#enclinker talks
leniiva · 5 years
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angelic-guardienne · 6 years
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@enclinker in that au and in those shorts, i guess he does!! I'm proud of him, that shit's hard to do. Though in a classic bros scenario, gladio probably tried poledancing and didnt find the patience to cultivate that skill along with all the other skills he's trying to focus on. Ignis, on the other hand, definitely pole dances for exercise and no one can tell me otherwise. And I say it because not only is he legit the only one i can imagine pole dancing, but knowing him it just makes sense? I just woke up so i cant list the benefits right now, but like?? You have to have a lot of strength in less body mass than say, gladio. And ignis has that strength (most of it) but he's super slender. Without building up so much muscle, he could have been using the pole dancing routine to train, because as i've said, that shit is hard. Also gives me another reason as to why he wears his gloves all the time -- to not mess up his hands even more. He lotions like crazy and wears gloves and still gets callouses sometimes, i'm sure, and it makes his hands hurt more than they would have had said callouses not been there, sometimes so much so that he can't finish his workout. Hence, the gloves. (I guess. How much protection do the gloves actually offer?) So yes, bottom line, Actor!AU!Gladio pole dances and FFXV!Ignis does as well.
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ryukogo · 7 years
I'm so proud of you! Talking to your parents about which gender you like that takes courage.
hhhh thank you,,,,
baby steps, baby steps
but at least i’m beginning to tell them the Big Secrets (tm)!!
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leniiva · 5 years
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leniiva · 6 years
Au where Roxas is the somebody and Sora is the nobody....
PS. They keep their original personalities
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leniiva · 6 years
I love all of the writers who take Faye beyond being the Catria to Alm. You renew my love for Fire emblem.
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leniiva · 6 years
Noctis: This is so sad....
Noctis: Prompto play Despacito
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leniiva · 6 years
Question for y’all: Which side are you?
Klavier Gavin is a fake German-
Klavier Gavin is a real German-
I’m in the “Klavier is a real German side”.
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leniiva · 6 years
I'm debating whether to have Phoenix throw his defense attorney badge or his magatama at the prosecutor....
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leniiva · 6 years
General au! Let's go!
Here is the list of who is most influenced by Zarc. Least to greatest. Sorry if some sounds like a fanfiction...
Jaden- He fused with Yubel, I don't think that he would be influenced that easily. There is also the fact of the Haou, who in this au is a sort of permanent personally that Jaden can switch to. If Zarc was to meddle in his memories, Jaden would have both Yubel and Haou to fall back into, to know what exactly was going on. His eyes are permanently gold because of the fusion, so if Zarc was nearby he could easily switch with Haou to keep up the façade that he is under Zarc’s control/influences.
How Jaden duels- His dueling wouldn’t change if Zarc wasn’t nearby, Haou would duel in his ruthless way only if Jaden would switch with him.
Yusei- He’s the eldest in the group of generals so he has much more experience, Zarc will, of course, try to meddle in his memories (sealing them away) but Yusei would see too many cracks in his memories. Too many blanks in his memories would make him naturally cautious of Zarc. As the memory loss only became more evident when Zarc was anywhere close to him.
How Yusei duels: Becomes much more cautious about how he approaches dueling, he takes fewer risks and would drag out the duel to see how his opponents duel like before then quickly ending the duel when he saw enough.
Yugi- He would have the puzzle with him always, it always felt wrong for it to be away from him. Every time he would go to sleep he would always be awakened in a dreamlike state in a corridor that has two doors, one that led to a room that was faded and fuzzy always changing into something like what a child’s room would look like and a dark room that had a singular mirror. A distorted image of himself would be reflected.
The door across from the one he was in had vines and moss growing around it. There was an Egyptian eye carved into the stone, steel chains and a big lock would always keep the door shut, from both the inside and out.
How Yugi duels: He would try to quickly and efficiently end the duel as fast as he could. He would be at first harmless but if the duel goes on for too long he will because increasingly more difficult to handle.
Yuma- Like I said before, he is the youngest of all the generals and would have to spend the most time with Zarc to make sure that he was ready to lead. The memories that were lost because of Zarc was locked into the emperor’s key as well as Astral who put up a good fight before being sealed in the key. He would not retain his carefree attitude as he would slowly turn cold and aloof, someone willing to do anything to get the job done. But... for some reason, he couldn’t bear to harm the cards he had, the numbers...
There was always a pane of sudden guilt and remorse if he ever did that. He wouldn’t know why that happens but he doesn’t like it at all. Although it strangely pained him to do so, he handed over the key to Zarc when he requested to research its properties. A name that started with the letter “A” would always be on the tip of his tongue and a phase that he wants to remember but he couldn’t no matter how hard he tries to.
How Yuma duels: He would toy with his opponents with spell cards, he would try to summon his most powerful monsters first. He wouldn’t be afraid to damage himself to hurt his opponents but would try to not hurt his monsters.
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leniiva · 6 years
Just imagine if Fire emblem heroes brings in God and goddess units into the game.
Like Naga, Duma, Mila, Ashera, Yune and/or anankos. Not counting on that last one.
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leniiva · 6 years
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leniiva · 6 years
Miles Edgeworth's hair shall be the reason why I will take up drawing again.... God I hate drawing it
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leniiva · 6 years
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leniiva · 6 years
I headcanon to the fact that Miles shall always be a Fey on his mother's side (not Misty nor Morgan but generations past) but I also ship Framaya and Trupearl!
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Miles of course is married to Phoenix so do you see my confliction right now????
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leniiva · 6 years
I wanna see an au where somnus says “fuck no!”, and doesn’t betray Ardyn.
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