emoryinaboat · 3 years
Sorry to bother again.. Do you maybe have anymore EngLiet headcanons? 👉👈
You aren’t bothering I actually kinda dig this ship 👉👈
- Arthur talks in his sleep and sometimes Tolys will just sit against the head of the bed and have a full conversation with him while he's sleeping.
- Arthur has a slight fascination with Tolys' hair, it's just,,, very nice to touch, it has some sort of calming property to it it's confusing and amazing. Tolys is happy to comply to this, Arthur's headpats are great.
- Tolys is a morning person, he wakes up and immediately goes down to make breakfast. Arthur is not, he probably falls off the bed and spends the next 3 hours groaning in mortal agony. Arthur is a night owl, he often stays up into the wee hours of the morning reading or watching tv. Tolys is not, he's passed out by 10:30pm.
- Tolys tells really bad jokes but he thinks they're absolutely hilarious so after he tells them he'll laugh at his own joke for like 5 minutes and Arthur just watches with this completely whipped grin on his face.
-Tolys will politely refuse any food Arthur makes that looks like it will kill him. This is like 80% of the time. Arthur get's sorta butthurt over it, however it really only takes a kiss on the cheek and a soft whispered apology and 'I love you' for him to get over it.
- When Arthur gets really tired and unmotivated and he just,,,, will not let Tolys leave the bed. He'll just cuddle really hard into his shoulder and Tolys doesn't want to leave at all but Arthur I know it's hard but we do need to get up, no no aRTHUR YOU HAVE A FLIGHT TODAY-
- Alfred once got Tolys one of those 'Yes/No' pillows as a joke and Tolys hates to admit it but it's really comfortable so he does use it, but then one day Arthur comes over and they've been big on the romantics and sexual tension all day and there's the fucking pillow on the 'No' side and Tolys is dying and Arthur's a little shit and Tolys calls Alfred the next morning and now neither of them will let Tolys forget it.
- Tolys has a lot of sugar and milk in his tea and Arthur likes it black so they have heated arguments over which is better and it's honestly one of the only things they fight about.
- They don't fight often because Tolys really doesn't fair well with raised voices and harsh tones and Arthur has really bad abandonment issues so while he has an awful temper, the aftermath sometimes makes him break down. If they have an issue, they'll talk it out calmly and come to any conclusion or compromise that's necessary.
- Tolys takes forever in the god damn shower, it drives Arthur mad because he'll really want a shower in the mornings but oops, Tolys is already in there and he doesn't want to interrupt but he has a phone call in 30 minutes and he needs to wake up and Tolys can I at least come in with you??
- Arthur doesn't really dry his hair, he just usually lets it dry on its own. Tolys is very worried he'll get a cold so if he sees Arthur vibing on the bed in a towel with his hair dripping wet, he'll order him onto the floor, sit behind him and spend 15 minutes drying his hair while softly telling him off. Now it's just sorta become a nightly routine.
- Want to get Arthur in an instant romantic mood? Kisses on his shoulder or back of his neck. He just goes really soft and relaxed and leans back into Tolys and allows him to dote on him even more.
- When Tolys is doing something absent-mindedly, he'll just start humming or softly singing and Arthur loves it s o  m u c h because Tolys has an amazing voice and it's just really endearing.
- Two idiots who only wear either button ups and sweater vests or turtlenecks.
- Tolys gets real emotional if they see a stray on the side of the road and it takes a lot to get him to leave it. Tolys has many a time came home with a purring cat in his arms and nervously telling Arthur that it rubbed against his leg and he couldn't help it.
Feel free to send in your ships!
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froggi-mushroom · 3 years
Listen, I know that Engliet is an obscure ship and there's not much groundwork for it to really work but there's something funny in Arthur having that much of a physical type in men that he falls for any long haired man just cracks me up
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pixeltalia · 5 years
engliet? (lithuania x england)
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Aph England x Lithuania request for anon!
their uniforms look weirdly similar here huh
the ship event is now CLOSED
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lolo-loco · 5 years
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He didn’t burn it!!! This time....
Turned out he’d undercooked it a bit...
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Otp Imagines: EngLiet
-Arthur asked out Toris, who was quiet surprised.
-Arthur admires how organized Toris is (Because Arthur’s desk is a mess 24/7), and Toris admires how much Arthur can get done in one day.
-Toris doesn’t like Arthur’s stubbornness. Arthur doesn’t really have anything personally against Toris, but Toris’ anxiety tends to make Arthur’s anxiety 100% worse, it’s a bit too subconscious for Arthur to notice, however.
-A walk in the park is romantic for them, extra points if it’s snowing lightly.
-They like decorate the house (seasonally) in their pass time.
-The relationship is slow and a little on the bumpy side. Needless to say that  repressing emotions is an unintentional hobby of theirs, and it tends to get in the way from time to time.
-Toris tries to fix Arthur’s rather unruly hair, and Arthur will try and fail at introducing Toris to punk rock.
-A magical AU would fit them well!
-Their “I can just stay here with you forever” moment is gossiping and talking to each other during dinner.
-Neither of them really proposed. They were talking about where exactly they were in the relationship and one of them said, “I can’t imagine my life with out you.” and they sort of ended up making the decision together.
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aj-writes-stuff · 8 years
Man Overboard!
The final day for the @aphrarepairweek2016 ;; u ;; I’m a little sad for this to be overrrrr
...I noticed that in almost all of mine.....they had something to do with the beach or something...OH WELL here it is!! ENJOY!! :D
It was a bright and sunny day out on the open ocean as Captain Kirkland was on his way to an island that was close by, this was another island he had been looking for, since it had been told to have plentiful gold and other riches.
He smirked as they started getting close before shouting orders for the crew to get things ready to land. He stepped up to help as well, what he didn’t take into a count though was a little mistake by a new crew member.
One crew memeber gasped and called out, “Captain! Look out!” They shouted, but before they could get to him, he got knocked off the ship. Arthur gasped and fell off and into the ocean, bleeding from the hit to his face and starting to pass out.
As everything started to pass out, he saw a figure in the water coming towards him, before he could see anything else, everything went black.
After a while, he slowly blinked some before going into a coughing fit to get the water out of his lungs. Once he was finished, he looked around a bit, it wasn’t very bright so he couldn’t see too much, but when he did notice was something soft that he was sitting on and the sound of the ocean waves gently hitting the sand.
He noticed however that he wasn’t under the open sky, or on his ship, OR on the island he was looking at, or was he..? He wasn’t sure but all he knew is that he had to get out and back to his crew.
As he started to get up, he paused at a familiar sound, treasure, and a lot of it. As his sight started to get used to the darkness, he noticed so much treasure around him. His eyes widened in excitement, he found the treasure!
Although, he certainly wasn’t going to ignore the fact that he didn’t find it alone, there should be someone else here. He looked around some before seeing a pair of eyes in the distance of what he figured was a cave that he was in.
“Wait wait!” He said and got up, going to them as they disappeared, “Wait! I wish to speak with you!” He said then gasped, feeling over his head, it was bandaged, so he had to thank the person who saved his life.
He crawled over before he felt the water and felt in it some, he looked away and saw two eyes staring at him. He stared back for a bit before getting a bit closer, “Thank you…” He said to them.
They blinked before coming up and continued staring at him, just barely sticking their face out of the water. Arthur squinted slightly seeing the figure better, in the glow of the water from outside, shown a tail, a fish tail, a big fish tail, connected to this person.
He couldn’t believe his eyes, a mermaid? Or…merman? He thought to himself as he looked at the figures chest, well, what he could see of it, merman.
He looked at him as he stuck his head out more, Arthur blinked some when he realized his close he was. Suddenly the merman come up fast at his face and kissed him.
His eyes widened before going along with it and kissing him back. When he parted, he looked at him and spoke, “You are a pirate yes..?”
Arthur blinked some then shook his head slightly to get out of a bit of his trance, “Uh…yes I am…Captain Kirkland of the ship, ‘Black Roses’ ….and you’re a..merman?” He asked, still unsure if his was really seeing what he thought he was, or if it was still just the injury to his head.
He man nodded some, “What you humans refer to…yes..I am…your head was bleeding, I helped it..” Arthur nodded some, “Thank you for that…why did you do it..?”
He tilted his head some, “Why not?” He asked. Arthur just smiled and chuckled lightly, “I suppose I see your point…but thank you again for doing so…”
The merman smiled some at him, Arthur thought he was truly beautiful, that was the danger of mermaids, but what about mermen? He smiled at him again, “may I ask your name?”
The merman slid onto the sand as Arthur backed up to let him, then he smiled at him, “Toris..at least that’s my name translated to English..”
Arthur smiled, “Toris huh…? Nice to meet you..” He said smiling.
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bookworm555 · 9 years
Ooh, nyo!Lithuania/(nyo!-or-not)England? Tell me more!
I actually never really thought about this pairing until I re-read Outsourcing. (Which is ironic, since that’s my go-to AmeLiet set of comics, but I digress.) England was the one who brought Lithuania to America, and, if I remember correctly, he checked up on him once he was settled in. He didn’t have to do that, but he did. So that got me thinking: what if he was worried for Toris. (But not because of America. Maybe he was worried about Lithuania living with another country in general due to Liet’s past experiences with it, and was wondering how it would work out this time. [Also, England/Nyo!England’s not stupid, so he (or she) probably picked up that something was wrong on the plane ride to America’s.)
This probably doesn’t make much sense, since I’m just writing my thoughts on this down rather than ordering everything properly, but I feel like there is potential for an interesting ship (or even just platonic relations) between these two. (Also, EngLiet rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it? XD)
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emoryinaboat · 3 years
Sorry for the double message, I didn't know what the ask button was dkjchsjy
About the headcanons, what would you have for England x Lithuania?
Ooooh this is a new one
- These two are so soft, brief touching, soft kisses, comfortable silences...
- They have a very hurting comforter / comforting hurt dynamic, they each have their own problems and they try to help eachother to the best of their ability
- Okay now I’m really thinking about this. Tolys has frequent anxiety attacks and Arthur keeps a certain amount of distance (he does NOT like to be touched when he’s in that state) while also helping him breathe and ground him a bit and asking what he can do to help. Arthur get’s really antsy with continuous loud noises so Lithuania bring him tea and tries to distract him. 
- They’re old men who like knitting together by the fire with like their 3rd pot of tea. 
- They’re both teaholics. Now that they’re dating eachother they have no impulse control so they think having 9 cups a day is completely normal. No.
- Tolys can NOT be hugged from behind, ever. Serious no-no. Arthur understands this and comes up and nudges Tolys’ arm until he can shimmy his way into a hug from there. 
- Two nerds who ramble. Lots of infodumps on random cool things they know a lot about and they listen to every word the other is saying. 
- Alfred is friends with Tolys. Alfred likes annoying Arthur. Tolys is dating Arthur. April Fools just got a lot more interesting now that he has a spy on the inside. 
- Arthur has an ungodly amount of crystals and Tolys thinks they’re pretty so he doesn’t do anything about it. Arthur has a whole cabinet full and Tolys has named and gotten emotionally attached to every one of them. But seriously Arthur you need to stop picking up shiny rocks from the pavement, you’re like a crow
- Their level of communication is fucking stellar. Tolys likes being hurt by Arthur in sex because he trusts him and feels safe with him. Arthur is hesitant, but wants to please Tolys so he goes as far as both are willing to. They have clear boundaries on both ends with how far they’re willing to go. 
- Arthur thinks Tolys’ accent is adorable and he likes getting him on a rambling spree so he can just listen and admire his adorable boyfriend.
- Tolys is scared of drunk Arthur, god forbid he gets his hands on any of his alcohol because Tolys can hold it well but Arthur is the biggest lightweight known to man 
- Sometimes Feliks will just waltz into the house without knocking so they always have to lock the door if they’re having sex because Feliks has walked in on them on multiple occasions. 
- Arthur hates 90% of the population. Tolys is a repressed gossip. Their dates consist of doing calming old man things like knitting or reading or walking to little cafes and judging the other countries. 
- Arthur is very protective of Tolys, it stems from love and seeing Tolys suffer for so long. If he sees anyone, anyone, giving Tolys a weird look and making him doubt himself he will not hesitate to whip out the Instant Death Glare (which is surprisingly scary coming from a small British man with big eyebrows) because even though he reeeally wants to physically fight them, Tolys hates confrontation so Arthur keeps to himself. Mostly. 
Oh wow yea I like these two I found another one folks-
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aj-writes-stuff · 8 years
Pottery accident
Day 6!!!!!! for the @aphrarepairweek2016 I’M SO HAPPY!!!! this rarepair week is almost over but I had a lot of fun!! ;; u ;; /
and since my boys don’t have actual history together.... ^^” I chose one of my fav simple au’s :3
either way!!! I reeeeeally hope you all enjoy!! ^ w ^ /
Rated G, Engliet (England x Lithuania)
It was a pretty hot day out as Toris was watering his plants in his greenhouse, it wasn’t a big one, just a small, personal one and he was very proud of it. He smiled as he watered then jumped a bit when he heard a big crashing sound.
He looked over and sighed, seeing one of his vases had fallen and broken thanks to his hose that he wasn’t paying too much attention to. He ran a hand through his hair, he had no more pots so he couldn’t really do anything.
But he thought he had remembered seeing a small little pottery shop just down the road, so he figured he would give it a shot and check it out and probably get a new pot.
He went and grabbed his keys before leaving his place and walked down the road. He could have sworn he had seen that little shop somewhere close. When he finally found it, he smiled and looked around in it.
He smiled seeing all the beautiful pottery everywhere, all hand-crafted too, and you could tell since all of them, even if they were the same style, they were all just slightly different, Toris really liked that.
Sadly, he couldn’t seem to find anyone running the shop, he looked around a bit more before seeing a doorway that lead into a separate area. He peeked in slightly and eyes widened a bit, seeing what he supposed was the owner.
He had pretty messy blonde hair, pale skin which at the moment had quite a bit of clay on it, mainly his hands, which were working on a new pot. He continued watching him some as the man sang softly while making the pot.
He then glanced over then gasped and stopped the pot, standing and chuckling, “Terribly sorry! Heh, you seemed to have caught me red handed..” He said with a lightl chuckle, showing his hands that were covered with red clay from the pot.
Toris smiled and chuckled lightly. The man then smiled some, “If you would wait one moment for me to clean up, I can help you.” He said smiling.
Toris smiled and nodded some, “Please, go right ahead.” He said smiling and backed away, looking around as the man cleaned up.
A moment or so later, he walked back out and smiled kindly, “Heh, that’s better, sorry for the wait, but I’m here now! Now then, do you have any questions? Preferences? Anything specific?” Toris was about to speak then paused and just chuckled, “heh..I almost forgot what I came here for, but I remember now, I accidently broke a flower pot for one of my herbs that was just starting to grow..”
The man smiled and nodded some, walking over to a certain spot before grabbing one and showing him, “How is this?” He asked showing him one that was painted with earthy colors that stood out as well. Toris smiled some, “that’s perfect.”
The man smiled and nodded, “Perfect!” He said before going back to the counter, “Do you need anything else?” Toris looked around some, he really didn’t need any more but he didn’t see the harm in getting a few extra, but…why not just get this…and come back another time? What?
Why was he thinking like this? He blushed slightly then shook his head before smiling to him, “Heh, no no, that’s it, thank you…” The man smiled and nodded, “Arthur..” Toris returned the smile, “Arthur…thank you..”
Arthur kept his smile as he got a newspaper and wrapped up the pot for him before slipping it into a box then a bag before handing it to him. Toris paid and Arthur gave him back his change, “Thanks for coming, if you ever need any other pot or anything, I make more than just flower pots.” He said with a light chuckle.
Toris smiled some, “I’ll certainly let you know, I’m sure I can think of something for you to make.” Arthur laughed lightly and smiled at him, “Anything you want, just let me know.” He smiled and chuckled, “I’ll definitely be sure to let you know…see you later..” He said smiling and started heading out.
Arthur smiled and waved to him as he left. Toris smiled, waving back to the other and walked out. Let’s just say that quite a few more pots and other such items got broken in the weeks that followed.
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emoryinaboat · 3 years
Okay, so those EngLiet headcanons were amazing, would you be willing to do AmeLiet? Not to be too repetitive, if it is, would you consider doing RusCan?
RusCan, my beloved. Doing this one first because someone else also asked for RusCan, I’ll do AmeLiet soon, ask for it again if you want me to not forget because that may happen-
@labitchette this is for you too, sorry this took so damn long. 
- Once they start dating, Matthew isn't afraid to tell Ivan when he's being a jerk. Ivan sorta acts like a kicked puppy afterwards and apologizes.
- So much skating. Playful bumping eachother, holding hands, races because they're both experienced skaters...
- Unless of course it's hockey. Then they fucking despise eachother. They have a tally system and so far it's 63/60 with Ivan in the lead and by god, he will not stop teasing Matthew about it.
- Before dating Ivan didn't know how tall Mattie was (sloucher, Francis hates it) so when they actually got together and Matthew leaned up to kiss him and was only like,,, 2 inches shorter than him he was kind of floored for a moment, he thought this was some kind of weird visual thing-
- Very physically affectionate, they spend like 60% of their time cuddling. Hot drinks, blanket piles, kisses to the cheek or head, maybe staring out the window if it's snowy or raining. They just like being close.
- "Yes yes that is very good, but have you heard about this random thing that Matvey did 2 days ago that I'm still reeling over because I, Ivan Braginsky, am a huge fricking simp for my boyfriend-". Yea he likes flaunting Matthew a lot and sort of forcing people to notice him through friendly reminders.
- Matthew is the only person who can dump a bucket of snow on Ivan's head and not die instantly.
- Oh these guys’ sex life is chaotic, dynamics switch, sexual tension comes out of nowhere, just enough kink for it them to fit perfectly. Both of them have a bit of a sadistic and masochistic streak so yea,,, there's that as well.
- Alfred and Ivan fighting over who Matthew likes more? Constant. Never ending. Matthew just needs a break from trying to stop his brother and his boyfriend from getting in a fist fight.
- Matthew is perpetually cold. All the time. Ivan is also perpetually cold. Ivan is also a dirty fucking blanket hog. Matthew can't steal it back because 9/10, Ivan has an iron grip on it. Matthew can't just cuddle up to Ivan if it's winter because Ivan gives off zero body heat. Matthew keeps spare blankets under the bed.
- They don't fight much, but when they do hoo fucking boy. Matthew is one of the only countries who aren't afraid of Ivan and will definitely argue back if it starts up. They can be very mean sometimes and they usually hold grudges for a while, Matthew sometimes going as far as to stay with Alfred for a few days.
- During this time, both of them beat themselves up over it constantly. Both of them have terrible self-esteem and abandonment issues and Ivan has awful people-permanence so they're always worrying about the other and if they're okay and if they still love them. It's always fine once they get back though, they apologize and kiss it better.
- If there is one person Natalya feels like she can tolerate Ivan dating, it would have to be Matthew.
- When Matthew is really low on serotonin, he drinks maple syrup direct from the bottle. When Ivan first saw this, he sorta looked on in complete disgust and horror for a few seconds before snatching the bottle away from him and hiding it.
- Both of them are terrible drivers normally but they can navigate like hell during snowdrift. Neither of them are very safe. Out of the two of them, Matthew is less likely to wrap the car around a tree.
- Ivan has the most adorable blush in the universe and Matthew is (surprisingly) a pretty big tease. He knows how to push Ivan's buttons.
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aj-writes-stuff · 8 years
Day 5 of the @aphrarepairweek2016!!!
Rated G, please Enjoy!! ^ w ^ /
School sports, well, Arthur wasn’t too crazy about sports in general, but he worked as a professor at the school, so he had to. He worked at a high school and it was a pretty big day for the schools soccer team and he had to watch it since some of his students were in it and he promised them that he would go, and he wasn’t the type to go back on his word.
Either way, the game had started and as Arthur watched each team running back and forth, he sighed some, getting bored but showing his support to the students that asked him to be there.
After a bit, he got up to go get a drink and maybe a bit to eat, the school always had plenty of food and drink for anyone who wanted it. He walked up to where you get the refreshments and waited, watching the game from where he was standing.
As he got closer to the stand, he saw the person selling the drinks, he blinked some then smiled slightly. It was probably a parent of one of the students that he never got to meet, but he was excited to meet them now.
He walked up and smiled, and the parents smiled as well, “Hi, what can I get for you?”
Oh, the parent was a man…well Arthur wasn’t exactly complaining, he was a beautiful man with his light-brown hair and his lovely dark green eyes. He shook his head to get out of his trance then smiled and chuckled, “Heh…Just an iced tea would be nice please.”
The man smiled and nodded before getting it for him. Arthur smiled, watching him and paid for it when he was finally done. The man smiled and nodded, “Thank you and enjoy.” Arthur smiled, “Thank you as well, Mr…?”
Brown hair shook gently as the man chuckled, “Toris Laurinaitis, Father of Diana Laurinaitis..” Upon recognizing the name of his student, Arthur’s smile widened. “Oh yes! She’s such a sweet student, it is a pleasure to meet you.”
Toris smiled, “Pleasure to meet you too..” He said smiling. Luckily there wasn’t anyone really waiting behind Arthur but as some came, he went to the side and continued talking with him.
The game kept going and they continued talking the whole time, non-stop. When the game finally ended once they finally broke the long tie they had, Toris got a text from his daughter that they could go home now.
The brunette then looked to Arthur, his smile a sad one, “I’m really sorry… seems it’s time to head home.”
Arthur was tempted to pout but he was far too dignified for that, or so he told himself. “Alright then, but hey, ah… would it be odd if I perhaps asked for your number..?” He asked, scratching his neck in a nervous gesture.
Toris looked to him and blushed a bit before smiling, “Heh…I think I can do that.” He said smiling before they exchanged numbers.
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aj-writes-stuff · 8 years
Welcome to my Home
4th day for the @aphrarepairweek2016!! Culture X3 
rated G
and Engliet again! ^ w ^ <3
It was so new, everything was so new and wonderful and beautiful as Arthur and his boyfriend Toris, stepped out of the plane into Lithuania. Toris was smiling from ear to ear, so very happy to be home again and even happier to have his boyfriend with him.
He went to his and kissed his cheek, “Ready to go see my world..?” He asked him, smiling. Arthur looked to him and smiled happily, taking his hand, “Absolutely.”
They walked out of the airport with their bags in hand and waited to catch a ride. Arthur smiled, looking around at everything that he almost didn’t notice it when the car pulled up. Toris giggled and got into the car with him, leaning on his as everything passed by on their way to Toris’s home.
They had agreed, to save money, that they would stay at Toris’s place while they were there, it wasn’t too far from the city, but far enough out to be pleasant and quiet, which was just fine with Arthur. What better way to take in a new culture than seeing both the calming rural parts and the fast lives of the city.
Toris had a quaint cottage home with plenty of mirrors and a beautiful garden out front. Arhtur stepped out and smiled at it before Toris got out as well and hugged his arm some, “Come on, let’s go inside.” He said smiling and grabbed his bags before heading to the door.
Arthur smiled and took his bags as well before following him to the door. When Toris opened the door, they both walked in smiling. Toris was so happy and giddy to finally be home after so long. Arthur continued looking around his home and smiled happily at it all.
It was so beautiful, just like him. Arthur thought as he looked to Toris and smiled lovingly. He then went over to him and hugged him from behind, kissing his cheek, “You have a home as beautiful as you…well.. not as beautiful really, you are far more charming.” He said with a light chuckle.
Trois gasped lightly from the surprise hug then blushed and chuckled lightly, “Thank you darling…” He said and looked to him, kissing him sweetly.
Before going out on the town they decided to try out Toris’s bed to see how it would fair with them while they were there. Clothes coming off, the bed creaking just slightly, creases in the brand new bed covers, and nothing but the sounds of their pleasure with each other to be heard.
The day after, they headed out into town to the local farmers market, or ūkininkų turgus. Having to brush up on his Lithuanian was also a learning process while he was there, which he didn’t mind much at all, Toris helped him quite a bit while out.
He loved hearing Toris speak in his native tongue, it made him all the more amazing. Arthur walked with him, hand in hand and walked along all the different types of roads. Some were decretive bricks, others were regular cement, others were a nice cobblestone.
All the buildings they walked by were either castles, churches or family owned shops, Toris didn’t live near any big time, well known cities. So the town they walked through, everyone seemed pretty friendly, there were a few arguments he heard here and there, or so he thought considering he couldn’t completely understand them.
Later on they got back to the house and Toris immediately started cooking. Arthur smiled as he did and watched him some before roaming the house again. He saw pictures of Toris’s family and some photos of nature as well as some pictures of them both when they were first going out.
He smiled at those pictures, remembering them vividly. He sniffed some, smiling slightly before heading to the kitchen, “What is that wonderful smell, what is that..?” He asked, going over and sitting at the table, leaning on it and just smiling at him.
Toris smiled and brought it to him, “Cepelinai, it’s potato dumplings stuffed with meat, curd cheese or mushrooms, I put mushrooms this time.” He said smiling and kissed his cheek before sitting next to him to eat.
“It’s a very famous meal here and I thought you might like it..” He said smiling and gave him a bite. Arthur smiled and took the bite, “Mmmm… this is delicious, thank you love.” He said before kissing him sweetly.
They both ate dinner happily together before going up to the room again and watched the sunset off his deck. Arthur smiled as they sat there then looked to Toris and smiled some. Toris looked back and smiled before kissing him, “I love you.”
Arthur smiled some and gently touched his cheek, “I love you too.” He said then kissed him again, so happy to be in Lithuania to experience life there with him.
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aj-writes-stuff · 8 years
Day 3 for @aphrarepairweek2016!!! Sorry this one is so short ^^” but I hope someone will enjoy it anyway! :3
England x Lithuania
Today would be an interesting day, thought Toris as he got into a bus with his friend.
His friend Felix decided to invite him to a very special aquarium today and he had no idea what to expect, he just knew that Felix was very adamant on him going. Well Toris loved the water and he loved aquariums with fish and whatnot, so he was looking forward to it.
When they got there though, Toris was taken aback, he hadn’t expected anything like this.
Mermen and Mermaids, not real ones, but normal humans who made a living by being merfolk to entertain people.
Toris was even more excited than before, he loved merfolk and seeing people swimming around like them, made him very happy. Many came up and waved happily as them, others blew bubble kisses at them all, and they even did flips and tricks.
They all looked like they were having so much fun as they all swam in this giant tank of water. But one of the merfolk in particular caught his eye. This one had blonde, probably messy hair when it was dry, eyes as green as the ocean is in certain areas, which were very beautiful to him.
He looked at Toris and smiled politely before spinning some then swam off a bit to do another flip. Toris, watched him, transfixed only on him.
The way he moved with the water was very hypnotizing. The man looked back to him and smiled before blowing a bubble kiss his way. Toris blushed and looked away shyly, when he looked back the man had swam up for his bit of air.
He looked up to where he want, seeing him sit on one of the pillars they had for them. He went upstairs to where the air for them was and eyes widened, seeing them all waving at people and letting them take pictures.
He figured that they all took shifts and it seemed that that one’s time was up since he left where they all do. He decided to go to that area to try and meet up with that merman.
Toris stood nervously, waiting for him, when he finally came out, Toris looked and smiled shyly. The man turned, seeing him then smiled some, “Hello..” Toris smiled some and fidgeted shyly, “Hi….um..may I ask your name..?”
He looked at Toris then smiled some, “Heh….my Name’s Arthur…pleasure to meet you..” Toris smiled as well, “I’m Toris…it’s a pleasure..”
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aj-writes-stuff · 8 years
Beach side Piano
For @aphrarepairweek2016 DAY 2!!! :D I was excited for this one X3
England x Lithuania
Rated....PG 13..? I guess...? I’m no good with rating, but it has blood and I say nothing of the end, you can interpret it however you feel.
The morning sun started showing through the curtains along with the sound of waves from the ocean. The smell of the breeze from the water came through the open windows, it was morning, pleasant and calm as well, it usually was when you lived next to the beach.
Toris opened his eyes slowly, seeing the sunlight shining through some. This was one of Toris’s favorite time of day. Just as he woke, he suddenly heard a grand piano playing in the other room.
He smiled, that is why it was his favourite time of day, it was a time where his beloved long time boyfriend would be awake, and when he was, the piano was usually his first stop. After making his tea of course.
Toris got up and slipped on a robe before walking into the dining room where the piano was. And just as he thought, his love was sitting and playing. Arthur Kirkland was his name.
The piano sat next to a big window looking out over the ocean. When living on the beach, with a view like theirs, the piano had to be perfectly placed, and the ideal spot was right there. He stood in the doorway, smiling as Arthur played.
Arthur looked over to him then returned the smile, still playing and motioned for him to sit and join him. Toris smiled and went over, sitting with him and kissed his cheek, “Good morning my love…” He said to him lowly.
Arthur smiled as he continued playing, “Hello my darling, I hope you slept well.” Toris gave a nod with a smile and laid his head on his shoulder some, “I always sleep good when I’m with you…” Arthur’s own smile widened and continued playing happily with Toris by his side.
Yeah, their days were always pretty peaceful like this. Arthur was a pianist, and a while back he had asked Toris to move in with him, to which, he happily accepted. He had taught Toris a bit of the piano as well. Toris was more than happy to learn since he loved the piano so much.
Thanks to Arthur, they were able to afford this grand home right by the ocean, it felt big but it was actually pretty small, but neither of them minded. Since Arthur would be gone often for his concerts, they were both more than happy to be in each other’s spaces whenever they could.
Every day was a new and beautiful journey together, or so it felt like. They would go out on the beach and walk and talk as well as play in the water.
The town they lived in was small but had many very kind people living there. They would go to the town to get things they needed and when they got home, Toris would make them a wonderful meal while Arthur played the piano for him.
They would eat together and once the night came they would sit out on their deck, watching the waves as the sun set. Toris was always so happy when Arthur got to stay home all day, and so was Arthur. To them, there was never a dull moment.
Around dawn, as they watched the sun set, the lights in the whole town started coming on, including the ones on their house, the porch lights were always so nice and they made everything seem even more beautiful.
Arthur smiled to Toris as he looked to Arthur, he smiled a bit more then kissed him softly. When they parted, Arthur took his hand and kissed it as well, “I love you…” He said smiling. Toris smiled as well, “I love you too…”
 Unfortunately, all good things can come to an end.
 When Toris woke up one morning, he knew Arthur was home but, he didn’t hear the piano, nor did he see him in the bed with him. He sat up some and looked around, “Arthur…?” When he didn’t get a response, he got up, grabbed his robe and went into the other room.
He didn’t see Arthur, and he didn’t hear him anywhere else in the house, was he outside? He went to look but saw no one, just the sand and the water.
He heard a commotion down the road some, he looked out and saw a group of people surrounding a car and something in front of it. He walked over some, once it was closer, he saw flowers and a small black box laying on the ground away from the car with and outstretched hand.
Once he got a bit closer, he wish he hadn’t.
There was blood coating the road and a body, with messy blonde hair, big eye brows and a once beautiful coat that was now also stained with blood.
Toris stared in horror, seeing his beloved Arthur, laying on the ground in that pool of blood.
The world went into slow motion after that, all Toris could do was fall to his knees and cry, he cried so hard and so loud, everyone in the town heard it.
Later on, as dusk came, Toris sat on their deck, just staring out at the ocean, feeling numb. He heard no music anymore, there was no such thing to him anymore. It was as if all the colour in the world, along with all the music in the world had just disappeared.
Tears stained Toris’s cheeks as he sat there with brand new silver ring around his finger, his eyes puffy and red, he didn’t feel anything anymore as he closed his eyes…
It was dark, with no sound but a faint…piano sound. He opened his eyes, seeing nothing. He stood and looked around, when he looked to where the grand piano was he saw a silhouette, and a kind and loving smile on the face he recognized and had always loved.
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