#soft niragi hours
poisonedprose · 8 months
hip holding > waist holding two gentle hands placed on your hips, fingertips digging ever so slightly into the fat that they could squish for hours if you'd let them. your hips are their favorite part of your body, littering them with bruises and love bites at any given moment. on their knees, looking up at you, two hands firmly griping each hip, placing a soft kiss to the bone with a smile.
leon kennedy, john price, ellie williams, arisu ryohei, jill valentine, carlos oliveira, kyle garrick, könig
waist holding > hip holding their hands fit perfectly in the curve of your waist, almost like your waist was made for them to grab and use to their advantage. they pull you close by your waist, fingers showing no signs of letting go any time soon. using their strength to manhandle you in any way they possibly could, squeezing your waist to show you who's boss with a look that's sure to kill.
joel miller, simon riley, ada wong, niragi suguru, chishiya shuntaro, john mctavish, albert wesker, last boss
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halbravd · 1 year
jealousy jealousy // aib.
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summary: in which they are getting jealous because you’re super invested in a conversation you have with an other guy.
characters: chishiya shuntaro, ryohei arisu, niragi suguru, sunato banda.
content warning: mentions of sexual intercourses, niragi deserves his own trigger warning.
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⪧ chishiya shuntaro,
chishiya is petty as fuck. he won’t confront you and ask you what’s going on, but will definitely be that one overthinking guy wondering if he ever did something wrong to you in the first place (yes, he takes it very personally). but then, he would turn into the pettiest little shit ever: sitting on the last chair available so you’d have no choice but to sit on his laps, getting super close to you and the guy you’re chatting with and saying something like ‘am i interrupting something?’, or even worse — giving you the silent treatment. and if at first you don’t really understand why he’s being like this, you’re quick to get the few hints left behind him. when you ask him if he’s jealous, he’d definitely try to play it cool and deny it at first, but would eventually give up when you kiss the tip of his nose while reminding him he’s the only one you love in this entire world.
⪧ niragi suguru,
niragi doesn’t know how to use his words so he’d most likely go full beast mode and start punching the poor dude without trying to understand what’s going on. it’s not that he doesn’t trust you, but his fear of not being good enough will always taunt him — the inferiority complex he’s faced while getting bullied so harshly in the real world never left him, and he can’t control the hatred and anger rushing through his veins anytime he feels threatened by an other man. it would take a huge amount of time (and we’re talking about hours here) for him to realize it was just a misunderstanding, but you’ll have to go through so many emotions from fear to pain to relief when he finally realizes you're all his.
⪧ ryohei arisu,
arisu is a clueless dude so he wouldn’t even get jealous in the first place — you’re chatting with a guy? good for you, socializing is important, just as much as keeping your personal space. but if the guy starts to be a little bit clingy, he’d definitely step in and gently ask you if he can talk to you; don’t get him wrong it’s his only way out and he won’t even talk about that dude’s behavior to you anyway, but he definitely can’t stand that situation anymore. arisu isn’t an overly protective lover at all and gives you all the freedom you could dream of, but it ends when a guy he doesn’t even know starts touching you like he's been knowing you for years.
⪧ sunato banda,
banda wouldn’t take that shit at all. but it’s all about getting his personal revenge, so he’ll get right behind you, his hands grabbing your hips, a soft smile stretching his lips. ‘i’m borrowing this cutie from you for a while, we’ll be right back.’ he’d drag you to the nearest empty spot / room before fucking his jealousy and bitterness out of you, his fingers wrapped tightly around your throat and his eyes focused on your fucked out face. he would then send you back to the guy still waiting for you, stealing your panties and shoving it into his pocket as he watches you struggling to walk back. he can’t help but smirk at the sight of you rubbing your thighs against each other, hopelessly trying to keep his cum inside your hole and preventing it from dripping. 
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this was requested by anon; hope you like it!!
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shyanddreamy · 1 year
A helping hand
Niragi Suguru x Reader
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Summary: Niragi wasn´t at his best moment at high school. Life was unfair with him. But you noticed him. He caught your eye. What happened between you and Niragi was much more than he could ever have imagined in his wildest dreams.
Warnings: soft Niragi, mentions of bullying, violence, smut, fluff and angst (all-in-one because why not), loss of virginity, Niragi being so fucking adorable.
Author´s note: Soooo it´s my first time posting here but I needed to write Niragi´s first time and I know you needed to read it too. English is not my first language so I apologize for any possible mistakes. I really hope you like it. Love u all <3
Day after day, he was always alone; always in the same chair doing the same things. Exactly two hours after his arrival, he packed up his books and left for fifteen minutes before coming back with a coffee. He seemed to be pretty strict with his routine. Maybe you were a bit gossip because you had spent the last few days observing him until you learnt his schedule too. But what could you do? Studying was too boring; you needed a distraction. And he looked like an interesting one.
So that day, when he left the public library, you decided to follow him. You thought he might be going to a coffee shop, but he just was at the vending machine in the hallway.
"Hello there", you said. The boy turned back, but he looked side to side before paying attention directly to you.
"Are you talking to me?", he asked, puzzled.
"There´s no one else here except you", you answered. "Why do you carry your backpack with you just to take a break in the hallway?"
"I don´t want anyone to… steal my books"
"Cute. Are you a high-school student?", you smiled before asking, but he seemed embarrassed and confused. Anyway, he nodded. "And why don´t you study in your own school?"
"I prefer to be here. Is there any problem?"
"No, of course not. I was just curious", you said. "Do you mind if a sit next to you? I can´t concentrate by my own and you are always studying harder. Maybe I can learn something from you"
"It´s fine, I suppose"
He tried to smile, but it was more like an awkward grimace.
"I´m Y/N, by the way"
"Nice to meet you, Y/N. I´m Niragi"
"It´s my pleasure, Niragi"
Since that day, you changed your favourite desk in the public library to be in the same as Niragi. Most of the time you were just sitting there in completely silence, concentrated in your own notes. He was shy and everyday took him like half hour to get used to your presence. Either social skills were not his thing, or he was not used to interacting with girls.
In the coffee breaks were when you took advantage to know more about him. He was a high school senior and wanted to get good marks so he could go to the university the following year. This was your first year at the university, so you told him all about how your experience was. People, teachers, classes, environment… it was pretty different in comparison with high school, and he seemed hopeful at your description.
Ultimately, studying with Niragi was nice. You found yourself thinking that you even felt like going to the library every afternoon, far from the laziness you felt before. But everything changed the day you saw a bruised on his cheekbone. You noticed he didn´t want to look at you at all since you were sitting in front of him and you assumed that was the reason.
After nearly fifteen minutes of hesitation about what you should do, you grabbed him by the chin and forced his face upwards. He also had traces of dried blood next to his nose.
"What happened to you?"
"It´s nothing", he answered trying to hide behind his own hair.
"It doesn´t look like nothing"
He slapped your hand away from his chin and lowered his face again. It was strange because he has never been so rude before. And before you could say anything, he grabbed his backpack and his books and ran away. You went after him without hesitation after quickly gathering your things too.
"Hey, Niragi!", you called out in the hallway getting him to stop. He had no way of escape. "I didn´t want to bother you"
"I´m sorry. It´s my fault", he apologized, turning slowly towards you with his gaze fixed on his feet and his hands clenched into fists.
"No, it´s not", you answered a bit concerned. Anyway, you tried to sound calm. "Has anyone done this to you? Maybe a classmate?"
"No. It´s nothing", he insisted, but you noticed his weeping eyes. You were pretty sure that you spot on. So carefully, you took his hand between yours to get his attention.
"I know that we have fifteen minutes to get a coffee, but I think that, only for today, we should take a longer break"
"I-I´m not sure"
You smiled cheerfully.
"Trust me"
Niragi followed you tamely, but after ten minutes walking down the street, he started to get nervous. Even more when you entered in an apartment building.
"Where are we going?", he asked to you, but you waited to answer until you were in front of your door.
"To my house", you said while you opened it. "It´s not too much, but I can´t afford any more"
"Do you live on your own?"
"Getting a job while you are at college is not much fun, but it´s better than live with my father, that´s for sure", you explained briefly. "C´mon in. I don´t bite"
However, Niragi was suspicious. While you entered in the kitchen, he sat down in the sofa frowned. It was pretty obvious how uncomfortable he was.
"Why did you bring me here?", he asked you suspicious. "I-I shouldn’t be here. Maybe I´d better leave"
When you returned to the living room, you did so with a packet of frozen vegetables in your hand and interrupted his words.
"I don´t have ice, but it will work too", you sat down next to him and pointed to his bruised. "It seems recent, so cold will help. May I?"
Niragi opened his eyes in surprise, realising that you were trying to lend him a hand. He didn´t seem to be used to anyone helping him. And in a way, it was enough to calm him down a bit.
"Don´t worry. I can do it myself"
"It´s ok. I want to do it for you"
He smiled slightly and finally nodded. You remained silence for a few minutes to make him feel comfy while you took care of his bruise carefully. However, you needed to know what really had happened to him.
"So… do you have any problems at high school?", you asked him prudently, but Niragi was still reluctant to speak. "Stay quiet only helps bullies. It´s not beneficial to you"
"I-It´s nothing new. And I can´t do anything. I tried once, but it only got worse", Niragi mumbled. "I am only a few months away from graduation, I can bear it until then"
In that kind of situations, people used to say that you should talk with a teacher or an adult, but it is easier said than done. And as much as you would like to do something about it, you couldn’t force him to do something he didn´t want to.
"Is there anything I can do to help you?"
"I don´t want to be a nuisance, although, well, I am being one already", he muttered. As nervous as he still was, he dared to look you in the eyes. "Why are you so nice to me?"
"Because you are a nice guy, Niragi", you pointed out, setting aside the packet of frozen vegetables.
"We hardly know each other"
"Yeah, I actually know so little about you because you barely talk about yourself, and yet, I´m sure you deserve much better than this"
Your words were enough to make him blush. Damn, he was adorable. You liked his shyness and how easily he got nervous with little things. But he also was clever and pretty interesting if you give him the opportunity to get comfortable enough to talk openly. High school students weren´t really your type, but Niragi could be the exception.
When you put your hand up to his face, caressing his cheek softly, he seemed confused.
"Have you ever kissed a girl?"
"W-What?", Niragi stammered as he shrugged his shoulders. "W-why do you want to know that?"
"Because I want to kiss you. If you want it too, of course."
He looked even more flustered than usual but, at least, he didn´t turn away from your touch.
"You don´t have to do that out of pity"
"It´s not like that", you assured him. "I do want to kiss you"
"But why would you do that?"
"Because I see you, Niragi. I really see you. And I like all what I see"
"I don´t… understand"
"Maybe one day you will"
You approached a bit more until there were only a few inches between your lips. And still caressing his cheek and his hair, you finally kissed him very softly. His mouth didn’t answer at first, but when you started moving your own lips, he did his best to follow your pace. It was obvious it was his first kiss because of his clumsiness, but you were glad to be his teacher. The only thing you wanted was to give him an excellent first kiss. And when you thought it was enough for the first time, you broke the kiss, adding some distance between both. Niragi kept his eyes closed for a few more seconds before opening them again. You couldn´t help but smile as you saw Niragi blinking repeatedly, still muddled.
"Was it good?"
"Yeah, I guess. No, I mean, of course", he responded helter-skelter, making you laugh.
"See? You are incredibly sweet"
This time, Niragi laughed too. And your heart beat faster when you saw a special shine in his eyes. At that very moment, you realized how much you loved seeing that boy happy. He was so beautiful. And you wanted to protect his kind soul.
"Can we do it again? I know I can do better"
"I will gladly repeat. As many times as you want"
By the time you closed the door of your apartment, Niragi had already left his backpack on the floor and was waiting for you to come closer to him.
"Seems like somebody is a bit eager"
"I´m sorry", he said, losing some of the self-confidence he displayed moments before. "I just…"
"I was just teasing you, Niragi"
You walked towards him and stood on tiptoe to get to his lips, wrapping your arms around his neck. He simply placed his hands gently on your waist and followed you to the couch. Niragi plopped down on the sofa and you straddle him. Since your first kiss, you decided to pick up Niragi everyday at the entrance of the library and walked together to your flat instead of staying there. You studied too but also had free time for you. You had started thinking that Niragi was trying to become a total expert in the whole kissing thing.
"Has been a good day at school?"
"Yeah, cool. Better now I´m here"
"I´m talking seriously, Niragi", you insisted, placing your hands on his chest to be able to look at him. "I want to be sure that you are alright"
"I know. And I appreciate it. But everything´s fine, Y/N"
"Well, I´m gonna try to believe you"
You continued kissing each other for a few. Your tongues were tangled and your saliva mixed. Niragi was a quick learner. When you bit his lower lip, he dug his fingers into your hips unconsciously.
"Do you want… more?"
"What do you mean?", he asked you in return, slightly frowned.
"I´m pretty sure you know what I mean. I can feel the bulge in your pants"
His face suddenly flushed and his hands left your body. Niragi even tried to push you into the sofa, embarrassed, but you reminded on top of him.
"I-I´m sorry. I-I didn´t want to make you feel uncomfortable"
"There´s nothing to be ashamed of. Actually, I would be offended if your body didn´t react in this way", you joked, but Niragi was still amazed. "And if you want it, I´m ready to move to the next level"
"I don´t know if I´m… I mean, I don´t know what to do"
"I know you are unexperienced, Niragi, but it´s not a problem for me. I can guide you", you assured to him. "However, you have to be sure that you really want to do it"
"I want to do it, I guess"
"You guess?", you repeated after him. Niragi was so insecure that he could start trembling at any time, so you decided to lend him a helping hand. "We can go ahead and, if you regret it or feel uncomfortable, we can stop whenever you want"
Niragi hesitated for a few seconds before nodding almost imperceptibly.
"Yeah, good. I like how it sounds", he said in a tone of voice so low that it was difficult to hear.
You started kissing him again slowly to restore his confidence, but this time, it didn´t take you long until you moved your lips to his neck. You felt honoured to hear his low moans as you kissed that sensitive part of his body and guided his hands to your hips again. 
"Can I unbutton your shirt?", you asked him gently.
"Yes, it´s fine"
You did it one by one, and when it was done, you left his neck to take care of his bared chest. It was pretty sad to discover some bruises there too. Niragi tensed up as he noticed your gaze on them.
"There are not recent", he promised you in a hurry. Instead of answering, you took off your own shirt and showed him the scar near your shoulder.
"This is from the last day I saw my father", you explained to his visibly puzzled grimace. "I used to have some bruises too, but they will disappear and, eventually, you will heal. People who hurt you can´t control your life. You have so many wonderful things to live, Niragi. And those assholes can´t destroy you"
Words were not coming out of his mouth. He was completely focused on your scar. And without doubting, he came up to kiss it gently. You gasped and entangled your fingers in his hair, letting him freedom to continue kissing your skin and your neck. He was trying to copy what you have done on him before. God, you wanted to go step by step, but you also needed him so bad.
"Should we go to my bedroom?"
"Yeah, I would like that"
In the living room, Niragi was more secure about it than he was when he saw the bed in front of him. He even gulped nervously, so you take his hand gently and guided him to sit on one side of the bed. You stayed upright caressing his hair.
"Are you alright?"
"Do you want me to stop? We don’t have to rush things"
"No. I´m sure. I want to do this", he nodded. "I want to do it with you, Y/N"
"Okay then"
You took off his shirt and caressed his chest, arms and back. The tingling of your fingertips gave him goosebumps. All these sensations were completely new to him.
Then, you got on your knees and put your hands on his trousers. Before getting rid of them, you gave him a glance waiting to his consent. And Niragi nodded again. Once done, you got back on your feet and guided his fingers to your own pants, encouraging him to do something besides staring at you. And with just your underwear, he lay back as you climbed in top of him.
"Don’t look at me like I scare you"
"You don´t", he assured you. "I´m just nervous. I don’t want to disappoint you"
"Get that idea out of your head because there is no way you can disappoint me. If I see you are enjoying it, I´m going to do it too"
You both kissed for a while as your hands explored each other’s body. Niragi was so shy at first but ended grabbing your breast firmly. His breathing got heavier in the moment you stroked his crotch. You got rid of your underwear and continued moving your hand up and down his length a few times. He already was completely hard and pre-cum was shining in his tip.
"How could you keep this secret away from me?"
"What are you talking about?", he asked to you but got puzzled by your naughty smile.
"I´m talking about what you hid under your pants. You are huge"
And immediately, Niragi was blush again. A pride and subtle smile appeared on his face even so. Maybe it was the first time you saw him being proud of something about himself. After the sex, you might teach him what else he should be proud of besides his dick.
"You mean it?"
"Yeah, I´m just telling you the truth", you said. And when you rubbed his tip against your wetness, Niragi moaned. It was time. "Are you ready? For sure?"
"Yes, I am"
"Can you see right without your glasses?"
"Yes, for sure. I forgot about them", he said before taking them off and leaving them on the night table.
"And do you want to switch positions or something?"
"I´m good here", he answered. "And you look so pretty up there"
You smiled tenderly.
"You are the sweetest boy I ever met, Niragi"
You kissed him one more time before burring yourself in his length inch by inch. Niragi opened his mouth widely as he chocked a moan in his throat. Feeling himself completely inside of you was much more than what he could afford; the sensation was more amazing than he could have ever imagined. That´s why you gave him a few seconds to recover.
"Are you alright?"
"I have never been better"
"I´m glad to hear that"
You started moving your hips up and down slowly. His sonorous moans were music to your ears. And as you speeded up the pace, you ended up moaning too. You had wanted this since your first kiss and it was so pleasant it finally happened. His hands clung to your thighs at the same time you descended to taste his lips again. Niragi could barely kiss you back, but he did his best. Nevertheless, after a few minutes, you felt his muscles tightening. You knew what that meant.
"I-I think… I am…", he scarcely could talk.
"I know. And it´s okay. I really want to see you cumming, babe"
You caressed his hair and his chest as you quickened your pace as much as you could. Niragi looked directly into your eyes, the pleasure burning in his gaze and his moans filling the room. God, he was even cuter when he was such a mess.
"I love you, Y/N", he confessed in a gasp. "Damn, I…"
A louder moan prevented him from continuing to speak. As he cum, you stopped the movement of your hips gradually. And shortly afterwards, you moved from the top of Niragi to lay back in the bed next to him. You still caressed his chest with your fingertips, smiling as you observe his desperate attempts to catch his breath.
"Was it good?"
"Was even better. Better than anything", he answered, slowly turning his face to you with an exhausted smile. However, it didn't take long for him to change it to a worried grimace. "I have finished too fast, right?"
"It´s your first time. It´s normal"
"I´m sorry"
"Don’t apologize, dumbass", you refuted. "It has been great. I promise. And practice makes perfect"
You hugged him by the waist and left a warm kiss in his shoulder.
"So… that means we can repeat it some time?", he asked, paused.
"I would like to. But you have had enough for today", you concluded before sitting up in the bed.  Instantly you opened your arms and nodded your head at him, telling him without words to come closer to you. "Sex is amazing but cuddling after sex is stunning too"
Although a bit reluctant, Niragi decided to accept your offer and put his head over your bared chest. His arms slowly moved until he was hugged to your body and, a pair of minutes later, Niragi took a big breath of air and let it out slowly. You continued caressing his hair and his back, hoping he didn´t fall asleep.
"You were right. It feels good too", he mumbled.
"I know, baby"
His hands clutched at your body with need, as if he never wanted to let you go again.
"You are the best thing in my life, Y/N. No one has ever cared about me as much as you do"
"Is that why you said that you loved me before?"
Niragi gulped on account of your words. Probably he was trying to make like if that never happened, but it did.
"I´m sorry"
"Stop apologizing"
"But I have to. It has been out of place. I was feeling so many things a-and I said it out loud, but I´m sorry"
"I´m not annoyed", you assured. "But I need you to understand that I don´t feel the same. At least not yet. Right now, I love you as a friend; falling in love takes time"
"I get it", he said, but you noticed a slightly disillusionment in is his voice.
"However… it´s also true that you are the only person who has captured my interest in a long time. So, it´s possible that it means something"
Niragi didn´t believe that anyone could ever notice him. He thought that everyone despised him; that he deserved all the hate he got; that he was only a piece of trash. And he believed that all was his fault for being born twisted. But you had proved him wrong; you had shown him the love he never had. And Niragi could never wish for more.
"Like you said before… We don´t have to rush things", he murmured tentatively.
"Yeah, I agree"
Your day was being a complete disaster. You had a mentoring early at the morning, but it took longer than you expected and you were late for work. As a result, you had left later too and, by the time you arrived to the entrance of the public library, Niragi should have been waiting for you for more than half an hour. As you noticed that he wasn´t waiting for you sitting in the stairs, a group of teenagers a few meters away caught your eye.
"So, you were hiding from us, huh?", one of them laughed.
"I told you he was here, guys", another said.
"You don´t want to spend some quality time with us after classes? We always have so much fun, don´t you think, Niragi?"
It took you a few seconds to realize that one of them had Niragi by the shoulders. He was clearly uncomfortable and these five boys would be his classmates; his bullies. They turned down the street into an alleyway and you didn´t hesitate before following them. They were too busy pushing a terrified Niragi against the wall to notice you until you raised your voice.
"Here you are, guys! It´s so nice to finally have the opportunity to meet you"
Five pairs of eyes were on you at once. They looked confused, but Niragi quickly recognised you.
"Y/N, it´s fine. You should go", he made an effort to keep his voice from trembling.
Or he didn´t want you to see what they were going to do to him, or he was afraid that they might do something to you as well.
"Do you know who she is? It´s your girlfriend or something?", one of them asked him, moody. The only thing that stood out about him was his bright yellow t-shirt.
"Huh? How is this freak going to be dating such a beautiful girl?", another answered, walking towards you with a cocky smile on his face. "Is there any problem, sweetie? I can help you with whatever you need"
"So nice of you to ask", you smiled too. "The truth is that my day has been awful, but I´m so lucky that you are here to make it better"
Before he could say anything, you punched him straight in the nose, making him cry out in pain as the blood began to flow. Suddenly, you kneed him in the crotch and grabbed him by the hair before he could even react.
"I assume that you, dickhead, are the leader of this deplorable gang", you said near his face. "And I am the person you should have never crossed paths with"
"You crazy bitch. I´m gonna…"
You pulled his hair harder, forcing him to shut up.
"What are you gonna do, huh?", you asked, but didn´t obtain any answer. Then you took something out of your pocket and pressed it again that boy´s crotch. His eyes widened, frightened. "Yeah, you are right, it´s a knife. So you should listen to me carefully. If I ever see Niragi again with another bruise, I´m gonna cut your disgusting little dick before you could use it at least once in your entire pathetic life"
You saw the fear reflected in his face. He was terrified. You even thought that he could pee his pants any moment.
"Have you understood what I said?"
"Louder! Have you understood?!"
"Yes! Yes! I promise! I won´t do it again!"
You let him go with a shove moments later. And when you put your sight in the other four kids, they seemed to be petrified.
"The threat goes to all of you", you warned them. "Does anyone have anything else to say?"
Three of them bowed their heads submissively, but the one in the yellow shirt was reluctant yet.
"There are four of us and he is just a girl. We can handle her", he told to his friends, seeking their support.
"Planning to assault a girl in group. So brave, sweetie", you answered, smiling tenderly. "Anyways, I´m going to be nice and warn you that, before entering in this alleyway, I have called the police. I told them that five guys were following me down the street and I was so freaking scared. I suppose that, if they catch you, they won´t be as kind as I am being with you"
"You have kicked one of us! And threatened us!", he shouted. "I am the one who is going to report you to the police"
"It´s your word against mine; an innocent pretty little lady vs five good-for-nothing jerks. Are you sure that they are going to believe you?"
"I can´t go to jail. I´m too young", one of them complained.
"Me too. We should run"
"Maybe we can hide before police came here"
"Finally one of you says something coherent", you commented.
Moments later, without even bothering to say goodbye, they started running out of the alleyway, helping his injured leader to run as fast as them.
"Nice to meet you, guys! You were right, it has been a lot of fun with you all!", you shouted, hoping they could still hear you.
Only when you saw them turning the street, you paid attention to the person who had been in the background all this time. You were alone with Niragi, who was looking at you like if he didn´t know you. He seemed unable to process what had just happened.
"Have I gone too far with them?"
"What the… What have you done?", he finally asked, bewildered.
"I´m sorry. Maybe I should have asked you before doing anything by my own"
"You have threatened them with cutting his…", Niragi couldn't even finish the sentence. "Why do you have a knife?"
"It´s not a knife. It´s a comb. A pocket´s comb", you said, opening and showing it to Niragi. "But that moron was too scared to look at it. And I have sound pretty convincing"
And just like that, after a few seconds of absolute silence, Niragi did something you didn´t expected: he laughed. He laughed so hard he had to lean against the wall. You let him let it all out until, just a few minutes later, he managed to calm himself down.  You've never seen him laughing like this before. And the truth is, it was a bit strange.
"Are you feeling well?"
"Are you kidding me? It has been incredible! I´m feeling more than well", he assured you. "But, what about the police?"
"It was a lie too," you answered. "I knew they would be such cowards"
You went to your house like you supposed to do before the incident happened. Sitting on the sofa with a soda everything seemed better, but Niragi still had too many questions in his mind. He was amazed.
"They were terrified", he smiled, but his gaze soon fell upon you. "I didn´t knew you could be so… I don´t know. I couldn´t imagine you like that"
"Now you know. I guess that´s what happens when life isn´t fair with you. You learn some tricks", you mumbled. "If nobody is there for you, you must become your own saviour. And when you have so much hate inside, your soul gets dark and rotten. That’s why I wanted to protect you before yours was too broken"
"But I don´t want you to protect me, Y/N. I want to be like you. I don´t want anyone to be able to hurt me again"
Niragi was freaking out; seemed astounded. You have never seen him like that, so full of life. You could see it in his eyes; maybe you were too late to save his kind soul. Maybe it wasn´t so kind since the beginning.
"You have enjoyed it. You didn´t just want them to stop; you wanted to fight back, to make them suffer"
Niragi bowed his head as if he were ashamed of his own thoughts. Or maybe he wasn´t ashamed of his mind at all, he only didn´t want anyone to discover all the dark things that were on it.
"There's no reason for you to lie to me. I had tried to prevent you from seeing that part of me because I didn´t want to lose you. I know I´m not a good person, Niragi, but I have no regrets about the way I am", you confessed. "And back there, in the alleyway, when your classmates left and you were looking at me, I have noticed the bulge in your pants. The situation has turned you on"
Niragi flushed and his knuckles turned white from clenching his fists in his lap.
"I can´t say out loud what´s on my mind. I´m twisted. A disgusting freak"
"Society may reject people like us. People who are so fucked up inside that only want to see the world burn. But you can be genuine with me. No matter what you say or what you do, I will never run away from you. Your dark side doesn´t scare me, Suguru"
Niragi´s eyes were wet. He always had thought that he will always be alone, but he saw a part of himself reflected on you. For the first time in his lifetime, he had been lucky to have your paths cross. And without hesitation, Niragi hugged you vehemently and you hugged him back trying to comfort him.
"Don´t ever leave me, Y/N. Please, don´t go"
"I won´t. I promise"
You felt his tears in your cheek and you held him tighter, but you allowed him to let it all out by crying. Sometimes people just needed to have someone by their side; someone to love them no matter what, despite their shortcomings. And from now on, you were going to be there for Niragi just as he was going to be there for you. Neither of you would ever be alone again.
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Glasses - Niragi x Fem!Reader
Established Relationship - Fluff with some NSFW - MDI - +18 - OOC Niragi probably -
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Niragi needed glasses but that was his secret. He took the liberty on getting contacts to hide the fact that he was blind without them, also he wanted to appear more intimidated.
So, no one knew. Not even you.
The day you found out it was his fault. You had the code for his beach suit so you would go in and out as you wanted. That particular day Niragi's eyes felt like hell, he needed a break from his contacts and found himself wearing his regular pair as he counted bullets.
And Niragi was fast, his reaction time was almost perfect.
Because the moment his suits door opened revealing yourself to him and making eye contact.....he did not react.
Blame your new bikini or whatever but Niragi let his eyes go over your body feeling his body get hot by it.
Then it came...
"You use glasses?" The cuestion left your mouth without thinking taking long steps to him and taking them off his face then putting them on your face.
"Wow....you are blind" It was a joke really. Just a few seconds of seeing him with his glasses gave you a strange feeling, a combination of arousment and softness towards him. His glasses made him look like a cute nerd, a cute nerd who could fuck you rought and hard for hours when he was stressed.
"Give them back" Niragi scoffed taking back his glasses. After acomodating them on his face he took you by your wrist to pull you on top of his lap. "You are dead if you tell someone about this". It was an empty treat, he could not hurt a single hair of you unless you asked him to be rought with you during sex.
"Yeah yeah.....nerd" The comment left a bittersweet teast in Niragi's mouth, memories that he did not want you to know about came back to hunt him for a moment.
"Shut up" his response was short, his lips went to yours in a flash, you teasted like some of the driks from the bar. Niragi felt jealosuy, imagining the others looking at you without him around. His hands held your hips against him, slowly starting to move you.
Your cute noises soon came out, it took zero effort for Niragi to have you wet and needy for him. Your lips interloqued together, obscene noises of kissing filled up the room. A few times his glasses would hit your face making you laught and him groan.
He removed them, starting to left kisses all over your neck, looking for your weak spot to leave a mark, to show others who you belonged to.
"Ah-Ni-niragi-wait...fuck" Niragi never dissappointed you when it came to sex but saddly you had come to his room to give him some news.
Separating yourself from him and taking small breaths you tried to look at him in the eyes and not fall over him again.
"Hatter wants you and the others for a urgent meeting"
Niragi rolled his eyes at your comment. His hand caressing your arms. "You got me all hard baby and now you tell me that?"
He was not mad, at least mad at you.
"Im sorry..." You were not sorry at all and both of you knew it.
Taking a big deep breath Niragi removed yourself from him, he took his trusted riffle and adjusted his pants.
"I expect you to be in my bed naked once im back, you are in so much trouble"
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toothfa-1-ry · 1 year
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You always find yourself breaking the promises you made to Chishiya, you never meant to break the last promise though. I wonder if he felt the same
GENRE: fluff or angst it depends on how you look at it :)
PAIRING: Chishiya x gn reader (this is my first time writing a gn reader so pls correct me if there are mistakes)
WARNING: swearing, blood, injuries
A/N: a quick paced fic which probably made no sense lol but I still hope you enjoy. Is Chishiya ooc? Maybe? Will I delete this? Maybe? Anyways pls reblog and write something I would really appreciate it ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Ps remember to hydrate and eat ♡
You look up at the night sky, stars scattered everywhere.
It took a minute for you to realize where you were and what happened as you breathed heavily.
Oh right.
You were shot, you were bleeding, you were dying
"Fuck this game" you mutter as your right hand is clutching your side where the bullets were lodged in.
"fuck-" you cough out blood "fuck..fuck the king of spades" you squeezed your eyes shut trying to remember how it had exactly followed out.
Kuina got shot, Ann got shot, that Heiya girl was gone somewhere and Aguni was no where to be found.
You let out a soft groan still clutching your side tightly, trying to stop the bleeding as you try to remember how it had exactly followed out
You remember yourself seeing red after kuina fell on the floor, you remember cursing Arisu's plan even though it worked..sort of
You remember punching the king of spades and dragging a knife across his face, that wasn't enough to kill him though. That bastard had to put bullets in you. You remember clutching your stomach and stumbling away somewhere before falling down.
"The bomb must have killed him" you murmur softly looking to your left seeing ruins of buildings and smoke.
You look over at you desolated and ruined surrounding and then look at your red stai ed shirt "shit I'm gonna die in this hellhole"
You wanted to cry but you just couldn't. The tears won't come out. "Kuina..Ann" you mutter softly as you closed your eyes. Your forgetting someone, who are you forgettin-
"Chishiya" your eyes widened and you gasped softly "Chishiya-" you try standing up but for no use as you felt a sharp pain all through your body as you moved a inch "fuck" you cursed.
"I'll come back for you. I promise" you say as you held Chishiya's hand looking at the red, staining his white hoodie
"go play the game"
"I'll come back" you said you eyes turning glassy
"y/n" chishiya turned at you this time holding your arm firmly "I'll live, quit acting like I'm dying" he said it firmly even though his voice was slightly hoarse "go and play the game"
You nod as arisu urges you to come fast, the game registration was about to end
"I'm gonna be with you again..I'm gonna end this whole thing with you" you whisper again one last time before turning away and running leaving chishiya alone, bleeding.
"Chishiya-" you call out his name but at what cost? Your stomach seemed to bleed even more at the slightest of movement and everytime you cough blood seemed to pour out of your mouth.
You didnt even know where you were, you left Chishiya somewhere and promised him something that seemed impossible to do now given your circumstances.
"please Chishiya..I promised him, I have to go-" you plead out loud, as if some kind of supernatural force would bring you to him.
If you were really gonna die in this fucked up world, you want to be next to him. The crazy psychopath who saved your life even just a few hours ago when Niragi pointed the gun at you leaving him wounded instead, the cat eyed boy who you seemd to find comfort in the fucked up games you were playing.
Maybe it was at this point when you realize your feelings for him, or maybe you had realised it a long time ago and all you were doing now was accepting it.
Without knowing a single tear dropped rolled out of your eye, the stars looked brighter than ever but deep down you knew it was going to be the last thing you were gonna see. You were giving up, what if arisu and usagi win the last game? You were already dying that too alone-
"you were always kind of loud."
You snapped out of your thoughts, was that?
"didn't you say you were coming to get me? Jeez instead you got shot too huh- I got hit by a bullet for you just for you to get hit by 3 more?"
You moved slightly which seemed to be the wrong thing to do as you wince on pain
"look left, don't move your body. I thought you said you passed medical school"
Immediately your head turned left and there you saw, the same bored cat eyes and white hoodie that now had a huge red stain in the right chest area.
There he was limping, walking very slowly, dragging his feet as his right hand was firmly pressed in his chest trying to contain the blood flow.
"Chishiya- stop don't, don't move" you say as loud as you can looking at him as you layed down on the ground "your gonna bleed even more- just lie down there"
Chishiya walked a few more steps going against your protest before he let out a wince of pain as he collapsed to the ground only a few inches away from you.
"agh..I'm tired" he said as you turned his head to face you "you look tired too-"
He stopped midway though as he saw tears streaming down your face "y/n-"
"you idiot why were you walking around- your bleeding" you cry out "your shot so why were you walking, coming to me- you came-"
"you called."
"you also promised to end this thing with me. You really should know how to keep the promises you make y/n"
It surprised you, the way he says it so nonchalantly as if you both weren't bleeding to death right now, as if he didn't risk his entire life right now.
"Arisu and Usagi are playing the queen of hearts right now." Chishiya said "just hang in there y/n"
You heard his raspy voice trying to reassure you "I don't know if-"
"saying that will jinx things up, hang in there."
You both look at eachother. Him looking at your face which seemed to be stained by tears and blood both probably yours and you staring at his tired eyes which seemed more tired than usual.
"you had to get shot... does it hurt?" He asked you
"of course it hurts you idiot" you let out what seemed to be a laugh.
"ah sorry, I shouldn't have asked" he mused
You both stayed in silence for a while before you break it
"w-why did you take the bullet for me..the one Niragi shot, why did you come infront of me?"
"maybe it's because my ideals have changed"
"wha-?" You held your breath
"maybe it's because my priorities have changed, maybe because I wanted to experience having a bullet inside of me-" Chishiya looks at you "maybe because I had a chance to protect you. Or maybe because I just wanted to"
"do you really mean it?" You say so softly in disbelief
"I've always wanted to protect you until your last game" he looks at the red stain that stained your white shirt.
"I've always wanted to be with you till the end" you whispered
You stare at the way his usual bored eyes slightly widened before letting out a soft sigh
You both get engulfed in silence again, there was no need for words.
"do you think we'll go back to the real world, by the end of this?"
"we-" chishiya seemed to hesitate for a while, contemplation whether to say it or not. "We're gonna go back to the real world. I trust Arisu"
You smile to yourself without saying anything as your sight seemed to grow weaker by the second, as you heard Chishiya's voice grow softer by each word
"okay" you didnt know if you really believed what you said but you really wanted to
Chishiya seemed to have realised this as he sighed softly, he paused for a while again before saying "it was nice knowing you. I'd like to know you even after going to the real world."
your eyes widened by his words before giving a soft smile "I'd like that too"
"Congratulations on clearing all the games. All surviving players will now be given a choice."
You gasped softly as chishiya muttered a few inches next to you "they did it"
"please select if you will accept permanent residence in this land or if you will not accept. I repeat-"
You look at the night sky as fircrackers of different colours burst
"I think-" chishiya looks at you and stretched out his right hand "I will not take it" his raspy voice finishes.
"i think-" you breath out as your reach out your left hand only to find out there was still some distance between leading the both of you to interlace your pinkys together "I will also not take it"
"Let's hang on to life for a little longer y/n...don't break another promise. We're gonna meet each other in the real world too" Chishiya's raspy voice breathed out
You nod slowly "I promise."
Present day
"bring a stretcher over here! I hear a heartbeat!"
" hang on there for a little bit"
"they've been severely injured, especially in the stomach. There seems to be internal bleeding as well"
"it's a miracle that they're still alive"
"they're heartbeat stopped for one whole minute"
"they were walking a thin line between life and death"
You open your eyes.
God people were so noisy, especially the two males who were in the bed next to yours
"I heard your heartbeat also stopped for one whole minute.. do you think anything changed?"
"Im not sure, I guess I look a lot flashier now. What about you?"
"Since I almost died, I think I'll be able to live a more useful life now."
"so you were also a good for nothing jerk huh?"
Soon a nurse came to take away 'Niragi' you you realised was the name of one of the guy whose heartbeat also stopped, leaving only the white haired male and you in the room
You cleared you voice
"uh- ahem, not that I was eavesdropping but- did you say your heartbeat also stop for a minute?"
The white haired boy turned to look at you slightly surprised "yes. I'm guessing you too."
"hm" you him "what a coincidence.."
Your both left with a silence, you look at him s you contemplate whether to say something
"uh- by the way, my answer is probably yes."
"excuse me?"
"uh..well you were asking him if anything changed right?..I think so. I don't know what but" you touch your heart "I feel this sort of relief and happiness yet I also feel sad as if I made a promise to someone but I can't remember"
The white haired male looks at you with his cat eyes. You could almost swear that you know him.
"ah sorry you didn't ask me-" you quickly apologize for speaking out of your turn until you were interupted
"what a coincidence. I feel the same way. As if i made a promise but I can't remember it...that's a unique way to put it"
He says the words so nonchalantly as if the both of you hadn't just survived a meteor crash it surprised you, as if you had heated someone say something similar before
"I'm..y/n. Do I know you or?" You ask slowly trying to soak every small feature in his face, trying to remember from where you know him from.
"no.. although you look very familiar to me" he says "I'm Chishiya. It's nice to meet you"
He reaches out his hand and you reach out yours.
"it's nice to meet you too"
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sery-chan-13 · 1 year
How they look at you
He looks at you like you are the best thing that ever happened to him. Maybe sometimes he looks at you like you're pray. Eyes filled with a sort of childishness as he stares at you. You can tell a lot by looking into his eyes, even if he thinks he's great at hiding it. His eyes are filled with a sort of amorous adoration that makes your heart swell and beat a thousand miles per hour.
Chishiya looks at you with a love that makes you feel fully admired. He looks at you with a discreet smile in his eyes, not his usual smirk. There is something so warm about his eyes, like pools of hot coffee in the golden light of a sunrise. He looks at you with eyes full of  need, and all the saccharine sweet word he'd say if he tried to break down his walls.
Matsu looks at you with sparkling in his eyes, like you are the rarest gem on the Earth. He looks at you with genuine care, thoughts of a life with you behind them. Blowing white curtains with the sunlight streaming in from the balcony. You can't see the thoughts in his eyes, no matter how hard you look. He looks at you with wonder; how are you possibly his?
He looks at you with a look that only reads as pure adoration. Determination to make sure you feel loved, how hard he's trying to leave the man he was behind. Absolute devotion to you. His eyes have been cast in shadow until he met you. You brought light into his life. So he looks at you like he looks at the moon. In absolute adoration.
She looks at you like you're the only person alive. You are her reason to continue loving, she says. And her eyes reflect exactly how she feels in that sense. She loves eye contact, and she's so easy to read. She likes that though. Her eyes hold so much passion and love for you, for life.
He looks at you with an observant stare. He tries to make sure he can know what you want or need before you say something. His eyes are filled with the need to keep you safe and by his side. He wants to help you as much as possible, making sure you never feel like your needs aren’t met.
His eyes are full of care as he gazed at you. A soft and sweet stare that reads nothing but pure love. His eyes sparkle when they meet yours, like electricity just ran through him. He has expressive eyes that are so easy to read, but he doesn’t care. Shouldn’t he want you to know just how much he loves you?
He stares with a mixture of need, love, and care. He wants to care for you and make you feel like you don’t need to ask. Because he already knows. He always needs you. He wants you to just be able to look at him and just feel the care radiating from his stare.
She looks at you with an amused stare. Her eyes are usually cold and calculating, but when she looks at you that all fades away. You melt her from the inside out, and she’s amused that someone makes her feel like this. Literal heart eyes when you smile her way. Of course, you can’t see that. But she knows.
If you guys like this let me know and I’ll do a part two with more characters!
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niragisimp · 1 year
The Pain Before (Niragi x Reader) Part Ten
Part Nine, Series Masterlist, Part Eleven
The sun illuminated your room, the light spilling out through the window. Niragi woke to see your face, still peacefully resting. He was taken in by the way your hair fell in front of your face as your body slowly rose and fell in with your breath. He couldn't help himself as his hand rose from his side and swept a strand of hair from your face, pushing it back behind your ear carefully. It was almost as if you were home. You always knew you weren't welcome in the house of your family, but for the first time, it felt as if you had a home to come back to. A home to wake up to, a place where you could relax; free of judgment and wild accusations. His eyes fixated on yours as they fluttered open in a daze. "Oh... You're still here," your voice was as soft as a whisper, as gentle as a lovers would be. Niragi watched as the corner of your lips turned into a smile, and even the most powerful force in the world couldn't silence his thoughts. 'So beautiful, the way you wake up next to me...' You could've sworn you were awake, but the serenity you felt in the moment was enough to convince you otherwise. Your eyes wandered his face for what felt like forever, going over the little details you never noticed. He did look just like he did back then when he was like this; his hair fell so naturally around his face. His lips parted so gently and closed like the words he would've said wouldn't have been enough. You were so taken in you almost hadn't noticed his hand resting on your cheek, his thumb gently caressing your face. Niragi was normally a man of his word, although most of his words were more threats than promises. He'd kill who he said he'd kill, torment whoever he liked, and fucked whenever he wanted. The thoughts from the night prior crept toward him slowly, 'I can be that again tomorrow,' his thoughts echoed. 'That,' the self he had worked so hard on. His life in the other world wasn't what he wanted. It was rather lonely, he recalled. But here, he had made a name for himself. People were scared when they heard his name. He told you before, not to expect him to be there when you woke. Yet here he was, his mind focused on you entirely. With you, he felt his heart beat more rapidly than he would care to like. He could feel his expression soften as he lay by your side; waking up next to you was quite the feeling, indeed. He found himself unable to leave you when he woke first, your head still nuzzled into him. Your hand had crept its way into his shirt from the middle, forcing him to undo a few buttons in the early hours of the morning. Part of him screamed at him from the inside. He was being reckless, careless, even. 'This will be the end of me,' he thought. Yet his eyes kept pacing back and forth between yours in the morning light, his body couldn't help itself as it eyed his shirt still covering you under the sheets. He lifted your chin ever so slightly as your lips parted, barely being able to utter his name. All you felt was the warmth of his lips on yours, his hand reaching to cradle your neck into him. You couldn't help but fall into him, a pleasant hum running past your lips at the welcome surprise. Now, you were near certain you were still dreaming. Niragi could feel every muscle in his body aching, his other hand wandering over your shoulder, running down your arm, careful of the fresh bruises from the night prior. 'These bruises should be from me,' he thought. 'I should be the only one who gets to touch her, ever,' his lips began to push with more force, his tongue pressing through to meet with yours. He could hear the soft hums from you, his body aching to respond to them in its own way. His entire body froze the instant he heard the knock on the door, the last voice he wanted to hear echoing through past the door. 'That fucking snake,' he thought as his mind was clouded over in an instant with anger. Niragi can't remember the last time he got up so quickly, practically running to the door, his breath rising from his chest, he threw open the door.
Chishiya stared at him in silence, taking note of his appearance. His shirt was half open, no shoes, hair was untidy. He leaned to look past Niragi, his eyes catching you still in bed, Niragi's shirt barely covering your body. "The hell do you want?" Chishiya's eyes snapped back to Niragi, an unfamiliar feeling swelling in his stomach. "(Y/N)." Niragi could feel his mouth twitch in disgust as the blonde spoke, his eyes staring daggers. "She's busy," he closed the door before Chishiya could protest. Every time he saw that man, he got angrier and angrier. He turned around to see you fully sitting up, clutching his shirt around you. You were holding a hand to your lower lip, tracing over the heat that lingered. He sighed watching, walking over and sitting on the edge of the bed, pulling his shoes on. "How're the bruises?" You had barely noticed yourself until he spoke, finally taking a moment to look down at your body. "Oh... Th-they're fine, just a little sore..." You couldn't help but try and subdue the heat in your cheeks, the realization hitting you. 'Did we... Did Niragi kiss me?' You thought, wanting to ask. You watched in silence as he suddenly stood up, his back to you. "Good." Your breath hitched as you took in his demeanor; this was not the Niragi from moments ago. His voice held no concern when he spoke to you, "Try a little harder not to get killed." He didn't hesitate as he spun the door open, nearly slamming it behind him. The temperature in the room dropped almost immediately, shivers going up your arms. You looked around hurriedly ignoring the uneasiness you felt in your gut, looking for any clothes that weren't completely crusted with blood. Your feet stung hitting the cold floor, the cuts in your heels still fresh from the night prior. Your attention turned to the door as you heard a familiar knock followed by the door opening. "Sooooo, Kuina told me to come and get--" Chishiya stopped and stared at you for a moment, his words seemingly caught in his throat. His footsteps broke the silence as he came towards you, pulling his hands from his pockets. "(Y/N)... Are you alright?"
Chishiya waited for your reply as he searched your face, fighting his own concern. "Y-yeah, I'm fine... Why, what's up?" Your voice was soft in the morning, he noted. He lifted his hand up to your face and brushed your cheek, holding out his fingers for you to see. The wet tears glistened on his hand, making you bring your hand to your own face as well to wipe it, unaware you were crying. "O-oh, yeah... Sorry, I guess that would be concerning," Chishiya stared at you as you feigned a laugh, trying to shift the conversation. He thought on his words for a moment, catching you unable to look back at him. "... Did he hurt you?" Your head snapped up, "Huh?" Chishiya gestured and rose his brows to your dominant arm, particularly covered in bruises and small cuts that rose to your shoulder blade. "Oh, those... No, Niragi didn't hurt me. My game last night was..." you swallowed the rising saliva, feeling your stomach turn with unease. "Rough." Chishiya nodded slowly, unsure if he was going to believe you today. "Huh... Well, regardless, I wanted to..." He hovered over his words a bit more than usual today, watching you closely for any particular reaction. "Check on you. I tried to stop by earlier. You were busy." You could feel embarrassment creep up on your cheeks, "About that..." He took a step back and raised his hands in protest, "You don't have to defend yourself to me." You could see the corners of his mouth rise a bit as he spoke, "You can do whatever you want here, remember? I would go with someone a little less... Homicidal, personally." You watched his lips form a partial smirk, "But hey, everyone has a type I guess." You wanted to say he was wrong, that he didn't know what he was talking about. But you knew you couldn't. If Chishiya would ever be under a label, it would simply say "I'm right." "It wasn't... It's not like that," was the best thing you could say in your own defense. He nodded slowly, pursing his lips out, "Of course." He shoved a hand back into his pocket, "You know, if you don't get those taken care of, they'll get infected." You looked at your arm again, turning it over to get a better look. "Ann would yell at me if I went to her for something as little as this." You sighed, dropping your arm to your side. Chishiya quickly took a step towards you and grabbed your arm before you knew what was happening. He examined it carefully, gingerly going over even the smallest of cuts. His hand was a bit cold, but you couldn't help but feel like they had a care in the way they moved across your arm. "Regardless of size, even the smallest cut could be the death of you, depending on the one doing the cutting." You tilted your head in curiosity, looking at his eyes as they wandered over your arm. "Chishiya," he stopped his hand and glanced up at you as you said his name. "Sometimes you can say some weird stuff." You smiled and let out a small laugh, seeing his demeanor change into a rather confident one. "Everyone else is the weird one, I'm the only sane person here." He laughed with you for a brief moment, his eyes catching yours for a moment. "Stop by later. I'll help you deal with the cuts." You nodded and smiled, silently thanking him. If it wasn't for Chishiya and Kuina, you would actually be dead by now, certainly. Chishiya lowered your arm back to your side and took a few steps back, putting his other hand in his pocket. "Ah, before I go," he unzipped his hoodie and took it off, watching as you hid your face. Most of the men here were already shirtless, but it still razzled you to see someone who would normally be covered be bare like he was. He couldn't help but hide his smile as he took slow steps toward you. "You look like you need some new clothes." He raised his hand to touch the collar of what was Niragi's shirt, "These aren't really suitable. Rules are rules, you know. Hoodies, on the other hand," he stopped for a moment and licked his lips slowly, "Are perfectly acceptable. Just so you know." Chishiya grabbed your hand and held it out, placing his hoodie and enclosing your hand around it. "Just for now. Wouldn't want you breaking the rules. I'll have Kuina get you something." You swallowed your pride and looked up to see him looking at you intently. "Um, t-thanks I guess..." The corner of his lips rose just for a moment, "Be seeing you then." He took a few steps backward, eyes still studying you for a moment before he turned and left, gently closing the door behind him.
You couldn't help but sit on the ground where you stood, a leg outstretched. 'Why does everyone keep giving me their clothes?' You looked at the white hoodie in your hands, sighing to yourself as you closed your eyes. This morning, you were lying in bed with Niragi practically making out in your bed. Not even moments after, he got cold after Chishiya showed up at your door. They made each other near furious, one was just a lot better at hiding it. You laid your head back on the cold hard floor and stared at the ceiling. Last night, Niragi was taking care of you; bathing the dried blood off you, watching over you as you slept, holding you when you were cold. Then the moment is gone, and he's back to being cold like when you first arrived. You looked down at the hoodie still in your hands, its owner wandering into your mind. Chishiya didn't threaten you to wear it. He must have his reasons for giving it to you besides the obvious; he always had something else going on in the back of his mind. The only way to tell was by asking so that only left you with one rational course of action. You closed your eyes again, not caring you were still on the floor. You shut your brain down the best you could before taking a deep breath, hoisting yourself up from off the floorboards. You glanced in the bathroom, only seeing the bathing suit that was still coated in hardened blood by this point. You debated in your mind for a moment before finally settling. Tonight, you would go see Chishiya. But for now, Kuina's kindness was reaching out for you from the floor below.
Kuina dragged you to the bar, ignoring your protests over the blaring noise. "C'mon, it'll be fun!" She was careful to not grab you too tightly around your arm, but she dragged you along with her nonetheless. The lights were almost blinding, reflecting off the pool in various directions. "Here, try this one!" She handed you a small glass with red liquid inside, "What is it?" You questioned, Kuina clinking your plastic glasses together without answering. "Something fun!" You gave her a questioning look before taking a deep breath, "God, it's been a while." You hyped yourself and Kuina being there definitely helped as you both knocked back the sweet liquid in an instant. You could feel the gentle warmth go down easily as Kuina piped up, "Cherry bomb!" You tilted your head before she gestured to her cup, "You asked what it was!" You were surprised she would actually answer you. It wasn't long before you and Kuina delved more into the party at the Beach. It had genuinely been so long since you were able to have fun, you admittedly got a bit carried away with her. You were glad Kuina was a fruity drink person, it was another thing you had in common. As the night rolled on you found yourself and Kuina at the edge of the pool, a drink in hand and your body swayed gently with the music. Kuina's voice was still raised and she spoke over the music, "Sooooo, (Y/N), I noticed Chishiya left you with a preseeent!" She giggled over herself as you focused on her, "Nooo, it's not like that! People just keep throwing clothes at me!" You both laughed loudly, drawing some mild attention from those in the pool. It didn't take long for their attention to be drawn elsewhere thankfully. You tried not to hiccup through your next words as you spoke, "Chi.. Chishiya said that-- that shirts weren't allowed," you waved your hand in the air as you explained, "So--so he gave me his hood thing until you got me clothes!" Kuina covered her mouth as she laughed loudly at you, "Hood thing?! Oh, sweet, naive (Y/N), you really are a treasure!" The world seemed to spin around you and you tried harder to focus on your friend. "Ku-Kuina, I think... I think I've had a bit too much to drink." She continued to laugh as she watched your body sway harder, wrapping her arm around you. "Don't worry (Y/N), I'll get you back safely!" You grinned as she stood, tugging you up with her by the waist. "You're-- you're a good friend, Kuina!" The music poured on as the two of you made your way slowly into the lobby of the Beach, Kuina taking the first steps and helping you along. As you began to walk up the stairs, the lobby started to spin a bit more than usual. You could feel Kuina's hand around you tighten as your body began to slip from her, "Woah, careful!" You could hear your laugh echo throughout the halls, your mind blissfully unaware of the eyes peering at your back.
Chishiya sighed heavily at the knock at his door. He stood, walking over lazily and opening the door just a crack to peer through, "Yes?" He held his breath as he caught your body from hitting the floor, "What on Earth..." He could hear you laughing faintly before hoisting you up and leaning you against the wall in his room, his eyes scanning the hallway for people. "(Y/N), are you drunk?" You erupted with laughter as your eyes began to barely focus, "Chiii-shiii-yaaa!" He sighed to himself, "So, that's a yes. Come here." He gently grabbed you by the arm, attempting to lead you to the bathroom before he had to turn around and catch you from falling once again. "How much did you have to drink?" Your mind could barely form a response, "I... Kuina, and I, we had, like--" He cut you off as he lifted you up in his arms, surprising you. Just by looking, he didn't seem the type to be able to pick up a person. "If you were out with Kuina, then probably too much." He pushed open the bathroom door and sat you by the toilet, lifting the seat cover as you rested your head against the tub. "Just in case." You smiled drunkenly, "Awwww, you're so sweet!" You had a short-lived laugh as you felt your stomach start to turn, closing your eyes. "Oh, boy..." You reached out and grabbed the edge of the toilet, just in case. You opened your eyes as the light turned on, squinting as Chishiya held out his fist. "Take these. They'll help later." You did your best to steady yourself as you cupped your hands, Chishiya dropping three white capsule pills in your hands. You popped them in your mouth and swallowed, making a face at their plastic taste. "Ew..." He laughed while looking at you, "You're supposed to take them with water," as he held out a bottle. You hiccuped as you took it carefully, noticing the top was already off, "Oh... Yeah, that makes sense." You giggled to yourself as you brought it to your lips, the water refreshingly running down your throat. Chishiya sat down next to you, grabbing your free arm and bringing it to his lap. You were taken by surprise and tried to pull it back when he stopped you, "Careful. The disinfectant might sting a bit, okay?" You noticed he had a cotton ball in his hand, a clear liquid already absorbed into it. "Ohhh, okaaay." Your words were getting harder to say as your eyes started to fail you. The feeling didn't last long as you felt a sting on your arm, ushering your eyes open to be alert. Chishiya brought his hand back, studying your face carefully. "I told you." You both sat in silence for a while as he went back to carefully dabbing the open cuts on your arm, even after a day that still stung. Once your thoughts began to form a bit clearer, you spoke, "Chishiya," he stopped and glanced up at you, still holding onto your arm tenderly. "If I ask you a question, will you be honest?" He took his hand and placed it over his heart and clutched it, "You say that as if I lie." You licked your lips as you thought about your question. Even if you asked it, there's no guarantee you'll get an answer you'd like. "Are... Are you using me?" It was only for a moment that his expression changed, but you noticed it clear as day. He pursed his lips out as if he was thinking, "And if I was? What would I be using you for, hmm?" You opened your mouth, but nothing came out. He smirked at your reaction, swapping out the cotton ball for a new one. "I don't know." He looked up at you briefly before turning your arm over to aid the back, "That's what worries me..." You could feel his hand stop at your words and rest on your back. He placed your arm in your lap, his fingers lingering on your skin as he let go. Chishiya grabbed your chin gently and pulled your face towards him so he could look at you. "What if I just enjoy your company?" You stared at him for a moment, wanting to choose your next words carefully. You shook your head slowly, "I think... You only come around when Niragi is near. It's like... You're always playing a game, even when others aren't." Chishiya didn't seem displeased with this answer as he responded, "And tell me," he turned himself so he was sitting directly across from you, his hands now resting in his lap. "Where is Niragi now?" You shook your head, "I don't know." He raised his eyebrows in response, "I see. So, I'm here, and Niragi isn't, correct?" You nodded and paused, 'Why did I tell him that?' you thought. Chishiya noticed your hesitation and spoke first, "I do owe you an apology, (Y/N)." You looked at him curiously, "What for?" He sighed and grabbed your hand in his own, pulling out your arm gently and resting two of his fingers on your wrist. "Technically, I didn't lie to you. That part is important." You began to pull your arm away cautiously, "What do you mean, 'technically?' What did you do?" He promptly ignored your questions, following up with his own. "Do you feel sick? Any nausea, dizziness?" "No," you answered without a second thought. 'Wait, why don't I feel dizzy? I had so much to drink...' Your mind flashed back to the pills Chishiya gave you just minutes ago. "W-what did you do?" You asked louder, causing him to look at you fully. "I gave you some medicine. Scopolamine, to be exact. Nothing too special, not really a hangover medicine, more of an after-surgery medication that would reduce the saliva your produce. There are some parts of the world, however," he paused for a moment to let you absorb the information, "They say if you use it on someone not fully aware, they give information a lot easier. Some people call it, 'dragon's breath.'" Your eyes grew wide as you pulled yourself away from him, your back hitting the tub. "Y-you... You drugged me?!" Chishiya sighed to himself for a brief moment before standing up, his body leaning against the doorway, blocking it. "I didn't force you to take them. I merely offered. It's not lying, think of it as... Withholding the full truth." Standing up hurriedly, your body would've collapsed from itself if Chishiya hadn't caught you. "Woah, you might not feel drunk, but you still are. Be more careful." You could feel your heart quicken under him, your panic starting to rise. "Why? Why would you do this?" He held you upright and grabbed both your shoulders in an attempt to steady you, "It's not personal (Y/N)," his expression softened when he saw the panic in your eyes. "But for some reason, I can't read you." Your eyes furrowed in confusion as you watched his mind race. It wasn't easy to see, a normally composed man suddenly unsure of himself. "I can read every single person here. Most of them, exactly the same as the next," he licked his lips, continuing, "But with you, (Y/N)... Whenever I think about it, I can't seem to think rationally. It's incredibly bothersome." You tried to take a step back but couldn't, Chishiya's hands pulling you more toward him whenever you tried to push away. "If it makes you feel better, you probably won't remember this conversation tomorrow. Just," he seemed to lose himself for just a moment as he closed his eyes, thinking. "Trust me. I needed to know you're intentions." "My intentions? I had no intentions! My intention was to survive this fucking place and go home!" You could feel tears spill out of your eyes as you yelled, your voice cracking throughout. You began to sniffle, your body was still drunk indeed. "I-- I thought you were my friend!"
His arms dropped to his side as he let you push past him, nearly tripping as you ran into the hallway. He listened as your footsteps pounded away on the floor, all the way down to your room. He contemplated following you for a moment, stopping himself as he closed the door in front of him. Once again, you left his mind unable to react in the way he needed it to. The only thoughts he could muster were simple ones of regret, 'Shit.'
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hoodedchishiya · 1 year
37 . A kiss to the back of the neck
About four hours had passed since Niragi had left the resort to participate in the next upcoming game.
Four hours was a long time. As much as Chishiya hated to admit it.. he was getting a little worried. How could he not? He could claim that he hated the militant until he was breathless and still that empty feeling would eat away at him when they were apart. Lately things had been.. different between them. Touches a little softer and words more sentimental. Even just the mere notion that he could be laying dead somewhere in a game arena right now didn’t sit well with the blond. The thought left a void-like hole where his heart should have been, and it nauseated him to his stomach.
Cussing himself as he made his way down from his room to the main entrance of the resort, Chishiya stopped dead in his tracks when seeing that familiar ugly giraffe patterned shirt come into view, a rifle lazily slung over the right shoulder. He was back, and seemingly unharmed. Thankfully there didn’t seem to be anyone else around. Good, because Chishiya couldn’t stop his legs from carrying him over to the taller male until his arms looped around his waist from behind. “Looks like you made it back in one piece, huh?” Whereas he’d meant for his tone to come out taunting, it was soft in nature and without a second thought, Chishiya stood up on his tiptoes to press a delicate kiss to the back of his neck. “What a pity..”
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what if they didn’t lose their memories (chishiya centered)
a short fic of an alternate ending to alice in borderland s2 in which none of them lose their memories. it’s pretty short and chishiya-focused bcs i like chishiya and wanted him to meet kuina again
also i don’t write very much so hehe it might not be that good but whatever it was a self indulgent fun thing to make
word count: 1148 words
based on the live action version of alice in borderland
posted on ao3 too by tano_sparks
Chishiya lies in his hospital bed and stares at the ceiling. After all he went through in the borderland it’s such a weird feeling to be back in the real world lying in a hospital bed. A few hours of listening to passing nurses’ conversations had passed and he had been able to piece together a few things. He hears someone coughing and groaning beside him and can't tell if he’s annoyed or okay with that person being Niragi. Chishiya turns over to Niragi who's covered in bandages from head to toe. It's a stark contrast to Chishiya who's bandaged injuries aren't visible under his garments. It was Niragi who shot him.
“What do you want?” Niragi says in an annoyed tone, as if he was telling Chishiya to fuck off for judging his bandaged state. Though both of them know they're too tired for this and Chishiya isn't in the mindset to be judging.
“Apparently, your heart stopped as well.” Chishiya replies.
Niragi lets out a soft laugh. “That's funny. I don't remember dying, though maybe I should have.”
Chishiya feels similarly. “It happened to me too. Apparently only 1 minute passed in the real world during our entire time in that place.”
“That sounds like a cruel joke.” Niragi replies. To think all of the pain and suffering for weeks had been nothing but a minute.
Chishiya understands what had happened- all the people who would have died in the meteorite strike got sent to that mysterious world to fight for their lives. Getting out means they had successfully fought the battle for their lives. It is to symbolize perseverance to live, a second chance as they stood in between the border of life and death from the real word meteorite strike. He doesn't have the energy to tell any of that to Niragi. Even though Chishiya doesn't hold any hatred towards him for shooting and almost killing him, he’s far from wanting much to do with that man. Even though he’s accepted that they're similar, they can have this conversation another day.
“Since all the games have been cleared and we made it back to the real world, did anything change with you?” Chishiya asks him.
“I'm not so sure. Well I guess I look flashier than before. What about you?” Niragi hasn't changed much. Chishiya thinks for a moment of what to say.
“Since I’ve wasted my life until now, I think I'll be able to live a more useful life from now on. That’s about it.”
“So you were a good for nothing jerk too huh?”
He’s not wrong. In the end, the two have their similarities.
“Yeah.” Chishiya says.
In a few days Chishiya is able to walk again in a limp. He gets out as soon as he is permitted to walk out the room and around the hospital by himself because he’s sick of staying in his room. He wonders where his friends are, if he can call them that. At least he knows he has one friend, Kuina.
He was about to ask the hospital staff if Kuina had by any chance been admitted to the same hospital as him, but he didn't need to. There standing in front of him in the hallway was his friend. The one he could trust and fought along his side during their time in the borderland. They had been separated for a while, but he knew Kuina was strong and would make it out alive. If he was completely honest with himself, he was worried about the chance that she did not make it, but of course she did. It made him so happy to see her alive.
“Kuina.” he says calmly with a small smile. The way he always did.
“Chishiya…” Kuina is almost in tears. She walks up to her friend quickly and stops in front of him a bit awkwardly as they are in the midst of the busy hallway filled with people from children running around to both the elderly and the young in wheelchairs. 
“You know, I was looking for you. And Ann. I was worried I’d never see you again.” Kuina can't seem to hold back her tears no matter how hard she tries. Chishiya smiles as a warm feeling takes over his heart. He feels sorry for making his friend worry so much, but at the same time it feels heartwarming for someone to cry over him. He thinks he doesn’t deserve any of this, but it’s better to just let it be.
“Did you seriously think I could have died? I’m a bit disappointed.”
“If you died I would kill you myself.” Kuina snaps through her tears. It doesn’t make any sense, but Chishiya gets it. He laughs at the illogical response as Kuina wipes away her tears.
“I probably deserve that, so it's okay.” Chishiya replies, “I’ll let you do whatever you want once we’re out of this place.”
Chishiya stretches his arms out, “I got shot twice already, but I guess a punch or two from you would be-” Chishiya doesn’t even get to finish talking before Kuina’s fist arrives right in front of his face. It stops, but it’s enough to startle him. Chishiya was joking. He doesn’t actually want something like that since Kuina’s punches would knock him out cold, but he can’t take back his words.
Kuina freezes for a moment. There’s tears in her eyes again while Chishiya’s are wide open, still in a small state of shock. It brings her such a warm feeling in her heart to know that her friend is in front of her. So warm that she wanted to punch the usual laid-back look off his face, but instead, Kuina’s strong arms give in to her caring heart and she hugs him. Chishiya is still startled, this time in a different way. Despite being the master of diamond games, he couldn’t predict something like this since they're not really the type to hug. He's happy. He hugs Kuina back slowly and jokes that this is very different from a punch. It earns him a “be quiet” in response. Chishiya can't remember the last time he received a hug, perhaps it happened in a distant childhood memory, so he quietly cherishes this moment. 
Finally, it truly feels like they've made it. Like they've really made it out of the borderland alive and nothing else matters other than the fact that they're both with each other. When Kuina stops, Chishiya wishes it was a bit longer and that makes him realize he's changed a lot. He’s a lot mellower now, and looking at Kuina, he doesn't hate the feeling.
“So,” Chishiya says, “We have a bit of catching up to do, don't we?”
Kuina smiles and nods in return. She sniffs and wipes her tears away again as they make their way down the hallway.
thanks for reading! 
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rubythoughts · 1 year
Open Doors Fanfiction | Alice in Borderland 🍋
Chishiya Shuntaro x OC
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Possibly just a sneak peak into a future bigger story if I ever get to it💀
* Smut involved *
She entered her room sighing in relief. She is finally alone, far away from the partying, the staring or the lustful eyes of Niragi. Not that she minded so much the last part, but even to her it's becoming terrifying to have his attention so much.
Himiko left her cropped black jacket on the floor. Then her jeans shorts. The swimsuit followed, forming a trail to her bathroom. She turned the water on and looked into the mirror on the wall. She touched the brand new scar trailing from her forehead to her cheekbone, almost grazing her eye. It still hurt, but it hurt more to remember what she's done to receive it. She was the lucky one, the others were left rotting in the maze. The 7 of diamonds was cruel.
She looked back at the mess of her room – she didn't have much, but last nights anger was reflected in the torn pillows, broken glasses and clothes piling up on her bed and floor. She sighed again, knowing that eventually she'll have to clean it up. Or find another room to sleep in.
A shiver went through her thinking of Niragi's eyes and how eager he'd be to find her without a place to sleep. She shrugged and got in the shower, pulling the shower curtain after her. Only in those moments she let herself think of everything this place took from her. Her empathy became less and less important with each game. She couldn't save others when she barely kept herself together and she learnt to cope with that.
The shower soothed her muscles and she left herself drift apart for a while.
The door didn't click when he entered. Thinking she's still somewhere around the party, testing again who has the potential to become a good ally for other games – he was still silent. The shower startled him and he almost took a step back thinking he might get caught. But somehow, there was a thrill in this.
What would she do? Kick him out, probably, but he didn't mind that much. Besides, he was curious, and the room looking like a hurricane moved around it for a few hours left him more intrigued. The calm and collected Himiko wouldn't have done this, would she? She was hard to read. That was why he was so curious.
Half a smile appeared on his face walking over a small stuffed animal on the floor.
"Who would have thought? She can be soft." – he thought.
He glanced at the wide open door to the bathroom and decided he should stay. It was an impulse, Chishiya usually didn't act on those. But he sat on the edge of the bed nevertheless, watching the feminine figure just sit there, head down, water dripping on her body, motionless. He wondered how her brain works. She has a stuffed animal lying on the floor, but last night she was the only survivor of a terrible game. What horrible things she's done to win that game?
He wants – needs -  to play a game with her once. To see how the small wheels of her mind twist and turn to solve it.
Suddenly, she moved, grabbing something of the edge of the shower. She poured it right on her had and began massaging it into her hair. Her hands drifted down her shoulder, then on the small of her back, then back again up to her head. He held his breath, thinking he might get caught. But she didn't notice him yet and he still waited there, leaning back on his hands.
She moved slowly, letting the water caress every curve and every edge. Her hands moved back to her body, touching so many places Chishiya didn't account for before. She moved to the side and he could see the shape of her breasts through the semi-opaque curtain. He doubted she could see him in the semi darkness of the room. He wasn't worried, he rarely was by default, but again – what was the worst that could happen?
Besides, he was curious. He wanted to know more of her, although he didn't expect to learn how perky her breasts were and how water fell off them like a lazy waterfall.
She touched them and he felt himself grow in his shorts. It wasn't what he came in for, but he did get a show. Hell, he thought she was a threat to him, but he was still a man. His preservation sense was huge, but his manhood was now bigger.
He grabbed his erection and began stroking while she moved in what felt like a lascivious slow dance in the rain. He imagined her there naked, soothed by the water and his gaze. In the back of his mind, he thought that she's the reason they never had hot water in the building anymore. But he was content to freeze in his own showers in order to have the image of her touching softly her thighs, her breast and finally her sex – now an image burnt into his mind forever.
She turned around and he froze. She was looking straight ahead, but no sign of figuring what was happening in the now-darkness of her room.
He watched her continuing with her routine and his member got only harder now that she was facing him. He tried to stay silent – if anything he was good at it but it was a rare moment when he felt he needed to be vocal. The restraint only turned him on more.
He watched the curve of her bottom while she kept her long hair up with her hands, her figure becoming more and more sexual with each small breath she took, shaking slightly her beasts. She turned her back to him again for a few seconds, only to look back over her shoulder.
He felt himself go over the edge, looking straight to her face, although he didn't distinguish much. He came, suddenly, and barely stopped from moaning her name. If he believed in God, he would have thought this is heaven. He closed his eyes for a few seconds, when he opened them she wasn't looking towards him anymore. He sighed.
He tried to hide away his still grown bulge and hurrying to get himself cleaned up. This wasn't productive. He felt dirty not only through the physical evidence of his dubious activity, but also because he let himself do it.
He heard the water stop abruptly and he sighed again. He left the room, glad to be alone on the hallway. He put his hoodie on and his hands in his pockets going up the stairs to his own shower.
Himiko let the water drip of her body before extending her arm to take the discarded towel next to her shower. She moved away the curtain and walked out of the shower. She moved to the mirror and looked back into her own dark green eyes, slightly smiling.
It is actually my first ever smut oneshot and I’ve written it on an impulse and based on an idea I had *caugh* in the shower 💀💀
Any advice is deeply appreciated ❤️
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cassiopeiagarcia · 1 year
[ karaoke ]  for our muses to sing together
(Sending one to each sibling, feel free to do just one or any <3 )
Andro had found her a guitar.
Granted, it wasn't in the best state it could have been, but it was a guitar, and that meant that Cass would play it nonstop, even if her fingers hurt and her voice was strained from the effort, every single day, until she managed to empty herself of everything she was feeling, which was... a lot.
She didn't have any way of checking any music sheets, so whatever songs she felt like learning, she had to do so from memory. Luckily, her parents, Fernando and María, had paid for extensive music lessons for the three siblings (and for Orión, but he never paid any attention, and since he was a horrible student either way...) and she knew the instrument better than, in some ways, she knew herself.
'Fuck...' Tongue peeking from parted lips in both concentration and frustration, her body bending down to make a note of the chords as she progressed with the song, white fingers stained with ink as was usually the case, messy curls all over her face. 'No, this doesn't sound right.'
Repetition. Make a mistake. Try again. Absolute failure. Get it finally right. Maybe, if her music taste wasn't as eclectic as she was, it would have been easier. She'd never know. Also, her voice was a little bit too high to hit all the notes and to get the melody to sound exactly the way she wanted. She needed some help, but who could she ask? Niragi? No, he would never agree. Chishiya? Maybe, but he was always busy... Hinata's name appeared in her mind and while, she didn't want to bother him with something as stupid and as trivial as this, she just. Needed to get it off her chest.
She was in his room no less than ten minutes later, holding the instrument like she would a weapon, with something resembling reverence and as if she was scared it could go off at any minute. When Hinata opened the door, she quickly explained the situation: she needed to sing and she required someone with a lower voice. She didn't want to sing, there was a huge difference, she needed it as much as she did oxygen and food and water, to keep living. It was a supernatural thing, this weird need to create. But her close friend was an artist as well, and she was sure that he would understand.
She gave him a piece of paper with the lyrics on it, in the best handwriting she could produce, while she took a seat in the bed and started playing the intro to the song. After practicing for about half an hour, they finally got it right.
Illustrate all my pain and set it all ablaze
Burn, and set it all ablaze
So how do I apologize and put the tears back in your eyes, when every canvas that I paint is a masterpiece of my mistakes?
And in the light of my demise, I see my failures in your eyes
Every canvas that I paint is a masterpiece made of my mistakes
Their voices worked together in the same way their personalities did. In a way that was sweet, soft, almost magical; it felt like the caress of a long lost lover you had never got over. Like a warm hug when you needed it the most. Like a friend you could spend months without speaking to, but when you resumed contact, nothing had changed. There was also a... certain chaos to it, but there was beauty in it.
How could there not be? Cass asked herself, while looking at Hinata and the light that seemed to irradiate from him, after the last notes echoed in the room. He really was someone whose smile could lit up the darkness. Such a simple gesture from him could guide any astray soul back to their path. Everything good in this world could be found inside of him. Words, simply, fell short.
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niragixpsych · 10 months
"Staying late again you say..." Kukki sighed softly, in an attempt to not give away that this kind of made her sad. It's been like this for the past few days too, Niragi having to do overwork hours to advance on the project. She missed the evenings they spent together and the sweet time in his arms, but Kukki also knew that voicing how lonely she felt would only cause Niragi more stress. So for now she just had to endure and wait a little bit longer. After he'll be done with this project, things will go back to normal, right? "Studying is going well." The silver haired masked her slight disappointment with one of her warm smiles and proceeded with serving him with the delicious food.
The soft sigh coming from Kukki let him know more than she certainly wanted him to know. He knew well that she didn't like it if he had to stay at work late, but from time to time he simply couldn't help it. Some of the games he was working on took longer to develop than they had anticipated and he always wanted to help to make it as perfect as possible. "I will try to set myself a time limit so I won't come home too late so you will be sleeping already." Niragi tried his best to reassure her and then he focused on what she told him about her studies. "It's good to hear that. I hope you're taking a break now and then." He said before watching Kukki unpack all the food she got for them. Once all the food was out he grabbed one pair of chopsticks and tried a bite. "It's good." He commented before grabbing another bite to hold it in front of her lips in a casual manner.
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gaesaekkii · 1 year
After we leave the city it’s about an hour drive away. It’s in the middle of a little forest and I don’t think all of the tree houses will be rented out. Also you need to let go of me if you want us to get ready.
*Niragi teases followed by a soft snort, but he also didn’t try to move and kept his arms wrapped around Jae’s neck*
Is there a specific time we need to be there for? I wouldn't wanna be late, but then again I really don't want to let go of you. I wanna just hold you a little longer if you don't mind, which you don't seem to mind.
-keeps the man in his arms, gripping onto the fabric of his shirt, just for extra security, though he wasn't really worried that the man would leave-
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your-sweet-cookies · 1 year
💜 a kiss on the back of the hand
Obligatory kiss meme 2.0, saucy edition
One of Kukki's favorite afternoon activities was spending her time cuddling with Niragi, while the man was working on his work related tasks from home. She was lucky that her boyfriend had most of the job related hours dedicated to working from home, so they could spend more time together as a couple. Sure, in the time frame in which he had to focus on programming and doing other game dev related stuff, Kukki couldn't do much and had to be quiet, but she was still very grateful that she could spend more time in his company, having him there with her.
So, for these afternoon quiet cuddling sessions, the young woman would quietly tip toe into his office whenever she felt lonely, and then just as quietly sit into Niragi's lap, making herself comfortable while he worked. Most often, Niragi would then wrap one hand around her waist, pulling her closer to his chest while he typed away with his other free hand, but there were also moments when he'd rest his chin on the top of her head or give her occasional tender kisses to her forehead or to the top of her head. Those were simple gestures of affection, but they still meant a lot to Kukki, as she stood there in his arms, listening to his heartbeat and snoozing slightly like a cat while cuddling.
And this noon was going just the same, Kukki sitting in his lap, as Niragi was working on doing test runs on the latest developments in the current stages of the game. They've been staying quietly like this for quite some time, the only sounds echoing in the room being those of the keyboard typing or the occasional 'cacaw' of a crow outside. Kukki took in a deep breath, reveling in the scent of Niragi's perfume, and she raised her head slightly to look at the raven-haired man. Niragi was very focused on the computer screen, but she could feel his free hand rubbing her back lazily in a sign of acknowledgement of her presence and attention she gave him. This made the silver haired woman smile, as she rested one hand on his cheek. "I love you soo much, Suguru!" It was random, but for them it was a normal thing to express their love for each other even in the simplest of moments.
The ticking sounds of the keyboard continued for just a few more seconds, before the man stopped, turning his eyes to his girlfriend, a slight smile now pulling at the corners of his mouth. "I love you too, wildcat!" And as he finished saying that, he placed a hand of his own on her cheek, brushing it gently. Kukki leant into his touch, her smile growing bigger and after another moment or two, she took his hand into hers and brought it to her lips, giving a soft kiss to the back of his hand. Yet another simple, yet very meaningful sign of showing her lover how much she loved and adored him.
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sery-chan-13 · 3 years
Niragi being soft with the reader because them found him sad and comfort him in some way sobody did before?
Aww, of course!
It wasn't his fault. This time, it really wasn't.
How was he supposed to resist the urge to hurt him? The person who tortured him for so long. Niragi wasn't going to let him get away. But he did.
All it took was one word. A single look, and he was suddenly the scared boy from back then. He didn't know why. He froze up, and in the minute all he could think of was how much pain he felt back then. He got one of the other militals killed because he was trapped in his head.
Aguni wasn't angry, just the fact that someone who was so high up got lost in thought and hesitated made him the tiniest bit worried. But it was the comments other on the way back made that were really making Niragi feel bad. Or at least worse.
He didn't stay out to brag or do anything this night. He went up to the roof. Of course he did. Why wouldn't he? It was a safe space back then, and it was one now. A place of solitude where thoughts could be heard clearly. Even the negative ones. He looked down to his fingers, playing with the ring. The one she had given to him long ago.
Whatever happened to that girl? After highschool, they lost touch, as most people often do. But you were never forgotten in his mind. It just seemed like you disappeared off the face of the Earth. No new social media posts, no phone calls, emails, texts. Nothing. He missed her. One of the people he could confidently say reminded him of safety and comfort.
He didn't notice his tears until the door to the rooftop opened. "If you're here to remind me about patrols, fuck off," he said, his voice cracking slightly.
"Not here to remind you of patrols. I'm here to help. Want some cotton candy?"
Those words... he'd heard them before... in a different context, but very simulat
"Not here to make fun of you... or to hurt you. I'm here to help. Want some cotton candy?"
Gods how fimiliar it sounded. He saw you round the corner, a bowl of the pure sugar in your arms. "See, they make this stuff so we can it eat whenever. Bag it. And it's my favorite. So, here," you offered, sitting besides him. He scooted away slightly, making you laugh. "It's not poisoned darling. Have some. Promise it'll make you feel better," you said, giving him a smile. "And if it doesn't?" He questions, taking some. "You can hurt me. I don't mind. I have other things that can help too," you stated. You had said that all with a smile. He slowly put it in his mouth, the candy quickly disolving in his mouth. Pure sugar. Just like when she had given him some. Except... she had kissed him afterwards.
"Sorry... you taste like cotton candy now too! Can I do that again? Did it make you feel better?" She giggled, her forehead against his own. All he could do was nod, pulling her back into him.
"Familiar?" You questioned. His eyes widened. "Reminds you of being a kid, huh? The faris wheels, fairs, festivals?" You asked with a smile. He had a different reason, but nodded and went along with it.
"Still sad?" You asked. He nodded. Why was he nodding? He was Niragi Suguru, one of the most feared militals at the beach! Why was he nodding and letting you do this? He wasn't the scared little boy anymore damnit!
But you felt so familiar.
You pulled him closer, laying his head on your lap, running your fingers through his hair. You hummed a song while looking up at the sky.
That's the song she used to hum.
"Where'd you learn that song? It's very nice," he asked, reaching his hand up to touch her face. "My grandma used to sing it around the house... 'm glad you like it," she smiled.
He could give it a shot. It might work.
"Where'd you learn that song? It's very nice," he asked. Just like how he had done in the past, he reached his hand up to touch your face. You looked down, your face telling him that you remembered something fondly. "Ha... someone I knew asked the same thing... My grandma used to sing it around the house. 'M glad you like it," you smiled. Even the same answer, gods it had to be you.
"(Y/N)? (Y/N) (L/N)?" he asked, sitting up immediately. Your eyes lit up. "Suguru? Is it really you?" You questioned, your smile getting wider by the second. He nodded, and you threw your body into his, hugging him tightly. "I thought I'd never see you again," you whispered, clutching onto his shirt. "Me either..."
You pulled away from the hug, kissing his lips. Almost as soon as your lips met his, it seemed you pulled away. "Sorry.. you taste like cotton candy now too... Can I do it again? Did it make you feel better?" You asked, your forehead leaning on his. It was the exact same things that had happened years ago. Things he thought he'd never experience again. The feeling of safety, warmth, home... you. And just like back then, he nodded, wordlessly pulling you into him.
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aceofspadegrass · 3 years
Niragi Vs Niraffi Vs Soft Niragi, who would win.
Don't worry, to make things fair I replaced the very deadly and super ouchie guns with less deadly and super friendly water guns (Free of flammable liquid and a lighter) so nobody has to die. :D
However, do note that Niraffi still is a giraffe and therefore has a neck it can bonk them with plus legs, and Soft Niragi has the power of love on his side. Niragi? Uh...... Niragi's got his violent tendencies. :3
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