#ended up longer than i imagined who da thunk
aceofspadegrass · 3 years
Soft niragi hours drunk texting gf.
(please, and thank you)
Characters: Niragi Suguru, his girlfriend
Genre: Fluff. Niragi's drunk off his ham.
1.2k words
It’s going to be in the POV of the girlfriend, which is a first for me, since I usually drift towards using the actual characters more. Still don't have a name for her, so it's just... never mentioned once.
Also, we’re going off the basis that phones do work in the Borderlands, but the only numbers that work are within the Beach members because somehow they’re just like that sometimes.
Be notified that there is the barest mention of just sex but it's so briefly glossed over that it's unimportant. Also, mentions of being drunk. Obviously.
Also I am gonna base drunk texting on A) how I imagine soft Niragi would text like, and B) Drunk texts I am reading online. Hope you don’t mind.
Oh, and I was this close to making Niragi’s nickname on the texting section Calf. You know, because baby giraffe.
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The phone sits peacefully on the benchtop as she stirs together leftovers in the pan, wondering where her boyfriend has been. It’s been a while since he left to hang out with the other militants down at the bar, and she came down to the kitchen to make herself dinner. It sucked that she couldn’t have dinner with her beloved, but sometimes things kept them apart and they had to do things on their own. Still, she couldn’t wait to give him all the cuddles when he got back to their room, as well as give him smooches before bedtime.
She pauses her stirring for a second as she hears her phone cheerfully chime with a notification, pulling the pan off the heat as she checks.
Nini: honyyyyyyyyyyyy hiiiiiiiiiiiii mis yiu ;(
She giggles, her lips curling in amusement at the obvious state her boyfriend was in.
Kitten: hi niragi you good?
Nini: i miss youuuuuu
Nini: wannna
Nini: wanna hug you and kisss youu
Nini: wAnt to touch
Kitten: awwwww you miss me that badly? i love you too
Nini: ❤️❤️❤️
Kitten: ❤️❤️❤️ you too!!!
Nini: nuh uh love you more ❤️
Nini: love you soooooo muuuhchh wanan
Nini: can we buy a babyy
That earns a loud snort from her. That was quite a conversation switch. She was lucky nobody was in the kitchen with her. She glances at her leftovers, and slides them back onto the heat to finish cooking. She could watch both. Maybe.
Ah, she was probably gonna burn them. She could still try to multitask.
Kitten: what do we need a baby for?
Nini: so i can hold
Nini: both
Nini: babaabbabya
Nini: i wanna name it belc
Kitten: belc?
Nini: heah
Nini: best bame for best baby
Kitten: haha okay
Kitten: i would love to raise a family with you
Kitten: be the most kickass family of all!!!!!
Nini: yeahhhhhh
Nini: gonna be so strong!!!!!!!
Nini: hey hey hey hey
Kitten: yes?
Nini: imma win this bet watch me
Kitten: okay! you can do it niragi!
There was nothing, leaving her to be able to focus on her food, which somehow hasn’t burnt, and she plates it and heads outside to the tables to eat. Her phone pings with a new text as she sits down and begins to eat.
Nini: i wondid you se did youseee
Kitten: of course! you did it!
Nini: yeha!!!!!!!
Nini: im the greatest person
Kitten: yes you are
Kitten: do you want me to come grab you later so we can cuddle?
Nini: you read my mindd!
Nini: of course i do kitten please i want your cuddledse
Kitten: just let me eat first okay?
Nini: okay take care love you!!!
Kitten: <3
Nini: <333
Kitten: <3333333333
She smiles as she sends that last heart to Niragi, and goes back to eating her food, hurrying just a little more. She couldn’t wait to be with Niragi, even if he was drunk off his mind. Maybe she could get him some water to ease him, and then head down to the infirmary to grab him some hangover pills. She would hate it if he woke up with a headache, it sounded terrible.
She doesn’t even clean up as she shovels the last bit of food into her mouth, getting up and speed walking towards the bar, pulling out her trusted kitty headband from a special pouch she kept on her and putting it on her head to make her search decades easier. It was full of people partying and drinking their cares away in alcohol, and a few mating rituals here and there. She ignores it though, heading over to a rather secluded VIP area near the back of the bar. A few militants were there, some who greet her with a casual wave.
She doesn’t really manage a greeting back as a blur of black pounces on her, the smell of alcohol hitting her nostrils. Niragi giggles happily as he squeezes her, rubbing his face against her, making her laugh.
“ You came~” Niragi purrs happily into her crook of her neck. She cards her fingers through his hair, which was still greasy from the amount of whatever he slapped in there that morning. She lightly tsked at that. She needed to give it a proper cleanse one of these days. Niragi would probably love having the softest hair imaginable than whatever the hell this was.
“ Of course I did! I wouldn’t have left you alone to be drunk on your own!” She gently pushes him away so she could reach his face, kissing his nose, Niragi grinning dopily at that. “ Ready to head back?” “ Fuck yeah I do~ Cuddles with my girlfriend are the best! Hey everyone! Look at my girlfriend!” He shouts out to the entirety of the world that resided there, pulling her close to him. A few just look to them and take a silent acknowledgement, others clapping for him with several different emotions attached. She giggles and wraps her arms around the back of his neck, resting against him.
“ Okay you dork, come on. The longer we stand here, the less we have to- Eep!” She yelps as Niragi scoops her up and starts fucking running, laughing all the while.
“ I wanna cuddle now! Time’s wasting!” She laughs, holding onto him as he runs in his clear drunk state, somehow managing to get quite far. That is, until he trips on literal air and they go flying, landing on the ground. She grunts, her butt taking most of the brunt, Niragi not that far and on the ground face down. He rolls over with a drunken giggle before she could ask if he was alright, grinning at the ceiling.
“ Oopsie.” Niragi slurs quietly, and she comes over, brushing away hair that fell in front of his face. “ No problem! Come on, we’re so close. We can walk normally! Don’t worry, I have my trusty headband on, so we will get there instantly!” Niragi’s eyes brighten despite how far away they were, and his lips curl even higher.
“ Then what are we- We waiting for! Come on!” He tries to get up, stumbling a bit. She giggles and grabs her boyfriend’s hands, carefully pulling him up. She keeps one in her hand as they walk hand and hand down the hall, heading up to their room for much needed cuddles.
“ When we finish cuddling, you’re gonna drink some water so it doesn’t hurt as badly, okay sweetie? Then I can grab you some pills for the morning.”
Niragi hums with his smile still plastered on his face, squeezing her hand a little. “ You’re- You’re soooo good to me. You’re fucking great~” “ So are you! Now come on, it’s about time!” She opens the door, pulling her boyfriend in. Niragi loudly cheers, making her laugh even more.
Man, she loved this sweet man so much.
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