#endhawks rp
wholehomies · 3 months
hello all !!
my name is em and i'm 24 with she/they pronouns. i've been rewatching the my hero academia anime lately and it's got me on a writing kick again so i thought i'd make a rp ad !! i'd like to write the following pairings:
katsuki bakugo / izuku midoriya
shoto todoroki / izuku midoriya
katsuki bakugo / shoto todoroki
hanta sero / shoto todoroki
mirio togata / tamaki amajiki
shinso hitoshi / denki kaminari
hanta sero / denki kaminari
dabi / keigo takami
enji todoroki / keigo takami
and some notes !!
- italicized characters are who i am most comfortable portraying :)
- all characters will be aged 18+
- as i'm 24, i'm more comfortable writing with people closer to my age, so please only reach out if you're 22+
- i am happy with both canon and alternate universes !! i also have a list of aus on hand in case we ever wanna plot
- i have only seen the anime but i have seen manga spoilers and don't mind hearing about them/discussing them
- i love to have someone to chat with about headcanons, share fanart, and send rp-inspired playlists to !!
- open to ships not stated above as long as we talk about it
- i write on discord
- nsfw is okay with me but not a requirement at all !! any and all boundaries will always be respected
that's about it i think !! if interested feel free to like the post/comment/message me so we can chat !!
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goomys-writing-space · 9 months
Looking for Endhawks (Endeavor x Hawks) rps on discord! Preferably smut & romance heavy. I do rp Endeavor, but he’s a strict bottom. I do have a couple plot ideas in mind as well.
Don’t message me if it’s just to harass me over the ship or my preferred dynamic, it’ll be an instant block!
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skritchandscratch · 1 year
Hello there!
I am looking for 18+ RP buddies to do some MHA RP with me! I apologize in advance for the poor formatting on this post, I’m a bit Tumblr illiterate XD;
I am a 34 female who has been RPing for literal decades and would love some new RP buddies in this fandom. I’m looking for a literate, paragraph style, 3rd person, past tense writing format to compliment my own. Sometimes I write novels, sometimes it’s a few short paragraphs, depends on the situation in the RP. I won’t call out your spelling/grammar mistakes (Lawd knows I make them myself) but I struggle to read posts that have many grammatical errors/many spelling mistakes and it takes me out of the RP. I enjoy all types of genres - angst, fluff, nsfw, drama, slice of life, a mix of all the above - as well as many types of settings, both canon and AU.
For ships, I’m looking for Yagi Toshinori/All Might and Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead (Eraserhead) or Enji Todoroki/Endeavor and Keigo Takami/Hawks (EndHawks). I’ve played both All Might and Eraserhead a bit and I’ve yet to try EndHawks with anyone so I’m open to playing either for that ship as well.
I’m hopeful that my new buddy (or buddies!) will be around to post a few times a day if we miss each other timing wise, but would really like the ability to have a nice back and forth a few times a week. I’m happy to talk what you do and don’t like as well so we can keep away from any squicks you might have. I’m pretty open to just about anything with a few exceptions but we can talk about that in detail later. I’d also love to chat outside of RP!
My last caveat is that I’d prefer to RP on discord. I’ll give that info out through messages, so if you’ve made it this far and are interested shoot me one! Or if you want you can interact with this post and I’ll reach out to you.
All right, I think that’s it! Thanks for reading and hope to hear from you soon :)
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blanimefan · 2 years
Hello! I’m an 18+ male looking for other 18+ people who are willing to Roleplay any of the given* ships or specifically EndHawks! I write 3rd person and how much I write really depends on my partner and what they’d prefer. I’m pretty flexible so whatever works is great! I also don’t have a preference for character on any of my favorite ships to roleplay and for Nsfw stuff I can write Top, Bottom, whatever! I’m always searching for new roleplays! Especially EndHawks! We can discuss triggers and plots and anything of the sort in my DM’s on discord: Mr. Sniper#8577
Also OC’s are okay and straight ships I tend to be okay with but I prefer OC’s when it comes to straight ships. An Oc with a character.
EndHawks is definitely a Roleplay that I’m looking for seeing as that most people abandon when it comes to that ship for some reason :( I have no preference on which character I play!
My other MHA ship I love roleplaying is EraserMic, again I have no preference for who I play.
I’m up to any MHA ships depending on what it is.
Sk8 the infinity ships. I like MatchaBlossom and Tadaai, but I’m up to a lot of parings. Unfortunately however, I don’t like Renga.
I forget what else I like but send me a message here or on discord and we can talk!
Again my discord is: Mr. Sniper#8577
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paracopter · 1 year
Endeavor x Hawks rp?
If anyone wants to rp endeavor, I can be hawks. I've recently just watched the entire anime and I can't help but to ship these two. I only rp with people 18+ and you gotta be at least semi-lit, please.
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arandomrpaccount · 2 years
Hello! I’m seeking either a hotwings or endhawks rp partner! I’m open to either playing hawks or the other character we decide on. I was hoping to do in universe or cannon some what compliant but I’m open for discussion!
Other specifics
Trans Hawks preferred!
Open to abo
20+ partners only
Paragraph format
Dms open!
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sargelovesfandoms · 2 years
Roleplay search
Don't know why I'm bothering to do a roleplay search here considering the last person I tried to roleplay with ghosted me for 3 months before I realized they were no longer interested, but here I go. Hopefully I have luck this time around, but who knows.
- I'm 32, so I prefer my partners to be 18+ - I'm female - I have been roleplaying since I was 17 - I prefer long roleplays
I'm currently on the search for My Hero Academia roleplays and only for certain ships, these ships being the following:
DabiHawks EndHawks EraserMic ShigDabi Spinaraki
Plots and AU's - League of Villains Vigilante AU- This could really just be a few different ways to be honest. Either The League is just this group of people who have gone through their usual problems in life and decide to do heroism their own way or we can play it as this: Without the influence of All For One or the doctor, Tomura and the other become tired of being on the run for their misdeeds and decide vigilantism is a far better deal than villainy.
- Hawks is tired, being run ragged because the HPSC never lets him rest and pulls him in several different directions. He needs to be perfect, up to their standards, even if it chips away at his very being. Take on an intern, they asked him. Infiltrate The League, they asked him, do all your patrols like usual, they asked him. He's tired and isn't feeling all that great when he gets a message from Dabi for a meeting and he's contemplating on not even going, but this is his mission and he needs to do this. (This is obviously going to be DabiHawks.)
- Reverse AU- Roles are reversed, Dabi is a pro-hero Hawks is a villain.
- Soulmate AU- - Alpha/Beta/Omega AU-
If none of these interest you, feel free to come to me with your own plots. I'll update this thread when more plots come to me.
I prefer roleplaying via Discord, so if your interested, please feel free to message me.
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txnatiuh · 1 year
damn this getting crazy fr fr
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fiercelywinged · 1 year
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Anonymous asked: Hey Hawks, do you have a crush on Endeavor?
"W-what? Why w-would you think that? N-no, I definitely don't have a crush on the big guy..." In other words yes, yes he did. He's had one since he was a teen and getting to work with his idol has only made it worse. As shown by how Keigo tried to hide his blush behind the collar of his jacket and his feathers puffed up.
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exhaustedsighs · 2 years
Hnn anyone interested in an endhawks rp? Preferably with bottom!Enji
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grimdarkfandango · 4 months
Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
got tagged in an ask meme by @saltedpin thank you!!! I love oversharing on the internet!!!
3 Ships you like: god. okay. be cruel then.
Winter/Kitten - yes we're leading with OCs deal with it SOMETIMES you take a beloved archetype pairing, reshape them like silly putty, put them in separate dnd games, and spend four years running continuous RP with a partner in multiple different au variations because they are perfect actually (shout out to @andromeda-reinvented for literally keeping me sane and fed :prayer emoji:)
Kitten is my husband and also my phone lockscreen and has never done anything wrong in his life (the murders are fine)
Songxue - this is the wizard behind the curtain of winter/kitten, but they are different for all that they're the same. otherwise, uh. see above for all other applicable details lmao
Endhawks - the DRAMA the DILFYNESS the LEGEND look all of my pairings need a certain level of unhealthy devotion and self-sacrifice and not to spoil the current manga chapters for anyone but [blood seeps from my mouth as I start screeching incoherently] anyway yeah big man hot little guy feral
Ganlink - hey riley why are you putting an unnecessary fourth pairing, did you think we weren't already very clearly aware of your type here. no. okay. sure. big man hot little guy feral!!!!!
First Ship Ever: oh god bro I don't know if I have the memory details for that. the first ships I remember going and reading fic for were bandom (*nsync, JC/Lance, yes you heard me) or probably good old gundam wing 1x2, despite having seen approximately none of the show lmao
Last song you heard: Nightmares by the sea - jeff buckley when I started / The life I was missing - flannel graph when I finished (all off my Winter playlist. it's 12hrs long)
Favourite childhood book: I was one of those advanced reader kids who turned up my nose at kids books and for many years almost exclusively read sf/f off dad's bookshelf, which is a long way of saying it was the full ten book run of the belgariad and the mallorean, which I would reread twice a year between the ages of 9-16
is it my favourite now? god no. but I cannot deny what shaped me
Currently Reading: I just started the first Dragonlance book so, I guess, some things don't change
Currently Watching: everything currently airing on Dropout, also The Expanse (finally)(slowly)(I like it too much to binge I think)
Currently Craving: D I N N E R
Tagging: HMMMM ok @andromeda-reinvented, @bigneonglitter, @oldcoyote, @prairie-grass, and anyone else who wants to just say I tagged u!!!
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roleplayfinder · 1 day
Hi! I am 20+ roleplayer looking for a 18+ partner who will do a stalker au dabihawks or endhawks with me, with me playing hawks! I could even do an inatodo or kiribaku stalker au but mostly looking for the first two!! It'll get angsty but I'm obsessed with the idea of hawks being crazy but not wanting to hurt the one he loves. I get really busy so i can do as little as one paragraph but mainly 2-4. It doesn't have to be big replies so no stress! We can also discuss smut in pm. I rp strictly on discord so like this and I will reach out!
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findyourrp · 4 months
( ⛩️🧿 ) 20+ rp request.
beau, 23! they. looking for active, literate roleplay partners that can reply at least once a week!
please DO NOT message me if you are not willing to reply, in character or ooc at least once a week to let me know you’re still here and interested.
literate to semi. 300+ characters (not words, just letters) per response. quality over quantity.
i make servers with specific layouts for my rps. i ask that you please let me take care of the server!!
looking for more of a 30:70 up to 50:50 smut to plot ratio. more plot, less smut. open to various bdsm kinks and darker content!!
fandoms include jujutsu kaisen and my hero academia. canon x canon only, no doubles at the moment.
my muse will be { in brackets } & in bold. NO bold and no brackets means no preference.
{ yuuji } // sukuna (sukuita)
yuuji // gojo (goyuu)
gojo // sukuna (sukugo)
{ gojo } // megumi (gofushi)
{ sukuna } // megumi (sukufushi)
{ keigo } // enji (endhawks)
keigo // touya (hotwings)
{ katsuki } // f! or ftm!izuku (bakudeku) (the f or ftm is optional)
dms are open if you’re interested. blogs with no age do not interact. discord only my user is @/ kitty.g0re
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darkdoverpseeker · 4 months
( ⛩️🕊️ ) 20+ rp request.
beau here!! 23! with another roleplay request. looking for active partners that can reply at least once a week!
DO NOT message me if you cannot reply at least once a week. this means either a rp response or simply a message letting me know you’re busy.
i am looking for ACTIVE writers who are willing to communicate when busy and be patient with me as well.
literate to semi. 300+ characters (letters, not words) per response. quality over quantity.
i make servers with specific layouts for my rps. i ask that you please let me take care of the server!!
looking for more of a 30:70 smut to plot ratio. more plot, less smut. open to various bdsm kinks and darker content!!
i do not do oc x canon. ocxoc or ccxcc only. when it comes to oc’s, please no real person faceclaims.
here are some fandom (my hero academia) and some original character pairings im currently looking for. my muse will be in red.
keigo / enji (endhawks) in a prisoner of war au.
keigo / touya (hotwings) also in a prisoner of war au.
katsuki / f! or ftm!izuku (bakudeku) in a demon x nun au.
male sage elf paired with a male knight, prince, king, or bandit.
female star/angel/fairy paired with a male hunter, bandit, king, prince, sage (this one has various possibilities!!)
dms are open if you’re interested. blogs with no age do not interact. discord only. my user is kitty.g0re
reach out if interested !
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proshippresentmic · 10 months
Pinned info time
Call me Mic I guess, about 30 years old, he/they or similar.
I have a deep resentment for the terms profic and proship, but it scares kidders and sensitive catholic guilters away, so it's in my url.
I don't care what someone writes in fiction so long as they're a decent person to the real world. If you disagree then politely go back to your cesspit, I have no time for radfems and protofascist babies.
This account is for seeking/responding to RP ads, because I realized a lot of the seeking blogs here required an account for "liking to reach out", rather than just dropping a discord.
I use my discord account tag presentationmicheal for RP purposes, for the time being I'm ok with random friend requests, but I'm also a grouchy old man and if your vibes are rancid you're gone.
Goes without saying but 18+ partners only. Honestly preferably 21+
Under the cut is my general RP info!
Extremely very horrendously gay so I won't be interested in MxF, also extremely very horrendously trans so expect most if not all of my muses to come with pussy DLC.
Currently I'm only super into writing My Hero Academia (manga reader!).
Dabi / Touya Todoroki - primary muse, snarkastic piece of shit, I do not pull punches with him nor will I write him being a doting husband, or other out of character extremes.
Even in AUs where, somehow, Enji was an alright father, my Touya ends up a serial killer.
That said I can reel him in a little, but he will come with "canon typical asshole" warning either way.
No hard pref on whether he's got a cock or cunt.
Katsuki Bakugou - not 100% confident with him, but getting there. Always written at least 20 years old, UA was a college to me, what of it.
Again, canon typical asshole.
Primarily play him trans, but I can be convinced to play him otherwise.
Present Mic - Pretty sure I could write this cringelord in my sleep at this point. Nothing special about him, he's chillin'.
Slight preference for him having cock n balls, but I'll write him otherwise more than happily.
Currently on track learning Hawks, Aizawa, Enji and Natsuo. Unsure when I'll be confident enough.
Kinks, Limits n Shippy shite
Shit that I love: Omegaverse, hybrid AUs, height differences, enemies to lovers, biting/scratching, piss, petplay, dom/sub, ponyplay, bondage, muzzles. interrogations/captured be heroes or villains, male pregnancy (pussy preferable, but can deal with otherwise), public sex, heat/rut, aphrodisiacs, intercrural, mirrors... honestly most kinks not listed in limits/meh do something for me.
Dead dove edition: Incest, noncon, abduction, torture, guro/snuff, fuck-or-die, fuck-AND-die, human pet, meditorture, more I've probably forgotten.
Hard limits: Characters under 18, feet, scat/gas in general, mental institutions, ABDL/Ageplay, raceplay. I may have forgotten something, so this will probably update later.
Honorable mention: 'daddy' kink makes my skin crawl, but if your pitch is interesting I can tolerate it.
Meh: Vore, hyper, inflation. I hate calling them "Deviantart Kinks" but that does end up a good descriptor. I am into a couple of these but not for canons, can't explain it just don't like it.
Ships I'm primarily interested in:
Dabihawks, Dabiskep, Todocest of many flavors, Dabizawa, Dabibaku, Bakudeku, Kiribaku, Todobaku, Endhawks, Erasermic, Mightmic, Erasermight, Dabishigs.
Open to others (and I love a good crackship).
(I'm willing to break out my not-quite-confident guys for some of these, just forgive any fumbles.)
Misc shit
I'm of the opinion the characters would have fouler language were this manga higher rated, so expect my guys to drop a couple harsh words here and there. If you're offended by the word 'fuck', we won't get along.
I've got no hard pref for positions, I'll write them all.
Response times vary from "100 responses a minute" and "once every couple days" depending on how much work I have on. If I'm slacking and not responding every three days though, time to whallop me with the cartoon mallet.
I'm a grown ass man with an honesty clause. I will be upfront if I've fallen out of love with a thread, and if I feel up for coming back to it later. I expect the same of you, please.
My active hours are somewhat random and work dependent, and can sometimes be entirely flipped in a couple days.
RP through Discord only. We can make a server!
Third person paralit, 2 paragraphs minimum, no need to match my length if I go off the rails!
I really, really, really love headcanoning/"what-if"s/spitballing. This doesn't always have to become a thread, I really dig discussing what could have happened with current threads if XYZ was different, this isn't a wistful sigh wishing things were different. I'm going to be talkative OOC, you will get memes if they're relavant to what we're doing - or if I figure you'd just like em, I am not going to treat you like an RP token machine.
I don't expect that much legwork in return, but please at least be willing to do dumb spitballing OOC a little.
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blanimefan · 1 year
Looking for EndHawks Roleplay!
I typically Roleplay on discord but I’m also available to Roleplay on here!
I’m a big fan of angst but I also have plot ideas to choose from. Or I’m up to hearing your plot ideas too!
Please be 18+ if you reach out to me even if you’re not interested in Nsfw(it just sits better with me) I really hope someone’s interested cause for some reason it’s so hard to keep specifically EndHawks rps 😭 or find people in that matter too.
Anyway- If You’re interested feel free to comment or Dm me on here or on discord Mr. Sniper#8577
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