party at his mansion, but randomly cancelling and saying Derek was going to pick her up should've been your first suspicion, which inevitably left you with asking Emily where she happily obliged.
You were in love with the woman, plain and simple. You knew that she was gay, I mean, who wouldn't? There were only so many times that she could avoid your questions about her 'Sin to Win' weekends she has until you finally put together the pieces. You've seen her oggling women, even saying something offhanded about how attractive one is, and you couldn't be happier. That was a strange thing to think, you know, being happy that your crush looked at other women, but it was hard to know which girls were gay and which ones weren't, and you couldn't make that mistake with not only your friend, but also your co-worker.
"Ah, ah, ah, ladies! You know the rules!" Penelope chided teasingly. The both of you looked like you were ready to move out of the way of the wicked plant. You looked at Emily hesitantly, a nervous smile on your face. She didn't look hesitant, just unsure as she bit her bottom lip to hold back a smile of her own. "I uh—" Before you could say anything, Rossi came storming out of his kitchen exclaiming something in Italian as he announced that, "Dinner is served!"
All of your friends ate freely, laughing rambunctiously as they enjoyed Rossi's fancy wine. You could help but grin at the scene in front of you, a feeling of peace settling over your body as you felt a warm hand settle on top of your hand that was resting against your thigh. Your breath caught in your throat, but you looked to your left where Emily was sitting, and she was still fully engaged in an conversation with Spencer, laughing as Derek teased the poor genius. You couldn't stop yourself from squeezing her hand back, and you could have sworn that her smile got a little bit wider.
Everyone migrated to the ridiculously large living room, still indulging in glasses of wine as the quickly became inebriated. Rossi was sat in his recliner, cradling the glass, Penelope pressed up against Morgan's side as they platonically cuddled one another, Aaron was sat on his on his own, watching the fireplace as it crackled quietly, and Spencer.. well.. Spencer was reading, fully immersed in his book, JJ nursing her own glass, staring off into space as if she was lost in her own world. You looked around for Emily, but she was no where to be found, until your eyes landed on the glass door, the silhouette of the woman catching your peripheral vision.
You stood up quietly before going outside, leaning up again the railing right next to her on your forearms. It was quite chilly outside, and it wasn't long before you were cradling yourself, running your arms in a weak attempt to create some friction against your coat covered skin.
"What are you doing out here?" You asked her softly. She turned her head to look at you, flakes of snow caught in her hair, landing on her cheeks, even one of her eyelashes. "I don't know.. just thinking, I guess." You moved closer to her. "About what?" She had unexpectedly moved closer to you, your noses brushing up against each other as your breath caught in your throat. "About why I didn't kiss you under that mistletoe." You blinked a few times, your eyes falling to her lips.
"Who said that you can't do it now?" You asked breathlessly. She looked into your eyes one more time to make sure that this was what you wanted before she locked her lips with yours, her hand cradling the side of your face. This was soft, and warm, your temperature rising in your body to the point where you didn't feel cold anymore.
This surely wasn't a mistletoe kiss, but you weren't going to lie and say that you were disappointed.
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25 𝐷𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑚𝑎𝑠
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Happy Holidays friends! Here's another monthly challenge! I'm super stoked to be making Christmas content for you all! This challenge was inspired by this post, so show her some love, because without her, there would be no ficmas! So, I hope you're ready for some kisses in the snow by your favorite characters! ☆
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1. Ornaments — Maggie Greene
2. Getting the Tree — Murphy MacManus
3. Decorating the Tree — Aaron Hotchner
4. Lending the Other Their Coat — Penelope Garcia
5. Going Ice Skating — Spencer Reid
6. Gingerbread House — Dean Winchester
7. Mistletoe Kiss — Emily Prentiss
8. Christmas Songs — Daryl Dixon
9. Cuddling when it's cold — Bucky Barnes
10. Christmas Lights — Tom!Peter Parker
11. Christmas Party — Spencer Reid
12. Christmas Movies — Aaron Hotchner
13. Kissing in the Snow — Daryl Dixon
14. Christmas Shopping — Bucky Barnes
15. Playing in the Snow — Rick Grimes
16. Christmas Socks — Daryl Dixon
17. Sledding — Wanda Maximoff
18. Baking — Sam Winchester
19. Wrapping Gifts — Rosita Espinosa
20. Sleigh Ride — Pre-Apocalypse!Glenn Rhee
21. Hot Chocolate — Spencer Reid
22. Snowed In — Emily Prentiss
23. Christmas Sweaters — Michonne Hawthorne
24. Christmas Eve — Wanda Maximoff
25. Proposing on Christmas — Daryl Dixon
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squiggledrop · 4 years
25 Days of Ficmas 2020
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Listen to my Christmas Playlist!
Day 1: Ornaments
Day 2: Getting the tree
Day 3: Decorating the tree
Day 4: Lending the other their coat
Day 5: Going ice skating
Day 6: Building a gingerbread house
Day 7: Mistletoe kiss
Day 8: Dancing to Christmas songs
Day 9: Cuddling when it’s cold
Day 10: Looking at Christmas lights
Day 11: Christmas party
Day 12: Watching Christmas movies
Day 13: Kissing in the snow
Day 14: Christmas shopping
Day 15: Playing in the snow
Day 16: Christmas socks
Day 17: Sledding
Day 18: Christmas baking
Day 19: Wrapping presents
Day 20: Sleigh Ride
Day 21: Hot chocolate 
Day 22: Snowed in
Day 23: Christmas sweaters
Day 24: Christmas Eve
Day 25: Proposing on Christmas
note: inspired by @mikwrites​ list from 2019
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youresog0lden · 4 years
Dear Spencer, Forever and Always Y/N || S.R
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WC: 494 Warnings: saddness, mentions of death, mentions of kissing 25 days of spencer
Masterlist (NORMAL)                                                                                      
Part 2
August 21st 2018
Dear Spence, 
Four years, for years is how long I’ve been in hiding. The only person I’ve talked to is Hotch. He’s the only one that knows I’m not dead. I’m sorry for everything for putting you through hell and not telling you sooner. Hotch tells me you moved on and you’re with someone. I’m not going to lie, it hurt a little bit. But I can’t have you anymore, it's not safe for anyone. So I am happy you're happy. 
I love you forever and always.
September 18th 2018
Dear Spence, 
Hotch told me you’re engaged. That’s crazy, I’m so incredibly happy for you. Even though I can’t help but wish it was me that was walking down the aisle. Wearing a white dress, and eating vanilla cake because we’re both not a big fan of chocolate. Our first dance would be to a dumb sappy song. I know how much you love them and you’d tell me how much you love me and I’d do the same. Because I’m madly in love with you. I wish it was me that was whispering things into your ear on the plain because you can’t sleep and need reassuring words. I want to be all you need but I can’t. I’ll write to you next month. 
I love you forever and always. 
October 28th 2018
Dear Spence.
Happy birthday old man. I can’t believe I’m missing yet another birthday. I remember the year before I went into hiding we went to your favorite ice cream shop. You told me that you’d pay but I insisted so you distracted me for a minute and paid. That night, that night was the best night of my life. Well that was until we went to the fair. Do you remember that. Well I mean of course you do you have an eidetic memory. You told me you hated rides and I made you go on everyone with me but then we got called into a case and so I made you go on one more ride and it was the ferris wheel. When we got to the top I told you I loved you and the way you looked at me. It was like the world froze and it was just us. You grabbed my face and you kissed me with so much passion. It made me realize that I was in love with you since the day I met you. But, you pulled apart and you told me you loved me too. We sat there staring into each other's eyes and smiling like goofs. You were the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with and now I’m sitting here in a safe house somewhere. Just wishing I was in your arms.  
I love you forever and always. 
November 12th 2018
If anything happens to me. I love you.
Forever and always 
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