#enchant: loasti
A Gratifying Visit
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A/N: just a tale for pride month staring hwan and tegan! where-in they're working in the same place (a theatre) and an office is involved. kinda off-screen yet a regular thing between them.^^ 📜 🎮 🌈 🎮 📜 🌈 Word Count: 786 T.W/C.W: romance, i guess
After taking a sip of Mocha coffee, she sets the cup on her desk's surface. Leaning back on her chair and cracking her knuckles.
It'd been a slow day at work, thus far. She had some stage-hands approaching her and asking for assistance in setting up the stage. They're putting up a rehearsal for a show later in the week. A period play from the looks of it.
Fancy costumes, faux accents, and props resembling objects from the 16th century. Hwan hasn't heard much, she's only had peeks. She'd watch if she had tickets and eagerness to go. Except she doesn't.
She pulls up a tab on her browser just as a knock reverberates, causing her to raise her head.
"Enter," Hwan says, removing her headphones.
Who is standing outside? Is it someone who accidentally reset a password? Or someone seeking for some technical guidance?
The door opens and someone stumbles in, flailing her arms then regains balance.
"Hwan, hi," Tegan murmurs with a wave.
"Hey." She waves back, her stomach flipping without her permission.
All morning, she’d been looking forward to Tegan’s random visits. She’d been doing it since Hwan’s second week of her job.
"I'm sorry for barging in," Tegan blurts out. "I wanted to… check in! To see if you've had lunch! And you did, obviously. I… yeah."
When Tegan scratches at her elbow, her breath goes in and out of heavy bursts. She shoves some tendrils of hair from her face, though, it doesn't do much for her hair fixed in a bun.
Asking what's wrong might be erring on the side of freaking her out more. And asking how's she feeling is a probably careless move since it's obvious.
"What's up?" she settles on asking instead, furrowing her brows.
"Oh, I… don't worry about it!" Tegan flaps a hand around, her voice unsteady at her chuckle. "Just… just the usual stuff. The screenplay that I'm supposed to… yup."
She's heard of what her idea's about: it involves fairies, satire ala Jane Austen, and a land inspired by various cultures.
The process must be taking a toll on her.
Hwan's watched behind-the-scenes videos of her favorite games, aware they aren't easy to work on. It takes effort, energy, and time for creative projects. Script-writing isn't any different.
And Tegan must be seeking for… something. She can't tell what exactly. Perhaps, a pep talk? If so, she isn't quite skilled. Although… a form of distraction could do the trick.
"Hey, have you heard of a new restaurant at Main Street?"
"Huh? Oh, uh… which? I don't think I have."
"It's owned by Teniku Itiniua, a Tuvaluan chef that's a popular food blogger."
"That's cool."
"I've been following her updates online and the cuisine looks good. I've had some Pacific Islander type of foods back in Japan. Maybe you can try it out when you visit."
Hwan shrugs, watching Tegan's shoulders sag and her face going partially slack. She gulps and chews on her lower lip. Her eyes dart across her workspace before going down.
"The other day you’re playing a game in your tablet, which has a game-play involving cards. Have you unlocked more? You’ve mentioned you wanted some specific cards."
"Ah, my Hearthstone collection.” Hwan flicks a glance at her tablet screen and Tegan nods. "I’ve managed to get some epic cards. I’d been checking through a plethora of card packs and got them."
Tegan taps her cheek. "Wow, that's gotta be tons of fun. With the amount of upgrades you can use."
"Yeah, it's definitely fun," Hwan replies, sliding a finger on a card. "I’ve combining different things to see what I get. Yesterday, I managed to get sixteen cards."
"Sixteen?" An inquisitive intensity filters Tegan's voice. She raises her brows slowly. "That's pretty… it's pretty awesome. Any progresses on other games?"
"I finished some levels in Angry Birds." She taps on her tablet screen, sliding to her list of apps. "However, there’d been some that— "
A beep goes off and Tegan yelps, looking down on her satchel. She gets her phone out, pressing its switch button.
Tegan sighs, shoving it onto her jacket's pocket. "Crap, my break's over. I guess I gotta go back to work."
"Yeah," Hwan replies, her pulse rate dropping.
"Although, thank you for the company," she says, bestowing a small smile. "It took my mind off some stuff, so…"
"No problem." She nods, her breath hitching in her chest. She clears her throat and tries grinning. "See ya around?"
Tegan chuckles, shuffling out to the hallway. "Yes, I'll see you around too."
Despite any initial disappointment, Hwan basks in a warmth rushing within her adrenaline.
Maybe she can visit her when she gets a break.
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Thinking of how Hwan invites Tegan for a chill ~~platonic~~ hang-out and plays a brutal game, where her character's all bloodied from beating up some enemies. And Tegan goes 😳 at imagining Hwan covered up in blood yet also turned o– *gets dragged out of the stage*
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me, realizing i posted the latest hwan x tegan short on yuri day without knowing it initially:
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[ID: a reaction gif of kermit the frog flailing / finish ID]
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Prompt? How about more Tegan and Hwan cute awkwardness 😌
Maybe they need to get a gift for Nijiko?
Ahhh, yeah, here is more awkwardness featuring teh ladies. 😌
this got a bit longer than intended, however, i enjoyed it. this takes place in the main story, maybe in the middle of ch9 or ch10s. still figuring it out, though. 🌌🌌🌌
send me a prompt? for any oc, dynamic, fandom characters, concepts.
Word Count: 1127
T.W/C.W: None-ish
A row of pendant lights shine in florescence from a ceiling. Cast across several aisles of shelves. A clerk presses a button and opens a cash register, causing a click.
By the office stationery section, Hwan carries a small basket. That's been empty. Tegan moves some stacks of papers, peeking into what's behind it. She goes towards a container of pens, scrutinizing them.
They're browsing through aisles of stationery, searching for office supplies that Nijiko might need. Her sister's birthday might be February 6, however, she wants to check early.
Somehow, Hwan had to ask Tegan to accompany her. They work in the same theatre (Tegan in the backstage crew while Hwan's in the I.T area), so it made sense that she could ask her sister's best friend for help. Even if said person used to be her crush as a teenager.
They'd been silent on the entire cab ride. So, they both used their phones, barely looking at each other. She'd have said something except Tegan seemed busy. Tapping on it as if sending texts to her friends.
And she needs to break the ice. Or else she wouldn't get any progress going.
Hwan scans a shelf of pens, knitting her brows together. "What do you think Nijiko would like having?"
"I guess she'd love to have these," Tegan answers, lifting a file folder with a stripe print. "She has tons of papers, which she prints. In her office."
She nods. "Sure. That sounds good."
Tegan slips it onto the basket. "Yeah, that's one item. Extra more to go."
"Does she need another notebook?" Hwan catches a pile of journals arranged in a horizontal line. "I'm sure she designs a renovated room by visualizing it on paper."
"I have so many unused notebooks," Tegan said with a small laugh. "So many. I did open them to get a feel of the page and stuff. Your sister also does the same."
"Okay then I should get something she'll use."
"Ooh! She's been thinking of getting a glass board! But she's been busy with several clients, so she hasn't gotten any opportunities to do it."
"Has she decorated her office yet? Or she hasn't."
"Well, actually, I'm not sure. I haven't asked her that yet. She has asked for suggestions but that was months ago. And I've been busy and I sure didn't realize that her birthday was approaching soon. I mean five months is sorta far to be soon. But I guess a head start's gonna be useful. Getting a gift in advance is a good plan. And you still have plenty of weeks before that.
"Also you should know that she's learning a new sport. She has been practicing at a center because she doesn't have equipment at her home. Ah, yeah, she's trying out some tennis. I'm not sure if she told you this but she was inspired by Serena Williams. It's been letting her blow off steam. Whether it's a long day of work or a demanding client, she. . . uh oh."
As they reach to an aisle containing pens and other office supplies, Tegan clamps her mouth shut. She glances around and lets out a shaky chuckle.
"Sorry," Tegan says, shaking her head. "I went off on that, didn't I?"
"Sorta," Hwan answers.
"Yeah." Tegan's face twists like she swallowed a lemon by accident.
"You do that when you're bothered by something?" She slings an arm over her chest, narrowing her eyes.
Tegan tenses up as if she jumps in a millisecond. "Nah! Nothing's bothering me."
"Why you do you act so weird around me then?"
"Huh? I don't get what you're talking about."
"C'mon, from what I remember, you don't apologize for rambling. Unless you must be feeling ashamed or weirded out."
"I'm not ashamed."
"Is this because I've started working in the theatre you work in? I didn't intend in putting you in any difficult position. If that's the issue, you can say that."
"Hey, that's definitely not it."
"Then what else can it be?"
"I get a little uneasy with tons of people."
"Do I make you uncomfortable?"
"What? No, not at all. I guess having my best friend's sister as a co-worker. . . can be strange. However, I'm tryna get used to it. It's all me, it isn't you. Although, I'm sorry if I made you think that."
"Wait, is it. . . Is it because you didn't recognize me? Initially?"
At that, Tegan cracks up and her voice pitch goes high. She doubles over slightly, pressing a hand over her stomach.
"Wow, I. . . Hey, I didn't know! You didn't wear glasses before! So, it was a whiplash! I'm sorry for that, by the way. I guess you're probably thinking how stupid I was. And how didn't I notice I ran into my best friend's sister of all people. But I did know you've been back in the country, I just. . . I didn't think I'd see you around. Because I've been informed you've been busy and all."
Hwan turns away slightly, her internal temperature jumping. She bites the inside of her check, fighting a snort back.
Although it's been seven years since she moved abroad for her degree, Tegan hasn't changed much. She's somewhat more outgoing yet she's still gauche. Or probably around Hwan. No doubt Nijiko must have had a field day at learning about it.
At least, she managed to talk to her. Unlike as a gawky teen when she didn't speak, only hanging around her presence during her visits.
It's beyond what she imagined back then. And she gets it.
Tegan sure has been confused, she thinks in hilarity. The poor thing.
It's up to her to help her be comfortable, somehow. She's gotta try.
"Do you think she has something like this?" Hwan asks, getting a pantone book.
Tegan winces. "Uh, she. . . She already has one."
"It's difficult to find a present that she'd like and use," Hwan mumbles. "As far as I'm aware, she does eighty percent of her work digitally. She often mentions the amount of programs she installed. Just for her job.
"Maybe we can go to the mall for clothes." Tegan shrugs. "She's been complaining how she hasn't updated her wardrobe."
"If you think that's a good plan, let's go with it."
"Hang on. . . Are you sure?"
"You're her best friend, you know her well. I'd be glad for any help you can offer."
"Okay! Sure thing!"
"First, I'll pay for this and we'll get a ride."
"Yep, yep. Got it."
Tegan bows her head and Hwan proceeds to the queue, letting her be. She probably needs a moment to be composed.
Despite herself, a vibrance floods her within while she glances back. She scratches the side of her forehead, shaking her head a bit.
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Prompt time 😌
Hwan and Tegan + cooking
Ahh, thank you for the request, Kly! I had fun writing this tidbit! This probably takes place off-screen.
However, just know this also includes some mentions of a misunderstanding. . . in a comical manner. :p
send me a prompt? for any oc, dynamic, fandom characters, concepts.
Word Count: 788
T.W/C.W: food since it's a main topic
Packets and containers sprawled over a row of counters. Consisting of spices, some ingredients, vegetables, and some grains.
Hwan opens a cupboard, taking a pressure cooker and pan out. She puts them on an empty spot near the sink.
"I didn't think you'd also show up here," Tegan says while her pulse insists on racing.
Hwan adjusts her glasses, her expression slightly vacant. "Um, my sister invited me over, so yeah. She'll be too tired to cook anything after work. And I'm here to prepare some for her."
Ah. Great. Tegan nods, darting her eyes onto the ceiling.
Somehow, Nijiko managed to roped Tegan into visiting her place. Via a text message. Only to learn that her sister, Hwan, happened to be there instead. And she isn't even here.
So, she can probably help Hwan prepare dinner for Nijiko before she gets back.
But a little part of her had a sneaking suspicion that her best friend ditched her on purpose. With some intentions to nudge them into hanging out together.
Maybe it's to just keep her sister company.
After all, why would Nijiko have set Tegan up for that? Especially since she told her that Hwan's straight and wouldn't be into her.
Right? As a sister, Nijiko probably took it as a duty to encourage her little sister to get along with her best friend. No homo. Pure platonic reasons.   Nothing more, nothing less.
So, she clears her throat and braces herself.
"Well, I can help." Tegan tries smiling. "Considering there are some stuff I'm familiar with."
"Wait, you cook for her too?"
"Sometimes, whenever we both have a day off, we do that. Since we have utterly different culinary styles, I cook some Indian food that she hasn't tried. And she does the same for the Japanese and Korean food."
"Ah. Makes lotta sense."
"Hey, so, do you think you can tolerate spicy food?" Tegan asks, picking a moong dal packet.
Hwan arches a brow. "All have you know I've lived in Japan. And I can definitely handle anything with an abundance of spices. And I've eaten tons of kimchi soups and stews before I went there."
"Huh. Nijiko knows how to cook some mean kimchi soups."
"Yeah, wait until you try mine. In fact, I'm gonna prepare some while you cook your curry."
It might be her imagination yet Hwan's mouth quirks up at a corner. Just a fraction yet visible all the same. Kicking up her heart rate into high gear a little bit.
Tegan averts her eyes, rummaging through ingredients gathered at the counters.
Oww. She just had to be cute, huh?
"Okay then. I hope you can eat this Parippu curry. Once I'm done cooking it, of course."
Hwan just watches her, tracking her movements as she proceeds with the Parripu curry. Getting it's ingredients. Cumin seeds, asafoetida, turmeric powder, coconut oil, dry red chillies, chili powder, mustard seeds, mung dal, grated coconut, curry leaves, pearl onions, and garlic.
She rinses one cup of mung dal into a bowl, putting turmeric powder, asafoetida, and two cups of water into the mix.
After setting a pressure cooker on the stove, she lifts the lids. Then pours the moong dal from a bowl, filling it up. She switches it on at medium and steps back.
"You're gonna have to wait for it to boil," Tegan explains as Hwan raises her brows. "And I gotta make some coconut paste to add into it."
"Got it. I'll go ahead and start with my kimchi stew."
Hwan flips a chopping board then settles it onto a counter. She whips up a knife out of a drawer. She rolls a batch of napa cabbage over it.
Tegan's jaw slacks at how she chops it into bite-sized pieces within two minutes. Somewhat like a ninja, who's got mega fast reflexes.
As the pressure cooker goes off at it's first whistle, it sends a jolt into Tegan. Snapping her back to her current surroundings.  
Darn it. She can't get carried away by this. Her poor brain would be tricked into thinking it's some date or something. And she can't let that happen.  
With a grimace, she squeezes her eyes shut.   Maybe her best friend set out to torture her with this. Showing her on who she can't be with.  
Oh, well. She's gotta manage, somehow. Especially when Hwan throws an expectant look at her.  
For whatever it has to be. . .  
Tegan blinks and smacks her forehead. She turns the stove down and the fire goes out. She removes the lid, instantly greeted by a waft of steam.  
Gee, right. She has to work on the coconut paste before she fully cooks the parripu curry. So, she gets a blender jar.
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*taps onto microphone* hi to those new ppl following me. if you see i barely post anything about my work, it's bc i've had a mini writing break, lmao.
however, if you want to check out what i offer just. . . just check the tags i've put. or the link in the pinned post.
so, yeh. just a lil self-promo bc my self-reblog queue does have a timezone that i doubt ppl see it often, lmao. and i don't do tag-lists bc in my experience, it doesn't help much. ;-;
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Behind the Curtains
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A/N: just a tale of Tegan and her pals from Lines of A Script to Ignore! Where they’re doing their job and run into some inconveniences.^^
Word Count: 794
TW: None
"Is everyone ready for this?" Liandri asks. "I know I am."
"Glad to see someone prepared in advance," Pham grumbles. They flail their arms at the sides. "I should have had a warning label!"
Keeara twirls a lock of her lavender dreadlocks. "Can I be honest? I so did not get any memo it'd be today."
Pham huffs a heavy breath, harrumphing. "See? We are so gonna mess this up! If I'd known we'd be assigned to this, I wouldn't have thrown those previous props for nothin'."
With a shrug, Yu-Phin slides her phone over a table. "You're just gettin' antsy, no need to freak out. We can sort this out before things start."
Tegan drums her fingers along a script's cover.
She'd have an input, however, it might not allay Pham's current issues. They're worked up for today's agenda.
Behind the stage wings, they're lounging across backstage. Surrounded by decorations needing to be arranged across the stage. They're only missing some items to finish the look they need.
Since she worked at Boulevard Theatre, she managed to find a group of friends. Thanks to their mutual love of musicals and plays, they've developed a bond. They may have different skillsets, however, they have a common ground. She hadn't imagined how she'd be involved in such.
Prior to this, she only had two close friends, who she still hangs out with regularly. Despite how they might be busy with their own jobs as well.
Yet she has a balance between all the friends she's got. And she wouldn't have it any other way.
"I mean as long as we do fine," Tegan says, propping her chin at the back of her hand. "We won't have much trouble."
"Who am I to complain? We're gonna get glamorous costumes," Liandri says with a blissful sigh. "A bit of mystery with 1920's Harlem flair!"
Yu-Phin grins. "Yeah! It's what I've been waiting for weeks! If things go well, it's gonna be glamorous and chic!"
"Can't argue with that." Keeara tilts her head to the side, adjusting her cardigan sleeves.
Pham plops down on a crate, frowning. "I suppose I probably need to chill out."
"Just 'probably', huh?" A corner of Tegan's mouth rises.
Some of the others snicker at her usage of air quotes. Pham throws a glare, only knitting their brows together. They tug on their beanie, aiming it at her. As if they'd smack her with it like a glove.
Eh. She'd like to see them try.
"Don't be imprudent, young lady!" Pham lightly swats it on her upper arm, tsking. They raise their head. "Shameful! No one taught you manners?"
The rest of her friends begin cracking up, hooting and hollering at their antics. Tegan shrugs, stifling a chuckle threatening to take over her.
"To be fair, you look like you're about to break into a soliloquy."
"Hey! Take that back! This instant!"
"Whoa, let's not get hasty!" Yu-Phin saunters, blocking Pham's way to her. She lifts a hand. "We got priorities to focus on."
"Of course," Pham mutters, taking a step back. "Anyways, don't we need some backgrounds? I'd have got it done if I'd known."
"We can split into groups," Liandri suggests, her expression placid. As if she wasn't about to witness a beatdown. "Alright: Keerara and Pham, y'all go to a store to buy a background. Or print one."
Keeara nods as Pham crosses their arms, striking a rebellious sort of aura. Tegan flicks a glance at Keeara, who compresses her lips.
Tegan dusts her shirt. "I'm sure we can get this done by tomorrow."
"Yup, the production won't start until next week," Yu-Phin adds, clapping. "For now, we got to set things up."
"Alright, sure." Pham beckons at a path at a corner.
As Keeara goes after Pham, Liandri and Yu-Phin examine the props and things they've got.
They gathered the boxes containing different types of props to set the stage up. It had been a Renaissance-themed sort of play. Masquerade balls and all that jazz.
Initially, she had been hesitant of the concept. It had been rather unconventional even for this theatre company. However, her interest started rising as she reevaluated on what it presented to the table, so to speak.
"Okay then!" Yu-Phin saunters towards a pile of boxes, flourishing them. "Let's get started, shall we?"
Liandri chuckles, patting her at the back. They both squeal and laugh again. Tegan grins, moving her folder back into her backpack.
Someday if she progresses in her job, this will lead her to bigger things. If her own musical launches, she looks forward to these shenanigans on opening night.
With her friends preparing to unpack the décor, Tegan follows them. She picks up a package, scanning on what wonders it contains.
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Happy STS! What are your favorite scenes from your WIPs? (and if you would like share some lines <3)
Hey, Anna. Happy STS to ya too! Thanks for droppin' by. <3
i'mma share the bits i like from each original stories. thank you for making me take a look at these. it allows me to be haunted by my ideas more. <3 /gen
highlight 1: pham, my beloved menace. they see tegan's parents and go 'awooga!', bahaha. from lines of a script to ignore. 😂 😂 😂
"Sheesh, I'm just kidding!" Pham holds their hands up in surrender, smirking. "I mean. . . don't pretend you didn't thirst for taken couples, Teg." "You suck." "Aww, thanks, I love you too."
highlight 2: just a painting description bc i love writing this stuff. and krispin trying a new painting technique. from true devotion that remains true. 💐 💐 💐
After adjusting the canvas, he outlines the shape of a flower with a nearest pencil he finds. He sketches it's long stem, attaching leaves and petals onto it. Slowly, he presses the pastel on the canvas' surface, guiding it in small strokes while colors fill the spaces of it's shape. He leaves a few blank spots to fix later on. Then he covers his painting with a long cloth. He packs up for the night, going back to his dorm.
hightlight 3: the bits from the incomplete blasted scorn chapter 1. the beginning, where knights infiltrate the pirate ship, yarrr. 🏴‍☠️ 🦜 🌊
"Perhaps, an interrogation's in order," Titanrin says, [...]. "I think there can be advantages on this situation." "What advantage? Getting thrown in prison?"
yep, these are about my faves, so far. if i want more... i gotta write them. 😐🤧
dare to send me an STS ask?
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OC Two Truths and a Lie Tag
thanks to @talesofsorrowandofruin (x) for teh tag! *spins cerebral name wheel* for this, i'll pick. . . *drumroll*, Nijiko Rikuta from TDRC and LOASTI!
Rules: list two truths and a lie for one of your OCs.
Tagging, no pressure tho: @pagesofcursive, @liv-is, @sculpture-in-a-period-drama, @careful-pyromancer, and open tag.^^
also you can interact with this post, if you’d like to be a part of my tag game list.^^
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[take two] *taps onto microphone* what’s up to those ppl following me.
if you barely see me posting any latest writing, know that i did post a boatload of it over the years. and i try queuing them each month. what i have to offer is in a link in my pinned post. or the tags in this post.
i know not everyone uses desktop, so nobody probably clicks the archive, sksksk. the best thing i can do is point y’all in the right direction, i guess.
so, yeh. just a lil info: i don't do tag-lists bc in my experience, it doesn't help much. ;-;  (i tried. . . a lot. trust me, i did.)
as i mention, i often go on self-reblog queue sprees, sksksk. find it in teh #enchant’s srbq tag.^^
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Seven Snippets, Seven People
thanks to @talesofsorrowandofruin for this tag! now this is gonna be random for sure, sksksk.
all them below teh cut, tbh.
First Snippet (DC-based fic, fandoms are irrelevent)
Alec Hardison Carter Hall and Ray Palmer, my beloveds <3. i enjoy writing this dynamic that’s a thing in my heart’s multiverse. :3
Uh oh, he thought, twisting his spoon. Once Carter started swearing in another language, it was a warning for how things would get bad.
"Well, she should think of how I need to be saved from myself more."
Carter rolled his eyes. "Saved from yourself? Or your own stupid decisions? There's a major difference."
Second Snippet (Original Story)
a sneak peak of a story i *might* post soonish. <3
Tightening their grip onto the luggage handles, a passenger got into the entrance. They wheezed as they accidentally inhaled a musty scent, trying to cough it out. It somewhat slowed down their initial rapid pulse as sweat rolled down their forehead.
Okay. They were going to do this. No more delays. They had to pysch themself up but. . . but they still had some doubts.
Third Snippet (LOASTI, my beloved)
Nijiko scowls then it fades as her mouth twitches. She cracks up and throws herself onto an armchair.
"Seriously? How didn't you recognize her?"
"Hey! It's not my fault your sister pulled a Clark Kent on me! I literally did not recognize her with her glasses."
Forth Snippet (TDRC short)
Just before she gets downstairs, a meow greets her. She draws to a halt, seeing a familiar black cat looking up at her.
Fidel looks like a small fuzzy puff of black clouds with her thick fur. She meows. Cassie chuckles, lifting her up in an embrace. She cups her cheeks, rubbing her thumbs over them.
"Hey there, little cutie," she murmurs.
Five Snippet (L.o.T fic featuring Zarlie, sksksk. she/they prounouns for Charlie squad!)
"You want me to help you out, eh?" Charlie asked, a smirk pulling up at a corner of their mouth. "Hmm. . . Perhaps, I might be happy to assist ya."
"For mission purposes," Zari hissed, hating the flow of warmth towards her face. She dropped her eyes. "I'm a. . . I'm a bit rusty is what I'm gonna say. So. . . Will you do it or not?"
"I thought you might have been straight, to be honest."
Six Snippet (DC-based fic, same dynamic as the first snippet.)
"I'm just glad you're back," Carter said gently, his chest restricting just a bit. He let out a sigh. "And you've dropped by."
"And I'm glad to be here," Ray replied, his voice just as soft. "Also since I might be here for a little while. . . Is it okay if we take a trip around town, tomorrow? I'm interested in the sights that St. Roch's got to offer."
Seventh Snippet (Original Short)
They were in an expedition to check out the potential treasure hidden in the forest. No matter how much she tried to reason with the leader, she seemed hell-bent on going. She wanted to have a nice Friday night: not be here in the woods, where an animal might mistake them for food."
"What if a bear finds us then? Or a lion? Then we'll be attacked then crushed then eaten as food! Or what if bugs started crawling after us? [...]”
Tagging, no pressure tho: @ls-daydreams, @aohendo, @leilost, @fiercely-raging-writer, @toribookworm22, @sculpture-in-a-period-drama, and @cryptid-s-wips.
also you can interact with this post, if you’d like to be a part of my tag game list.^^
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[ID: a yellow aesthetic collage consisting of photos from upper left to lower right: a playstation remote controller, a pair of headphones, a lantern on an edge of a dark rooftop, a pattern of colors with deep red, green, black, and light purple, a minimalist work desk, an picrew portrait of a woman of East Asian descent in her mid-twenties with black hair, pale skin, brown eyes, three slash scars on her lower left cheek, and slightly red-tinted lips wearing a pair of glasses, piercing on her nose in a green sweater paired with a leather jacket containing red and yellow patterns standing by a red background, an aisle of a stationary store, and blurred close-up of a coffee shop / finish ID]
Name: Hwan Rikuta
Basics: second protagonist (50% POV of the story, she/her, pan, unemployed graduate, nonprofessional gamer, taciturn, staunch, slightly skeptical, droll, disciplined, and considerate.
After studying abroad, Hwan's stuck in a rut as she's back in Enrevarde. Things aren't how they used to be in there before she left. However, she's adamant in getting a stable line of work. Those bills and other things aren't going to pay for themselves. It doesn't help that she dreads running into a group. That convinced her to take up I.T as an option or she's so uncool. Much to her dismay, it might be useless. Despite this, she'll search for any solid job until she gets it.
WIP Intro
Pic Sources: x, x, x, x, x, and x.
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4 snippets, 4 tags
Thanks to @innocentlymacabre for the tag (x)!
As the previous version I did of this, this is gonna be four (sorry, I can’t do seven) random tales. Those that aren’t posted, that is.^^
Tagging, no pressure tho: @repressed-and-depressed, @fiercely-raging-writer, @pagesofcursive, and @poetinprose.
also you can interact with this post (x), if you’d like to be a part of my tag game list.^^
Very alternate first meeting of a certain ship. . . iykyk.
"An odd, long, compliment yet I'll take it. "That's the weirdest thing anyone's ever said about my voice." "Weird? I. . . I guess you're not used to it?" "Maybe in time, I could be." "Oh. I see."
from the first draft of loasti, ch3.
"Ah, that sounds great! Good luck with the designs!" "I know, right? I'm not going to test my luck, though. Maybe after this, I'll get a client with impractical standards of what room they want. But hey, I'll have fun with this renovation while I can." "And take pictures once you're done, so I can check your work out." "Will do. By the way. . . how are your co-workers slash work pals?"
from a fairytale AU of tdrc.
"Hi there, precious," she murmurs, bending down to pet it. "What are you up to?" It rubs it's head over her palm, vibrating with a low purr. "You're hungry? You want food?" The cat's eyes grow larger like it's filled with stars.
from my 'such a shame W/entworth M/iller and A/ldis H/odge haven't been on the same screen yet' 😔 . . . er, I mean l.o.t 1x05 rewrite, lmao.
"Listen, I'm an expert at bad plans. . ." "Clearly, that's saying something about your leadership skills." ". . . but this? This is a horrendous plan, Snart! It's bound to get anyone involved killed!" "Well, you got any better ones? I doubt you've ever broken into a building in your entire lifetime. Or lifetimes, your Highness."
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A Vivid Display
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A/N: just a tale of Tegan and Hwan from Lines of A Script to Ignore! a canon scene, where-in Tegan’s bringing Hwan to a decent place. in the actual story, it’ll be from Hwan’s POV. for this short, tho, it’s from the other way around.^^
Word Count: 788
TW: implied romance, the dynamic’s platonic at this point, tho.
"Where are we going?" Hwan asks, looking out at a window.
"Just a cool spot close by," Tegan answers, parking her car in an empty space.
Unlocking the doors, she opens one and slips out of the driver's seat. Both of them walk into a pavement. Ahead of them, there's a building with space-themed posters displayed above an entrance. People go in and out of glass doors, which seal open for them to go in.
Beside Tegan, Hwan slows down on her pace. She blinks.
She's been thinking about it for a while. About showing her around Enrevarde and what cool places it's got to offer.
After all, Hwan's been abroad for about six years. There's tons of sights to visit and see how it's different.
Hwan's eyes widen slightly. "This is what you invited me to see?"
"Ah, yeah." Tegan clasps her hands together, slightly averting her eyes from her.
"A planetarium?" Hwan asks, raising her brows. "What the. . . since when did this country have a planetarium?"
"It opened up about four years ago," she explains.
Hwan compresses her mouth slightly. "Huh, it's why I didn't see this place back then."
Tegan beckons her to follow her into the entrance. They enter the building's foyer, greeted by a line of planet figures on the ceiling.
She registered for access to this planetarium. It took a while since she had to fork out some Euros from her wallet. She hopes this might be worth it. However, the look on Hwan's face as she sees what she finds might be worth it too. It's got a ton of space-related things, so she can go wherever she wants.
If she's interested in that, that is.
For the most part, Tegan's doing this to let Hwan have a good time.
"I've also got tickets for a show they're going to put on a projector. Two seats for us. Or one if you'd rather be on your own."
"Okay. . . thank you for that."
"Hey, it's gonna be amazing."
I think you'll like this place, she doesn't add.
When their eyes meet, Hwan merely arches a brow. Then she lifts her shoulder in a shrug.
"I guess I'll explore around to see if check your theory. So, how long are we supposed to be here?"
"Maybe until it gets late."
"You've got to be kidding. It's like you're trying to trick me into a trap."
"Look, I have nothing except honorable intentions," Tegan assures, tossing her hands up. "If this makes it any better, I promise you'll be back home before midnight."
Either way, Tegan chuckles. Hwan adjusts her black jacket, crossing her arms.
Upon inspecting her clothing, she scratches the top of her head.
She used to wear brighter colors, often styling her hair as pigtails. She had braces and glasses too. She heard some bits of how she used to hang out with preppy students. How they stripped her of what she was. How she used to hide certain aspects of herself. How they turned her into a person, who she wasn't glad to be.
It sucks, Tegan thinks, glaring at a corner. Those people didn't appreciate Hwan for who she is.
If Tegan can be someone, who Hwan might be comfortable to be herself with, she'd be more than thrilled. Of course, they're still technically strangers in a way. . . she's willing to wait for it. She needs to get to know her better for them to get there.
As they reach to a queue, Tegan gives Hwan her ticket. They need to wait before getting into the theater to watch.
Some lights descended from above, scattering across the room in different hues. Probably to ensure visitors aren't getting bored.
Hwan just stares around as if she's surrounded by undiscovered colors. She must really adore space, doesn't she? A glimmer fills her dark brown eyes as her lips slightly part.
Tegan's stuck on the spot, floored by the sight of her. Her heart thrums to a steady beat on her chest. She lets out a quick breath.
There's a precious quality in how Hwan's unabashedly enthralled by this. That pure admiration shining in her expression. A rare trait to see in most people, really.
"Ooh! There's a telescope!"
Her voice snaps her out of her thoughts. Right, she's supposed to be her companion, not be distracted.
"Do you. . . do you want to check it out?" Tegan asks, clearing her throat.
"Well, if it's alright with you," Hwan answers, twisting her bag's strap.
"Sure, it's fine by me." Tegan tries to smile.
Hwan gives a thumbs up and she goes towards a staircase. Tegan trails after her, stuffing her hands in her pockets.
Yeah. . . this is going to be a bit complicated.
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HI HELLO!! TIME TO TELL ME ALL ABOUT YOUR BLORBOS!! Going off the ask you sent me, what are your characters best memories? A memory they still think about fondly? Do they have an item attached to said fond memory? For whichever character you've been thinking about the most!
Hey there, Grey!! Thanks for this ask!!
Well since I'm thinking of Tegan Mahar these days, she's the OC I'm picking.
One of Tegan's best memories is nailing a performance of a soliqouy (???) she memorized back in college. It'd been nervewracking but it went well. She got high grades for that.
Then a night with her work friend group. They went out to a restaurant to eat foods from different nationalities. Then they proceeded to a bowling alley, where they had a blast. She thinks of those memories fondly. She got a bowling shirt to go with it. And yeah, she wears it from time to time. ^-^
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Seven Snippets, Seven People
thanks to @sleepyowlwrites​ for teh tag! but i’mma be cheating and put in lines from stuff i’ve posted. aside from some snippets. shameless self promo with links included.
Tagging, no pressure tho: @charlesjosephwrites, @fiercely-raging-writer, @sculpture-in-a-period-drama​, @idreamonpaper, @cherrybombfangirlwrites, @cryptid-s-wips, and @eli-writes-sometimes.
also you can interact with this post, if you’d like to be a part of my tag game list.^^
and away we go. <3
from a vivid display, a loasti short: x.
“Where are we going?” Hwan asks, looking out at a window.
“Just a cool spot close by,” Tegan answers, parking her car in an empty space.
Unlocking the doors, she opens one and slips out of the driver’s seat. Both of them walk into a pavement. Ahead of them, there’s a building with space-themed posters displayed above an entrance. People go in and out of glass doors, which seal open for them to go in.
Beside Tegan, Hwan slows down on her pace. She blinks.
She’s been thinking about it for a while. About showing her around Enrevarde and what cool places it’s got to offer.
After all, Hwan’s been abroad for about six years. There’s tons of sights to visit and see how it’s different.
Hwan’s eyes widen slightly. “This is what you invited me to see?”
from a fic set in a DC au. i’ve been having a blast writing dceu!carter hall! can you tell how much i love hardison that i love him too? and dang, i’d pay to see him interact with the arrowverse versions of leonard snart and ray palmer!
T.W: some suggestive lines.
"Whoa, it isn't all that bad," Ray replied, tossing his hands up. "I did a small nudge to allow her to pursue a one-night stand. That's all."
"Merde," Carter muttered. He pinned him with a wide-eyed glare. "Do you realize how stupid that idea is? For cripse's sake, man, she's into you! And you went ahead and told her to. . . Oh, God. I wish Kent was still here, so he'd put some sense into you."
Uh oh, he thought, twisting his spoon. Once Carter started swearing in another language, it was a warning for how things would get bad.
"Well, she should think of how I need to be saved from myself more."
Carter rolled his eyes. "Saved from yourself? Or your own stupid decisions? There's a major difference."
Ray gulped, looking away. "I am so not having this conversation now."
"Too bad, we're gonna having it, anyway," Carter muttered. "Ray! This will not go well! Whether Claude likes to admit it or not, she's got a guilt complex! What if she finds out you feel the same but she did that, huh?"
from an upscale composition: x.
Setting his violin back on it’s case, he ruffles his hair. He shakes any tingles from his hands while his pulse moves quick.
Gah, this evening, he’d be performing in an with a local orchestra. He’s been practicing for hours, quaking with anticipation. He needs to be fully prepared if he’s gonna do it.
Zubari’s gonna perform in front of an audience alongside with other orchestra members. It’s been a while since he’s done it and he wants to be sure he isn’t rusty or anything.
Of course, he knows his friends are gonna be grateful for him. He’s been playing the violin since elementary school. He’s got a panache for it and he attended music lessons for this.
Sometimes, people try to drag him down. To convince him to see how what he does isn’t worth it. To put his efforts into anything else. And if he doesn’t, he’s gonna be a workaholic. Even though, he’s done his best to avoid going in too deep.
Then there’s this weird feeling as if he hasn’t done anything right at all. His dedication’s driven some people away from him. They often refuse to understand what this means for him. How much it’s a solace whenever he’s in distress. It’s a gift that he’s willing to share with others. And if they don’t get it, it’s fine by him.
Besides, he isn’t doing this for them. He’s had to figure out on how to do what he wishes. To believe in himself even if no one else does. It’s a difficult path yet he’s picked it. He managed to make things work out for himself. If not for anyone else.
my unposted sambucky outsider pov, where scott and joaquin are up to no good. <3
Scott just moved his stick across the screen, pointing at their matching expressions filled with adoration.
"Do you see what I mean? They're aren't subtle yet they're so oblivious, and it's just. . . it makes me wanna rip my hair out!"
Joaquin winced, flicking his eyes at the audience. "Yeah, I've seen the toll it's taking on Scott. And he's in such low spirits because of them."
"And that's why!" Scott threw his arms, pointing at the screen. "We're gonna have a plan on how to bring these two together! They've been pining and I've seen too much to let it go on any longer! Thank you for listening to this rant. I apologize if it was. . . a bit lengthy."
The audience gave a slow round of applause, tainted by confusion in their expressions. Joaquin switched the dim lights back to it's original setting. He exited PowerPoint on his laptop, disconnecting it from the projector.
Katy stood up just as he shut his device down.
"That's it?" Katy asked in disbelief. "Is this why you brought us here? To announce that you're going to help the Captain America and Bucky Barnes get together? I'm not buying it yet I'm not opposed to it either. Just confused."
from unleashing the grand treasure: x.
“A pleasure to see ya, matey,” Titanrin replies, tipping their gaudy hat of the day. “My, my. What items do ye got there, you ol’ scallyway?”
“The usual,” the sailor answers with a proud grin.
The usual? Well, perhaps, they should leave without causing a scene that can turn the business into a frenzy. Nothing caught their interest for it’s only the same items. At least, they can get to keep their money.
“Titanrin, we have a mighty offer for you,” General Vitali says, approaching them. “My squadron manages to capture a rare creature so magnificent that I think you’ll be dazzled by it.”
Ah, yes. This infamous rogue, who stormed a palace of islands, and squandered for treasure that no other person could before. It was rumored that it’s she, who slayed a dragon meant to serve a crooked queen, who swam in piles of valuable coins.
They follow Vitali languidly while she guides them to a secluded area, where they find an edge of a rope attached a handle of a barrel. A unicorn, pale and ethereal, lays down with it’s eyes shut. Their jaw drops at the sight of it.
“A unicorn?” Titanrin asks, knitting their brows together. “Where on Earth did you acquire a rare creature such as this?”
from Reach to the Sky, a Cisco Ramon-centric Swan Lake AU: x.
Now that they were by themselves, Cisco couldn’t help except notice he reached the prince’s shoulders. Even in person, he looked. . . impressive. Okay, not just impressive but. . . but he was a total dreamboat.
Of course, he might be exaggerating due to his nerves. Since he laid eyes on the prince, his bundle of nerves kept on being jittery. Probably from meeting actual royalty face-to-face.
“Thank you, you saved me,” Prince Emerick said, his deep voice filled with gratitude.
He looked up at him, finding his dark eyes sparkle.
“You’re welcome, I guess,” Cisco replied, chuckling. He ran a hand through his hair. “As long as I have this crystal, I’m protected. So, technically, I didn’t do much really. I wasn’t in much danger.”
His mom would be scolding him for his lack of proper manners. Gosh, he shouldn’t be this agitated. And for goodness sake, he needed to calm his breathing!
“Really? You were sort of a bad-ass back there when you rescued me. I don’t know what I could have done without you.”
from A Secret Retreat, an original short: x.
Glancing at a clock, they snorted at the hour displayed.
They pressed a button on their phone and tapped it’s screen, changing their playlist.
As a librarian, who outsiders regard as too eccentric, they had so much time to rest. Yet they would rather be at the library, where things were too quiet. Or noisy, depending on any specific situation.
One of the relatively interesting things of working in a library were it’s visitors. To witness students search for information from a textbook. To see regular workers trying to escape into a story’s world. To see professors completing their paper work. To provide a check-out for a reader, who wished to bring a book with them.
No doubt that they all shared one thing in common: sleepless nights. Whether from their stress or procrastination, they probably couldn’t sleep.
Sometimes, a reader could get too caught up with a story. To the point they ignore sleeping altogether. In order to finish on discovering what occurred at a story. A rather impressive dedication in their standards. They could still read, however, they didn’t lose sleep over it.
The only troubling thing, though? They often had to watch students cram with their work. They often scoffed, . They heard they only went to the library was because of how they didn’t have wi-fi.
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