usergrantaire · 3 years
they finally welcome the newest addition to their family.
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decembersiris · 6 years
Enjonine fandom, prepare thyselves for...
Enjonine week 2018
... More details coming soon
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kugirocks · 7 years
Enjonine Headcanon
Eponine was in a musical once. At her last show, Enjolras came to watch. At her curtain call, he was the only one who cheered the loudest. So loud that he ended up losing his voice. With the best use of body language, Enjolras proposed. Eponine, with her best use of body language, agreed.
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eurydicesflower · 7 years
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castilloimaginario · 7 years
Enjonine Scene
They are kissing in a very passional way, and finally he is making a move. But in an instant he stops and before she can complain, he is giving her a speech about a woman’s honor, reputation and other nonsenses.
“Stop!” She sais in a tone that make him shut up instantly. “What the hell are you doing?”
“I- I am...” It’s maybe the first time he’s lost in words, or is he nervous? “I’m trying to make my intentions clear” She is surprised at first, but then she is as close to him as before.
“I will show you an easy way” Her hands put him down by the collar and his lips crash hers with more passion and intensity. “Did I make my intentions clear to you?” She ask with a charming smile.
“Yes, madame.”
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hihiyas · 7 years
Someone dances, someone watches, and we all get what we want.
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ao3feed-batb2017 · 6 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GiYMKp
by EnjoninePride
Enjolras had never been in love. He never understood what made his friends go into a state of euphoria when a woman was around. Women meant nothing to him...until he meets Eponine. Enjonine one-shot based on the song Evermore from Beauty and the Beast 2017
Words: 2482, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Les Misérables (2012), Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Enjolras, éponine thénadier
Relationships: Enjolras x Eponine - Relationship, Enjonine
Additional Tags: Song fic, Evermore - Freeform, beautyandthebeast, Love, unrequetiedlove
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GiYMKp
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theenjoninesquad · 7 years
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I don’t know if you guys have this picture (if it even went through) but it’s Enjonine, and I thought you would like it! #EnjoninePride
oh wow thank you so much. sorry for the delay. this is beautiful. is it an manip or still?
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One Day
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2yW5FxV
by EnjoninePride
Eponine has lived a life of disappointment when it comes to men. One day, she hopes that her prince will come. But with all the wrong kind of men in this world, is there anyone who is right for her? Based on the song One Day from Groundhog Day the Musical Modern day one-shot. Enjonine
Words: 3540, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Les Misérables (2012), eponine - Fandom, Enjolras - Fandom, Songfic - Fandom, Samantha Barks - Fandom, Aaron Tveit - Fandom, Love - Fandom, oneday, myprincewillcome, Enjonine - Fandom, eponinexenjolras - Fandom, enjolrasxeponine - Fandom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Eponine, Enjolras
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2yW5FxV
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usergrantaire · 3 years
and so our tale comes to a close and they live happily ever after (as much as they can in the 21st century anyway)
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decembersiris · 7 years
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But in my heart it was so real…
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kugirocks · 7 years
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Not the best at Photoshop, but it is ENJONINE!
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eurydicesflower · 7 years
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castilloimaginario · 7 years
Prompt 4 - Enjolras y Eponine
I wish we could stay here forever
Era navidad, y los recuerdos de aquel lugar parecían revivirse cuando al mirar la calle Éponine veía caer la nieve, veía a un hombre vestido de rojo rodeado por niños... familias felices. Lo mismo que veía cuando era niña y lo que creía que tenía. Cerró los ojos y pidió a quien estuviera escuchando ahí arriba que esos niños no tuvieran que enfrentarse a una realidad como la suya.
Se volvió a mirar el interior cuando escuchó el piano sonar, Grantaire jugaba con las teclas y las hacía sonar melodiosamente, meses atrás no habría sabido que el joven era tan bueno con la música. Aún no habían cenado pero ya habían terminado dos de las botellas de vino que habían reunido y dos de los chicos se acercaron a cantar villancicos con él.
Cuando todo estuvo listo se sentaron a la mesa y algunos se atrevieron a compartir recuerdos de las navidades pasadas, de sus familias, de lo que habían perdido al hacer aquella decisión que les había traído a este lugar. Courf leyó la carta de su madre en voz alta, para que supieran que la mujer sabía de ellos y les deseaba bien. También hubo carta de Marius, y en ese momento su mirada se cruzó con la de Enjolras, calmando el dolor que a veces surgía cuando sabían de él.
No habría regalos, pero sí habían decidido celebrarlo. Y así es como Éponine terminó con los pies doloridos, habiendo bebido más de la cuenta, después de haber bailado con cada uno de los chicos. Bueno, no todos, faltaba el hombre de mármol. Con esa valentía que da el alcohol se acercó al rubio y tiró de él. Para sorpresa de la mayoría, no opuso resistencia, pero no parecía dispuesto a bailar como los otros, dando saltos y cabriolas. No. Él tomó a Éponine por la cintura con una mano y la otra elevó la de la joven. La chica a veces olvidaba que convivía con jóvenes burgueses que habían recibido una educación elaborada, pero este tipo de cosas se lo recordaban. Y así terminó bailando un vals con Enjolras.
El ritmo suave de los pasos mezclado con la calidez que le provocaba el estar tan cerca de él hizo que terminara apoyando la cabeza en su hombro y dejándose mecer suavemente. Enjolras se preguntó si se estaba quedando dormida sobre él.
- Desearía estar aquí para siempre.
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hihiyas · 7 years
For @textsfromumbridge on the occasion of her birthday, and for @lilyismilesaway for finishing her master’s thesis. Thanks for always encouraging me while I try to contribute to our little ship!
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Hey what made you ship enjonine when Enjolras is a gay man? Just curious!
Well anon, you asked for it and your curiosity may have cost you. This blog is run by two people, so you’re getting two bitter replies.
First, we ship enjonine for many reasons. We like the idea of Enjolras and Éponine together. We want them both to be happy and we see that happiness with each other. It works to us. What you are asking, “why do you love this thing”. Well why do you love whatever you love? Because it makes you happy right? Why do we love enjonine? Because it makes us happy! Because we see compatibility with them more so than any other character. So what if they never interact? People have shipped for less than what enjonine has. But what I feel like a lot of people miss, when it comes to shipping, it’s like falling in love. We don’t choose who we love. It happens. You can’t stop it no matter how much you fight it. It’s like a unending spiral that you cannot resist. It’s love. And who are you to judge who or what we fall in love with when it makes us happy and harms no one? Doesn’t that sound familiar?
Second, there is no canon evidence to 100% confirm that Enjolras is gay. Vague references to Greek mythology is not enough. Just because he wasn’t interested in women, that does not mean he was by default attracted to men. People that use that as evidence to support he is gay are fooling themselves with exceedingly poor arguments. Everyone is so eager to make characters gay for the sake of representation but ignore the possibility of an asexual character which is how a lot of enjonine fans see Enjolras. This ignoring the possibility of him being asexual is not only ignorant and arrogant, it’s hypocritical. Last I checked, LGBTQ+. Queer is such a broad term in order to cover the spectrum of sexuality and the fluctuations of what it means to be human. Sexuality being a binary of you are either one or the other is a socially constructed idea which is nothing more than a fallacy that people are too afraid or not educated enough to understand. Sexuality is fluid and as it is for people, the same goes for fictional characters because it’s PEOPLE who interpret them.
The wonderful thing about literature is that everything and anything is up for debate. While you interpret the text one way and another sees something else, that does not mean one is more right than the other. Unless you can dig up Victor Hugo from the dead and get him to confirm anything as canon, then you have no case for him being gay. And since that’s impossible, everything is up for different interpretations. And even if Hugo confirmed anything, that does not stop shippers anyway. And that goes with any fandom.
If you want to talk about canon, aside from the gay implications you interpret, did you maybe wanna talk about the canon of Enjolras hating Grantaire? Because that definitely is canon and not an interpretation. Victor Hugo made it clear that Enjolras hated Grantaire. As for their deaths, people seem to think that that scene is a definite love confesssion but it isn’t. Just because Grantaire came to Enjolras right before he got shot on the barricade and asked “do you permit it,” that does not mean Enjolras proclaimed his love for him. Taking someone’s hand before dying is not default love. Not even Hugo knew what that meant but specifically made it clear that it was either an act of Enjolras accepting Grantaire as a friend or defiance to the French government. Neither are love. Just because he took his hand, that doesn’t mean he’s gay and if you think that you’re a dumbass. You don’t go from hating someone and hardly associating with them (which is what Enjolras did) to suddenly loving them because they’re going to die. Enjolras said yes because he didn’t want to die alone which is a normal human thing to feel, not out of love that suddenly felt out of nowhere. That’s my interpretation and that’s why I don’t think Enjolras is gay, especially not for Grantaire.
It’s not homophobic to ship enjonine like the enjoltaire fandom loves to spew out. They use that word and queer erasure out of context so often and they misuse the words every single time, it’s the only argument they have and it’s pathetic because they are desperately trying to warp a definition to fit their stance. Homophobia is the fear of homosexuality. But. Here’s the thing. Ready? For the thing? Guess what? I’m bisexual and asexual. GASP! But that doesn’t matter does it? My sexuality and my views of the world and society and my support for freedom of sexuality doesn’t matter because I’m not shipping the trademark GAY SHIP. Even if Enjolras was canonically gay, we don’t care. There are plenty of canon heterosexual ships with the couples being put into homosexual relationships. So what’s wrong with vise versa? And there is nothing wrong with that. And if you say it’s to increase representation for the lack of it, I can give you a whole list that favor abusive ships for the sake of GAYNESS. Enjonine is not abusive and harmful. It’s a ship that makes people happy and there is nothing wrong with that. So what if people disagree? We aren’t going to stop. We aren’t homophobic. Enjonine isn’t queer erasure. It’s harmless shipping.
People are so uptight now, trying to police what everyone should be shipping. Who cares? Why both? Why make anti blogs? Isn’t it exhausting being so hateful? Ship whatever you want, regardless of how others perceive it. Just don’t cross tag and piss off other people and tell people to FUCKING KILL THEMSELVES for their opposing ships. Have common decency and just be kind to each other. We already have enough problems in the real world, we don’t need more with fandoms and shipping.
- Mod decembersiris
I believe my friend has brought the point across already, so let me summarise it for you, ta guidoune.
• Fanon is not Canon. Frick ISN’T Brick.• You like that? Cool. We like this? Chill.• You don’t chill? Get a life, and leave.
Because it’s highly illogical to claim superiority and purity while simultaneously hounding ship tags, shaming other interests, and telling people to kill themselves for not sharing your preference.
Because you know what that sounds like?
Tyrannical. Elitist. Bull shit.
All of which Enjolras gravely disapproves. In any adaptation. Or interpretation, if that’s the term you prefer. So it’s particularly bold of you to assume that Enjolras would even condone such cruelty and senseless hatred. The guy wept for killing a brother due to Necessity. He felt horrible for having to execute Claquesous/Le Cabuc in the name of protecting his friends. So what the actual fuck are people doing in this fandom? Tearing each other apart due to disagreement, and for what? A brief moment of gratification? At what? Making someone else feel bad for the things that they love?
Don’t claim moral highground when you are seriously morally bankrupt.
Don’t put the bottle down just to spite other people for not subscribing to what you want.
Most importantly, don’t let fandom ruin you and other people, okay?
Perhaps, borrow Joly’s mirror, or have Combeferre fashion you a clearer spectacle before you go shitting at other people’s fun.
So while we duly note and dearly appreciate your curiosity, it is with outmost respect for you that we ask you to kindly fuck off.
So should you persist in being belligerent, I ferociously bite my thumb at you, citoyex.
- Mod viri
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