#enby peeps rise up
sunnylittlebisexual · 2 years
Being a Person is weird cuz sometimes I'm like I don't fit into a gender and others it's like I don't have a gender and now that it's past 12am that means it's a different day and that means I'm enby!! Enby!!! Enbyenbyenby. Enbyyyyyy. Ennnnn byyyy. Wow. I'm enby. I love not fitting into the binary!! Go me!!!
I glanced at my pronouns in my little description bio thing at the top of my blog as I was about to make this post and I was like SHE???? HE???? NOOOOOO. A B S O L U T E L Y N O T
They/them pls :)
Idk if I've ever figured this out this fast before lmao
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samskia-writes · 4 years
Who I am
Sam Winchester x Reader (F)
Fluff, v mild angst Reader comes out to Sam as asexual
A/N: this is something close to me as I’m on the asexual spectrum, big love to all my LGBTQ+ peeps, you’re all so valid <3
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You poured the freshly brewed coffee into the mug, watching the steam rise up and flow through the kitchen of the bunker. Sam sat at the breakfast bar, the tapping of his laptop keys slowing as he leaned in to read a webpage. Dean was washing Baby, something he always managed to make a day of, so the timing couldn’t be more perfect.
"Hey, get this," Sam piped up, his eagerness to share information making you smile, "there's a species of vampire that can fly without its body,  just trailing its organs around."
You made a face, "nasty."
Sam chuckled, "yeah, don't worry. Looks like they're extinct."
You then made your way over to him, choosing the seat next to him instead of opposite. He was half way through an essay of lore about these vampire things, his eyes narrowing and widening with the lines. You felt a little bad to drag him from his research, but it was a now or never sort of moment.
"Hey, can I ask you something?" You'd said it before you were even sure if you should. It had been on your mind ever since you and Sam had started dating. One of those things you knew needed to be said sooner than later.
"Yeah, sure," Sam gave you his attention, lowering his laptop screen and swiveling where he sat.
"Okay, it's not a question...I just gotta tell you something," you stared at your thumbs which were circling your fingertips.
"Okay," Sam nodded, patiently letting you take the lead in conversation.
"It's kinda weird to mention so soon into dating...but it's important...and it's not something I can just not say," your thumb began tracing the creases along your fingers, "I mean, it's usually a deal-breaker...at least it always has been."
Your mind thought back to the other times you'd told partners and you felt a twinge of pain in your gut. Maybe this was a bad idea after all. Maybe you could just dump Sam and not have to deal with him dumping you. You'd been racing through these thoughts for a little too long and so Sam's hand came over yours, his thumb wrapping around yours, stopping it from fidgeting.
"What is it, Y/N?" It wasn't an impatient question, but it was heavy with concern.
A deep breath and a serge of adrenaline followed your next words: "I'm asexual."
A few seconds went by, or perhaps one, or perhaps less than one. It was hard to measure time when your heart was beating fast and your palms were tingling. It wasn't a long time, but it was long enough for you to assume the worst. It wasn't long enough for you to play out the possible responses, but it was long enough for your heart to feel everything you could feel. A cacophony of thoughts and emotions, all enough to hurt, but not enough to stay.
All at once.
It felt like falling. 
"That's okay," Sam said with an air of certainty he had sometimes, "it doesn't matter to me, Y/N."
You stopped falling, and, despite his response, you still felt the impact.
"Sam, this isn't something that's going to change. I don't want you to think I'll be different in a few months, or even years. It's just who I am."
"And who you are is perfect," Sam gave your hand a squeeze, making you look up at him. His eyes were filled with sincerity and promised nothing but his honesty.
"Are you sure?" You stammered, taken back by his acceptance. 
Sam leaned in and placed a kiss on your forehead, "never been more sure."
---- ---- ---- ----
Ty for reading <3 Requested by: @enby-thesbian​
Feedback, likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated. Hope you see a cute doggo today ^^
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problemsofabooknerd · 6 years
Recommending LGBTQIA+ SFF
Pride Day 5!
Check out the intro to my Pride project here.
Listen, I have a deep love for queer contemporary. I love a love story. But my truest love has always been fantasy, and it’s always a little bit harder to find LGBTQIA+ rep in SFF. I want my gays in space! In castles! On quests! And not just gays, of course. I want bi guys and gals, trans and enby folks, and ace peeps all across fantastical worlds. So, if you’re thinking along the same lines as me, check out the recommendations down below the cut. And at the end I’ll even add a quick list of some queer SFF on my personal TBR too!
The Abyss Surrounds Us by Emily Skrutskie (goodreads, amazon)
This book is about lesbian pirates and sea monsters. That is the end of my pitch. Seriously, if the sentence “lesbian pirates and sea monsters” doesn’t already have you hooked, I don’t know what to say, I will never be able to convince you of how incredible this book is. Plus, it’s the first in a duology so there’s even more to love. 
Not Your Sidekick by C.B. Lee (goodreads, amazon)
I already mentioned this book in my first post this month about books with a large cast of queer characters. If you like queer teens of color kicking ass and saving the world, this is the series for you. 
Dreadnought by April Daniels (goodreads, amazon)
What? You want more queer superhero stories? Not a problem. Dreadnought follows Dany, a trans girl who is still in the closet due to her transphobic and abusive family. Then the superhero Dreadnought dies at her feet, and Dany inherets all his powers - and the body she has always wanted. This duology deals with some darker aspects of being a superhero, and does have warnings for a LOT of transphobia (one of the villains is a terf and she’s really awful), but it’s excellent and ownvoices and I can’t recommend it enough. Plus Dany is a lesbian, and the second book has a f/f romance!
We Are the Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson (goodreads, amazon)
Henry has had a rough year. His boyfriend killed himself, his relationship with his brother has become even more strained, and his grandmother is rapidly remembering less and less. Oh, and also he’s abducted by aliens semi-regularly who tell him they’re going to destroy the world and he has the power to stop it. This one has big trigger warnings for depression, suicide, and attempted sexual assault, but it’s also a beautiful book about mental illness, complex family relationships, and love. 
Axiom: The Last Hope by Rachel Marie Pearcy (goodreads, amazon)
If you read a million dystopian books a few years ago when the genre was big, I’m sure you, like me, were missing out on queer dystopian. I am here to make your life better! Axiom is about a world in which every decision is made for you, until Ella falls off the beaten path and falls for her female roommate. It has all the tropes and high-intensity of a dystopian, plus a f/f romance that really strengthens the whole center of the novel.
Peter Darling by Austin Chant (goodreads, amazon)
Austin Chant is going to probably be on as many posts as I can manage this month, despite the fact that he only has three novellas, but I can’t help my love. Peter Darling is a sequel/retelling of Peter Pan wherein Peter is trans. He returns to Neverland after a ten year absence, and finds it even darker than he left it. This also features a m/m romance between Hook and Pan. Austin Chant owns my heart, that’s what you need to know. 
Caroline’s Heart by Austin Chant (goodreads, amazon)
What? Already another Austin Chant novella? Yeah, that seems like me. Caroline’s heart is a f/m romance, and it’s about trans folks falling in love. Cecily is a witch who lost her true love year ago, and is desperately trying to resurrect her. But when a cowboy in peril stumbles into her path, she has to decide if giving up the past is worth it to save a man she barely knows. This is super western, super queer, super historical, and super magical. It’s everything. 
Spellbook of the Lost and Found by Moira Fowley-Doyle (goodreads, amazon)
And speaking of queer magic, I have some more to share! Spellbook is set in a small town in Ireland and follows a variety of teenagers with intersecting stories and lives. One night at a party, a spell is cast and everyone wakes up the next day to find they have lost something. One of them also finds a spellbook that possibly has a way to bring everything back, and there is a part to play for every person in the group. There are three POV characters, two of whom are queer women. There are bisexual girls and a lesbian character, and f/f and f/m romances both happen. There are also POC and one of the bi girls is deaf in one ear. Plus it’s magical and odd and Irish and fabulous, as if that was not already evident in this description.
Amberlough by Lara Elena Donnelly (goodreads, amazon)
Amberlough is set in a an alternate 1930s-inspired world full of cabarets and a rising fascist regime. It follows Cyril, a spy, his lover Aristide, smuggler and emcee at the Bumble Bee Cabaret, and Cordelia, a Bumble Bee dancer. When Aristide’s life is threatened, Cyril is forced to turn against his government and his moral code to keep him safe. The worldbuilding in this one blows me away, and in general has an aesthetic that is unbeatable. Plus the sequel was just recently released! 
Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire (goodreads, amazon)
We always see the stories of children who wander through magical doorways, but what happens to them when they stumble back to our world and out of the place they feel like they belonged? In the Wayward Children series, it means you end up at Eleanor West’s Home For Wayward Children. This is a novella that deals with magical trauma and finding a way and a place to be your true self, and the entire series is incredible. This first one features and asexual protagonist and a trans side character, but the books afterwards always feature queer characters and magically heartbreaking stories. 
Wild Beauty by Anna-Marie McLemore (goodreads, amazon)
If you are looking for magical realism with cursed queer ladies, this is all you could ever possibly want. Wild Beauty is set in the lush gardens of La Pradera, where the women of the Nomeolvides family care for it every day. The women also have a curse: should any of them fall in love too deeply, the object of their affection will disappear. Then one day a mysterious boy appears in the garden with no memory of who he is. This is a story in which every single female character is bisexual, basically. It opens with all the cousins being in love with the same girl, and it’s magical and wonderful and about the traumas of colonialism and the power of family. Plus, all of the characters are Latinx. It’s excellent. 
High Fantasy
Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst (goodreads, amazon)
A book about two princesses falling in love, which is basically all you need to know. I mean, there’s also the fact that one of them has the ability to control fire (despite the fact that magic is forbidden), or the fact that she is engaged to the prince and falls for his sister instead. Or! That there are so many horses and so much horse love it’s at times overwhelming! These are also good facts about Of Fire and Stars, but ultimately I know that all you all need to be told is that two princesses fall for each other and it is glorious. 
Girls Made of Snow and Glass by Melissa Bashardoust (goodreads, amazon)
I just did a full review of this yesterday, which I will link here. Basically this is a retelling of Snow White that focuses on the complex relationship between a princess and her stepmother. It’s super feminist, fascinating, and features a f/f relationship for the Snow White character. Read it immediately, I’m begging you.
And that’s the end of my list! But if you’re looking for some more, my TBR currently includes The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers, Reign of the Fallen by Sarah Glenn Marsh, Passing Strange by Ellen Klages, Otherbound by Corinne Duyvis, Hullmetal Girls by Emily Skrutskie, and Santa Olivia by Jacqueline Carey. Ok, your TBR should be good and stuffed with queer SFF now, so I’ll wrap up here. And check back tomorrow if you want to hear all the little details of my personal sexuality journey!
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