the most painful thing about artsakh to me is that my relatives had to emigrate from there in 1991, so it was 32 years ago. And today, once again, azerbaijan started shelling artsakh, while armenians in artsakh have been under blockade since december 2022
so. 32 years has passed and there's still war. this thought makes me want to cry. god, i wish people will learn to live in peace someday
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nicolae · 14 days
Partenariat entre la Roumanie, la Hongrie, la Géorgie et l’Azerbaïdjan dans le cadre du projet « Corridor vert »
Le 3 septembre dernier, la Roumanie a accueilli une réunion de représentants de la Roumanie, de la Hongrie, de la Géorgie et de l’Azerbaïdjan, ainsi que de représentants de la Bulgarie et de la Commission européenne, au cours de laquelle ont été posées les bases de la société de projet commune, Green Energy Corridor Power Company, basée en Roumanie, qui mettra en œuvre le projet Corridor vert,…
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inprimalinie · 2 months
Azerbaidjanul critică UE pentru incapacitatea de a încheia acorduri pe termen lung privind gazele
Contractele pe termen scurt împiedică Baku să atragă investițiile necesare pentru a satisface cererea blocului, afirmă ambasadorul Azerbaidjanului în UE. Georgiana Arsene Azerbaidjanul a acuzat UE că tratează țara ca pe un „pompier”, încheind doar acorduri pe termen scurt privind gazul, în ciuda solicitării țării de a crește exporturile de combustibil către bloc. Vagif Sadigov, ambasadorul…
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2t2r · 11 years
Un gardien de parking dessine dans la poussière des carrosseries
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/un-gardien-de-parking-dessine-dans-la-poussiere-des-carrosseries/
Un gardien de parking dessine dans la poussière des carrosseries
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lennies-blog · 1 year
It's race week so time for another Track Check 🥳
Mick's Track Check Part 4 - BAKU
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Source: SPORT BILD Motorsport 2023 Magazine Special Edition 26. February 2023
"Crash-risk at the tight old town walls
Overtaking almost only possible on start/finish line
In Baku it's about rhythm. From FP1 on you have to get used to the tight walls in the old town district, find your limit - but not go over it. You can hardly allow yourself any mistakes in this sector. The Formula 1 cars are up to 2 metres wide, but the track partly only around 8 metres. That's when it crashes fast!
That's what also makes the overtaking in the secret difficult. It's easiest on the long straight. Since the start/finish (straight) is more than 2 kilometres long, you can pass by without any problems if you have an efficient car. The key is a small rear wing. With slipstream overtaking isn't a problem anyway."
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ataturquie · 5 months
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gacougnol · 2 months
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Boris Ignatovich (Belarusian/Ukrainian, 1899 - 1976)
Icheri Sheher
Old town, Baku, Azerbaidjan, 1938
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maaarine · 5 months
public vote for Israel at Eurovision
who gave either 10 or 12 points to Israel?
the majority of participating countries, 21 out of 37
ie what would be called "western Europe": (west to east) from Portugal/Ireland to Austria/Czechia, and (south to north) from Italy to Germany
who gave either 7 or 8 points to Israel?
Azerbaidjan, Denmark, Georgia, Greece, Iceland, Latvia
who gave either 5 or 6 points to Israel?
Estonia, Malta, Norway, Poland
who gave either 1 or 3 points to Israel?
Armenia, Lithuania, Serbia
who gave 0 point to Israel?
Croatia, Ukraine
it's interesting that Denmark and Norway and Iceland didn't give their 10/12 points to Israel, but Sweden did
I feel like it wouldn't have happened if Sweden hadn't been the host that had to deal with pro-Palestine protests (which may have created a pro-Israel vote from the Swedish public)
as for the other voting blocks, I'm sure that the take is that Baltic and Balkan countries are deemed more antisemitic, but it's interesting that Albania gave 10 points to Israel, while Serbia and Croatia don't fuck with Israel at all
and Ukraine, was Putin right all along, are they nazis (/s)? I'd rather believe that they don't love imperialist wars
source: eurovision.tv
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thisvisionofmyspirit · 2 months
Seen a lot of posts about how Israel shouldn't be at the Olympics and I would like to extend that statement to Azerbaidjan.
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nicolae · 20 days
Parteneriat între România, Ungaria, Georgia și Azerbaidjan în cadrul proiectului „Coridorul Verde”
Pe 3 septembrie, România a găzduit o reuniune a reprezentanților din România, Ungaria, Georgia și Azerbaidjan, împreună cu reprezentanți din Bulgaria și Comisia Europeană, în cadrul căreia s-au pus bazele companiei mixte de proiect, Green Energy Corridor Power Company, cu sediul în România, care va implementa proiectul Coridorului Verde, inițiat în 2022. Un cablu submarin de înaltă tensiuneva…
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inprimalinie · 4 months
Trei direcții strategice pentru Putin. Una dintre ele: Azerbaidjan
Dezvoltarea coridorului de transport internațional nord-sud, inclusiv conectarea căilor ferate din Azerbaidjan și Iran, este una dintre principalele sarcini geoeconomice și chiar geopolitice cu care se confruntă conducerea politică rusă în ultimii ani. Georgiana Arsene Și este destul de firesc ca unul dintre cele mai strategice proiecte pentru Rusia să fie supervizat personal de unul dintre…
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2t2r · 10 years
Yanar Dag, la montagne de feu
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/yanar-dag-la-montagne-de-feu/
Yanar Dag, la montagne de feu
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vro0m · 2 years
The 4-week pause between Australia and Azerbaidjan might have interesting consequences
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ataturquie · 7 months
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kittyk4att · 5 months
Not bad. I would have picked Moldova and Azerbaidjan over Cyprus and Lithuania but I admit they are effective songs.
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gulyas069 · 1 year
absolutely fucking insane to see azerbaidjan ethnically cleanse armenia and nobody gives a shit at all
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