#endometrial cancer treatment in Mumbai
surgicaloncology · 1 year
Endometrial cancer Treatment in Mumbai | SSO Hospital
Endometrial cancer is a type of cancer that affects the lining of the uterus. Early detection and proper treatment are crucial for a successful outcome. Here's what you need to know about endometrial cancer, its symptoms, risk factors, causes, and treatment options at SSO Hospital in Mumbai.
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Abnormal vaginal bleeding, especially post-menopause.
Pelvic pain
Difficult or painful urination
Pain during sexual intercourse
Unexpected and rapid weight loss
Risk Factors
Hormone therapy without progestin.
Early onset of menstruation.
Late onset of menopause.
Never having been pregnant.
Family history of endometrial or colorectal cancer.
High blood pressure.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Endometrial cancer usually starts when cells in the inner lining of the uterus (endometrium) mutate and multiply uncontrollably.
The exact cause is not always known, but hormonal imbalances, obesity, and genetic factors may contribute.
As the patient gets older the risk of getting endometrial cancer increases.
Treatment Options- 
Surgery: Removal of the uterus (hysterectomy) may be recommended in early stages. Lymph node removal may also be necessary.
Radiation Therapy: Targeted radiation to destroy cancer cells.
Chemotherapy: Medications to kill cancer cells or stop their growth.
Hormone Therapy: Certain hormonal medications can slow cancer growth.
Targeted Therapy: Drugs targeting specific molecules involved in cancer growth.
Take control of your health and explore our comprehensive endometrial cancer treatment in Mumbai. at SSO Hospital Schedule a consultation today. know more our expert endometrial cancer Surgeon will guide you toward a brighter, cancer-free future.
SSO Hospital Expertise- 
SSO Hospital in Mumbai is renowned for its comprehensive cancer care. They have a dedicated team of oncologists, surgeons, and support staff specializing in endometrial cancer treatment.
They offer state-of-the-art diagnostic facilities, personalized treatment plans, and ongoing support for patients and their families.
Endometrial cancer is a serious condition, but with early detection and advanced treatments available at SSO Hospital in Mumbai, there is hope for a successful outcome. If you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms or have risk factors, don't hesitate to seek medical advice and explore treatment options. Your health is a top priority.
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rudrasurgicals02 · 2 months
Different Sets Of Tests That Can Be Done With Laparoscopic Diagnoses
Laparoscopy in the medical industry is known for its diagnoses as well as surgical procedures. The Laparoscopic Instruments Manufacturer In India is making the best instrument and always assures that proper guidelines are followed. Today, here we are going to shed some light on different sets of tests done by laparoscopic diagnoses.
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Different Sets of Tests That Can Be Done With Laparoscopic Diagnoses
1. Visual Examination
Direct Visualization: Allows direct observation of the abdominal and pelvic organs, providing a clear view of their condition and any abnormalities.
Organ Inspection: Detailed examination of organs such as the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, intestines, spleen, stomach, reproductive organs, and lymph nodes.
2. Biopsy
Tissue Sampling: Small tissue samples can be taken from suspected abnormal areas for histopathological examination.
Cancer Diagnosis: Helps in diagnosing cancers of the abdominal and pelvic organs by obtaining tissue for analysis.
3. Fluid Analysis
Peritoneal Fluid Sampling: Collecting fluid from the abdominal cavity to check for infections, cancer cells, or other abnormalities.
Ascitic Fluid Analysis: Evaluating the cause of ascites (fluid accumulation) by analyzing the fluid for infection, malignancy, or other causes.
4. Endometriosis Detection
Visual Confirmation: Identifying and confirming the presence and extent of endometriosis by directly viewing the endometrial implants outside the uterus.
Lesion Mapping: Determining the exact location and severity of endometriotic lesions for planning treatment.
5. Adhesion Detection
Identifying Adhesions: Detecting and evaluating the extent of adhesions (scar tissue) that may be causing pain, infertility, or bowel obstruction.
Assessment of Adhesion-Related Complications: Understanding how adhesions are affecting the function of abdominal organs.
6. Infertility Evaluation
Tubal Patency Test: Assessing the fallopian tubes for blockages or damage that may be causing infertility.
Ovarian Examination: Evaluating the ovaries for cysts, tumors, or other abnormalities that may impact fertility.
7. Chronic Pelvic Pain Investigation
Source Identification: Identifying the cause of chronic pelvic pain which could be due to conditions like pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, or adhesions.
Comprehensive Examination: Thorough examination of pelvic organs to rule out various causes of pain.
Several other tests can be done with the help of laparoscopy, and the Laparoscopic Surgical Instruments Manufacturer In Mumbai makes all types of instruments.
About Rudra Surgical
The company is offering everyone with right set of equipment for laparoscopic surgery as well as diagnoses. To get your instrument, you can connect with them today.Source: https://penzu.com/p/cbed6355c8daa10b
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drpriya · 3 months
The causes of gynecological cancers can vary, but several factors have been identified that may increase the risk of developing these types of cancer. Here’s a look at some of the common causes and risk factors for each type of gynecological cancer:
Cervical Cancer
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection: The primary cause of cervical cancer is persistent infection with high-risk types of HPV.
Smoking: Increases the risk of cervical cancer.
Immunosuppression: Conditions that weaken the immune system, such as HIV, can increase the risk.
Long-term use of oral contraceptives: Use for five or more years can increase the risk.
Multiple full-term pregnancies: Having three or more full-term pregnancies can increase the risk.
Early sexual activity and multiple sexual partners: Increase the likelihood of HPV infection.
Ovarian Cancer
Genetic Factors: Inherited mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes significantly increase the risk.
Family History: A family history of ovarian or breast cancer can increase the risk.
Age: The risk increases with age, especially after menopause.
Reproductive History: Never having been pregnant increases the risk.
Hormone Replacement Therapy: Long-term use of estrogen alone or estrogen-progestin therapy can increase the risk. Know more about HRT and other gynecological problems by a best gynaecologist like Dr Firuza Parikh.
Uterine (Endometrial) Cancer
Hormonal Imbalance: High levels of estrogen without corresponding levels of progesterone can increase the risk.
Obesity: Fat tissue can produce additional estrogen, increasing the risk.
Diabetes: Women with diabetes have a higher risk.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): Can lead to higher levels of estrogen. ( Know more about- What is PCOS? )
Family History: A family history of endometrial or colorectal cancer can increase the risk.
Tamoxifen: Use of tamoxifen for breast cancer treatment can increase the risk.
Vaginal Cancer
HPV Infection: Similar to cervical cancer, HPV infection is a significant risk factor.
Age: The risk increases with age, especially after 60.
Exposure to Diethylstilbestrol (DES): Women whose mothers took DES during pregnancy have a higher risk.
History of Cervical Cancer or Pre-cancer: Can increase the risk.
Vulvar Cancer
HPV Infection: A major risk factor, particularly for younger women.
Age: The risk increases with age, particularly after 50.
Chronic Skin Conditions: Conditions like lichen sclerosus can increase the risk.
Smoking: Increases the risk.
Immunosuppression: Conditions that weaken the immune system can increase the risk.
While these risk factors are associated with an increased likelihood of developing gynecological cancers, they do not guarantee that a person will develop cancer. Conversely, individuals without these risk factors can still develop these cancers.
Regular screening and preventative measures, such as the HPV vaccine, can help reduce the risk. Get best treatments and full body health checkups at best hospitals like H N Reliance Hospital Mumbai.
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thanawalamaternity · 5 months
What Are The Causes and Treatments For Bleeding Following a Decade of Menopause?
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It is common for menstrual cycles to cease during menopause. Facing Bleeding after menopause is a matter of worry. If you are also facing menopause, keep in mind that you are not alone because around 85% of women are affected by it. Bleeding after a decade or more is critical; it is important to visit healthcare experts like gynecologists in Navi Mumbai from menopause treatment in Vashi to treat this matter.
Understanding Menopause and Postmenopausal Bleeding
It typically occurs around the age of 50, but some women might face it early. Vaginal bleeding arises after 12 months since the last catamenial period in postmenopausal bleeding. Menopause is the variations in hormones that cause the ovaries to break, discharging eggs, which leads to the end of menstruation.
Causes of Bleeding After a Decade of Menopause  
Several reasons can lead to postmenopausal bleeding, including hormonal changes, contaminations, polyps or growth in the uterus, endometrial hyperplasia, endometrial atrophy, and substantial medications. Hormonal disbalances are a superior cause as they sometimes lead to irregular bleeding even after a longer period of menopause.
When to Seek Medical Attention
If you face bleeding after ten years, seek medical attention, and it is a must to pursue medical attention if the bleeding is heavy, frequent, and due to fatigue and pain. These symptoms are to be concerned about. Don’t delay if you notice any unexpected bleeding. It shows that there could be any underlying health issues that need to be treated. Visit Thanawala Maternity Hospital for expert evaluation and personalized care.
Diagnostic Procedures
The diagnostic measures help to recognize the situation of the uterus, notice any irregularities, and discover any serious conditions such as uterine cancer. These diagnostic dealings include a pelvic exam, transvaginal ultrasound, an endometrial biopsy, and several blood tests.
Treatment Options
Treatment for postmenopausal bleeding depends on the factors that lead to its cause. Usually, hormone therapy is suggested to cover up the hormonal imbalances and reduce bleeding. Some also use medications to treat specific conditions like infections or endometrial. Surgical interventions can be necessary if cancer or any severe abnormalities are detected. Contact Maternity Hospital In Vashi Navi Mumbai if you are looking for a perfect treatment.
Lifestyle and Home Remedies
Although medical treatment helps in reducing the problem, there still are several steps that are important to follow to assist in managing postmenopausal bleeding. Adapt to a better lifestyle and use home remedies as they can help in it. Maintaining a healthy weight, keeping physically active, trying to learn to deal with stress without panicking, and lastly, having a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can overall help in well-being and may help in hormonal fluctuations.
Bleeding after a decade is a matter of concern, but with a good healthcare provider like  Thanawala Maternity Hospital, you can avoid it happening by quickly appointing them if you face any bleeding. Early detection improves future outcomes and reduces suffering. It helps to ensure your better health and well-being during this stage of life.
Source: https://thanawalamaternity.com/what-are-the-causes-and-treatments-for-bleeding-following-a-decade-of-menopause/
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Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOD), is a common hormonal disorder among women of adult age. It affects the ovaries and causes irregular menstruation cycles, excessive androgen levels, and polycystic ovaries. The overall health and fertility of women can all be severely affected by PCOD. PCOD can be treated with Best PCOD treatment centre in Navi Mumbai.
Causes of PCOD
The combination of genetic and environmental factors leads to PCOD. Hormonal Imbalance, Insulin resistance, Genetic sensitivity, and lifestyle choices such as nutrition and exercise can all contribute to the development of PCOD. Women will face more complication during fertility if PCOD left untreated.
Symptoms of PCOD
The symptoms of PCOD vary from woman to woman and IVF Fertility treatments stimulate the ovaries and manipulate hormones, they may make PCOD symptoms worse. 
Below the common symptoms of PCOD,
Irregular periods or no periods.
Hirsutism – Excessive hair growth on the face.
Weight gain or difficulty losing weight.
Acne and oily skin or dandruff.
Alopecia – Thinning hair or hair loss on the scalp.
Darkening of the skin, especially in skin folds.
Insulin resistance symptoms of increased hunger and fatigue.
Infertility – Difficulty getting pregnant.
Mood swings, anxiety, or depression are additional symptoms.
Diagnosis of PCOD
Diagnosing PCOD typically involves a complete medical history and physical examination, along with blood tests to measure hormone levels and ultrasound imaging to visualize the ovaries.
Complications of PCOD
Complications of PCOD includes infertility, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and an increased risk of endometrial cancer due to irregular menstrual cycles.
PCOD Treatment Options at Yashoda IVF
Treatment for PCOD focuses on managing symptoms and addressing underlying hormonal imbalances. Yashoda IVF Fertility and IVF Centre is a leading fertility treatment centre in Navi Mumbai offering comprehensive PCOD treatment options. Their expert team provides personalized care, including medications to regulate menstrual cycles, reduce androgen levels, lifestyle changes, and advanced procedures, ensuring effective management of PCOD for improved fertility outcomes.
Importance of Regular Monitoring and Follow-Up
Regular monitoring of hormone levels and follow-up appointments with healthcare providers are essential for managing PCOD effectively and adjusting treatment plans as needed. In order to receive regular reviews and to get treatment for PCOD, women can schedule appointments with their best infertility specialists in Navi Mumbai.
Support and Resources for Women with PCOD
To cope with the emotional and psychological aspects of PCOD, women can benefit from joining support groups, accessing educational resources, getting help from pregnancy applications and seeking counseling services to manage the condition’s psychological and emotional aspects.
A common hormonal disorder called PCOD which we can have serious effects on a women’s health and fertility. However, with the right treatment and support, women with PCOD can lead fulfilling lives and achieve their reproductive goals. By understanding the PCOD causes, symptoms, and treatment options, women can take control of their health and well-being.
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chaitalitrivedi · 7 months
Does Endometrial Cancer Run In The Family?
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Endometrial cancer is the sixth most occurring cancer in women and ranks number 15 as the most occurring cancer overall. It is a type of cancer that begins in the lining of the uterus and is a common concern among many women. While various reasons lead to the development of this cancer, still a single question is common among them: does endometrial cancer run in the family?
If you have the same question and seek a Gynecologist in Mumbai, you can end your research with Dr. Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi at Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital. Due to her proven success record, she is renowned as the best doctor for endometriosis treatment in Mumbai. This blog will explore the relationship between genetics and endometrial cancer. So, let’s start!
Understanding Endometrial Cancer
Endometrial cancer occurs when abnormal cells in the endometrium (the uterus lining) grow uncontrollably. It is identified to be the most common type of uterine cancer, and it typically affects postmenopausal women, although it can develop in women of any age.
Signs of Endometrial Cancer
Vaginal bleeding after menopause
Changes in the length and heaviness of menstrual periods
Vaginal bleeding or spotting between menstrual periods
Pain during sex
Unexpected weight loss
Pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis
Watery or blood-tinged vaginal discharge
What Are The Risk Factors For Endometrial Cancer?
Several factors lead to the risk of developing endometrial cancer. These can include age, obesity, hormonal imbalances, diabetes, and a history of estrogen-related conditions. Moreover, having a family history of certain cancers may also play a vital role in overall risk. Let’s cover these:
Genetics and Endometrial Cancer
Usually, most cases of endometrial cancer are sporadic and not primarily linked to genetics; still, as per research, the genetic component is found in some instances, and they can even cause Lynch syndrome, which is also known as hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC). It is a hereditary condition linked with an increased risk of colorectal, ovarian, and endometrial cancers.
Family History And Risk Assessment
Family history also plays a crucial role in examining endometrial cancer risk. If your parents or siblings are diagnosed with endometrial cancer, you may be at high risk of getting diagnosed with the same. The risk gets more increases when multiple family members get affected with the cancer at a young age.
Treatment Methods
Endometrial cancer treatment depends on several factors, including the stage of cancer, the grade of the tumor, the woman’s overall health, and her preference.
Hysterectomy with Removal of Ovaries: This is the most common surgical procedure for endometrial cancer. It involves the surgical removal of fallopian tubes and ovaries. Moreover, the Lymph nodes in the pelvic and abdominal regions may also be removed.
Hormone Therapy: Some endometrial cancers can be hormone-sensitive, and progesterone can be used to slow down the cancer growth.
Chemotherapy: These anti-cancer drugs are administered intravenously or orally, travelling throughout the body to destroy cancer cells.
After getting on a step of initial treatment, regular follow-up care is vital to monitor for any sign fo recurrence and manage treatment side-effects. It may involve physical examination, ultrasounds, and blood tests.
Final Words
If you are noticing signs of endometrial cancer, the first thing you need to do is consult the top gynecologist to understand more about your health condition.
You can talk to Dr. Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi at Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital. Being the best Gynaecologist in Mumbai, she has changed thousands of women’s lives with successful treatments. To book your appointment with her visit at Nanavati Superspecialty Hospital in Mumbai today!
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drforambhuta · 7 months
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The common types of hereditary cancer syndromes include:
1. Inherited Breast and Ovarian Cancer Syndrome (HBOC): HBOC primarily stems from mutations within the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Females carrying these genetic alterations face notably heightened risks of breast and ovarian malignancies. Furthermore, BRCA mutations correlate with elevated susceptibilities to other cancers, such as prostate, pancreatic, and male breast cancer.
2. Lynch Syndrome (Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer, HNPCC): Lynch syndrome arises from mutations affecting genes responsible for DNA mismatch repair, notably MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, and PMS2. Those with Lynch syndrome exhibit increased predispositions to colorectal cancer, alongside risks of endometrial, ovarian, gastric, and urinary tract cancers.
3. Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP): FAP manifests with the proliferation of numerous polyps within the colon and rectum, which pose a cancer risk if untreated. Primarily linked to mutations in the APC gene, FAP substantially heightens the likelihood of early-onset colorectal cancer.
4. Li-Fraumeni Syndrome (LFS): LFS, a rare hereditary cancer syndrome, arises from mutations in the TP53 tumor suppressor gene. Individuals with LFS confront elevated lifetime risks of various cancers, including breast cancer, sarcomas, brain tumors, and adrenal gland tumors, often occurring at a young age.
5. Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer (HDGC): HDGC entails an escalated susceptibility to diffuse gastric cancer, characterized by infiltration of the stomach wall. This predisposition predominantly results from mutations in the CDH1 gene, which encodes a protein crucial for cell adhesion.
6. Cowden Syndrome (CS): CS stems from mutations in the PTEN gene and is typified by multiple noncancerous hamartomas, alongside heightened risks of developing diverse cancers, such as breast, thyroid, and endometrial cancers.
7. Hereditary Retinoblastoma (RB1): Hereditary retinoblastoma arises from mutations in the RB1 gene, leading to the formation of cancerous tumors in the retina, typically emerging in early childhood.
8. Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome (VHL): VHL arises from mutations in the VHL gene and is characterized by the development of tumors and cysts in various organs, including the kidneys, adrenal glands, pancreas, and central nervous system.
If you have a family history of cancer, you should undergo regular cancer screenings for the early detection and management of cancer. You can undergo a regular full body health checkup at Jaslok Hospital Mumbai, which is one of the best hospitals in Mumbai for cancer screening and treatment.
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drchintamanigodbole · 9 months
Which cancers may benefit from cytoreduction surgery?
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Cytoreduction surgery, also known as debulking surgery, may benefit patients with various types of cancers characterized by extensive tumor burden. Some of the cancers that may benefit from cytoreduction surgery include:
1- Ovarian Cancer:
Cytoreduction is commonly performed in advanced ovarian cancer to remove as much tumor tissue as possible, improving the effectiveness of subsequent treatments.
2- Colorectal Cancer:
Certain cases of advanced colorectal cancer, especially those with widespread metastasis or extensive tumor involvement, may be considered for cytoreduction surgery.
3- Gastrointestinal Cancers:
Cytoreduction may be considered for cancers affecting the stomach, pancreas, liver, or other parts of the gastrointestinal tract when tumors are extensive and impact overall organ function.
4- Peritoneal Carcinomatosis:
Peritoneal carcinomatosis refers to the spread of cancer cells to the lining of the abdominal cavity. Cytoreduction may be used to remove visible tumors in the peritoneum.
5- Mesothelioma:
Cytoreduction may be considered in cases of mesothelioma, a cancer affecting the lining of the lungs, abdomen, or heart, to reduce tumor burden and enhance treatment efficacy.
6- Appendiceal Cancer:
Cytoreduction may be a part of the treatment approach for cancers arising from the appendix, especially in cases where tumors have spread throughout the abdominal cavity.
7- Endometrial Cancer:
In certain cases of advanced endometrial cancer with extensive local spread, cytoreduction surgery may be considered in combination with other treatments.
8- Pancreatic Cancer:
Cytoreduction may be employed in advanced pancreatic cancer cases where surgery aims to remove as much tumor tissue as possible, followed by additional treatments.
It's important to note that the decision to perform cytoreduction surgery is based on individual factors, including the type and stage of cancer, overall health, and the potential for achieving meaningful debulking. Each case is unique, and the appropriateness of cytoreduction is determined through thorough evaluation and discussion between the patient and the multidisciplinary healthcare team.
Consult with Dr. Chintamani Godbole, renowned Gastrointestinal Surgeon in Mumbai, for expert care. Schedule your appointment today for personalized and advanced gastrointestinal solutions.
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Top 10 Birth Control Myths Debunked: Know Facts About Contraception
Birth control is one area of your health where you might hear things that aren’t true because myths surround many facets of women’s health. Some myths are passed down from relatives, and others you might find on the internet.
There are many baseless myths about the effectiveness and safety of birth control, which may prevent some people from using the best birth control method.
At Budget Fertility Center, we provide effective and inexpensive contraception treatment in Mumbai. Depending on your health, plans to have children in the future, and whether you need protection from STIs, our team of experienced and skilled gynaecologist in Mumbai can assist you in making the best decision regarding birth control.
Several birth control methods, such as condoms, pills, intrauterine devices (IUDs), and other barrier devices, are available to those who want to prevent pregnancy. Knowing the facts can help you make better family planning decisions, improve your health, and preserve your fertility.
In this article, we examine the realities of various contraception options and dispel common misconceptions.
So, let’s dispel a few of these widespread birth control myths.
Myth #1: Birth control keeps STIs at bay
Although barrier methods, like condoms, can lessen the risk of getting sexually transmitted infections (STIs), they are not 100% effective. For example, areas of the genitalia that are unprotected by a condom may carry the Herpes virus.
Other birth control methods are ineffective in preventing STIs. IUDs, oral contraceptives, and surgical sterilization do not affect preventing infection. Ask your gynaecologist doctor in Dadar Mumbai for advice on lowering your risk of contracting an STI if you use this method of birth control.
Myth #2: Hormonal birth control is the only available effective treatment
When someone says “birth control,” they frequently mean hormonal methods of contraception like pills, patches, implants, or intrauterine devices (IUD).
Hormonal contraception is only one choice, though there are many others. Some people opt not to use hormonal methods or are compelled to avoid them to choose from various alternative approaches.
intrauterine devices
Other birth control strategies can be just as effective as hormonal methods, if not more so. For instance, the pill is only 99% as effective as the copper intrauterine device (IUD), which has no hormones.
Myth #3: Birth control will lead to weight gain
Although birth control can have side effects, you shouldn’t be concerned about this one. There isn’t any evidence yet that birth control leads to noticeable weight gain. Women gaining weight has been reported anecdotally, but other lifestyle factors may be involved.
For example, many women start using birth control when their bodies are already undergoing significant changes. When weight gain does happen, it typically weighs less than 5 pounds.
Myth #4: Contraceptives cause cancer
An essential aspect of women’s health is cancer prevention. One of the birth control myths you can stop believing is that oral contraceptives can cause cancer.
Certain cancers, including endometrial and ovarian cancer, can be avoided with hormonal birth control. To further lower your risk, your doctor may recommend cancer screenings while you visit them for birth control.
Myth #5: Older women can stop using birth control
The menopausal transition can take years to complete. After the age of 40, your chances of getting pregnant decrease, but it is still possible.
You should discuss your fertility with your gynaecologist to prevent a surprise pregnancy once you reach midlife. You will typically need birth control until you have gone at least a year without a period.
Myth #6: Contraceptives damage fertility
Birth control won’t harm your fertility, except for permanent sterilization techniques. With most hormonal birth control methods, you can stop using your preferred method and start trying for pregnancy.
Your body quickly resumes its normal reproductive processes, and most women can still get pregnant even after using birth control for many years. Another problem could be present if you are having trouble getting pregnant. Always cooperate with your doctor to find any issues affecting your fertility.
Myth #7: Occasionally, taking birth control breaks is a good idea
Some think the body needs a break from hormonal birth control methods. This may result from the perception that most medical professionals advise reviewing your birth control method every 10 to 15 years. However, this isn’t because your body requires rest.
Instead, every age has a different approach to birth control education. You may need to adjust your plan as your body and lifestyle change. For instance, after having the desired number of children, some women might be prepared for permanent birth control. Some women might want to switch to a type to manage their perimenopausal hormone fluctuations.
Myth #8: Some birth control methods are superior to others
If you ask a group in a room which birth control method, they believe is the best, you will probably get some dynamic responses. The fact is that every form of birth control has advantages and disadvantages.
The most crucial step is choosing the one you can frequently use that works best for you. For example, since they don’t have to worry about remembering to take a pill each day, some women prefer the simplicity of IUDs. Others like the birth control pill because they are used to it.
Myth #9: Contraceptive pills start working right away
If you begin taking the birth control pill within five days of the start of your period, you are probably covered. Starting the pill at any other time during your cycle will require you to wait at least a week before you can feel secure that you won’t become pregnant unexpectedly.
You are still permitted to have sexual relations during this time. Use an additional method of birth control, such as a barrier method. Finding the best birth control method for you may be difficult, even when you know the truth. Make sure to discuss your options with your gynaecologist in Dadar Mumbai.
Myth #10: Hormonal birth control methods cause abortions
Specific pro-life organizations have widened their scope to include contraceptives, particularly hormonal birth control. Any birth control doesn’t cause abortion. This is so because ovulation, which prevents implantation, is prevented by all hormonal birth control methods. Pregnancy begins with implantation.
The majority of people can find a reliable method of birth control. Women may need to try different approaches or combinations to find a practical solution with the fewest adverse effects. Although all medications, including birth control, have some risks, the majority of myths about birth control’s risks are untrue.
Anyone considering a novel method of birth control can inquire with our seasoned gynecologist doctor in Dadar Mumbai at Budget Fertility Center about its effective usage.
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rnewspost · 2 years
Rakhi Sawant's Mom Jaya Bheda Dies At 73. Jackie Shroff, Rashami Desai And Others Pay Tribute
A fan page shared this picture. (courtesy: itsmedeepika148) Rakhi Sawant’s mom Jaya Bheda died on Saturday at a hospital in Mumbai, where she had been undergoing treatment. Rakhi Sawant’s mother died due to endometrial cancer, as per a report in PTI. The actress has shared an emotional post on her Instagram and wrote, “Aaj meri maa ka haat sar se uth gaya or mere pass khone ke liye kuch nahi…
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dcarticle · 3 years
How Body Weight Affects Different Organs?
Obesity is defined as the accumulation of excessive fat to the extent that it presents a risk to health. It is now well established that obesity is a chronic progressive condition that can cause or exacerbate many other co-morbid diseases and have an adverse effect on every part of the human body. The effects of obesity can be categorised as-
1.     Metabolic effects
2.     Mechanical effects
3.     Effects on reproductive health
4.     Psychosocial effects
5.     Obesity associated cancers
Metabolic effects- It has been proven beyond doubt that obesity is associated with “metabolic syndrome” and is closely linked to the development of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and dyslipidaemia (cholesterol related issues). This in turn predisposes them to a higher risk of heart disease and also all the other complications associated with diabetes and hypertension. These include chronic kidney disease, eye diseases, neuropathy, stroke and so on. Patients with obesity also have a higher incidence of gout. Obesity is also linked to fatty liver disease, non-alcoholic steato-hepatitis (NASH) and is one of the common causes leading to cirrhosis of liver.
Mechanical effects-
Obesity has an adverse impact on joints. Knee joint issues and back pain are common in both old and young patients. Obesity affects the mobility and this turns into a vicious cycle as these patients are unable to move and end up with more weight gain. Patients with obesity also experience breathing problems and are out of breath even on walking short distances. Obstructive sleep apnoea is closely associated with obesity and is a major cause for morbidity in these patients.
Effects on reproductive health-
Obesity and PCOD are interlinked and form a vicious cycle that is difficult to break. Patients with obesity have menstrual problems, higher incidence of infertility and are also prone to have difficult pregnancies.
Psychosocial effects-
Obesity is one of the few conditions that has been stigmatized to no end. Patients are blamed with a lack of will power and not considered worthy of treatment. Body image issues are prevalent and there is a huge psycho-social impact of this condition. Many patients with obesity suffer silently from depression.
Obesity and cancer-
Obesity has also been linked to many cancers like endometrial and breast cancer in women and colo-rectal cancer in men. Many other cancers are also linked to obesity.
In conclusion, obesity has an adverse impact on the quality of life, and increases morbidity and mortality rates. Hence it is imperative to maintain an optimum weight to lead a healthy and disease-free life. Options for weight loss include- diet and lifestyle modification, weight loss drugs, endoscopic weight loss therapies and bariatric surgery in selected cases. Please do consult a qualified weight loss specialist if your weight is not coming under control to avoid all the above mentioned side effects of obesity.
Best Bariatric Surgeon in Mumbai Dr. Aparna Govil Bhasker
Saifee, Apollo Spectra, Namaha and Currae Hospitals, Mumbai
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rudrasurgicals02 · 2 months
Key Uses Of Laparoscopic Hysteroscopy Instruments
Hysteroscopy instruments are used in a variety of gynecological procedures to diagnose and treat conditions related to the uterus. We are known as the Laparoscopic Hysteroscopy Instruments Manufacturer In India, and today we are going to shed some light on the key uses of instruments. 
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Diagnostic Hysteroscopy:
Evaluation of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: To determine the cause of heavy, prolonged, or irregular menstrual periods.
Investigation of Infertility or Recurrent Miscarriages: To examine the uterine cavity for abnormalities that might affect fertility or pregnancy.
Assessment of Uterine Abnormalities: To diagnose issues such as fibroids, polyps, adhesions (Asherman’s syndrome), or congenital malformations.
Operative Hysteroscopy:
Removal of Polyps and Fibroids: To excise polyps and submucosal fibroids that cause symptoms like bleeding or infertility.
Endometrial Ablation: To treat severe menstrual bleeding by destroying the lining of the uterus.
Resection of Uterine Septum: To correct a congenital uterine anomaly (septum) that may cause infertility or recurrent miscarriages.
Removal of Adhesions: To cut and remove intrauterine adhesions (scar tissue) that can cause pain, bleeding, or infertility.
Tubal Sterilization: This is a method for permanent contraception by blocking the fallopian tubes.
Intrauterine Device (IUD) Retrieval:
Removal of Displaced IUDs: To locate and remove IUDs that have become embedded or displaced in the uterine cavity.
Biopsy and Sample Collection:
Endometrial Biopsy: To take samples of the uterine lining for further pathological examination, often used to diagnose conditions like endometrial hyperplasia or cancer.
Treatment of Abnormal Growths:
Excision of Small Lesions: To remove small growths or lesions within the uterus.
Treatment of Uterine Septum or Adhesions:
Lysis of Adhesions: To separate and remove intrauterine adhesions (synechiae) that may be causing symptoms or fertility issues.
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drpriya · 3 months
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is not suitable for everyone. There are specific medical conditions and risk factors that may contraindicate its use. Here are some situations where HRT is generally not recommended:
Contraindications for HRT
History of Hormone-Sensitive Cancers:
Breast cancer
Endometrial (uterine) cancer ( Know more about- Cost of Uterine Cancer in Mumbai)
Unexplained Vaginal Bleeding:
Any unexplained vaginal bleeding should be investigated before considering HRT.
Active or Recent Thromboembolic Disorders:
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
Pulmonary embolism (PE)
Active or Recent Cardiovascular Disease:
Coronary heart disease (CHD)
Heart attack
Liver Disease:
Active liver disease or dysfunction, as the liver processes hormones.
Known or Suspected Pregnancy:
HRT is not suitable for pregnant women.
Undiagnosed Breast Lumps:
Any breast lumps should be evaluated to rule out cancer before starting HRT.
Additional Cautions and Risk Factors
Even if HRT is not absolutely contraindicated, it may still require careful consideration and monitoring in individuals with the following conditions:
High Risk of Cardiovascular Disease:
Those with multiple risk factors for heart disease and stroke.
High Risk of Blood Clots:
Family history of thrombosis
Personal history of blood clotting disorders
Migraine with Aura:
Increased risk of stroke in some women.
Gallbladder Disease:
HRT can exacerbate gallbladder issues.
High Blood Pressure:
Blood pressure should be well-controlled before starting HRT.
Consultation and Monitoring
Before starting HRT, a thorough medical evaluation is essential. This typically involves:
A detailed medical history review.
A physical examination.
Screening for any contraindications or risk factors.
Get detailed knowledge about HRT, gynecological problems treatment, IVF at best hospitals in India like H N Reliance Hospital Mumbai.
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alicehall · 4 years
Best Cancer Doctor and Hospital in Indore
Dr. Gaurav Khandelwal is a trained professional and has in excess of 6100 free and fruitful customers. malignant growth therapies thinking about complex disease medical procedures. He has over 12 years of involvement doing a medical procedure at clinics from Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, the US Comprehensive Cancer Center, Roswell Park Cancer Center Buffalo, New York, and Even in Indore medical clinics. Best Cancer Doctor and Hospital in Indore where the threatening development is and the sum it has created. You may have more than one sort of endometrial development treatment for yourself. your choice depends upon the size of the harm and how the cells show themselves under the amplifying focal point. For info visit -  http://drgauravkhandelwal.in
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chaitalitrivedi · 7 months
To determine the first signs of endometrial cancer and how you can overcome it on time, we are back with this article after conversing with Dr. Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi. She is considered for endometriosis treatment in Mumbai because of her proven success record with her patients. So, let’s start! 
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barrie2020 · 4 years
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Dr. Gaurav Khandelwal is a specialist and has more than 6100 independent and successful clients. cancer treatments considering complex cancer surgeries. He has more than 12 years of experience performing surgery at hospitals from Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, the US Comprehensive Cancer Center, Roswell Park Cancer Center Buffalo, New York, and Even in Indore hospitals.
Best Cancer Doctor and Hospital in Indore where the malignant growth is and the amount it has developed. You may have more than one kind of endometrial growth treatment for yourself. your decision relies upon the size of the malignancy and how the cells show themselves under the magnifying lens.
For more information, visit - https://drgauravkhandelwal.in/
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