#emma gibbs
elevenhopperz · 1 year
unpopular opinion (maybe? i can’t tell atp) but i really liked the ending of sex education. i feel like it was more hopeful than sad. maeve was given the courage to keep following the career path she wanted. i was glad they didn’t end that part of the storyline with someone telling her she couldn’t be a writer and her just giving up. although her and otis aren’t together now, i feel like where they left off made room for them to reconnect later.
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I feel like Sex Education deserves more credit. Although the ending was sad and bittersweet, I still do believe that it was the perfect epilogue. It started as an high school tv series with teenagers and their self discovery journey and now that they've all grown up, the themes are so mature and profound like abuse, grief, mental health, disability, self acceptance, feeling safe in their own communities and letting people and feelings go.
I personally loved Aimee's healing journey and how she decided to cope with the feelings lingering after the abuse, I get that it takes power in owning our own hurt. Most of all I deeply appreciated that Maeve went back to America to finish her course. She deserved to get on with a better life.
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filmmarvel · 1 year
Sex Education Season 4 Review
Unfortunately it wasn’t as good as the others. It’s less that it was bad or that I didn’t enjoy it, and more that it sort of failed in its duties as a finale. I really liked the finale, it wasn’t until I finished it that I was left like… that’s it?
Starting with the Pros: I’m glad they had the sense to end it here. This season has gotten hated on pretty hard so far, which makes sense, but isn’t quite deserved. Even though it wasn’t as good as it COULD’VE been, it was still good! In particular, Aimee, Eric, and Adam had wonderful and satisfying arcs which I found quite compelling and felt like a lovely send off to each of their characters. Maeve’s ending, despite being a point of controversy, was fitting. She had a difficult but moving season, and her destiny was always to be a writer. As disappointing as it is that she doesn’t end up with Otis, I thought the writers justified it quite well. It would’ve simply felt wrong for her to stay back in Moordale just for Otis. She was always going to get out.
This brings me to the Cons. I have to say, my biggest disappointment with this season has to be Otis himself. Being the lead character, I really wish they would’ve chosen a more personal storyline with more depth to it to send off his character. Instead, they had him acting like a child the whole season. He’s the primary character and yet he has the least interesting, least sympathetic, least moving storyline. It was all about his relationships with Maeve, Ruby, and Eric, and his competition with O. Nothing really about him. They didn’t give enough closure as to how his future looks- he’s no longer the school sex therapist, which is disappointing. He agreed to think about working with O, but that’s all, and that isn’t the most satisfying conclusion. They left him in a very nondescript place. Additionally, many former cast members weren’t in this season. As a result, I felt that there were a number of missed opportunities. My other big complaint is, predictably, the change in setting and new cast of characters. I really didn’t love the new school. I don’t think I need to elaborate on that too much, it was just kind of over the top in a way that felt misplaced and unrealistic. As for the new characters, most of them weren’t bad, they were just unnecessary. The one character I did have an issue with was O, who was a rather grating presence. Which I don’t think was something all that good for a finale. I didn’t find her character at all interesting or sympathetic. She was really annoying, and didn’t grow on me at all over the course of the season.
To sum things up, I wish the writers had just focused on the characters they had already. The new characters weren’t as interesting (naturally), and I thought the season could’ve benefitted from more of a personal journey for the characters we already know and love- such as Otis, Jackson, Ruby, or Viv. When a show ends, I always really like to have some closure on where each of the characters are headed in the future, such as new passions, future relationships, careers, etc. While again, they did a lovely job with this with a few characters, there were a lot of characters who just left me unsatisfied (namely the aforementioned 4). I enjoyed the ending, but it left me feeling like a lot of precious time was wasted with new characters and misplaced storylines. It didn’t feel as though the writers quite understood how important this season was, and failed to treat certain characters with the care they deserved.
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admireforever · 11 months
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Maeve & Otis, Sex Education
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editfandom · 11 months
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Maeve Wiley - Sex Education, S04E01
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iconsrequestsworld · 1 year
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fishyyyyy99 · 1 year
I actually liked the way Otis and Maeve's story ended (I say this as someone who has shipped them since season 1). My only problem is that I feel like there weren't special moments between them like there used to be in season 1, or sometimes in season 2, that would have made their break up feel more impactful. I feel like Aimee and Maeve's relationship ended up outshining them, and even Isaac's small moment with Maeve this season felt like more of a connection than Otis had with her this season. I definitely loved what Maeve shared with Aimee and Isaac and would not change a thing. But, I would also add awesome Motis moments like we got when the show first came out. But I feel like the letter sort of made up for all the bullshit that went down between them and explained why she loved him. I still would have preferred if there were some season 1-like moments though.
Also, I didn't really like Ruby's last scene with Otis. I think it was a sign that she was putting herself first instead choosing to hang out with Otis when she clearly wasn't over him, which was good. But I wish the dialogue had been different. Or maybe I've completely misinterpreted the scene?
I actually quite liked this season overall for all of the characters, especially Maeve, Aimee, Ruby, Isaac, and Eric. I think Adam's arc was good too, he was just never my personal favourite.
Also, did anyone else expect that Molloy dude to steal Maeve's work? And a book from Maria Bronte's perspective sounds really interesting to me.
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lgbgchipmunk · 3 months
Hi friends!
Looking for an rp buddy or two.
I use this and discord.
A bit about me…
- 27 year old female.
- British time zone however I work nights so my schedule is all over the place.
- Don’t mind smut as long as there is plot as well.
- looking for an rp partner who’s 18 and over.
My ships:
- Rizzles (Rizzoli and Isles)
- Marina (Station19 carina x Maya)
- Tibbs (NCIS Kate x Gibbs)
- Jemily (Criminal minds. JJ x Emily)
- SwanQueen (OUAT Regina x emma)
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noodlesha · 1 year
Sex Education: Season 4 (2023) – Just some thoughts.
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Over a span of four days, my housemates and I sat down to watch the final season of sex education; the show had started in 2019 (which feels like a lie, but we move I guess) and was loved by the masses. People really resonated with it as they showcased people dealing with all sorts of different complexities and natures and it was truly wonderful to see so many demographics being represented.
And while I know some of the criticism comes from the fact they favour representation over solid writing, I can understand that sometimes it’s just nice to be seen on a tv show with no ulterior motive and to be frank, this show has some great writing with certain characters. But like most TV shows, it didn’t mean it didn’t have its faults much like this season. But I think the best way to talk about this show is through its characters, which are the driving force of this TV show and it both benefits and fails from it.
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The New Characters
When going into it, I was quite sceptical about the new characters, and coming out of it, I think I still am. I enjoyed the representation of ‘The Coven’ or whatever they were called, I think Aisha was written the best out of the three considering she had a broader storyline and I loved how they discussed accessibility for disabled people it was very refreshing. But coming out of the show, I don’t think I felt anything for these characters, and I found myself wishing they had Lily and Ola back.
O felt like a complete waste of a character – it felt like they made her very purposefully antagonistic, and yet when it came time to redeem her character it felt like a last-minute decision. I also think the way they handled her asexuality was very odd and felt quite forced at times, I remember during season one the writers seemed to be suggesting Otis was asexual but then didn’t push through to it, O just seemed like a rehash of that exact thing. There was clearly some stuff left out because O felt very antagonistic back at Otis, but Otis didn’t really do much towards their opposing sex clinics.
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Adam (and Michael too)
This storyline became a favourite when the show ended and I didn’t think it would hit me as hard as it did. Adam’s character arc through the show has been very interesting to see, when looking back to last season I was never really a fan of Adam and Eric’s love story but that was the storyline that made me like Adam so I guess there was something to it. I also enjoyed that Adam didn’t go into sixth form and instead followed what his interests were, it’s quite cool to show there are different options rather than just sixth form, then university etc. But I loved the interesting parallels between the son and father, both were coming into their own person which was needed for both of them so they could accept one another and their heart-to-heart at the end was very sweet.
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Jackson and Viv
I love the platonic bestie vibes this duo have, it’s so wholesome and I enjoy that the writers never compromised their friendship for a relationship because it’s something you don’t really see that often. I liked the storyline Jackson had surrounding the stigma of cancer in men, it was different and very unexpected but I liked that because it is scary and it weaved very well into his intrigue with his identity. One thing I was a bit confused about was Jackson’s journey with his sexuality; I feel like they slightly breached the topic but there was no clear closure for that storyline which was a big part of his character arc last season, but perhaps I missed something. With Viv, her storyline also quite surprised me; I truly didn’t expect her romance with Beau to take an abusive turn – but in retrospect it’s very interesting to see all the qualities of possessiveness and obsession that Beau had throughout the season. But either way I liked the resolutions in their ending (also loved that Aimee and Viv kind of became a duo), and I’m sad to let them go.
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One thing I really didn’t like this season was Ruby’s storyline; it was just her pining over Otis again and Otis not giving her an inch despite using her to help his campaign. It felt very backwards to me, especially seeing as Otis didn’t even thank her (more on that later because I have so much more to say on Otis); although she found her own confidence at the end and didn’t dance with him, I honestly would’ve preferred if they were just friends, but I can understand the need to have tension and drama to make things more interesting, but I was just left wanting a bit more with her character rather than her problems being purely surface.
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Jean (and her sister… and her baby)
I will be honest, it was very odd to see Jean without Jakob (or Sven as my housemates and I referred to him), but truly I kind of didn’t miss him because they introduced a much more compelling duo with her younger sister. Jean’s storyline was quite interesting; to see a woman struggle with post-partum depression on-screen and not be villainised for it was very refreshing and I thought linking it with her fear of being like her own mother was very good. Her sister’s storyline was also very interesting, I liked how different they were and also that they had a very natural sisterly bond, which is something you don’t see among older women anymore in media.
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I really enjoyed that we got more of a look into Cal's life because that was one reason I didn't really connect with Cal last season was because we didn't get a sense of who they are. But this was majorly broached in this season and I was glad because I really enjoyed their character. Their story was wholly centered around their identity and I thought it was very heartwarming that the school charity came together for their top surgery. Two things that I struggled with though were the fact that their attempt to take their own life was very much brushed over and the fact that their and Jackson's storylines didn't really get completed either. But overall, I really enjoyed their character.
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Honestly, he and Aimee are the best characters on this show, and you can’t even change my mind. One thing I was very glad for was that they tabled the whole Eric and Adam relationship and that they recognised that someone shouldn’t be in a relationship with their bully (and because Eric can do so much better, and I say that while loving Adam as a character too). Something that surprised me but in a good way was his relationship with his religion, it’s so interesting to see because you don’t see a lot of this, especially nowadays. And it was nice to see him flourish with friends that understand him and his views on things (OTHER THAN OTIS WHO DOESN’T CARE), and his turmoil of wanting to be baptised but then realising he doesn’t need that to reaffirm his relationship with God. And Ncuti is just SO funny and charming as Eric, he’s going to be a star one day (especially since he’s been in Barbie and Doctor Who) and I genuinely can’t wait to see it.
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Aimee and Issac (but mostly Aimee)
Oh god where do I start, Aimee Gibbs is genuinely one of the best TV show characters ever; she is so likable and the journey her character has gone through is amazing. When the show opens with her documenting her recovery, I was immediately struck that she was going to have a fabulous ending to her story. I loved that she was trying different things like art to express her trauma and seeing her have fun with it was just so, so human and I love when media replicates that side of humanity. One thing that was a pleasant surprise was Issac and Aimee’s relationship; now this may be a controversial take, but I was never really an Issac hater… I know, how insane. So, seeing him get fleshed out more and more was really moving; their relationship was something very different and also made so much sense. I wouldn’t have put them together, but the actors had a lot of chemistry and I enjoyed that they uplifted one another but never crossed any barriers of their own agency.
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Maeve is a very interesting character; now for another controversial take, I was never a big fan of Maeve, it’s nothing I could really pinpoint but she often seemed very abrasive. But on the flip side, I also respected that about her character, that the writers were never afraid to make her spunky and outspoken, and for her to not be punished for that either. Her storyline this season was great, it made me enjoy her character so much more than I thought I would; the way she acted around the death of her mother was so good and felt very real – and I loved how mature the ending of her, and Otis’ love story was as well. Again, I know some people may think differently but I’m glad they didn’t stay together because let’s be honest, the two wouldn’t last a week ESPECIALLY long distance. She got to focus on herself and her career in the end, which was something she wanted since the beginning of this show; and it was incredibly satisfying to see that on screen.
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Otis Dickhead
My, my… you know for the literal LEAD of the show, you’d think they’d write a character that’s at the very least tolerable. Because oh my god, now I’ve never liked the way Otis’ character is written, but Jesus Christ I think we’ve hit an all-time low. One thing he does that drives me up the wall is that he never texted anyone back; like when Ruby kept asking him where he was, he didn’t even message or anything and that was before Maeve’s mum passed away, he is just so inept.
Also, the fact that he’s a so-called sex therapist yet he struggles to article his own problems with BASIC problem-solving skills actually amazes me – I admire the writers for being able to write someone SO thick in the head without going braindead themselves, I really do. Okay rant over – Otis’ storyline really felt like a backdrop to everything in the season, the only interesting thing was his and Maeve’s story and that wasn’t even his main dilemma on the season. Overall, his character is shit and I’m so glad I never have to see his face again (sorry Asa Butterfield, love you!).
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picspammer · 1 year
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Sex Education Season 4
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veneredirose · 1 year
hello everyone!! i just finished the last season of sex education, so here i am making a review.
the first two or three episodes were boring af, i literally enjoyed only the scenes where Adam, Jackson or Ruby appeared. let me say that i can barely stand Otis, Maeve and Eric, so i didn’t enjoyed that much half of the season (lmao) so i’m not gonna mention them, i just want to say that they’re all been so selfish and didn’t care about their loved ones: Otis was too much into becoming the only educator in school, Maeve was focused on staying in america and the funeral of her mom, and Eric was too focused on being accepted into the popular group; but anyway, let’s move on: i liked a lot how they handled the relationship between Adam and his family, in fact i cried watching every scene where Adam was in (yes i’m a bit ashamed ahah). another thing i liked was the personage of Jackson: he was always there for Viv, he tried his best to protect her. but i didn’t like how they handled the situation with Cal, it was like he was so distant and he didn’t care at all about them, it was sad to watch. the personage of Ruby had a lot of potential, but they decided to put her aside and give her the role of “manager” which was very marginal for the story. the new personages were so useless, except for the deaf girl; yeah i mean, they had a role, but idk they didn’t convinced me at all. another thing that didn’t convinced me at all was the school, i mean, where do you find a so perfect institute? and how come that the only problem is the elevator that is not working? please tell me where LOL :) it was definitely too much perfect and visionary. the last words are for the personage of Jean, she’s been everybody’s mom for a while, and i’m so happy that she find the power to ask for help, and her sister too, finally they can be together and be happy and have therapy!!! that’s amazing.
i guess i’ll miss every personage of this series a little bit, but their journey went too far away for me, this is the perfect final for them, nothing has to change.
if you are still reading, thank you! i hope you like my review, see you next time :) -jus
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camyfilms · 1 year
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There is something you should understand about the way I work. When you need me but do not want me, then I must stay. When you want me but no longer need me, then I have to go. It's rather sad, really, but there it is.
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admireforever · 11 months
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Sex Education
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editfandom · 11 months
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Aimee Gibbs - Sex Education, S04E01
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iconsrequestsworld · 1 year
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fishyyyyy99 · 1 year
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