#en croissant
minecraft-llama · 1 year
Chess Blog Day #7 - En Passant
En passant is French for "in passing", and you'll see why.
Originally, pawns could only ever move one square at a time, but people decided that that was two slow and boring, so pawns got buffed to be able to move two squares on their first move.
However, players immediately realised that this let pawns be sneaky little shits, and so they got nerfed.
For example, in this opening black can push their pawn and lock down the position.
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Enter en passant!
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What? How is this possible?
Because the sneak ability of pawns was removed. If a pawn moves two squares, then another pawn is allowed to take it as though it had only moved one square.
Like castling, there are conditions.
The pawn being taken must have moved two squares in one move.
The pawn being taken must have moved two squares on the last move (en passant cannot be delayed).
Only pawns can take pawns en passant. No other pieces have this power.
And that's the last rule on how the pieces move! You can now play a complete game of chess.
Well, almost. There's more to the rules that just how the pieces move. Just one more day, I promise!
Tomorrow: Drawing the game.
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arknights-archive · 4 days
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Rhodes Island Vacation / artist post
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sargehev · 5 months
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texan gacha girls
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ehatnow · 3 months
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Stupid Timekeeper drawings
Look at her big ass hat :D
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narriaa · 3 days
Qu'est ce qui donne le plus l'impression d'être en train de commettre un crime ?
sortir d'un magasin sans rien acheter
ou compléter sa déclaration d'imposition en rectifiant à la baisse les valeurs pré renseignées
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maleficea · 5 months
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satanicdollx · 11 months
Random asks incomiiing: team chocolatine or pain au chocolat 🤔🤔
pain au chocolat, I grew up in the right part of the South 😌 (my boyfriend says chocolatine and I cringe every timeeee)
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philoursmars · 2 years
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Aujourd’hui je suis allé au musée “Regards de Provence”. Au retour, changement de bus au David, qui porte pour l’occasion un gabian sur sa tête. arrivé chez moi, je vois le premier croissant de lune au dessus de Marseilleveyre.
Les 2 dernières photos ont été prises hier chez moi (vraiment trop crevé, par toutes ces douleurs articulaires, je n’ai fait que dormir d’un sommeil cataleptique fort désagréable. Mais cela est maintenant ma vie. Bof.
Tout ça pour dire que le soleil créait dans les nébulosités des nuages d’altitudes une belle irisation.
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succikko-nebulae · 9 months
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Triangle des Bermudes parisien ptdr
0 notes
quejamasdespierte · 11 months
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19ndonboy · 1 year
pourquoi sadly? je suis française aussi
j’en ai marre de ce pays 💀 mais bon je vais pas me plaindre vu où j’habite mais- 😶
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arknights-archive · 4 days
Rhodes Island Vacation animated background
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ehatnow · 2 months
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Screenshots from the update :]
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aucoeurdeschevaux · 2 years
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Le Waziri, un cheval similaire au Baloutche, originaire de l'Afghanistan
0 notes
qasisukewuh · 2 years
es, il vous suffit d'observer les consignes suivantes :.
_expand_more_. COUCHES LAVABLES. * Couches lavables classiques * Couches lavables TE1/TE2 * Double-couches lavables * Culottes de protection imperméables
Nous voulons parler de la vacance — le seul cas où ce mot s'emploie proprement au 25, 26 novembre Eaton présentera une
:vv lit MODE DE CORSETS * pour
couches lavables. BreakOut Company pour son travail tellement pro mais décontracté du… de nous le p'tit gars ou la p'tite fille à la mode.
me et travail ; 20.00 L'Homme de Sa- fluence sur les diverses couches fria- blcs de cette région. profitez dès à présent des avantages de l'ATLAS.
SALON DE MODE .AU SECOND 01 TU f l~^^r(h'cn ez fe^ y.VA Manteaux Morgan non garnis V $60.00 À//4 J 1' iO / . ' V- / .'A Ü i if ^ •oigr,çj pratique *1 SOlldî
</p><br>https://qasisukewuh.tumblr.com/post/692869550230978560/manuel-thunderbird-pdf-download, https://qasisukewuh.tumblr.com/post/692869550230978560/manuel-thunderbird-pdf-download, https://qasisukewuh.tumblr.com/post/692869550230978560/manuel-thunderbird-pdf-download, https://qasisukewuh.tumblr.com/post/692869676626264064/vitopend-100-w-mode-demploi-samsung-galaxy, https://qasisukewuh.tumblr.com/post/692869550230978560/manuel-thunderbird-pdf-download.
0 notes
sehyunie23 · 5 months
|Summer Fic|
Nothing's Gonna
Change My Love For
You - Aespa Karina
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"Mun, how many orders do we have for tomorrow?" I asked my assistant.
"Based on our calendar, we have..." Mun looked at our records while I compute our profits for this week.
"We have 10 orders for this week," Mun said as he looked at me.
"10? That's quite a lot," I chuckled as I put the financial papers away.
"You accepted it, not me," Mun said as he raised his hands.
"Oh get out you smarty pants!" I said as Mun just giggled and went out of his spot, probably going to get some good food because it's already lunchtime.
I stretched from my seat and closed my computer, then gonna go outside to breathe some fresh air.
Grabbing my coat, I left my office and went on my way to the building's exit, also greeting some of my employees along the way.
Going out, the bustling sounds of the busy city hit me. Cars honking, the clacks of the people's shoes, music blaring from afar. If you are not in a great mood, you will be irritated from where I am standing.
I then walked some steps and arrived at my cafe slash restaurant where some of my creativity and love for food is poured in.
Entering what is like my second home, I see many customers eating and enjoying the ambiance of my cafe which puts a smile on my face. I then went to the kitchen where the pastries and some savory food were already plated, ready to be served to our customers.
"Y/n! Nice to see you again. Your good is gaining popularity huh?" Jun, one of my managers went up to me as he picked up a tray full of food.
"Tell me about it. And pasta?" I asked as I saw his tray, plates full of pasta.
"Well, you know. You going for that European vibes has it's perks," Jun said which made us both giggle.
"Uh... Can anyone speak English or French? I have a customer right now but I don't speak both languages," Mihyun said as she opened the door to the kitchen and pouted.
"Mihyun, didn't I tell you to study English?" I raised an eyebrow at the girl.
"Oppa~," Mihyun then whined and stomped her feet.
We all laughed at her but I went to the counter with her following in tail. Seeing the customer, I put up my smile and greeted him.
"Bonjour! Bienvenue dans notre café. Qu'aimerais-tu commander?" (Good morning! Welcome to our cafe. What would you like to order?) I said and the customer smiled and proceeded to tell his order.
Punching the items on the computer, Mihyun is watching intensely beside me, eager to be better at her job and that's a good thing.
"Je vais donc répéter votre commande. deux croissants, trois macarons et deux chocolats chauds?" (So I will repeat your order. two croissants, three macaroons, and two hot chocolates?) I said and the man happily nodded.
"Oui, merci beaucoup," The man said and I entered his order into our system.
"Vous souhaitez payer en espèces ou par carte?" (Do you want to pay by cash or card?) I asked and looked at the man.
"Je paierai par carte s'il vous plaît," (I will pay by card please) The customer said and took the payment for his order and then he gave his name and voila, the transaction was finished.
"Wah~ you sound so sexy speaking French oppa!" Mihyun said and squealed making me laugh at her silliness.
"Oh you little pumpkin," I said and ruffled her hair, making her laugh.
Giggling as well, I then looked at the operation of my business, and from what I saw, it was doing well. I hope that it continues for a long time.
Karina POV
"Good job for today girls, your promotions end today, and give yourself a clap. Congratulations!" Our manager said and the staff clapped, congratulating us, making me and my group mates thank them.
"Thank you all! We couldn't do this without all of you!" I said and bowed in front of them.
And from there, we celebrated with our staff. Ningning being the youngest, leads the crazy things or dances as she just wants to party.
I still keep a stance, being a leader means responsibility. Looking out for my members, our manager went to me, whispering something.
"Hey, you guys up for dinner after this?" She asked.
"Eun unnie, when did we refuse food?" I asked making her chuckle.
"Okay, I know a place," Unnie said.
"We gonna eat somewhere delicious?!" Minjeong suddenly appeared at my back, asking her question.
"Woah, chill out. Yeah, I know a place," Unnie repeated.
"Oh! Is it the place where you brought the delicious croissants?" Minjeong asked and unnie smiled.
"Yep! Nice memory," Unnie answered.
"Hah! You know me unnie~," Minjeong said as she flicked her hair.
"Show off," I said and Minjeong just glared at me, making me giggle.
"Anyways, I know the owner. I will take a call now," Unnie said.
"Wait! Food!" Ningning suddenly latched herself to unnie.
"Aigoo you baby. Karina!" Unnie squealed as Ningning was piggybacking on Manager unnie.
I laughed at the sight with Minjeong, Aeri arrived here as well, joining in the laughter. Several minutes passed, and I was sitting on the sofa, scrolling through my Instagram until my eyes saw a croissant and an eclair.
Looking at the pastries makes me hungry, I thought that this couldn't be. I need to make someone hungry as well.
I looked to my side and saw Aeri, I smirked and was about to do my plan until she sush me.
"I know what you are going to do Jimin, no," Aeri said which made me pout.
Aeri then looked at me with a smirk on her face, making me scoff.
"Hah! You can't do that to me Jimin. Also, I know Y/n," Aeri said.
"Y/n?" I asked, confused.
"Oh, he's the owner of the restaurant where we will go later," Aeri answered.
"Aha! I love his pastries! Let's go!" I squealed in delight.
"Maybe you will love him more," Aeri smirked.
"Aigoo you flirt, come!" I said, picking up my jacket.
"Girls! Let's go!" Eun unnie said to us and we followed her to the van.
"Yah! You little shit! Come back here!" Mun said as Mihyun decided to play a prank on him.
"Oppa~ do you love chocolats?~ Because I always see you in pain," Mihyun burst into laughter while I stifled mine, especially on that little pun Mihyun just said.
At this point in time, the store is usually closed but Eun noona, one of my closest friends called me for a reservation and I just accepted it. Of course, I couldn't do it myself so I asked some of my staff on who wanted to do overtime and luckily, Mihyun and Mun agreed.
"That pun was so bad. Pain au Chocolat?" I chuckled and Mihyun just giggled.
"Come on Y/n. That's not you to laugh at a joke like that," Mun said while wiping himself clean from the flour.
"Wah~ It's good to give exceptions sometimes," I said, calming down from my laughter.
"Not you too," Mun groaned, but a sight for Mihyun who was on the ground, laughing like it was her last day.
"Y-you! HAHAHA!" Mihyun wheezing on the floor and I just let them be.
Suddenly, I heard the door to my restaurant open. Looking at my two co-workers for the night, I giggled at them before leaving the kitchen and opening the front door for my last customers.
Walking to the entrance, I saw a group of girls waiting, with being the first one, of course
"Eun! WHAAAA!" I said as I opened the door.
"YAH!!!! Y/N YOU LITTLE!" Eun jumped and ruffled my hair.
"Ow! Yah! Aish," I said, preventing Eun to pull all of my hair.
"Y/n oppa! I want a croissant," Aeri said.
"Really?" I said a little bit annoyed as Aeri just giggled at me.
"Aiyoo, we want food! Hurry hurry!" Eun said and released my head, then she smacked my butt.
"I wish I just closed my shop," I said and sighed. Just then, the other girls just chuckled at us.
"Oh! Hello everyone! I'm Y/n, the owner of this humble shop. Also, Eun and Aeri, my loyal customers already know me as you saw earlier," I said, glaring at the two girls and they just looked at me innocently.
"Anyways, Welcome!" I said and bowed to them. The other girls clapped at me, making me smile.
"Hello! We are Aespa!" The four girls introduced their selves.
"I'm Karina, leader of the group. The one beside me is Minjeong, next to Aeri is Ningning, and you know. Aeri herself," A girl named Karina spoke, introducing her members.
"Well, nice to meet you all! I hope you enjoy our dinner menu and from what I heard from Eun, you all like my pastries, and with that, I'm very thankful," I said with a sincere smile.
Just then, Mihyun went out of the kitchen with menus in her arms and walked towards us.
"Bonsoir! Welcome to our cafe! Let's get you seated!" Mihyun greeted them cheerfully.
Karina POV
"I want an eclair!" Ningning said.
"Can I have a gelato?" Minjeong asked.
"We only have Oreo, Choco Fudge, and Coffee," the girl named Mihyun said.
"Can I have a combination of Choco Fudge and Coffee?" Minjeong asked.
"Absolutely," Mihyun answered.
"I will do that please, thank you," Minjeong said with a smile.
"Okay~, for your Aeri?" Mihyun asked.
"Hit me up with a coffee gelato," Aeri said and Mihyun wrote it down, then she looked at me.
"And what will be your dessert Karina-ssi?" Mihyun asked.
"Do you have choices?" I asked.
"I can guide you to our cafe if you want," Mihyun suggested to me.
"Please," I said with a smile. Mihyun retorted about the actions and told me to follow her.
Not far from our table, I saw Y/n with another behind the counter full of beautiful-looking pastries.
"Mun! One Choco Fudge with Coffee gelato and one coffee gelato. Also, one eclair," Mihyun said to the man beside Y/n.
"On it!" Mun said as he scooped the gelato.
"Karina-ssi, you can pick whatever you want," Y/n said making me smile at him.
I walked closer to the counter where the pastries were displayed and there, my eyes wandered from every bread. Having a hard time picking, a pair of eyes then met mine and I just felt something.
Not strange, not weird. Just something I can't explain for the moment.
"Having a hard time picking?" Y/n said from behind the counter.
"Yeah, they all look nice, to be honest," I said with a smile.
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I mean, seeing them displayed is just like going to an art museum.
"Thanks! That meant a lot to me," Y/n said.
"Say, mind recommending me one?" I asked, now looking at Y/n.
"Well, I do have one. It's my favorite" Y/n said and stood up, making me follow his actions.
"Really? What is it?" I said, intrigued.
"Well, here!" Y/n said and picked up a tray of beautifully made pastries.
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"Woah~," the cake just made me look in awe at how gorgeous it is.
"Three Chocolate Plaisir. Layers after layers, with each layer offering different textures," Y/n smiled as he gave me two pieces.
"I will trust you on this," I said while giggling.
"I promise you that you won't regret it," Y/n said confidently.
"I would hold on to that. Thanks Y/n!" I said.
"No problem Karina-ssi. Have a nice dinner," Y/n said and I nodded with a smile. I then picked up the plate and went back to our table and just as I was about to sit, the girls were very jealous of my dessert, making me laugh at them.
"Wha~ I saw Aespa!" Mihyun began to daydream while wiping the plates.
"Yet they don't know you. HAH!" Mun said to counter Mihyun.
"Shut up~, Minjeong gave me an autograph," Mihyun said as she looked at Mun, totally annoyed.
"WHY ARE YOU SO LUCKY!" Mun shouted.
"Now now, calm down Mun. Now that we are finished here. Care to close the shop for me?" I asked Mun gently.
"Okay, but!" Mun started and looked at me.
"But what?" I ask.
"I want Aespa's autograph," Mun said but I smacked his head before he could mutter another word.
"But, but!" Mun tried to reason.
"Go to their fan meeting. Tell me and I will buy you a ticket," I said and Mun immediately nodded.
"Okay! Go now and I will close the store happily!" Mun said, now humming. A complete turnaround from his attitude earlier.
"He's a certified my," Mihyun said.
"Tell me about it," I giggled.
I then picked up a bag containing of many ready-to-bake pastries for the Aespa girls and Eun, giving it to them as a token of appreciation.
Going out of the kitchen, I went to their table where I saw them getting ready to leave.
"Wait! I want to give these to you all," I said and gave them the bags.
"Oh? What's this Y/n?" Eun asked.
"It's our ready-to-bake item. Take it as a gift," I said with a smile.
"Strawberry croissant?! Yes! Thank you! I will eat this well!" Ningning exclaimed, making me release a chuckle.
"Oh no. It's nothing," I said while waving my hands.
"Oh! Speaking of baking. Jimin? You will ask a question right?" Eun said as she pushed Karina a bit, making me look at the latter.
"U-uh. I-I love yo- WHA! I mean I love bread!" Karina said, a little startled, making me look at her weirdly with a giggle.
Suddenly, the other girls just began coughing. Ningning then smacked the table hard, looking away from me.
I then looked at Karina, fiddling with her fingers, holding the pack of ready-to-bake bread.
"I guess you want to learn how to bake Karina-ssi?" I asked and the girl's eyes widened, making me smile.
"You can call me, or even tell Eun for for the time. Whenever you are free, just ring me up," I said and Karina smiled and nodded shyly.
"Okay. Now that all is finished, here's our payment Y/n," Eun said as she showed me their company card.
"Okay~," I said and took the card for their payment.
Karina POV
It's been days since we ate in Y/n' oppa's restaurant and it's also been days since my members teased me using Y/n.
"Step to the left but put more energy on the arms when you swing it, okay?" Our instructor said.
"Ne!" We all answered and the instructor said her goodbye and Eun unnie went in front of us.
"Okay everyone~. Aeri, Minjeong, and Ning, you are finished for today~," Eun unnie said which made me confused.
"Wait? I still have on my schedule?!" I whined at unnie.
"At this hour?! She still have-", Aeri is starting to be angry until,
"Y/n. This is your freest time for the next two weeks so why not now?" Eun said as Aeri's anger turned into a smirk.
"Yah yah yah! Shut up Aeri!" I said while glaring at her.
"I'm not saying anything~," Aeri teasingly said.
I looked away from them clearing my throat. Now what happened to me? I was so tired until Eun unnie said where I was going.
"Unnie, bring me a delicious croissant okay? Thank you!" Minjeong said as she ran outside our practice room.
"Yeah unnie! Bring me home- I mean! Bring something delicious! Minjeong! Wait for me!" Ningning followed suit as Aeri walked out slowly, giving me funny faces, and making me glare at her.
"Okay, now come on. Let's go to him," Okay?" Eun unnie said
"Yeah, let's go," I wore a hoodie and went outside of the company with Eun unnie.
I saw our van and was about to go in until Eun unnie tapped me, pointing at another car.
"Eh?" I muttered.
"Y/n will teach you. He is also responsible for you now," Just as Eun unnie said that, the car behind our van flashes its light grabbing my attention.
I looked at unnie at first, a little bit uneasy but Eun unnie just nodded with a smile on her face.
Slowly walking to the car behind, I was about to knock on the window until it rolled down, revealing Y/n.
"Service for Ms. Yoo Jimin?" Y/n said with a tease, making me smile.
"Maybe this is not so bad after all. Great job Jimin," I said in my thoughts.
Smiling at my thoughts, I went inside his car and fastened my seatbelt.
"So, croissants?" I asked and looked at Y/n.
"Croissants. Okay!" Y/n said with a smile then we were on our way.
"Now fold the dough again," I said.
"Again?! But we folded it earlier?" Karina whined.
"The more, the better Karina-ssi" I teasingly said.
"But my hands!" Karina whined cutely, making me giggle.
"Then, should I help you?" I asked. Then Karina looked at me with the cutest puppy eyes that I have ever seen.
"Please~," Karina said with a pout. Now, Karina is just displaying her real beauty.
"Okay, now move as-,"
"No," Karina cut me off.
"No?" I asked.
"No. Guide me," Karina said and turned her back to me, making me giggle.
"You are awfully comfortable with me now huh?" I teased.
"Oh shut it. Let's go make a croissant!" Karina said angrily, but to me, she looked like a puppy, making my smile wider.
I then went behind Karina then slowly, I put my hands above hers, guiding her the right way to make my best selling croissants.
But while my body is helping her to do the pastries, my mind is overjoyed and giddy.
I have many friends that are girls but Karina, the way she trusts me even though we don't know each other very well, she trusts me.
Now, I may be overthinking at this but when a girl trusts you, it's a good thing, very good thing, especially when you are a boy.
The way our hands touched each other, ignited a spark that may be merely just a small thing, but that small thing affected me in just seconds.
Thinking for a bit, we do look like a couple. A couple that is on the brink of marriage, wait what?
Shrugging at my thoughts, I then heard Karina laughing like a kid playing with its toys.
I see Karina folding and rolling the dough over and over again. At one point I even released my hand for her to move freely and she just looked at me proudly at her work.
"You're a natural Karina-ssi," I said.
"Call me Jimin. I would like that even more," Karina or I mean, Jimin said, making me look at her.
"Oh? You know I'm flattered that you will let me call you by your name," I said.
"Well, I'm an outgoing girl and by what I feel, I'm comfortable with you," Jimin bluntly said.
"You are such a straightforward girl," I laughed making Jimin giggle as well.
"Knowing Yoo Jimin 101!" Jimin said excitedly.
"Okay okay, let's cut it to portions now or Eun will kill me," I said, Jimin then laughed and nodded.
"Delivery for Incheon, Daegu, Anyang, and Seongnam for this week?" I asked Mun.
"Seongnam and Anyang deliveries are already finished. Incheon and Daegu are the places that have big orders," Mun said as he placed the equities and expenses on my table.
"D'accord. Anything else for today?" I asked.
"Well, Mihyun did deliver the croissants you and your girlfr- I mean Karina," Mun said and I threw a crumpled paper to his face.
"Aigoo. There you are again," I said a little bit annoyed.
*bzzt bzzt*
"Would you look at that, your phone vibrates. Come, let's take a bet. If that's Karina, I will work for you for free next week," Mun said.
"And if this is not Karina, I will put you and Mihyun on a date," I said and Mun coughed, making me giggle.
For now, it's the moment of truth. I opened my phone and its...
" Jiminie🐨
Oppa! We received the croissants we made! They are so delicious, we made them well. The mixture of the dough is perfect..... like us. Anyways, have a great day! Thanks to Mihyun-ssi as well! ♡♡♡ "
My eyes widened and Mun took a peek as well but the smirk on his face was bigger than ever.
"Well well well~ who do we have here? Oh! Jiminie~ perfect like us," Mun teasingly said, squealing at the same time.
"Wha. I mean, what did I do for her to tease me like this?" I asked, blushing because of Jimin's words.
"I'm gonna talk to Eun about this," I said.
"Hah! Yeah right. I bet you like it," Mun said as he left me alone in my office.
"I didn't like. I love it," I whispered, smiling, and my heart is like happily dancing on its own.
"You are something Jimin,"
I chuckled at my thoughts and looked at my computer. Nah, I think I have something better to do.
I stood up, grabbed my coat, and left my office in a hurry, but carefully.
Karina POV
"This unnie. Why is she initiating the moves?" Minjeong asked.
"Because this dumb girl didn't give her number to his man," Aeri answered.
"Oh well. Whatever you say, I say that croissants are the best!" Ningning said while munching on her second bread.
"Aish. Let your leader be, girls. What Karina wants, Karina gets," Eun unnie said.
"I'm pretty sure Y/n oppa would fall in love when a girl messaged him that they are perfect," Ningning said.
"And that's my plan," I smirked.
"Aiyoo, you will be the death of me Karina," Eun unnie said which made me giggle.
"But you know, I heard from the higher-ups, they want to put you in a dating rumor with Taeyong," Aeri whispered.
"What?!" I exclaimed then looked at unnie.
"I will stop that, whatever it takes Karina, with all my power," Eun unnie assured me and placed her arm on my shoulders.
"Okay. I know you always protect us unnie," I said with a gentle smile and held Eun unnie's hand.
"Yep! If that did happen. I will kill the management," Eun unnie joked, making us laugh.
"Our revenue is up by 10%!" Mun said excitedly.
"Really? Seongnam really is a game-changer huh?" I said and Mun nodded happily.
"Who suggested Seongnam?" I asked.
"IT WAS ME!!!" Mihyun barged into our office, holding two coffees.
"Aish. Yah! Don't need to do that. Aigoo," I said, a little startled at how she entered my office.
"Hehehe~, Seongnam for the win! That's my hometown!" Mihyun danced joyfully. I then looked at Mun looking at Mihyun with hearts shooting from his eyes.
Looking at the sight, I think I will plan their date earlier than my planned day.
Chuckling at the future couple, I then looked at my computer and saw an article from Dispatch.
Karina POV
"Aish ssibal. Are they real for now?!" Eun unnie slammed the pile of papers on our floor.
"The NCT members don't know this either. They are beyond confused right now," Aeri said.
"But why in the hell Dispatch?" I asked, curling into a ball.
"Don't worry unnie, I'm here," Minjeong came beside me.
I smiled at the girl and hugged her tightly like a teddy bear.
"Yep! Me too!" Ningning also went to my left, hugging me, and showing her support.
I smiled at our maknaes as they can be a child at heart but when times like this appear, they are probably the most reliable person on earth.
"Something that will never change about businessmen is their love for money," Aeri clicked her tongue.
"Now that's just bad. Exclude me Aeri," A voice coming from a man said.
We all looked at the man and saw Y/n holding a bag. My eyes widened and hid myself behind Minjeong.
"Y/n! Thank you for this, really," Eun unnie sighed and took the bag from Y/n oppa.
"Seems something is up," Y/n oppa asked as he looked at us.
"O, the higher-ups want to stir the cash flow of this company," Eun unnie sighed.
"By using their idols in such a way? By the way, do Karina also-," Y/n oppa asked.
"Andwae! I love you Y/n oppa! You make my heart beat irregularly, you make me go crazy for you. We just met once, bonded once, croissants! But I feel something special when I'm with you! My happiness, pastry chef! My l-," I said in the heat of the moment but my brain not working as well.
I then regained my senses and looked at the people here with me in the practice room. My eyes widen, thinking about what I just said.
I see the maknaes smirking, Aeri humming, and Eun unnie pointing at the ceiling like it was something amusing.
Sighing at what I did, I faced the wall, ashamed. Before my forehead could touch the wall, I was grabbed by someone making me face him, hugging me tightly.
"Don't worry Jimin. Nothing's gonna change my love for you, whatever the rumors, whatever the problems," Y/n oppa started, making me look up at him.
Ningning and Minjeong squealed like little kids because of how high-pitched it was, Aeri who was surprised enjoyed the drama unfolding in front of her.
"I gotta admit Jimin, you stole my feelings from our first meeting. I don't believe in love at first sight but gosh Karina, you are something special. Just like what you said, the mixture of the dough is perfect, just like us," Y/n oppa said with a smile and then kissed my forehead making me gasp.
"Omo omo omo, what's this?! This is such a fast turn of events," Aeri exclaimed.
"Nope. Let's get out of here. Croissants! Come on Aeri unnie," Ningning said and dragged the older girl with her. Minjeong and Eun unnie went out while giggling, giving me a wink before closing the door.
Silence then followed suit and my look at Y/n oppa strengthened.
"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Y/n oppa giggled as he caressed my hair.
"Wae? Yah! Why are you laughing huh?!" I said while smacking his chest but Y/n oppa just hugged me tighter, laughing.
"You know I'm gonna ask for you to have another lesson with me," I said, teasing the girl beside me.
"AWH! Please stop! Don't tease me!" Jimin said, hiding her hot pink face from me.
Looking at Jimin in this state is so funny, who knew that behind the cold gaze on her face is a warm and loving girl.
"Aww~ is this the same Jimin that messaged me th-," Jimin puts a finger on my lips.
"Shhh! Okay! I'm that girl, please don't tease me~," Jimin nuzzles her head in my arms, making me smile
Right now, we are in the living room of their dorm. The other girls are in the kitchen, again, respecting our privacy I think.
"I mean, I'm gonna confess too but not this early. You really know how to mess up a plan someti-OW!" I said but received an elbow from Jimin.
"I bet you are not, you are a wimp! Hmph!" Jimin said, sulking.
"Oho~, showing me this side of yours already?" I teased, poking her arm.
"Yah! How many times do I tell you to HMMM!" Jimin was talking until I cupped her cheeks and kissed her on the lips.
A good 10 seconds passed and I decided to cut the kiss. Looking at Karina whose eyes are shut while puckering her lips, I giggled at her and connected our lips again.
Loving someone who you barely knew must be risky, but sometimes risks bring in the grand of rewards.
"What's our delivery for this week?" I asked.
"We have Busan, Incheon, and Daegu as our big bundle. Seongnam, Anyang, and Jeju for our regular," Mihyun said, looking at me.
"How about our SM branch?" I asked.
"Oh, well it's good. Many artists, staff, and even the admins love your food," Mihyun said happily.
"I know that I can always trust you Mihyun," I said with a smile.
"Merci, je ne pourrais pas le faire sans votre aide," (Thank you, I couldn't do it without your help) Mihyun bowed but what surprised me was that she spoke fluent French.
"Woah! Where did that come from?!" I excitingly.
"I just study~, I told you that I work hard," Mihyun said and flicked her hair, making me giggle.
"Babe! Let's go. Our boss is still single," Mun said and held Mihyun's hand.
"Aish, you brat. Don't look down on me," I said.
"Y/nnie~, I need my hugs and kisses!" Jimin barged into my office and ran straight to me.
Mihyun chuckled while I smirked at Mun who was looking somewhere else.
"Ah! I will be going. Goodbye Y/n, Karina-ssi," Mihyun bowed.
"Aww. Goodbye unnie! Have a great day!" Jimin said to Mihyun.
"Bye~! Great job!" I said and Mihyun bowed, then walked to the door. Being the mischievous girl she is, she smacked Mun's butt.
"YAWWW!" Mun exclaimed and Mihyun just walked out like nothing happened.
"YOU! COME BACK HERE!" Mun said and ran out of my office.
Two years since we met each other personally, Jimin and my relationship didn't waver, instead, it just kept getting better and better.
Karina's dating rumor didn't work for creating good revenue for SM, their stocks even plummeted. That's where I come in, I purchased a minority from SM, and safe to say that Aespa really liked that move.
Running a business is hard, no doubt, but when you have a woman who supports you in everything like this cutie little Jiminie right here. Fatigue will not even exist in your vocabulary.
"How are you babe?" I asked as Karina was sitting on my lap.
"Fine, just came from our practice," Jimin said as she wiggled, making herself comfortable.
"Anything I can do?" I asked and immediately, Jimin faced me with a smirk on her face.
Jimin pushed the lock button on my table and made the window not transparent from the outside.
"Maybe, we can do something spicy," Jimin said while biting her lip, her seductive voice. It's so alluring.
The next thing that I know, one of us is fighting for dominan- You know what, I will stop here.
But Jimin will sometimes be moody and I can't do anything about it. So I promised since the day she gave her trust to me.
I promise that I'll be there for her if she should need me. Jimin, you don't have to change a thing because I love you just the way you are jagiya.
"The world may change my whole life through, but nothing's gonna change my love for you Jimin. I love you"
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