#end of summer bash
elceeu2morrow · 2 years
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Z100 End of Summer Bash [©️ Nikki Marie 9.15.22]
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louisphoto · 2 years
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Louis at End of Summer Bash in New York, September 15th 2022, photos by Sophie Gurwitz
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mackmontgomery · 13 days
open for: anyone! // @aurorabaystarter
where: carnival
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"I can't decide if I want to propel myself down the fun slide or yearn on the ferris wheel first," Mack says aloud, hands on his hips as he weighed up both options in his mind and found equal appeal, "Where you at with it?"
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louisupdates · 9 months
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Louis Tomlinson live at Hudson Yards. Z100 End of Summer Bash, NYC [15.9.2022] Kyle Stevens
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faithinlouisfuture · 2 years
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this beauty 💕 (x)
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xaviermattthews · 9 days
closed for: @vanessagable
where: their place, sunday morning
Stepping out on to the balcony of the property that overlooked the beach, X isn't daunted by the erected stage he can see that he would be performing on later in the day with his band -- though there was some mild jitters about being on stage for the first time since his father's passing given how he hadn't been able to deliver his eulogy.
His need for air and a time out stemmed from needing five away from a specific bandmate, a smile dawning where a frown had been he realises the bandmate following him out was a different one.
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"I'm good," He tells her before she can ask, Van's steady streak of worrying about him only amplifying with time since Houston rather than lessening, though he wouldn't hold it against her, "I can't hear anymore about his fucking lucky drumsticks. Tell him he's being ridiculous."
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ulyflynn · 10 days
closed for: @edietello
where: beach bash, sunday
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"We don't have to stay long," Uly assures, his hand finding it's way to Edie's without much thought to hold it as he leads them down towards the beach. Town-wide gatherings and Uly tended not to be the best mix and he was making a conscious effort to keep himself out of trouble, especially at the first one he was showing up at with her after nearly four years.
"Just wanna see my sister's set."
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santiagodeleons · 6 days
closed for: @selindogn
where: carnival, near the flying chairs
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"Does that not seem like it's own form of torture?" Santiago remarks, thinking aloud rather than speaking to anyone specific as he observed the flying chairs do exactly what the name implied far up above his head.
"I always think someone's loose fitting shoe is going to fly off and cause an accident Final Destination style."
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borawinters · 9 days
closed for: @sebitorres
where: carnival, friday
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"It's a good hustle," Bo observes, gesturing broadly to the carnival games that they were passing on their way to get a drink strong enough to made the tedium of the evening bearable. "You can rig those very easily so the player always loses. I would."
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keolalagaaia · 9 days
closed for: @ninaxgray
where: boardwalk carnival, friday
"Nina!" Keo calls out as he quickens his pace to catch up to her, gaining on her before she had a chance to slip out of his eyeline and away from a conversation he feels like neither of them want to have but neither can avoid.
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"Slow down. I need you to tell me what the hell is going on."
He has an inkling from what he had overheard when he had last been at his mom's, but the woman had been a vault since and the only other source he could implore for answers was his cousin.
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silascody · 9 days
closed for: @jordanmitchell
where: submergence set, sunday
"How far away from me do you think you're going to get with this many people?" Silas half-yells, both his hands on Jordan's shoulders from behind her and using that hold to draw her back against him, using the guise of needing to be near her ear for her to hear him to justify the proximity.
( Truth be told, he just preferred her that close. )
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"And don't fucking elbow me, I know you're thinking about it.
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buddywellls · 9 days
closed for: @helenasoarcs
where: submergence set, sunday
"Do you have a game plan for this?" Buddy asks, pushing his sunglasses off his face and onto the top of his head. It was his fault they were slightly later than arranged -- the cigarette he had stopped for had been necessary -- and now the swell of people in front of the stage had increased to twice as many as had been there when he had said they would be good for five.
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"Vibe at the back or should we try battle are way closer to the front?"
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sunshineandlyrics · 1 year
❤️‍🔥 Keep hydrated kids!
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hcnayun · 1 year
— characters: hana & sophia — setting: bonfire bash in bighorn hills — partner: @sophramirxz
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Although her setup was more glamping than a tent, Hana was all setup, and none of it had been done on her own. It felt good and a little less awkward to give Khalil his space back. At least for a while.
Which included the woman across the hall.
It hadn't surprised the former model that her distant (and one of her most damaging) memory had well moved on with his life, not a single look back. Hana wasn't sure she would either if she had a girlfriend as gorgeous as Sophia. Though, the yoga instructor wasn't sure if there was a title, she simple assumed.
"If you two want to take my tent, that's fine," Hana offered, gesturing to the impressive setup. "The least I could do," there was a pause as her dark eyes searched those of Sophia's, "you know?"
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Amongst the attendees she stood out like a sore thumb. One thing is not like the others. It didn't help that Hana wasn't at the top of her social game, still feeling jarred by the increase in harassment, with her gaze traveling about the entire scene like someone who felt watched.
Unsure how much Khalil had told Sophia, the words jumped right out of her, "it wasn't my idea, you know? I said no like three times."
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louisupdates · 7 months
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Louis Tomlinson live at Hudson Yards. Z100 End of Summer Bash, NYC [15.9.2022] Kyle Stevens
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syweston · 1 year
— characters: silas & kat — setting: bonfire bash in bighorn hills — partner: @katerinadelarosa
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After a dip in the lake and the sun beginning to fall down the horizon, Silas sat by the fire to dry up a bit before he finished getting redressed. It'd been a nice afternoon thus far and evening looked promising, but the fire, like always, seemed to captivate him a little bit.
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"It's kinda mesmerizing, ain't it?"
It transported him to a time he much liked to forget and tried his damndest to leave far in the past, and usually he was far deeper into his alcohol than he was at the moment.
A few moments later Silas seemed to snap out of his trance and glanced at the familiar woman. Where had he seen her before? Or who with?
"You been in the water yet? It's pretty refreshing."
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