#energie verde
acumtv · 2 months
România - cel mai mare preț al energiei electrice din Europa pentru a cincea zi consecutiv
România – cel mai mare preț al energiei electrice din Europa pentru a cincea zi consecutiv Prețul energiei electrice pe piața bursieră din România a atins niveluri record, menținându-se pentru a cincea zi consecutiv drept cel mai mare din Europa. Potrivit datelor publicate de operatorul bursier OPCOM, media energiei pentru ziua de miercuri pe piața spot este de 1.175 lei pe MWh, cu un vârf de…
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laivinduroriginal · 9 months
Parc fotovoltaic de 77 milioane lei construit de Vrancart Adjud
Producătorul de hârtie igienică şi carton ondulat Vrancart Adjud construiește un parc fotovoltaic de 20,5 MW lângă municipiul de pe Trotuș. În cadrul acestui proiect vor fi instalate 31.680 panouri solare, pe un teren de 29 hectare. Energia produsă va fi folosită de companie în procesul de producție iar surplusul va fi livrat în reţeaua naţională de transport şi distribuţie a energiei electrice.…
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stejarmasiv · 2 years
Stocarea energiei folosind apă și gravitația
2023 va fi anul marilor instalări de panouri fotovoltaice din România însă problema reală este stocarea energiei, nu producerea ei. Pe lângă faptul că am mari îndoieli că sistemul nostru energetic va face față valului de prosumatori sunt preocupat de faptul că statul alături de băieții deștepți din energie se vor îngriji și vor oferi conform legii de anul trecut și conectarea la rețele și…
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incorrectr27quotes · 2 months
Tsuna: I don't need this right now, you guys. I'm under enough stress as it is. Especially with Dad showing up twice in as many months. Reborn's been in a mood.
Verde: Checker Face came back around?
Skull: Yeah, you should've seen this guy. Came in here looking like a catalog model. Was trying to flirt with me. Thinks I'm going to melt because he's got this mysterious air and broad shoulders.
Verde, grinning: Was he wearing his fancy suit?
Tsuna: What is this bizarre segue that's happening right now?
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mcyt-crack · 8 months
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CEO of sex bunnies and money
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tawogsocials · 1 year
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dailyworldecho · 4 months
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social-muffin · 1 year
Verde? Because I'm shameless, lol 👽❤️‍🔥💄
Shameless as you should be! Verde is still in my top five khr characters! uwu
👽 A headcanon about a weird quirk of theirs
Okay hear me out! Verde once had a fleeting, but intense interest in Homestuck. Thus he now knows many terms and a lot about various versions of texting! Which he does use to annoy people when he's busy and doesn't want to text.
Verde is woefully aware of Quadrants (is interesting, look it up :3) and he occasionally catches himself judging the other Arcobaleno's relationships based on that. Verde actually really likes watching people's various, odd versions of affection.
❤️‍🔥 A romantic headcanon
To me, Verde is recipromantic! Meaning he only starts developing feelings for people who have already clarified that they have feelings for him. It makes confessing to him a little awkward, because he won't outright reject you, he'll ask you to wait and see. Additionally, I headcanon he is wildly attracted to feminine gracefulness, but he can see that gracefulness in any gender.
So nobody is safe. :)
💄 An appearance headcanon
You inspired this one actually!
Verde has no scars anywhere on his body, but he does have a tattoo on his right lower back. You'd expect something mechnical or electric, but he went for Acmella oleracea instead. Which is a pretty, edible flower that tastes like electricity. :3
📓 A headcanon about their hobbies
Verde is a hobby gardener! Mostly to fuel his biological experiments and to grow food to avoid leaving his lab. But he genuinely finds enjoyment in watching growth happen and getting his hands dirty to create life. ^w^
This one was short and sweet, so I will not add a Keep reading! I hope you enjoyed these headcanons! :D
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faarkas · 2 years
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tagged by @aartyom (thank u rena ily) 💖 to do this picrew and i was so obsessed with it i still have a million in my camera roll LOL.
wraith (d2) | rose | sebastian (fo4) gwenyth | salen (dai) shiro | verde (cp7/7) nizana | galen | caspian (bg3)
not tagging anybody bc i feel like everybody and their dog has done this one now <3
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nicolae · 21 days
Parteneriat între România, Ungaria, Georgia și Azerbaidjan în cadrul proiectului „Coridorul Verde”
Pe 3 septembrie, România a găzduit o reuniune a reprezentanților din România, Ungaria, Georgia și Azerbaidjan, împreună cu reprezentanți din Bulgaria și Comisia Europeană, în cadrul căreia s-au pus bazele companiei mixte de proiect, Green Energy Corridor Power Company, cu sediul în România, care va implementa proiectul Coridorului Verde, inițiat în 2022. Un cablu submarin de înaltă tensiuneva…
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verdesolutions · 4 months
Reduce Electricity Bill with Solar Solutions
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Going solar is a smart investment that pays off for both your wallet and the environment. By channeling the abundant power of the sun,solar solutions allow you to take control of your energy costs while contributing to a cleaner, greener future.
With ongoing savings, government incentives, and minimal maintenance requirements, switching to solar solutions is a forward-thinking decision that will keep providing returns for decades to come.
Verde Solutions LLC
2211 N Elston Ave #208, Chicago, IL 60614, United States
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eurekadiario · 1 year
El director ejecutivo de Siemens Energy admite que el impulso de la energía verde es un engaño con propaganda
La revelación se captó en un nuevo video encubierto de Project Veritas.
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Un nuevo video encubierto de Project Veritas revela al Director Ejecutivo de Siemens Energy, Clark Fangmeier, explicando cómo Siemens se beneficia de la Ley de Reducción de la Inflación, a pesar de reconocer que en realidad está causando inflación debido al gasto excesivo.
Siemens Energy, una empresa de 33.000 millones de dólares, obtiene la mayor parte de sus ingresos de las turbinas de gas, a pesar de su enfoque en la energía verde y la electrólisis del hidrógeno. Fangmeier menciona casualmente que los CEO de las empresas de energía serán reemplazados si cumplen plenamente con los estándares de ESG (Gobierno Ambiental, Social y Corporativo), a pesar de que su propia empresa no lo hace. Tras la publicación del video, Fangmeier eliminó su perfil de LinkedIn, según Project Veritas.
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designmiss · 10 years
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Pannelli solari "Garden System" https://www.design-miss.com/pannelli-solari-garden-system/ Una parete di #piante e #pannelli #solari per rivedere e migliorare il rapporto tra verde e spazi abitativi.
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TNT maçã verde
cool green colour, nice enough green apple taste (and smell), not too sweet but... tastes like acid, so fucking sharp.
barely finished the can.
- bad
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denney-us · 2 years
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