#emotionally intelligent empathetic and curious and just. positive about life in general
caernua · 4 months
disgustingly emotionally healthy long distance date idea: go on a call and answer journaling prompts on pinterest together
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crimsontippedflower · 2 months
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basics ( image )
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NAME: Màiri Macleod
AGE: 469 ( August 17th, 1554 )
GENDER: Female
SPECIES: Human, witch
OCCUPATION: outcast / forest witch / wise woman
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physical ( image )
EYES: Green
HAIR: Ginger, long & thick, often with some form of braiding
BUILD: Very slim, petite, elegant, graceful
SKIN: Very fair
CLOTHING: era-dependant
FACECLAIM: Ruth Connell
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mental ( image )
ALIGNMENT: neutral good
POSITIVE ATTRIBUTES: affectionate, appreciative, calm, cautious, centered, charming, courteous, curious, diplomatic, discreet, easygoing, empathetic, friendly, generous, gentle, hospitable, independent, intelligent, introverted, kind, loyal, nurturing, observant, passionate, patient, private, quirky, sensible, sentimental, sweet, thrifty, whimsical, wholesome.
NEGATIVE ATTRIBUTES: antisocial, anxious, defensive, evasive, inhibited, insecure, needy, nervous, paranoid, self-destructive, shy, superstitious, suspicious, timid, uncommunicative, withdrawn.
LIKES: nature, magic, animals, tranquility
DISLIKES: exposure, new people, crowds, cruelty
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abilities ( image )
spell casting, spell creation, conversion, healing, astral projection, supernatural perception, casting and removing hexes / curses / enchantments / wards, summoning
will not die of natural causes, but could be susceptible to fatal injury.
first language is scots, but she also speaks scottish gaelic, some english, and some latin.
iron / higher beings / meek & shy / unlucky
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biography ( image )
màiri grew up in dunbar, scotland, to a family in which magic ran in the blood. the gift usually only presented itself in the females of the bloodline, so while it's a macleod gene, her father was barren, magic-wise. his sister - màiri's aunt elspeth - however, was not, and nor was elspeth's granddaughter, geillis. they weren't poor, nor were they particularly wealthy. as far as possible, they tried to remain inconspicuous. the gifted women of the family - elspeth, màiri, and geillis - were raised with absolute secrecy and discretion ingrained into them. they were to use their gifts, but they were to use them wisely and without drawing any attention to themselves. 
be this as it may, the family were still somewhat shunned by the larger society. people didn't exactly hate them, but they were generally considered to be strange, no-good, queer. màiri's father developed some resentment towards his only daughter after some time, since she represented everything that was "wrong" about the family. he wasn't abusive, but he was emotionally neglectful. her mother was a maidservant and was rarely at home, so màiri was often left to her own devices as a young girl. with nothing else to do, she honed her craft. and talented she was. 
given her talents, she began work as an assistant to a local doctor - not a nurse, just an assistant - and she'd work a little secret magic now and then to aid recovery and fix up minor ills. she was never discovered, and people at least began to somewhat respect her. she continued with this work up until she left dunbar.
by the time màiri was 32, both of her parents had died. she was around 36 when she met a man who promised her the world. he'd been training as a doctor with her employer, and he'd taken a shine to her. she thought this was the great love affair of her life; he wanted her, he was going to take her away from here and give her everything she'd ever dreamed of. she never outright told him that she was a witch, but he knew, and she knew he knew. but, unusually, he didn't seem to mind. if anything, he thought her talents impressive and her skill unrivalled, and he saw potential in her. he saw that she could do things normal people couldn't do, and he thought that was good. 
màiri was totally prepared to up and run off with him at the drop of a hat, but then the panic started. people became more and more paranoid about witches in the area, and the macleod/duncan women were frightened. màiri's lover abandoned her, tossed her out like she was nothing - he knew she was a witch, and he didn't want to be associated with her with this rising tension going on. she was absolutely heartbroken. 
after a conversation with her aunt, màiri realised that she had very limited options. elspeth had heard people mentioning her name, talking about this woman that worked for the doctor and who was almost supernaturally good at helping people. it was a ticking time bomb before someone publicly accused her, and she didn't want to face that. besides, she couldn't bare to go to work every day and see the man who broke her heart. so she ran. she said goodbye to her aunt and her cousin (geillis, her first cousin once removed), and she left. 
the following year, geillis was accused of and arrested for witchcraft. she was brutally tortured, but refused to name any other witches. eventually, though, she broke, and she disclosed names. but she never named elspeth, and she never named màiri. shortly after this, geillis tried to retract her confession, but this was not accepted and she was executed.
(while màiri and elspeth are completely my own creation, geillis duncan was a real person who was accused of witchcraft, arrested, tortured and eventually executed on december 4th, 1591. the scottish government officially pardoned all those wrongfully accused of and executed for witchcraft - including geillis duncan - on march 8th, 2022).
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muertawrites · 4 years
Two Halves - Chapter Ten (Zuko x Reader)
Part Nine
Word Count: 2,750
Author’s Note: We’ve had enough sad. Like, in general. So I wrote some happy for this week’s update. This chapter was originally going to be longer, but I decided to save the rest of it for next week since it ended pretty nicely where it is.
I feel like now is a good time to mention that I haven’t read the comics (I didn’t even know there were comics until like two months ago) so if you’ve been wondering why this story diverges so much from them, that’s why. I see the canon and I think it’s great, but it’s just so much more fun to write my own interpretations of what happened to everybody after the war. Sorry not sorry. 
I’m slowly getting back into the swing of things. I felt pretty okay yesterday, and I’m starting to not immediately hate everything I produce and am remembering how to talk myself up again after forgetting that anxiety and depression don’t rule my thoughts when it comes to my creativity. Things are still gonna be weird for a while, but we’ll be fine eventually. That’s how the human condition is - we always swing back at some point. 
~ Muerta
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“What do you know about Fire Nation prisons?” 
You expect Rina to falter at the question. She doesn't even flinch, continuing to dress you as if you asked her what she’d had for breakfast. 
“What do you want to know?” she wonders in return. 
You gaze off, allowing your mind to roam as you consider her question. 
Since your return to the Fire Nation, Zuko’s attentive attitude hasn't changed, and your fondness for him has grown in ways you never expected it would. During council meetings, it’s become a habit to hold his hand under the table where your advisors can't see (though Yong has caught you once or twice, smirking as if you were two school children passing love notes during class). You spend more time together in the evenings before bed, and some nights you invite Zuko to sleep beside you, missing his presence since returning to separate rooms - he’s always gone before sunrise to discourage any scandal (despite the fact that you're married), never leaving without a kiss to your forehead and a murmur of, “See you soon.” It’s also become routine to meet him by the turtle duck pond when you each have a moment to spare, the little creatures getting so used to your presence that many of them freely approach you, pecking at your palms in the chance you have a treat for them. 
“My mother and I used to do this,” Zuko confides during one of your breaks; it's the first cool afternoon since the beginning of summer, a few leaves from the overhanging maple tree floating on the pond’s placid surface. “I remember throwing a rock at one of the ducklings when I was a kid. Its mother bit me.” 
You giggle, opening your hand so a young male can nibble at the apple peel you hold out to him; you attempt to scratch his head while he eats, and he squawks at you. 
“Good for her,” you jeer. “Serves you right for being a dick.” 
Zuko chuckles, the curl of his lips framing a hazy sadness in his eyes. 
“Azula did stuff like that all the time,” he sighs. “I always felt… bad. Our mother knew what she was when she was really young. I was the one who got all her kindness. Sometimes… I think it's my fault Azula ended up the way she did.” 
“It isn't,” you assure him. You tuck your hand into his. “Your parents played favorites. It wasn't fair.”
Zuko hums absently, his gaze drawn out across the courtyard. After a moment, he’s pulled back to you, a playful grin tugging at his mouth.
“You remind me of a turtle duck,” he states. “You look harmless. You're cute. But you could really fuck someone up if they provoked you.” 
You laugh, slipping your hand from his to teasingly shove his shoulder; the turtle ducks around you scatter as he mirrors your reaction, doing little to defend himself against your loving attack. 
“Did you just call me ‘cute’?” you tease, reaching to pinch at his cheek - he grimaces, taking your hand away from his face by recapturing it in his. “Are you going soft on me, Hothead?” 
He chuckles, mirthfully flicking an apple peel into your hair. You notice the blush that colors his neck, unable to deny your own.
“Oh, Turtleduck,” he says with mock pity. “Is Sokka so bad at flirting that you never learned to pick up on it?” 
He's used his new pet name for you almost every day since he coined it; every time he does, your heart soars out of your throat and into the clouds. 
Through your bedroom window, you can see Zuko on the porch behind your chambers, leaned casually against the railing as he chats with Aang. 
Aang says something that makes the older man laugh; your innards seem to melt as the lines around the corners of Zuko’s eyes and lips wrinkle like folds in a bedsheet. Something in the scene riles you - you’ll slit a hundred men’s throats to protect that smile and the feeling it gives you. 
“This is about Azula,” Rina observes. 
One thing you've learned in your short time with her is that you can't keep secrets from her - chances are she already knows all of them. 
“I just want to know what her living situation is like,” you tell her, “how powerful she could actually be from inside a prison cell.” 
“You have a merciful husband,” Rina sighs, somewhat dreamily . “Azula doesn't live in a prison; he put her in a compound in the Si Wong desert. She's heavily guarded and follows strict schedules and rules, but he didn't want her to live the rest of her life in a cage.” 
“What about Ozai?” you ask. 
“He’s in a prison. I said your husband was merciful, not that he doesn't hold a grudge.” 
You smirk, momentarily eased from the worry that strains your mind. 
“Do either of them have access to the outside world?” you press. 
Rina shakes her head. 
“Azula has very little; the last she heard of anything outside the compound was your marriage announcement. Ozai has absolutely none. All the guards that keep both of them are from the unoccupied Earth Kingdom, so they have no allegiance to them, and only a select few guards are allowed to speak to Azula.” 
“So… there's no way they could be the masterminds of any of this?” 
Rina lifts her gaze from the sash she cinches at your waist, her dark, round eyes meeting yours; her expression is blank, but she speaks in a determined hush. 
“I can't say for certain. But Azula’s intelligence is violent and cunning; she sees things from a different perspective that isn't entirely human. She has insights that more empathetic people would never consider.” 
You nod slowly, understanding. 
“I'll talk to Aang.”
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Katara arrives from the Southern Tribe a few hours before the banquet you're hosting in Aang’s honor is scheduled to begin. You accompany her husband and yours to the imperial docks, a massive grin breaking across your cheeks the moment you spot her on the ship’s deck; she sends you a large, sweeping wave, catching you in her arms as soon as she's close enough to do so. 
“I'm so glad you're okay,” she cries into your ear. “How do you feel?” 
You nod, holding her by the waist as she pulls away. Her grip doesn't loosen, her arms still coiled around yours in an affectionate embrace. 
“I'm good,” you assure her. “I'm tough.” 
She smiles, pulling you in to kiss your cheek before turning to Zuko, greeting him with a warm hug. When she reaches Aang, her gestures are much slower, more tender. He takes her chin between two fingers and kisses her gently, his other hand positioned low on her waist as it presses her tightly against him; the action is so out of character for the two - typically so lively and averse to such kinds of public affection - that you and Zuko share an instinctive, curious glance. 
“Did we forget their anniversary or something?” you whisper, fear jolting through you when a look of panic crosses his features. 
“... I don't think so,” he says after a pause. “Maybe… he just missed her?” 
The confusion on his face is endearing - he's more emotionally intelligent than most people, but he's the last person who knows it. 
“Could be,” you agree. “This is the longest they've been apart in years.” 
The two of you watch as Aang assists Katara into Appa’s saddle, another strange behavior considering how used to flying Katara is. Neither of them seem to notice your staring, Aang leaning in for another lingering kiss before taking his place at the reins.
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You return to the palace and are met with commotion, servants and high-level diplomats scrambling this way and that in a flustered frenzy. Everyone immediately alerts, prepared for yet another catastrophe. 
“What's going on?” Zuko demands as Rina approaches you; she doesn't hide her sneer at his brash tone, and you smirk as he apologetically shrinks back. 
“You have visitors, come to give their congratulations for your marriage,” Rina explains. 
“Who?” Zuko wonders. 
“Sun Warriors. They're waiting for you in the throne room.” 
Zuko and Aang exchange a look of shock. As you're ushered through the halls of the administrative wing and into the throne room, you take Aang by the arm, pulling him close so you can whisper to him. 
“Who are the Sun Warriors?” you ask. 
“They were the first fire benders,” Aang tells you. “They were supposedly wiped out, but Zuko and I met them when we visited their island at the beginning of my fire bending training. Their existence is supposed to be a secret.” 
“Then why would they come here?” 
“Your guess is as good as mine.” 
The throne room is silent - empty save for your entourage and guests - but a constant, electric buzz seems to hang in the air. Zuko falls into step beside you, taking your arm in his as you approach the group of visitors gathered before the throne; their clothing suggests Fire Nation, but from a different world, ancient to the point of almost primal. Each person present is decorated in baroque jewelry, glimmering gold and laced with vibrantly colored beads placed in intricate, deliberate patterns. Their faces are painted in stark lines of red and white, some across their noses and cheeks and under their eyes, others over their chins and foreheads; the makeup is so similar to Water Tribe markings that your eyes widen, unable to stop yourself from leaning in as you attempt to get a better look while also remaining dignified. The warriors are also much more robust than their mainland counterparts, with stocky builds and robust features - they remind you of your own people, leaving you in awe. 
“Chief Sunan,” Zuko addresses the leader of the group, bowing low as he speaks; you follow suit, leveling your gaze with the floor. “To what do we owe the honor of your visit?” 
The chief smiles faintly, warmly at the two of you, bowing in return. 
“We are not so cut off from the outside world that we have not heard of your marriage,” he says. “News has traveled to us of the strength of your union, and the tenacity of your bride. As Firelord, you have protected us, and made strides to restore the ancient ways of the element - we have come to give you our thanks, and offer our blessings to the both of you.” 
Chief Sunan steps aside then, making way for a man and woman carrying a basket between them; they lower it at your feet, bowing as they step back to rejoin their people. 
“A gift,” the chief proclaims. His muted grin morphs into something more knowing, almost mirthful as he watches Zuko approach the offering. 
You rest a supportive hand on Zuko’s back as he leans forward, lifting the lid of the basket to reveal its contents; he raises a bundle of blankets from the vessel, his eyes growing wide as he peels the fabric back. 
Inside the package is a dragon, just small enough to be cradled in his arms. Its scales are a gorgeous crimson, glinting and shifting between hues of gold and turquoise in the light cast from Zuko’s bended fire that surrounds his empty throne. The little beast peers up at its new parent with amber eyes that mirror your husband’s. Zuko lets out an astonished breath, raising his gaze to meet Chief Sunan’s. 
“I can’t accept this,” he states, so quietly that only you and the chief can make out the words. 
“You must,” Chief Sunan counters, his smile never faltering. “The masters insisted.” 
Under your palm, you feel Zuko’s body tense. He nods, cautiously settling the tiny dragon into your arms; you hold the bundle tightly, reaching in to stroke gently at the baby’s nose. It purs appreciatively, and your heart swells. 
Zuko bows, lowering himself to the floor in the ultimate display of respect. 
“Thank you,” he says. “I vow to protect him with my life.” 
When he once again stands, he looks to Rina. 
“Accommodate them however they need,” he commands. “Send a group of our Kyoshi Warriors to the island to guard it from outsiders.” 
Rina nods, scurrying off immediately to delegate the tasks. Chief Sunan then approaches you, resting a hand on your shoulder; you meet his eyes with slight fear, but find only kindness looking back at you. 
“We are grateful our bloodlines will merge once again,” he tells you. “The origin of our people is a history that has been lost to time, long before the war was even a speck on the horizon. You see, the Sun Warriors are descendents of migrant peoples from the earliest ancestors of the Southern Water Tribe as well as the Fire Nation - what our mothers and fathers knew of water bending shaped our understanding of fire. Your union brings our people together once again, as they should be.” 
Zuko wraps an arm around your waist, proudly pulling you against his side. You draw in a shaky breath, leaning into him as you nod, tears pooling along the lines of your lower eyelids. 
“It’s an honor to finally meet you,” you say. “I’ll do everything to make sure we regain our lost history. I promise.” 
Chief Sunan smiles temperately and nods, his fingers contracting around your shoulder in an appreciative grasp. 
“Thank you,” he whispers. “We are proud to call you our queen.” 
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You invite the Warriors to stay for the night, Aang eagerly informing them of the banquet you have planned; by the time your reception of the unexpected visitors is finished, there's little more than an hour before it begins. 
Zuko brings your new ward back to your quarters, keeping him tucked protectively under his arms until you shut the sitting room door securely behind you. He then unravels the blankets the little creature is wrapped in, allowing him to explore his new home. 
“I thought dragons were extinct,” you marvel, watching as the fabled reptile twists and turns his body around every piece of furniture he encounters, inspecting everything he sees with humanlike interest. You smile, endeared by his wonder. 
“There are two still living,” Zuko explains. He kneels down beside the dragon, offering him a bit of a rice cracker from the box you keep in a side table for your nightly tea. “Three, now, I guess. The other two are the fire bending masters Aang and I had to seek approval from after I joined their team. Honestly, I thought they were both males.” 
“You must have made a good impression for them to trust you with their kid,” you remark, stifling a bit of laughter at his confession. “Maybe this’ll get Yong to stop bugging us about getting me knocked up.” 
Zuko chuckles, glancing up at you with an impish grin; the suggestive expression makes you blush, and you try to not admit to yourself that the excitement it sparks isn't unwelcome. 
The baby dragon lets out a mewling growl as he wraps himself around Zuko’s shoulders. He blows a minuscule jet of flame into the Firelord’s face, which Zuko mimics. You feel like squealing. 
“What should we call him?” you ask, lowering yourself onto the floor beside your husband. You hold a finger out to the dragon, which he curiously takes into one of his clawed hands. 
“Druk,” Zuko answers. “He looks like a Druk, doesn’t he?” 
You nod, your cheeks pinkened by the smile that’s plastered itself across your face; Zuko’s eyes meet yours with the same joyed expression. He maneuvers himself closer to you, resting his hand atop yours in your lap. As his fingers curl around your palm, you become achingly aware of just how near to you he is, and in a way that’s no longer friendly - the tension is heavier now, strained under the weight of a giddy, fluttering mania that leaves you dizzy. You don’t have to wonder if he feels the same. 
“Guess we’re parents now,” Zuko jokes, his voice barely above a breath. 
You giggle, taking the chance of leaning in to brush your lips to his. Your skin hardly touches; you’re too nervous to dive in and taste him, and for a moment after you pull away, you fear you may have imagined the glancing kiss. The fire that flares across Zuko’s cheeks tells you you didn’t. 
“Yeah,” you smirk, speaking in a murmur. “Guess we are.” 
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divine-motion · 4 years
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don’t fucking interact if you ship t/cest and minor/adult ships
more shitty phone photos of sketchbook sketches for my tmnt fan incarnation/tmnt 2012 rewrite bc i have no shame and i’m having fun with it! pictures should have captions since i spent time writing them out, but tumblr might mess it up, so in case captions doesn’t work: 1. left to right: leo, donatello up, raphael down, michelangelo 2. Casey Jones up top, April O’Neil to the right, donatello in the middle and karai at the bottom 3. casey and don again, raphael to the left, mikey at the bottom just bc i liked how their their expressions turned out and didn’t want a bunch of negative space so don and case appear again 4. size chart featuring turtles. left to right: leo, don, mikey, raph 5. sketchy Slash design. big boy.
general thoughts character stuff below the Keep Reading. A Lot of rambling below so beware!!
April: 15 years old, trans and bi. local fifteen year old telepath finds out that not everyone is able to feel what other people are feeling, something she’s been able to do since she was six after she played in that one weirdly glowy puddle (early Kraang mutagen attempt that only managed to mutate April in the sense that it gave her telepathy, was originally intended to make humans become part of the Kraang hivemind). she’s largely unfazed by the existence of mutants and aliens, taking it in stride, and finds out about the Kraang - and meets the turtles - while snooping around TCRI business (aspiring journalist that she is) and accidentally witnessing the mutation of Snakeweed. her telepathy, which later as she grows in power alongside the turtles extends to telekinesis and basically possession, is very useful whenever she gets into a scrap since she can predict what moves her opponent will make, thus letting her dodge their blows effectively. personality wise she is a very determined and driven young girl, incredibly curious (and cannot mind her own business, she wants to know all the drama while not having to be part of it... which makes her very fortunate to be a telepath. listen she’s 15 she’s allowed to misuse her powers a little bit. as a treat.), playful, and cheerful, and she’s an extroverted autistic. in her spare time between her studies, she likes to play bass, sing, read, and write. that, and investigating whatever shady business is going on in town, and she makes it very clear to the turtles that even if they weren’t going to deal with the Kraang, she’d continue to try to stop them herself. she would like to not live under the threat of her or her loved ones getting mutated, thank you very much! and, you know, it’s kind of exciting. kind of.
i know it’s bc i have brain issues when it comes to parent figures but i am very much leaning towards Splinter not being... a good dad. i don’t think 2012 Splinter is a good dad anyways but i’d probably amp it up, make him a mix of 2012 and idw probably. i’m still mulling it over but like, remember in the season 1 finale when leo is watching his show and thinks the captain guy making a totally unnecessary sacrifice is a heroic move, and then Splinter tells leo (his fifteen year old child) that leo should know what or who to sacrifice, more or less telling him to sacrifice his brothers’ lives, potentially?? i know there was a lot at stake but hello??? i remember watching it and being like me: ah i see, this is showing that splinter is wrong and there is no need for any sacrifices as seen in the show when the captain Goes Down With His Ship for no reason other than just sacrificing himself, and leo will see that- leo: *tries to sacrifice himself twice in the finale, both times being kind of unnecessary/seemed like if he had just hurried or done something slightly different there would be no need to stay behind, and he gets out fine with no consequences, seemingly no injuries, and does Not learn anything, his brothers don’t even get sad when they think he died or get mad at him for pulling such a dumb move) me: surprised_pikachu.jpeg
like that moment haunts me. has any other splinter told their sons to sacrifice himself or his brothers? has any other splinter put that on them??? idw doesn’t count if he has bc he’s more explicitly supposed to be bad so???
sometimes writers think they’ve made an uncle iroh but they really, really, really haven’t. also his backstory is the same as in the show
anyways. Donatello: 15 years old, bog turtle, nonbinary (he/they, doesn’t mind being called brother but doesn’t like to be called “boy” or “girl” or whatever), bi. he isn’t in love with April. no creepy incel shit here. donnie is instead more like a mix between his Rise and 2003 self. he has trouble expressing himself and is pretty introverted, but he is very altruistic, kind, and compassionate. a lot of his inventions are made to help people and he was driven to learn about science and engineering because he wants to find a way to reverse splinter’s mutation, to give splinter his life and humanity back. he feels like he needs to know if splinter would just abandon them if he wasn’t a huge rat man, needs to know if there’s any part of splinter that blames them for being constant reminders of his mutation. other than that, he also likes to make inventions because he’s a dreamer and wants to experiment to see how much of the unknown he can push beyond. also, the best liar out of the turtles. also fairly good at compromising and prefers to solve conflicts without violence he can get a little... “obnoxious 15 year old genius” at times. even when he’s helpful it can come off as a bit “poor dear isn’t as smart as me”, and while he usually gets along well with Raph, he doesn’t handle Raph’s temper well at all (calls him “Wrathael/Wrath” and thinks he’s being super clever) and gets really dismissive of Raph’s “outbursts”.
Michelangelo: 13 years old, diamondback terrapin, unsure about the gender and sexuality thing but he doesn’t think he’s exactly cis and definitely not straight. a bouncy ball of sunshine and surprising emotional maturity and emotional intelligence! more so than his emotionally constipated brothers, at least. it’s on his thirteenth birthday (it was leo’s idea for them to pick dates that would let them have their own birthdays instead of sharing the “Mutation Day”, Mutation Day being another special “holiday”) that the Plot would be set in motion, as he’s finally allowed to go to the surface same as his brothers, and on this first night out they meet April and the Kraang and other mutants. he is a goof still, but he’s capable in his own right and gets frustrated when people treat him like a baby or an idiot because he’s not. he doesn’t always treat everything with the seriousness it should but like. he’s thirteen, he’s having fun. even so, he’s very insistent of taking responsibility whenever he does do something wrong and gets mad if someone tries to take the blame for something he’s done. definitely the most compassionate and empathetic out of the turtles, he’s quick to make friends and is very persuasive due to his earnest nature and good heart. much like donnie, he prefers to solve conflict without violence but does enjoy knocking skulls a lot more than donnie. unlike donnie, though, he is almost overly forgiving and not petty at all. he’s well aware that his kindness and forgiveness may be taken advantage of, but he still likes to approach people with an open hand, even if he knows that it may end up getting bitten. oh, and his hobbies include drawing, cooking, singing, and dancing. he likes to express himself!
Raphael: 14 years old, mississippi map turtle, trans, bi. all his fury is compressed within his tiny body, that’s why he’s so angry all the time! no, he’s not angry all the time, but he does have a short fuse. he absolutely hates his anger issues which leads to a lot of self-loathing, and a lot of frustration as his family members either don’t take his anger seriously or don’t have the tools to help him with it. he’s the physically strongest out of the bunch and the least agile. he loves animals and plants a lot and keeps a lot of flowers in his room, hoping that he can one day become a gardener. as his idw self, he wants to watch things grow, but no matter what he does he seems to be best at destroying things. he’s also the one most self-conscious about how the human world perceives them, as he greatly fears rejection, and is the first one to see something positive with people getting mutated - namely, that maybe this way mutants will be more well known and finally accepted by society, so he’ll no longer be trapped in the sewer until the end of his days. so yeah, he’s a huge optimist, in truth. also he’s great at knitting - great at creating and taking care of things in general - and there’s no leo and raph rivalry this time around. he can get mad at leo but not really more than he gets with his other brothers.
Casey: 15 years old, nonbinary (they/them), bi. teen vigilante who gets inspired to fight mutants and the big time criminals (no beating up pickpockets or shoplifters or whatever, just the ones that are really hurting people) and gets roped into the turtle fam after meeting raph and becoming unexpected friends (everyone was expecting it, once Casey realized that mutants are people and not weird monsters. well, not all the time, anyways). they struggle a bit in school not because of a lack of trying but a lack of time, as their parents work full time jobs and someone has to take care of casey’s little sister. their parents are very loving, but they only have so much time, so casey takes it upon themselves to take care of their little sister when their parents are busy and/or burned out from work. that, and they run into the classic dilemma of vigilante work clashing with school work. as always, they have a short fuse, they’re pretty cocky, they like beating ass, and they like hockey a whole lot. hockey, vigilante work, school, and taking care of their little sister... yeah, they have a lot on their plate. oh, and making their little inventions like the taser glove and their puck bombs, something that they bond with donnie over.
Leonardo: 17 years old, Central American wood turtle, trans, gay. he doesn’t fall in love with his sister oh my god. ahem. so, leo is raised from the start to be a Leader and has to mature very quickly, learning to be an adult way earlier than he should’ve, and as such he is very stoic and quiet, and doesn’t seem to have any hobbies, instead just doing chores and training almost constantly, and when he’s not doing that he’s reading or sleeping in his free time. he’s incredibly protective of his younger brothers and his other allies/friends, even if he acts distant and detached most of the time, and removes himself from situations where they’re having fun to not be the stick in the mud. he loves his brothers and admires them greatly, believing they could be So Much if the surface world would just accept them, and as a result he tries to be The Soldier so his brothers won’t have to. alas, they still get caught up in the Kraang and Shredder business, which frustrates him internally. he is the best fighter out of the turtles on account of having more years to train (and convincing Splinter to wait a few more years before they got Real training bc Come On Dude They’re Kids) but it’s the Only thing he’s good at, along with stealth and his sharp eyes. he absolutely sucks at talking when it isn’t about a mission or something he can script easily in his head. in his mind, he’s supposed to be more of a weapon than a person, an idea that isn’t exactly encouraged by Splinter... but not exactly discouraged either. his arc would be very paralleled with Karai’s, as they would both learn to hate their dads... also, absolutely down for murder, and a lawful neutral at best, putting his family and friends’ safety above all other things and following a strict personal code. doesn’t care too much for society’s laws, though.
Karai: 16 years old, demigirl, lesbian. same backstory as in the show, she’s born as Miwa but gets taken by Oroku Saki and raised as his daughter. however, she doesn’t exactly want revenge against Hamato Yoshi because she believes that he killed her mother. she never knew her mother, so it’s much more difficult to hate someone for taking her mother away, even if it does mean that she never got to know her mother. especially since her father rarely spoke of what her mother was like, and much more about how much he hates Yoshi. instead, her need for revenge is more for the possibly idyllic life she was robbed of, since she believes that maybe, just maybe, her father Saki would’ve been a kind father that would’ve let her have a normal childhood and not be molded into a warrior from the start if her mother still lived. and hey, maybe Tang Shen would be a nice mom too. being trained in the art of deception, Karai has a tendency to talk a lot and say very little, or at least very little that is true. she is rarely ever sincere and acts as if she’s taking nothing seriously, which is part of her defense mechanism to never let anyone close or see her true self. she mocks pretty much everyone, ally and enemy alike, but especially likes to make fun of her father’s henchmen and is always the first to point out their failures. while she does value honor to some extent, she is a bit “flimsy” when it comes to loyalty, especially after the truth about her father is revealed. when that is revealed, she at first just feels very numb, learning that not only has she been nothing but a tool and a weapon for the Shredder from the very start, but also that the idyllic fantasy where her mother still lived, perhaps her life wouldn’t be so different after all. she looks at leonardo and sees a reflection of herself, that her “real” father chose to train his sons the same way the Shredder trained her. she feels stupid for feeling like she’s been robbed of even a fantasy, but it still enrages her. of course, this also inspires her to stay with the Foot Clan... just to get the kill on Shredder.
... yeah. that got long. ahem. i’m very passionate about this unfortunately!! anyways i might draw/write more for it because no one can stop me and i’m having fun
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readingsbylibramc · 4 years
birth chart reading for @gl44zed
hello! welcome to your reading. I’m gonna give you a quick overview of what I’m going to analyze about your natal chart. feel free to ask me anything if something isn’t clear, of course. you’ll find out your dominants’ influence on your persona, your physical appearance, impression on others and the way you approach the world; your ego, identity, the real you; your reactions, your desires, inner emotions; your way of expressing your feelings, your mind and ideas; your desires and approach to love; your energy tank, instincts and temperament; in-depth analysis of each house with their rulers and analysis of heavy aspects; love life + soulmates/karmic partners interpretation; your relationship with your friends; your family life; your approach to career and work in general + possible jobs suggestion; your style, fashion sense analysis; life purpose and past life description; basic transits’ analysis to describe your current mood and, last but not least, your secret skills, how to make the most out of your soul and manifest what you desire based on your birth chart.
🦋 chart shape, dominants
your chart is a seesaw shape. your life focuses on different ideals and interests, often constrasting between each other. from one side, this gives you the ability to be adaptable and find solutions easily. on the other hand, you may struggle with balance; for example, you might find yourself dedicating your life to your relationships, neglecting your ego or viceversa. you need to learn how to harmonize these energies.
your dominant planets are mercury, jupiter and neptune. you're an extremely intelligent and precise person. you are witty, and you're always up to learn something new. you try to see the best in people and in the whole world, to the point where you can seem quite naive. you may also have a fervid imagination, you're very creative and poetic.
your dominant sign is pisces. you're a genuine, caring person who loves daydreaming. it's a sort of way to escape reality, but it gives you an enormous amount of creativity. you also possess a strong intuition, which can make you have a sort of sixth sense.
your dominant element is water. you're very intuitive and empathetic, you care a lot about others, and you may seem like a healer to people you know. in fact, you always try to help them if you can, almost in a therapeutic way. you're also very spiritual, and you're attracted to anything related to discovering your higher self and soul purpose.
🌎 ascendant in gemini, 27° / 3rd decan ruled by mercury and uranus
you enjoy communicating and intellectualism. you’re very curious about everything that surrounds you. you love expanding your knowledge, ideas and mind in general through communication, interactions and media. you have the ability to adapt quickly to new situations; your mind is fast, usually impulsive, even though this energy may not be much prominent; it may be perceived differently due to your virgo energy, in fact. that’s because virgo prefers organizing things, rather than acting impulsively. yet, this placement still helps you being adaptable to changes, even though you may only be able to see it after a few years if you manage to balance it well. you may also be able to match the energy of the people you’re talking to in order to be perceived as more likeable and connect with everyone on a deeper level. you may be so focused on making up your emotions, that you could forget to feel them, though. this may eventually cause crisis in an individual. you may be fond of books, poetry, literature… both writing and reading. it’s also a way to let yourself tune to your emotions. since you’re constantly mentally active, physically you may also tend to play with your fingers or hair, or maybe you tend to gesticulate while you speak. appearance-wise, I assume you’re at least of average height, with long limbs and fingers. you have something small about your face; you may either have a small nose, or eyes, lips etc. same thing goes for your bones. you may be naturally skinny. you also tend to look younger than you actually are, especially when growing up. you may often be, or at least look, sleepy. your eyes have a very dreamy look on them, and they’re probably very big and round. possibly, they’re also hooded. your skin may be naturally pale, or at least there’s something light in your face, even like some tiny sparkles in your eyes.
gemini ascendant square pisces mercury: you appear as a very intelligent individual, and people may even feel intimidated by that. you love interacting with others; even if you're not much talkative, you like hearing about others' theories and opinions. you could also do that by reading blogs, books etc. you may sometimes find yourself in conflict with others, as you’re very opinionated and hate it when others’ opinions are baseless. pretty much, you could seem like a know-it-all. on the other hand, you have a nice sense of humor, you're able to light up the room with your words, even though this quality of yours may be overshadowed by introversion at first. since your mercury is conjunct your saturn, I assume that you'll only start seeing this quality of yours when you get more mature, after your 25s. it's hard to find a way to make you come off as more gentle, as you have some of the most fiery and blunt signs in your chart. the fact that your mercury is in aries doesn't help either. you could take advantage of your astute words and sense of humor to get you out of troubles, though! just be careful not to claim that everything hurtful you say is a joke. it's something that aries placements do a lot.
gemini ascendant square pisces mars: you easily come off as more assertive and arrogant than you actually are. this manifests both in your face and in your words. you could say things impulsively, and sometimes you're too blunt and hurt people's feelings. you don't do it on purpose, though, there's no malice behind your acts; it's just your natural way to express your opinions. on the other hand, you probably have a very strong charisma to you that makes you look very captivating and bold. people see you as a leader, and hence they could get intimidated by your presence. to cope with this placement, you can try controlling yourself and your words before speaking. I'm aware that it's a way to vent your anger, but you can find another way that doesn't hurt others.
🌞 sun in pisces, 11° / 2nd decan ruled by neptune and the moon
this is the most intuitive pisces decan. you understand people’s thoughts just by looking at them, it’s like you’re staring at their souls. in fact, you’re extremely empathetic, you probably find yourself being a psychologist for your friends. or maybe, you’re actually a psychologist. you’re easy-going and you have great social skills; I don’t see you being extremely extroverted, but you don’t mind hanging out with your friends. you’re amazingly creative and imaginative, you have the ability to picture your ideas. this is an amazing talent, in fact most artists have pisces placements. the downside to pisces is that I’ve noticed that, since they know they’re vulnerable, they have the tendency to lie. they don’t do it out of cruelty of course, it’s a sort way to protect their ego. you could want to be seen as bolder than you are, hence you could struggle with identity crisis, especially during your teenage years. you have your own morals and beliefs, but you could feel influenced by others to change yours. luckily, this is something that gets better with time, as you start being more aware of your persona and you start loving yourself. you're most probably a very complex individual; not only you have very contrasting energies in your chart, but pisces is also the most 'confusing' of all the signs. you're a sort of chameleon; you act differently based on where you are and who you're with. you could be a savage with someone, an introvert with someone else. you may even feel as if there's something wrong with your mind, as you just wish you could be like others. you should focus more on pisces' positive traits, though; you're extremely compassionate and considerate. you're emotionally intelligent, and this mutability of yours could make you succeed at many different jobs in your life, as it's very easy for you to adapt to and master new things, especially with your goal-oriented capricorn ascendant and your aries mars as well. if you work hard, you can surely succeed in anything you want.
pisces sun conjunct pisces mercury: you express your ego and identity through your words and ideas. you’re very opinionated and you protect strongly your beliefs. after all, you probably came up with your ideals after thinking deeply about them, you were too precise to be wrong. you’re also probably an avid reader, and you could do well in writing yourself, as you’re able to properly convey your ideals with your words. also, your heavy sagittarius dominance makes you naturally good at writing poetry, or even philosophical quotes. your mind is very active, and you feel comfortable letting all your thoughts out. it’s actually a way to relieve stress. you also have a wide vocabulary, and you’re capable of making a formal speech if you have to. you have a memorable way of speaking, as your words are very sharp. it’s hard for you to be ignored for your intellect.
pisces sun conjunct pisces jupiter: this placement makes you more easy-going and kind-hearted than the typical aquarius sun. you have a warm personality. even though you may not be the most extroverted person based on your other placements, I imagine that, once you get to know people, you become very outgoing. you always try to make people feel comfortable and, matched with your virgo moon, this placement makes you particularly considerate of others. you have a knack for religion, spirituality and just knowledge in general. you have strong beliefs, and you're most probably very open-minded as well. the negative side of this mostly-beneficial placement is that you may be subconsciously too confident in yourself, resulting arrogant or selfish. it's alright to praise yourself of course, but you may start to look down on people who don't share your same interests, opinions etc. you can't repress this side of yourself of course, but try not to show it with people around you if it causes you problems.
pisces sun square sagittarius pluto: probably during your childhood you couldn't make your own decisions. you might have been highly influenced by someone in your family, probably your father, and hence now you feel the need to have everything under control. maybe too much. you despise authority, you may even quite rebellious. maybe your parents have tried to convince you following their religion, ideals etc., without giving you freedom. or perhaps, they are overprotective and avoid to make you have experiences. I imagine that getting rid of your control issues, which are caused by this sense of not being in control of your life, may be the first step to finally heal your wound, which is somehow linked to the relationship with your friends and casual partners in your everyday life. start trusting others more, and don't be afraid of being 'fooled'. you're totally capable of understanding when someone is trying to hurt you, follow your intuition. even though it may be hard, even painful, it'll be the key to transform and overcome saturn's lessons to achieve your goals.
🌙 moon in taurus, 3° / 1st decan ruled by venus
the moon is exalted in taurus, so it's definitely a good placement! you're very peaceful, you try to avoid conflicts when you can. taurus' most striking feature is that they crave stability, whether it's financial, in love etc. you must be very stubborn, as taurus is a fixed sign, this placement, paired with your imaginative pisces energy, makes you settle on making your ideas concrete, and it's very beneficial. it makes you capable of achieving any goals in your life. you're also very artsy, and you may fancy particular art styles. you have a good eye for aesthetics, and you care a lot about the looks of your house, body, clothes etc. you have excellent concentration, and that is another thing that helps you achieve your goals and make your ideas concrete. last but not least, you're amazingly patient, and that makes you a great friend. probably, they vent a lot of their worries to you, as you're also a great listener.
taurus moon square capricorn venus: there are contrasting feelings in your relationships with others; after all, your taurus moon wants to commit to someone and be loyal to them. on the other hand, your capricorn venus is more materialistic, you don't really have time for love. those two desires of yours probably contrast each other, stressing you out. you want a calm, almost boring relationship, but with this placement you can't seem to have one. your feelings and self-esteem may depend a lot on your relationships, not only with your lovers, but also with your friends. if someone isn't loyal to you, you immediately start blaming yourself. in your life you may lack intimacy, and while it may make you feel better at first, based on the rest of your chart you actually need someone on your side. you can't do everything on your own. it's very challenging, especially since your sagittarius 7th house makes you reluctant to relationships as you crave independency, but you need to find someone that projects your ideals of love. if you need a free-spirit, go look for one. it may take you a while, after all venus in capricorn delays love and marriage, but if you learn all the lessons you need to learn from your breakups, you'll be able to live a peaceful life with your spouse.
🗣 mercury in pisces, 18° / 2nd decan ruled by neptune and the moon
you have the potential to be very focused on something thanks to your taurus moon, but your heavy pisces influence may interfer in that. in fact, you probably lose yourself in your own thoughts very often, starting daydreaming instead of doing what you have to do. you’re very creative and artistic, and you’re also able to fully convey your emotions in your words, even though it may be perceived as confusing sometimes. that’s because not everyone is as empathetic as you are. on the other hand, you may have the tendency to lie, or just being confusing in any way. you may not always express what you want crystal clear, as you want to able to modify the story just in case you encounter some hardships. also, you never truly express your feelings, probably out of fear. probably, the way you elaborate your thoughts is also influenced by your family and the impact they had on you. you’re always vague, and you keep your private matters for yourself. pisces is a mutable sign, so you may also find yourself changing ideas often, your mind wanders from one thought to another. you are very intuitive, and you may even have some sort of psychic talent. you could do well at reading tarots, birth charts etc. your voice is probably naturally loud, it's hard not to listen to you. also, since your mercury is conjunct mars, you could be quite impulsive sometimes and say things you actually don't mean. you could argue often with others due to this trait of yours, you get defensive very easily. on the other hand, you most likely have a nice sense of humor at least.
❤️ venus in capricorn, 28° / 3rd decan ruled by saturn and mercury
you seem like the type of person who's not totally into the idea of love and relationships, especially in your early years. you find your individuality way more important, and you feel the need to establish your status in the world. yet, there's still a place in your heart that desires love, but it's quite hidden. maybe, you're actually afraid of falling in love; or perhaps, it's the opposite: your risk-taker sagittarius energy made you jump into relationships, even if they weren't actually your priority. it may be hard for you to fall for someone, but once you do, you're totally invested in them. you're quite of a traditionalist when it comes to love; you may the type that prefers being courted, rather than court yourself. you're also quite into clichés, and you're looking for a polite and ambitious partner. someone who has a stable job, and is also wealthy. basically, someone that looks (and possibly is) rich and noble. you may also have the tendency to date people that are older than you, and possibly also soulmates from your past lives. in fact, you attract many karmic partners that are here to teach you lessons. your relationships may be quite painful, or at least they're so intense that they are hard to forget. with this placement, it's also recommended to get married after your saturn return, hence after your 28-29 years old, to avoid any kind of challenges.
capricorn venus conjunct pisces neptune: this placement balances your strict, work-oriented capricorn venus combined with your materialistic earth energy, giving you a place in your heart for romance. you probably dream of a love like those you hear about in fairytales; you're not only looking for a partner, you literally want a prince, who's willing to give their all to you. you find yourself daydreaming often about love, and it may also be your source of inspiration for creativity and art in general. probably, you may idealize people too much; that is, you may create a version of others that only exists in your head. hence, once you get to know someone better, they turn out to be the exact opposite of what you thought. this causes you to be sort of naive when it comes to relationships, so pay extra attention to this problem now that you're aware of it.
☄️ mars in pisces, 28° / 3rd decan ruled by neptune and pluto
you go with the flow. even though your taurus moon makes you want to be organized and stable, your pisces mars does the opposite. in fact, you rely a lot on your intuition rather than logic. this may make you appear as submissive, sometimes, as if you can’t stand up for yourself. you’re actually a very spiritual person though, who thinks deeply before acting. you’re not impulsive, you’re aware of your actions, but at the same time you’re ready for eventual changes in your schedule/routine. you have no problems improvising, you’re very versatile. the problem is, you may rely so much on your intuition that you don’t take action. you’re the type to fantasize about being a better person, rather than trying to become one. you may also have the tendency to be passive-aggressive and avoid problems; you may prefer being cold to someone rather than trying to work your argument out. this energy is probably mitigated by your mercury conjunct mars, though; in fact, it makes you quite impulsive and also blunt.
🏡 houses, interceptions
your 1st house is in gemini. your ego feels fulfilled when you express your opinions, ideas and creativity. people probably see you as an intelligent, wise individual. maybe even as a know-it-all. you care about both your inner and outer self, which may be the cause of your confidence issues. you try to fit into society, and you tend to change your approach to people based on who you’re interacting with. while this gives you great social skills, it may confuse you quite a bit. in fact, you may forget who you are. you may often have identity crisis, especially since you always feel as if you have to fit somewhere. with the ruler of the 1st house in the 10th house, you may have a career that involves your physical appearance, or just your identity in general. this is a frequent placement in celebrities’ charts, as it gives you a strong presence that is hard to ignore. people recognize you for your unique personality, and probably also because of your looks.
your 2nd house is in cancer. your family, home and cultural background may play a big role in your finances. you may earn money through your family’s business, or maybe you actually work with your family. you may also work from home, especially online/through social media. your adaptability is your greatest strenght; you’re probably good at a different variety of jobs, hence it may not be hard for you to find something to cope before deciding your definite career. this also confirms that your values, self-worth and security were shaped by your roots, childhood and family. the ruler of the 2nd house is in the 11th house; having a dream, a goal to pursue and working hard for it is a great help to boost your self-esteem and be more self-aware. you may actually make money out of it, you could pursue the career of your dreams and earn a nice income from it. the 11th house also rules friendship, hence you could have many wealthy friends, or perhaps they help you feeling more confident. you're probably less shy when you're in their company.
your 3rd house is in leo. you’re able to express your innovative ideas and creativity in a way that doesn’t go overlooked. you tend to overthink a lot, especially about your theories but, once you’ve made up your mind, no one is gonna make you change idea. you’re confident in your opinions. the downside of this placement is that you may come off as a know-it-all from the way you communicate your thoughts. the ruler of the 3rd house is in the 10th house: another placement that indicates that your future career involves communication, and healing someone in some way. you could become a writer or a musician, as art can heal people in some way. again, you would also do well as a therapist or as a nurse, as they’re more challenging jobs where you need to communicate in order to help someone out.
your 4th house is in virgo. this is another placement that points out that you lack something due to your family. maybe they couldn’t spend much time with you, as they were busy with work. or maybe, they were overprotective of you, making you insecure. probably even both. this doesn’t mean that you’re hurt, you may not even be aware that you’re lacking a piece of yourself actually. yet, it’s still there, and it influences you a lot on your day-to-day affairs. the ruler of the 4th house is in the 10th house: you may work from home, or maybe with someone from your family. possibly, you could choose the same career as your parents, or maybe you work in their shop/agency. your future job may also involve helping children and families in general. you could also become an interior designer, or perhaps you’ll create a business dealing with houses.
your 5th house is in libra. you’re very creative, and you try to make beauty out of your imagination. you’re probably into music, art, photography, fashion… things like that. you’d also like to experience light romance, and you may enjoy the idea of socializing with others. you feel fulfilled when you’re able to spend time with your loved ones, even though this may make you struggle embracing your indipendence. the ruler of the 5th house is in the 8th house: your hobbies involve occult topics, such as astrology, tarots, horror etc. you probably also love spending your spare time by yourself. you’re quite of a loner, from this point of view, and you may possibly feel sad about it.
your 6th house is scorpio, with pluto placed here as well. you may be passionate about routine, self-care, health and work, to the point that it looks (and feels) obsessive. you may attract enemies in your daily life, e.g co-workers that are jealous of your ambition. you might have to undergo different changes in your routine and health throughout your life, which can literally transform you both physically and emotionally. the ruler of the 6th house is in the 6th house: you may have pets, or even work with them. you take care of your health, especially to work. you may also work as a doctor with plutonian traits; hence, you could be a psychologist, a therapist etc.
your 7th house is in sagittarius. you want your marriage to be a constant travel for you, in which you can both relax and learn. you want to marry a witty and impulsive partner, that is also fun to live with. you may often find yourself falling for unavailable people, either physically or emotionally (or even both). the fact that jupiter, the ruler of this house, is in the 9th house, its natural place, enhances this. you may meet your future spouse at school, or maybe even directly abroad. they may be foreign, or at least they’re able to speak a different language from yours. they could also have a different culture/religion.
your 8th house is in capricorn, with venus, neptune and uranus sitting there. you may be prone to die old, and you may feel attracted to people that are older or more established than you. you are most probably going to have a peaceful death, yet it could be unexpected though. or maybe, you’re surrounded by unpredictable events of loss of any kind in your life. you’re fascinated by the occult, and you may even be/been able to talk to dead people. you’re very intuitive, and it’s easy for you to read through people’s words. you may as well have prophetic dreams. with this placement, there are also high chances that you’re going to marry someone quite wealthy, possibly a business person. with the ruler of the 8th house in the 11th house, you’re likely surronded by karmic friends and people in general. you may argue often with them, and your relationship with is very intense, but that’s because you have karmic lessons to learn, and they’re the ones teaching them to you. it’s something that will get better with time. also, your friends may have the same interests as you, and you could possibly attract wealthy friends too.
your 9th house is in aquarius. you’re an avid believer of your philosophical and cultural beliefs. you may be interested in teaching, and you could do it through innovative and technological tools. you’re also interested in foreign music, books, movies and any type of hobby. you may be attracted to genres like thriller, sci-fi… you could also believe in aliens. at school you may be considered particular, almost weird for your interests. you’re open-minded, as you appreciate the differences in people and cultures all over the world. jupiter here gives you the natural need to keep grasping information around not only in school but in your life in general, as knowledge is where you find happiness. you hate being told what to do, you want to be free in the decisions you make. you may have to live unexpected situations, as 9th house is also about experiences. you’re the type to feel proud doing something never seen before, as you aspire to be a trend-setter. this may also manifest in your musical, fashion etc. taste. you’re also very opinionated, and you defend your beliefs pretty strongly. with the ruler of the 9th house being in the 8th, you learn a lot about occult topics, such as astrology, tarots, dreams etc.
your 10th house is ruled by pisces. you may be unsure of your future career, or at least indecisive. you may want to do different things, or maybe you have completely no idea. hopefully, the rest of the reading will shed some light on you. usually, people with pisces in the 10th house’s cusp make great healers, hence you may become a doctor of any kind, especially a psychologist. you may also work in the creative, artistic field, e.g you could be an artist, a writer, a musician etc. you have three planets sitting in this house: the sun, mercury and mars. finding a career is your ultimate goal in life, and it will most probably include communication and mind stimulaton of any sort. it’s pretty much the source of your confidence and energy, what your life revolves around. with the ruler of the 10th house in the 8th, I repeat that you would make an awesome psychologist, as you’re able to understand people’s deeper emotions. you could also work with death in general, so again as a doctor or even as a detective.
with the 11th house ruled by aries, you probably attract a lot of people in your life. whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, you’ll always be able to have someone by your side, even though you may struggle to create stable bonds. friends come and go, basically. you may attract very fierce, almost violent friends. they’re very energetic, and probably extroverted people who like socializing and enjoying life to the fullest. saturn is also placed in this house, meaning that at first you struggle to find friends. you may be very shy and awkward, and you just can’t seem to find someone right for you whom you can truly trust. I don’t have much to say to you regarding this placement, as it’s not badly aspected at all. you may find yourself comfortable with this placement, especially while growing up, as you’re cautious about who you befriend. also, it allows you not to waste time and focus on your duties, but generally it’s something that will get better with time and will naturally give you the ability to relate to others better. with the moon here, you most likely find emotional comfort in your dreams and friends. as I've already mentioned above, you could have workaholic tendencies to make your dreams come true, but you probably don't feel too stressed about it thanks to this placement, which makes you extremely dedicated. your friends may feel like your home to you, they could be your second family. the ruler of the 11th house is in the 10th house: your friends can help you build a reputation, especially since they’re probably quite popular. or maybe, you could actually work with them. generally speaking, you may come across powerful people in your life that will help you boost your self-esteem and career path. you may also meet your true friends at work, or at least while growing up. you probably didn’t have many stable bonds during your teenage years.
lastly, your 12th house is in the sign of taurus. you’re secretly sensitive and affectionate, but you may have issues finding it out at first. in fact, the center of your life is your own intellectuality, these venusian traits are probably yet to develop. you may feel attracted to spirituality, but you’re quite lazy to actually dive into it. the moon sitting here indicates that you probably hide your feelings from others, probably out of fear. or maybe, you do it subconsciously; you’re quite secretive, but maybe because you don’t know how to get in touch with your feelings. using tools like meditation, astrology etc. are important for you to understand what you truly need from life. your 12th house’s ruler is in the 8th house: getting in touch with your hidden, subconscious and higher self will be crucial to help you grow up and gain more awareness of yourself. you may be interested in topics like astrology, psychology etc. most likely to get to know yourself, but your chart points out that you could easily turn these hobbies into a job!
❤️ love life, soulmates
in love, you attract sagittarius, pisces, scorpio and libra placements. your future spouse may also have libra/scorpio energy, maybe a libra - scorpio cusp. you need someone who’s charming, respectful, romantic and polite, but that can also stand up for themselves with no hesitation. you’re also into the magnetic, sexy type. you’re looking for someone independent, but that wouldn’t mind dedicating their time to you. you may feel unlucky in love, as your sagittarius descendant makes you attract people that are usually unavailable, whether it’s physically (they’re abroad) or emotionally. you may marry someone of a different culture/country/religion from yours. you may also meet and marry abroad. you may meet through your family, or maybe at your workplace as I’ve already mentioned before. they could also be someone you already know, probably from your childhood. your children will most probably have very prominent venus energy, hence libra or taurus; they'll love to be spoiled with affection, they'll love material things like toys, food, clothes etc. but they'll also be very mannered and elegant.
👶🏻 family life
your mother is probably very hard-working, and she has a strong role in your family. maybe she had to work a lot, so she wasn’t as much with you as the other mothers, but she always made sure that you had everything you needed. she may have virgo, aquarius or gemini placements in her chart. your father is a bit more emotional, most probably less dominant than your mother in your family, and he might have pisces, gemini, virgo, leo, scorpio or aries placements in his chart. you may have a lot of siblings, and they have prominent earth and leo energy. you have fun with them, and you usually have different conversations with them, about both serious and light topics. overall, I don’t see much shocking going on in your childhood, aside from your family’s influence regarding your career choice.
📊 career
this was honestly the part of the reading I was looking forward to write! your chart indicates that you have great skills in different things, and you have the potential to become highly successful in a variety of fields. as I’ve already mentioned before, your vocation involves healing people using words, hence you may write inspiring songs or books, or maybe you may actually work in the medical field as a therapist or nurse of any kind. you may also do well as something that involves creativity and arts, and you may find yourself indecisive about what career path to choose exactly because of your different skills. from my point of view, I’d suggest you to choose the career you find the most fulfilling for yourself and for your interests. for example, let’s suppose you love writing; you find pleasure in doing that, but of course when you’re in the mood to do it. turning it into a job could lead you to do it everyday, and you could grow out of it, but that’s entirely based on how you perceive it. some people can’t mix their hobbies and jobs, others feel the need to find a job that matches their interests. whatever you choose, I still see you doing great regarding work, so take your time to find what really pleases you. just remember the keywords: healing and communication.
👗 fashion sense, style analysis
your style may be quite androgynous, yet still very classy. even if you’re wearing a simple sweatshirt, you make sure that it’s all neat and high quality above all. you could fancy wearing basic, ageless pieces, such as blazers, jeans, shirts etc. you mostly wear monochrome shades, such as black, white, beige, grey etc., but you still make them look effortlessly trendy. you could also be into retro trends, especially 20s/60s fashion or even 70s or 80s.
👁 past life, life purpose
in your past life, you were very career-oriented. you were probably extremely successful at work, it was your priority. you could have even been someone important for your career, who knows. yet, this lifetime you don't need to focus on work anymore, you're already a master at it. now, you need to solve your issues with your family and create a family of your own to fully accomplish your life purpose. there may be some ups and downs, but this is what your soul has to learn in this lifetime.
🤔 transits interpretation / september 9th
next year juno, the asteroid of marriage, is going to be conjunct your vertex point, which indicates a point of destiny in a birth chart. that means that you may meet someone that could eventually end up becoming your spouse. or at least, it means that you’ll finally be able to take a decision and commit to something relevant in your life. it may be a job, a lifestyle etc. anything that you need to feel serene. this year is quite intense for you, as it’s a transitional phase filled with transformation and unpredictable events. you’ll get out of it as a stronger person, though, especially since you’re going to have your jupiter return next year. it will be a very positive and lucky period for you, so hang in there! always see the good that is in the bad.
🌎 manifest what you want, secret skills
with your water dominance, you probably have a 6th sense. you’re able to manifest what you want if you subconsciously predict it, even though it may be hard. you’d have to get in touch with your higher self to do so, hence I’d suggest you not to manifest in this lifetime, or at least not too much, as it’s not apart of your life purpose. you can try listening to your own affirmations while you sleep, as you won’t be consciously aware of that. it’s probably the most effective way.
this is the end! thank you again for purchasing a reading, hope it resonated with you :) let me know if you have any questions!
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e8luhs · 5 years
i am very excited for refactoring!! i already love the characters. can you tell us more about the main cast? like personality and interests and stuff.
AW YES IM SO GLAD THAT YOURE EXCITED!! i got this ask this morning and it seriously made me want to stay home from school and just infodump. im putting this under a cut since it will probably get a bit long i just kind of wrote down some fun tidbits and etc
absolute jock-passing nerd. she dresses like she Does Sport even though she did like quiz bowl and whatnot instead.
shes quite chill and thoughtful (its the taurus rising) but gets easily bored and needs constantly new forms of stimulation to stay motivated. she loves a challenge and basically feeds off of that kind of stuff. this really only cancelled out when its something deeply stressful (like being teleported to an entirely new dimension and all that). she CAN settle down into one spot and feel comfortable with that so long as she isnt BORED because GOD FORBID SHES BORED.
mavis likes science but especially astronomy, and despite everything shes actually really into horror movies and the paranormal too. a definite Halloween Enthusiast and also listens to lemon demon dare i say.
whenever shes stressed or frustrated or anxious her knee jerk instinct is to try and joke about it and move on. she isnt really direct about how she feels and whatnot and when she IS its usually via punchline.
silas is probably one of the easiest people to read in the cast. its basically impossible for him to lie or say that hes doing well if he isnt. hes a very honest person and expects that kind of honesty from others also, and it becomes really frustrating for him when people arent direct about how they feel
BECAUUUUSEEEE hes also very empathetic. both of the hao siblings are but he goes about it in a very different way than catriona. hes much more like “I have to know everything about why you are upset or else ill die” because if he sees someone sad and doesnt know why it basically eats him up inside until he knows.
hes also a bit of a jokester not about his feelings or anything but just in general! rather than using it as a defense he just really enjoys making people laugh. silas is very sociable.
sometimes he can be a bit of a try hard.... he is really doing his best and i love him. him and lea and mavis all share a need to establish themselves as something greater than they are and his mainly stems from Youngest Sibling Syndrome with a side of boredom with his own life too. mavis and silas really bond over that but silas didnt really take on any escapist tendencies like mavis did. he pushes himself to take action and try many things and considers many paths.
she has a teddy bear in her room that she hides in a reading cubby because its still important but she feels that her image as Mature and Put Together matters too much to really share that soft side with others. and i think that basically sums her up as a character.
really just needs some fuckin sleep. she is fueled by various caffeinated beverages (her favorites being an overly elaborate coffee order and arizona green tea). shes articulate, but because shes usually running on 4 or 5 hours of sleep she can sometimes miss small details or starts talking faster than her own thoughts+stumbling over her own words.
shes a bit suspicious of other people because shes had her trust tested a lot. catriona is very like kind and warm still though its just that like... you know. if you wrong her its very hard to win her back and she likely wont trust you with anything again.
shes also much more of a “fix it” kind of person when it comes to problems. she will absolutely provide a shoulder to cry on when you need it but at the end of the day she provides very practical support by trying to provide options. she takes the same approach with her own feelings too.
basically like “*softly* dont”. they are very cautious and dont take a lot of risks unless theyre absolutely sure that it will work out and there will be a benefit. however, theyre still optimistic and theyre always able to see the best in other people and in any situation. not really in that toxic kind of positivity way... but as in like they are able to appreciate the small things and whatnot
^ that world view is basically why they are so into botany. its very precise but its something small that you can really appreciate and see your own success in little by little. they also like arts and crafts.
they are incredibly diplomatic despite their initial virgo stubbornness. theyre really open to other perspectives and theyre very patient/understanding. kirabo and catriona are basically opposites in this respect and so they balance eachother out a lot here.... they are like bestest buds.
they are very big on like Emotionally Productive Self Care. kirabo WILL put on a face mask and will be like “dont @ me i am chillin”. and they will be like “enough is enough i am going to knit a fucking scarf a second”. they just have a lot of little hobbies to keep them busy like that because they are super fidgety. anxious energy... the mercury-ism
absolutely hates being underestimated in any capacity. minka is fully aware of her intelligence and capabilities and expresses no qualms with it whatsoever. alot of her insecurity ends up lying in her social life and etc. shes just been through a lot and really just wants to share her passions with other people.
really likes to decorate and APPEARS messy but is super organized. she has that sort of “chaotic order” thing going on where she can locate something even if its under a huge pile of random stuff. she has lots of stickers and lots of color-coding methods too.
will do the “are we there yet” thing and the “why? why? why?” thing. mostly out of curiosity to see how far she can go. she is always so curious about how far she can go with everything. so once she finds company she basically never wants to be alone. shes very talkative and inquisitive.
a baby bi.... she is still figuring it out a little though
a little >:3c and i like love that for her. she has a lot of charisma and energy and those are things that she really NEEDS TO HAVE with being a video game streamer and all but deep down shes just really mischievous and playful too.
i consider her a vriska by technicality. she has a lot of issues revolving around her identity and how people perceive her because so much of the time she deals with people projecting an idea of what shes like onto her. so alot of her thing is allowing herself to just be rather than feeling like she needs to put on a show.
^ shes actually probably one of the hardest people to read in the cast because of that. its not that shes not being herself... its just that she feels like she needs to be a pretty altered version of herself. the neptune in 1st struggle. she also kind of tends to have one foot out the door on everything but it makes her very adaptable. pretty much opposite to mavis in that its hard for her to settle down in any sense.
has a scorpio mercury but a libra venus so basically like “good luck my deep lovecore affections for you will be hidden behind several proxies”. also it just makes it to where she comes off very Intense at first as is the scorpio placement way. but really its fucking great and i love her.
well theyre a scorpio sun AND a scorpio moon aka theyre like “i will know everything about you but you will never know anything about me ever” and also theyre like *rebirth* *rebirth* *rebirth*
despite what the emotional constipation and capricorn rising may tell you they are seriously A Lot. they make very quick decisions based on any instantaneous assumptions that they have so deep down theyre just very emotional and impulsive. AND intuitive which is partially because they are analytical of others but all around theyre mostly guided by like Vibez.
their precognition is kind of like if you randomly started having dreams during the day and only saw them through your left eye. so more than anything they get kind of like... weird deja vu when they talk to people or go to places that theyve seen in their visions.
really they are just like. okay in theory by first impression they would be a vriska but in actuality they are a rose lalonde because like. come on. theres a certain self-aware yet chaotic and dramatic and repressed je ne sais quoi here
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missjosie27 · 5 years
MC Info
Character Profile: David Grant
Name: David John Grant
DOB: January 16th, 1973
Parents: John and Elizabeth Grant
Siblings: Jacob (Elias) Grant
Nationality: British
Ancestry: Pure Blood
House: Gryffindor
Height: starts at 4’10 and ends up 6’1
Eyes: Hazel blue
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Likes: hanging out with friends, Quidditch matches, chocolate frogs, dueling, having a pint, Merula Snyde
Dislikes: also Merula Snyde, anything associated with Slytherin, negative chatter about his brother, being nagged by his mother, betrayal
Friends: Rowan Khanna, Ben Copper, Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Penny Haywood (Later friends include Tulip Karasu, Barnaby Lee, Nymphadora Tonks, Andre Egwu, Jae Kim, Diego Caplan, Liz Tuttle, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, and Cedric Diggory)
Enemies: Professor Snape, Merula Snyde, Ismelda Murk (formerly: Barnaby Lee), Patricia Rakepick, ‘R’, Argus Filch
Love Interest: Merula Snyde (develops a strong crush on her during Year 4), minor flirtations with Penny and Tulip
MC’s Strengths/Weaknesses/Hobbies
Positive traits: honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused  | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly |empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty |funny
Negative Traits: moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power - hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | masochistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive | rebellious
What’s their personal philosophy?  Do they even have one?
A: David’s philosophy on life can be more or less be summed up in a single word: humor. Though deridingly sarcastic to those he doesn’t like, David is very witty, clever, and easy going. However, as becomes a pattern for him, often times he uses this natural humor and socialization to deflect from his own problems and hide away the fact that he feels a great deal of pain and guilt over his missing brother.
How do they feel about their status and reputation as the curse-breaker in the school?
A: David did not go to Hogwarts with a mission to find the vaults, which was just rumor at the time. He ached to find Jacob, but tried to adhere to his parents request that he not cause trouble. This, of course, did not happen, and as time goes on David more or less embraces the role of ‘curse-breaker’ and the responsibility that comes along with it. He does not seek attention, but does enjoy the fact that girls find him attractive. 
Did they get sorted into the Hogwarts House they expected to?  Did the Sorting Hat have any problems sorting them?  Or did it not even have to touch their head?
A: David was relatively indifferent about which House he was sorted into and made that known in his private discussion with the Sorting Hat. The only house he dislikes is Slytherin and being a pure blood who saw the first war, knows of its dark reputation. It took the hat two minutes to sort David, but found his fearlessness was his most defining quality and decided to put him into Gyrffindor.
What are their coping strategies for dealing with everything (the Vaults, Jacob, etc.), if they have any?
A: David is somewhat contradictory. When it comes to finding the vaults, protecting his friends, and doing the right thing, he is largely decisive and endears himself as a leader. When it comes to his own emotions and dealing with familial issues, he’s deflective and silent. When pressed on his own troubles, he clams up and will either give a joke or change the subject. He has never been very good at expressing negative emotion and therefore when he fails to hold it back, it often explodes in the form of raw anger or tears
What electives do they take throughout their time at Hogwarts?
A: He takes Care of Magical Creatures and Ancient Runes. He is not a fan of creatures, however, and only takes the class in order to talk Quidditch with Charlie. He later drops it and takes Divination instead in order to get an easy grade.
Are they in any clubs or extracurricular activities?  What about Quidditch?
A: Penny has invited him before to be in the Potions club, and though he will attend on occasion, does not officially join. Due to his curse breaking adventures, David has little time for anything extra curricular until 6th year, when Charlie invites him to join the Gryffindor Quidditch team as a beater, a position he largely excels at. Along with Charlie, Oliver Wood, and Sky Parkin, the Lions win the cup.
How studious are they?  What kind of studying strategies do they use?  Do they have any study groups with their friends?
A: David is quite enthusiastic about the subjects he excels in, though he is not a ‘bookworm’ like Rowan or some of his Ravenclaw friends. Often study groups are formed with the pretext of talking about something else, namely the vaults. However, he will join Rowan, Tulip, and even Merula on occasion to legitimately go over the books. 
How willing are they when it comes to breaking school rules?
A: Unlike Tulip and Tonks, David does not go out of his way to break rules and doesn’t see himself as a rebel against authority figures. That being said, he has no issue bending/breaking them if he a) feels it’s to his advantage b) believes there is something greater at stake such as the safety of his friends or finding the vaults. Upon becoming a prefect, David finds this method much more difficult to follow as he has to navigate upholding his charges while also finding a new way to get around things so as to not lose his position.
Do they hang out with any of their friends over breaks?  If so, which one(s) and what do they do?
A: David does not get to hang out with any of his friends over Christmas or Summer break until his fourth year when his parents take a trip to the United States during the month of December. His mom can be quite restrictive and prefers to keep an eye on her son out of fear of losing him as she did with Jacob. After his sixth year, David spent a week with the Weasley family, immensely enjoying their company. Though he was curious, Merula refused to allow him to visit her lonely manor. This was somewhat out of safety concerns, but also because she was embarrassed and did not want David meeting her aunt. 
After they graduate, do they fall off the map and keep a low profile?  Or do they continue to exist in the public eye?
A: Following graduation, David trains for three years to become an Auror and succeeds. He’s not necessarily in the public eye, but he’s never out of it either. Though not an attention seeker by nature, he also doesn’t shy away from it. 
How does their career path differ from what they thought they’d be doing?  Or does it differ at all?
A: ‘Curse-Breaker’ was a designation that David accepted but never truly embraced over his time at Hogwarts. It was Tonks who convinced him that his talents and interests were better served in Law Enforcement as the Auror office only takes the best of the best.
Do they have any hobbies?  What about any talents or aptitudes?
A: David loves a pint at a pub, Quidditch matches, and going to concerts with his girlfriend and later wife, Merula. He is also quite fond of cooking various steaks and pork chops, a skill Jae later taught him when he began to live on his own. Believe it or not, he is also a talented singer, though he prefers to give way to Merula on that score, allowing her his spot on the Frog Choir. Though not enthralled at academics, David is talented in Transfiguration, Herbology, Potion Making, and Defense Against the Dark Arts. Most notably, he is one of the best duelers during his time at Hogwarts.
Do they have any favorite spells?
A: David is partial to ‘Reducto’ as he can reduce most objects to ash with it. He’ll often do this in private for fun or to vent off steam. Another, more light hearted spell he likes is the ‘Melofors Jinx’ which he uses on Merula and Ismelda more than once over the years (the spell causes the victim’s head to be encased inside of a pumpkin).
What’s one thing they did or thought as a child that they later look back and cringe about?
A: David has extremely mixed feelings about how often he used to idolize his brother. He still does to some extent, but by the time he enters his first year, it’s rather hollow and can’t help but feel a tremendous amount of guilt about Jacob and the fact that he was the only hero he ever had growing up.
If they could travel anywhere at all in the world—money, time, and language not being an issue—where would they go and who would they take with them?
A: Before Jacob’s disappearance, the Grant family took several holidays, one of which was in Normandy, France. David dreams of buying a small cottage there and take trips with his one and only love, Merula. David has also been to America and was quite fond of New York, finding the relative anonymity a perfect place to hide out if one were a wizard looking to avoid attention.  
If they’re an Animagus, how easy was becoming one for them?  Were they happy with their Animagus form?  Or did they want it to be something different?
A: David never becomes an Animagus in my story.
Do they like what they see in the mirror?
A: David carries a cocky streak laced with vanity and knows he’s handsome to many young witches at Hogwarts. He knows and appreciates his own talent. But in terms of his own self, there is a great deal of doubt: his life, career, the vaults, family, finding his brother. Due to Jacob’s disappearance, David still feels like it was his fault that something went wrong and that his parents’ marriage became strained to the point of near divorce. He avoids these issues for the most part, never acknowledging them unless seriously prompted or pushed.
How good are they at taking compliments?
A: Very normal for the most part.
How much do they trust their friends?
A: David gets along with his friends, but due to his own inability to let go of the guilt and pain he felt when Jacob left, he does not like revealing his innermost secrets to people. He avoids talking about his somewhat unstable family life, which has become strained, stifling, and gray. He would trust his best friends in almost any other category, however, including battle or information about the vaults.
Are they pretty self-reliant?  Or do they like to go to their friends for help?
A: It’s a mix. David is not one to be a martyr but he does have an obsessive streak which has a tendency to push people out when not careful. All in all, he’s very thankful for the assistance he receives from his friends 
Who is their favorite Weasley?  Or can they not choose?
A: David likes the Weasleys equally and enjoys Bill and Charlie in their own way, the former for being a surrogate older brother, the second for his down to earth nature and general friendliess. Fred and George are something of a nuisance with their pranks which make his job as Prefect twice as hard, however, he does hold a soft spot for them after they help him find a few secret passage ways as an apology. He does have a least favorite Weasley by the end though: Percy, whom he regards as a whiner and a tattletale. 
What’s the thing they like least about themselves?
A: Despite contrasting himself frequently with Jacob, David also knows he shares a similar impulsive streak that has threatened to get him into serious trouble more than once. He’s also a sucker for women and though he never cheats on Merula, he does seek out other girls when the two break up or when they aren’t together. He also has a hidden guilt complex: everything that goes wrong in his family and relationship life he blames himself.
What’s the thing they like most about themselves?
A: David enjoys his ability to be quick with a joke and get along with most people. He’s naturally good at most things (with a few exceptions) and prides himself on being attractive to girls who see him as something of a sexy bachelor. He also comes to realize he’s a natural leader and that people tend to gravitate towards him when a dangerous or difficult situation comes around.
How bad is their temper?  Do they tend to lash out at others or themselves?
A: David is not temperamental and not easily angered due to his good nature and sense of humor. However, if pushed too far, a quiet rage and tenacity overtakes his mind, blocking out all else until the episode is over. His anger is usually in response to something else- bullying, bigotry, or attacks against his family. During Year 6, David lashes out far more frequently than he usually does, alienating himself somewhat from his longtime friends. He mends the relationships later on, after discovering he was often his own worst enemy and critic.
What’s their biggest regret in life, if they have any?
A: Two in particular. He wishes he could have been there to prevent Jacob from leaving. The second is the way he handled his first break up with Merula. He felt it was his fault for letting her get tortured by Rakepick, but his own inability to solve the problem and Merula’s own stubbornness led to their parting of ways. 
What kind of first impression do they tend to leave on others?
A: Carefree, funny, and witty with a zest for life.
What is the achievement they’re most proud of?
A: Even throughout his curse breaking adventures, David is most proud of his becoming an Auror and somehow convincing Merula to become his wife.
Do they like having photos taken of themselves?
A: David has a knack for taking goofy photos.
What’s one big way that your MC differs from the in-game canon?
A: I feel David Grant definitely has a more sarcastic streak and is not quite as much of a stickler. But all in all, he’s got personality. Most people’s MC’s are pretty much brand generic hero character. David, while a hero, is also a deeply flawed, wise cracking, cocky, baggage ladden teen. That reaches its peak during Years 5 and 6 and it’s only during Year 6 he manages to let go of much of the anguish he was holding onto in order to become a more complete person
What does their name mean and why did you choose it?
A: David is a common Anglo/American name that derives of course from the Hebrew King David in the Torah/Bible. I chose it for two reasons 1) it seemed to fit well with the last name I had in mind 2) it’s also my father’s name, and I modeled the character partially after him
If they’re an Animagus, why did you choose the form for them that you did?
A: David did not choose to become an animagus
How has your MC changed since you first created them?
A: Though I am still in the process of writing the story, David will go through many ups and downs before completing his arc. As an eleven year old first year, he is a curious, funny, talented, but guarded person and those traits become more intense/exaggerated as he gets older. His arc doesn’t come full circle until Year 6.
How well do you think you and your MC would get on?
A: At times really well and other times not. He is modeled after myself in many ways, but David has a higher degree of confidence, leadership, and withholds his feelings as opposed to me, a guy who wears his heart on his sleeve. I’m sensitive by nature, he’s not. But we do share a few talents- singing music, being generally good at sports and watching it, bar trivia, cooking, etc. The thing that we share above all is passion about a topic we enjoy that can become a full blown obsession. I have that feature to my person and so does David. All in all, as adults I would like David a lot and I think he would like me too.
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This is the entire description, personality, and information on Infernix. It’s long as heck so be warned. Seriously, it’s freakin long. It’s mostly here for my own reference when writing her character or commissioning stuff, but feel free to read if reading about other people’s OCs is your thing <3
One sentence description: Full-time crazy bird lady, part-time reluctant super hero
Full Name: Holly Burns Nickname: Nix, Nixy Reason for nickname: Shortened version of her super hero name, Infernix Age: 26 years Sex: Female Gender: Female Place of Birth: United Kingdom Birthday: 20th October Currently living in: Municiberg Species/Race: Human [super] Ethnicity: Caucasian Occupation: Works at a rescue centre for birds given up by their owners Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Social Status: Middle class Relationship Status: In a relationship/married (depending on the timeline) Status: Alive
Body Build: Slender, but with chubby hips Height: 5’4” Weight: 120lbs Skin colour: Pale Hair style: Long, comes down to mid-back. Straight with fringe over right side Hair colour: Brown Eye colour: Dark brown Distinguishing Features: Has a tattoo of two feathers in a heart shape on her left collarbone, has single piercing in each ear Preferred Clothing: Casual; jeans and a shirt with either a cartoon character or a bird on it Accessories: Blue topaz earrings, hairclip with topaz and amethyst beads and two phoenix feathers
Supersuit: Over-the-knee boots with a flame colour design, over-the-elbow red gloves, white suit with a yellow belt and a phoenix emblem on the chest, attached to the belt is three large phoenix tail feathers and the same beads as those on her hairclip, her mask is curved up at the ends to imitate eyelashes and goes over her nose like a beak, and is orange with three purple accents in each corner
Likes: Birds, heights, flying, birds, the sky, nature, birds, cartoons, boats, warm days, night time, socks that have animal faces on them, seafood, birds   Dislikes: Planes (it’s not natural flying!), small spaces, spiders, people who don’t like birds, spicy food, really loud music
Bird watching, reading, going for nature hikes in forests and woodland, watching documentaries, aviculture, collecting precious stones
Has retained many habits from her time spent as a phoenix. She will spend a lot of time “preening” her hair, she makes clicking noises with her tongue when she is happy, she feels awkward about how to position her hands so she usually keeps them against her chest when standing, and she will make bird-like squawks or chirps when startled or curious. Oh and she hisses (like a swan) when angry.
Strengths: Intelligent, fast healing, able to shapeshift into a phoenix which grants her flight, temporary immortality, and fire powers
Weakness: Water extinguishes her fire, certain soundwaves disrupt her ability to maintain her transformation, if the phoenix is “killed” then she is forced back into her human form which has no other powers and will be physically exhausted, is quite easy to emotionally manipulate
Infernix is a super, and her super power is shapeshifting. She can only shapeshift into one thing, and that is a giant fire bird phoenix. Her phoenix is around 10-15 feet high, depending on the amount of energy she can expend into the transformation. She can maintain this transformation indefinitely, but once she changes back, she is physically exhausted and must rest before being able to transform again. In her fire bird form, Infernix can fly, communicate with any bird species, breathe fire, and is immune to any damage from heat/fire sources. She can also speak and understand English as a phoenix. The true power of the fire bird is to engulf itself in flames and burn everything around it, but she has not achieved this yet. As a phoenix, she is of course immortal. She can feel pain and be injured, and even experience the pain of death, but instead of dying, she simply is forced back into her human self. This only applies to her phoenix form, and as a human she is mortal. She has some hand-to-hand combat skills, but nothing advanced. She is quite intelligent, and because the size of her phoenix makes it impractical for her to transform in crowded cities and built up areas, she is usually the ‘brains’ and takes on the planner/sleuther role for fighting crime. Her phoenix has high raw power though, and is very useful in large-scale supervillain battles. As a human she has no other particular powers, except that she recovers faster than normal from injuries and illnesses.
Spiders, being trapped (especially underground), anything bad happening to Screech, and she has an irrational fear of one day waking up and not being able to use her powers any more and being trapped in her human body forever
Very emotionally attentive - feels emotions strongly. This can be good as it means she is very loving and very appreciative of little things, but it also means she is sensitive and easily hurt/angered by other people
Very kind and caring towards every living thing, believes that every life is important no matter what body it’s in. Very empathetic and compassionate
Brave, especially when protecting others
Very maternal towards those she cares about
Stubborn, often believes she is right and can be argumentative. Can find it hard to accept when she’s wrong or know when to stop
A lot of her kindness is aimed at animals and the disadvantaged and vulnerable (e.g. children, the elderly). When dealing with typical, healthy humans she can be selfish as she is not used to socialising, and firmly holds the belief that animals (birds) are purer than people
In her human body she is unsure of herself and doesn’t always feel ‘right’. Only feels ‘normal’ when she is in her phoenix form. She is slowly getting more used to it
Family: Not in contact with them, except Gus Burns (Reflux), who is her great uncle. In the future, she has 4 children with Screech: Jay (male, 15), Raven (female, 13), and twins Skyler and Robin - (both male, 5) Love interest: Screech (Boyfriend/husband depending on timelime) Friends/Allies: He-Lectrix, Krushauer, Voyd, Winston Deavor, Brick Enemies: Currently none. Not an enemy, but she’s kinda mad at Edna Mode because she criticized Infernix’s giant phoenix tail feathers on her costume
Infernix did not discover her powers until very late compared to other supers. During ages 5-10, she was a ‘normal’ kid. She was bullied heavily at school, because she didn’t make any friends and would spend her playtime looking for birds and feeding them. The other kids would call her ‘bird girl’ and throw things like birdseed at her. At age 11, her emotions were running very high, and she could not shake the feeling that she was in the wrong body. She didn’t feel like a human, she felt like a bird. When she saw birds in the sky she felt jealous of them and felt like she just wanted to join them. When she looked at her arms, she saw unnatural, lanky limbs, and they just didn’t feel right. There should be wings there. These limbs aren’t hers. The human body is so weirdly shaped and hairy. Where were her feathers? She felt they were meant to be there, but they were missing. It was then that her first transformation happened, and it terrified the life out of her. It didn’t last long because she could not sustain it. Not sure what was going on, and thinking it was some kind of fever dream, she tried to pretend it never happened. Until it happened again and again, each time when she felt tremendous energy from her emotions. Eventually she was able to bring it under control, so she could decide exactly when she transformed and when she transformed back. She kept her powers hidden, and her family never knew about them; she was never close to them. Aside from learning to control it, she never really experimented with her powers, so she never achieved her full potential. She was pretty content this way for a while, until she met a man she fell hard for. She was infatuated with him, totally smitten, and he appeared to be the same with her. They had a relationship for two years, during which he subtly destroyed her self-esteem without her realising, and then used that to emotionally manipulate and abuse her. The relationship ended when she discovered he had not only been married the entire time, but had a child too. Heartbroken, she spiraled into depression. She felt totally betrayed by humanity, and felt less connected to her species than ever before. Birds never betrayed her trust like this, they were always loving and never had secret intentions. So, she decided she was going to transform into a phoenix and live in the wild amongst the birds. She lived this way for years, completely missing the events of the first and second Incredibles movies.
After the events of the second movie, the “Wannabes” created their own superhero team. Winston was eager to locate the supers who had survived the Omnidroid. Infernix was listed as one such super, since she had powers she was on the NSA database, but since no one had seen her years, she kind of got forgotten. So the “Wannabes” eventually located her, and tried to convince her to return to society. She refused. But they persisted, and reluctantly she agreed, but on the condition that she can stay a phoenix. She took an immediate interest in Screech because she felt he was a fellow bird-enthusiast, who might possibly understand how she felt. Screech of course marveled at her, because she was a giant bird, but that was strictly it. Not long after, during a super villain fight, the phoenix was ‘killed’ and Infernix was forced back into her human body. It took her a long time to adjust, even things like walking felt weird. But now as a human, she and Screech began to bond better. They would talk about birds, and no one but them understood their crazy passion. At one point, Infernix hit a very low spot, after trying to locate her family and being unable to. She confessed to Screech that she felt she had made a terrible choice in running away and had ruined her life. She felt torn between her two lives, and felt like an outcast among other people, because they never understood her and she never understood them. Screech comforted her and told her that he knew how she felt, that he too had been thought of as ‘weird’ for his owl-like habits and appearance, but that he still had a place here with his new friends, and so did she. From that moment, she and Screech began spending a lot more time together, and eventually he gathered the courage to ask her out on a date. Gradually they fell in love, with Infernix loving Screech for his honesty, passion, and pure intentions, and Screech loving Infernix for her similar passion, and her ability to always be loving and kind to people even after the resentment and bitterness she went through.
Thinks popcorn counts as a vegetable
Has several pet birds, including 4 budgies, a cockatiel, a pigeon, and a screech owl. Would like a cockatoo
The feathers on her costume are real phoenix feathers, taken from her phoenix form. They do not give her any special powers and are only for display
Does not actually consider herself a superhero; she’d much rather spend time with her birds than fight crime, and she only does so because she thinks it’s the only reason the “Wannabes” remain her friends and she doesn’t want to lose them
Aside from Screech, the person she gets on most with is Voyd. Voyd’s naturally caring and enthusiastic nature makes her feel comfortable
She doesn’t really interact with the Parr family much and thinks Bob’s name is Bill. She also calls Elastigirl “Elasticalgirl” which mildly annoys Helen sometimes
She gets very offended when people call pigeons ‘rats with wings’
Food: Sea food, particularly crab, lobster, scallops, and mussels Colour: Orange Animal: Budgerigar Number: 4 Holiday: Christmas Season: Winter Time of day: Night Genre of music: Cheesy love songs Genre of literature: Non-fiction Genre of shows: Documentary Genre of movies: Horror
General health: Excellent, she heals from illness and injuries quickly Any physical illnesses?: No Any mental illnesses?: BDD Take drugs?: No Smoke?: No
Mental/Emotional State
Archetype: The “Everyman”or the “Lover” Act before thinking/Think before acting?: Think before acting Emotion-wise, generally: Pretty mature, but wears her heart on her sleeve
Way of speaking: Has a North-Atlantic accent, is well-spoken except for when she is excited Common conversation starter: “Do you like birds?” Swears?: Occasionally, but only for hyperbole effect, not when angry
Education: Has a degree in ornithology IQ: 140 EQ: 100
Before her and Screech were a couple, she had a giant plush owl that she called Screech and cuddled at night pretending it was him
She likes cats but distrusts them, because “they eat birds”
Everything in her apartment is bird-themed; bird plates, bird mugs, bird ornaments, bird plushies, bird cushions, etc.
She cannot talk to/understand birds when not in her phoenix form, but she talks to them as if they understand her anyway
She’s into BDSM, specifically as a dom
She likes drawing and thinks she’s pretty good but she’s actually really, really bad at it
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yesazea · 4 years
Utilizing Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
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Emotional intelligence, sometimes mentioned as EQ ("emotional quotient"), refers to an individual's ability to acknowledge, understand, manage, and reason with emotions. it's a critical ability when it involves interpersonal communication—and a hot topic not only in psychology but within the business world.
The term was coined by psychologists within the 1990s. Its use quickly spread into other areas including business, education, and popular culture.
What Is Emotional Intelligence?
Psychologists Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer, two of the leading researchers on the subject, define emotional intelligence because the ability to acknowledge and understand emotions in oneself et al. . This ability also involves using this emotional understanding to form decisions, solve problems, and communicate with others.
According to Salovey and Mayer, there are four different levels of emotional intelligence:
 - Perceiving emotions  - Reasoning with emotions  - Understanding emotions  - Managing emotions In the past, emotions and intelligence were often viewed as being con to at least one another. In recent decades, however, researchers exploring emotion psychology became increasingly curious about cognition and affect.
This area explores how cognitive processes and emotions interact and influence how people think. Consider how emotions and moods like happiness, anger, fear, and sadness influence how people behave and make decisions.
Why EQ is vital for fulfillment
Interest in emotion psychology and therefore the concept of emotional intelligence really caught fire with the 1995 publication of Daniel Goleman's book "Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter quite IQ." within the book, Goleman argued that emotional intelligence was critical for predicting success in life. Emotional competencies, he argued, also played a very important role within the workplace.
The concept quickly attracted the eye of the general public, including human resource managers and business leaders. Researchers have suggested that emotional intelligence influences how well employees interact with their colleagues, and EQ is additionally thought to play a task in how workers manage stress and conflict. It also affects overall performance on the work. Other studies have linked emotional intelligence with job satisfaction.
Studies have shown that employees with higher scores on measures of EQ also tend to be rated higher on measures of interpersonal functioning, leadership abilities, and stress management.
Goleman suggested that while traditional intelligence was related to leadership success, it alone wasn't enough. people that are successful at work aren't just smart—they even have a high EQ.
But emotional intelligence isn't only for CEOs and senior managers. it is a quality that's important at every level of an individual's career, from college students trying to find internships to seasoned employees hoping to require on a leadership role. If you would like to achieve the workplace and move up the career ladder, emotional intelligence is critical to your success.
Why EQ Matters within the Workplace Why is emotional intelligence such a valued workplace skill? consistent with one survey of hiring managers, almost 75% of respondents suggested that they valued an employee's EQ quite their IQ.
Emotional intelligence is widely known as a valuable skill that helps improve communication, management, problem-solving, and relationships within the workplace. it's also a skill that researchers believe are often improved with training and practice.
People With High EQ
- Make better decisions and solve problems
- Keep cool struggling
- Resolve conflicts
- Have greater empathy
- Listen, reflect, and answer constructive criticism
People With Low EQ
- Play the role of the victim or avoid taking responsibility for errors
- Have passive or aggressive communication styles
- Refuse to figure as a team
- Are overly critical of others or dismiss others' opinions
How to Become More Emotionally Intelligent
While emotional skills may come naturally to some people, there are things that anyone can do to assist improve their ability to know and reason with emotions. this will be particularly helpful within the workplace, where relationships and business decisions often believe the interpersonal understanding, teamwork, and communication.
Factors like upbringing and personality tend to play an outsized role within the development of emotional intelligence, but it's a skill that will be improved with effort and practice.
One 2011 study found that participants who trained in key emotional competencies showed lasting improvements in emotional intelligence. They also experienced improvements in physical and mental well-being, better social relationships, and lower cortisol (stress hormone) levels.1
If you're curious about improving your emotional intelligence skills to profit your workplace performance, take steps to enhance your skills within the five categories of emotional intelligence: Self-awareness, self-regulation, social skills, empathy, and motivation.
Become More Self-Aware
One of the primary steps toward utilizing emotional intelligence skills within the workplace is to practice recognizing your own emotions. Self-awareness involves being conscious of different aspects of yourself, including your emotions and feelings. it's one among the foundational components of emotional intelligence. to acknowledge your emotions and understand what's causing these feelings, you would like to first be self-aware.
Pay attention to how you're feeling.
How do these emotions influence how you respond? Do the items you're feeling have an impression on the choices you create or how you interact with others? As you reflect on these questions, you'll find that you simply become far more conscious of your own emotions and therefore the role that they play in your lifestyle.
Take stock of emotional strengths and weaknesses.
How well does one communicate with others? does one end up experiencing impatience, anger, or annoyance often? What are some ways you'll affect these feelings effectively? Recognizing weaknesses allows you to seem for tactics to affect them.
Remember that emotions are fleeting.
A co-worker might irritate you or your boss might offer you a frustrating task to finish. Before you react, remember that this stuff is temporary. Making rash decisions supported by intense emotions is often detrimental to your long-term goals and success.
Practice Self-Regulation
Goleman identified self-regulation as a critical part of emotional intelligence. Being conscious of your emotions is a crucial initiative, but you furthermore may get to be ready to manage your feelings.
People who possess good self-regulation are ready to adapt well to changing situations. they do not bottle things up; they await appropriate ways to precise their emotions instead of reacting impulsively.
To improve your self-regulation skills within the workplace:
Find techniques to release workplace stress.
Having hobbies outside of labor may be an excellent spot to start. the workout is additionally a healthy thanks to releasing stress.
Keep your cool.
Accept the very fact that you simply cannot control everything. Search for helpful ways to reply that does not add fuel to the hearth.
Think before making decisions.
Emotions can overwhelm you within the heat of the instant. you'll make a calmer, more rational choice if you give yourself time to think about all of the chances.
Improve Social Skills
Research on emotion psychology suggests that folks with high EQs even have strong social skills. Because they're adept at recognizing other people's emotions, they're ready to respond appropriately to things. Social skills also are highly valued within the workplace because they cause better communication and a more positive company culture.
Employees and leaders with great social skills are ready to build rapport with colleagues and communicate their ideas effectively. People with good social skills aren't only great team players, but they're also ready to combat leadership roles when needed. to spice up your social skills:
Listen to what others need to say. this does not mean just passively taking note of people talk. Active listening involves showing attention, asking questions, and providing feedback. Whether you're a manager or a team member, active listening can show that you simply are hooked into work projects and willing to figure with others to assist the group reach its goals.
Pay attention to nonverbal communication.
The signals that folks send through their visual communication can convey tons about what they really think.
Hone your persuasion skills.
having the ability to hold influence within the workplace and convince team members and supervisors to concentrate on your ideas can go an extended way in advancing your career.
Avoid office drama.
Do your best to remain out of the petty office politics that sometimes take over the workplace, but remember that conflicts aren't always avoidable. specialize in taking note of what others need to say and appearance for tactics to unravel problems and minimize tensions.
Become More Empathetic
Emotionally intelligent people are good at getting into another person's shoes and understanding how they feel. Empathy is quite just recognizing how others are feeling. It also involves how you answer these emotions.
In the workplace, empathy allows you to know the various dynamics between colleagues and supervisors. It also allows you to acknowledge who holds power and the way it influences the behaviors, feelings, and interactions that be due to such relationships.
See things from the opposite person's point of view. It is often challenging sometimes, especially if you are feeling just like the other person is wrong. But instead of let disagreements build up into major conflicts, spend time watching things from another's perspective. It is often an excellent initiative toward finding a middle ground between two opposing points of view. Pay attention to how you answer others. does one allow them to have an opportunity to share their ideas? does one acknowledge their input, albeit you disagree? Letting others know that their efforts have merit often helps everyone feel more willing to compromise.
Work on Your Motivation
Another key component of emotional intelligence is intrinsic motivation. people that have strong EQ tend to be more motivated to realize goals for his or her own sake. instead of seeking external rewards, they need to try to things because they find them fulfilling and that they are hooked into what they are doing .
Money, status, and acclaim are great, but people that are highly successful within the workplace are usually motivated by something quite that. they're hooked into what they are doing. they need a commitment to their work, they love taking over new challenges, and their enthusiasm can seem contagious. they do not hand over within the face of obstacles and that they are ready to inspire others to figure hard and continue in order to realize goals.
Focus on what you're keen on about your work. There are probably things about your job that you simply love and things that you hate.Try that specialize in the aspects of your job that you simply enjoy, like the sensation of accomplishment you get once you complete an enormous project, or helping your clients progress toward their own goals. Identify those components of your job and take inspiration from them. Try to maintain a positive attitude. Notice how optimistic people within the workplace tend to inspire and motivate others. Adopting this type of attitude can assist you to feel more positively about your work.
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onwardintolight · 8 years
Leia Organa, INFP
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Recently I read a fantastic post by @bestmixtapeintherecorder about how Han and Leia are so often misjudged as an introvert and an extravert, respectively, when it’s really vice versa. This is something I’ve also been thinking about for a long time, particularly with Leia. In MBTI terms, Leia is almost always typed as either an ESTJ or an ENTJ, and that’s never sat right with me. Both of those seem more like typings based on a pop culture idea of who Leia is rather than on the Leia we actually see in the movies and books. While I realize that as a fictional character, the minutia of her personality is somewhat open to interpretation, I think I have ample reason to argue that she’s an INFP instead.
Disclaimer: I myself am an INFP. Maybe this makes me biased. Maybe this means I have unique insight into how an INFP would act when thrown into Leia’s situation. Maybe both! Either way, I think there’s plenty of evidence to back up my opinion. BUT: one of the joys of fictional characters is that we get to project ourselves onto them, and consequently they shape our perception of our own journeys and who we are. So if you prefer an ESTJ Leia or some other type entirely, more power to you. Feel free to ignore this (or argue away to your heart’s content). I’m writing this for everyone else who isn’t satisfied with that typing.
I’m going to be drawing evidence from not only the movies, but also from parts of the new Disney canon like Bloodline and the Aftermath Trilogy, as well as what I see as generally accepted fanon (particularly among fanfic writers). If you’re not into Disney canon, don’t worry — there should still be enough without it to back up my argument.
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You may be asking, why INFP? Aren’t INFPs more of a quiet, soft and gentle type compared to Leia, who takes charge and will not hesitate to put you in your place? Truth is, INFPs often get stereotyped as the most cinnamon roll type of all the cinnamon rolls, but this is, quite frankly, wrong. They certainly can act like cinnamon rolls at times (when they’re at their least stressed), often being very kind, tolerant, sensitive and compassionate. But cross their deeply-held values, or get them stressed, and they will wipe the floor with you. In reality, INFPs are the type that looks like a cinnamon roll but will kill you.
I’m going to argue that most of the time we see Leia in the movies (especially in ANH and ESB), she is really stressed. Consequently, we see a lot more of her inferior function, Te, than we would otherwise. This is why people often mistakenly type her as a Te-dom (ESTJ or ENTJ). In doing so, they’re failing to account for the fact that Leia has had/is having a whole lot of super freaking stressful and traumatic things happen to her, which is naturally going to shape how her personality appears to us.
First let’s take a look at each of the INFP cognitive functions and how Leia exhibits them, and then I’ll do some further expounding and comparison with ESTJ/ENTJ.
Dominant Function: Introverted Feeling (Fi)
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Leia’s core motivation for everything she does is her values — this is what drives her. Very idealistic, she throws her entire life into championing her cause and fighting for justice, freedom, and everything she believes is right. In the SW Rebels episode A Princess on Lothal, she tells Ezra, “I feel like because I can fight, I have to, for those who cannot.” (Te-doms, on the other hand, while having Fi as their inferior function, are driven more by a need to direct, organize and problem-solve.) While she may be a lot more open-minded on lesser matters, she will rigidly defend her values when they are challenged and can be somewhat black and white when it comes to them.
She doesn’t feel the need to conform. She is strong-willed and stubborn, and can be a bit rebellious, willing even to defy her superiors in order to do what she feels is right. We can see this in the Princess Leia comic when she disobeys General Dodonna’s orders in order to gather and protect the galaxy’s remaining Alderaanians, in Aftermath: Life Debt when she defies Mon Mothma and runs off to rescue Han and help liberate Kashyyyk, in Bloodline when she engages in some questionably legal behavior because she feels her investigation is so important, and of course, in her position as a rebel to begin with.
Additionally, growing up, she sometimes struggled with conforming to what was expected of her as a princess or learning certain things (such as her aunts’ etiquette lessons and politics) if she didn’t think they were meaningful, true to her values and/or herself. Eventually, after talks such as the one she remembers having with her father in the Princess Leia comic (#2), her eyes were opened to the meaning and potential in politics, how it could be used to champion a cause, and she decided to follow in Bail’s footsteps.
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At the beginning of Bloodline, Leia is disillusioned by the state of the Senate and wants to quit her role as senator.  She tells Han, “Every debate on the Senate floor turns into an endless argument over ‘tone’ or ‘form’ and never about issues of substance.” When she takes action later, she feels much more like herself again, because she feels like she’s doing something meaningful. This shows she’s less concerned about the organization of the New Republic than about defending the values and causes that are close to her heart.
Leia is incredibly passionate. Like all Fi-doms, she has a rich inner world of emotion, though it is sometimes not apparent to others due to her natural guardedness. She can appear cold, but underneath the surface she is anything but. She may be able to analyze her own feelings but have trouble opening up about them to others, except in the occasional outburst. She struggles with admitting her feelings for Han aloud, instead talking about him in the context of her values/the cause (e.g. in the corridors of Hoth — Han is directly asking her to admit her feelings for him and all she can allow herself to say is “You’re a great help to us. You’re a natural leader….”). Later, when confronted by Luke about the truth of her family in RotJ, as @bestmixtapeintherecorder has already said, she shuts down emotionally. She is extremely distressed but unable to open up to Han about everything just yet (she needs more time to process it all inside, first). And yet, throughout the movies, I get the sense that even though she doesn’t always express it, just underneath the surface is a well of deep passion and feeling (which Han can sometimes be pretty good at provoking). I think it is clear that she has a deep emotional fire that both fuels and assails her, and helps drive her in her fight for justice.
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Auxiliary Function: Extraverted Intuition (Ne)
Leia chose to follow in her father’s footsteps and become a senator. I doubt she would have done this if she was utterly lacking in Ne, a function that balances the strength of her Fi by helping her to engage empathetically with people and see many possibilities. She is skilled in diplomacy — we see this firsthand in her interaction with the Ewoks in RotJ, whom she is able to befriend and consequently rally to her cause, and throughout the expanded universe (both Disney Canon and old EU). Caring and open-minded, she is able to see and understand multiple points of view (though she may still oppose them rigidly if they run up against the values of her Fi). Her comment to Luke about Han in ANH, “He’s got to follow his own path, no one can choose it for him,” illustrates this. Also, in Bloodline, she is able to acknowledge the perspectives of both Populists and Centrists to some extent, and while she firmly rejects certain Centrist viewpoints, she is willing to seek a compromise for the sake of the bigger picture (her value of protecting the New Republic) when most of her fellow Populists aren’t. She does not dogmatically take a side and stay there unquestioningly. Instead, using her Ne in combination with her Fi, she evaluates all sides of an issue and determines what fits with her values.
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She is a good listener, and others may find themselves confiding in her, as Luke does on the way to Yavin, or as Casterfo ends up doing in Bloodline.
Ne also helps her adapt to a situation and be resourceful. We see this in her finding a way out of the detention block through the garbage chute in ANH, her use of the chain that bound her to Jabba to strangle him, and countless other ways.
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Fanon usually describes Leia as a broadly intelligent person with wide academic interests and an appreciation for the arts and sciences. While we don’t have a chance to see this side of her in the movies simply because it’s wartime, Ne would make her curious and eager to learn and understand (at least whatever her Fi tells her to be interested in). It would also give her a measure of creativity and a way to healthily channel her emotions, something which she has no opportunity to do while at war, to her own detriment. An INFP’s Ne can also give them a particular skill with words and language, which we see in Leia’s ability (bolstered by the Force) to compose inspiring and persuading speeches.
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Finally, her Ne may be a factor in making her particularly adept at certain Force skills. Leia seems to have a profound intuitive connection with her environment, magnified through the Force. She is very sensitive to the ambience of a place, to feelings, and impressions. We see this in her nervousness at Cloud City because something doesn’t feel right, and her sense of having “always known” during her talk with Luke in RotJ. There’s a beautiful passage in the RotJ novel where, as she’s led by Wicket to the Ewok’s village, she has a sudden awareness of the trees and the world around her that fills her with wonder, and a sense of being caught up in the grandness of the universe and the life-force. This not only fits with her Force abilities, but also with Ne.
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Tertiary Function: Introverted Sensing (Si)
Si places a lot of weight on personal experiences/memories, lessons learned in the past. It is nostalgic and takes comfort in routine, tradition and familiarity (providing some balance with her Ne, which is more open to new experiences and adventure).
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Leia has a good memory; she remembers “images” of her real mother (possibly from a dream). She is also committed to continuing her father’s work and upholding the ideals of Alderaan and the Republic. When she is struggling, she often turns to routine for comfort, losing herself in her work and in her efforts for the cause.

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In the Aftermath trilogy, she has trouble adjusting to both her new life post-fighting and the New Republic. She is so used to being able to act when she sees something wrong, but now it seems like there are a million political hoops to jump through that weren’t there before. When faced with a breach in her Fi’s values, she falls back on tradition and, in a sense, never stops being a rebel. Later, she will found the Resistance — once again, it’s a familiar way of doing things for her, coupled with her Fi’s quest for meaning and defense of values.
Inferior Function: Extraverted Thinking (Te)
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Leia has been thrust into leadership positions throughout her whole life. As @bestmixtapeintherecorder said, this doesn’t mean that she’d choose it for herself, all things being equal. In fact, in RotJ, we see her taking more of a backseat, and in Bloodline, she only accepts her nomination for First Senator with extreme reluctance. However, when put into a leadership position, she shows herself to be effective and able. Her Te also couples with her Fi to lead her to jump into a debate or fight if she feels her values are challenged.
Like I said earlier, Te is where I think everyone gets hung up when typing Leia. She so clearly exhibits Te that most people assume it’s her dominant function (hence ESTJ and ENTJ). However, throughout much of the movies, Leia is incredibly stressed. Under extreme stress, the inferior function tends to take the lead, though it often comes out in negative ways or as somewhat of a caricature of dominant Te. This is exactly what we often see in Leia, particularly in ANH and ESB. Throughout those movies, she’s lost her home and family, she’s been through torture and trauma, she’s fighting on the front lines in a war, and on top of all that, she’s struggling with her frustration at and feelings for Han. Consequently, she is frequently “in the grip” of her Te. When this happens, she lashes out at others, unleashing sarcasm and biting remarks, becoming more rigid, judgmental, intolerant and even insensitive. Everything becomes even more black and white as the tempering nature of her Ne is gone. She will often seek to gain control of a situation (and thus control of herself, too).
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A good example of this is in Aftermath: Life Debt when her stress over Han’s disappearance and her frustration over what she feels are heartless political processes cause her to explode during a meeting with Mon Mothma, Admiral Ackbar, and others. We also see this at the beginning of Bloodline — when faced with Casterfo’s collection of Imperial paraphernalia (which challenges her values and likely also triggers her PTSD), she eventually loses control of her anger, forgets any semblance of tolerance she had previously tried to summon, and lets loose on Casterfo, arguing viciously with him before coldly leaving the room. And of course, we see this throughout the movies in her sarcasm and insults as she takes charge of her rescue in ANH, and in her constant fighting with Han in ESB.
Sometimes, when in the grip of her Te, she may make questionable decisions in the heat of the moment, saying things she’ll later regret or trying to “fix” a situation in a way that won’t fix it at all (for example, kissing Luke in ESB to prove a point to Han that isn’t even true).
By the second half of RotJ, while she is still in a stressful wartime situation, I’d argue that she’s much more relaxed, having Han back and feeling a new sense of determination and purpose. Consequently, we don’t see as much of her sharp tongue, angry outbursts, or need for control.
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If Leia were an ESTJ or an ENTJ, her behavior would be somewhat different when stressed. An ExTJ in the grip of inferior Fi is less able to think logically or stay organized and efficient, and they will tend to be overcome by the feeling that they aren’t appreciated for what they do. I don’t think we see this in Leia at all during her most stressful moments. On the contrary, she becomes more logical, rigid, and efficient, and doesn’t seem to wallow in self-pity (though she may be very critical of both herself and others).
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I also think that if Leia were an ESTJ or ENTJ, she wouldn’t be quite as idealistic as we see her throughout the books and the movies. Leia is so clearly driven by her values, by her fight for the cause, and she will and often does push back against what she sees as cold, sterile rules and bureaucracy when it hinders her fight for what she believes is right. An ESTJ or ENTJ would be more likely to see the necessity of those rules and bureaucracy.
Overall, INFPs are passionate, idealistic, caring, empathetic, stubborn, defensive, deeply emotional but closed off, sometimes tolerant and sometimes intolerant, imaginative, resourceful, sensitive, artistic, intelligent, intuitive, critical, nostalgic, intense dreamers who seek truth, justice and authenticity and are driven to make the world a better place. We see many of these qualities in Leia, and the few that aren’t as readily apparent can be easily explained due to the fact that we’re seeing her in wartime/during a time of stress, where those qualities would naturally be missing. This combined with the fact that Leia’s character and actions fit very well with the INFP functional stack, as I’ve already argued, makes me conclude that Leia is best characterized as an INFP.
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
Your Two Personalities, According to Your Zodiac Sign
Your Two Personalities, According to Your Zodiac Sign
alt Whitman famously wrote that he contained multitudes, and while Whitman was predictably a Gemini, I’ve found this to be true across the board. We may all crave labels and categories — hence our gravitation toward astrology in the first place, I think — but each and every sign offers fertile ground for contradiction. Below, you’ll find (what I believe to be) your sign’s most pressing and prevalent contradiction. Your upbringing, environment and personal experiences will greatly influence which side of the coin you tend to land on, but you probably exhibit aspects of both. We’re all just flesh and stardust, after all — never really created to make perfect sense.
Many Aries natives boast a rare combination: natural leadership skills paired with a genuine desire to lead. Because of this innate ability, you have strong conviction and rarely hesitate to charge ahead with your own ideas. Aries is an ambitious sign that will gladly take initiative. This can sometimes spill over and become overconfidence, leading you to believe that you’re always right.
All fire signs share this duality to some extent, but because of Aries’ social cardinal quality, you can be extra sensitive to your own perceived shortcomings. You are constantly trying to view yourself from outside perspectives. As a natural leader, you want to be respected and admired, and you tend to put undue pressure on yourself to achieve your goals and meet the high bar you’ve set for yourself.
As a Taurus, you have an extraordinary sense of purpose. You put a great deal of thought into your decisions and once they are made, you follow through. No questions asked. This persistence and stubbornness is especially admirable in professional circumstances, but you also make for a devoted friend and partner. You seek consistency and habitual action; you love to see things through and rarely, if ever, quit.
Taurus is also a sign greatly associated with comfort. You crave luxury, the security of materialism. This often means that you’re a hard worker, but it can also mean that you tend to take advantage of luxuries when you have them. You love to pamper yourself and may find it difficult to pull yourself out of an easy routine. If you chill too hard for too long, you fall into a slump.
Gemini is a highly communicative sign. Many are talkative, expressive and incredibly easy to engage in conversation. Intellectual conversation, in particular, is where a Gemini thrives. You need constant stimulation and you love to learn. For a Gemini, gathering information and learning about others is especially appealing because it helps you learn about yourself.
Gemini is also an extremely introspective sign. You may find yourself desiring more personal space than the average person; you love to explore your own self, to think critically and unpack emotions. Many Geminis make great artists — particularly writers and poets — because their inner monologues whir constantly. It’s true that Geminis need constant stimulation, but many will find a good book, an interesting podcast, a provocative movie or any kind of private self-expression equally as fulfilling as a robust discussion.
The classic Cancer sensitivity is usually a little exaggerated in pop culture, but the stereotype is based in some reality. It’s likely that you get easily insulted and are quick to feel attacked, which leads to the perception that you need to be coddled. You have incredible healing and self-protective abilities, so your instinct is to guard your vulnerability; it may take you a long time to open up. When you do develop an intimate relationship, however, you want to be smothered with affection.
Maternal Instincts
While a Cancer will generally enjoy being taken care of, it is second nature for them to care for others. This makes sense, I think, because to be emotionally intelligent and strong for others, you typically need to be emotionally sensitive yourself. Cancers are famously empathetic. You are the best person to talk to and the best shoulder to cry on because you highly value loyalty and understanding.
Leo vainglory is renowned for a reason. This sign is associated with entertainment, performance, expression and presentation; in short, you are probably obsessed with yourself. You go after what you want with ferocity and passion, and you will use any accrued power or influence to stay in power and wield that influence. You have no problem being the center of attention and usually enjoy having all eyes on you. You want to be well liked, but you value your own goals and wellness more than your reputation; you will put yourself first if you feel that someone is trying to water you down or hold you back.
Leos gravitate towards the spotlight, but they will also gladly assume the role of caretaker. Leos are fiercely loyal to the people they love and self-sacrifice can become second nature to them. You’ll go out of your way to make life better for those around you, for example, and you love giving presents and showing people affection. Your generosity also extends to people you may not necessarily know, as Leo has an extremely protective nature. You are eager to speak out against injustice, give to those who are lacking and use your influence to better the lives of friends, family, the community or a specific cause.
Virgos are largely perfectionists, which makes you difficult to impress. You tend to be critical and often rather skeptical (but I’m sure you’d pause here to correct me that you’re actually just realistic). You set high standards for yourself, and you can be very particular about the world around you as well, often making snap judgements about others. You have no patience for those who you perceive as rude, disrespectful, careless or aggressively egotistical. Your need to analyze can sometimes come across as snobbishness and elitism.
Luckily, Virgos are typically mature beyond their years, which allows you to learn how to express your expectations more compassionately. You can easily learn to have a more open mind or to give others a chance after negative first impressions. Virgo is actually an unusually sympathetic sign, which often manifests in soft spots for animals and humble, underappreciated or shy individuals. Above all, you value kindness and humility.
Libras are interested in harmony and balance, tending towards a calm and peaceful demeanor. Your communicative nature and ability to carefully weigh perspectives makes you an accomplished mediator. Your charisma and aversion to manipulation makes you a valuable, fair negotiator. You are reasonable, understanding and usually able to make others feel at ease. You crave respect and hate seeming biased.
Striving for harmony and balance does not necessarily mean that you will find it, especially when it comes to your own inner chaos. You can easily become anxious when confronted with unfairness or unpleasantness. The extremely high value that you place on equality can cause you to feel slighted easily and force you into engaging with tit-for-tat behavior. Your natural aversion to conflict leads you to avoid any sort of disagreement or outward ugliness, which can then lead to passive aggression and sugar-coated hostility. Everyone has opinions. Everyone gets angry sometimes. But you will often refuse to openly express these things.
Scorpio is the sign of extremes and intensity. You are determined, which is admirable — but pushing forward relentlessly with a singular and self-interested goal can lead you to selfishness and insensitivity. You are passionate but also obsessive, which means you can easily spiral, follow destructive paths, become vengeful or engage in manipulative behavior. Toxic relationships and unhealthy habits can be difficult for you to break.
Scorpios have a strong dark side but are constantly seeking the light. Your impressive ability for self-destruction means that you can rise from the ashes unlike anybody else; you have unique potential for self-discovery and transformation. Your determination and passion can be channeled into self-improvement and positive, healthy ambition. You have the ability to move mountains for yourself and your loved ones.
As a general rule, a Sagittarius doesn’t like to take herself too seriously. You’re usually the life of the party due to your easy charisma and knack for humor. You reject dullness on principle and focus on making the most out of life; you love to travel and seek adventure. Sometimes you feel indestructible and free of regular limitations. This infectious optimism makes you an extremely positive presence. You are jovial and talkative with a rosy outlook on most things.
Sagittarius is also the sign associated with philosophy, religion, ideas, morals, growth, discovery and wisdom. While you probably approach your day-to-day life with a carefree, happy-go-lucky attitude, you are also on a constant quest for deeper truth and knowledge. You hate seeming ignorant and have a genuinely curious nature; you want to get to the root of problems and events, understand life on a more existential scale and understand yourself in an honest way. You also believe in your ability to enact real change, especially by sharing information and raising awareness.
Capricorns are famously independent, self-sufficient and highly capable people. Your sense of commitment is almost unparalleled. You hate giving up on something and do not let things go easily. This often translates into impressive ambition, motivation and resilience. You don’t like to get down on yourself or blame bad luck; instead, you power through unfortunate circumstances and probably draw plenty of admiration in doing so.
Capricorns do tend towards leadership, but not in a stereotypical way. In fact, you are usually the person pulling the levers behind the scenes. Capricorn is an analytical sign that prefers to be cautious; you find yourself stepping back and observing every angle, preparing for every outcome before committing to a plan of action. You tend to be very suspicious of people upon first meeting them and usually take a while to warm up — you do not expose your vulnerability easily and strive to understand the people around you as fully as possible.
Aquarians are the true humanitarians of the zodiac. They are usually progressive, forward-thinking people who value all people individually and equally. There are notable exceptions, of course, but regardless of politics and beliefs, Aquarians are usually collaborative, curious and dynamic problem-solvers. You hate feeling stagnant, which makes you highly adaptable.
Aquarians also tend to be the most opinionated in the zodiac. Once you set your mind on something, once you formulate a comprehensive and informed opinion, it’s nearly impossible to get you to change your mind. You tend to have a strong — yet highly personal — moral compass, so though you strive to be accepting of everyone, you can become judgmental or disapproving. Your stubbornness saturates every aspect of your life. Once you become emotionally attached, you cling to people, places and things.
Pisces is sometimes viewed as the final stage of evolution in the zodiac (*coughs* Rihanna), which usually means that Pisceans are mature, spiritually developed and suffused with compassion. You are uniquely tuned to emotional cues; your hypersensitivity to feelings and auras makes it easier for you to empathize, and it’s instinctual for you to care deeply for others. You tend to be helpful and nurturing with a talent for reassuring and calming the people around you.
A Pisces’ emotional maturity does not automatically grant you with emotional availability. It’s easy for you to conceal your own emotions, and you may find it much more difficult to open up to people the way that others open up to you. You are imaginative, idealistic, observant and wary of being taken advantage of — so you can often feel isolated and disconnected, as if on the outside looking in.
Illustrations by Allison Filice. 
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readingsbylibramc · 4 years
birth chart reading for @romant1cs
hello! welcome to your reading. I’m gonna give you a quick overview of what I’m going to analyze about your natal chart. feel free to ask me anything if something isn’t clear, of course. you’ll find out your dominants’ influence on your persona, your physical appearance, impression on others and the way you approach the world; your ego, identity, the real you; your reactions, your desires, inner emotions; your way of expressing your feelings, your mind and ideas; your desires and approach to love; your energy tank, instincts and temperament; in-depth analysis of each house with their rulers and analysis of heavy aspects; love life + soulmates/karmic partners interpretation; your relationship with your friends; your family life; your approach to career and work in general + possible jobs suggestion; your style, fashion sense analysis; life purpose and past life description; basic transits’ analysis to describe your current mood and, last but not least, your secret skills, how to make the most out of your soul and manifest what you desire based on your birth chart.
🦋 chart shape, dominants
your chart is a seesaw shape. your life focuses on different ideals and interests, often constrasting between each other. from one side, this gives you the ability to be adaptable and find solutions easily. on the other hand, you may struggle with balance; for example, you might find yourself dedicating your life to your relationships, neglecting your ego or viceversa. you need to learn how to harmonize these energies.
your dominant planets are uranus, the moon and mars. you are a very empathetic and emotional person, you are very sensitive and people could even call you a crybaby. you can have frequent mood swings, but on the other hand you're a very caring person who's both emotionally and logically intelligent. you are driven to achieve your goals, you're independent and also very original.
your dominant sign is aries. you may have a reputation for being impulsive and straight-forward. you don't like beating around the bush, especially when people purposely get on your nerves. on the other hand, you're very loyal and generous when it comes to your loved ones. you're very opinionated, and you always wanna make sure that your voice is heard. you're proud of yourself.
your dominant element is fire. you have a warm heart, even though it may be covered by your confidence and indipendence. in fact, you always strive for the first place. people may be intimidated by your presence, as you're a serious competitor. thanks to this competitive nature of yours you may be very positive and optimistic, making you a good and supportive friend/partner.
🌎 ascendant in gemini, 26° / 3rd decan ruled by mercury and uranus
you enjoy communicating and intellectualism. you’re very curious about everything that surrounds you. you love expanding your knowledge, ideas and mind in general through communication, interactions and media. you have the ability to adapt quickly to new situations; your mind is fast, usually impulsive. this placement helps you being adaptable to changes, you may also be able to match the energy of the people you’re talking to in order to be perceived as more likeable and connect with everyone on a deeper level. you may be so focused on making up your emotions, that you could forget to feel them, though. this may eventually cause crisis in an individual. you may be fond of books, poetry, literature… both writing and reading. it’s also a way to let yourself tune to your emotions. since you’re constantly mentally active, physically you may also tend to play with your fingers or hair, or maybe you tend to gesticulate while you speak. appearance-wise, I assume you’re at least of average height, with long limbs and fingers. you have something small about your face; you may either have a small nose, or eyes, lips etc. same thing goes for your bones. you may be naturally skinny. you also tend to look younger than you actually are, especially when growing up. you could have busy eyebrows with very striking eyes, and your nose may be quite prominent as well.
🌞 sun in aries, 13° / 2nd decan ruled by mars and the sun
even though you enjoy the idea of love and relationships, your independency is what matters the most for you. you possess strong leadership, which makes you aspire for the best positions in work, school, marriage etc. you don't want to lower your standards. aries have the reputation of being fearless, and that's mainly caused by their impulsiveness. in fact, if they actually thought before acting, they wouldn't be aries lol. some people may even define you as selfless, as you literally put yourself in danger or in awkward situations just to say what you truly think, even if nobody asked. it's apart of your nature, you don't want to go unnoticed, especially with your sun being also conjunct your mars, making this aries energy even stronger. you probably just lose your temper when someone challenges you (and it may happen often, to be honest). you hate routine; you always try to spice up your daily life a bit by meeting new people and trying new experiences in general. you enjoy having fun, partying, travelling... you thrive in social situations. you may have troubles making right decisions, as you're quite indecisive. but, once you do choose, no one is gonna stop you from achieving your goals and showing the world who you are. in fact, you gain confidence from your assertiveness, making you pretty proud of your persona as well.
aries sun conjunct aries mercury: you express your ego and identity through your words and ideas. you’re very opinionated and you protect strongly your beliefs. after all, you probably came up with your ideals after thinking deeply about them, you were too precise to be wrong. you’re also probably an avid reader, and you could do well in writing yourself, as you’re able to properly convey your ideals with your words. also, your heavy gemini dominance makes you naturally good at writing poetry, or even philosophical quotes. your mind is very active, and you feel comfortable letting all your thoughts out. it’s actually a way to relieve stress. you also have a wide vocabulary, and you’re capable of making a formal speech if you have to. you have a memorable way of speaking, as your words are very sharp. it’s hard for you to be ignored for your intellect.
aries sun conjunct aries mars: with this placement, you may be even more straight-forward than the typical aries. you are very impulsive and honest above all, you say things as they are. you don't get hurt easily, you're able to be very brave when you want to, and even if you do get emotionally hurt, you know how to stand up for yourself again. you strive to achieve your goals and make your dreams come true, you're an hard-worker. some may call you impatient, and you may actually be, but in reality you just can't wait for things to happen. for example, let's suppose you're going to the mall to buy the playstation you always wanted. you'd start only thinking and talking about that playstation until you actually get it in your hands. you get easily excited. also, this is another placement that indicates that is hard not to notice you. you have a very strong charisma that makes others stare. you strive to be the number #1 at whatever you do, you're a serious competitor and you'd do anything to win and achieve your goals.
aries sun conjunct aries saturn: you may have some insecurities coming from your family or roots that make you feel like you constantly need to prove yourself. you literally go extreme, just because you feel the need to show the best version of you to the world. there's an inner fight in you, which makes you feel that you can never reach the top. saturn represents the father figure in astrology, so maybe he's the cause of these issues. you had to grow up earlier than other kids, and you may find yourself more at ease around elder people. it's like the sun is restricted by saturn to shine properly. if you develop this aspect, you can get a big baggage of wisdom and responsibility. usually, it will take you a while to develop your confidence, but you'll be able to fully glow after your 30s.
🌙 moon in cancer, 10° / 2nd decan ruled by the moon and pluto
with your moon in cancer, your privacy and security are the centre of your life. you need to be and feel emotionally stable to fully take advantage of all of your skills; for example, if you argue with a loved one of yours, especially if it's someone from your family, you could get very unmotivated to do anything. you need to feel complete to function correctly, and when you can't, you rely on material goods; e.g you may overeat, buy a lot of useless things out of stress, drink... anything that apparently helps you to cope. on the other hand, you're very affectionate, even clingy at times, but your feelings are very pure. because of that, you may also be extremely sensitive, you could be afriad of others' judgment for example. you have a very acute maternal istinct, you're most likely the mom friend of your group, especially since your sun is in aries, another generous sign. it comes natural to you to take care of others and nurture them, you'd definitely make an amazing mother. the problem with this trait is that you may sometimes take the blame for something just to protect others, you could often say white lies to help your loved ones. you just want to do something beneficial for others, you're extremely generous, but don't forget that you should take care of yourself first. also, since you feel the need to help others, you may often bottle up your emotions without anyone that is willing to help you work out your problems. make sure to always have some private space in your day-to-day life, it is extremely essential for you to develop your own ideas and also to understand what to do for your personal growth.
cancer moon square aries mercury: your thoughts and feelings are constantly in contrast with each other. your aries mercury desires attention and social interactions, your cancer moon wants privacy. this results in indecisiveness, you change your mind pretty often, and that can cause you conflicts due to communication problems. you're also pretty opinionated, you don't hide your feelings when you act by impulse. at least, the positive side of this placement is that you're probably very intellectual, capable of taking in consideration both the subjective and objective side of an argument.
🗣 mercury in aries, 18° / 2nd decan ruled by mars and the sun
you are a fast-thinker, even though that doesn't mean you always take the right choices. in fact, you can change your mind very often. you probably have a beautiful, melodic voice, even though it's likely very loud. you also speak as fast as you think, making it hard sometimes to keep up with you in a speech. you could also switch from a topic to another casually. you don't really enjoy thinking about the past nor the future, you only care about the present and you live it they way you feel; hence, you're not really the type to care about learning from your mistakes. you always see the positive side of them, which can be both good and bad actually. that's because you're quite stubborn, it's hard to make you change your mind. you're very straight-forward, and that could lead you to conflicts as you don't understand the impact your words have on others. mercury is also retrograde, so you may have troubles communicating your thoughts in a clear and understandable way. due to this, people may misunderstand your ideas and opinions and viceversa. you're more introspective, you're better at thinking than speaking, which may make you more of a listener.
aries mercury conjunct aries mars: this placement makes you slightly more aggressive with your words. in fact, it makes you look more assertive and almost bossy. you could often attack people with words when you get angry, and you can get quite provocative too, even though it may happen in a more passive way. you still have your libra mercury’s elegance and diplomacy in you, after all. even though you’re quite controversial for the way you speak, you’re still very sensitive to others’ words. your self-esteem tends to find its base mostly on others’ opinion about you, and you always look for reassurance from your loved ones. to deal with this hard aspect, you need to think before you speak. if you have troubles understanding others’ feelings, just think about how you’d love to be treated. patience will just come naturally to you.
aries mercury conjunct aries saturn: this placement gives you limitations and lessons regarding the way you think and talk. it may be that you’re too shy to approach others and to say what you think, so you just don’t try. otherwise, if you actually take action and try to overcome this problem, you could get into troubles. that’s probably caused by the fact that you don’t really pay attention to your words. you’re quite straight-forward, and due to your leo energy you always seem as if you’re up for a fight. you may be particularly pessimistic, or maybe you lack confidence in social interactions due to these problems, which could be possibly caused by your parents, or perhaps interfer in your relationship with your family. in fact, you may argue quite often, and misunderstandings are also common. this is something that gets naturally better with time, but in order for it to happen you need to take action. you may for example start speaking more in school, perhaps you could apply for class president. anything that allows you to challenge your mind and voice, in order to make you gain experiences and become a master at it. many celebrities, once they mastered this hard aspect, got loads of success. you can do that too, you just need to work on it.
❤️ venus in aquarius, 27° / 3rd decan ruled by uranus and venus
when it comes to love, you actually step out of your comfort-zone, unlike your heavy saturn energy; that is, you're not into clichés. sure, you need a loyal partner who's stable both emotionally and financially, but at the same time they must have something unique about them. you're not the type to fall for the first guy you see down the street. in addition to that, you're not into the typical, cheesy romantic stuff. you want your partner to be a friend, not only a boyfriend/husband. you want to feel able to talk and vent to them, just like you'd do with a friend, but also someone that is willing to stay with you through thick and thin. you hardly fall in love at first sight, and you act quite casually around your crushes. in fact, most of the times you come off as so detached that you hardly look like you're interested in someone. boys could get intimidated from you because of that, in fact sometimes you just wish you could be the one taking the lead and ask others out, and maybe you do. yet, I think you're a bit quiet, and that could restrict you from doing it. also, as I've already mentioned, you need a partner that can stimulate you mentally. you can't stand a boring relationship with no amusement and excitement, you want someone that can constantly surprise you in some way. in fact, you'd probably choose brains over looks. last but no least, you hate feeling committed. that doesn't mean that you're unloyal, not at all. but you can't be with someone possessive that wants to take control of your life, it would be the death of you. you're able to stand up on your own.
☄️ mars in aries, 22° / 3rd decan ruled by mars and venus
you're very impulsive, it's natural for you to act before you think. you're motivated to pursue your goals and you're a natural born leader, you love being the boss and being seen as a point of reference, even though this could make you seem a bit bossy when working in groups. people may see you as fearless, but that's because you don't think much about your decisions. even if you make a wrong choice, you don't give up and try anything to solve it. in fact, you can't stand losing. you're a serious competitor, you always strive for the 1st place. that's also caused by the fact that, with your cancer moon, you're likely afraid that people could see you as too weak, and then take advantage of your kindness. you're very defensive, but your purpose isn't hurting others, but protecting yourself.
aries mars conjunct aries saturn: this is another placement that indicates that something or someone is trying to restrict you, they're trying to prevent you from following your dreams and taking your own choices for your life. that someone is most likely an individual that has a lot on impact on you, it's someone very authoritative. or perhaps, it may even be a bully or abuser of any sort. as a result, you either rebel and get extremely angry, or you hide all of your disappointment inside of you. it could even be a matter of insecurity. soon or after, all of your intense feelings are going to eat you alive if you keep going like this, it's a very unhealthy behaviour. you could find it extra hard to achieve your goals, as when you try you always come across some hardships. what matters the most, is that you try to be more positive, you could even try manifesting more patience or serenity. you can't hold onto anger so much, or it will just fill you with negativity that could damage you. let it all go, focus on your goals and try to understand how to be more patient. in fact, you may often feel like you need to do everything as soon as possible, when it's not like that. you can allow yourself to be more calm and live life as it comes, it will make you feel much better with yourself and you'll also get more mature, which is crucial to learn your saturnian lessons and increase your self-confidence.
🏡 houses
your 1st house is in gemini. your ego feels fulfilled when you express your opinions, ideas and creativity. people probably see you as an intelligent, wise individual. maybe even as a know-it-all. you care about both your inner and outer self, which may be the cause of your confidence issues. you try to fit into society, and you tend to change your approach to people based on who you’re interacting with. while this gives you great social skills, it may confuse you quite a bit. in fact, you may forget who you are. you may often have identity crisis, especially since you always feel as if you have to fit somewhere. you also have the moon placed in the first house: this placement makes you look softer than the typical gemini rising. in fact, you're kind of a cancer rising for some traits: you can read people's mood very well, it's easy for you to understand whether someone is sad, angry, happy... because of that, you always try to make people feel at ease, you're always kind with people, and that makes you extremely likeable. also, since the moon rules over feelings and the inner you, you're probably a very genuine person. it's hard for you to hide your real emotions, and even if you wanted to hide them you wouldn't be capable, you're not fake.
your 2nd house is in cancer. your family, home and cultural background may play a big role in your finances. you may earn money through your family’s business, or maybe you actually work with your family. you may also work from home, especially online/through social media. your adaptability is your greatest strenght; you’re probably good at a different variety of jobs, hence it may not be hard for you to find something to cope before deciding your definite career. this also confirms that your values, self-worth and security were shaped by your roots, childhood and family. the ruler of the second house, the moon, is placed in your first house. this placement indicates that money is probably very important for you in this lifetime, your life could revolve around wealth and earning finances. it could also symbolize that you're going to make money from your appearance, and hence you would be successful as a model for instance, or perhaps you can earn money from appearance in general. you could make a good photographer, stylist, mua, etc.
your 3rd house is in leo. you’re able to express your innovative ideas and creativity in a way that doesn’t go overlooked. you tend to overthink a lot, especially about your theories but, once you’ve made up your mind, no one is gonna make you change idea. you’re confident in your opinions. the downside of this placement is that you may come off as a know-it-all from the way you communicate your thoughts. the ruler of the 3rd house is in the 11th house: another placement that indicates that your future career involves communication, and healing someone in some way. you could become a writer or a musician, as art can heal people in some way. again, you would also do well as a therapist or as a nurse, as they’re more challenging jobs where you need to communicate in order to help someone out.
your 4th house is in leo. your family had great expectations of you, which could have eventually led to anxiety/self-esteem issues. on the other hand, your parents cared about you, and they always made sure that you had everything you needed. if you have siblings, you were most likely the favourite child in the family, or at least you were spoiled by your parents, both with material things and affection. overall, your childhood wasn’t much turbulent, even though your parents most likely were quite strict with you. there could have been lots of arguing as well aside from restrictions, and hence it was hard for you to establish a proper emotional bond with them. because of that, you may feel a little insecure now, as you may constantly feel misunderstood by others.
your 5th house is in libra. you’re very creative, and you try to make beauty out of your imagination. you’re probably into music, art, photography, fashion… things like that. you’d also like to experience light romance, and you may enjoy the idea of socializing with others. you feel fulfilled when you’re able to spend time with your loved ones, even though this may make you struggle embracing your indipendence. the ruler of the 5th house is in the 9th house: your hobbies could involve foreign matters, and hence you may be into foreign cultures, languages, or even stuff like movies, music, and so on. you probably have hobbies that broaden your mind, and hence you could also be a very spiritual and / or religious person. you may also have a knack for philosophy, writing, psychology, etc.
your 6th house is scorpio, with pluto placed here as well. you may be passionate about routine, self-care, health and work, to the point that it looks (and feels) obsessive. you may attract enemies in your daily life, e.g co-workers that are jealous of your ambition. you might have to undergo different changes in your routine and health throughout your life, which can literally transform you both physically and emotionally. the 6th house also rules health, and hence you may have health problems related to your reproductive system. for instance, you may have very painful periods, and they could have an irregar cycle. the ruler of the 6th house is in the 6th house: you may have pets, or even work with them. you take care of your health, especially to work. you may also work as a doctor with plutonian traits; hence, you could be a psychologist, a therapist etc.
your 7th house is in sagittarius. you want your marriage to be a constant travel for you, in which you can both relax and learn. you want to marry a witty and impulsive partner, that is also fun to live with. you may often find yourself falling for unavailable people, either physically or emotionally (or even both). you may meet your future spouse at school, or maybe even directly abroad. they may be foreign, or at least they’re able to speak a different language from yours. they could also have a different culture/religion, or you may meet them during your free time or even in uni. the ruler of the 7th house, jupiter, is placed in the 10th house: your future spouse could be someone very disciplined and hard-working, and you could actually meet them at your workplace. you two may be coworkers, or perhaps they're a customer of yours, something like that.
your 8th house is in capricorn, with also neptune sitting there. you may be prone to die old, and you may feel attracted to people that are older or more established than you. you are most probably going to have a peaceful death, you could possibly die in your sleep or maybe you die from some sort of overdose. you’re fascinated by the occult, and you may even be/been able to talk to dead people. you’re very intuitive, and it’s easy for you to read through people’s words. you may as well have prophetic dreams. with this placement, there are also high chances that you’re going to marry someone quite wealthy, possibly a business person. with the ruler of the 8th house in the 11th house, you’re likely surronded by karmic friends and people in general. you may argue often with them, and your relationship with is very intense, but that’s because you have karmic lessons to learn, and they’re the ones teaching them to you. it’s something that will get better with time. also, your friends may have the same interests as you, and you could possibly attract wealthy friends too.
your 9th house is in aquarius, with also uranus and venus sitting there. you’re an avid believer of your philosophical and cultural beliefs. you may be interested in teaching, and you could do it through innovative and technological tools. you’re also interested in foreign music, books, movies and any type of hobby. you may be attracted to genres like thriller, sci-fi… you could also believe in aliens. at school you may be considered particular, almost weird for your interests. you’re open-minded, as you appreciate the differences in people and cultures all over the world. venus here gives you the natural need to keep grasping information around not only in school but in your life in general, as knowledge is where you find happiness. you hate being told what to do, you want to be free in the decisions you make. you may have to live unexpected situations, as 9th house is also about experiences. you’re the type to feel proud doing something never seen before, as you aspire to be a trend-setter. this may also manifest in your musical, fashion etc. taste. you’re also very opinionated, and you defend your beliefs pretty strongly. this is also another placement that indicates that you may be attracted to foreigners, or perhaps you fall easily for unavailable people (celebrities, people that live far away from you, people that are already taken, etc.)
your 10th house is in aquarius with also your jupiter placed there. your venus is tightly conjunct the midheaven. you want to stand out from the crowd, you strive to establish your own morals and beliefs. you don’t want to conform to anything and anyone, as you’re a trend-setter and you want to be seen as such. you’d rather have a job where you can handle your work yourself, rather than having a boss. in fact, aquarius in this house makes you extremely resolute and motivated to achieve your goals and be independent. you may not be much interested in love, and if you are, you don’t overlook career either. having a stable and successful future that makes you happy is the key for happiness in your life. it could take you some time at first to be recognized for your efforts. you may easily experience 'almost-winner’ situation, and hence you could often make silly mistakes that ruin your work. it’s important to be focused when working, especially for you. yet, once you know how to balance this tricky energy and get your stuff together, you’ll earn a reputation for being an innovative and original person. you may be quite artistic, creative and emotional, you’ll probably focus your life on self-expression. venus in this house is another placement that indicates that you may often date people from your work place, or maybe even people older than you. also, since venus is your most elevated planet, your life probably revolves around love, as well as creativity. in fact, your career could possibly involve beauty, like fashion, make-up, etc. or maybe arts. you could be a singer, a writer… you would also do particularly well at politics or law.
with the 11th house ruled by aries, you probably attract a lot of people in your life. you have a giant stellium in this house involving mars, saturn, mercury and your sun. whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, you’ll always be able to have someone by your side, even though you may struggle to create stable bonds. friends come and go, basically. you may attract very fierce, almost violent friends. they’re very energetic, and probably extroverted people who like socializing and enjoying life to the fullest. saturn is also placed in this house, meaning that at first you struggle to find friends. you may be very shy and awkward, and you just can’t seem to find someone right for you whom you can truly trust. I don’t have much to say to you regarding this placement, as it’s not badly aspected at all. you may find yourself comfortable with this placement, especially while growing up, as you’re cautious about who you befriend. also, it allows you not to waste time and focus on your duties, but generally it’s something that will get better with time and will naturally give you the ability to relate to others better. in fact, you may actually be more responsible than the typical aries. you could have workaholic tendencies to make your dreams come true, but you probably don’t feel too stressed about it thanks to this placement, which makes you extremely dedicated. your friends may feel like your home to you, they could be your second family. they can help you build a reputation, especially since they’re probably quite popular. or maybe, you could actually work with them. generally speaking, you may come across powerful people in your life that will help you boost your self-esteem and career path. you may also meet your true friends at work, or at least while growing up. you probably didn’t have many stable bonds during your teenage years.
lastly, your 12th house is in the sign of taurus. you’re secretly sensitive and affectionate, but you may have issues finding it out at first. in fact, the center of your life is your own intellectuality, these venusian traits are probably yet to develop. you may feel attracted to spirituality, but you’re quite lazy to actually dive into it. the moon sitting here indicates that you probably hide your feelings from others, probably out of fear. or maybe, you do it subconsciously; you’re quite secretive, but maybe because you don’t know how to get in touch with your feelings. using tools like meditation, astrology etc. are important for you to understand what you truly need from life. your 12th house’s ruler is in the 9th house: getting in touch with your hidden, subconscious and higher self will be crucial to help you grow up and gain more awareness of yourself. you may be interested in topics like astrology, psychology etc. most likely to get to know yourself, but your chart points out that you could easily turn these hobbies into something more if you want to. even just helping people is a way to get in touch with your higher self, and so you may choose a career that allows you to provide service to others in some way.
❤️ love life, soulmates
in love you attract sagittarius, virgo, libra, scorpio, pisces and aquarius placements. your future spouse may also have sagittarius/scorpio energy, maybe a sagittarius - scorpio cusp. you need someone who’s adventurous, funny, outgoing and witty, that can also stand up for themselves with no hesitation. you’re also into the magnetic, sexy type. you’re looking for someone independent, but that wouldn’t mind dedicating their time to you. you may feel unlucky in love, as your sagittarius descendant makes you attract people that are usually unavailable, whether it’s physically (they’re abroad) or emotionally. you may marry someone of a different culture/country/religion from yours. you may also meet and marry abroad. you may meet through your family, or maybe at your workplace as I’ve already mentioned before. they could also be someone you already know, probably from your childhood. your children will most probably have very prominent venusian energy, hence libra or taurus, or maybe they could also have leo or capricorn placements; they’ll love to be spoiled with affection, they’ll love material things like toys, food, clothes etc. but they’ll also be very smart and creative, as well as hard-working and disciplined.
👶🏻 family life
your mother is probably very hard-working, and she has a strong role in your family. she loves being spoiled and appreciated, together with receiving attention. yet, she could sometimes be quite superficial because of that, but deep down she’s very romantic and mannered. she may have leo placements, or any fire / 5th house placement in general. your father is a bit colder than your mother, and he might be an aquarius or have any type of air/capricorn placement in his chart. your father could be a bit moody and / or unpredictable, and he may also have some addictions in the worst case. yet, he also has a very sweet and romantic side to him that he may struggle to let out. he could possibly also have taurus placements. if you have siblings, they’re probably cancers/ water signs. if you’re the elder sibling, you probably used to take care of them to help your mother. on the other hand, if you’re younger, then your siblings were the ones who nurtured you with your parents.
📊 career
as I’ve already mentioned above, you could work abroad, or at least with different languages/cultures. you’re probably naturally talented in this field, it would be a shame to overlook it. you also most likely have great communication skills and writing abilities. you’re very logical and precise, you’d definitely do well in a field that requires calm and organization. I can also picture you being an amazing teacher or even professor. based on your other placements, you could also do well at literally any creative career! you may be a dancer, a singer, or even something more complex like a creative director. in fact, with your aquarius midheaven, I feel like you’d rather be in charge in your job rather than be submissed to a boss. you’re very intuitive and observant, but also logical and rational. otherwise, you could also be successful as a designer, an architect, a scientist… something that allows you to be mostly independent, but that can still guarantee you mental stimulation and a decent income, and that also allows you to use your creative uranian energy.
👕 fashion sense, style analysis
you probably have a very particular style. it probably descrives who you are. you may be into traditional pieces of clothing that are always a must: cardigans, blazers, plain t-shirts, jeans etc. you probably wear natural shades of colours, hence white, beige, grey etc. or maybe also pastel colors. you may also be into retro fashion trends, especially 70s/80s. you don't like following fashion trends, you prefer making your own.
👁 past life, life purpose
in your past life, you were very career-oriented. you were probably extremely successful at work, it was your priority. you could have even been someone important for your career, who knows. yet, this lifetime you don't need to focus on work anymore, you're already a master at it. now, you need to solve your issues with your family and create a family of your own to fully accomplish your life purpose. there may be some ups and downs, but this is what your soul has to learn in this lifetime.
🤔 major transits analysis / february 9th
in the last few months, you could have had (and you may still have) problems with your friends, as mars and chiron, two malefics, are both transiting your 11th house. you may argue and discuss often, or perhaps you even lost a few friend during this span of time. also, since your natal pluto is conjunct your transit moon, you may feel particularly moody in these days. it could be that you’re starting to crave love or communicating in general in the first place, but in addition you also feel the need to change. you may feel very intense emotions, but at least you have a stronger will-power, therefore your manifestations may come true quicker for instance. just be careful not to stress yourself by being too bossy or suspicious.
🧿 manifest what you want, secret skills
the best way for you to manifest is idealizing and acting at the same time. you have both energies combined in your chart, which is great actually! I’d suggest you to first picture what you want in your life, and then do something concrete to manifest it. for example, let’s suppose you want this gucci bag; first, think about it deeply. then, you could try going into a gucci shop and just walk around, maybe even touch that bag. you’ll get results if you believe it! it’s also great to write and read/listen your own positive affirmations, such as 'I love my gucci bag’, 'the gucci bag my mom gave me is amazing’ and so on.
this is the end!! thank you again for booking a reading, let me know if you have any questions :) - libramc xx
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readingsbylibramc · 4 years
birth chart reading for @scorpioxaries
hello! welcome to your reading. I’m gonna give you a quick overview of what I’m going to analyze about your natal chart. feel free to ask me anything if something isn’t clear, of course. you’ll find out your dominants’ influence on your persona, your physical appearance, impression on others and the way you approach the world; your ego, identity, the real you; your reactions, your desires, inner emotions; your way of expressing your feelings, your mind and ideas; your desires and approach to love; your energy tank, instincts and temperament; in-depth analysis of each house with their rulers and analysis of heavy aspects; love life + soulmates/karmic partners interpretation; your relationship with your friends; your family life; your approach to career and work in general + possible jobs suggestion; your style, fashion sense analysis; life purpose and past life description; basic transits’ analysis to describe your current mood and, last but not least, your secret skills, how to make the most out of your soul and manifest what you desire based on your birth chart.
🦋 chart shape, dominants
your chart is a locomotive shape. this means that you're a very ambitious person, with a lot of energy. the moon has a big influence on you, and your life revolves around understanding your feelings and emotional growth. the empty part of your life is what you have to develop, hence your family, love life and also your communication and thinking style, together with your confidence.
your dominant planets are mercury, pluto and uranus. you're an extremely intelligent and creative person with amazing problem-solving skills. you're very talkative and witty, and also extremely charismatic too. it's hard not to listen to you. you may experience lots of transformations in your life, you may make major changes to your lifestyle, but they'll help you gain more confidence and happiness to live more peacefully.
your dominant sign is scorpio. you may have trust issues and be quite of a loner, yet once you commit to someone, you'll be in for a long ride. you are very deep, both mentally and emotionally. you may struggle with power control, as you may have the perception that people are trying to take advantage of you due to your insecurities. because of that, you may also get quite possessive and bossy.
your dominant element is water. you're very intuitive and empathetic, you care a lot about others, and you may seem like a healer to people you know. in fact, you always try to help them if you can, almost in a therapeutic way. you're also very spiritual, and you're attracted to anything related to discovering your higher self and soul purpose.
🌎 ascendant in gemini, 15° / 2nd decan ruled by mercury and venus
you enjoy communicating and intellectualism. you’re very curious about everything that surrounds you. you love expanding your knowledge, ideas and mind in general through communication, interactions and media. you have the ability to adapt quickly to new situations; your mind is fast, usually impulsive, and this energy may be particularly prominent; you have lots of fire energy too, which makes you very straight-forward. you're rarely afraid to say or do what you think. this placement also helps you being adaptable to changes, even though you may only be able to see it after a few years if you manage to balance it well. you may also be able to match the energy of the people you’re talking to in order to be perceived as more likeable and connect with everyone on a deeper level. you may be so focused on making up your emotions, that you could forget to feel them, though. this may eventually cause crisis in an individual. you may be fond of books, poetry, literature… both writing and reading. it’s also a way to let yourself tune to your emotions. since you’re constantly mentally active, physically you may also tend to play with your fingers or hair, or maybe you tend to gesticulate while you speak. appearance-wise, I assume you’re at least of average height, with long limbs and fingers. you have something small about your face; you may either have a small nose, or eyes, lips etc. same thing goes for your bones. you may be naturally skinny. you also tend to look younger than you actually are, especially when growing up. I also see you having a square face with high cheekbones. overall, your bones are very prominent and you could gain muscle easily. your eyes are extremely magnetic, and they could also be quite big and/or round. you might have either very pale skin, or just an olive skintone. sometimes, even a mix of both. your hair, eyebrows and lashes are very thick and dark too.
🌞 sun in scorpio, 22° / 3rd decan ruled by pluto and the moon
you're quite of a loner, you prefer spending time alone rather than with others. you're extremely intuitive, and you can read people like a book; they can't lie or keep secrets from you, you'll surely find out. you're pretty charismatic, and paired with your wise intellect it's hard not to agree with your ideas, especially considering that your ascendant is in the intelligent gemini. you're basically a leader, a very demanding one. you have high standards regarding everything: clothes, food, goals, people... you're always striving for the best, you don't want to settle down. on the other hand, even though it may take you a while to find someone worth of your affection, once that someone shows up you'll stay with them forever. you're deeply loyal, and also caring in your own way. that's because you value feelings, you can easily smell when someone isn't trustworthy. you're probably very protective of your friends and loved ones in general, sometimes even too much. this could even escalate and become a more serious issue, as scorpio is also the planet of obsession, after all. it's common for you to feel your emotions x2, as they're too intense to handle. you know everything about others, but you don't show off and gossip about it. actually, you keep the info for yourself and use it when you need it. you're a sort of strategic cia agent, and your moon being in aries confirms this.
scorpio sun square leo mars: you’re extremely passionate about the things you love, you strive to be perfect at them, and it's actually a beneficial placement for you considering that you could be quite superficial at times due to your gemini rising. this could make you quite competitive, as both your scorpio sun and aries moon want to succeed and be always right. I feel like you don’t really enjoy being in the spotlight; you’d rather avoid conflicts, or at least not be the center of them. yet, sometimes it’s hard for you not be aggressive. I don’t think it happens often, but you can be very blunt and rude if someone truly gets on your nerves. this, paired up with your mars being in leo, makes you sort of dramatic. as long as you don’t react like this too often, I don’t think it’s a big issue though.
scorpio sun conjunct scorpio jupiter: this placement makes you more easy-going and kind-hearted than the typical scorpio sun. you have a warm personality. you could still value alone time a lot, but you're definitely more talkative than other scorpio suns. I imagine that, once you get to know people, you become very outgoing. you always try to make people feel comfortable and, in addition, this placement also makes you particularly considerate of others. you have a knack for religion, spirituality and just knowledge in general. you have strong beliefs, and you're most probably very open-minded as well. the negative side of this mostly-beneficial placement is that you may be subconsciously too confident in yourself, resulting arrogant or selfish. it's alright to praise yourself of course, but you may start to look down on people who don't share your same interests, opinions etc. you can't repress this side of yourself of course, but try not to show it with people around you if it causes you problems.
🌙 moon in aries, 16° / 2nd decan ruled by mars and the sun
you aim for greatness. this is where your strong desire to be the #1 comes from, pretty much. you're very proud of yourself, and you don't like to acknowledge your mistakes. you always want to look like you have your life together, even in certain moments when you feel lost. I would say that this is a sort of self-sabotaging mechanism, as you can literally go as far as forcing a smile if it shows the world that you can stand by yourself. overall, I would say you deal with your emotions in a very 'child-like' way; after all, aries is pretty self-centered. you tend to preserve yourself more, unless someone really special to you is involved. in fact, aries moon makes you really protective of your loved and trusted ones, even though they're not many because of your high standards. you're also very honest, you speak from your heart. while it's a positive trait, you may be too blunt and ruin your relationships because of that. you're both smart and fast, hence you may get annoyed when people mishear or misunderstand your words
🗣 mercury in scorpio, 6° / 1st decan ruled by pluto
you're extremely blunt and straight-forward, you may actually hurt people with your words. you probably lack diplomacy, and you're very realistic. the thing is, you speak the truth, but not everyone can accept it. that's why your behaviour is so controversial. though, since your mercury is also conjunct venus, I assume you could manifest this side of you only when you react by impulse, when you're angry. otherwise, you try to be as well-spoken as possible. you speak fluent sarcasm, and that could annoy people who don't understand your sense of humor. you're probably good at lying, and even manipulating people. you may often make others change their mind just with your own words, but be careful not to use this skill to hurt others, or you'll only experience a sense of guilt and overall the bad sides of it. on the other hand, you're an extremely captivating speaker, you'd be successful at anything that involves the use of words and voice. you're truly intuitive, and it's easy for you to understand when someone is being honest or is lying to you. last but not least, you're very secretive as well. you're probably the type to know everything and anything about others, while you remain a mystery.
scorpio mercury conjunct scorpio venus: with this placement, you may have some struggles to open yourself to the world, but since you have a very strong aries moon, I don't think that you’re insecure that your thoughts and ideas may be judged negatively by others. you're very opinionated, and you usually don't (and can't) bottle up your feelings. this aspect is mostly positive, though! you’re probably a good singer, or at least you have a very calm tone of voice that is pleasant to hear. you’re able to see both sides of an argument, hence you may be good at helping people making up. you could actually be suited for psychology! you may also earn money through your voice and thoughts, so you could be a writer, a journalist, an actress, a singer etc. this placement assures that you may be sociable, or at least that you have great social skills.
❤️ venus in scorpio, 4° / 1st decan ruled by pluto
this placement is extremely intense; you have very high standards when it comes to love. you're a passionate, loyal lover, but at the same times you also want and need a lover that is willing to go as far as you go with your feelings. you may often test your partner to see if they're worthy of your love, for example. you have this sort of self-destructive behaviour that makes people stressed, just because you have extreme trust issues and you feel the need to control everyone, especially if 'everyone' is your lover. you find yourself being more attracted to 'darker' types; that is, you may be into bad boys / girls, someone with an edgy / grunge aesthetic. I've noticed that many scorpio venus individuals have a thing for people wearing leather jackets, for example. you're probably into the idea of that passionate, even kinky love, despite being quite afraid of opening up to others. you despise too much intimacy, especially since you may often attract and / or fall for self-centered players that don't care about the intensity and purity of your feelings. as I've already mentioned above, you may have a few trust issues that lead you into being extremely jealous and / or possessive. you could even get quite stalker-ish at times, but in the best way possible of course. that isn't because you want to take over your partner's life, but you need to feel secure and understand whether you're dedicating your time and your heart to the right person or you're just wasting yourself. a betrayal would hurt you deeply, as you'd literally die for the one you love.
☄️ mars in leo, 20° / 3rd decan ruled by the sun and jupiter
praise and success are what motivate you the most. your main goal in life is being praised for achieving your goals, you wouldn't feel motivated without compliments. therefore, you put energy in things that make you feel confident and noticed, as you enjoy being seen. for example, if you feel confident when wearing make-up and a good dress, you could spend hours in the bathroom to look how you want. you are very creative, you get an energy boost through creative outlets, and hence your hobbies (reading, writing, dancing, singing, drawing, etc.) recharge your battery. this placement also makes you very extra, especially with people you're close to. you may gesticulate a lot, you could as well enjoy mimicking others' voices. you're basically very dramatic, you seem like an actress when you react, but at least you're very fun and entertaining to watch and listen. this placement, it gives you a strong charisma that, and combined with your heavy scorpio dominance, it makes it impossible not to notice you. you could overreact from time to time, and you may also be particularly pessimistic, but above all you appear as someone very bold and strong-minded.
leo mars square scorpio jupiter: you easily come off as more assertive and arrogant than you actually are. you say things impulsively, and sometimes you’re too blunt and hurt people’s feelings. you don’t do it on purpose, though, there’s no malice behind your acts; it’s just your natural way to express your opinions. you’re also very competitive, and this may make you look selfish. on a positive side, you probably have a naturally nice body (or maybe you react fast to diets/workout). you’re a risk-taker, and if you’re not you should try breaking the rules sometimes (obviously not doing illegal stuff lol). in fact, it’s when you’re both physically and mentally active that you’re able to come up with even better ideas, as you’re full of creativity. to cope with this placement, you can try doing something fun to challenge your mind, basically get out of your comfort-zone. of course you don’t have to overdo it, but it would be beneficial.
🏡 houses, interceptions
your 1st house is in gemini. your ego feels fulfilled when you express your opinions, ideas and creativity. people probably see you as an intelligent, wise individual. maybe even as a know-it-all. you care about both your inner and outer self, which may be the cause of your confidence issues. you try to fit into society, and you tend to change your approach to people based on who you’re interacting with. while this gives you great social skills, it may confuse you quite a bit. in fact, you may forget who you are. you may often have identity crisis, especially since you always feel as if you have to fit somewhere. with the ruler of the 1st house in the 6th house, you may have a career that involves your physical appearance, or just your identity in general. people recognize you for your unique personality, and probably also because of your looks. you could also have to interact with other people during your job, or perhaps you may work as a helper or healer of any kind.
your 2nd house is in cancer. your family, home and cultural background may play a big role in your finances. you may earn money through your family’s business, or maybe you actually work with your family. you may also work from home, especially online/through social media. your adaptability is your greatest strenght; you’re probably good at a different variety of jobs, hence it may not be hard for you to find something to cope before deciding your definite career. this also confirms that your values, self-worth and security were shaped by your roots, childhood and family. the ruler of the 2nd house is in the 11th house; having a dream, a goal to pursue and working hard for it is a great help to boost your self-esteem and be more self-aware. you may actually make money out of it, you could pursue the career of your dreams and earn a nice income from it. the 11th house also rules friendship, hence you could have many wealthy friends, or perhaps they help you feeling more confident. you’re probably way more sociable when you’re in their company.
your 3rd house is in cancer again. your parents were probably successful in school and university, and they passed down their knowledge to you. maybe, you may have the same interests or passions as them, or perhaps they want you to be academically successful just like them. you may also find yourself talking about your memories, as you’re very attached to them, or even directly about your childhood/parents. you also have your mars placed in this house: you are very intellectually active. you always feel the need to be mentally stimulated, and you could do that by watching interesting tv series, reading books, particular blogs, etc. you never get tired, you could go on doing what you like for hours and hours. you're also a very fast-thinker, it's easy for you to come up with new and astute solutions. the ruler of the 3rd house is in the 6th house: your job may involve communication, you'll most probably interact with other people in your future career. or maybe, you might write stuff, hence you could be a writer, a journalist, etc. possibly, you would do well as a therapist too. you may also communicate through artistic outlets, hence you could be an actess, a singer, etc. also, you could often have to do short trips to reach your college / work place, perhaps in a bus for example.
your 4th house is in leo. your family had great expectations for you, which eventually led to anxiety/self-esteem issues. on the other hand, your parents cared about you, and they always made sure they let you have everything you needed. if you have siblings, you were most likely the favourite child in the family, or at least you were spoiled by your parents, both with material things and affection. the ruler of the 4th house, the sun, is in the 6th house: you may end up following your parents' same steps when it comes to school and / or work, or even health. you could inherit a disease from them, for example. you might have also been a very active and healthy kid, perhaps you used to eat a lot and didn't gain weight, or you've always done sport in your life. you could also find a job in your birth country / city, or perhaps you won't move farther than that, I don't see you going abroad.
your 5th house is intercepted in the sign of libra, with the cusp falling in virgo. you're a very creative individual, yet you may struggle to let this side of you out. you're more introspective in a kind of sense, and you tend to keep your hobbies and talents private from the world. that's probably because you're very critical of yourself, you strive for perfection, and hence you feel like you can't show what you can do to the world until you become perfect. in fact, since virgo is in the cusp of the house, people may actually judge you for your interests, hobbies, who you date, how you spend your spare time, etc. or at least you fear others' criticism. that can make you too insecure, and you end up planning things too much, which isn't required at all when it comes to creativity. you may as well come across creative blockages, you can't seem to fully express your talents. to cope with this interception, I'd suggest you to start considering a career in a creative field. actually, it would be very beneficial for you to turn a hobby into a job. you always feel a very strong sense of duty that prevents you from truly letting your inner child out, so why not kill two birds with one stone? it would be beneficial both for your finances and also your health, as you find pleasure in your hobbies. it would become pleasant for you to work, your mood would instantly get way better.
your 6th house is scorpio, with pluto, the sun, venus, mercury and jupiter placed here as well. you may be passionate about routine, self-care, health and work, to the point that it looks (and feels) obsessive. you may attract enemies in your daily life, e.g co-workers that are jealous of your ambition. you might have to undergo different changes in your routine and health throughout your life, which can literally transform you both physically and emotionally. this placement usually makes it hard for you to have a healthy routine, and you may have the tendency to overwork yourself. you could even have bad luck at work, but thanks to venus and jupiter this energy is mitigated, and you may actually find pleasure in working. in fact, your job is your #1 source of money and success. this placement also indicates that you'll work in a creative, artistic field. possibly, you may also work with beauty. last but not least, venus also points out that you may often date someone from your work place or routine in general. for example, you may meet someone that catches your eye at the supermarket, or even at the gym. the ruler of the 6th house is in the 6th house: you may have pets, or even work with them. you take care of your health, especially to work. you may also work as a doctor with plutonian traits; hence, you could be a psychologist, a therapist etc. in fact, since your sun is also placed here, your life revolves around receiving help and helping others, and that could happen not just by becoming a doctor, but even in more artistic ways. for example, you could become a singer that heals and helps people with their lyrics, or a poet that finds comfort in poetry.
your 7th house is in sagittarius. you want your marriage to be a constant travel for you, in which you can both relax and learn. you want to marry a witty and impulsive partner, that is also fun to live with. you may often find yourself falling for unavailable people, either physically or emotionally (or even both). jupiter, the ruler of this house, is in the 6th house. you'll most likely meet your future spouse at your work place. you could pursue the same career, they could be a customer of yours... or perhaps, you could meet them in your everyday life, and hence if you attend college you could meet them there, or perhaps in a gym, at the supermarket, on the bus, etc. any place that you frequent daily.
your 8th house is in capricorn, with both neptune and uranus sitting there. you may be prone to die old, and you may feel attracted to people that are older or more established than you. you are most probably going to have a peaceful death, yet it could be unexpected though. or maybe, you’re surrounded by unpredictable events of loss of any kind in your life. you’re fascinated by the occult, and you may even be/been able to talk to dead people. you’re very intuitive, and it’s easy for you to read through people’s words. you may as well have prophetic dreams. with the ruler of the 8th house in the 10th house, you may be known for your successful career, maybe you may actually get popular easily. this is a beneficial placement for people that want to be recognized/famous, as you naturally have the celebrity vibe and charisma to you. you may also prefer working alone rather than in groups or in an association. you could earn lots of money from your job, even though I don't see you being totally independent. you may work under a boss for example, or perhaps you get successful thanks to others' support, for example you could have some fans that help you boost your career.
your 9th house is in capricorn. you have a pragmatic approach to philosophy, school and experiences in general. for example, you may be the type to plan every day of a travel. at school, you were probably the type to prefer more logical subjects, but I assume that you were good at all of them. this placement could possibly make one close-minded, but I don't think it's exactly your case due to your gemini rising. it may be hard for you to be flexible and rely on intuition rather than logic, but I don't see you beng close-minded. last but not least, you may also have a knack for philosophy, poetry, literature, history… anything that can open your mind and stimulate your creativity. this is also a placement that indicates that your father or someone from your family in general may be foreign, or at least they’re able to speak a different language. they could also be from a different culture. with the ruler of the 9th house being in the 10th house, you may pursue a career that involves travelling, foreign languages, culture, etc. perhaps you may have to travel a lot for work, or perhaps you'll actually move abroad to pursue your career. you may also work as a writer, a philosoper, or even as a teacher or professor.
your 10th house is in aquarius. you want to stand out from the crowd, you strive to establish your own morals and beliefs. you don’t want to conform to anything and anyone, as you’re a trend-setter and you want to be seen as such. you’d rather have a job where you can handle your work yourself, rather than having a boss. you also have saturn placed in this house, in its natural place. saturn usually brings seriousness to the matters of the house it is placed in, but since this is the house of work, it's definitely a beneficial placement. you have leadership qualities, you know how to organize your job, you're very precise, and you work hard for your own success. in fact, even though at first you may have some troubles finding a stable job due to aquarius in the house cusp, saturn gives you the possibility to become successful later in life. you'll probably start being very lucky at work after your saturn return, that is after your 27/28s. the ruler of the 10th house is in the 8th house: you could earn money from someone else's finances, for example your customers may pay you directly, you don't get paid by a boss. you could have a shop or brand by your own for example, or maybe you could be involved in the 8th house matters: astorlogy, tarots, thrillers, etc.
your 11th house is intercepted in the sign of aries, with the cusp of the house falling in pisces. the moon is also intercepted. the 11th house is the house of friends and long-term goals, dreams. with this house being intercepted, you may find yourself not being able to have a dream for the future. or perhaps you do have one, or even more the one, but you struggle to make them come true. the intercepted moon makes you constantly indecisive, you can't seem to figure out your emotions and needs, and you end up keeping all of your dreams for yourself, without nurturing them. you could actually dream so much that you forget that there's a limit, and that you need to do something concrete in the real world. now that you're aware of this problem, though, it's up to you to solve it or not. you can always work hard and start thinking more about your future. since the ruler of the intercepted 11th house is in the 8th, I assume that it would be beneficial for you to clear up your mind through spiritual tools like astrology, tarots, meditation, etc., it would help you finding out who you want to be in the future. you just need to be ambitious and hard-working, which is something you most likely are due to your mars influence, but you may struggle to let all of your potential out.
lastly, your 12th house is in the sign of taurus. you’re secretly sensitive and affectionate, but you may have issues finding it out at first. in fact, the center of your life is your own intellectuality, these venusian traits are probably yet to develop. you may feel attracted to spirituality, but you’re quite lazy to actually dive into it. the moon sitting here indicates that you probably hide your feelings from others, probably out of fear. or maybe, you do it subconsciously; you’re quite secretive, but maybe because you don’t know how to get in touch with your feelings. using tools like meditation, astrology etc. are important for you to understand what you truly need from life. your 12th house’s ruler is in the 6th house: getting in touch with your hidden, subconscious and higher self will be crucial to help you feel healthier and more decisive in your life. you may be interested in topics like astrology, psychology etc. most likely to get to know yourself, but your chart points out that you could easily turn these hobbies into a job! this placement may also indicate that you may develop a disease some time in your life that could be hidden at first, so I'd recommend you to visit the doctor's regularly just in case.
❤️ love life, soulmates
in love, you attract sagittarius, pisces, scorpio and libra placements. your future spouse may also have heavy aquarius /scorpio energy, or maybe some placements in those signs. you need someone who’s different, that stands out. you could want your partner to have a particular style, for example. someone that deep down is veey sensitive, but that can also stand up for themselves with no hesitation. you’re also into the magnetic, sexy type. you’re looking for someone independent, but that wouldn’t mind dedicating their time to you. you may feel unlucky in love, as your sagittarius descendant makes you attract people that are usually unavailable, whether it’s physically (they’re abroad) or emotionally. you may marry someone of a different culture/country/religion from yours. you may also meet and marry abroad. or perhaps, you may meet at your workplace as I’ve already mentioned before. your children will most probably have very prominent venus energy, hence libra or taurus; they’ll love to be spoiled with affection, they’ll love material things like toys, food, clothes etc. but they’ll also be very mannered and elegant. they could also have virgo placements, and hence they'll also be hard-working and intelligent. they could have an excellent health status too.
👶🏻 family life
your mother is probably very hard-working, and she has a strong role in your family. she loves being spoiled and appreciated, together with receiving attention. she may have leo placements, or any fire placement in general. your father is a bit colder than your mother, and he might be an aquarius or have any type of air/capricorn placement in his chart. if you have siblings, they’re probably cancers/water signs. if you’re the elder sibling, you probably used to take care of them to help your mother. on the other hand, if you’re younger, than your siblings were the ones who nurtured you with your parents. your childhood might have been confusing, probably filled with unpredictable events. your parents may be divorced, or their different personalities confused you, as you didn’t know whose morals were the best to adopt. there could have also been power struggles between your parents, and they influenced your childhood deeply. you may find yourself coping with this problem through work, maybe even overworking yourself. basically, you feel the need to nurture your mind alone.
📊 career
this was honestly the part of the reading I was looking forward to write! your chart indicates that you have great skills in different things, and you have the potential to become highly successful in a variety of fields. as I’ve already mentioned before, your vocation involves healing people using words, hence you may write inspiring songs or books, or maybe you may actually work in the medical field as a therapist or nurse of any kind. you may also do well as something that involves creativity and arts, and you may find yourself indecisive about what career path to choose exactly because of your different skills. you could also become a tarot reader, a medium, an astrologer... your chart definitely points out to that. from my point of view, I’d suggest you to choose the career you find the most fulfilling for yourself and for your interests. for example, let’s suppose you love writing; you find pleasure in doing that, but of course when you’re in the mood to do it. turning it into a job could lead you to do it everyday, and you could grow out of it, but that’s entirely based on how you perceive it. some people can’t mix their hobbies and jobs, others feel the need to find a job that matches their interests. whatever you choose, I still see you doing great regarding work, so take your time to find what really pleases you. just remember the keywords: healing and communication.
👗 fashion sense, style analysis
you may have lots of dark, edgy clothes in your wardrobe, from leather to animal prints. you could possibly also fancy velvet in your clothes. your style is mostly quite classy and feminine, but still with a touch of boldness to it. as for the colors, I assume you also enjoy wearing darker shades, from dark blue, purple, burgundy… to just directly black. you could possibly be fond of total-black fits too.
👁 past life, life purpose
in your past life, you were a very spiritual individual. you were close to your higher self, and you probably were able to talk to ghosts, you used to interpret your dreams and you most likely were also interested in astrology and other occult matters. in this lifetime, you need to put your spirituality aside for a while, and focus on finding out your identity here on the earth. you can still use spirituality to find out, but your priority is learning your karmic lessons regarding your self-esteem and work. you’ll finally be able to reach happiness and fulfill your soul when you start having an organized schedule, which allows you to balance both your hobbies and work.
🤔 major transits interpretation / sept 16th
next year juno, the asteroid of marriage, is going to be conjunct your vertex point, which indicates a point of destiny in a birth chart. that means that you may meet someone that could eventually end up becoming your spouse. or at least, it means that you’ll finally be able to take a decision and commit to something relevant in your life. it may be a job, a lifestyle etc. anything that you need to feel serene. this year is quite intense for you, as it’s a transitional phase filled with transformation and unpredictable events. you’ll get out of it as a stronger person, though, especially since you’re going to have your jupiter return next year. it will be a very positive and lucky period for you, so hang in there! always see the good that is in the bad.
🧿 manifest what you want, secret skills
with your water dominance, you probably have a 6th sense. you’re able to manifest what you want if you subconsciously predict it, even though it may be hard. you’d have to get in touch with your higher self to do so, hence I’d suggest you not to manifest in this lifetime, or at least not too much, as it’s not apart of your life purpose. you can try listening to your own affirmations while you sleep, as you won’t be consciously aware of that. it’s probably the most effective way.
and this is the end! thank you again for purchasing a reading, I hope it resonated with you! :)
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readingsbylibramc · 4 years
birth chart reading for @your-xiuminess
hello! welcome to your reading. I’m gonna give you a quick overview of what I’m going to analyze about your natal chart. feel free to ask me anything if something isn’t clear, of course. you’ll find out your dominants’ influence on your persona, your physical appearance, impression on others and the way you approach the world; your ego, identity, the real you; your reactions, your desires, inner emotions; your way of expressing your feelings, your mind and ideas; your desires and approach to love; your energy tank, instincts and temperament; in-depth analysis of each house with their rulers and analysis of heavy aspects; love life + soulmates/karmic partners interpretation; your relationship with your friends; your family life; your approach to career and work in general + possible jobs suggestion; your style, fashion sense analysis; life purpose and past life description; basic transits’ analysis to describe your current mood and, last but not least, your secret skills, how to make the most out of your soul and manifest what you desire based on your birth chart.
🦋 chart shape, dominants
your chart is a bowl shape. all of your planets are focused in half of the chart. this usually makes the owner of the chart feel uncompleted, as if a part of their life is missing. in your case, it would be something regarding your identity, your mind. you may look for this missing part of yourself in your partner, or maybe in your friends, or even in stuff like work, passions etc. this may cause you to be too dependant of others, or maybe you become obsessed and overindulge in what makes you feel complete.
your dominant planets are mercury, mars and the moon. you're an assertive and intelligent individual with strong morals. you're very proud of your ideas, and you're also an hard-worker. yet, the moon here doesn't make you extremely work-oriented, but it also makes you value emotions and feelings too. you're very considerate of others, even though you may sometimes be impulsive.
your dominant sign is aries. you may have a reputation for being impulsive and straight-forward. you don't like beating around the bush, especially when people purposely get on your nerves. on the other hand, you're very loyal and generous when it comes to your loved ones. you're very opinionated, and you always wanna make sure that your voice is heard. you're proud of yourself.
your dominant element is fire. you have a warm heart, even though it may be covered by your confidence and indipendence. in fact, you always strive for the first place. people may be intimidated by your presence, as you're a serious competitor. thanks to this competitive nature of yours you may be very positive and optimistic, making you a good and supportive friend/partner.
🌎 ascendant in gemini, 24° / 3rd decan ruled by mercury and uranus
you enjoy communicating and intellectualism. you’re very curious about everything that surrounds you. you love expanding your knowledge, ideas and mind in general through communication, interactions and media. you have the ability to adapt quickly to new situations; your mind is fast, usually impulsive. in fact, you also have a strong aries dominance in your chart that confirms it. also, this placement helps you being flexible and adaptable to changes. you may also be able to match the energy of the people you’re talking to in order to be perceived as more likeable and connect with everyone on a deeper level. on the other hand, you may be so focused on making up your emotions, that you could forget to feel them, though. this may eventually cause crisis in an individual. you may be fond of books, poetry, literature… both writing and reading. it’s also a way to let yourself tune to your emotions. since you’re constantly mentally active, physically you may also tend to play with your fingers or hair, or maybe you tend to gesticulate while you speak. appearance-wise, I assume you’re at least of average height, with long limbs and fingers. you have something small about your face; you may either have a small nose, or eyes, lips etc. same thing goes for your bones. you may be naturally skinny. you also tend to look younger than you actually are, especially when growing up. you may often be, or at least look, sleepy. your eyes have a very dreamy look on them, and they’re probably very big and round. possibly, they’re also hooded. your skin may be naturally pale, or at least there’s something light in your face, even like some tiny sparkles in your eyes.
gemini ascendant square pisces sun: this placement indicates that, when you’re in public, you tend to act in a different way from who you truly are. perhaps you’re shy, so you tend to hide your dreamy, quiet pisces sun with your talkative, logical gemini rising. this can obviously interfer in your relationships and bonds with others; some may expect you to be different, so you may often lose friends because you turned out to be more affectionate than what they were expecting. in fact, you may often attract people that most of the times don't want anything serious. you may have the tendency of wanting to look tough, maybe to defend yourself. I don't think it's a big deal as long as it doesn't interfer too much with your relationships with others, but just in case it bothers you, now that you’re aware of this tendency of yours you can try to understand your real self more thanks to this reading, and start acting like who you truly are to get out of your shell.
🌞 sun in pisces, 23° / 3rd decan ruled by neptune and pluto
this is the most intuitive pisces decan. you understand people’s thoughts just by looking at them, it’s like you’re staring at their souls. in fact, you’re extremely empathetic, you probably find yourself being a psychologist for your friends. or maybe, you’re actually a psychologist. you’re easy-going and you have great social skills; I don’t see you being extremely extroverted, but you don’t mind hanging out with your friends. you’re amazingly creative and imaginative, you have the ability to picture your ideas. this is an amazing talent, in fact most artists have pisces placements. the downside to pisces is that I’ve noticed that, since they know they’re vulnerable, they have the tendency to lie. they don’t do it out of cruelty of course, it’s a sort way to protect their ego. you could want to be seen as bolder than you are, hence you could struggle with identity crisis, especially during your teenage years. you have your own morals and beliefs, but you could feel influenced by others to change yours. luckily, this is something that gets better with time, as you start being more aware of your persona and you start loving yourself. you're most probably a very complex individual; not only you have very contrasting energies in your chart, but pisces is also the most 'confusing' of all the signs. you're a sort of chameleon; you act differently based on where you are and who you're with. you could be a savage with someone, an introvert with someone else. you may even feel as if there's something wrong with your mind, as you just wish you could be like others. you should focus more on pisces' positive traits, though; you're extremely compassionate and considerate. you're emotionally intelligent, and this mutability of yours could make you succeed at many different jobs in your life, as it's very easy for you to adapt to and master new things, especially with your goal-oriented capricorn ascendant and your aries mars as well. if you work hard, you can surely succeed in anything you want.
🌙 moon in libra, 10° / 2nd decan ruled by venus and uranus
the most romantic and affectionate libra decan. in life, you strive for equality and fairness. for example, you don’t want to give less than someone else, you would feel guilty about it. at the same time, you don’t want to be the one that gives more either; you’re afraid that people could take advantage of you. therefore, balance is what you find the most pleasant. ironically, you struggle to keep the same balance in yourself, though. you may appear a bit emotionally cold, as you don’t feel comfortable showing your true self due to your secrecy. you come off as kind of analytical, but you’re actually very romantic. you wish the world was just filled with love and peace, and you that you didn’t have to worry about malice or anything of that type. you hate vulgarity, and you try to be as kind as possible with your words, even though you may be too straight-forward and fail at that. even if you’re an introvert, you may know a lot of people. yet, you have troubles actually creating close bonds with others. you basically have more acquaintances than friends. you’re a nice mediator, you know how to get along with others and make others get along, even though your impulsiveness can sometimes get in the way.
libra moon opposite aries mercury: this placement is quite tricky, as you have one of the most peaceful sign aspecting the most aggressive in a tight orb. in fact, you may often have troubles conveying your emotions with your speech. as a result, people may often misunderstand what you mean; for example, you may have troubles expressing your thoughts and opinions without sounding aggressive or even bossy. you may also come off as too analytical and logical, almost emotionally cold, when it's truly not like that. your thoughts and feelings are constantly in contrast with each other. your aries mercury desires action and self-expression, your libra moon wants more peace. this results in indecisiveness, you change your mind pretty often, and that can cause you conflicts due to communication problems. you're also pretty opinionated, you don't hide your feelings when you act by impulse. at least, the positive side of this placement is that you're probably very intellectual, capable of taking in consideration both the subjective and objective side of an argument.
libra moon opposite aries mars: your feelings are very intense. you may tend to react aggressively, or at least overreact. you feel the constant need to express your emotions, but you also want to be understood by others. you tend to be aggressive because you're actually afraid that others may be the first ones to hurt you. you don't really do it with malice, it's your way to defend yourself from eventual enemies. this placement also indicates that your childhood / family life was or will be quite turbulent, especially since your moon is located in the 4th house, which is about family and home. to cope with this placement, I'd suggest you to be a little bit more mechanic when you express your feelings. you don't have to hide them, just try not to vent all your anger around. you don't seem strong, you're just exposing your weaknesses in this way.
libra moon opposite aries saturn: you most probably felt misunderstood during your childhood, as if everyone were cold with you. maybe your mother (or anyone in your family/childhood) was emotionally absent or even aggressive, hence you didn't grow up in a completely healthy environment. this issue causes you to question your worth; you may have low self-esteem, especially during your early years. your family may have big expectations of you, and hence you feel the need to meet them, making you even more pressured to be perfect. overall, your personality may resemble that of your parents a lot, even though it may feel challenging for you. you're constantly strict with yourself, challenging yourself to improve. especially with your moon being in libra, you always want to be at your best state, physically but also emotionally. you just want to radiate good vibes, even though you may feel limitated to share all of your true self due to saturn making harsh aspects.
🗣 mercury in aries, 10° / 2nd decan ruled by mars and the sun
you are a fast-thinker, even though that doesn't mean you always take the right choices. in fact, you can change your mind very often. you probably have a beautiful, melodic voice, even though it's likely very loud. you also speak as fast as you think, making it hard sometimes to keep up with you in a speech. you could also switch from a topic to another casually. you don't really enjoy thinking about the past nor the future, you only care about the present and you live it they way you feel; hence, you're not really the type to care about learning from your mistakes. you always see the positive side of them, which can be both good and bad actually. that's because you're quite stubborn, it's hard to make you change your mind. you're very straight-forward, and that could lead you to conflicts as you don't understand the impact your words have on others.
aries mercury conjunct aries mars: this placement makes you slightly more aggressive with your words, enhancing your aries mercury. in fact, it makes you look more assertive and almost bossy. you could often attack people with words when you get angry, and you can get quite provocative too. while you are quick-minded and it's hard for you to be tricked, you have a very sharp tongue that could hurt others. other people may not understand your sense of humor for example, and they could get offended. you love debates and expressing your opinions, as you take a lot of pride in your thoughts. yet, may also take things very personally, you get defensive extremely easily, and that makes it hard to have a healthy discussion with you as you're very fiery. you could often get into arguments.
aries mercury conjunct aries saturn: this placement gives you limitations and lessons regarding the way you think and talk. it may be that you’re too shy to approach others and to say what you think, so you just don’t try. otherwise, if you actually take action and try to overcome this problem, you could get into troubles. that’s probably caused by the fact that you don’t really pay attention to your words. you’re quite straight-forward, and due to your aries energy you always seem as if you’re up for a fight. you may be particularly pessimistic, or maybe you lack confidence in social interactions due to these problems, which could be possibly caused by your parents, or perhaps interfer in your relationship with your family. in fact, you may argue quite often, and misunderstandings are also common. this is something that gets naturally better with time, but in order for it to happen you need to take action. you may for example start speaking more in school, perhaps you could apply for class president. anything that allows you to challenge your mind and voice, in order to make you gain experiences and become a master at it. many celebrities, once they mastered this hard aspect, got loads of success. you can do that too, you just need to work on it.
❤️ venus in aquarius, 8° / 1st decan ruled by uranus
when it comes to love, you actually step out of your comfort-zone! aquarius is unpredictable; that is, you're not into clichés. sure, you need a loyal partner who's stable both emotionally and financially, but at the same time they must have something unique about them. you're not the type to fall for the first guy you see down the street. in addition to that, you're not into the typical, cheesy romantic stuff. you want your partner to be a friend, not only a partner / spouse. you want to feel able to talk and vent to them, just like you'd do with a friend, but also someone that is willing to stay with you through thick and thin. you hardly fall in love at first sight, and you act quite casually around your crushes. in fact, most of the times you come off as so detached that you hardly look like you're interested in someone. people could get intimidated by you because of that, in fact sometimes you just wish you could be the one taking the lead and ask others out, and maybe you do since you have a strong aries dominance in your chart, even though you may regret it later. yet, I think you're a bit quiet, and that could restrict you from doing it. also, as I've already mentioned, you need a partner that can stimulate you mentally. you can't stand a boring relationship with no amusement and excitement, you want someone that can constantly surprise you in some way. in fact, you'd probably choose brains over looks. last but no least, you hate feeling committed. that doesn't mean that you're unloyal, not at all. but you can't be with someone possessive that wants to take control of your life, it would be the death of you. you're able to stand up on your own.
aquarius venus conjunct aquarius neptune: this placement balances your cold, detached aquarius venus combined with your independent fire energy, giving you a place in your heart for romance. you probably dream of a love like those you hear about in fairytales; you're not only looking for a partner, you literally want a prince/princess, who's willing to give their all to you. you find yourself daydreaming often about love, and it may also be your source of inspiration for creativity and art in general. probably, you may idealize people too much; that is, you may create a version of others that only exists in your head. hence, once you get to know someone better, they turn out to be the exact opposite of what you thought. this causes you to be sort of naive when it comes to relationships, so pay extra attention to this problem now that you're aware of it.
☄️ mars in aries, 7° / 1st decan ruled by mars
you're very impulsive, it's natural for you to act before you think. you're motivated to pursue your goals, and even though this is a chaotic placement, I think it's a good match with your pisces sun. it mitigates taurus' laziness. you're a natural born leader, you love being the boss and being seen as a point of reference, even though this could make you seem a bit bossy when working in groups. people may see you as fearless, but that's because you don't think much about your decisions. even if you make a wrong choice, you don't give up and try anything to solve it. in fact, you can't stand losing. you're a serious competitor, you always strive for the 1st place. that's also caused by the fact that, with your libra moon, you're likely afraid that people could see you as too weak, and then take advantage of your kindness. you're very defensive, but your purpose isn't hurting others, but protecting yourself.
🏡 houses, interceptions
your 1st house is in gemini. your ego feels fulfilled when you express your opinions, ideas and creativity. people probably see you as an intelligent, wise individual. maybe even as a know-it-all. you care about both your inner and outer self, which may be the cause of your confidence issues. you try to fit into society, and you tend to change your approach to people based on who you’re interacting with. while this gives you great social skills, it may confuse you quite a bit. in fact, you may forget who you are. you may often have identity crisis, especially since you always feel as if you have to fit somewhere. with the ruler of the 1st house in the 10th house, you may have a career that involves your physical appearance, or just your identity in general. this is a frequent placement in celebrities’ charts, as it gives you a strong presence that is hard to ignore. people recognize you for your unique personality, and probably also because of your looks.
your 2nd house is in cancer. your family, home and cultural background may play a big role in your finances. you may earn money through your family’s business, or maybe you actually work with your family. you may also work from home, especially online/through social media. your adaptability is your greatest strenght; you’re probably good at a different variety of jobs, hence it may not be hard for you to find something to cope before deciding your definite career. this also confirms that your values, self-worth and security were shaped by your roots, childhood and family. the ruler of the 2nd house is in the 4th house; you're probably the type to feel more confident when you're alone rather than in public. you could act like a different person when you're around people you feel comfortable with, like your family or even friends or lover. also, your future job may be from home, you could make money from there. or perhaps, you're going to make money thanks to your family, you may work in their business. or perhaps, you could even make money from working with children, cleaning, cooking, etc.
your 3rd house is in leo. you’re able to express your innovative ideas and creativity in a way that doesn’t go overlooked. you tend to overthink a lot, especially about your theories but, once you’ve made up your mind, no one is gonna make you change idea. you’re confident in your opinions. the downside of this placement is that you may come off as a know-it-all from the way you communicate your thoughts. the ruler of the 3rd house is in the 10th house: this is a placement that indicates that your future career involves communication, and healing someone in some way. you could become a writer or a musician, as art can heal people in an indirect way. or maybe, you would also do well as a therapist or as a nurse, as they’re more challenging jobs where you need to communicate in order to help someone out. you may also just work with people in general, and considering your 2nd house ruler in the 4th house you would also do well as a counselor for example.
your 4th house is in virgo. this placement points out that you may lack something due to your family. maybe they couldn’t spend much time with you, as they were busy with work. or perhaps, they were overprotective of you, making you insecure. probably even both. this doesn’t mean that you’re hurt, you may not even be aware that you’re lacking a piece of yourself actually. yet, it’s still there, and it influences you a lot on your day-to-day affairs. yet, since the moon is also placed in this house, you still feel at home and secure when you think about your family, even though your parents could have been absent. maybe emotionally, or even physically. the ruler of the 4th house is in the 10th house: you may work from home, or maybe with someone from your family. possibly, you could choose the same career as your parents, or maybe you work in their shop/agency. your future job may also involve helping children and families in general. you could also become an interior designer, or perhaps you’ll create a business dealing with houses.
your 5th house is in libra. you’re very creative, and you try to make beauty out of your imagination. you’re probably into music, art, photography, fashion… things like that. you probably love shopping, it's a way for you to relax, especially if done with someone else. you enjoy others' company, you probably hang out with your peers when you have some spare time. you’d also like to experience light romance, and you may enjoy the idea of socializing with others. you feel fulfilled when you’re able to spend time with your loved ones, and luckily thanks to your aquarius venus you don't give away your independence like other libras would. the ruler of the 5th house is in the 8th house: your hobbies involve occult topics, such as astrology, tarots, horror etc. you probably also love spending your spare time by yourself. you’re quite of a loner, from this point of view, and you may possibly feel sad about it.
your 6th house is scorpio, with pluto placed here as well. you may be passionate about routine, self-care, health and work, to the point that it looks (and feels) obsessive. you may attract enemies in your daily life, e.g co-workers that are jealous of your ambition. you might have to undergo different changes in your routine and health throughout your life, which can literally transform you both physically and emotionally. you may even develop a disease that could literally change your life, but your pluto doesn't make really harsh aspects, so I don't think it's your case. the ruler of the 6th house is in the 6th house: you may have pets, or even work with them. you take care of your health, especially to work. you may also work as a doctor with plutonian traits; hence, you could be a psychologist, a therapist etc.
your 7th house is in sagittarius. you want your marriage to be a constant travel for you, in which you can both relax and learn. you want to marry a witty and impulsive partner, that is also fun to live with. you may often find yourself falling for unavailable people, either physically or emotionally (or even both). the fact that jupiter, the ruler of this house, is in the 9th house, its natural place, enhances this. you may meet your future spouse at school, or maybe even directly abroad. they may be foreign, or at least they’re able to speak a different language from yours. they could also have a different culture/religion. also, in a relationship you probably hate feeling suffocated. while your pisces and libra energy may make you enjoy skinship, you may sometimes also be reluctant to it, you still need your freedom, especially since your venus is in aquarius.
your 8th house is in capricorn, with venus, neptune and uranus sitting there. you may be prone to die old, and you may feel attracted to people that are older or more established than you. you are most probably going to have a peaceful death, yet it could be unexpected though. or maybe, you’re surrounded by unpredictable events of loss of any kind in your life. you’re fascinated by the occult, and you may even be/been able to talk to dead people. you’re very intuitive, and it’s easy for you to read through people’s words. you may as well have prophetic dreams. with this placement, there are also high chances that you’re going to marry someone quite wealthy, possibly a business person. with the ruler of the 8th house in the 11th house, you’re likely surronded by karmic friends and people in general. you may argue often with them, and your relationship with is very intense, but that’s because you have karmic lessons to learn, and they’re the ones teaching them to you. it’s something that will get better with time. also, your friends may have the same interests as you, and you could possibly attract wealthy friends too.
your 9th house is in aquarius. you’re an avid follower of your philosophical and cultural beliefs. you may be interested in teaching, and you could do it through innovative and technological tools. you’re also interested in foreign music, books, movies and any type of hobby. you may be attracted to genres like thriller, sci-fi… you could also believe in aliens. at school you may be considered particular, almost weird for your interests. you’re open-minded, as you appreciate the differences in people and cultures all over the world. jupiter here gives you the natural need to keep grasping information around not only in school but in your life in general, as knowledge is where you find happiness. you hate being told what to do, you want to be free in the decisions you make. you may have to live unexpected situations, as 9th house is also about experiences. you’re the type to feel proud doing something never seen before, as you aspire to be a trend-setter. this may also manifest in your musical, fashion etc. taste. you’re also very opinionated, and you defend your beliefs pretty strongly. with the ruler of the 9th house being in the 8th, you learn a lot about occult topics, such as astrology, tarots, dreams etc.
your 10th house is ruled by pisces. you may be unsure of your future career, or at least indecisive. you may want to do different things, or maybe you have completely no idea. hopefully, the rest of the reading will shed some light on you. usually, people with pisces in the 10th house’s cusp make great healers, hence you may become a doctor of any kind, especially a psychologist / therapist. you may also work in the creative, artistic field, e.g you could be an artist, a writer, a musician etc. you have three planets sitting in this house: the sun, mercury and mars. finding a career is your ultimate goal in life, and it will most probably include communication and mind stimulaton of any sort. it’s pretty much the source of your confidence and energy, what your life revolves around. with the ruler of the 10th house in the 8th, I repeat that you would make an awesome psychologist, as you’re able to understand people’s deeper emotions. you could also work with death in general, so again as a doctor or even as a detective.
with the 11th house ruled by aries, you probably attract a lot of people in your life. whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, you’ll always be able to have someone by your side, even though you may struggle to create stable bonds. friends come and go, basically. you may attract very fierce, almost violent friends. they’re very energetic, and probably extroverted people who like socializing and enjoying life to the fullest. saturn is also placed in this house, meaning that at first you struggle to find friends. you may be very shy and awkward, and you just can’t seem to find someone right for you whom you can truly trust. in fact, since it's also in a tight opposition with your moon, you may often find yourself having friends that don't understand how you truly feel, you may often feel misunderstood. luckily, this will naturally get better, especially while growing up, as you’re cautious about who you befriend. also, it allows you not to waste time and focus on your duties, but generally it’s something that will help you become more mature and will naturally give you the ability to relate to others better. the ruler of the 11th house is in the 10th house: your friends can help you build a reputation, especially since they’re probably quite popular. or maybe, you could actually work with them. generally speaking, you may come across powerful people in your life that will help you boost your self-esteem and career path. you may also meet your true friends at work, or at least while growing up. you probably didn’t have many stable bonds during your teenage years.
lastly, your 12th house is in the sign of taurus. you’re secretly sensitive and affectionate, but you may have issues finding it out at first. in fact, the center of your life is your own intellectuality, these venusian traits are probably yet to develop. you may feel attracted to spirituality, but you’re quite lazy to actually dive into it. it could also be that you may struggle to make or save money; perhaps, you weren't really spoiled as a child. your parents only bought you the necessary, or maybe you care a lot about your diet. you probably lack hedonism. your 12th house’s ruler is in the 8th house: getting in touch with your hidden, subconscious and higher self will be crucial to help you grow up and gain more awareness of yourself. you may be interested in topics like astrology, psychology etc. most likely to get to know yourself, but your chart points out that you could easily turn these hobbies into a job!
❤️ love life, soulmates
in love, you attract sagittarius, pisces, scorpio and virgo placements. your future spouse may also have virgo/scorpio energy. you need someone who’s charming, respectful, passionate and polite, but that can also stand up for themselves with no hesitation. you’re also into the magnetic, sexy type. you’re looking for someone independent, but that wouldn’t mind dedicating their time to you. you may feel unlucky in love, as your sagittarius descendant makes you attract people that are usually unavailable, whether it’s physically (they’re abroad) or emotionally. you may marry someone of a different culture/country/religion from yours. you may also meet and marry abroad. you may meet through your family, or maybe at your workplace as I’ve already mentioned before. they could also be someone you already know, probably from your childhood. your children will most probably have very prominent venus energy, hence libra or taurus; they’ll love to be spoiled with affection, they’ll love material things like toys, food, clothes etc. but they’ll also be very mannered and elegant.
👶🏻 family life
your mother is probably very hard-working, and she has a strong role in your family. maybe she had to work a lot, so she wasn’t as much with you as the other mothers, but she always made sure that you had everything you needed, she was very caring, maybe moody in the worst case. she may have virgo, cancer or gemini placements in her chart. your father is a bit more emotional, most probably less dominant than your mother in your family, and he might have pisces, gemini, virgo, leo, scorpio or aries placements in his chart. he could possibly have some escapism tendencies like drinking, drugs, oversleeping, smoking, etc, and he may also have the tendency to lie. you may have a lot of siblings, and they have prominent earth and leo energy. you have fun with them, and you usually have different conversations with them, about both serious and light topics. your childhood might have been quite turbulent overall; there could have been some problems with loss, authority, even with violence or death, and this may possibly influence on your future, perhaps in your career choice. your parents could have also been quite controlling.
📊 career
your chart indicates that you have great skills in different things, and you have the potential to become successful in a variety of fields. as I’ve already mentioned before, your vocation involves healing people using words, hence you may write inspiring songs or books, or maybe you may actually work in the medical field as a therapist or nurse of any kind. you may also do well as something that involves creativity and arts, and you may find yourself indecisive about what career path to choose exactly because of your different skills. from my point of view, I’d suggest you to choose the career you find the most fulfilling for yourself and for your interests. for example, let’s suppose you love writing; you find pleasure in doing that, but of course when you’re in the mood to do it. turning it into a job could lead you to do it everyday, and you could grow out of it, but that’s entirely based on how you perceive it. some people can’t mix their hobbies and jobs, others feel the need to find a job that matches their interests. whatever you choose, I still see you doing great regarding work, so take your time to find what really pleases you. just remember the keywords: healing and communication.
👚 fashion sense, style analysis
you probably have a very particular style. it probably descrives who you are. you may be into traditional pieces of clothing that are always a must: cardigans, blazers, plain t-shirts, jeans etc. you probably wear natural shades of colours, hence white, beige, grey etc. or maybe also pastel colors. you may also be into retro fashion trends, especially 70s/80s. you don't like following fashion trends, you prefer making your own.
👁 past life, life purpose
during this lifetime, it is probably easy for you to get out of your comfort-zone. you don't mind learning, making new experiences and challenging yourself, but this lifetime you don't need to go that far. you need to prove that what you learned in your past life is the key to nurture your skills, and be able to apply them in a smaller environment. you may find yourself travelling a lot, gaining lots of widsom from your experiences... in this lifetime, you basically need to learn through the experiences you gained in your previous life to communicate your thoughts. you need to understand how to communicate who you are to the world.
🤔 major transits analysis / september 25th
juno, the asteroid of marriage, is conjunct your vertex point, which indicates a point of destiny in a birth chart. that means that you may meet someone that could eventually end up becoming your spouse. or at least, it means that you’re finally able to take a decision and commit to something relevant in your life. it may be a job, a lifestyle etc. anything that you need to feel serene. this year is quite intense for you, as it’s a transitional phase filled with transformation and unpredictable events. you’ll get out of it as a stronger person, though, especially since you’re going to have your jupiter return next year. it will be a very positive and lucky period for you, so hang in there! always see the good that is in the bad.
🧿 manifest what you want, secret skills
the best way for you to manifest is idealizing and acting at the same time. you have both energies combined in your chart, which is great actually! I’d suggest you to first picture what you want in your life, and then do something concrete to manifest it. for example, let’s suppose you want this gucci bag; first, think about it deeply. then, you could try going into a gucci shop and just walk around, maybe even touch that bag. you’ll get results if you believe it! it’s also great to write and read/listen your own positive affirmations, such as 'I love my gucci bag’, 'the gucci bag my mom gave me is amazing’ and so on.
this is the end! thank you again for booking a reading, hope it resonated with you :)
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