mcbucks · 5 years
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emporia was great for the youngest duck’s ego. he was so used to being crammed into a boat with his brothers, no one but each other and uncle donald to talk to. now, he really got to let loose... meaning, he had more places to fall asleep in, and more people to fall asleep on. today, he spent time out on the town after work, way more sugar in his system than he was actually allowed to consume on the clock. paused outside of a shop window, he watched his reflection “i’m so pretty, what the f-” hand running through his hair, he caught sight of the other person walking by “you’re pretty, too.” louie added, other hand leaving the pocket of his sweatshirt to give a thumbs up.
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meghvn · 5 years
“i just saw some couple practically fucking on some park bench.” meg spoke to to the person next to her, just needing to share her disgust and annoyance. “like can’t you do that anywhere else? i’ve never understood couples that are so obsessed with pda like that, it’s just gross.”
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vnderbilt · 5 years
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“it’s burger day, it’s burger day. imma have some burgers and stay up all night again ! ” the girl sang as she walked, or rather, jumped down the street, her excitement seeming rather obvious the more her out of tune melody kept going.
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lyingsuns · 5 years
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“are you a night person or a morning person?” the girl said, not even giving the other a second to answer. “i really like the morning! there’s so much time in the day to get things done in the morning. you have the whole day ahead of you!” she exclaimed. “but the night can be so pretty. i just love stars. i like the sun more than the moon though. wouldn’t it be so cool if stars and the sun could be out at the same time?” she rambled on. it wasn’t like she had many people besides her mother to talk to back home. 
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mvbells · 5 years
mabel, since getting to emporia, had been in her own little world. she worked, which was fun, and she went to class, which was not always so fun, and in her free time, she tried to party or mingle to the best of her ability. right now, though, she was just trying to unwind. she had her headphones on, blasting her tunes, and bobbing at first. the bobbing grew to swaying and the swaying evolved into full on dancing, bouncing and singing. “super trouper beams are gonna find are gonna find meeee, shining like the suuuun, smiling having fuuuun, feeling like i’m number on--” she had spun while dancing and found she wasn’t alone, jumping out of her skin as she pushed the headphones off. “oh! hey! hi! i didn’t know someone else was here.”
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mickvy · 5 years
michael shivered as he stood behind the counter in his uniform, both from the cold radiating off the ice creams freezer and out of shame that he was actually working. he’s worked since he was a child, never a moment unemployed, but never like this. he had never been so embarrassed, already dreading what would come of it if someone took a photo and posted it online, or if people began to see him differently. this was all a new phase in his life, as if he was going backwards in life, from success to menial work. nonetheless he tried to wear his uniform with pride and stand tall, that way no one would see the way he felt. “welcome to olaf’s ice cream parlor, what can i get you?” he asked, a different type of line he had to memorize for work.
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pazificas · 5 years
getting off work pacifica felt gross, even if all she did was fold some clothes and ring some people up. she had never had to work a day in her life, never had to fold clothes until she got there and had to go through proper training for it. she feels lesser then, inferior doing this, and there was nothing she hated more then feeling that way. walking back after her shift she saw she wasn’t the only one walking down this street, and while she usually didn’t just talk to some strangers on the street she needed someone to complain to. “don’t you just hate working? it drags on for so long and it’s so boring. i kept getting yelled at for being on my phone even though like nobody came in. it’s such bullshit.” she ranted to the stranger, as if they’d care.
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tritonians · 5 years
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ariana had a bit of a personal space issue, meaning she didn’t have any. so she bounded up to this person, her new find in hand. “hey! hi! look at this thingy,” she told them, holding out her hand to show the incredibly weathered necklace she had found while combing the beach at an early hour this morning. “do you think i could get this cleaned, or is it not salvageable?”
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catflghtz-blog · 5 years
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a delicate smirk plastered her face as she pretended to be interested in anything going on. the small town had seriously disappointed her so far. she nodded her head as she continued to think about how she could get on the next plane back home. “what do you think the closest airport is?” she finally said, not bothering to even acknowledge what the other had been discussing. unless it was a compliment about her outfit or telling her she was the greatest ever, marie didn’t care. 
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ohhbeau · 5 years
text ➣ ????
beau: this is a emergencee
beau: code creme brulee
beau: help you're boy out PLEASE
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hydrngeaz · 5 years
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she had been staring off into the distance, pen held between her teeth. the small journal that never left sia’s side was laid flat on the table in front of her. this town had given so much to write about with all the new sights and people. she had quickly fallen in love with emporia, it was obvious considering the amount of love letters she had written to the town already. “what do you think is the prettiest place here?” she loved getting to know the opinion of others. there was nothing better than getting to see the world in a brand new set of eyes.
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speedfm · 5 years
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the   cool   breeze   on   dash’s   face   as   he   sprinted   around   the   track   felt   nice   and   calming   on   his   heated   skin   .   the   boy   LOVED   to   run   ,   loved   it   more   than   most   things   .   he   liked   the   burn   in   his   thighs   and   calves   ,   the   adrenaline   ,   the   burn   in   his   cheeks   ,   and   beating   his   own   time   .   as   he   completed   his   final   lap   ,   dash   was   almost   positive   that   that   attempt   was   faster   than   the   last   .   it   had   to   be   !   "   how   was   that   ?   faster   than   last   time   ?   it   felt   faster   .   "   a   broad   grin   took   place   on   dash’s   face   as   he   spoke   quickly   ,   even   though   his   breathing   was   still   in   the   form   of   huffs   and   puffs   .   dash’s   eyebrow   cocked   as   he   tried   to   get   a   GLANCE   at   the   timer   in   the   other’s   hand   ,   gulping   down   some   water   while   he   was   at   it   .      
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“Welp. It’s official i’m lost.” Dipper chuckled to himself. He had no idea where he was and he already lost his map. Hopefully the locals were nice.  “Excuse me. Um. Where are we? I’m lost and just trying to find place to eat.”
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laszlor-blog · 8 years
As your not average type of guy, Laszlo felt no shame on laying down in the middle of the park, ignoring entirely the other kids who were either on the swings or running. All he wanted to do was to watch the night sky in a way he could’ve never done it back home.  “Wouldn’t it be cool to name a star after yourself?” he mused, picking out his favorite one.
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lyingsuns · 5 years
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summer was officially over but that didn’t stop her from trying to hold onto her favorite season as long as possible. “do you think we could still find somewhere to go swimming?” she asked dreamily. considering she was trying not to visibly shiver in her tank top, she figured the answer would be no. as much as she knew it was time to say goodbye to summer, rachel was determined to make it last until the first snowfall. “are there any indoor pools around here?”
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If there was one thing that got on Malorie’s nerves, it was people who left their books all over the place instead of putting them back when they were finished.  She saw them leave, and now it was her job to put it back.  Honestly, did these people not realize that she had better things to be doing?  “What is wrong with people?” she muttered under her breath, gathering up the books for the third time just that day.
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