#end the misery not the existence
starryscale-art · 8 months
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jai's enshroud :)
(the lorebook saying What the avatars generally are legally means jai can have a ra la themed reaper instead of voidsent hehe)
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cherrymoonvol6 · 1 year
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critical brain damage any% speedrun
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Spiralshipping; but William's hand's holding for dear life to the fabric of Zeke's shirt and twisting, tugging as gentle as the moment will allow, his cheek pressed so softly against Zeke's despite the pain of all their open bruises and his partner can feel the hot swelling of broken skin, the air between them thick with the coppery stench of blood that he's not even sure can be traced back to two separate individuals, having smeared it across the white of his own split raw knuckles— the way it feels so terrifyingly easier to bury his face to William's neck and let himself be touched, comforted, than to face the harsh reality of his shaky foundations being brought to the ground in a span of days, it feels like corruption deeper than any of those fuckers could've ever fallen to and like someone finally gives a shit, feels that rage bubbling in his gut and climbing up his throat like acid.
Spiralshipping; and William's beaten body that had minutes ago been shoved down to its knees now feels much more solid, even as Zeke's ears tune in to the shaky, loud, breathing— his partner's steady, stronger than he felt before but anyone's bigger than Zeke now.
Spiralshipping: Zeke's exhausted against William, who's cornered and pressed to the wall and doesn't voice a single damn protest, fingers digging into the meat of Zeke's shoulder and forearm held tight to the width of his back, he welcomes his weight naturally and a million thoughts range from the heaviness of William's ruined childhood to how tantalizing it is, the idea of pinning him down and knowing he'll let him. Because Zeke's special.
Spiralshipping: you think [this guy] sent you the boxes because you’re the lead detective on the case, or because you’re you?
Spiralshipping: weak palms spread over cold metal running sluggish, like the splatter of red around them, finding rest in William's hips, the burn in his lungs ceasing as seconds, minutes pass and Zeke stops feeling much of anything but the sticky-sweet pleasure of dizzying intimacy. William holds him like it's always been Zeke's life on the line. Partners, what a load of bullshit.
Spiralshipping. Zeke thinks he gets it now. It doesn't make this any less fucking twisted though.
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pamithebunterfly2007 · 2 months
Welp, This why I hate living in the modern world of today. . . . . . . .
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“Do you think God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he's created?”
-Dr. Romero (Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams)
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raayllum · 4 months
was revisiting it through a reaction channel but honestly the way 3x04 and 3x05 end for Rayllum does make extra sense when you look at it through like... a balanced plot progression stand point
3x04 is the first real big low point in the season across the board, as Ezran got somewhat manipulated/coerced into abdicating, Viren is free, Rayla has her breakdown, and she and Callum lose Zym. So of course, while her kissing him makes a Lot of sense in this episode, it can't actually go according to 'plan' with a narrative victory of them ending up Together here because we have to maintain that narrative low point, and that'd tip the scales.
Similarly, while 3x05 is a low point plot wise (Viren takes the throne, Opeli and Corvus have to free), it's much more of an upswing character wise. Soren takes his biggest actions against his father to work with everyone to safely get Ezran out, and it succeeds; Callum and Rayla track down Nyx and successfully get Zym back, with Rayla showing courage and compassion to an enemy. It's only when there's a bit more of a Win that they give us them being an Official Couple so that we can truly enjoy it for a second, before we continue moving along in the plot (which the trio don't feature a Big disruption in until the end of 3x07, honestly)
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hey-cringelord · 5 months
thinking about writing an aokaga fanfic so specific to the world centered around them i've (delusionally) created in my head with your graduation - modern baseball as the leading inspiration for the piece
on top of that, rewriting knb: the last game's ending with aokaga instead of kagakuro has been haunting me for maybe six months, and this idea paired with this modern baseball song is not helping the urge to just give in and finally write another fic for them
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taralen · 6 months
Mystery Solved
The love letter mystery has been solved.
💔 In abject misery. 💔
There is no happy ending to this story, but there is a slight sliver lining, a lingering cord from the wrong line that will stay tethered to my [[SOUL]] for as long as my love lasts.
Thanks to everyone who supported me through this. It was fun while it lasted, heh.
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aetherarf · 1 year
Obsessing over unwilling wanderer disney princess. His heart [that he insists he does not have] is so delicate animals always innately trust him. extremely common for birds to rest atop his head perch on his shoulders, skittish foxes in a place they don't understand hide behind his legs.
He does not like this. He does not feel like he should be trusted- most days, he doesn't trust himself. He barely trusts the sun to rise in the morning.
Nahida, however, thinks it's a good thing, watching as Wanderer holds his hands out for a little bird trying to fly for the first time- if it fails, he catches it, and delicately places it back in its nest, only muttering "later, then." before going on with whatever task he was given.
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misandrygalore · 10 months
okay i hate the bella jacob edward should’ve been a throuple thing pls stop
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amtrak12 · 4 months
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#Okay so in S5 Chloe and Lucifer really fumble the beginning of their relationship#and then decide the best course of action is to 'stop overthinking it and just be together'#Which could be fine except in practice it meant utterly ignoring all of their problems and pretending they didn't exist#And I thought this was extremely obvious about this plot point???#That it was a terrible idea and not what you're supposed to do in relationships?#Sure personally I cackle over this episode but that's only so I don't scream my frustration at the characters#Well today a Twitter fan uploaded that little 'stop overthinking' clip and was like 🥺 'look how sweet they are. I love them'#and I'm just like ???????????? reaction gif in real life#Bestie all those genuinely sweet Deckerstar clips out there#and you're choosing to squee over the clip demonstrating how they're both idiots (derogatory)?#WHY????#Because they kiss in the scene?????#NEWS FLASH! Not all kisses are shipper kisses! (though they can always be edited to be in fanvids)#'oh they're so shy and adorable' NO!#That's not shyness! That's 'we're shoving away every other feeling we have because we're both tired of being miserable'#Which tbf to Chloe and Lucifer is a whole mood. I get it#But -- AS THEY BLATANTLY AND EXPLICITLY LEARN BY THE END OF THE VERY SAME EPISODE -- misery doesn't like to be shoved away#If you don't address the root cause it WILL come back#Just --- *SCREAMS*#The media comprehension of some people really bugs the shit out of me sometimes. IDEK#😐
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mad-hunts · 2 months
have i ever talked about how barton is genuinely jealous of people who seem happy because he feels so hollow a majority of the time that even when he's 'happy,' he's not really happy? because i just 😭 yeah...
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You know as much as I hate Flynn Fenton it would have been interesting if the backstory Hartman proposed in that lame video was true, and he did exist in the canon timeline. Just because of how the math works out and how it would have affected the show’s story.
Because if he did exist in canon, we the viewers and Danny would have encountered, met, and learned about what happened to Flynn without anyone ever mentioning him, or Danny even encountering him in the Ghost Zone as Exodus*.
*Which is another dumb thing I hate and I’m getting rid of. No Exodus only Flynn.
The thing is that Flynn is 8 years older than Danny. Danny got his powers at age 14, which is the same year as his parents and Vlad’s 20 year collage reunion. Flynn would have been 22 at the time Danny got his powers.
Meaning he would have been alive, well, and 2 years old at the point of the proto-portal accident that turned Vlad half-ghost.
Implying one thing:
Flynn is biologically just Maddie’s kid, from a previous relationship back in her hometown, where Flynn is staying with her family while she goes to collage. [Flynn’s green eyes, the fact that he’s nowhere to be seen at the collage.] She meets both Vlad and Jack at the same time and become friends, and she and Jack eventually start dating and get married after collage, and Jack adopts Flynn as a Fenton.
Vlad and Jack were roommates, and Jack is the kind of man to never shut up about his kids in canon unless he’s ranting about ghosts. So if Flynn was Jack’s kid by blood, Vlad would have known about him, and Jack’s relationship with Maddie with in an hour of knowing him.
I also don’t think Jack and Vlad would have been roommates if Jack was already with Maddie in some kind of capacity before collage. So Jack can’t be Flynn’s biological father.
So if Flynn existed in canon, we and Danny would be introduced to Flynn, even if indirectly, in the episode Masters of All Time. Where Danny goes back in time to change the proto-portal accident, and stop Vlad from becoming a Halfa, leading to Jack becoming a Halfa instead, and Vlad and Maddie end up married.
Remember Flynn would already exist and be 2 years old by the time of the proto-portal accident, irregardless of the accident itself and who ends up half dead in the aftermath of it. So in a timeline where Jack ends up as Jack Plasmius and Maddie ends up as Maddie Masters, Flynn is still in the picture irregardless.
Danny would have at the very least encountered pictures of a redheaded green eyed boy, teen, and eventual adult scattered through out Vlad’s castle. He would have heard about Flynn going off to collage, about Vlad adopting Flynn as Flynn Masters after he and Maddie married.
About Flynn being born from before his mom met Jack or Vlad, meaning he would be his (Danny) and Jazz’s older half brother. Who Danny had no idea even existed for some reason.
Heck, Flynn could have very well been home visiting, or live at home with Maddie and Vlad. Or Vlad or Maddie could have called him back home after a strange young boy showed up on their doorstep calling Maddie mom.
Danny could have physically met Flynn, could have even found himself enjoying his company. Finding things in common with this strange older boy, who was supposed to be in his life, but isn’t for some reason. Things that Flynn did that reminded Danny of himself, reminded him of Jazz.
Maybe it’s Flynn who believes Danny when he says he comes from a parallel timeline, and he accepts this nervous kid as his baby brother. Maybe it’s not Maddie or Jack who tell Danny he has to fix the timeline back to how it used to be, it’s Flynn.
Because how could Maddie ask this boy she barely knows, even if he is her son from another timeline, to change the timeline. From one where she knows that her first born son, the only child she’d gotten to have in this life, is safe and healthy, and if not happy is at least alive. And change it to one where no one knows what happened to him, and she’s gone so far as to hide his very existence from her youngest son.
Even if she’s somehow, in spite of the loss of her oldest son deliriously happy and in love with her husband, doing what she loves. Even if she has a daughter she wants to meet, and a younger son she wants to get to know.
How could she trade the life of the child she’d loved and raised for 22 years, for a boy she barely knows, and the concept of a daughter? No matter how angry she is at Vlad for lying to her and manipulating her into staying with him for years, or how much of a missed opportunity everything with Jack feels like, she can’t bring herself to ask this strange boy who is also somehow her son to change anything at all.
Flynn who’s 22 years old and lived a life full of secrets and subterfuge looks this 14 year old kid in the face, who’s so obviously used to hiding things from everyone around him. And he says, “You do what you have to do to get things back to how they’re meant to be. Don’t worry about me Kid I’ll be fine, no matter what happens. You worry about yourself, and Jazz, and your friends. In that order, alright. Trust that I can handle myself, and we’ll find each other, alright.”
[”You shouldn’t tell Daddy about Mommy’s hobby Sweetie, he won’t like it. And well I’m not hurting anyone now am I?” as his mother toiled away for hours in a secret room he’d been asked to lie to his father about existing.
“Well Champ sometimes we have to keep things from the ones we love to protect them,” as his new (at the time) father burned the letters from an old collage friend named Fenton asking if he could meet up with his parents and talk.]
And when Danny, frantic, asks, “But what if we don’t? What if I never find you!?”
The red haired man smiles, shrugs and bitterly says, “Then that’s just how it’s meant to be. If you had to change the entire timeline for me to be here, then chances are I’m not where I’m supposed to be anymore than you are right now.”
So Danny does go back to the proto-portal incident, and makes sure Vlad Masters is the one hit by the portal. He learns the cause of ecto-acne and goes back to his original timeline. With the ecto-acne situation resolved Danny has something else he has to focus on.
What happened to Flynn, and how exactly was he going to find him and bring him home?
[I also like to imagine that Danny has a picture with the Flynn Masters version of Flynn. Something he shows Jazz when he inevitably confronts her about the whole “Older brother no one in the family thought I should know about” confrontation that would obviously happen at some point.
Danny can’t exactly confront their parents about Flynn, they have information on him locked down tighter than anything else in their life, and Danny didn’t even have a hint of Flynn’s existence before crossing into another timeline.
So trying to learn more about Flynn and possibly how he disappeared falls to Jazz in this case.]
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toxifoxx · 4 months
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#sorry to every recent follower who's seen my nonsense thus far#anyways this time its going in the tags so. vent warning#mfw i will never fit in with any circle im in and dont match their energy in the right way#i like what they like but not in the right way#dont communicate in the right way. dont interact in the right way#dont enjoy certain things they all seem to like#incapable of doing anything right. incapable of connecting to anybody. one such reason why i need to be taken out back and shot#end my pitiful life now because i will never fucking be able to interact with other people normally#i am convinced there is nothing that can be done about it#i need to be put out of my misery#i cant reach out cant talk to them cant ask to be included. ill annoy them. then i wont have anyone in my circle at all.#sure i might seem fun but im only good in small doses. no one would want to be around me too long.#i get boring. i get annoying. my jokes all fall flat#im only good when im being as likeable and funny and entertaining as i can be#i dont belong in any conversation. if i talk im just an interruption. if i talk about what im up to then im just being annoying#annoying people get blocked right? its only a matter of time till they figure out you're one of those.#im not fun to be around its just that simple. thats why no one wants to talk to me. no one seeks me out. not that i blame them#why would they i havent given anyone a reason to#i might as well not be here. its just like school was. i dont exist to anybody. there is plexiglass between me and the world#ok i need to stop now#its my fault anyways
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tossball-stick · 18 days
"can we talk about how [male character]'s death is so gruesome purely for shock value??" they had sadie adler coming fresh from being imprisoned and having her husband murdered, gets threatened by micah, and then he burns her house down. they had katherine braithwait get shot and dragged around by the hair forced to watch her whole family murdered, screaming and crying the entire time its happening, and left on a shot of her crawling back to her burning house because they refuse to even kill her. they had molly o'shea abused and neglected leaving her crying and miserable the entire duration of canon only to come crawling to death with open arms, yet she isnt even allowed the death she wants, and is instantly willfully forgotten about by everyone but the women. they had susan grimshaw desperate to defend the one thing she had left and she was shot in the side and left to bleed out as we hear her cries. they had abigail crying and begging john not to leave while he and sadie and charles ripped her husband away from her just as she got him back. they had bonnie mcfarlane abused tortured and nearly hanged for daring to help an idiot who wanted to get himself killed. they had luisa fortuna lose her entire family and then die for a man that doesnt even remember her name. for all of rdr1 you are witnessing nonstop horrors and abuse of almost exclusively women. there is a constant fixation and obsession with misogynistic suffering and anguish in these games, whether you believe it to be handled well in either one or not. when men die, it is typically swift. we see the death itself, the camera even flicking away while men die in some scenes. yet every womans death (literal or metaphorical) or anguish seems to be stuck adhering to a misery quota, where we must watch them suffer before they are allowed to pass. we must watch them scream and cry and beg for it to be over or for something to save them beforehand. and then we must watch the act itself as well.
personally i think they couldve done a lot worse with mens death scenes. really.
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soft-serve-soymilk · 6 months
Gaslighting? In MY household? It’s more likely than you think
#sad pav hours#<- ‘tis my new vent tag. filter as needed#just pav things#I have experienced so many levels of Confusion today#I mean most of it just boils down to my dad being a dick for no good reason#what do I even do to him????? I yet again ask him this and he’s like#‘I live with you’. My mere existence causes him misery apparently#He says that I’m unlikeable. I say that people generally enjoy my whimsical disposition or just don’t care and ignore me#or in the case of [redacted] try to pacify me in neurotypical ways that only ended up hurting when I found out#instead of communicating that she didn’t want to be friends. Actually that was what my first vent post on here in 2021 was about#and very ironically it was the reason me and Dolphin became friends (random skribbl game my beloved ^^)#But I digress#Also I’ve already accounted for the fact of my future bosses probably disliking me and some people out there just by virtue of being human#but i’d like to believe I’m generally likeable??? I have so much evidence to prove this that the put-down just ends up confusing#Also the amount of name-calling is insane once you stop filtering it out#I can just casually be called stupid. again without any reason#and then people wonder why I have such low self-esteem sometimes#I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m the family scapegoat. I live with 3 blood relatives who hate me.#Also ffs I’M NOT A FREELOADER!!!! STOP sAYING THAT#I understand the real world will be brutal I see the real effects of the cost-of-living crisis every day#I’m prepared to live frugally to survive so stop saying i will be shook 😭 i’m fuckign ready to leave as soon as I have enough savings#and a place to stay. I’m done here. Except for the dogs I will always love and miss them 😭😭😭
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mahoushojoe · 1 year
i need to leave this country.
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