#// probably taking the literally heartless idea and using it to create that one
aetherarf · 10 months
Obsessing over unwilling wanderer disney princess. His heart [that he insists he does not have] is so delicate animals always innately trust him. extremely common for birds to rest atop his head perch on his shoulders, skittish foxes in a place they don't understand hide behind his legs.
He does not like this. He does not feel like he should be trusted- most days, he doesn't trust himself. He barely trusts the sun to rise in the morning.
Nahida, however, thinks it's a good thing, watching as Wanderer holds his hands out for a little bird trying to fly for the first time- if it fails, he catches it, and delicately places it back in its nest, only muttering "later, then." before going on with whatever task he was given.
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thegnomelord · 1 month
Gnome, my good man, what's your thought on a trickster spirit!reader within the cod monsterverse? Like, he can be a malicious or a purely mischievous spirit who likes to mess with things and play around. As all spirits are, he's a free one, and refuses to be tied down—relationship wise. Which would probably be for some good angst in regards to one/some of the boys pinning for an unrequited!reader. Anyways, I can just see him being an absolute menace to the other boys :3
Better yet if he's a regular fuckbuddy, but even during sex he's still running his mouth, making crude jokes or some offhand comment that makes his current buddy all "???". The only way to shut trickster!reader is to stuff his mouth with some dick or ride/fuck him so good all he can get out is a bunch of whorish moans.
Just.... thoughts on trickster spirit!reader 😞😞
ooooh yessss, trickster spirit reader like anansi that's very clever but also a fucking troll. Reader that's an absolute menace to anyone in charge, a giant pain in the skull that takes every word seriously, as Price figured out when he remarked 'It's raining cats and dogs' and trickster reader literally made it rain cats or dogs, or some general said trickster reader was driving him up the wall so he ended up stuck on the ceiling lol.
Also I absolutely love love love the idea of brat reader and brat tamer 141. Like, you're a free spirit, to try and chain you don't is about as good of an idea as making the spirit of the sea stay with the sailor who loves her, and the old heartless man of the sea can tell you how well that goes.
So the boys let you roam, they let you have your fun; Holding your gaze across the bar when you're flirting with a faceless stranger, not pushing when you shrug their hand off your shoulder to go grind dance with a person you just met, biting back and resisting following you when you disappear to the bathroom for a quick fuck. You're not oblivious of their jealousy, your kin thrive on creating these emotions in others, and quite frankly it's fun to see how far you can push them.
But oh, little trickster, they may let you do as you please, but that doesn't mean your actions don't have consequences.
Eventually you burn away all their patience, eventually, the need to show you why it's them you always return to burns too hot and you end up pinned on the bed, or the floor, or whatever semi-flat surface is around.
This time you're pinned beneath Soap who's half shifted, big burly body bruising your hips with the strength of each bounce, sharp claws digging into your ribs to give him a good hold on you. The headboard bashes against the wall every time he fully drops down on you, the springs creaking and digging into your back.
"Fuck puppy-" You moan so loudly you're sure half the base can hear but you can't give a single fuck about it when his ass is so tight around your cock. "So good- shit, you feel- fuck, fuck, fuck- really know how to chase that bone huh- hm!-" Your mouth runs automatically, the your hands sneaking out of the handcuffs easily so you can grip his hips.
Soap is beyond words, animalistic wolf brain too preoccupied with getting your cock as deep in his ass as he can. His tail wags back and forth, wide canine tongue stuck out of his mouth as he bounces on your cock harder, thick thigs tensing to drive you deeper into his velvet soft depths.
"Oh no you don't." Gaz snickers and snatches your arms. He's much more graceful than Soap when he sits on your chest, leaning over you and pinning your hands over your head. "You didn't let us touch you, you're not touching us." He smirks, the tip of his cock laying against your lips, and you could be fooled into thinking he's a trickster too.
You grin and purposely clench your teeth, looking up at him with challenge.
Gaz clicks his tongue, keeping your arms pinned over your head with one hand. His other hand curls into your hair and tugs just as Soap clenches around you. You're in no way responsible for the whorish moan that falls from your lips, eyes closing and mouth opening.
Your eyes fly open when Gaz pushes his hips and shoves half his cock into your mouth. "There you go, got your tongue." Gaz chuckles, pushing his dick a bit deeper. Another sharp tug is all it takes for your mouth to close around his shaft, eyes hooded, hollowing your cheeks as you suck on his cock. Gaz's cock muffles your moans when you get a taste of his precum as it beads down your throat, your mind melting through your cock as the two sergeants fuck all that trickster intelligence out of you.
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chaos-in-the-making · 2 years
So why DID this man choose to stand by instead of help his daughters?
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Let's break it down.
This man is the most powerful demon in the lands. He is the Demon Lord of the West, inherited from his father. I am sure that when he was younger, he was known as the "Son of Inu no Taisho" until his father's demise.
Why is this important? Because nearly every encounter the twins have with random demons, they are called "daughters of Sesshoumaru". Every demon knows them as this. They are TARGETS for who they are. Sesshoumaru knew this would be the case. Yes, he could have kept his kids by his side, just like Kirinmaru, but the narrative showed us the dangers of being overprotective, keeping children under the wings of the parents and never giving them the chance to make their own way. Both of these parents loved their children, this can be said, but they too opposite approaches.
Let's take a look back at this scene
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This is the worst day of Towa's life. She just lost her sister. Again. This time permanently. Even worse, she couldn't even get revenge. She just wasn't powerful enough. This scene HURT. This scene was everything we want to avoid. Now here is where Sesshoumaru could have stepped in and prevented Setsuna's death. He could absolutely have stopped Kirinmaru's blow. Here is also where he could have given up Setsuna as the "weaker" offspring. If he was truly heartless, then Setsuna's death would have been proof that she wasn't worthy. Once, he might have held that belief. But these aren't just his children, they are also Rin's.
So he offers Towa his sword.
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Not just any sword. HIS sword. The Tenseiga. His daughter has the power to create swords out of her own energy, and she is the only one who can save her sister. What Sesshoumaru is doing here is literally passing the torch. This sword was passed to him from his father, and now he is passing it to Towa, along with his faith in her to do the right thing. He knows it's going to be hard. The hardest thing that Towa has ever done. It is going to test her to the very limit, and if she fails, then they have both failed, and Setsuna will be lost to them.
Do you have any idea how much strength that takes? We as parents want to do everything for our kids, but sometimes we just CAN'T.
And Towa does it. She succeeds!! She brings her sister back and increases her power at the same time! And LOOK AT THIS MAN TOUCHING HIS BABIES. HIS GAMBLE PAID OFF AND THEY ARE BOTH ALIVE.
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And why does Towa need to do this? Why is it up to TOWA to shoulder the burden of saving her sister and bringing back the dead?
As I mentioned before, this is Towa's worst nightmare. She could blame herself for Setsuna dying, but now she can be comforted by the fact that she brought her sister back. This was a tragedy that turned into a TRIUMPH. She can't blame herself now, although I'm sure she tries. And when she tries, the others can remind her that she is also the reason that Setsuna is alive.
But this moment also has future consequences. Later they are pushed into the Black Pearl by Sesshoumaru, who WAS saving them this time, and were able to reunite with Moroha's parents. But how where they supposed to get OUT? Their father didn't have time to say that. He also didn't explain to Moroha how to get into the pearl either, but I digress. Remind me how they managed to get out of Taisho's grave?
That's right. Towa's connection to Tenseiga.
Because Towa picked up Tenseiga and forged a bond with it, she was able to summon the sword directly to the grave site, then use the sword to open the door to the underworld, and the two statue guardians let them pass. Towa is also responsible for rescuing all of them. That would have never happened if she hadn't done the hard part of bonding with Tenseiga. Did Sesshoumaru know that would happen? Probably not. But he had faith that his girls would find a way. His faith in them was absolutely unshakeable. That can mean more from a parent than protecting them from every single bad thing that could ever happen.
Moroha is right. Sesshoumaru didn't want his kids to be weak. He wanted them to be able to fight off any demons and bullies who would kill them just for the prestige. He took the hard way and stood aside to let the girls grow into their legacy. Could he have done more? Yes, he could have trained them himself. He took a gamble, though, and a hard one.
In the end, he was able to watch his children succeed. They saved each other, saved their mother, saved him, and then saved the world from the space butterfly. THEN they saved their friend and reunited her with her father. They succeeded in every important way. They are truly his daughters, and will be important in their own way, forging their own names and legacy.
And he watched it all with proud eyes.
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sashi-ya · 3 years
interested to know what you're thoughts are on how law's character arc will end in op? his alliance with luffy, his ability to obtain the one piece, anything really.
i'm convinced he's going to die. idk why, and i really feel like it'll have something to do with the eternal life surgery. hopefully i'm wrong! but as resident law lover, i want your opinion!
Hi babe!! thank u for asking! It is a liiiilte bit (a lot) long so I hope you don't mind ♥
Well, first in first I HOPE HE DOESN’T DIE because Idk if I can handle losing him. That being said, let me tell you what I think…
As much as Law tries to hide it, Law is Luffy’s friend. So no need to have an alliance anymore. He has found in Luffy someone who wants the same as him. Law is not interested in the One Piece treasure at all. His true motivations are a little different from being the “pirate king”. Let me tell you why….
Spoilers from “One Piece Novel: Law” (canon) and Manga under the cut. -And a LONG theory -
The novel tells us about what happened after Cora’s death, how Law managed to cure himself and how he ended up meeting Mr. Wolff, Bepo, Shachi and Penguin. In the novel it is stated that Law didn’t really care about being a pirate, but his true reasons to set sail were no other than taking down Doflamingo (What Law believed was Cora’s purpose). So, in order to fulfil Cora’s will he spent two years training not only his df powers but also as a surgeon working at a local hospital. Bepo, Shachi and Pen did the same, of course. So, to be honest, I don’t think Law's first purpose was in no way to become the Pirate King.
After the battle of Dressrosa, once Doffy was defeated and Law spoke to ex admiral Sengoku, he understood that;
First, as we all know, Cora’s love was beyond any type of revenge or plan against Doffy.
And then, the unknown meaning of the D. That meaning he was probably not really interested in until he saw how Doffy reacted knowing he was a D. And of course I’m sure he asked himself a lot about why Luffy has the same secret name? Is he supposed to do something similar to Mugiwara-ya? What does that D hide?.
Then, in Wano… he states his intentions to know about the meaning of the D clearly on ch. 995 of the manga. He even asks Robin if she knows about it.
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But, let’s discuss something else here. His relationship with Smoker, X-Drake and Koby. (And ofc his step grandad Sengoku)
So, as you may know before the alliance with Luffy, Law was a Shichibukai right?
So, what happened in the two years of time skip for him to become a warlord? Most of the people accepted the quick explanation that this little emo doctor one day appeared at Marineford with a box of 100 PIRATE hearts and so the marine said “Oh amazing, let’s make him an ouka shichibukai”. Weird, right? Specially when it comes to One Piece. And mainly because how the fuck did they check if those hearts were from pirates? And what does that even mean? Did Law want to show the Marine how strong he was? or...
In the same chapter Law is presented as “Trafalgar D. Water Law, Surgeon of Death & Mastermind of the Rocky Port incident”. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT? WHAT HAPPENED THERE?
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So, the only information we have about it till now (+10 years) is that it also involves Koby. Koby was decorated as Hero and Captain of the Marine after that because he “saved many civilians' lives”. So, we could say that if Law was the one who planned the incident and Koby fought in it at least they have met each other -at least once-.
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And of course we all think Law was probably the bad guy, right? But, there are NO proofs of it whatsoever. What if Law AND Koby worked together against the 100 pirates Law left heartless? What if Law is not a real pirate, but perhaps has something to do with the Marine? Maybe the idea of creating this incident was to show fake information to the Marine. One possibility is that they wanted to show Law as a rival to hide his connections with some marines (Koby, X-Drake, Smoker) or maybe just the opposite, like "hey, this guy helps the marine" let's give him the Shichibukai title.
And by this I’m not really saying Law is a Marine. I don’t really think so. But, maybe he has something to do with the S.W.O.R.D. project where Koby, X- Drake, probably Smoker and Tashigi and Kuzan are involved.
From here I think it is important for me to clarify that -in my opinion- there are two sides of the Marine. The “bad guys” who let’s say are represented by Akainu; people who use the word “justice” WRONGLY. Those who work in the Marine just to protect nobles and tenryuubitos. And then the "good guys" those represented by Smoker, Cora, Bellemere, Koby, Garp, X-Drake, Ishoo who fight for TRUE JUSTICE. Even though if that depended on fighting with and not against some pirates.
A good example and I think Oda wanted to show this as a foreshadow of the future big war was these specific moment at Punk Hazard
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Marines + SWORD + Pirates together against people sent by Doffy (a former Celestial Dragon). Or even during Dressrosa!
Aaaand what about Law’s relationship with Smoker? Remember how Law saved Smoker ass during his fight against Vergo? Remember how Law told Smoker about Green bit? Why the fuck would Law tell a marine about his plans? There is some info missing here that I hope Oda will enlighten us with it sooner.
Another of the many reasons Law might be involved in the SWORD project is his relationship with X-Drake. Back to Dressrosa arc, specifically during Cora’s flashback, X-Drake literally saved Law’s life indirectly. How? Well… the Ope Ope no mi was stolen by Cora from X-Drake's father. Little Drake was there too.
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When Doffy heard the Marine radio stating they had found a child he thought it was Law and so they escaped. But in reality, the child was no other than X-Drake. Drake was adopted by Sengoku, just as he did with Cora and became a Marine. Drake and Smoker TRAINED together.
And then again, up until the current arc, with the help of Drake I think Law was able to escape Wano prison and attacked Hawkins.
And why would Drake help Law to escape if after all his dad was killed because of the events that involved little Law?... well, maybe because they are more than fellow supernovas… and what's Drake? A marine from Sword like Koby.
(Not to mention how Drake got even with Law because of his past by hitting the shit out of him during the “acting” at Wano prison in from of Hawkins).
So… to not make this text endless (even though I have many other reasons to believe Law is not a pirate at all) I'm sure Law FIGHTS for TRUE JUSTICE (besides him wanting to know about the will of D) for many reasons; 1. To avenge his family deaths, 2. To end up with the endless night the WG has brought into the world… after all he is a D, right?
But if you ask me about what's gonna happen with Luffy? I don't think he will get mad when he learns the truth about his precious Torao. After all Luffy is used to fight with the good marines against injustice! He even accepted X Drake to join them during Wano raid (Ch.990)
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About his possible death, I really hope he doesn’t die, but to be honest, Oda has the power to decide it so… let’s pray this won't happen. And as he said many times “the moment someone makes a theory that’s true I will change it”.
So I could make this theory ENDLESS but for the sake of your sanity I won't go any further hahaha.
Thank u for asking, darling! ♥
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lyallblacklupin · 3 years
Don’t miss the Yule Ball.
Sirius was already battling with their post break-up situation. He hasn’t moved on, but maybe Remus has, after the Incident with Snape. He has been forgiven by all of the Marauders, but he still doesn’t feel like going to the Yule Ball because he loves dancing a little too much, and to watch Remus dancing with someone who isn’t him is something he won’t be able to cope. He rather he will stay in than go and deal with another heartbreak. However, Remus encourages him to go to the Yule Ball. Is he giving Sirius a chance to improve their ties?
Tags: Post-Incident with Severus Snape, Angst with Happy Ending, Getting Back Together, Trust Issues. 
Chapter 1
The distress was like a cold molten lava, spreading in Sirius’ chest to deepen the void that was already created inside of him. He could feel it. The hollowness around his heart, but simultaneously there was something heavy. Like a boulder, sitting at the top of his chest. There was exhaustion in his veins, plummeting his blood pressure that made him unlike the person he used to be: steady, hyperactive, and energetic. He didn’t know what he wanted, so he let life go through him. He thought he may never live, might as well survive because he was not ready to die yet. There was still hope. A newly aroused hope of getting his friends back in his life after the two and a half month of shutting out in consequential to the Incident with Severus Snape.
Three days ago, James and Peter had asked Sirius to come in the dorm when he had been sitting in the common room, literally, doing nothing but staring at the fire grates before him. All of the Marauders, including Remus, had gathered in the dorm awkwardly.
“Look, Sirius,” James had been the one to break the silence, and Sirius’ perplexity, “Whatever we have with you is just too real and close that—we cannot just see you being so…”
“Different.” Peter had said.
“Yes, different!” Sirius had never seen James so nervous, “And we know how sorry you are for what you did.” Sirius could distinctly recall that he had flinched at those words.
“So…” Remus had begun, not meeting Sirius’ eyes, “We would like to give you a chance.”
Sirius had expected himself to smile or laugh in happiness that finally his friends had decided to forgive him, but he didn’t—more like, he couldn’t. James and Peter had been staring at him with funny looks on their faces, while Remus had a tired look as if he had been forcefully asked to forgive him. Sirius didn’t even internally blame him for that, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t hurt.
“Thank you. You have no idea how much this all means to me.” Sirius had said. He knew that time was the only key to slip into normalcy, so he went with the flow.
This time of the year, Hogwarts was illuminating with more candles, and stardust in every corridor. The lavatory sections had more irises and lilies, and the Library was filled with color-changing lanterns hanging in the mid-air. All of this was because of the Triwizard Tournament was being held, and the awaited guests from other wizarding schools were welcomed to avail the chance of becoming the lucky participant in the Tournament. The students from Drumstrang, and Beauxbatons were roaming around the decorated Hogwarts.
“They should see the real face of Hogwarts, dull and old-fashioned. Not the flowery one. That’s called deception.” Marlene commented, making everyone snigger around her. She never failed to catch attention.
“That’s called hospitality, Marls. Try to be positive.” Dorcas flung her arm around her to pull her closer so she kissed her cheek. Sirius tried not to look because it painfully reminded him of his rock solid relationship with Remus Lupin, before it crashed brutally after one reckless mistake. He rubbed his eyes because he felt tried. Again. He was tired all the time, but he didn’t like being in bed in odd hours. It made him feel useless.
“So, that means I get to take you as my date for the Yule Ball?” Sirius’ ears stood alerted at Marlene’s muffled voice in the crowd.
Of course, the Yule Ball. He loved going to the balls, and waltzing with the music. If there was anything the Black family had taught and he had loved, were the dancing lessons. He had always imagined holding a certain someone close to him, and waltz with them peacefully. This was his secret. He had never displayed it. After he had realized that he had a crush on Remus, he had always pictured him in his dreams, slowly swaying through the soft music. His hand holding Remus’ while his other one on his waist, leading him. He had never enjoyed dancing with girls. They were too small and delicate to hold, except Marlene who was tall and broad.
The night befell, and everyone filed to their dormitories from the Great Hall after the dinner. Sirius was quietly walking with the Marauders, highly tensed because he was in pace with Remus who hadn’t utter a single word to him since the forgiveness. James was loudly speaking as usual, his arm around Peter’s shoulder, while craning his neck in every angle to find a certain fiery red head in the flood of students.
“Evans! You and me to the Yule Ball, how does that sounds?” He called out once he had spotted her.
“Nauseating.” She replied, causing an eruption of laughter from the sea of student around them.
“Oh come on! You won’t regret!” He continued his show of stupidity but suddenly Sirius’ hand brushed the neighboring one, accidently. He and Remus responded at the same time by flinching away their hands.
Remus was scarlet in the face, and Sirius felt liked he had touched something electric. He could still feel the burning on his fingers. They walked in their respectful distance, and Sirius started to feel the same process of hollowness in his chest. He was sad. Very sad. They were never supposed to be like this. He missed Remus, but it all seemed like he had lost him forever. Remus had forgiven him, but not by his heart. And it was nothing but heart-breaking. Sirius felt a strong surge of emotion as if he was going to have breakdown in the middle of the staircase. He held the railing of the stairs, widening the distance between him and Remus. Sirius stopped there to breathe out, hoping his friends wouldn’t notice. However, his friends were nor heedless neither heartless. Specifically, Remus wasn’t.
“Sirius? Are you okay?” Remus retreated from the crowd to stand beside him. Sirius felt heated up, and not because he had any rage reserved in the corners of his heart or mind.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine.” He tried to act nonchalant, “You go ahead. I just need a break from the walking.”
“No, it is okay, I’ll stay with you until you are good to go.” Remus’ voice was very soft, and Sirius wished that he never leave him, even as a friend. Remus was too precious to lose. Sirius stayed silent. He kept breathing in and out, until his heartbeat became normal. Suddenly, he realized that the staircase was changing with a thud, signifying that all of the students were vanished and gone to their dorms, leaving Remus and Sirius alone.
“How are you feeling?” Remus’ wide amber eyes looked into the dull grey ones, probably for the first time in a longest while. Sirius smiled at the question. How was he feeling? He was feeling sad, useless, pathetic, sick, disappointed, and hopeless and so much that wasn’t easy to name or comprehend.
“I’m feeling better now.” He answered instead.
“Well, looks like it going to be a long detour since the staircase is leading to the third floor. Four floors away.” Remus’ mouth quirked up in an uneasy smile. Sirius smiled back at him as they both began to climb the stairs.
There was silence hanging between them. Surprisingly, it wasn’t uncomfortable to Sirius because he had nothing to say which made his mind a little less chaotic. He had tried saying everything to Remus; the fact how much he regretted his mistake, how much sorry he felt, how much he valued his relationship with Remus, how much unconditionally he was in love with him. All explanations had gone into vain. He decided he had nothing to say.
“Here,” Sirius looked to his side to see that Remus was offering him a goblet of water.
“What is that?” He asked.
“Just water. You need it.” Sirius wanted to slap himself. Of course, he knew it was water, then why asked?
“Thanks.” He took the goblet from his hand. His finger brushed with his that sent tingling feelings to his body.
“So, what are you planning for day after tomorrow?” Remus asked sheepishly, smiling half-heartedly, trying to make a conversation.
“What is on day after tomorrow?”
There is sudden pause, and Sirius had to look at Remus who seemed slightly taken aback.
“I thought you knew,” He mumbled under his breath, “I meant—the Ball. The Yule Ball. Are you going?”
An ugly feeling suddenly jabbed him in the stomach.
“Oh—that. I forgot, to be honest.”
Remus chuckled awkwardly.
“But—umm…” Sirius hesitated, “No, I don’t think I’ll be going.”
“Oh.” Remus became silent then.
They were now on the fifth floor corridor, chasing the giant staircase to lead them to the seventh floor.
“Any particular reason?” Remus piped up, and Sirius felt his lung was lacking air.
“I don’t like dancing.” He lied. And SHIT! He lied to the wrong person. Remus stared at him for a little longer as if he was scanning him.
“You don’t like dancing.” Remus said than asked.
“I don’t like dancing.” Sirius repeated, hoping that saying it again and again would become a truth.
“You don’t like dancing.” Remus repeated too, under his breath but Sirius had heard him. He knew that Remus had spotted the lie, and now Sirius Black was surely labelled as a liar.
“What about you?” Sirius asked to erase the discomfort in the air. They were still chasing the staircase.
“Yeah, I think I will.” Remus replied. Sirius nodded, repressing his sad loneliness, but Remus continued, “I think you should go too. The ball is just not about dancing. You don’t have to dance, just have some fun.”
Sirius smiled at him because Remus’ voice is cheerful and encouraging. Maybe he could go. Maybe this was the chance to heal things in their relationship. Maybe Remus was giving him.
He kept thinking, quietly until they were on the seventh floor. The portrait of Gryffindor Tower was before them.
“Just think about it, you know,” Remus said gently, “Banana Fritters.”
The portrait door opened, and the common room was empty. They climbed to the dormitory when Remus slowed his pace to stop before the door.
“After everything, all of us deserve some fun,” Remus spoke tenderly again, his eyes softening and a hint of smile on his lips. Sirius returned the smile, but it was painful. He couldn’t get a word out of him. They stood there facing each other before Remus came close, and gathered him in his embrace.
Sirius felt like he became numb, all of a sudden. He was there, under Remus’ arms. Wide-eyed, his body paralyzed, and his blood racing abnormally. Trying to process how, where, why and what just happened.
Suddenly, hot tears obscured his vision before they began streaming endlessly. Sirius didn’t remember if he brought his hands up to hug him back but he was able to feel Remus tightening his embrace. He sobbed into his shoulder, and Remus let him. That was enough. It had never felt so comforting.
Chapter 2
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greekbros · 3 years
"greek-Bros Headcanon: The Big 6"
-Pretty much everything about him is pretty standard, including him being your regular man. Flaws and all. Oddly enough he isn't that truly complicated as an individual, after all, all mankind IS mostly modeled after him and few other gods.
-As he and the others were assigned their devine positions, he started taking up attributes of the sky and his own consignated animal the eagle, like feathers instead of hair, incredible eyesight and a tendency to create electricity with excessive movement or emotional outbursts. He's towering and under his more comfortable toga he's fucking BUILT.
-He's a rather decent father by ancient Greek standards, yes almost everything he has done according to mortal men have happened. Of course his own children weren't going to argue against him. However, he always has his offspring and so on in mind. He tries to interact with his children in meaningful ways as much as he can or want, regardless he isn't a forgetful man....just a 'busy' one.
-In spite of his powerful and stern demeanor, he is always constantly at odds with his own inner demons. He's ALWAYS questioning his past actions, he laments his terrible and questionable decision he had ever impulsively but he does take up the traditional mantle of "masculine density" and rarely shows his emotions. When he does show his emotions, it's either heartbreaking or a loud storm targeting said source of destress.
-He deeply loves Hera in every sense of the word, but he has "such a big heart he can't just keep it to himself", quote Zeus. Regardless, he still acts on his impulses and is the root of all his problems. Legend has it, his very essence accidentally created King Henry the 8th and many other historical heartbreakers.
-In spite of making up many of the rules of humanity (with extra help of the rest of his siblings), human mortals have always had a terrible habit of breaking these rules. Zeus has made so.many of these rules that he's just stop keeping up with keeping mortals in place. He just kind of let's things happen. At this point of his existence, his only concern now is to make sure other gods are following their rules.
-He HATES child sacrifices. Mostly because when a living thing gets sacrificed it comes in flesh and blood directly to the land of the gods. So naturally, there is a complete population of "ascended" mortals and animals in Olypmus....and he already has his hands full. Plus he just doesn't like the principal of it all. He genuinely hates children getting hurt in the first place.
-HIS list of enemies is a kilometer long. It includes everything that's a titan, some of his own children (and grandchildren), Hera to a very small extent and Hades.....even though there has been literally NOTHING that has proven Hades is a threat to him.
-The main reason why Zeus adamantly believes that Hades is out to get him is because of HOW he assigned Hades to be god of the underworld..... basically, he asked Hades to check a dark cave.....and closed the cave entrence while he and Poseidon ran off. Hades ironically doesn't care about this and has no real intensions of taking revenge on Zeus for anything, the fact Zeus haphazardly gave him a wife and lives in constant paranoia gives him solence.
-He is extremely defensive of Hermes and Dionysus. Inspite of his claim of loving all his offspring equally, he feels a deeper connection to Hermes considering that he was to be considered the "prodigal usurper" before Dionysus, meanwhile Dionysus is his youngest son with the most responsibility for a god so naturally he's going to keep a closer eye on both just a little bit more. In terms of familiar respect, Athena and Apollo are tied as his most "important" children.
-After Athena's birth, Zeus's mental fortitude, better judgement and intellectual integrity has completely been capped. He constantly has headaches, tends to make terrible decisions, tends to be forgetful, and goes through terrible flashbacks to anything that can come to mind. He still loves and respects his daughter but he has to admit her very presence gives his a headache. It's rumored that his brain is 2/5ths of what it use to be.
-He has no control over Hera and never will. After several take overs, a very nasty scroll call from Nyx for threatening to harm Hypnos, and having several lovers killed by her, he's completely decided that fighting her or arguing with her. He would still end all.of existence for her.
-The only entities he truly fears is Nyx, Gaia and Aphrodite. Nyx being a more intimidating foe of his, Gaia being his own grandmother and Aphrodite being a she-titan who for reason decided it was cash-money as fuck to just take residence in Olypmus.....that....and a good small chunk of his afairs were caused by her and her son Eros.
-He STILL has no idea how Heracles inherited his THICCNESS. He may consider himself thicc but Heracles couldn't have gotten from him.
-He adores all his followers and considers them worthy of answering their prayers.... Except for one. Lycaon.
-He loves giving Hera pet names but due to her burning anger towards him, she won't let him....even though she loves the pet names he gives her.
-He has many professional relationships and alliances with other gods. However he has had a long on-going distrust of the Sumerian gods. He just finds them to be a little too private in comparison to the rest of his fellow gods. That and he's actually jealous of their near perfect beards. His beard tends to sprout stray down feathers.
-She was assigned to be the goddess of marriage and the household, however, she has assigned herself as the goddess of the mind, heart and soul. Because as it turns out, she causes more boughts of madness more than Eris and Dionysus combined. She also controls female intuition and matters of personal strength. She's the force that helps feel when something isn't right or when you feel like you need to do something important wether being benign or malignant. She basically IS your emotional support mom/aunt, but she controls you and your emotions. However she actually uses this ability in moderation.
-She is considered as "Step-Mom" by most of Zeus's out of wedlock offspring. She's always extremely shrewed, vindictive and most of the time outright nasty....but that's about it. She will attempt to get you once or twice but if she senses that it could be a massive waste of her time than she'll just make your life a smig shittier. However, she not an "evil" step mom, more of a step mom who has to get use to her step-children, it will take some work for both parties but deep down she's just angry at Zeus.
-She hates Zeus's children, but she isn't heartless, quite the opposite, children are children in her mind regardless if it's hers or not. She'll make it hard for you but if you ask her for help or ask her in the right manner, she will be delighted to help.
-She is your quintessential woman, she loves jewels, the finer things in life, small animals (especially birds) and she can be either the sweetest or the meanest. After all, like Zeus who created MAN, she created WOMAN. Legend has it she actually let the rest of the gods collaborate as a way to make them feel better. Or at least that's how she puts it, turns out Hermes and Aphrodite made a deal to make more like "them" than Hera intended. While MAN was built pretty close to Zeus's intended design, WOMAN was designed with Aphrodite's beauty and tender nature, while Hermes gave "a dirty mind" much like how MAN were given. Basically WOMAN and MAN are completely equal in everyway regardless of "differences".
-Shes also adopted some inhuman attributes, she grows feathers on some portions of her hair, she feels insecure about them but Zeus adores this because it reminds him that's birds mate for life. Her feathers look more like feathers of a peahen and seamlessly blends with her hair.
-Her ONLY desire is for Zeus to stop cheating on her. She literally wants nothing more. That, and for Dionysus and Apollo to stop steal her dresses for their own endeavors.
-She loves her biological children and their offspring but somehow they keep disappointing her. Ares loves a woman who cheats on Hephaestus and Hebe is in love with the son of the woman who Zeus cheated with. She believes it's karma but at the same time she couldn't be less surprised.
-She loves Hephaestus, but due to his limped leg and his more rugged appearance, she barely tolerates looking at him. Which is strange because Hephaestus heavily resembles Zeus.
-She knows the truth about Erichthonius. He's also her favorite grandson. She has her eye on almost everything, she actually saw the whole drama between Athena and Hephaestus. At first she wanted to intervene but after she noticed this consummated a child and saw how Athena took initiative to take care of the child regardless of her chastity, it gained a little more respect for Athena. Being raised to be a wise young man by Athena and being Hephaestus's biological son, Erichthonius has been secretly considered the most successful grandchild to her.
-Her favorite animals are birds, Zeus as a webbing present gave her the chance to create birds. Thanks to her, the skies are filled with songs.
-She doesn't have a lot of enemies, however, Aphrodite is a big contender against her. While Hera controls the integrity of women, Aphrodite controls their emotional and sexual impulses. So Hera is at constent odd against her...that...and the main reason why Hera married her off to Hephaestus because she wanted to make amends to him....not make his life anymore worse than it already is.
-Hera is aware how most of Zeus's children feel about her, but she appreciates it dearly when one of them does something nice for her....even though she probably demanded it or care for it.
Poseidon and Amphitrite:
-Hes absolutly BOMBASTIC. He's the most carefree of his brothers, most physically fit and considered the most handsome.
-His marriage is ironically WORSE than Zeus's, but he and Amphitrite consensually agreed to pretend nothing is wrong.... apparently it works like a charm and they barely fight. However this is considered a massively concerning situation to Zeus and Hera because the both of them know that a relationship that doesn't regularly express their grievances...often end sour.
-Like his siblings, he's adopted physical attributes that correspond to their environment. Apparently, he has grown gills, his 'beard' is actually octopus tentacles and he has scales in certain places. He can shapeshift into many aquatic creatures.
-Unlike his brothers, his offspring are genetic tossups. One can look relatively ok, another can be a cyclops for no reason. His most famous child is Triton, but the poor lad is a rather simple and humble young mad who has very little aspersions in life. Poseidon tries to encourage him to do something productive but Triton just sort of falls below average in popularity.
- He's the best horseman in all of Greece, in fact his love for horses only rivals his love for literally trying to destroy humanity and his wife.
-He has a love/hate relationship with his nephews. However if you would ask him which nephew he dislikes the most, it would be Dionysus. Oddly enough, Dionysus actually likes to antagonize Poseidon, mostly because he's actually more strict than his dad. It wasn't until the invention of the dolphin that made Dionysus's and Poseidon's relationship between each other a little better. Poseidon has a less innocent hatred for Athena, after losing patronship over Athens, he's sworn vengeance over her. However it's more akin to sending really annoying Facebook messages rather than epic natural disasters. Once a year, he enjoys terrorizing Athens through changing the spring water to saltwater for a few days, make all the horses aggressive and give "oddly constent" tremors.
-If it wasn't for Zeus proposing to Hera first, he would have married her instead. Even though the two had married different people, it always seemed the two had a very interesting chemistry.
- Even though there may be a serious discourse on who it's Theseus's father. The reality is Poseidon doesn't actually want to claim Theseus as his own for mysterious reasons.
-He never sent a different bull to Minos, Poseidon took the form of a bull and cursed Pasiphaë. This was the first account of a god that WASN'T Aphrodite and Eros to have caused someone to be sexually attracted by magic. This has been a family secret between the big 6 for years because if any other gods found out they could just will people's passion, the world be in a state of pure chaos. Poseidon however has an even dirtier secret, he didn't use his godly powers on Pasiphaë, instead he just found a way to get her specifically attracted to him in bull form by using an old recipe for an aphrodisiac from the sunken city of Atlantis. He doesn't tell the truth about this because he's an asshole that way. He finds it more useful to have the other gods believing he had something in reality he didn't have.
- He has a fun hobby of naming his horses the most adorable and somewhat random names, like "Peach Basket", "TootsieFoot" and ect. It ended up being a traditional way of naming race horses in racing derbies.
- He has absolutly no love for humans. He enjoys that mortals worship him and such but the fact he has an entire ocean at his and his wife's disposal, he honestly feels that he has very little need for mortal worshippers....at least this is what he originally thought until his power was contested by an ocean god named Dagon. Long story short, Poseidon no longer takes mortals for granted anymore....and likely never will.
- Poseidon is Olypmus's most prolific warden, like Hades, Poseidon has his own prisoners of war. Most of them being titans, monsters, giants and occasionally malignant gods. It's even argued that he's a much more strict jailer considering being sealed away by Poseidon is a death sentence.
-His greatest pleasure is people enjoying themselves in water in positive ways. Swimming, playing games, and gently interacting with marine animals. However his greatest distain comes from mortals misusing his ocean.
- He has a professional relationship with mostly other Greek water gods and anything related to water. He monitors the water nymphs, consoles all horse-like beasts and so on and so forth.
- She has equal control of the ocean just like her husband. In fact, she has equal control of half of everything Poseidon has. Apparently this is what helps their marriage and it almost makes up for Poseidon's eccentric behaviors.
- Not much is known about her, but based on her interactions, she's a lot more nicer and more gentle than Poseidon when it comes to leadership. She's generous, eccentrically fabulous and has the same energy of a 1920's rich hamptons housewife.
-Shes genuine friends with all of the goddesses and she rarely plays on a specific team. She's a bizzarly lucid gal who loves to lend a shoulder to cry on.
-She and only she has the semi-chaotic energy to tolerate Poseidon and his afairs.
- If Poseidon wants to do something, he would HAVE to ask Amphitrite for permission. After all it isn't "Your side, your rules", it's a partnership between a married couple.
- Controlling over the domain of the earth and harvest, you'll always see some type of vegetation growing on her. It mostly appears as if she fashionably placed strands of wheat grain, fruit flowers and leaves inductive of the season. She and Hestia are the only ones of the big six who don't have animal based attributes. Demeter is also the tallest of the sisters.
-Her input in important matters usually revolve around conservation, providing sustenance and extra maternal perspective. It's contestant as well that she can even be more motherly than Hera, even at her most grim demeanor.
-She is a loving and doting mother. She's the most gentle of the goddesses and yet she can be just as harsh when she needed to.
-She consideres the earth her personal garden, but she shares it with world. Her favorite activity is to create new and exciting plants with Persephone (Or Kore as she prefers to call Persephone) and spending time with her.
-She has other offspring but she doesn't make a fuss about their fathers and their lack of presence. As long as she can keep all of them safe, it's all she needs and cares about.
- Demeter can easily put everyone in Olypmus to their knees. The gods and by extension mortals all have to depend on her and her harvests. When Persephone was taken, she placed all the whole of Greece in a state of famine.
- She use to love and trust Hades, but after he had haphazardly taken Persephone away, all that changed. She keeps a serious eye on Hades since than and has a deep resentment for him and his actions. She barely acknowledges him when he's present but she's still cordial. After a few years however, her attitudes towards him mellowed seeing how Persephone looks forward to seeing Hades every winter.
- She would have married Zeus if his eyes weren't set on Hera. Like Poseidon and Hera, there has been speculation that he and Demeter would have been a better married couple considering both of their personalities would have complimented each other. But that belongs in the "stray line".
-Being the goddess of the harvest, she mostly tends to the matters of farmers and gardeners. By extension, she has an extremely healthy relationship with other vegetation gods, especially Dionysus. Whom oddly enough is treated more like an adopted son rather than a nephew.
- She adores all of her nieces and nephews equally, mostly because she sees that all of them have utilized her gifts to the world in the proper manner. She adores the Bois, because each other of them represents an important value in cultivation.
-She tends to be an anxious woman, and at worst a worrywart. However, she always tries to keep a level head when she desperately needs it.
-She loves animals just as much as she does plants. She in fact helped console in the creation of everything based on how things could tend to themselves without the intervention of the gods. Her ingenuity help give rise to what is considered the concept of the circle of life and the food chain.
-She has an amazing connection between her sisters, prior to being assigned their domains, the three of them would often play with each other and stay close to their mother Rhea. The brothers would always be rummaging around the place and would often tease their sisters.
- The eldest and most lackadaisical sister, she's the more tomboyish of the sisters and loves to rough house.
-She has dark hair with ember roots, the brightness of which increases with emotions. Her physical attributes is her hair always looking alive with flames and being able to increase the temperature in her body.
-Shes a stocky, jolly woman who loves to work in the kitchen whip up something special. She's mostly known for her amazing recipes and her staff of Vestals. She may not keep herself up to the standards of her sisters, but she sees beauty in herself just the way she is.
-The Vestals in her domain are sadly those who "failed to keep the sacred fire lit", that must be sacrificed to the flame. Hestia dispises this punishment, but sadly it seems rarely any of her so-called priests listen to her. Everytime when she receives a vestal, she welcomes them with open arms, a big warm hug and a heartfelt apology for thier suffering. She than mentors them in the ways of the hearth, the real ways straight from the source.
- Like Demeter, she has a massive soft spot for her nieces and nephews. Dionysus again seemingly being the common favorite due to his fun loving personality and his contributions. In a strange sense, as a gift for finally proving himself worthy of a seat in Olypmus, she gave him her own. Hephaestus is another favorite of hers. She often times invites Hephaestus to her domain to have a chat, she often feels for him and tries her best to give him his over due affections in the form of baked goods, interesting items she has been gifted through the hearth and such.
-She isn't a political person to begin with, what one does with their business is their own in her mind. So when she gets called up to converse in such matters, she either stays out of it or she determines herself if it's worth her time.
- She has a mild aversion to water. Poseidon often teases her by flicking a small splash of water, but it just peeves her a little. Mostly because water droplets just sizzle on her and it feels like a little lactic acid itch to her. If someone were to have dumped water on her, it would be feel like as if some dunked boiling water with itching powder on you. She always feels warm so she tends to """cool""" herself down with molten magma or bonfire. When she enters flames, it can depend on where it came from; underworld fire often feels like stepping into one of Costco's Freezers for a little bit and normal earthly flames feeling like a little cool breeze to her.
- She has the most communication between her and her worshippers out of any god. So I. Truth, it's actually easy to envoke her through flames and hearthing.
-She isn't just a goddess of the hearth, she's also the goddess of cooks, bakers, female blacksmiths or the wives of blacksmiths, and glassblowers. Thus she has an extremely healthy relationship with Hephaestus.
-The reason why she chose to be a virgin is actually a simple reason. While Artemis represents chasity for childhood innocence and Athena represents chasity for matters of country and country men, Hestia's chasity is all about personal choice and freedom. Why have children of her own when her vestals are basically her own children, she feels love and responsibility for each of them. The reality is she's not into men, in fact if she wanted to relinquish her chastity, she would want a loving wife. But she isn't interested in marriage or a relationship either. She's as she puts it "far too free for anyone". So in truth, she represents freedom of choice and the firing passion that comes with compassion.
-He's what you'd expect from someone who lives most of his life in the underworld yet at the same time not. He's tall, pale, has jet black slicked hair, extremely eloquent and distinguishing. He always trails low hanging mist, seemingly gliding throughout, his eyes glow a warm yellow and speaks in a soft but booming voice. He's not as muscular as his brothers, but he is rather dashing.
-He's more akin to being a classical depiction of a gentleman vampire than a god. Due to his occupation, he's developed a very professional disposition. He greets, guides and consoles the dead. At first he might seems intimidating and even at times callous, but he has your best interests at heart and is a fair ruler. Oddly enough if it wasn't for his aesthetic and his reputation of being ruler of the underworld, he would probably be more comparable to an Arthurian ruler.
-Out of all his siblings, he's the least problematic. He keeps to himself so often that it could be YEARS before anyone would hear from him.
-He's a dedicated and simple man of business, and he takes his job very seriously with a healthy amount of exceptions.
-The "reality" of his chance encounter with Persephone was actually before her kidnapping. He met her while taking a chariot ride and had a passing conversation with her, completely unaware she was Demeter's daughter. After coming back to the underworld, his minions found a bizzare type of mold growing deep in Tartarus that consumed souls. In a panicked state, he than kidnapped Persephone in the hopes she would help the situation, she was glad to be of service and was escorted back to earth. After such a strange ordeal, the two of them kept meeting in secret until Persephone decided to stay with Hades for an extended amount of time. After consuming the food of the underworld by mistake, the story starts returns back to the original.
-He doesn't have much of an opinion on his nieces and nephews. He enjoys Hermes's equally hardworking personality and friendly disposition, he's had Apollo make occasional appearances to give Tartarus some form sunlight, he seems to tolerate Dionysus's slacker behavior but he seems have a very strange connection to Dionysus on a "spiritual" level. However he has extremely low patients for Ares. He isn't too fond of him due to the fact the Ares makes his job a lot for tenuous when wars breakout and his occasional sneaking around the underworld to bother the other chthonic gods.
-He may rule over the underworld, but he's not THEE ruler. He's sort of the equivalent to a king in comparison to Nyx, who is more of an empress. By extension, the ruling regions of the underworld organized rather similarly to a medieval monarchy. Thus creating what the Christians assume is how hell looks and functions like in The Discoverie of Witchcraft, The Book of Spirits, Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, The Lesser Key of Solomon, and Dictionnaire Infernal. Surprisingly, Tartarus actually has nothing to do with anything that the book has to offer.
- The Elysian Fields were created for two very interesting reasons, it was a gift to Persephone for her to feel more comfortable in the underworld and a safe place for those who didn't fit in purgatory or the deeper part of Tartarus. In fact Persephone rules over the fields while Hades rules over the rest.
-When he was first given Cerberus as a pup, Cerberus was dark grey covered in little black spots. As he grew older, Cerberus's fur became darker to a solid black. Ironically, Hades believed Cerberus was going to be spotted throughout his life.
-He unfortunately has no offspring of his own, but he and Persephone isn't above adopting either. Much like Hestia, Hades has a surprising amount of apprentices, apostles and proteges that all are adopted lost souls. Many of them ranging in different ages and such. Charon kept mentioning there had been a small gathering of child wraiths at the banks of the Styx. Apparently many of them being abandoned children who's parents never gave Obolus Obviously, Hades had to make an exception, obviously he wasn't going to let orphaned children fend for themselves in the banks of Styx, so....he now has many wonderful and rambunctious ghost children simply living out there time.
-He's literally the richest god. He didn't expect to accidentally inherit the Earth's worth in wealth. Apparently, there's an on going joke that Gaia gave this wealth to Hades as a form of revenge against Zeus and Poseidon. That....and Gaia actually likes Hades more.
-Zeus and Poseidon were, are and forever regretful that Hades rules the underworld basically hoarding wealth like some posh dragon. Ironically, Hades has 0 idea that he actually owns any of the wealth, that's right, he literally doesn't know anything about the precious metals, gems and such. He assumes his wealth comes from the sheer real estate and number of souls collects. If you ever found out about his incredible amount of monetary control, he probably wouldn't have any idea what to do with it.
-Hades has a professional relationship with Nyx, however, Nyx has decided he's an "adopted neighbor husband". She's extremely affectionate to him as if she was married to him. Hades however, is a dedicated husband and tries him best to make it clear that they're friendly neighbors and not by any means lovers. She doesn't care and still treats him as such. He doesn't know why but all he knows is that she is a powerful, primordial super goddess who lives in the underworld with him. Another ex-lover of Hades was Minthe, who in truth barley added anything for Hades in terms of a meaningful relationship, it was mostly just a lover's affair. After some time, Hades figured that his time was better spent working. After he married Persephone, Minthe attempted to take her revenge by trying seduce Hades back.....let's just say Persephone left her a little green.
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yanderecandystore · 3 years
I'm curious, remember that werewolf ask? What would've happened if werewolf!reader had attacked the bullies and given them lycanthropy?
At first I got confused- But that's already normal cause I'm dumb-
Sure thing boo :3
TW/Tags: referring to [🐺🐇🌷] // I'll make this kinda short // mentions of slightly nsfw stuff (scent, marking/biting/licking, etc) // blackmailing, guilt tripping //
Oh No- [Yandere!Bully OCS (werewolves) Werewolf!Reader - Headcanon]:
→ Adrien Coldwell:
Oh no! This was totally something he didn't want to happen- Oh no…. (Sarcasm).
Listen, he didn't want to get bitten, but being a werewolf as well? Well- It's not exactly a dream come true, but it sure sounds like an interesting time-waster.
Although he may consider punishing you for biting him by making you do stuff for him, being a freak like you it's already a great punishment.
Come on, you won't let him all alone having to deal with it by himself, will you? Would you be so heartless to do that? You know he can literally track you down more easily now, right?
He may not be able to fully understand his wolf side yet, but he is 100% sure that he would still be stronger than you, so be a sweetheart, and be kind with your new buddy, will you?
He loves to make you remember how he can still make you pay for what you did by exposing you, granted that it would probably end up backfiring on himself now that he is a beast like you.
His first transformation reminds you of your first time transforming. It was horrible to watch him in pain, but so terrifyingly sweet to see him be in a position like that, after all- He did kinda deserve some of it, probably not all of it though.
You were there to guarantee he wouldn't do something stupid, and surprisingly, all that he did in his werewolf form was- Take a nap.
Take a nap on top of you, sure, but still- Just a nap. It wasn't good but it surely wasn't bad, at least his fur smelled nice.
And speaking of smelling, geez! If he couldn't get enough of your presence already, there he goes breathing your scent like it's oxygen. His senses are better now, yet his wolf brain can't focus on anything but you. Because you are soft, small, and your scent is so nice to him.
Human thoughts going through a wolf brain that can only think of food, nap, and the little munching you he has. Of course it would be safer for you to transform into a wolf to help him, but not only do you not control every time it happens- But there is also the possibility of him getting the wrong idea when seeing another wolf near him.
He may lash out, thinking you're invading his territory, or even- I don't know, get the odd idea about seeing another one of his kind near him. You didn't want to think about it, but there was a possibility of him instantly recognizing you as mate material- If not prey material.
That's kinda hilarious to think about, how would he even consider that? It's not like Adrien would see you as nothing as a prey for bullying, right?
Even if you don't want to do it, I think it's impossible for you to not help him- I mean, really, would you leave a potential killing machine all by itself? Do you really want to deal with that kind of guilt? Shame on you!
Adrien would love to simply sleep on you and never wake up, but his new form is starting to get a lot of intentions that aren't all that- Wholesome, if you know what I mean.
Werewolf Adrien would be more than happy to simply bite you and mark you right there, even if he wouldn't know what that meant he still felt very tempted in trying. But instead he optioned for licking, just getting a taste of you in his half asleep state.
You end up having a bigger werewolf than yourself, lay on top of you like you are some kind of pillow and lick your face constantly… This isn't the best way to spend your Saturday night, but hey! It could be worse.
→ Alexandra Coldwell:
Alexandra may know a lot about wolves, but she knows absolutely nothing about being a werewolf. This is completely new to her, and she would need some guidance before creating some sort of havoc (not that she wouldn't do regardless of guidance or not).
How dare you bite her? How dare you mark her in such a way?! And more importantly why did you stop….
The idea of punishing you is very fresh on her mind, and mixed with her new found senses- Oh boy! If it doesn't sound good to make you pay in double for the trouble you caused her!
Alexandra wouldn't expect herself to be stronger than you, but I guess it's just a given- After all, she is better than you already in many aspects, why would this one be any different, darling?
Just so you know, Alexandra will totally blackmail you into helping her understand what it's happening to her- If you didn't, she would expose you for being a werewolf in plain sight! So play nicely and HELP HER!! Please, the girl can't even paint her nails without thinking about how her claws would end up getting muddy and nasty the next morning.
Werewolf Alexandra is just as active and chaotic as she already is- Good luck while keeping her away from the public while also distracting her from causing destruction on purpose, you'll need it.
Although she is more interested in exploring all the abilities that come with this, she can't lie that something has been bugging her… You smell so nice sometimes, and even when she is not in her wolf form, she still smells that same cursed but blessed scent all over you.
It sounds so nasty, even to her- But, hey, she could get used to it.
I think you should tell her about the implications of marking one another, how one bad move and it could look not exactly as "playful teasing" as she calls it. But then again, it's Alexandra we are talking about, she'll totally get even more tempted into marking you if you said anything about mates and stuff-
It seems like taking care of Alexandra is a lot easier than you think, but only if you play nice with her. I suppose you're the one being played with whenever she is involved.
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desertofsnowflakes · 3 years
Incorrect Order Chapter 4 (Nessian AU)
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A/N: I know I haven't been able to update as fast as you'd want me to but I'll try to fix that. Your comments and feedbacks are very much appreciated. Do inform me if you wanna be added/removed from the taglist! If you happen to find my storyline similar to another fic or one of yours, I'm extremely sorry, I might've just not known. All characters belong to the author Sarah J. Mass. Enjoy!
Summary: Don't first impressions always affect the way you see someone? Well, what more with the Nesta Archeron? Nesta meets Cassian at few unexpected places and to say it didn't go well was a major understatement. Certain circumstances make them become enemies to tolerable company to friends to lovers.
Trigger Warnings: None really
1652words | Incorrect Order Masterlist | Read on AO3
The best way to keep whatever problems one has out of their mind was to do something they liked. That was the only way Cassian kept from spiraling. Since sending the woman to her own house, Cassian had more than a few moments when he wanted to repeatedly slam his head against a wall. That’s why he spent most of his time sparring with Azriel. He won’t admit he was simping for that woman in his free time too. Or maybe that was always.
Now, sprawled on a couch in front of the TV, with nothing to do but stare at a blank screen, Cassian led his thoughts to the box he kept all unwanted thoughts locked in. He thought about Tomas, her ex-boyfriend. Funny, he thought. I know her ex's name but not hers.
It took him a little too long the other day to realise they didn't exchange names. Again. He once thought that maybe she was purposely not giving him her name. That maybe, for her, he was just a random stranger who happened to save her life. He snorted. Surely anyone would know the name of the person they saved or was saved by— stranger or not. He supposed he'll have to make do with pronouns for now.
After she left his home, it took every scrap of self-restraint not to beat this Tomas dude to pulp and let him rot in the same alley he had the misfortune of meeting him in. He may or may not have been the cause for some extra injuries. Cassian appreciated the woman’s attempt at mercy. He, however, didn’t trust Tomas at all. He was dubious about just handing him over to the police. Who’s to know he won’t frame him and the woman for absurd things? Anyway, he left a note in Tomas’s house saying something like “Step out of line, lose your favourite part of anatomy. Name it and have it for your meal.” He made sure he printed so that no one would recognise his writing. Yet, all this didn’t calm his nerves one bit. He presumed he’ll have to stay on guard for some time now.
Now, back to the girl. He sighed. He didn’t dare change the sheets in his guest bedroom. He didn’t even let Mor use the room when she came over last weekend— which he could bet created suspicion. No, that room was only open when he craved her scent. He even realised one of his shirts was missing. He shrugged it off thinking he would've left it somewhere and just couldn't find it. Once she came to his house, he was constantly thinking about her. So much that now he started pinching himself often. It was the only way he could stop thinking about her— by creating physical pain.
Cassian glanced at the clock on the wall. 2.30 in the afternoon. He walked to the refrigerator and checked his freezer compartment. Huh. No ice-cream. He sighed, grabbed his jacket and keys and headed to the mall to get an ice-cream with a pout. He’ll have to leave for Rhys and Feyre’s first anniversary only around 5.30 to prepare everything. He has enough time to get an ice-cream and probably hang out for some time. Good enough to stop thinking about her. Or so he thought.
Nesta wasn’t sore anymore. Her headache was gone almost a week after the incident. Her nose didn’t hurt anymore. Okay, maybe a little bit. It didn’t hurt unless she bumped her nose against something. Today, her nose was dully throbbing because she hit her nose against a pillow yesterday. A very, very soft pillow and yet it hurt this much.
The man’s first-aid and medicines were really helpful.
It really wasn’t fair that he excelled at basic first aid too. It wasn’t fair that he looked so good. With black tattoos swirling over generously muscled arms and shoulder-length dark hair curling at the edges and gloriously tanned skin and hazel eyes with minute flecks of green and brown when taken a closer look at and dimples and—
A quiet “Who is it?” snapped Nesta out of her moping. She looked up to see Gwyn walking to her.
“Who is what?” she asked, feigning nonchalance. Gwyn's pursed lips and glare conveyed that her act wasn't enough.
“Who are you thinking about?” Gwyn clarified.
“What makes you think I'm thinking about someone?” Nesta retorted.
Gwyn sat on the chair next to her and started assisting with classifying the unceremonious heap of books on the table to be kept back in its correct positions on its own rack.
“Nesta,” Gwyn sighed, “Clotho assigned you this stack almost an hour ago. And you've barely finished a third of the stack. Normally, you'd finish stacks bigger than this in an hour. So there's clearly something.”
“It wasn't anyone,” Nesta mumbled.
As usual, Gwyn saw through her lie. “You were twirling your hair,” she said flatly.
Heat inched up her neck. “I was not!”
Gwyn murmured a “uh-huh” and they lapsed into an easy silence till they were almost over.
Gwyn's eyes lit up as it normally did whenever she got an idea. “Is it him? The guy you came with that day?”
Nesta scowled, “How do you know…” she broke off when she realised which 'that day' Gwyn was talking about. Nesta fought back a blush. “No, no, this isn't about him. We don't know each other. Much. Like, we've seen each other a number of times? That's it. Nothing else.” Cauldron, the first part was a complete lie. But at least the rest are true. Will Gwyn happen to know his name? Maybe I ought to ask her. Or maybe I shouldn't.
She should, she decided. She cleared her throat. “Uh, Gwyn? Do you happen to know his name?”
Gwyn frowned and asked, “He hasn't told you yet?”
Nesta shook her head and answered, “No, we, uh, forgot. I guess. We haven't really exchanged names.”
Gwyn nodded and smiled. “Well, he is—”
“Gwyn!” a voice called. “You can't expect me to come over to you and beg for you to help me. Help me only if you want to or don't work under me.”
Gwyn’s eyes widened. She abruptly stood up and mouthed, “Merrill. I gotta go. I’m so sorry.” She all but ran to Merrill, the very strict librarian Gwyn was working under.
Nesta sighed and continued her work. There wasn’t much left so she was able to finish fast. She picked her things and left the library with a word to Clotho, heading to the mall.
The best way to keep whatever problems one has out of their mind was to also eat something they liked. So, ice-cream it was. After having his ice-cream, Cassian was aimlessly walking around the mall. Here, not more than a month ago, he met her for the first time. Almost a month ago. He huffed out a breath. The fact that he was pining for her this long blew his mind off. He—
“This is your fault— not mine. I’m not taking the blame for this,” he told her. They bumped into each other. Again.
Her lips quirked up. “It is kind of my fault. But blame this—,” she poked his chest, “— for making my nose hurt again.”
Just like that, his mood sobered. “How are you?” he asked.
She pointed at the cafe to her left. “Coffee?”
He nodded. Who was he to say no to her?
So they ordered coffee and talked about everything and nothing. He grinned and she laughed. He laughed and she smirked. He wouldn’t say he knew her well but he’d never seen her so carefree. Her laugh was like nectar for a starving man. Her eyes bright and welling up with tears from laughing.
“I don’t think I’ve laughed this much,” she said.
Cassian put a hand on his heart dramatically and said, “I know, I know. I’m very funny.”
Her lips kicked up a notch. She straightened as if she just realised something. He was about to ask when she drawled, “So I just realised that we still haven’t exchanged names.”
Oh. Right. Of course. “Yeah,” he nodded. “Usually, when people meet, they start with introductions but in our case we’ve literally bumped into each other three times and still we don’t know each other.” He shook his head and extended his hand. “Well, hello there. I’m—”
His phone rang in his pocket. Fuck. He was going to kill whoever was calling him now. He was so close to knowing her name. He pulled out his phone to see an incoming call from Azriel. He apologetically looked up at her and said, “I’m sorry. I wish I could choose not to take this call and instead kill this idiot but I can’t. Just give me a moment, okay?”
She nodded and he picked up his call.
“What do you want?” he hissed.
“It’s 5.30 already, you idiot. We’ve got to get the things ready for the party. Mor already went to get the cake and you’re not even at home. Where on all earth and hell are you?” came Az’s faint voice.
“15 minutes only? Mother above, I’m coming.” he said.
Az’s “make it fast” was the last thing he heard before hanging up. “I wish we could stay here and talk forever,” he said to her, “but I have something up in a short while and I totally didn’t realise time was passing this fast. I’m so sorry. It was nice talking to you. Really. And I wish we could meet again. Though without the bumping part.”
He grinned when she smiled and said, “Bye. Have a nice day.”
“You too,” he called back. He didn’t want to think he imagined the subtle look of disappointment on her face because hell, he was a walking epitome of disappointment right now.
@shadowsinger07 @im-someone-i-guess @saltyfortunes @cressjacquine @julian-blackthorn-supremacy @champanheandluxxury @zemiraa @ladygabrielli1997 @nehemikkele @heartless--aromantic @sv0430 @ddsworldofbooks @irenethaleia @sjm-things @dontgetsalmonella
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sifeng · 4 years
Review: Love and Redemption
While I first started watching this drama out of pure curiosity of why people claimed it to be “the second most tragic drama” (after GMP, of course). While there are certainly aspects of this show that could be better, I find it fair to claim that it is a wonderfully made xianxia, and certainly one of the best in the genre within this decade. 
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According to legends, the god of war saved the heavens in a deadly battle against the demon a thousand years ago. Both fell from the heavens and disappeared from the world. Chu Xuan Ji was born to the world lacking in the six senses which makes her rather clueless and inept. She befriends Yu Si Feng, the outstanding head disciple of Lize Palace who falls for her, thus beginning a xianxia romance that is entangled with the conspiracies from the past. The Zan Hua Tournament is being held in the Shaoyang Sect and its leader Chu Lei has two daughters - his trusted eldest daughter Chu Ling Long, and the youngest daughter Chu Xuan Ji who is lazy and terrible at martial arts. When Yu Si Feng and Chu Xuan Ji meet through a coincidence, they forge a friendship with each other. Yu Si Feng falls for Xuan Ji despite the harsh consequences that he must face as it is forbidden for students of Lize Palace to fall in love. Meanwhile, Ling Long clashes with Wu Tong after she criticized his foul actions at the tournament. In retaliation, Wu Tong accidentally injures Xuan Ji and gets expelled. Having recovered from her injuries, Xuan Ji promises to concentrate on cultivating. Four years later, Xuan Ji and Yu Si Feng meet again. Si Feng wears a mask due to a curse that can only be broken if he finds true love. 
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Cheng Yi (成毅) as Yu Sifeng (禹司凤)
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Yuan Bingyan (袁冰妍) as Chu Xuanji (褚璇玑)
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Liu Xueyi (刘学义) as Hao Chen (昊辰)
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Zhang Yuxi (张予曦) as Chu Linglong (褚玲珑)
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My Opinions:
Plot (My Rating - A-):
First of all, I quite like the pacing in this drama. As the matter of fact, towards the end I actually feel like some things were rushed, not dragged out. It’s never a show that allows you to press the fast forward button, because 1. the tragic moments are super intense and dramatic, and 2. you don’t dare skip over the cute/funny moments because you know there won’t be many left. Second of all, I really appreciate that the writers of this drama really decided that they were going to make the most tragic drama ever. They really dedicated themselves to that craft, and I think they succeeded wonderfully. In terms of plot points, I absolutely loved the whole 9 lifetimes idea. It really brings out the tragedy and beauty of Yu Sifeng - he will do anything to protect those he loves, especially Xuanji. I would not complain if every single lifetime was made into a 45 minute episode, though that would be 405 more minutes of Sifeng being tortured by love on top of the infinite amount of minutes that already exist in this drama. 
One problem I had, again, was with the misunderstanding that separated our two leads. I understand that this misunderstanding was one that had to do with the morals, backgrounds and fates with both of them, and thus was obviously meant to be a separating factor, but with the way the two characters were written, it felt odd that it created such an amount of misunderstanding. Overall, the plot was good, it didn’t have any revolutionary ideas, but it turned up the tragedy factor and had consistent pacing (if not too rushed towards the end). I’m sure there were probably a few plot holes here and there (one of which is why is it so easy to destroy that huge jar thing towards the end? If that’s what’s keeping the universe at balance, shouldn’t it take more than just one Yuan Lang to destroy it?), but overall, solid plot.
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Characters (My Rating - B):
Sifeng is an absolute angel. He’s probably the most heroic lead in a drama who acts totally out of selflessness, who will help his loved ones no matter what pain it puts him through, and who can remain so kind, so unbothered mentally by whatever pain everyone puts him through. However, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have faults. He acts irrationally in the face of love and he often mistrusts the people around him. He’s a very complete character that not only evokes viewer’s sympathy, love and admiration, but also makes sense when taking into consideration his morals. He rarely does things that are out of character. If I were to rate just his character I’d probably give an A+.
But, there are other characters in this drama. I do like Xuanji, not as much as I like Sifeng, but I like her more than most drama leads. Despite the whole lacking six senses thing being a super confusing plot hole of sorts (like she clearly likes people in the beginning, Linglong, Minyan, her father, and dislikes people, Wu Tong, but isn’t she supposed to be unfeeling? Also she screamed out of fear when she fell using the teleport tool etc etc), I liked how she wasn’t stupid, but simply naïve. She’s actually a pretty smart person, especially in the first half of the drama, when she defended Sifeng against the Five Sects, and then Minyan after he was caught from Tianxu Tang. She didn’t let herself be manipulated by her father or Hao Chen, but rather thought for herself, took into account what she knew of their characters and came to the correct conclusion that the Five Sects were being stupid. I found myself a slight bit annoyed when she took the Five Sects side on the whole Mosha Xing issue, but given that the argument was no longer Sifeng vs. her father, but rather demons vs. humans, I can sort of understand why she didn’t trust him. Also, he did lie to her a bunch of times so, I suppose that adds to the fact. Though, she failed to use the trait that I used to really like, which was the ability to take logic and character into consideration. Did she really think that Sifeng never loved her? Because like, with all the evidence right there in her memory, I find it hard for anyone logical being to come to that conclusion. Also, I really like how she eventually became as loving of Sifeng as he was of her. She was literally willing to destroy the world, and herself, just to save him. 
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As I have said before, no one likes Hao Chen, and that’s good. He’s obviously written to be a character that you should dislike, not only because he gets in the way of Sifeng and Xuanji, but because he is clearly so biased against demons (despite the fact that most demons aren’t even bad at all); because he manipulates Xuanji/God of War so many times and doesn’t even feel guilty whatsoever; because he always says “for the three realms” and yet happens to do things that will completely destroy the peace of the three realms. There are things to like about him, like I am pretty sure that he does actually care about the three realms, and he does want there to be peace, but his ideology about peace, and love, and war are just so skewed that he ends up doing the opposite of what he wants to do. 
Other characters were mostly likable, like Linglong, Zi Hu, Teng She, Minyan (most of the time), Xiao Yinhua, Ruo Yu (sometimes), Wu Zhiqi, etc etc. Some were evil for no apparent reason like Yuan Lang (why does he want to control the three worlds? What happened to him in the past for him to become this power hungry? If these questions were answered this character could be sooooo much more compelling) and Wu Tong (again, why did he start out so violent and cruel? I understand why he become a demon and helped them, but like does he not realize that it was clearly his fault first?) Also, the Heavenly Emperor seems like such an odd character. I understand he is the emperor and so he shouldn’t hold his relationship with Bailin and Xixuan above their faults, but like why was he so okay with like letting a totally faultless Xi Xuan endure several mortal trials all ending with painful deaths? And if that was because he was being a good and fair emperor, why does he let a game board decide fate? He also just stood there while the world was ending, and it took Xuanji to convince him to help her. I would like to know more about this guy and his complete lack of ability to care about anything.
So overall, while I think the main characters were written very well, with complex characteristics, some of the villains were just left tools to push forward the plot. 
Acting (My Rating - A-):
So first of all, Cheng Yi’s portrayal of Yu Sifeng was absolutely amazing. He brought out all of Sifeng’s traits super well, from shyness initially to the cruelness Mosha Xing to his loving gaze at Xuanji to the heartbreak in tragic parts. I’m pretty sure he’ll become a star after this show, and can I just say, he totally deserves it!
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(Like can you see the pain in his eyes?)
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I was pleasantly surprised by Yuan Bingyan here. I really like how her acting style changed along with the new role she took, as Xuanji she was bright and cheerful, as God of War she was heartless and cruel. You can see in the nine lifetimes that the way she reacts to Sifeng’s death slowly changes. Her crying scenes need a little more emotion, but overall, a super stable performance. 
Chemistry/Romance (My Rating - A):
The chemistry was just amazing. I find it interesting that their kisses slowly got more and more passionate as time went on. 
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I think part of the reason they have such good chemistry is because of the acting. Like oh my god their tiny reactions to when the other gets hurt really gives it away that they love each other. 
The romance was also written nicely. While some people complain that Xuanji didn’t suffer enough, I feel like they don’t have to be equal in suffering in order for them to be a good pairing. You could tell from the very beginning that Xuanji liked Sifeng in a different way from other people. And the fact that they went through nine lifetimes together, each one when Sifeng died because of Xuanji... it just makes their romance so much more epic. Add that with good chemistry, good kisses, and good acting, well of course people love this ship so much! Xuanji would destroy the world for Sifeng, because the only person that matters in her world is Sifeng. Sifeng would put himself through ten lifetimes of torture just so Xuanji can be happy, because so long as Xuanji is happy, he will be happy. 
Music (My Rating - A): this one is simple. Just listen to the soundtrack and you’ll understand my rating. I didn’t give it an A+ though, because while all the songs are great, there isn’t one in particular that I love. 
Costumes (My Rating - A-): Sifeng’s costumes are really pretty. Some of Xuanji’s are pretty too, they get prettier as the show goes on, but some of the ones early on were kind of meh.
CGI (My Rating - A+): the best CGI in a cdrama. Just look at the scenes where Sifeng shows his wings! 
Overall Rating: A-
Recommend For: People who like xianxia dramas and dramas that try to incorporate a lot of themes. People who don’t mind their heart breaking a thousand times while watching a drama. People who want to find a couple that you have to root for. People who like super epic guzhuangs with lots of subplots, mythology, reincarnations etc. 
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ninacarstairss · 3 years
Hi 🙋🏻‍♂️
For the coi asks :
who was your favorite character? has it changed from the last book?
what did you want to see that didn’t happen?
what do you think will happen to grace? how do you think the clave will react to her powers?
what is the top thing you wish had been done differently?
thoughts on the epilogue? where do you think tatiana and belial are going and what do you think they are up to?
which scene in the book was your favorite?
Sorry i asked too much and i lost the numbers 😅
Hii sorry it took me so long to answer 😅 and don’t worry I loved to get all these questions!! 🤩 Thanks for the ask sweet pea! 💙
13. who was your favorite character? has it changed from the last book?
Alastair. No doubt. His arc in choi was amazing. We only got one pov of his but we got to see him from cordelia, from thomas and also sometimes from james’s eyes and I loved how other people described him or just thought about him, especially cordelia who actually gets him better than anyone else and shares some of his pains and also thomas, who can’t hate him because he sees him, he has known him to be kind and he has seen some of the parts of himself he keeps carefully hidden. I also loved how in his pov we got to see his thoughts on elias’s death, how he mourns but still can’t forget all the wrong things elias did in his life simply because he’s no longer there, it felt utterly real and raw.
In chog my favorite characters were both math and alastair, because they are so similar and complementary in some ways, and it hasn’t really changed, I still love math and I loved to see him finally share his secret, but his arc barely started, while alastair in this book really stands out.
17. what did you want to see that didn’t happen?
Some truthful old fashioned communication. I know the book wouldn’t even exist if they just talked freely but still I would have like to see at least some communication. I loved cordelia and math’s relationship in choi because they are the only ones who actually shared their secrets, they have the healthiest friendship atm because they aren’t lying to each other. I would have liked to see some more of the gang talk, especially cordelia and lucie, it shattered me to see how they left it off in choi, because cordelia feels betrayed by lucie helping grace and I wished they had just talked a little more.
And I really wanted to see alastair and cordelia get a chance to confront elias. They deserved a chance to tell him how much they both suffered and how high the cost of his drinking was, especially for alastair.
32. what do you think will happen to grace? how do you think the clave will react to her powers?
Nothing too bad actually. I think she’ll get mercy. The clave won’t be happy to hear about her powers and they’re definitely gonna be scared and horrified but at least they’ll start to look at the tatiana problem as an actual problem and threat. Anyway charlotte is not heartless and the claves still sees grace as a child. I think they’ll try and get to tatiana to punish her for real this time but of course they won’t find her. Grace will probably be questioned with the mortal sword and sent to the silent brothers to have her powers removed.
I think the more hate she’ll get will probably be from james himself and his family and friends who actually were close to him to see what the gracelet did to him. I mean cordelia and math are definitely gonna want to end her. But I think the clave would look at her as someone who was being used as a weapon by a mad woman and once she no longer has her powers will stop being a threat.
8. what is the top thing you wish had been done differently?
Ariadne’s characterization. She didn’t have enough space in this book and was only there because she wanted to win anna back. It looked like her whole life revolved around anna. We had her talking about how the bridgestocks erased her past and her culture but she barely mentions it, there’s no part where we get to really see her.
16. thoughts on the epilogue? where do you think tatiana and belial are going and what do you think they are up to?
I kinda think they’re going to a demon realm. They’ll probably return to edom since lilith is wounded and can’t take it back.
There’s this line in the epilogue “she could not outrun them [the nephilim] and their pursuit, not on this earth” so I think this means she’s gonna try to get her revenge someplace else, which I think is edom. Literally no idea why tatiana would prefer edom to the nephilim but that woman is clearly out of her mind.
As for what they’re up to, I think turning more weapons and getting more power. Tatiana already gave belial some adamas and he used it to create a “dark stele”. And now he’s got the key to the iron tombs. I don’t know if they were ever mentioned before in other tsc books but I don’t remember it. Anyway I think the iron sisters could maybe be buried with weapons or adamas or other important objects with angelic powers and they’re gonna steal what they can to turn it dark.
2. which scene in the book was your favorite?
Ohh so many! I loved all the domestic jordelia scenes, the scene with the whole gang together, the battles at the end and so many more.
But can I just be a basic simp and say the sanctuary scene? 😂 I’m a slut for thomastair at this point and that scene was just so beautiful and so truthful, they just talked and finally confessed their pasts and their feelings without barriers.
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boom-fanfic-a-latta · 4 years
PLEASE tell me more about WinterGreen!
Man, I’m going to end up known as the person who created Wintergreen, aren’t I? Not that I’m complaining, mind you, but with how things are going...
Also, hi, Fane!
(Note, I’m at work right now, so I’ve been typing this bit by bit whenever I get a quick break. Sorry this took so long...)
I don’t have much of a plan for what to say right now so...RANDOM BULLET POINTS GO
Akita ends up taking Canon!Lloyd’s place in the dungeons, thus getting to reunite with her brother (because I’m not THAT heartless, people).
I could honestly see that at one point, the Emperor might realize “Wait, if they think I’m this ‘Zane’, maybe I could use this to get their guard down” and thus the ninja are even MORE hooped, but this one’s just a thought I may or may not decide to entertain.
Lloyd’s power ends up slightly tainted, gaining much more of a similarity to ice, though still remaining mostly the same.
There will be a snippet entitled “Aspenglow” at one point. I don’t even know what it will be about yet, but it will be called “Aspenglow”.
I literally have no ideas for the finale or confrontation yet so help on that front would be appreciated.
Like in canon, the others have figured out that Zane might be the Ice Emperor. It’s still a shock to actually see it, though, and that’s not even counting Lloyd.
Speaking of which, they have no clue what to think of what happened to him. And it scares them.
And last, have a random doodle!
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I probably got the outfit wrong but oh well.
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catboy-joyfriend · 3 years
ok i have ideas for every character for this au buckle up kids
heartless: faun, and/or undead - i was kinda stuck on this one because i thought him being a zombie was a little bland and not really changing much + faun character traits really suit him, but at the same time i don’t wanna take away a key part of his character? idk
alchemy: kitsune - hot shapeshifting fox i don’t need to say more. but i do genuinely think it suits them a lot, and they do enjoy using their fox form to mess with people
flint: devil/half devil - he’s gotta get that fire from somewhere! also flint with devil horns/wings would look incredibly cool. also both him and eira can fly
eira: ice spirit - he’s enchanted sentient ice, originally created as a servant for a sorcerer before gaining freedom. also apart from the yeti there are way fewer generic ice-related monsters than you’d think
doppel: human... supposedly - he swears that he is, but he looks pale and hollow, though maybe that’s just from having to maintain Glass constantly - though Glass’ mere existence does call his “normal human-ness” into question.
glass: shadow demon - originally Doppel’s shadow, definitely not anymore, he’s big and dark and terrifying. still a scaredy mess though
river: dryad - this girl is made of plants!!!! she can control them and uses them to treat wounds and boost ppl. her prosthetics are still made of metal, she uses them because it allows her to walk autonomously and if something happens to them she’s effectively bonded to the ground.
alastor: vampire - he’s literally exactly the same except he sucks blood now. honestly he probably does that already so the only difference is that his teeth are sharper
lorelei: siren - how could i not? i wasn’t sure if i wanted to make her humanlike, fishlike, or both so i’ve decided she can have a tail in the water, and while most of the time she has dainty frilly fins after her breakdown she gains more angular deep sea creature-like features
dock: frankenstein monster - when he’s got all his gear on he basically does look the same. but i had the idea of him going rogue and killing his creator and basically being self-maintained, stitching himself back together if he gets hurt.
bandy: poltergeist - uh oh not only can bandy swap things he can also float and phase through things now. he’s gonna cause so much chaos but it’s okay because he deserves to. unfortunately he’s still french -_-
diana: harpy - i just think she deserves to fly, and also have massive epic bird legs. harpies are from roman mythology as well so that suits her theme. she still has a gun so now she can shoot you from even more anglred
lance: dragon - you saw this coming, how could i not. he can shapeshift now and it makes him very cool, and he can breathe fire even in normal form so now he’s both metaphorically and literally even hotter
all of these r SO GOOD THANK U THANK U
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The last lesson
Trying to find a new form of life, Napoleon tries to get a formula to the Sugar Candy mountain from Moses, a low class animal, by having a relationship with him. Yes, before you ask anything, he lied about his idea of the animal’s heaven, a place that could be described as a magical land. 
The story takes place in a hotel and as it goes on, Napoleon tries to get the formula, but he didn't know he would find problems on his way. He was REALLY mistaken by thinking that that would be easy! What would you do if you were Napoleon? If you want to know what he did, read “The last lesson”.
“Aaaaargh, I need the formula for the sugar candy mountain!” - indignated, Napoleon screamed it in his room, the highest of the hotel, at least the ones that were occupied. 
Yes, they were at a hotel. It sounds strange, but what can I do? They like that place… Anyway, the hotel is organized like this: first of all, it was a hierarchy. At the bottom of the hotel, rooms 1 to 4, the dogs, Muriel and Benjamin. You’re probably wondering what happened to room number 4. Well, it was supposed to be Mollie’s, but as you already know, she ran away. Smart girl… Or not. Continuing, at the middle of the hotel, rooms 5 to 8, Moses, Clover, Boxer and Squealer. On the top, of course, Napoleon, almost the king. He used to share his room with Snowball, but after the windmill situation, they started to hate each other and Napoleon began to spread words of hate to the population about Snowball. Afterwards, Snowball decided to “check out”. 
Oh, slipped to say that Napoleon lied, not only earlier, but the whole time, about his opinion about the Sugar Candy Mountain, he dreamed of going there since he was a baby. He only leaned back about the formula because if the animals found out he wanted to go there, they’d want to go there as well and Napoleon didn’t want competition. Also, it would encourage the animals to base their lives on getting the formula, not to work, one of Napoleon's quotes. Let’s remember that the life conditions that he imposed were truly miserable. 
But the problem is that the only way to get to Sugar Candy Mountain, the heaven across the street, is with the formula, which belongs to Moses. What will Napoleon do? He hates that bird. Ops, sorry, tame raven.
Days after that…
Jessie (dog number 1) - “I can’t believe that Napoleon is dating Moses.”
Pincher (dog number 2) - “Me neither! Napoleon can be so unpredictable sometimes…”
Bluebell (dog number 3) - “Why are you even discussing this? He is the king, he can do whatever he wants.”
Jessie and Pincher - “Shut up, Bluebell!”
Pincher - “Go find something else to do. Can’t you see we’re in the middle of something?”
Bluebell walks away mumbling. 
Jessie - “Back to the subject, I totally agree with you. What was Napoleon thinking?”
The dogs keep talking while they walk. Jessie and Bluebell are so smart. Instead of doing their work they are walking around the hotel to talk about Napoleon’s life. I bet Napoleon would love to know this, he would even want to join them, don’t you think? 
The leader was in his bed, wondering: “I can’t stand this anymore! This bird is extremely annoying. But the good part is that he is so dumb, but so dumb, that he actualy thinks that I, the greatest Napolelon, loves him. Hahaha, he is so silly… I’m so sick of this, but, unfortunately, I must get the formula and Moses is the only one who has it. Of course I have the skills to manipulate him and can get whatever I want from him! Well, well, I love my life… so perfect…”
The next days, Napoleon decided to please his new boyfriend by buying gifts for Moses. One time he went down to Moses' room and gave him a miniature of the Sugar Candy Mountain to express his love for the tame raven. Of course Moses was delighted and fell in love even more! 
One day, Muriel was visiting Moses' room with the intention to make sure that tame raven was doing what he was supposed to do in the hotel and he saw the miniature. The goat asked him: 
Muriel: “What is that?”
Moses: “It’s a gift that my gorgeous boyfriend gave to me!!!!!! Beautiful, isn’t it?” 
Shocked, Muriel went to talk to Clover, her dearest friend:
Muriel: “CLOVER, you will never believe what I’m about to tell you!”
Clover: “AAAA, sit here girl! Tell me everything! Spill the tea!”
Muriel: I went to Moses’ room earlier and I saw a kind of miniature of the Sugar Candy Mountain and he said Napoleon gave it to him.”
Clover: “No way!”
“God, it’s impossible to get the formula from that stupid bird! I thought that by manipulating and pleasing him he would back down, but no, it’s impossible to get inside that little thing’s mind!” - Napoleon screamed. 
The pig really thought that he could make Moses give him the formula by manipulation… poor him… Who’s the silly boy now? - “I wish Old Major were here, he would know exactly what to do…” - he says that while looking upstairs. You’re probably thinking why he was looking upstairs. Simple answer, Old Major’s room was the highest of the hotel, one above Napoleon’s, but he died. Out of respect they left the old major's room empty.
The leader kept thinking about how he would get the formula. Rain or shine, day or night, happy or sad, he was always thinking how he would get that thing. But on a specific day, he had the greatest idea: breaking into Moses’ room and stealing it. Of course he wasn’t even thinking of how the tame raven would feel. After all, he doesn’t care about anything or anyone but himself or getting what he wants. 
He had already decided he would steal the formula from Moses and period.  He started to put his plan off the paper. It was a sunny day, so all the animals were at the hotel pool: the horses were inside the pool in a floater, Benjamin, Muriel and the dogs were getting a tan and Moses and Squealer were playing beach tennis. Only Napoleon wasn’t  there and the animals were questioning themselves why he was taking so long to get there. 
After some minutes, Moses wanted to put on more sunscreen but it was in his room, so he left the pool to get it and went looking for Napoleon. Moses couldn’t find his boyfriend anywhere, so he gave up and went to his room to get the sunscreen. 
When he got there, he was surprised: 
Moses: “Babe, everyone is wondering where you are… Why are you here? I didn’t give permission for you to get in my room. 
Napoleon was speechless, but the formula was already in his hands and Moses got there too late…
Moses: Babe? Why is the Sugar Candy Mountain formula with you? Give it to me. Now! 
The silence took over the room. They could only hear the animals talking outside the building.
Moses: “This whole time all you wanted was the formula. You never really loved me… ”
Napoleon: “Now it doesn't really matter, does it?”
Napoleon walked away with the formula in his dirty hands. Moses was skeptical. Tears started to drop, without even noticing. He started to scream and, suddenly, he had the miniature in his hands and in a millisecond, it was on the floor, broken, just like his heart.
All the animals, when they heard that horrifying  noise, went to Moses' room to check on him. “What is happening?” they asked  themselves. When they came across the door, they saw a horror movie scene: Moses was down on his knees, with his wings covering his face and the floor was soaking wet with tears. 
Meanwhile, Napoleon, that heartless piece of bacon, was in his room trying to use the formula: “What the fuu...dge?! Why the heck isn’t this working?! It should work, I did everything that paper told me to do! I said all the words out loud, but I’m still in this miserable room… Suddenly, a message from heaven appeared on the roof. The message was shining and it said: “You tried to check in at our hotel… Well, you can’t! You lived your life against all of our ideals. Trying to solve a problem, you created a hundred thousand more. You have caused intrigue and made other animals live as if they were in hell! You don't deserve this place.”
In other words, the formula to the animal’s heaven only worked if you have lived a liable life, a passive one, but all Napoleon spread was hate, grief. He manipulated literally everyone around him, including his love partner and Snowball, that was on his side all the time. He called Snowball a traitor, but the whole time, the traitor was him. He not only didn’t deserve the formula, but all the work that the animals did for him. For the first and the last time, he realised that he wasn’t a true king and he wasn’t a good animal. 
By Isabela Melfi and Giulia Filli.
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akumageist · 4 years
I would die for Hitori Uzune. RIP to Kazuaki, but I’m different.
The Hatoful fandom consists of 13 people and a paperclip. It always has. Unfortunately, it probably always will. Where this is cause for some perks, it’s also some of its faults. In example, it’s still an anime game, made by a Japanese woman, and attracts weebs. Weebs tend to like to think of characters 2-Dimensionally, breaking the character down to what they think is their core personality traits. Hitori is no stranger to this, and is beaten down into this heartless, manipulative, selfish bastard. But I believe Moa is saying “anyone, even the best of us, is capable of becoming a monster if driven to it.” Let’s roll.
2162. Hitori was born into a world of war and hate, plopped into an orphanage at just 2 years old. This can be found in Moa’s canon spin-off manga, where Hitori at about ten years old is caring for the other war orphans along with the other older birds. Luckily for him, he was a genius. He was able to go out and get jobs tutoring birds and support his rag-tag family at his young age.
With that, we know Hitori was not originally cold and heartless, despite how the world may have birthed him. Especially when Nageki arrived frail and sickly. Hitori and the other birds were happy to put in overtime in an attempt to pay for the poor dove’s medications, even in his protest.
Then, 2180 happened. Imagine what sort of toll that would take on Hitori. he was absent. He was at work, unaware of the jeopardy that befell his family. What kind of horrible, mind-rattling survivors guilt must rack this bird’s brain, knowing he wasn’t there as his family was massacred one by one?
“What did we do? We had nothing. Our parents and homes had already been stolen by the humans. All we had left were each other.”
We can gather from this same scene Hitori blames himself for not being there. For not being able to protect his family, or even Nageki. Even though had he been there, he would have died alongside everybirdie else, and left Nageki to succumb to his illness alone. Something of this magnitude would create anxieties and trauma unfathomable to those who did not deal with it.
In Hitori, this manifested as full-blown helicopter mom. He can’t help but think of every little nit-pick detail over Nageki, terrified one feather out of place will kill him. The fandom is good about this side of his character! And of course, so is Moa. This may be the Summer Vacation Drama CD: Hitori The Worrywart (which takes place in MIRROR AU), but I love it’s portrayal of the anxious quail.
Hitori continued to care and ache over Nageki’s declining health. He was desperate. Begging doctors, even though deep in his little quail brain he knew Nageki was a lost cause, and that he was dying. But he couldn’t think of a life without Nageki, and did all in his power to try and keep the bird as well as he could. We can see a great example of this love in words you might not think of.
“How about this? From now on, ‘I’m fine’ is not allowed.”
I’ve always imagined Hitori getting mildly heated at Nageki in this conversation.The quail is on his last strands of stability, and the dove he cares endlessly for is trying to hide the very thing he ails himself over. The genuinity in his words shines through- telling Nageki he’d rather hear he’s bad and hurting.
So, in this desperation, Hitori carted Nageki off to some strange doctor in some strange prestigious school. And how couldn’t he? A doctor who claimed to know of the virus eating away at Nageki’s life, and how to cure it. Hitori’s beacon of hope in a sea of darkness. The only bird in the entire universe he had left to love, the one he had arguably always favored and adored, was dying. He would do anything in his power to keep the one thing he loved alive, no matter the irrationality or cost. No matter the very dying bird’s own lips saying “I… don’t want to go.”
Whether or not you ship these birds, I firmly believe Hitori is in love with Nageki in a romantic sense.
“I can no longer love another creature // I think we meant more to each other than anybirdie else in the world... // The love I felt soured into resentment // I should remember the beautiful face I knew, not… a photo covered in scribbles”
Not to mention admitting he can’t bear to live without the dove in BBL. And, in his route, Hiyoko goes as far as to refer to this bird as a female, which means he’s speaking so fondly she’s assuming it was a lover, and therefore a woman. Hitori’s stopped any sort of love at the idea he can only love Nageki post-mortem. That is canon. And well… that’s not very brotherly, no matter how good of a relationship you may have with your sibling (I speak from experience).
Okay, okay, this persuasive essay is NOT for convincing you of this ship, that is another essay for another time. I’ve only mentioned this opinion because I need you to understand his irrationality for the one thing he has left, and the fragility of it. And why it might drive anybirdie to… Hitori-level madness. Moving on.
2183. A mere 3 years after Hitori had lost the majority of his family to human terrorists. Nageki sends a coded letter, and… we can see Hitori’s anxieties outright.
“It’s happening again. Nageki needs me, and I’m not there.”
This is… a very powerful line in the game. We’re seeing just how vulnerable Hitori truly is. This is a traumatized individual in a panic attack- realizing the love of his goddamn life is once again faced with something horrible, and Hitori is once again absent from the scene.
And just like that, he’s gone.
The only thing. The only one Hitori had left in life to love. To live for. Taken from him without so much as a second chance. This is painful to write. This part of Hatoful is, without a doubt, the most agonizing. I know how it is to lose something so dear and feel as though maybe it’s not worth going on without them.
This is the peak of Moa’s tragedy writing ability (and yes, I’m including Holiday Star). But this is my point, is it not? Though his kanji may be “sun bird”, the actual word for his name “Hitori” quite literally means one, alone, solitary. He is now all alone in the universe, no family left. How can anybirdie even remotely remain in charge of their faculties (as Sakuya would put it) by now? You wouldn’t.
Hitori is now a husk of his former self. Anything he’s ever cared for is gone, he has nothing left to live for. He goes- my favorite coined term for him- absolutely batshit. He gets what we call “trauma-induced psychosis”, and begins to hallucinate very vividly, a form that he refers to as “Nageki”. We all know him of course, as Shadow. Shadow, from the little information we’re able to gather from BBL, is tormenting Hitori ruthlessly.
Shadow is easily misunderstood, because Moa made him fathomable, so the reader was able to understand exactly what was happening. What had become of Hitori Uzune. Shadow in all his simplicity- is Hitori. It is an introjection of Nageki, manifested to validate Hitori in his self-hatred. Don’t you get it? He hates himself just as much as you hate him!
Anything Hitori thinks of himself, Shadow is there to back up. He’s taunting him day in and day out, reminding him that he killed Nageki, and every ounce of Nageki’s suffering life was the fruit of Hitori’s inability to protect him. But again, it’s his own brain, telling him exactly what he wants to hear. What he truly believes. Telling himself what he’s done, and how he deserves this. ...And to seek revenge.
Hitori lost his mind. He had nothing else to lose, after all. He became obsessed with Nageki even moreso than he was in life, because there was no level-headed dove to calm him and tell him to stop worrying so much, or keep him at least reasonably held together by simply being there.
He listened to his psychosis, and when he made a friend (Moa gives evidence Hitori and Kazuaki were friends prior to Hitori’s ill-intentions), his psychosis got in the way of that, too. As he travelled down this relationship (which Moa herself says is pretty much romantic), we can assume he realized just how unable to love he was. He had Kazuaki around because, let’s face it. He wanted someone like Nageki who was incompetent so he could nurture and care for them. And for a while, it worked. But it didn’t. Hitori didn’t love Kazuaki. He couldn’t. He was too busy looking for Nageki.
So, you’re reading this in english. You speak english. At least a little, right? So maybe you played the english (and localized) version of the game. Well then you may not know the following. Please pay attention! This gets a bit rocky, and a bit more “Hitori...!”.
In the English version, Hitori disguised as Kazuaki is “tired”. In the Japanese version, he’s “sleepy” or “dreamy”. I’d describe him as ditsy, for sure. He kind of acts like an airhead who knows absolutely nothing, and his students don’t take him seriously. In the Hatomame Sweet Blend Drama CD, there is a track that follows Kazuaki on a little adventure of his narcolepsy, and going to Shuu for help.
In and out of comatose, Hitori, as himself, is there in his dreams as a separate bird.
“This bird with a face I had never seen spoke to me in a voice I had never heard, and this is what he said.”
“Nanaki-sensei” is clearly denying his own identity.
“I’ll sleep, just a little, and then leave… good… night…”
“But sleeping is my job… You still have a little longer. Tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that…”
This is dream Hitori telling himself that he has to continue his alias until his revenge is fulfilled. The quail that was once Hitori must remain dormant until he is reunited with Nageki again, and can be happy again. As a metaphor for depression… don’t you feel like you’re a shell of your former self?
So, going off this information… I believe Hitori has repressed himself. This is due to my own knowledge on psychology but-- Hitori doesn’t want to be Hitori anymore. It’s too hard. Hitori the war orphan. Hitori the lone survivor. Hitori the murderer and identity thief. It’s him not wanting to deal with his trauma in a healthy way, and instead locking it up and becoming somebirdie new and undamaged.
He killed Hitori.
This falls into the other delusion- that Nageki is somehow not completely dead and gone and ash- but still trapped, somehow, somewhere, and Hitori needs to find and get him. To kill Isa and the researchers who “killed” Nageki, and bring “Nageki” home. Whatever he believes Nageki is. In BBL, we see this quite literally varies! He tried to cut Ryouta open and steal his liver!
“Sir, Nageki would have never wanted this…!”
There is no difference between a serial killer and someone in a court room screaming for the serial killer to be murdered in turn. That mourning mother is then one in the same with that killer, is she not? She sees him, and wants him to die. She wants him to die and suffer. She believes that will bring her a sense of justice. Even though she knows it will not return her son to her. Hitori, is that mourning mother. He sees Isa, and all he can see is the man who murdered his dove.
I know the biggest aspect as to why the fandom hates Hitori is the sole factor that Kazuaki is #relatable. He’s a depressed college student who thinks he’s better off dead. Then, Hitori tricks him. But you’re not reading Kazuaki right. It’s okay, he’s easy to misread from Holiday Star’s plotline. 
Holiday Star was written with Kazuaki as the villain, do you forget? A grey villain as well, but a villain nonetheless. He told his tragic sob story death in such a way, you can’t help but to cry. He’s the victim! I’m not saying he’s not. But he was written specifically to be pitied in Holiday Star, and as you continue on, you begin to see he’s actually just anti-self help. He doesn’t want to face his fears. He doesn’t want to leave his safe egg and take the risk he should have.
Kazuaki is meant to be pitied, yes,  but just on the brink of annoying with his helplessness and self-deprecation. He’s, forgive me, a “sad sack of shit” who does nothing to help himself. Don’t come after me for being “ableist” or whatever- Moa literally wrote him this way.
This is also depicted in “Kazuaki-kun’s Book”. Now, this book takes place in the MIRROR AU, but it tells of how Kazuaki met Hitori. Moa starts the manga off by explaining Kazuaki had a great chickhood, a healthy life, and an easy, happy time. But then, he flunked his college exams and didn’t even get into his safety school. He lazed around, grew depressed, and let his apartment rot. He played video games until his online friends got jobs, and wasted any money he had on them as well. The only thing that scared him out of it is when his next door neighbor was found dead, having rotted into his own futon.
So imagine Hitori, who has worked so hard and lost everything he had done so for. Tirelessly, through his horrible, fucked up existence. Nageki, who had his short and miserable life robbed from him, had to die. Had to kill himself. And this random quail has the audacity to bitch and moan, thinking he’s got it bad? He’s a waste of space that could have been filled with Nageki. This is what Hitori’s brain is thinking. Hitori’s only ~20 years old when Nageki dies, after all.
I’m not saying this is cause for murder and identity theft. Don’t you dare misread me on this. But as I’ve stated prior- Hitori’s completely lost it.  But you ship him with the chukar that literally ruined his life. Hitori’s a grey villain but holy fuck why would you want him to fuck the partridge that tortured and drove his only loved one to suicide?
It was wrong to trick Kazuaki. It was wrong to insult him as he died. It was wrong to steal his identity. That’s obvious and a given. But you all seem to look at that factoid alone, chalking it up to ‘preying on a poor mentally ill man” but not taking into consideration Hitori is mentally ill himself. ...Just not #relatable enough for you.
Hitori is suicidal as well. He’s been suicidal presumably since Nageki died. Don’t you dare say Hitori isn’t at least a little in the same boat. I don’t care if he’s not as soft and uwu and cuddly as Kazuaki. Mental illness is not rainbows and butterflies and emo hair (though Kazuaki is not portrayed this way).
Holiday star bears all the answers. I raise you important points, so pay close attention. The first key component is Hitori, found upside down in the pudding. He’s crying. Why is he crying? Because he’s lost his name? Oh, but think deeper.
“I’m Nemo”.
“Nemo” is latin for nothing, and his name translates to “nothing” in every language of HoliStar. The King has vomited him up in his kingdom, and robbed him back of what he stole from him. His identity.
But it goes even deeper than that.
“I’ve lost something, and so, I think I might cry.”
From this phrase alone, it’s painful to play this game. Nageki is right in front of his beak. But what did he do? He ate his own eyes. Hitori, in his refusal to identify with himself, has robbed himself of quite literally seeing the very bird he adores and sought after. Then, he is renamed his own identity by that bird (the only identity he accepts). How surreally real.
The second key component is when everybirdie is being rescued, but Leone warns Yuuya the quail is clearly falling more rapidly into a coma, and may not be able to awake. Why is this? Because Hitori wants to die. He’s fine with it, and Kazuaki is more than happy to keep him. When Yuuya finds him, Hitori is not at all alarmed as he should be. He seems passive, and simply wants to fall back to sleep. He’s to the point of trying to strangle Yuuya in attempt to let himself fall into eternal slumber (even if he thinks Yuuya is… Kazuaki..?).
Heed these next words carefully. When Yuuya asks if The King did something to him, Hitori replies-
“...No, all The King did was close the door.”
I am a firm believer this is Hitori indirectly saying “Kazuaki did nothing wrong, and I do not resent him for hating me.” Especially since Hitori shows signs of knowing it’s Kazuaki, and repenting.
“He said I need to be punished. Apparently I did something bad… and I think I know what it was.”
This is confirmed in my next point, so bear with me.
Hitori, in this same conversation, is admitting he wants to die. The only thing that stops him- as morbid as it may be, is remembering this takes place before the events of BBL. He hasn’t fulfilled what he believes is his “something I need to do”. Which is seek revenge, and bring Nageki home, as per Shadow’s orders.
Lastly, at the bitter end of Holiday Star when everybirdie is plummeting through the air from the false star, Hitori is still blind and confused. Suddenly, The King erupts from behind Hitori, and appears to be talking to him.
“Oh, is that right?”
“...I know, I know. ...but it’s still too soon. That’s right, I’ll be along soon. I’ll catch up with you. Someday…”
This is arguably my most prominent point in the entire essay. This is Hitori, admitting not only does he still plan to kill himself, but that he intends to keep his promise and reunite with Kazuaki in the afterlife. These are not the words of a heartless quail. These are the words of somebirdie who knows they’ve taken advantage of a friend, but is continuing to do their best to keep their promises and make amends. This is Hitori telling Kazuaki he still cares for him.
Hitori is the result of trauma and hardship beyond compare, and his inability to cope. He is not meant to be hated. He is meant to have shock value, yes. What he has done his disgusting, but you want to love him. Because he raised the sweetest bird in the entire game who would rather kill himself than hurt others.
Grey-villains are difficult, and because you can’t love them for being purely evil, you end up hating them for being a good person who’s done bad things. Hitori is a cracked window. Not quite shattered, but no longer whole, with a faulty image. Hitori is not just some heartless, manipulative, selfish bastard. He’s quite literally a bird with a broken wing (or entire ribcage more like), trying to… well, Live, and be happy.
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mercuryonparklane · 3 years
I just found this one-shot I wrote based on ‘betty’ that has been sitting in my notes since September. I thought I’d share, if anyone is interested in that. The characters belong to Taylor and her co-writers, of course. I just borrowed them for this fic.
‘Please, come over’
Jamie Mann stares at the text for far too long, watching those three little dots appear and, then, disappear once again. Betty hates sending more than one text in a row. Even more than that, she can't stand it when a message goes unanswered.
Still, Jamie can't quite think of what to say. Her mind flashes back to prom two weeks earlier and the boy who swayed Betty around the dance floor while she laughed at his stupid jokes. Betty told her that she isn't interested in boys, but damnit if she isn't very good at hiding that fact.
Jamie throws her phone down next to her on the bed and pulls the hood of her sweatshirt over her head. She fiddles with the strings of the sweatshirt until she hears the ding of a new message.
'I'm in front of your house. Get your ass out here and hop in.'
Jamie fights the smile on her face, but she can't help feeling a little less hurt in the moment. August was the kind of friend who could convince you to do things you would never even think to do. Like the time they hopped the fence at school on a Friday night to smoke in the softball dugout. Or the time August managed to sneak them into some gay club in the city. Or the time they almost ditched the cop trying to pull her over for running a red light. Okay, so maybe they weren't actually going to try to escape and maybe August's uncle happened to be the cop in question. But still...
Jamie grabs her backpack and puts it on as she heads down stairs.
"Where do you think you're going, young lady?"
"Mom, I literally just graduated high school last night and I turn 18 next month. I'm basically an adult."
Her mom pulls her into a hug. Jamie lets it happen for a few seconds before escaping her grasp. Mrs. Mann runs her fingers through her daughter's hair trying to fix it best she can.
"Hmm... that will have to do. Now, truthfully, where are you going? Yeah, yeah, I know you're all grown up now, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop worrying about you."
Jamie rolls her eyes, but smiles nonetheless. "I'm staying over at August's. She's outside waiting for me, so can I go now?"
"Of course, dear. Have fun."
"Sure thing. Night, mom."
Jamie heads out the door and jogs to the midnight blue '67 Mustang idling in front of the driveway. She throws her backpack in the backseat before taking her spot in the passenger seat.
"So, what's the plan?"
"I was thinking we could go to that party Betty Davis is throwing."
A lump forms in Jamie's throat as she tries to come up with some excuse as to why they shouldn't go. August knows that Jamie is a lesbian, but she doesn't know anything about Betty. It was not something Betty wanted anyone to know about.
As far as anyone at school knew, Betty and Jamie were acquaintances at best. Betty was head cheerleader and Jamie was basically a skater burnout. Betty was class president and Jamie wasn't even on most of her teacher's radars. Betty was going to Yale next year. Jamie was going to a state school. Betty came from money. Jamie's mom worked two jobs to send her to private school. They weren’t exactly the likeliest of friends and no one would ever guess they were more than that.
"Come on, please? Don't you want to know what the popular kids get up to on the weekends?"
"Nah, it sounds pretty lame. I'd rather hang out just the two of us before you take your little road trip around the county, which I still can't believe your parents agreed to."
"You should come with me."
"We would have so much fun. Besides I'm a little scared about driving around by myself."
Jamie scoffs, "You? Why, August Adams you are the bravest person I have ever known. What could possibly scare you?"
"I don't know... a car accident, rapists, serial killers, muggers, creatures..."
"Okay, I get it. I just mean... you've been planning this trip for two years. Wasn't it supposed to be some great big adventure of self-discovery?"
August shrugs. "I already know who I am. I'm a bisexual goddess, who is going to be the CEO of a major corporation someday, and no one can stop me. But also I'm just a girl sitting in front a girl, asking her to join me on the trip of a lifetime."
Jamie's heart skips a beat. She loves Betty so deeply, but being with her was torture. It would have been four more years of hiding. 'Just until we graduate college,’ Betty's words echo in her head. Four years is a long time and Jamie is sick of hiding. August came out Sophomore year and didn't care about what anyone thought of her.
"You know what, that sounds amazing."
August squeals and leans across the center console to wrap her arms around Jamie. "We're going to have so much fun, James!"
They never went to Betty’s party. Instead they drove to 7-Eleven, bought snacks and slurpees, and spent the rest of the night at the one skate park in town.
It took a bit of convincing before her mom felt comfortable letting her go on the five week trip. The fact that August had family sprinkled along their route, with whom they would be staying most of the time, helped to reassure her. August created an itinerary for Jamie's mom, so she would have an idea of where they would be and with whom.
A week into the trip, Jamie gets an unexpected text.
'I heard you left town with August Adams. Thanks for the heads up. Hope you have fun.'
The three dots show up and disappear, then reappear once again.
And finally, after almost a minute, 'I hear she's a great lay.'
Jamie doesn't even reply. Her blood boils just a bit. They'd never officially broken things off, but seeing Betty kiss that boy on the dance floor was the last straw. Jamie didn't want to hide anymore. She wanted a girlfriend who's hand she could hold while walking down the street.
So, she got one. Sort of. The text kind of sent her into overdrive and she may have decided to see if all the rumors about August were true. They were. She definitely knew what she was doing and it was nice, but it wasn't the same as it had been with Betty. It was lust. There was no romance in it. At least not on Jamie's part.
Unfortunately, she had no idea the other girl had wanted this since they were Freshmen. It killed Jamie to tell her the truth. August was beautiful and fun and clever, but Jamie's heart belonged to someone else. She confessed everything about her relationship with Betty and how she wished she had gone to that party the night after graduation.
August won't tell anyone. She might be hurt, but she wasn't heartless. She'd never out someone nor would she ever try to get back at Jamie. They did decide to give each other some space. In fact, they only met up once more that summer. It was the day before August was set to leave for school. They hugged awkwardly and promised to keep in touch and to hang out over Thanksgiving break. They didn't keep those promises.
Betty doesn't message her again. Jamie rides past the girl's house on her skateboard almost every day for a month before she finally gets the nerve to text her.
'Hey, I'm near your house. Can we talk?'
She sits on the curb across the street from Betty's house for an embarrassingly long amount of time before she finally gives up. She stops riding by her house.
It's not until her mom drags her to the mall insisting she needs a new wardrobe for college that she finally sees Betty again. She catches sights of the girl from the store across the way and she tells her mom she'll be right back. She's about to step into the store, but someone grabs her by the wrist and drags her towards an empty service hallway. Jamie's heart stutters until she realizes who exactly has a hold on her.
"What the hell, Inez?"
Inez roughly releases her grasps once they are out of the earshot of passersby.
"What do you think you're doing?"
"Me?! What do you think you're doing."
Inez rolls her eyes. "Stay away from her, you freak!"
"What gives you the right to tell me what to do?"
"I don't know. Maybe the fact that Betty told me all about how you're desperately in love with her and tried to put the moves on her and that's why she had to switch homerooms. Which I said was weird because as far as I knew you were off playing Thelma and Louise with August Adams. So just, like, leave her alone. She's not... like you."
Jamie bites her tongue. There is so much she wants to say, but it would only make things worse. "Whatever. Maybe you should tell your friend not to flatter herself."
Occasionally, over the next few years, Jamie checks Betty's social media accounts, looking for any hint that one of the girls in her pictures were more than just a friend. Jamie thinks about the night after high school graduation often. She fantasizes about what would have happened if she had gone to Betty's party. Would the girl have finally kissed her in front of their classmates? Was she already drunk when she sent that message? Had she finally been ready to say 'fuck it all' and let everyone know she wasn't who they thought she was?
Jamie will probably never know. But she spends her college years chasing the feeling she had when she was with Betty. There were a couple of women who she thought she had been in love with. Maybe she had been, but there was always this one piece of her heart that hung on to past love.
She dates quite a bit the first couple of years after college, until she eventually gets into a committed relationship. It's great for a while. It lasts four and a half years. She's devastated when it ends. But also, a part of her is relieved. It doesn't really make sense until that next Thanksgiving weekend when her high school class is having its ten year reunion.
She contemplates not going, but she's already R.S.V.P.'d and she's already going to be in town to celebrate Thanksgiving with her family. So, she musters up the courage to go.
The first person she recognizes is August Adams. The other woman greets her with a tight hug.
"James! How are you? God, it's been too long."
"It has."
It really has. Jamie missed her friend. She screwed it all up so much back when they were kids. But the woman still had this brightness that radiated from her and Jamie let herself bask in it.
"Oh, you have to meet my wife," August wraps her arm around the waist of a gorgeous brunette, "This is Autumn. I know, I know. Don't even start."
Jamie chuckles, but keeps quiet. After catching up and seeing way too many pictures of August's kid (she was a proud mom and it was kind of cute, to be honest), Jamie was left alone when the other woman found another old friend to talk to. She didn't mind. It gave her a chance to finally get to the bar and get a drink.
Jamie orders a whiskey on the rocks.
"I'll take one of those too, please," a voice speaks from beside her.
Jamie turns her head and takes in the sight before her. Betty hasn't changed much. If anything, she's even more attractive than she was all those years ago.
"Uhh..." Jamie clears her throat, "Hey."
Betty bites her lower lip, a smirk forming on her face anyway. "You look..." Her eyes scan Jamie's body and Jamie shifts a bit under her gaze, "good."
"That's all." Jamie elbows her playfully. The bartender sets their drinks in front of them. Jamie lifts the glass to her mouth.
"Let me try that again. You look incredible in that suit, but all I can think about is what you'd look like out of it."
Jamie chokes on her drink, pounding her chest with her fist as she coughs. Betty quirks her eyebrows and smirks smugly, while Jamie tries to gain some sense of control over her own body again.
"Umm... wow, that... I wouldn't mind..."
"Are you here with anyone?"
"No. I'm actually single at the moment. You?"
Betty doesn't even bother to answer. Instead she kisses Jamie. It takes a moment for Jamie to register what is happening, but eventually she gets a hold of herself and reciprocates the kiss, matching the passion of the woman in front of her.
There are a couple of 'whoops' from former classmates and a 'Get it, Davis' before Betty pulls away.
"Do you want to get out of here?"
How could Jamie say no to that? After that kiss? After ten years of dreaming about this moment? She couldn't.
'Out of here' isn't very far. It's actually a room at the hotel where the reunion was being hosted, but really it was better than Jamie could have ever dreamed.
As they lay together in the afterglow, Betty runs her fingers through Jamie's curly, golden locks. Jamie rests her head on Betty's chest, her fingers tracing random patterns across Betty's toned abs.
"You're still as fit as you were back then."
Betty buries her face in Jamie's hair. Jamie feels the laughter rumble through the other woman's chest at the comment. "Really? Those are your first words after everything?"
"I can't help it, when you look like this."
"You're not so bad yourself."
Jamie looks up at Betty incredulously, "I'm sexy as hell."
"Hmm... I mean, you're attractive, sure. 'Sexy as hell', may be a touch too far."
"Oh, yeah?" Jamie smiles up at her as she moves her hand down Betty's abdomen. "Let me show you a touch too far."
Being with Betty makes Jamie feel like she's 17 again. All the years away from the girl did nothing to quell her desire to be as close to her as humanly possible. Somehow it was like a part of Jamie's heart had finally found its place again. It was a part that she thought had long been lost and she had resigned herself to the fact that the puzzle would sit there in her chest missing that one piece forever.
Maybe she didn't know much back when they were kids, but she knew one thing that would always ring true: Betty Davis is, has always been, and will always be her person.
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astranne · 4 years
Crossover MCU/DC
So... it’s more like a Crossover between Dr. Strange and the DC universe but yeah... anyway
Dr. Strange is the Sorcerer Supreme, the protector of earth and all this shit. But he’s also the protector of the multiverse. And I think, as the protector, he needs to travel between all this worlds. And one of these worlds is the DC universe. I’m more a Marvel fan, know much about the MCU but DC... uhhh, I often read some post about facts of some charakters and often use wikipedia and all. But I haven’t read comics, just watched some movies, so if I have something wrong, it’s fanfic my dudes. 
Anyway (I use this word to much) through this whole protecting shit, travels among the universes, he meets the Justice League and becomes a member. He’s often called, when some mogic villians attack the earth. But Stephen realizes, that’s just too much work. So he creates Kamar Taj in the DC universe, Wong becomes a teacher and so on and on. And Kamar Taj becomes like a door/portal for travels between the two universes Dr. Strange lives. 
Anyway. Because of Thanos the whole multiverse is screwed up and when the Avengers defeat him five years later, it’s repaired, but not like before. The Infinity Stones are the most powerful things in the multiverse, they are beings (creepy) and decide, they need a host. Because Thanos is absolut shit and who says, there are not more like him? So... after the multiverse was screwed up, Dr. Strange goes to the heart? idk if that exists in the comics, but everything has a zentrum and yeah. He goes there and everything is in absolut chaos. He tries to ‘clean’ up, but it doesn’t help much. Then he realizes, that this whole energy can’t be guided in the different universes with some simple speels. So he starts to collect the Infinity Stones and places all six of them in the middle of this whole energy stuff. Uhh, it’s really hard do describe? Hope it still works
Anyway. The stones ‘realize’ that they are finally at their right place and think Stephen is worthy. But he’s still human and humans can be corrupted. So they basically make him a father and create their ‘host’/heir whatever. Basically, Stephen has a daughter now. Who controls and holds the power of the Infinity Stones. And because she was created in the heart of the multiverse, she controls also the universes? This is just an excuse to make my charakter overpowered :) But Stephen can have the Time Stone back, and places all the other Stones back where they come from. They can still be ‘used’, but everytime this happens, Stephen’s daughter knows this and can block the stone or summon it. So basically she protects the stones and the multiverse. 
And now I need a name. Uhm... I’ll call her Thea (greek for goddess) So, Stephen has now a teenage daughter, who is too powerful, wise and yeah. But he treats her still like she’s a teenager and she loosens up? Yk, becomes a little bit more human. So, now, he introduces her to the Avengers and the Justice League (the both groups don’t know each other). But yeah, he tells them, that this is his daughter and now the hero Infinity. When she’s in her ‘hero’ persona, her eyes become glowing white, her voice echoes and her hair has the colors of the stones. And yeah... another excuse to make her absolutly gorgeous and badass and powerful-
Anyway. Thea never shows her real power, just uses magic like her father. All heroes think she’s the host of an Elder, a group of immortal beings, who existet before the Big Bang. Probalby the goddess of life or something like that.
So... now. Ra’s al Ghul hears of her and her powers, well what everybody think her powers are. The villians and civilians don’t know, what the heroes know. So, Ra’s thinks she’s just a powerful sorceress, after all her father is the most powerful of them. He gathers all the magic users together and tries to capture her. And Thea thinks, why not. Let’s play with mortals. (I have no idea, if I should make her immortal or just half human, half universe. Like after her death she becomes one with the multiverse...)
Anyway. She comes to the League of assassins, her magic ‘stolen’ or that’s what everybody thinks. Because they are not Mordo, who can steal the magic from people like in the MCU. So, Ra’s thinks, she’s magicless and trains her. Thea plays the scared teenager, almost adult woman and learns fast. And then she meets Jason, who’s the pet project of Talia. The two of them often train together. When he finally escapes or whatever he does and goes back to Gotham, she tells him to go to Kamar Taj, that the people there can help with the pit madness. Jason still wants revenge and tries to kill Bruce, but when then Bruce tries to help and he can’t really, Jason searches Kamar Taj. Stephen finds him and becomes his teacher. So Jason learns about the multiverse and that Stephen protectes it and suddendly feels very small. He wants to help and becomes fast a Master of the Mystic Arts. One day, Thea comes back, tired of pretending she’s a helpless girl agains the League. She blows up the whole place, and nearly kills Ra’s. 
So, Jason meets Thea again, accepts the fact, that she’s literally the child of some stones and the multiverse. He also meets tha Avengers and wants to become one. Because they don’t have a problem with killings, not like the Justice League or Batman. 
Anyway. Jason still becomes Red Hood, that he has magic now is his biggest secret. Thea becomes his right hand, names herself Hela (like the sister of Thor), basically becomes her, with her powers and all the stuff. But she only uses them, when it’s necessary. So, Jason takes over Gotham, controls crime and slowls reduces it. Bruce doesn’t really notice it, because Jason let’s all the Bosses (like Black Mask) life, and controls them. But then Bruce hears them talking about Red Hood and his right hand Hela. He never saw them and first thinks this are just rumors, but the talk never stops about them. Bruce begins to search this Red Hood, becomes a drug boss, while Jason watches every step of him. 
It takes some time, but Bruce becomes a part of the Big Bosses of Gotham. Probably has some ridiculous name and a mask, which hides his face. And then he’s finally a part of the meeting with Red Hood. There are many drug bosses there, some villians and the Joker... They all wait for Red Hood, but first meet Hela. If some people don’t know her, here is a picture.
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This is so big... anyway. 
So, she stalks in this room and sits at the head of the table, grins like she’s crazy. And then comes Red Hood in, in a neat suit and I’m just putting another picture here..
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Something like that. And Jason just sits there, Thea at his right side and stares at the people. Suddendly he points his gun at Bruce, who starts to freak out, because no way this Red Hood knows he’s Batman- Jason shoots the Bodyguard behind him. Bruce just blinks, while Thea summons some daggers/swords? whatever this weapons of Hela are and kills all the rest of the Bodyguards. 
“Now we are finally alone...” Jason glares at Joker, who grins like the madman he is. 
“I’m sure, everybody of you wants to know, why am I doing this?” Bruce wants to sigh, now this typical ‘I’m the bad guy, I need to monologue’ stuff. 
“It’s rather easy. I grew up in Gotham, I lived through the good and the bad things, I lived as a poor boy and as a rich boy. I died here and came back.”
“Thanks to me”, Thea grins, while Jason chuckles. 
“Yes, thanks to Hela. Don’t worry, she’s not some pretender, she’s the real goddess of death.” Now most of the bad guys start sweating, because there is a fucking goddess and she’s the right hand of this guy-
“But we’re not finished yet... I died, in the hands of a madman, because my own mother betrayed me and my... father couldn’t save me.” 
“I didn’t really intruduce myself. My name is Red Hood and before I died, I was the second Robin.” Now Bruce really started to panic. Before anybody can do something, Jason kills the Joker. 
“I always hated his stupid grin...” Thea slowly stands up and kneels beside the body of the Joker and brings him back to life. Joker is just confused and Bruce’s now thinking, that this was a really really bad idea. 
“I’m going to torture you later, but I really needed to shoot you in your stupid face. And don’t think, that Batman is going to save you.” The other villians are shocked, because their new boss was once a hero, a Robin and now he kills people?
“Now... let’s start the real buisness.” Bruce knows, that he’s fucked, because there is a goddess and he’s pretty sure, that this goddess knows, that he’s Batman. 
When the whole meetings ends and everyone is starting to go, Jason calls Bruce by his fake name. Everybody stops, because this is a new guy. Either he dies or he becomes rewared. 
“I always hated Batman for being so cold, almost heartless. But he never seemed to do the bad thing, he was a hero after all. I was rather shocked, when I learned, that he had killed before and from who he had learned... but he never hurt innocents. Not before and not now. So... what is different now? Why does he send you, an innoncent, to the middle of the lion’s den? Tell me, Bruce, what is different now?” 
“You always seem to protect Batman, is he your secret lover? Or just a friend? Or your enemy? After all, you allowed him, that I could be his sidekick... tell me, Bruce, why are you taking this burden? To help him, to do his dirty work?”
Jason doesn’t expose Bruce to all the villians there, just warns him. When he ever steps a foot in his ‘kingdom’, he’s dead. Just like all his allies. And Bruce now knows, Jason is able to do that. So, Bruce distances himself of Red Hood, but tries to find Jason. Jason doesn’t cares about that, he’s happy, he protects Gotham, well, as good as he can and he protects the multiverse.
I think Thea would become his lover and maybe one day, Red Hood becomes part of the Batfam and they meet ‘Hela’. And Infinity is together with Drákon, the right hand of Dr. Strange. Jason is choosen by an ancient sword, which holds the power of dragons. (something like Genji of overwatch) So yeah... Jason and Thea have many personas and love to confuse people
If anyone wants to write a story about this, tag me, so I can read it! This is one of my favourite ideas :) and if anything is confusing about my writing style... I’m swiss, I have like no idea how to write in english ._.
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