#enkidu valentine's event
fledbeast578 · 4 months
It's going around a bit (initially this was going to be an ask for @hasarjunadoneanythingwrong and then it got too long, and er sorry for the ping, your post just got me thinking a lot) but I think a lot of people are missing the point when it comes to why people complain about the lack of bisexuality in fate. It's not like everyone is completely ignorant to Rin's bisexual awakening in fsn, or you being able to go full Yuri with Nero in Extella. It's moreso that while type/moon are able to handle girl/girl just fine, they are seemingly completely unwilling to approach any male/male romances in a serious way. It's not that bisexual women aren't bisexual, that's stupid to say. But if you have an equal number of male and female servants, and have plenty of bisexual or even lesbian girls, as a bisexual male I am allowed to be disappointed by the complete lack of the opposite.
They never overtly say anything homophobic, but they do literally everything they can do avoid outright mentioning male/male pairings. They have never mentioned Patroclus, despite him being a major part of not just Achilles, but the Illiad as a whole, all while adding Penthisaela as an entire character. The only canon 'yaoi' pairing (Gil x Enkidu, and I say yaoi loosely) made sure to have Enkidu simultaneously be non-binary and take on the appearance of a woman. They quite literally demoted Nameless to side character due to Extella being more focused on romance. There's a whole bunch of minor stuff easy to miss as well, like, has anyone ever wondered why exactly they added the Trung Sisters as is, but felt the need to genderbend Pollux?
I could rant on more and more, but I think it's easy to point to one in-game event as being emblematic of what I mean, Valentines. Nearly every girl has an overtly or at least implicitly romantic valentines, comes with the territory. It doesn't change or matter if you're playing as Gudako or Gudao, it all stays the same, especially with early servants where it's just "teehee it's valentines day/oh it's valentines day" depending on how tsundere there are, they hand you chocolate, and then blush.png, they are never afraid to imply or outwardly say that at the very least Carmilla finds you cute.
Compare that to male valentines scenes, where genuinely I think there are less than 10 with any romantic vibes. A grand majority of them are closer to friendship than anything, and play out more like mini-interludes. And even of the ones that are romantic, much less than overt about it. Is Saito maybe being romantic when he says he wants to take you away from Chaldea and live alone? Probably. Is Taigong Wang trying to imply something when he takes you to the same river he took his wife too? Probably. Are they ever going to outwardly say it? Absolutely not, at least not when they're trying to take it seriously.
As you mentioned previously characters like Fergus and Bartholomew are the only exceptions, because yeah they'll call you hot and offer to fuck but that's because they want to fuck literally anything (anything with bangs for the latter), the joke is they're so horny it transcends sexuality. Genuinely the only male that comes to mind with a full on, "I have feelings for you" played straight is Oda Kippoushi (and even his gender situation is... Weird? Just a bit). Mori comes close, but even his ends with him looking at you as more of a friend, and quickly skirts away from topics of romance.
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In fact, this disparity between male and female servants can be easily seen in Kid Gil's interlude of all things. In it he mentions a waterpark he was creating, and then you two fantasize about the type of servants there
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It's played completely straight, just a bunch of summer servants that you and Gil fawn over. Immediately after, he starts rambling about how while he doesn't swing that way, there are all kinds of people at the park
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And to show this off they... Turn it into a joke. Edison and Blackbeard as there. Compared to a bunch of servant girls fawning over you it's a bunch of men (none of which even had summer skins at the time), talking about working out and growing food, with Blackbeard yelling about how it's a bunch of servants with no story significance.
However, the absolute worst part is what Gudao can say in response to the fantasies. With the girls you get a single one, that you love the idea of it.
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With the men however, you get two options, "hey that doesn't sound too bad" in which Gil just kinda disagrees and then moves on to the end. And then one where you literally outloud show your disgust towards the male choice, Gil scolds you for making him think of it, and he bans all adult men from the pools. I never really think of it but this is probably one of the most homophobic scenes in fgo lmao.
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Regardless, the whole point of this was moreso that as a bisexual man myself, these kinds of things do kind of lodge themselves into my brain. Nobody has to like yaoi or anything, that's ridiculous, but when they go out of there way so often to avoid outright showing anything homosexual... It kind of just hurts. Even just a singular gay man would be nice, even if it probably would just be a joke about how they want to slobber on muscles or love femboys something. But there just... Isn't, there's a few vaguely implied mentions of gay men or bisexual men, but they will never expand on it or show it off to the same degree as they do with women, and I just wish there was more of it.
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coffeecakecatt · 2 years
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Mephistopheles got a command code for the Valentine’s event in JP and I’m so excited because this means that he’s in the event.  And I’ve been reading it as it comes out, and there’s been a lot of allusion to Mephistopheles in it, and he relates super heavily to what the core themes are and I cannot stop thinking about this event and theorizing about how it’s gonna turn out. 
It’s all very weird, and almost there, and dream-like just wading at the edge of reading as the proper reality. Johanna is absolutely a person that Mephistopheles would sympathize with, and want to help in some way because she’s an entirely fictional person. And Mephistopheles cares about creations. He loves narrative servants and those created to fill a specific role. He’s friends with Nursery Rhyme and Moriarty. He helped Enkidu find their identity in their interlude. He killed Frankenstein in London and left Fran alive so she could go have an adventure with the Master. I’m sure he’d care for Johanna too. 
I think the event is a dream that Mephistopheles has made for Johanna because she wants to be a real girl, a real person, and she made a deal with the devil to grant this wish. It’s about what it means to be human, and what things are core to being real as a person, which absolutely parallels with Meph who is a homunculus who was made too human. He would know what it means to be human and want to be a real human being, since he’s an artificial being who was denied by his own creator. Not to mention that Mephistopheles controls dreams, has made micro-singularities in the past (which this event is) for other servant’s interludes, and is someone who challenges characters’ core values and morals. And everything feels just kind of off in the event, alluding to it not being how it seems. Johanna is just established to be there - no fan-fare, nothing, like it’s perfectly normal and reasonable that she’s in Chaldea providing Valentine’s blessings, even though that goes against her role in Traum. Goredolf is fully confident, he doesn’t seem to care about any holiday shenanigans, and everyone is really easily and casually ushered into what everyone thinks is going to be a very simple chill micro-singularity. 
Mash is in the event, but Mash isn’t really...getting as much of the spotlight as she usually gets. She’s only on screen for two or three dialogue boxes at most, she’s almost exclusively nudging you onto the path of the story, and she’s not getting her usual long Mash getting to say her opinion on things. Which, is how Mash acted in Mephistopheles’ interlude, where Mephistopheles made a fake Mash to keep the Master on track in his dream, and the Master didn’t notice. Which is something that is REALLY HARD to do and Mephistopheles has shown he CAN do, in the past.
Another thing - Nursery Rhyme is there! Only four servants were compatible to Rayshift: Rama, Jalter Santa Lily, Nursery Rhyme, and Johanna. Nursery Rhyme has been unphased by every weird thing to far. She’s just rolled with it a little too well, which would make sense, because Mephistopheles would need a storybook to help him write a story for Johanna.
And, there’s been a lot of Alice in Wonderland comparisons and references. And music specifically from Jeanne’s Casino in Las Vegas Summer, a place that Mephistopheles helped run, Nursery Rhyme took part in plays, and it was a casino run by a Saint who was having her time as a real girl.
The whole event is also in the perspective of a narrative, like a book, being recounted to you by Johanna with little narrative cut-ins from her at key intervals of her experiences. While there are dialogue options to choose, nothing is from their perspective. Any time we get narration, it’s from Johanna’s point of view.
Johanna also acts strangely. She knows things without evidence, and immediately pegs the grail in the basement of the Singularity’s church as evil, stops a mysterious sorcerer from wishing on it, and has her own wish prioritized over the initial wish that was going to be bad for the Human Order. A wish that Johanna claims she doesn’t even have, because she’s a Ruler and a Saint.
Then that wish caused a giant statue of her to be erected in the middle of the tiny peaceful town and now she’s beloved as Love Love Johanna-Sama!
Everyone has a little fun laugh as Johanna is in agony and embarrassment over this idea of being beloved and worshipped in such a loud and larger than life way, but I think she’s actually kind of flattered by it. She’s just grappling with this idea of only wanting what a Saint would, rather then what she actually wants. Because I think that Johanna wished to be a real girl, and to be a real girl she has to be known, and she has to be loved, and she has to accept that love. 
Love is what defines the weight of her life, and she has to accept and carry that love with her (in a little bag of luggage she’s given) in order to actually be real.  Which is what Mephistopheles is giving her, I think. He’s giving Johanna her wish of being a real girl for Valentine’s day.  TLDR: I’m pretty sure Mephistopheles has crafted an elaborate dream to grant Johanna’s wish to be a real person. Which means she has to learn what it means to be human. Love defines if you matter and are real, not the classification of reality of fiction. 
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sakuraswordly · 11 months
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In the hint the maiden man of the flower when I said "Punch and Gilgamesh also use the same method as Sonic for once too, to sell flowers." That's because the flowers will be their symbol and the story behind the meaning of the flowers.
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And Flowers are often seen as a symbol of appreciation and gratitude. When someone is given flowers, it means that they are special to the giver. Also, the symbol behind those flowers means Punch, Sonic and Gilgamesh love nature so much.
Punch usually gives white flowers to Peter, Homura and Danny
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Sonic usually gives yellow flowers to Syaoran. (And the yellow flower or sunflower is his symbol in Sonic's franchise. Green Hill is the most widely known Sonic level and sunflowers being in Green Hill made them a pretty recognisable piece of Sonic iconography so it makes sense they keep using them)
Gilgamesh usually gives blue flowers to Peter and Punch.
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Also in Fgo Valentine event, Enkidu did give the flowers as Valentine. Also in Absolute Demonic Front Babylonia, those flowers also appear in cutscene. In Tsubasa of Phantasia, Gilgamesh once gave white flowers to Enkidu and that's the starting relationship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu about teaching Enkidu how to be human and the truth behind the world outside.(Gilgamesh did give white flower to Kujaku as well)
White flower means purity and innocence to sympathy. The perfect way to honour a relationship.
Yellow flower means spreading happiness and joy. An unrequited or a love filled with sorrows.
Blue flower means peace, tranquillity, serenity, faith, affection, intuition and love.
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holdharmonysacred · 2 years
If anyone’s wondering who I gave the special buff chocolates in the event to, my picks were Artoria Caster and Enkidu. Artoria because I want to get her to max bond and I’m guaranteed to keep her on my current team throughout my grinding adventures, and Enkidu because literally every other person who could get the blueberry one who I currently have who I would want to get to max bond is already at max bond. Even then Enkidu is benched until I get the First Emperor to max bond because I forgot to do that back at new years oops!
I say that as if I wouldn’t want to get Enkidu to max bond, and actually I would like to get them to max bond eventually! I just genuinely forgot I had them. I’ve got so many servants now dear god. Also the inventory management I have to go through is WILD, I’m finally caving in and feeding the dupe valentines CEs to my regular CEs to wrangle my storage space (while being very very careful to lock, star, and yeet to the second archive all the actually new ones), truly valentines is an Event indeed.
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peachypendragon · 5 years
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Thank you, best clay ❤️
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hexedmaniacs · 4 years
i will continue to bitch about crimson days being sunsetted for the next month and a half because man i was so looking forward to all the valentine’s day themed cosmetics  😔 😔 😔 😔 😔 😔
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asirenfgo · 6 years
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Had to give and receive chocolate from Enkidu on my alt account.
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beeofthesea · 6 years
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boomboomshark · 6 years
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Perks of having Enkidu in your Chaldea.
You get to have two gifts :')
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pepperlotus · 6 years
Have you ever seen a being so beautiful you just start crying?
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I think that a key thing in FGO that’s important to note when talking about who wrote what is the fact that characters typically have a main writer (generally the author that created them), and that a lot of the time that points to exactly who wrote the story.
For example, Iskandar is “owned” by Urobuchi, because Urobuchi wrote him in his original appearance - that means that any appearance he has is either written by him, or Urobuchi likely had some sort of a role in approving it.
This can be seen clearly in Camelot - while Nasu wrote the majority of it, Sakurai wrote the Egypt sections and the Prototype characters because Ozymandias, Nitocris, Arash and Hassan of Serenity are her characters. In Orléans as well, the conversations between Marie, Samson and Mozart are written by Nasu and not Higashide because Nash’s their main character writer. In Solomon, Sakurai and Higashide also write the nodes for the singularities they wrote.
That’s why we don’t have any original Fate Strange Fake servants appearing - because the author, Narita doesn’t want them to, and since the authors do clearly have some creative control over their characters no one else gets to throw them in for fun (Enkidu is an exception, but likely because he appeared in previous Fate stories).
While obviously there are crossovers and times where an author that isn’t the original writes a character, and Nasu especially has a hand in writing every character, typically if almost every character in a story comes from the same author, chances are that they wrote it.
This especially applies to LB2, where every character involved was written by Sakurai (except Sigurd who is a collaboration between her and Higashide, who is Siegfried’s writer). It’s very very unlikely that someone else wrote it when she is the main writer for everyone involved.
Other examples of this are the fact that the Apocrypha author, Higashide, wrote both the Semiramis valentine’s event and the Apocrypha event, Keikenchi (Koha ACE) wrote every GudaGuda event, Urobuchi (Zero) wrote the Zero Collab, etc.
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Happy easter everyone. I hope you’re all doing great.
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I had a great start with 7 tix and the past 30 SQ I had my luck is still going strong and Gil can be pleased that Enkidu finally joined my Chaldea. I would have liked to MLB the partake with the king CE, but I don’t want to whale for 4 copies. So I will wait for a different opportunity.
This year has actually started out great for both my JP and NA account. I’ve been just too lazy to post anything.
My new year pulls both only 30 SQ
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And Saber wars 2 and NA valentine’s event. I was actually aiming for Sitonai, but I guess I shouldn’t pull on shared banners. Should have learned from the previous Babylonia banner with Quetz and Clay.
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But SSRs are SSRs so I’m not one to complain.
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alola-chuu-too · 5 years
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I just wanted to see Gil and Enkidu looking at each other like there deeply in love 😂😂😂😂 The petals are the flowers Enkidu gives you during the Valentine’s event 💚💚💚
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whitefoxglove · 4 years
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and also thank u ! i’m not very good at thinking of random hcs but i’m gonna try to do one for each of my f/o’s :^D
enkidu is normally really calm and playful but unexpectedly can get pretty nervous about initiating romantic stuff themself. we don’t really get much of anything about this side of them in the game but during the valentines event they get so nervous abt giving the player a gift they literally almost self destruct. 
it’s canon in source that coyote loves music (i mean ... they’re a god of music after all) but tbh i think their favorite instrument would be drums. mostly bc of mythology reasons from the god they’re based on. also in the anime it’s shown they (presumably) regularly sneak into tokyo dome to watch music concerts so i’m assuming they enjoy modern music quite a bit. (that may have been 2 headcanons technically but shhhh)
izou’s the kind of dude who has no idea how to act romantic. at all. he really tries though. will also just like, (attempt to) indirectly ask ryouma and oryou for help/advice since those two are a super lovey-dovey couple. no matter how much izou denies asking lol. 
kusuriuri is definitely a cat person. like in the last episode of the show we see him pet a cat ok it’s a bakeneko but it definitely still counts and he has such a soft expression ... he doesn’t smile very often let alone make a face like that but it’s honestly really great and i <33333 
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scarletlotus182 · 5 years
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encouraged by @musketeersmasquerade here’s my own FGO tier list!
I separated boys and girls and tried to leave out holiday alts. I wasn’t sure how to do Enkidu so I just did what the valentines event did and put them on both lists EDIT: Since I’ve made this, Napoleon has actually sunk to “hate”
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peachypendragon · 6 years
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A gift from Enkidu :)
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