#enjoy the 🍎
applesontheground · 1 year
I saw that your request are open and wanted to ask for some headcanons of slashers like Bubba sawyer, Thomas hewitt and Michael myers if their Lover or S/O was a Dancer (Ballerina,etc). It's ok if you don't wanna write about that!
hello, anon! i've actually wanted to write something with a ballerina/dancer s/o, so allow me to indulge ya! thank you for being so polite. although i don't write for michael myers, i'd love to include bubba and thomas along with a couple other slashers i think would adore a dancing s/o. i've even included my slasher OC if that's alright, because like i said, he'd love it! ☆
headcanons - Bubba Sawyer, Thomas Hewitt, Leslie Vernon, Norman Bates, & Tad Kennedy w/ a Dancer S/O
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Bubba Sawyer
Self expression is everything to him, so when he sees you expressing something deep inside through a fluid movement or bold spin on your toes...he's intrigued. He's making his brothers watch, too, if you're not shy to that. He's stopping everything to set the stage for you.
He wouldn't be able to stop watching you do your thing, and after learning you're a dancer, everything you do feels so much more elegant in his eyes.
With a little encouragement, he'd definitely learn to dance with you too. He's somewhat familiar with the standard line dancing, so the amalgamation of that and your own style would become a special bonding activity. Something so utterly him and utterly you.
Thomas Hewitt
In a "career" that's messy and a world that's often loud and hectic, seeing you take a second to do something so lighthearted would catch Tommy off guard. He'll merely watch, jaw half open and hands unable to keep steadfast to working as you show off that you are capable of such a delicate, almost joyful routine or movement.
Whether you're interested in the music, the dance, or the costume design of your favorite type of dance, he'd always be listening to you talk about it and bringing things to your attention that he thinks is relevant.
If passerbys who come through the Hewitts are also dancers, he'd find a way to get you to meet (at arm's distance, of course). If it means he can see you light up before the family does what they do to people who fall into an unfortunate strike of luck of crossing the farm, it's like a break in the clouds to see a brief moment of you being happy.
Leslie Vernon
You're in good company with a man of many talents himself! Even if it's just a hobby, he would be very curious to see how quick you can hop to the balls of your feet, or break out a dance move that's more than something you learn to idly do at a party.
A bit of a gymnast himself, Leslie would probably see it in other ways. If you have more toned leg muscles, a passing knowledge of certain ballets/stage performances, etc., he'd tune in and start figuring out why that's so.
You might find after a little while that his movements when doing his own work would start to become a little more fluid itself. The interest and excitement rubs off easily on him, and if you're a graceful swan in your craft...he can't help but to adopt a ghost of that, too.
Norman Bates
The most thoughtful observer. If you need someone to make sure your moves are clean, he'd gladly observe and give his best critique (which would be 95% fawning and compliments, but he's doing his best to be good audience).
He'll never interrupt, and be very defensive over others interrupting you when you're dancing or even mentioning it.
He'd also get very interested in the music that you like to dance to, often playing it if he hears it on the radio and asking for your opinions on which songs make you the most light on your feet.
Also: lots of finding that the two of you suddenly own that ballet/album on vinyl, but it's more of an open secret that doesn't get more than a pointed glance from you and a sheepish glance in return from him. "Mother's always had that record, I don't know why you're so suspect."
While not a dancer himself, he gains security from dancing with you. Take his hand, and he'll follow your lead albeit a bit shyly, but find a way to love it as he loves you.
Tad Kennedy ⚡
Oh, baby!
He loves to dance as is, and while it's more for his stage performances, when he feels the groove he's gonna be right there with you. Even if you're just idly swaying while cooking or doing something unrelated, he'd be behind you swaying in the same rhythm.
Nothing makes him happier than seeing you work on your craft, and the delicate nature of some ballet would make him soft for sure.
If you're interested in watching ballet/dancing as well, he'd be keeping an eye out for shows to take you to -- and you best believe he'd be mentioning to every small talker that you also dance.
he would learn how to dance with you the best to his ability. even though he's more of a groovy hip shaker than a ballerina himself, he loves to share the dancefloor with you and can adjust if it means getting to do that.
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twistedappletree · 3 months
i do this crazy thing where if i don’t care for a certain headcanon or ship, i just ignore posts about it and continue on with my day
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pyeonqie · 14 days
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cropped out the actual photo bc it's honestly a little gruesome but this is one of those "what's an opinion you have that would have people attacking you over" and WE LITERALLY JUST TALKED ABOUT THIS! so true!
yes!!!!! so many people pay so much money for these incredible seats just to watch it through their phone and try to get their y/n moment to go viral on twitter instead of actually enjoying the concert it’s always bugged me
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plushkiddo · 18 days
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mommy likes to put slushy in very compromising positions >_<
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how to pray
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salt-apple · 9 months
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card edit/redraw ...... :3c
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livvyofthelake · 1 year
could you imagine being robert carlyle and robbie kay. one of you is fully middle aged the other is like 19 and you’re playing father and son but NOT the way you’d think. and you’re slaying the house down too…
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once i finish playing the main story and any post-game stuff in scarlet, i'll be writing for some of the paldea characters!! in the meantime, i'm working on a few requests 💖💖💖
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whimsyprinx · 1 year
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i wanna remind y’all that anything i try to envision more of less looks like this, sometimes better sometimes worse (honestly usually worse but ya know ahdjjfkt) always vague and blurry
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mouseship · 2 years
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What is Pinterest trying to say rn. Why are they putting Jerry under this category I'm losing my mind
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frecklystars · 2 years
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a couple of cute dashies 🌈💕
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flockfell · 2 years
When I say I’m goblincore I mean I personally get dopamine from cooking things like salmon trimming just so I can peel the little flakes of meat off like I managed to snag the leftover carcass of someone elses meal
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twistedappletree · 8 months
Love how I was hanging out with a friend earlier and didn’t hear a single word they were saying because my mind was just like “hahahahah jin ling. so cute so small, angy baby. tiny, ridiculous, so silly lmao”
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meattruck · 2 years
the last w10 update just made everything so wide...........like u sually notice it getting wider but then i think i get use to it but everything is so wide even microsoft apps changed apperence to fit w11 despite being outof date????
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nationalcleographic · 5 months
love our home ^_^ we've been doing better about regularly cleaning lately and everythings in it's place now. our record player set up is amazing and we have so many plants and a beautiful vintage boat clock .... its all just very lovely
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imbetterthenneige · 3 months
Please do tell me why 🍏🍎 was sobbing over a video of some guy talking about games?
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