swiftzeldas · 2 years
12, 70, 98
12. Best cliff-hanger?
great question. the one that always stands out in my mind is the end of Lost episode 3x06 "I Do" which happened to be the midseason finale - it ends with Jack operating on Ben Linus and screaming at Kate to run via walkie talkie while Sawyer kneels in front of her with someone holding a gun to his head
It's a hell of a cliffhanger!!!!!
70. Why is your favourite movie, your favourite movie?
god i can't pick one single favorite but let's go with Scream, and I love Scream because it is such a fresh take on an old story and no slasher movie before or since has balanced the scares and humor that well, nor creative as effective a mystery.
98. A movie or performance you thought deserved an Oscar nomination?
ugh it's so cliche to say hereditary but like.....hereditary, obviously?? specifically toni collette's performance!!! (also samantha sloyan and hamish linklater should've had emmy noms for midnight mass. also obviously everything about the terror was robbed of emmy noms especially jared harris and adam nagaitis)
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This purple gown with a beaded bodice was first worn by Ginnifer Goodwin as Snow White during a promotional photo shoot for the second season of 𝑶𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝑼𝒑𝒐𝒏 𝑨 𝑻𝒊𝒎𝒆.   It was pulled again for the third season’s photo shoot. However, this time, it was worn by Jennifer Morrison as Emma Swan.   Check out more costumes from 𝑶𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝑼𝒑𝒐𝒏 𝑨 𝑻𝒊𝒎𝒆 on our website! https:// Bit.ly/SciFi058    
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you-taste-likewhiskey · 11 months
My Roman Empire is the way Emma and Regina were so clearly made for each other and that them falling in love would have made an incredible/influential storyline, but the writers were so afraid of success and good writing that they decided to turn two independent, powerful women into damsels in distress who base their happiness on the presence of men. And they did this for the sole purpose of proving to SQ shippers that Emma and Regina were straight.
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Just spreading the dark!swanqueen supremacy
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toryamoon · 6 months
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emma swan sketches🌟
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captainswan-kellie · 7 months
‘Would you let me see beneath your beautiful tonight?’🥹
Collab with the incredibly talented @laianely 🥰
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victoriously-regal · 10 months
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"You're our only hope." "Then you're all screwed."
| 1x02 | 4x05 | 5x21 | 4x22 |
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oautincorrectquotes · 2 years
Rumplestilskin: I once quoted a vine in front of Miss Swan
Rumplestilskin: No one will ever believe her and now she lives in constant fear of my supposed knowledge of the internet
Rumplestilskin: It's delightful
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cjirishlez · 2 years
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Regina: God Ms. Swan spit it out, what do you want?!
Emma: I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day.
Regina: What?
Emma: When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. Marry me Regina Mills.
Regina: Only one condition …. I tell Snow.
Emma: *biggest smile ever* Deal future Mrs Swan-Mills.
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supermarvel-fics · 9 months
Just Tell Her
merry christmas @poutpoutlilith <3 I was happy to be your squealing santa this year! this is my first time writing for ouat so bear with me, but i truly enjoyed writing every bit of it! thank you to @squealing-santa for hosting!
word count: 3,000
pairing: emma swan x regina mills
rated: pg-13
cw: talks of kinks, mild nudity, heated kissing scenes, intimate themes (no smut)
summary: emma is scared to talk to regina about her biggest kink.
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Emma was fierce. Always has been, always will be.
When she arrived in Storybrooke, she wasn’t afraid to speak her mind. She’d stand up to whoever necessary to do the right thing. She could, literally, kick ass and look pretty while doing it. But most importantly, she was never afraid to fight for Henry and his well-being, even if that meant crossing Regina Mills.
Regina Mills didn’t scare Emma. Never has, never will.
Sure, she’s tough and is definitely a force to be reckoned with, but not scary. Not to Emma, anyway. It took Emma a while to break through Regina’s powerful exterior, even after they got together. Regina would swear up and down that she didn’t have feelings for Emma the way Emma had feelings for Regina, but everyone knew it was a façade. It’s what made the people of Storybrooke less frightened. Mary Margaret was fully convinced Emma made Regina tolerable, but Emma knew that Regina had always had that soft spot. She just had to find it.
So, no, Emma was not scared of Regina, but for some reason talking about this to Regina scared the hell out of her.
It happened accidentally the first time—Regina had hugged her and when she pulled away, her fingertips trailed a little too lightly against her lower back. Emma hissed in response, arching away from the fingers and into Regina’s body. She cursed herself for reacting at all, but it was so quick that she didn’t have time to prepare herself.
The remembrance of her kink came flooding into her head and once it was there, it would set up shop for a while. She’d forgotten about it because of the length of time it’d been since she’d been with anyone romantically. Plus, she had to focus on Henry and saving Storybrooke. She didn’t have time to think about what turned her on.
Emma’s cheeks flushed red as she pushed Regina away from her. Regina raised an eyebrow, looking her up and down.
“Are you alright?”
A loaded question. Emma sniffled, waving her hand in the air to dismiss everything that had happened in the last 10 seconds. “Y-yeah, I’m fine. I just got a chill.”
Regina hummed and seemed to let it go because then she shook her head and continued to thank her for taking Henry camping so that she could get some work done. Emma absentmindedly kept the conversation going, but the still-there tingling on her lower back was taking up space in her mind. Too much space.
Even after the feeling faded away, Emma replayed the moment over and over in her head, the smallest smile tugging at her lips. She couldn’t help it. Tickling in general can, and will, make Emma turn into goo. Being tickled, watching others being tickled, even just reading the word—it’s her weakness.
And since that small moment with Regina, it was all she could think about.
Emma began secretly wishing that it would happen again. She wanted to feel her nerves pulse as Regina slid her fingers over her skin. But wishing wasn’t enough. No, it wouldn’t happen unless Emma talked about it, which Emma would like to do just about as much as she’d like to go back to Boston.
Though, as time went on and nothing ever happened, Emma began feeling antsy. Needy, even.
The second time it happened was also an accident, but Regina knew it’d tickled Emma. A string from Emma’s jacket was left astray on her neck and Regina reached her hand up and brushed it off. Emma squeaked and shrugged her shoulder up to her ear, a shiver running straight down her spine.
“Sorry,” Regina said, the corners of her mouth tilting up the smallest amount. “You had a string.”
Emma looked at Regina with wide eyes, but her smile betrayed her. “It was fine where it was.”
“It was bothering me. Not to mention it got the cutest reaction out of you,” Regina chuckled. This third time was not an accident, but Emma’s response was. Regina shot her hand up to Emma’s neck again, fluttering her fingers at the soft skin under her ear. Emma giggled, shrinking away and swatting at Regina’s hand.
It was an impulse. It’s what everyone says when they’re being tickled. Emma didn’t actually mean it. If anything, she wanted Regina to do it again. But she put the nail in her own coffin.
“Apologies, dear,” Regina grinned, stepping closer to place a soft kiss to the side of Emma’s temple. It was over as quickly as it started and Emma’s heart sank. She knows that people say that when they really don’t want to be tickled, so why on God’s green earth would she say that?
It put Emma between a rock and a hard place. She couldn’t take it back. Not without completely admitting that she liked it. So, she just sighed and continued her work, hoping that one word wouldn’t deter Regina from ever trying to tickle her again.
It did.
Regina hadn’t tried tickling her on purpose, nor had she done it accidentally. Emma was beginning to think that she was making a conscious effort not to and it was driving her crazy. Since that day Regina had hugged her—4 months back—all Emma could think about was being tickled by her. She even stooped as low as trying the oldest trick in the book—getting on her last nerve.
Despite hiding Regina’s favorite blazer and playfully ignoring her when she asked a question, she never tried it again.
Emma eventually gave up. The hope of Regina ever tickling her diminished faster than blowing out a candle. The thoughts were still lingering in her mind, but Emma stopped trying to antagonize her into it.
The fourth time it happened was just a stray of fingers during an impromptu make-out session that was nearing its way towards sex. Regina had pulled Emma out of the office abruptly, claiming she needed her for something important. It didn’t take long for Emma to figure out that ‘something important’ included lazy, yet hot kisses and trailing hands up her body to rip her clothes off.
The rendezvous had made its way to their shared bedroom within moments and Emma and Regina were already half-naked. Emma laid back on the bed and Regina crawled her way on top of her, seductively kissing her way up Emma’s body. Whimpers, moans, and hisses filled the silent room.
It only took a few minutes for Regina’s hands to skim their way up Emma’s body, lightly trailing over her hip bones and up her sides. Emma arched her back and a quiet giggle slipped from her mouth. Regina would have missed it had she not been face to face with her.
“Sorry, sorry,” Regina muttered through a kiss to Emma’s neck, which coincidentally tickled too. Emma smiled and flinched in reflex, but her eyes went wide. It was now or never. This would be the perfect time to bring it up without it being too weird but still, Emma’s heart thumped against her chest like a drum. It was almost painful.
“It’s okay, really,” Emma replied, moaning when Regina reached that spot under her ear. She wanted to say more, but Regina flattened her hands against her ribs and since she was very consciencely aware of where Regina’s hands were placed at all times, she held her breath. Her heartbeat was the only sound she could hear.
“You don’t have to say it’s okay. Especially if you hate it.”
Emma wasn’t sure what she thought Regina would have said, but it sure as hell wasn’t that.
“W-what?” Emma tilted her head to see her girlfriend better, giving her a quizzical look. “You think I hate it?” This set-up was almost perfect. It’s as if the situation had literally fell into her lap and she could tell the truth without feeling like she was dropping a bomb.
Regina sat up, sitting on Emma’s thighs and returning her look. “Well, yeah… don’t most people?”
Emma shook her head and raised a brow at Regina’s complete innocence. “Not necessarily,” she said. Regina hummed in response, but Emma was on the verge of telling the truth. The conversation couldn’t stop there. “What made you think I hated it?
“You told me to stop that one time I tickled your neck, remember?” Regina recalled. Of course Emma remembered. It was the only thing she’d thought about for weeks. How Regina’s eyes sparkled with mischief when she realized Emma was ticklish. How she smirked when she playfully flit her fingers on Emma’s neck. How she never did it again because of Emma’s slip of the tongue. And she couldn’t even fault Regina for it because of how easy it was to believe that she didn’t like being tickled. Emma had never brought it up and Regina had never tried before then.
So, now that the conversation had been brought up, Emma would finally tell Regina how she truly feels.
“Yeah, but I don’t hate it,” Emma mumbled, avoiding eye contact, “Everyone says stop. It’s a trauma response.”
Regina narrowed her eyes at Emma. “You don’t hate it?”
Emma shook her head, her eyes still laser focused on the bed sheets crumpled around their legs. Regina didn’t speak for a while. The gears in her head were busy turning as she remembered the signs. How Emma would antagonize her. How Emma would lean into her touch when they’d make out. It all made sense. Regina’s mouth tilted up into a small smile.
“You like it,” she said. A simple sentence that made Emma’s face burn hot. Her heartbeat felt heavier as her body tensed. Maybe this was a mistake. It’s not normal to feel this way about being tickled. Her ex knew that, hence why it was part of the reason he left. Just as Emma felt hot tears spring to her eyes in embarrassment, Regina’s cold hand touched her chin and lifted her head up to look at her.
Understanding. No judgement. Adoration. Maybe a mix of all three. That’s what Regina’s eyes held when Emma finally locked hers onto her girlfriend’s.
“How much do you like it?” Regina asked in genuine curiosity. Emma knew the answer and what she wanted to say, but all the preparations couldn’t have prepared her for this question. “I only ask because I have to know how far I can take this.” A smirk plastered itself on Regina’s face and holy hell, Emma’s heart constricted along with heat pooling in her lower abdomen.
“I, uh—a lot,” was all Emma could muster. She wished she wasn’t so paralyzed with fear even after knowing that Regina is clearly okay with it, but she’d always been this way. It took a lot for her to mention it in her last relationship and it ended with her ex calling it strange. She liked Regina. Loved, even. She just didn’t want to mess this up.
“A lot as in…” Regina lifted her tone into a question to leave it open for Emma, but she just reverted her eyes back down to the bed. “Does it turn you on, Emma?”
If Emma’s face wasn’t hot to the touch, it definitely was now. There are very few things that Regina is shy about and apparently tickling, and the prospect of using it as foreplay, isn’t one of them. Emma swallowed hard giving Regina the answer she was looking for, but she nodded quickly too.
“Look at me, dear,” Regina coaxed, rubbing her knuckles along Emma’s thigh. The pull in Regina’s voice was just enough to make Emma comply, so she sighed and looked up, attempting to find the acceptance in Regina’s face. “Why didn’t you tell me before? We’ve had plenty of sex and you never bothered to mention it.”
“It just never came up,” Emma shrugged. “When it did, I was so scared of what you might say or think that I just couldn’t talk about it.” She bit her lip anxiously and awaited Regina’s response.
“Emma, you can always talk to me. There isn’t anything on this planet that you could tell me that would make me hate you or scare me off,” Regina said, brushing away a stray tear that slipped from Emma’s eye. “I mean, maybe if you told me you eat people, that would be a different story, buhut…” A laugh slipped from Regina’s mouth, which got Emma to smile too. “But this? This is far from scary. In fact, it’s hot.”
Regina lifted her palms from Emma’s legs, leaving just the tips of her fingers to trace lazy and slow circles on her upper thighs. Emma was immediately covered in goosebumps, her hands gripping the bed sheets.
“Where are you ticklish?” Regina asked her lover sultrily, gently pushing her down to her previous position so she could get a good look at Emma’s body. Smooth and fawn-colored skin that Regina could manipulate in any way she wanted once given consent. Her fingers trailed back up to Emma’s hip bones, circling just above the waistband of her underwear. “I think I pulled a giggle from you right about here earlier.”
Emma giggled again, her stomach erupting with butterflies and heat rather than knots and anxiety. “Everywhehere. Pretty much everywhere,” Emma blurted out.
Regina’s eyes lit up with excitement. “That is wonderful news, Emma. Thank you for making this so easy,” she teased, scratching more firmly at Emma’s hips. “Now, I’ll ask you again. How far can I take this?”
“As far as you want,” Emma replied with a small moan interlaced with her words. “My safe word is ‘red’.”
Regina smiled at her girlfriend’s willingness to submit herself to this, the sheer excitement and wanting seeping from her skin. The slightest touch made Emma squirm, which Regina was delighted to see.
“Then, put your hands behind your head. Don’t move them,” Regina ordered, her core clenching at the sight of Emma in such a vulnerable position. Emma did as told and bit her lip through a grin. Her entire body was on display, only her undergarments shielding her from being completely naked. They’d come off eventually, Regina thought. “Good girl.”
Regina placed her fingers on either side of Emma’s belly button, softly spidering them across her stomach. Emma’s abdominal muscles reacted instantly, jumping underneath Regina’s light touch. Emma’s quiet giggles turned into a real laugh, making Regina smile with endearment.
“Oh, you are very ticklish, aren’t you?” Regina cooed as she continued lightly tickling the blonde beneath her. She couldn’t help but notice the tiniest moans and whimpers falling out of Emma’s mouth, the sounds filling her heart with joy and lust. Regina moved her fingers up to scratch at Emma’s ribs, earning her a loud gasp. Her arms shot down to cover the vulnerable area, but Regina halted her fingers, looking down at Emma with an arched brow. “What did I tell you to do with your arms?”
Emma blinked. “T-To put them behind my head?”
“And not to move them,” Emma finished her sentence, her cheeks blossoming with a dark shade of pink. Regina adopted another smirk.
“Exactly. Put them back. If they come down again, I’ll have to restrain you, understand?”
Emma wasn’t sure if she could finish on words alone, but she was pretty damn close. She’d never seen Regina so dominant, but she really enjoyed it. So, Emma nodded and placed her hands back behind her head, lacing her fingers together so hard that her knuckles turned white.
Regina didn’t say anything in response to Emma’s compliance. Instead, she resumed tickling her girlfriend’s ribs, grinning slyly when she let out a whine followed by a belly laugh.
“Reginahaha!” Emma cried out, turning her head to laugh into her elbow. Regina tilted her head and let out a satisfied hum at Emma’s reaction. After another minute, she quickly shot her hands up to Emma’s armpits, laughing herself at Emma’s squeal and how fast her arms clamped down on her fingers. Regina continued wiggling her fingers despite them being trapped and Emma’s laugh turned into a cackle as she attempted to roll over to flee from her assailant.
The brunette stopped after a few more seconds and both of their laughter died down. The two of them locked eyes again, Emma breathing deeply to catch her breath and Regina brushing the hair away from Emma’s face.
“You’re adorable,” Regina spoke after the silence had lingered for too long. “I’m delighted to know this information about you.”
“Which part? That I’m ticklish or that I like it?” Emma propped herself up by her elbows and huffed. Regina shook her head and pushed Emma back down for the second time that night.
“Both. Now, I’m not done with you, my dear. As a matter of fact, we’re just getting started,” Regina said, bending down to kiss Emma. They both moaned into each other’s mouth at the contact. Emma reached up to lace her fingers through Regina’s hair, but she put a stop to that quickly by grabbing Emma’s wrist and pinning it to the bed beside her head. “I do believe I said that if you moved again, I’d be restraining you. Did you think I was bluffing?”
Emma rubbed her legs together and sighed. “No, of course not.”
Regina placed her fingertips at the base of Emma’s sternum and slowly dragged them down to her hips, relishing in the pleasurable moans seeping from her lover’s mouth. “Good. You wait here while I get the cuffs.”
Emma watched as Regina swiftly got off the bed and strutted into the closet, watching her hips sway with every step. Then, she formed a genuine smile.
To think that Emma was genuinely scared to tell Regina about a kink that has ignited a newfound fire in their bedroom is almost laughable now. She should have known that Regina would be open to anything that turned her on just as she would be for Regina. It’s how healthy couples worked.
Emma chuckled to herself as Regina came back with the restraints she promised. Little did she know, Emma disobeyed her on purpose just to get a taste of that punishment.
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snowbellsquiver · 1 year
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Snow and Charming escape the curse through the wardrobe to a land without magic just before Snow gives birth to baby Emma on the side of the highway. She awakens a day later in this strange new land to Emma’s cries. Disoriented, Charming reassures her that they are safe and she marvels over Emma; relieved for the first time since her wedding. They got away. Good will always win.
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swiftzeldas · 2 years
15, 75, 100
15. gaslighter (the chicks)
cause boy you know exactly what you did on my boat and boy that's exactly why you ain't coming home, save your tired story for your new someone else
75. uptown girl (billy joel)
she'll say i'm not so tough just because i'm in love with an uptown girl
100. dry town (miranda lambert)
i'd give a nickel for a sip or two to wash me down outta this dry town
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recycledmoviecostumes · 2 months
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Often a television show will recycle their wardrobe on other characters as the seasons progress. This example comes from the television show 𝑶𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝑼𝒑𝒐𝒏 𝒂 𝑻𝒊𝒎𝒆, in which a white floral dress was used in 2011 in the first season episode entitled 𝑺𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒔. Ginnifer Goodwin wore it as Mary Margaret Blanchard. The second time the dress was used was by Jennifer Morrison as Emma Swan in the 2012 second season episode 𝑻𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒉𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒆.   Visit our website to see more costumes from Once Upon a Time: Bit.ly/PostEd100      
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Okay, so this might be extremely random and not at all significant, but does anyone else think about how Emma and Regina went from, "get the hell out of my life," to "hey, we should probably exchange numbers"?
I find myself thinking more and more about how the number exchange happened. Like who asked who? And when?
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justabitpeculiar · 11 months
Happy Birthday, Emma Swan
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toryamoon · 7 months
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