#enough of on here anyway LMAO and also a shinee blog (i KNOW) where i put shinee stuff that i wanna keep but still don’t rb on here
acebytaemin · 11 months
Leak the sideblogs? Pretty please?
i have like 8 or something not even joking it’s so ridiculous but the ones i use regularly are:
@somethingmp3 my girl group blog 💖
@veljaca (veljača means february in croatian hehe) it’s like fashion etc whatever i like the visuals of but isn’t for this here kpop blog
@sweetestgift where i don’t really write in the tags but is just like little non kpop things that don’t fit in on veljaca
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greywindys · 1 year
Can you tell us what others 2doc's dynamic ships come to your mind? Jsjsj
...I don't know if you want to open this door, anon, lmao. I think I used the wrong term when I said "ship." I'm going to share a non-exhaustive (I'm not going to get too spicy atm) list here, but I also want to clarify that I don't really ship any of these, and in some cases, idt some of this media has a fandom with active ships anyway. Instead, think of this as a list of potential 2Doc AUs that have likely never been done before (I've certainly given consideration to all of them lmao). In general, the 2Doc dynamic, or a version of the 2Doc dynamic, exists in a lot of media. If you watch any of these, and come out supporting a ship, then I support you! But you can think of these in a platonic sense as well. This post will also be long because I talk a lot, and I wanted to find Youtube clips.
Succession: I've talked ad nauseam on this blog about TomGreg (Tom = Murdoc, Greg = 2D), and while I don't want to repeat myself, I couldn't make this post in good conscious without including them. This is quintessential 2Doc if canon ever gave 2Doc the development it deserved. In fact, I have a half-completed draft still sitting around that highlights every parallel. Here is a longer post where I begin to talk about some similarities. I love Succession on its own, but it is also home to so many of my personal Murdoc hcs. I owe it my life.
While we're here, I'd also add an honorable mention to TomShiv (Tom = 2D, Shiv = Murdoc) with the way she hurts him over and over and he keeps coming back to her, and the way they hate each other by the end of the series, but also realize they can't live without one another. This is the abridged version, but I'm trying not to make this so ridiculously long. I can go into more detail if anyone wants me to. Anyhow, here is a TomGreg clip. There are literally so many compilations on Youtube, but this is one of the more iconic scenes, imo, and it should gets it's chance to shine.
The Lighthouse: This comparison should be relatively familiar to 2Doc fans, I believe? I knew about this movie before it was cool, though, because I love Robert Eggers as a director. He managed to unintentionally write an amazing PB - two men, trapped on an island together slowly lose their minds. Fun for any ship, tbh! But PB and 2Doc similarities are undeniable. This portrayal will be more appealing to those who enjoy earlier 2Doc (P1-3), though Robert Pattinson's character has both flaws and a backbone, and I like to think of 2D this way as well. Willem Dafoe's character also gets his comeuppance. Tbh, this is my PB.
Seven Days in Hell: 2Doc tennis AU? A strange combination to consider. I forget why I watched this years ago. I think I was still coming out of the GOT fandom and wanted to watch some of the casts' new project. Anyhow, this may be appealing to fans of the 2Doc as bitter rivals/enemies. Kit Harrington's character reminds me of 2D SO much lmao. And Andy Samberg's character is very Murdoc.Fair warning, I believe this has a bad ending, but I remember liking it. There are also probably some problematic elements I'm forgetting to mention, but we're also talking about 2Doc here. Indubitably.
Whatever is going on with these guys aka The Climb: Okay, I'll be honest, I never actually watched this movie. The trailer played while I was at the theater to see a different movie. However, it stuck out to me for it's depiction of a "toxic friendship," enough that I posted about it on this blog years ago. That's actually the only way I remembered it. I was browsing through my video history looking for my Taylor Swift AMV and stumbled upon the original post. I thought, "wtf is that, and why did I post it?" And it was because of 2Doc. And idk, it doesn't look that bad! I enjoy little indie movies like this.
Glee: Listen. Or don't. I'm going to attempt to outline the main points of my argument in a short paragraph. Rachel Berry is ruthless in pursuit of her ultimate goal of becoming a Broadway star and will happily sacrifice friendships, others' successes and safety (she once sent a student she viewed as competition to crack house to dissuade them from joining Glee Club so she could have less competition for solos) etc to achieve it. Finn is kind of dumb, tall but nonetheless popular. In the early season, Rachel fixates on him and it creeps him out. Visually, their heights are similar to 2D and Murdoc. While, as many know, the show starts to flop quality wise in season 2, the 2Doc dynamic is there, though obviously not nearly as unhealthy as Gorillaz 2Doc. But this was that fandom I came from prior to following Gorillaz! And I thought back to Finn's characterization quite a bit while writing 2D in The Answer.
Okay, so that's six to start off. I'm happy to defend my choices so far kskalds. Or if you, or anyone else, has any ship platonic or otherwise that you want to add, feel free to do so!
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wetbloodworm · 1 year
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doodled this a while ago and decided i want it here. gta au ivan! mostly i wanted to draw some of his tattoos. i’ll probably never design his full arm sleeve but i like the mix of blue for his prison tattoos and the black for the new ones he got to fill out the sleeve.
on a design note, i very specifically don’t give gta au ivan the little white highlights i put in people’s eyes usually, at least when he’s not interacting with someone he loves and actually conceptualizes as a fully realized person. he’s smiling and cheerful when interacting with most people but his expression is flat and i think i’ve described him as having dead eyes before lol. losing the eye highlight is just an indicator of that! i think it’s fun. i also specify gta au ivan because, while in other AUs he’s always more open and expressive with people he’s comfortable around, his default expression otherwise is... not so dead, lol. you can tell the difference between a ‘this is just what my face does’ smile or an ‘i’m actively smiling at you to be polite/friendly’ and a real genuinely happy smile with all ivans, but gta au ivan doesn’t mask quite as hard because he barely recognizes other people as people. it’s a combination of not caring enough about other people to even consider that he should look less off-putting and of not wanting to show how he actually feels. gta au ivan is WAY more emotionally closed off and has chosen to switch off the part of his brain that feels compassion for most people. he still goes along with a lot of the social rules he’s learned and the part of him that cares about how people are treated/cares about being polite isn’t completely dead, but for the most part people are basically objects and tools and toys until he gets to know them well enough for something to click in his brain.
(gta au ivan fascinates me don’t mind my rambling)
WAIT i drew a comparison before! okay this is even older and it was done pretty quickly so don’t worry about it
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in the second one he’s got the eye highlight, a wider smile, and the smile actually reaches his eyes. subtle differences because it IS a fairly subtle shift, a lot of people wouldn’t notice it, but it’s there. i just think these details are fun.
losing the eye highlight it something i use a lot actually to depict something being Wrong or to indicate that the facial expression isn’t genuine. not always, because sometimes the style just doesn’t require the highlight, but the more detailed the drawing is the more likely i’m gonna use that indicator. now that i’m talking about it i’m putting some examples under the cut because it’s my blog and i can go off topic if i want
warning, lots of pics here so it’ll get long
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hunger games AU charlie! the one where they’re crying gets the highlight because they’re not masking. in the other two they’re acting cheery for the camera after an extraordinarily traumatizing experience so the highlight’s gone to indicate those smiles are absolutely not genuine lol
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another hunger games au charlie. genuine emotion but that emotion is ‘doing just really bad right now’
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dnd au charlie in their sunny mask! this one is just a style choice partly because this was a quick sketch and i left their sclera as pure white instead of off-white, which would make the pure white highlight not stand out as much. how can you tell when it’s a style choice and when it’s symbolic? well. uh. uhhh. anyway more examples
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another hunger games au charlie, i’m in that folder rn lol. eye shine in the first one because they’re acting but doing alright, no eye shine in the second one because. y’know. trauma.
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just posted this one lol but another example! genuinely happy vs boiling over with rage and grief
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symbolic vs style example. highlight stands out more on the left drawing than it would on the right drawing. it’d get lost on the little one, and it’s not as detailed to boot.
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symbolic choice here. angery and trying to hide it even if he’s failing lmao
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making vs genuine expression, but both get the highlight because asya’s still trying in the first one and she’s not completely closed off emotionally.
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also masking but she was caught off-guard and isn’t trying as hard
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first two lacking the highlights are style choices, bottom two with the highlights are symbolic. EXTRA highlight in the bottom left because extra happy, bottom right she’s just real emotional. it feels obvious to ME that the top ones are style choices but i don’t. know how to articulate the reasoning.
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the-good-projxct · 2 months
May 30th, 2024
6.50 pm. Listening to Stormzy Firebabe. I am BORED AF. Like bored dot com. I have scrolled and scrolled. I don’t feel like reading. I don’t wanna be outside. I decided to write sooo shout out to me for choosing this. My period came this morning and the way I timed those cramps, I had drugs in my system before the uterus had a chance to rise and shine. So yaayyy! To a no cramps period. I got up around 11, chilled with Sweetie Banana and Moka wa Mwiti while they taught me wild Meru tings. Then I showered, went to buy pads at the mall, got measured by Ngina, walked to WWF (no, not wrestling but wildlife) to find out about volunteering/interning, then I walked home. The walk was so nice. I was just feeling God, the Universe, and Love. Like the trees we’re reminding me that I am them and they are me. Just like they deserve to be here, so do I. These are huge trees, likely some hundred years old. An Ancestor. And I heard them loud and clear. I also sang on my walk and just enjoyed being part of this magikal planet on this beautiful day. There are days I feel part of this world and there are days I feel out of this world. ‘Tis life innit? Sometimes when I am overcome by a lot to do or nothing to do, I ask myself what do I want? And there’s a time when that was a complex answer that would overwhelm me. Nowadays, the answer is nothing. I have everything I want. Honestly, I have all my needs met. I feel zen. I am not worried about my hierarchy of needs. Honestly, I feel like this blog/ the Gøod projxct is self-actualization. If I am in the present, the here and now, then I have everything I need and want. If I think ahead, wahala. If I think backwards, grief and sadness. So here is another reminder that I just need to be where my feet are. And that is enough. I am thriving where my feet are. Don’t you just Love that for me? I Love it for me. I am a sacred chubby baby girl living her best life in a complex volatile delusional world and that is OKAY. Hahahah this made me laugh out loud truly. I know I am not the delusional one. It’s the ones committing war crimes, choking on capitalism and colonialisms dick that are delusional. I am quite sane in the membrane. Like, I can see what is happening for what it is and where it came from. Hello Nettyboy, Biden, Bezos, Gates, Musk… you Gøod? No you ain’t. Niggas is DELUSIONAL. And tryna take us all out while they at it. I Love the Universe and I Love Karma. They cannot end the world even if they tried. And Gøod old Karma is coming for their future generations. In my tribe we have a belief in karma for four generations. So all this generational wealth them hoes is acquiring through violence will EAT their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren alive. Oooohh and we will Love to see it. As in, I hope in the afterlife I have a screen or an app where I can check on what's happening on Earth because LAWD, that tea will be spicy and hot. Lmao google tried to make me change dick and hoes? Ummm NO. All of them fuckin’ up Earth and the vibes on this planet are hoes and dicks mmkkaay. Period. Bila Shame. Musk, you is a hoe ass dick. Free Congo!!!! Anyway, at the end of the day everyone is doing the best they can with what they know. Which tells me that all them hoe ass dicks are sick, unwell, in the spiritual trenches. But money makes them look Gøod and makes them believe that they are Gøod. Like true delusion. They are sick dawg. Anyway, This month is basically over. I may or may not write tomorrow. So yeah…Happy June Loves. Don’t be a hoe ass dick. Okay. Be Gøod. Do Gøod. Believe in Gøod. Honor Gøod. Feel Gøod. Because Life is Gøod. God is Gøod. Earth is Gøod. The Universe is Gøod. You are Gøod. I am Gøod. Ase. Ase. Ase. Ase. Ase. Ase. Ase. Ase.
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gourde · 1 year
1, 4 and 7!!!!! 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
Oooo I like these! Okay there's a lot so here's some funny blue words
1. The character everyone gets wrong: SONIC!!!! I know things can be read differently by different people but I really feel like Sonic's aroaceness is a HUGE part of his character. Like it's so fucking obvious but he's the mAiN ChaRAcTer so we gotta pair him up with fucking someone. The only Sonics that don't fit this is Boom Sonic who is obviously divorced and Archie Sonic who gets WAY too many bitches. And I chose to ignore that one fucking line in Frontiers. It just... is there. It came out of no where. Sonic since when did you... anyways. OKAY SO. Sonic has really never been interested in anyone, ever. He is clearly uncomfortable/disinterested in Amy's advancements and their relationship really shines when he's FRIENDS with her. BECAUSE HE'S AROACE. HE DOESN'T HAVE ROMANTIC FEELINGS. I MEAN. LOOK AT HIM. LOOK AT HOW HE ACTS. THAT MAN IS AROACE. He's a guy who loves adventure and doesn't stick around. Guy's ALWAYS on the move. He is NOT the "Settle down" with someone type. He has so many friends because not only does he manage to help all those around him but. It's what he wants! He has friends everywhere and that's all he needs! Like come on people I will EXPLODE someone who GIVES A SHIT about who he's gonna be with. And then the people who DO ship him with someone tear down his character to "Soft cuddly guy!" WHICH IS NOT HOW HE IS. THESE PEOPLE HAVE NEVER SEEN ANY SONIC GAME. Like I know I'm aroace and a lot of Sonic I see in myself, but I really don't think I'm projecting here. I feel like I'm at least SOMEWHAT good enough at reading characters. 4. What was the last straw that finally made you block that annoying person?: I actually can't think of any instance. Generally once someone starts bothering me I just block them right away. And most of the time someone I've been following for a while shows their true colours. Like this one blog I followed for YEARS, reblogged something saying fictional incest is okay because it's fictional! Lol! Lmao! Blocked right away. Piss off with that. Explode. Or those "Fiction doesn't effect reality" types. It does... no matter how little you think it doesn't it still does man. But this is more general instead of one instance. 7. What character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because of how the fandom acts about them?: I'm so sorry but Sally. I can't fucking stand Sally's name because I hate how it sounds (The autism) so I already was just okay with her. I watched Satam and like... she's fine I guess. Generic girl character who keeps the wild boy in check and makes all the plans. I also didn't like her design and that's a huge part of a character to me. So I had a slightly negative opinion about her. I kept on seeing posts about how Sally should come back in IDW or the games and first off, how would they do that in a natural way and second off WHAT DOES SHE BRING TO THE TABLE. NOTHING!!! SHE HAS NO UNIQUE CHARACTER TRAITS. Amy is a very good leader and people person, Whisper is patient and has that mysterious past (Not royalty but still), and Tangle has that energy and incredible fighting skill. Oh and Tails has the tech savvy. Like you could change her character but then it's not Sally coming back anymore, so what's the point there. She's just boring. I'm sorry Sally enjoyers but I really can't see her appeal. Even in Archie she was overshadowed (First comes to mind is Charmy was the hidden royalty, Rotor is good with electronics), which isn't her fault but she's a character supposed to be entertaining, nothing about her was. I guess the appeal is what can you can add to her character? But I'm not a big fan of those types. So yeah I saw her too much when I already didn't like her and most of it was wanting her back. Which wouldn't make any fucking sense. And like let them rest, they've had like 20 years to shine. Let the IDW characters shine. (TANGLE I LOVE YOU TANGLE!!!!!)
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 314: ...Or You Live Long Enough to See Yourself Become the Villain
Previously on BnHA: Some random assholes were all “let’s throw exploding spears at All Might and see if it activates his Conqueror’s Haki” and SURPRISE, MOTHERFUCKERS, IT DID!! Elsewhere, Lady Nagant confusingly tried to capture Deku alive by shooting him in the stomach, but to be fair I guess that’s what happens when you send an assassin to do a bounty hunter’s job, so yeah. Deku was all “ouch”, and then because this is a shounen he basically just straight up forgot about it, and did a big fancy Smokescreen thing, and then activated his mildly incomprehensible new ki-blasting quirk which he got from the Third. En and the Third were all “hey Deku maybe let’s not just impulsively activate all this shit in the heat of battle when you don’t know how to use it yet and you’re already injured,” and Deku was all “thanks for the quirks guys but I’ll take it from here” and snuck up on Nagant and grabbed her arm and so now what’s going to happen I wonder.
Today on BnHA: Nagant is all “[shoots Deku again]” because of course she is lol. Deku is all “tell me about AFO!” and Nagant is all “why would I tell you anything?” and then proceeds to tell him her entire life story which is FILLED WITH SO MUCH MURDER, YOU GUYS. Holy shit. So basically she was an assassin for the HPSC, which we already knew, but somehow it’s one thing to know that, and another to actually see her running around capping dudes in the forehead and being covered in more blood than the elevator from The Shining. Anyway, so you’ll never believe it, but all that murder had a negative impact on her psychologically, and eventually led her to question everything she believed about hero society, and so she killed her creepy boss and was promptly sent to Tartarus. This extremely fun chapter ends with Overhaul showing up all “HI, HELLO, I’M STILL HERE”, because for some reason he is still here. Why are you still here, Overhaul.
“the beautiful Lady Nagant” oh you know your audience don’t you Horikoshi
well all right then! so I’m guessing this means that she is not, in fact, going to roll over and die just because Deku’s out here all “GOT YA!” like they’re playing a game or tag or something. ffff may the manga gods have mercy on our young suicidal protagonist
lmao so Deku is all “GOD I’M SO SMART, WHAT A GOOD STRATEGY I HAD, CAPITOL JOB THERE OL’ CHAP, CAPITOL” and lol, okay. I mean, it was a good plan though. but I’m still waiting for the other shoe to drop here
“I’ll make you give me information on All for One” well there you go, lol. Deku Angst arc still fully engaged. still no light in his eyes either of course. just a lil chaotic ball of sleep deprivation and rage
lol, fucking THANK YOU though
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oh my god what the hell did she do to him lol
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did she shoot him with her elbow??? fucking look at this?? THIS IS WHY WE LISTEN TO HAWKS oh my god Deku are you dead
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things that I wish I could tell from this panel which I unfortunately cannot tell
did she stab him or shoot him?? can you imagine if it was the former lol. why does Horikoshi keep stabbing all my kids. look Kacchan now the two of you can match
did she actually hit him or did he get away??
or did she hit him and then he jumped away?? just, what
well anyway, so now Deku is asking her why she sided with AFO, but he seems a lot more pissed off than when he was interrogating Muscular, though. probably because she shot him three times. fair enough
oh my god
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does Lady have a blog here on tumblr dot com?? -- does Horikoshi have a blog here on tumblr motherfucking dot com?? why do I suddenly feel like this man is out here sneakily reading up on all our discourse
oh my god Deku it’s almost like getting up close and personal with someone who can shoot custom bullets from any distance and any position with deadly accuracy was a terrible fucking idea
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IF ONLY SOMEONE HAD WARNED YOU NOT TO ENGAGE WITH HER AT ALL COSTS. IF ONLY SOMEONE HAD HAD THE FORESIGHT TO DO THAT sob. can you imagine how much shorter this series would be if characters actually listened to Hawks. Hawks, and Momo. why do we even let anyone else run the show ever
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this looks a lot like what happens to me whenever I play One’s Justice. those fucking combo attacks that you can’t fucking escape from and so your character just has to stand there getting their ass whalloped repeatedly while you wonder why you paid $40 for this
but anyways though. so Lady who did you kill?? I bet they deserved it, don’t worry I forgive you
-- holy shit
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looks like the HPSC arc is back on the menu boys
so are we about to learn that the HPSC was going full Hydra on people’s asses? secretly dispatching anyone they deemed a threat to society?? “taken care of” as in you fucking shot them??
so then was the “hero” she killed actually one of the guys who was giving or carrying out these orders?? holy shit Lady, up until now I’ve mainly just been stanning you for your flawless eyebrow game and metal af quirk, but this shit could actually get real very quickly, and I am prepared to genuinely and sincerely love the shit out of you depending on what we learn next about your backstory
oh my god?!?
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so wait, hold up. am I reading this right?? basically the HPSC started murdering vigilantes because they were worried they were gaining too much of the public’s favor?? holy fucking shit???
oh my GOD oh my god
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“it’s been a while since I scarred you all with the dead dog and the graphic slaughter of an entire innocent family, huh,” Horikoshi says thoughtfully. “anyway so what do you all think of my new creation, the Spaghetti Bullet.” well, Horikoshi, so you know that squished-up face that Kermit the Frog makes sometimes? yeah. that’s what I think, if you must know lol
holy hell the juxtaposition
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I’m actually kind of surprised to learn she had a lot of fans? what with her M.O., I was expecting her to have been an underground hero like Aizawa, but apparently not? then again I still have absolutely no idea how any of that works. I really need to read Vigilantes already
oh snap
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nothing like a sweet dose of assassin trauma to finally round out our BnHA Trauma Bingo!! well done guys, we finally collected all of the traumas! hooray!
noooo Ladyyyyyyy
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holy shit what a fucking chapter. like, this man promised us an assassin, and went and fucking delivered. I was not expecting it to be this dark, lol, but holy shit I am here for it
you know, at some point you have to start questioning the logistics of this, though
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I mean, how do I put this... her quirk isn’t exactly subtle. that murder scene from a few pages back looked like the first season of Dexter for fuck’s sake, that’s not exactly “disappearing” people now is it?? and I mean, her bullets are literally made from her own fucking hair; it seems like it would be impossible not to leave any evidence behind. did no one start to wonder who the fuck was going around murdering all these people? or did the people who asked too many questions wind up getting conveniently “disappeared” themselves??
and hey, speaking of asking too many questions
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holy shit is he blackmailing her??!? or no, wait -- what the hell is he reaching for in his pocket boy you better not
(ETA: what exactly was this man expecting fdslkjd. “uh oh my unstoppable hair trigger assassin who is literally always armed is asking questions, better announce that I am going to shoot her and then reach into my pocket veeeeeery slowly while she stands there all of two feet away.” how did this guy ever function as the head of a shadow government with these decision-making skills, I’m genuinely baffled.)
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this. right here. is why “run the fuck away” was damn good solid fucking advice. oh shit. but my god did this dude have it coming
so wait lol has she just been narrating all of this out loud to Deku this entire time
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okay but can we just stop for a moment and appreciate the fact that they’re having this deep conversation about the dark secrets of hero society right in the middle of their intense mid-air sniper free-for-all lol
holy shit you guys, Nagant’s the one that should have made the tell-all video. I mean, no offense to you, Dabi, I’m sure you worked very hard on your video and did a ton of crunches every day so that you would look good with your shirt off while you told the world all about how your dad was a jerk. but seriously...
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this is already like 100x more convincing than what he put out. also, gasp, is it another flashback
yes it is oh my gosh
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so the HPSC Chairladyperson whom ReDestro killed used to be this guy’s direct subordinate, huh? I wonder if she kept the whole assassin program going after she took over. can’t say I was feeling any particular kind of grieving way about her death before, but certainly not now lol
but unfortunately Nagant has finally lost me at the same place where all of the villains inevitably do, which is to say when they somehow make the dubious mental leap from “society sucks and is bad” to “let’s just be openly fucking evil lol, worth a shot.” because when heroes murder innocent people and cover it up, that’s obviously bad (and I mean, it absolutely fucking is lol, don’t get me wrong); but when villains murder innocent people straight up out in the open without giving a fuck, they’re righteous revolutionaries? just -- is there really no non-murdery middle ground here?? I guess that’s what Deku and co. are for, hopefully
anyways oh shit Deku seems to have spotted something?? and he’s doing something weird with Blackwhip what
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oh, he spotted her, I guess
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new favorite Deku panel right here. a masterpiece
oh my god you guys our little boy is starting to grow up before our eyes
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you love to see it. and you can tell with those elipses that he’s gearing up to say something really cool and determined and badass like the shounen protag he is, yes please, Deku ilu so much please do your thing
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IS THAT A TEENY TINY LIL EYE SPARKLE THERE OMG. still not anywhere close to his usual standard, but that’s some clear resolve there in his eyes there at long last! it always shines the most clearly when he’s being true to himself and his ideals, so I love that it finally shows up again here, when he’s reaffirming his resolve to help others no matter what
uh oh so what’s Lady going to do now
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is it time for a trump card?? kinda sounding like it’s time for a trump card
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I lied btw, this is my new favorite Deku panel. but anyways what is she up to now lol
ohhhhhh, lol
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why does she seem shocked, lol. here I thought this was part of her plan, but apparently she forgot all about ol’ “Look Ma, No Hands” back up there
and so I guess that’s it for this week! so we’ve learned basically everything now about Lady and her quirk and her history with the HPSC and why she agreed to work for AFO. pretty much the only question that still remains is why the hell she decided to drag this asshole along for the ride! because I still cannot figure that out dsklkjlkf
(ETA: actually now I’m kind of wondering if they maybe have some past connection we don’t know about yet. when exactly was Nagant sent to Tartarus? is it possible she was ordered to track down and kill Overhaul at some point before that, but never got around to it? or something else along those lines? idk but now I’m curious.)
anyways Deku, I know that your empathy has no bounds and that you’re on a “saving villains” kick right now, and good on you... but also, if you decide to just like, skip all of that shit just this once, absolutely no one will hold it against you, I’m just saying. just, all I’m asking here is maybe let’s think twice before we start trying to reform guys who imprison and torture little girls for profit. I think maybe that’s a good place to draw the line. next week is going to be a very interesting chapter lol
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lonelyvomit · 2 years
I wonder how much they actually get to say what comes to the shows being all ages or 18+. With the cruise especially. I don’t think the promoter or whoever is willing to take a risk that the cruise won’t sell enough with just adults. I would like to know if they like to play for kids or adults more. They seem so happy every time they are playing abroad where the audience is mostly 18+ (but that could just be the fact that they are playing abroad). But anyway I am sure they enjoy the normal kind of attention - it would be weird if they wouldn’t as as a musician who aspires to “conquer the world” you will need to thrive from the attention. Anyway, I bet the cruise is a good way to make money and they sure need it if they want to get bigger in literally everywhere else than Finland as let’s face it they aren’t that big outside Finland and even here there’s bigger bands still. Like sure everyone knows them but there’s also more popular bands/artists. I am still sure they don’t actually get to pay that big of a salary from the money band makes. They may be smug and have big egos (but I bet that has been a thing since birth and part of me finds it amusing) but I don’t see them as greedy - you need to make hay when the sun shines (please is this really the same as “pitää takoa kun rauta on kuumaa” :D) as who knows how long the kids will be interested in the band and bring money to fund their dreams. The cruise can be horrible but I am also sure they have learned to bring more security in. This fandom just always assumes the worst and likes to complain (and still goes everywhere. Haha). But I am saying this as a person who won’t go on a regular cruise let alone a cruise full of BC fans. But yeah... Keep on getting the money out of the kids but meanwhile please play more 18+ shows. I don’t like the taste of alcohol but I can start drinking so the venues get more money from the shows (I’m joking, kind of).
(sorry for this getting so long and incoherent. I just needed to let my thoughts out but I am too shy to have my own blog. I hope you are having a great day ♥️ Here’s love in a form of a plant 🪴)
you're all good, I gotchu 🖤
yeah I absolutely understand the cruise being all ages, tbh with the timing it strikes me as being marketed to parents to buy the tickets as xmas presents and surprise their kids, and idk if they'd sell a full 18+ cruise either, so yeah the cruise being all ages makes perfect sense. just really wish there was 18+ shows too.
I'm definitely assuming the worst lmao but like said, they do what they wanna do, and we can all decide if we want to attend ourselves - I sure as hell would not step my foot on an all ages BC fan cruise even if I was getting paid for it. just means this thing isn't meant for me and I hope whoever goes will have fun, and I hope everything goes better than my pessimist ass is able to imagine lmao.
thank u for the plant ily 🌱
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xmint-conditionx · 4 years
《the emperor’s dagger》 ch1 | myg
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❦ pairing: emperor!yoongi x concubine!reader ❦ w/c: 4.5k ❦ summary: you recall the first night that you began to love your emperor more than your job required. you find yourself in a dangerous situation that surely means death if mistakes are made. being careful is your first priority, but it’s easy to forget where and who you are when you lock eyes with him. ❦ tags/cw: 18+ please, smut, the tiniest bit of fluff you ever saw, brief blood/gore descriptions, derogatory names but not in the way you think, fingering, slight begging, slight nibbling, “be quiet or people could hear” trope, a little adorable aftercare yoongi is here uwu ❦ a/n: guys get fuckin PUMPED okay. i am so so so excited to bring you this crazy story. as far as i have planned, there are 15 chapters. this has (kind of obviously) been in the works since daechwita dropped, so i’m sure you won’t have any trouble picturing our lovely king. this is a complete fantasy setting, so please do know that i am not trying to emulate any particular culture or time period. 
also, please note that this is a repost of my work from a previous blog, so if it looks familiar to you, that’s probably why lmao
anyway, thanks luv, enjoy!
- minty
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Blood stains your blade, glistening bright crimson in the hot sun. You’re surrounded by anguish, pain, the sounds of final breaths and final cries. The dead soldier that lies on the dirty brick in front of you, who had been alive and trying to claim your life only moments before is staring lifelessly into the middle distance. You fight the urge to close his eyes; you two could have been friends, after all. You probably have even crossed paths before. A shudder runs through you at the thought. How many of these men that will meet their end at your sword will you have known? How many of your people will have to die? Are they still even your people? You don’t want to know the answer to these questions.
What had he called you? What had he said before his sword clashed with yours?
That’s right.
You never anticipated being in this situation. You had never wanted to have to fight; you only had wanted to look as beautiful as he had wielding a sword. Fighting was always something that was necessary for your people, but it was never something you would have to be doing yourself. You’d heard palace guards talking about some distant battle and thought it might be a fun adventure-- going off to war. You were wrong. You were naive. About a lot of things, it turns out.
That was a different time, when your only adventure came in the form of a secret romance. When the riskiest thing you did was love an emperor. Your emperor. Your Yoongi.
Where is he?
You look back to where you had last seen him on the battlefield. His long blonde hair shines like gold in the midday sun, only rivaling the sheen of his trusted blade. He cuts down his opponent with a decisive swing, the sick squelching sound of innards falling onto the hot stone as the man cries out. You watch as he expertly scans his surroundings, looking for anyone else that would dare challenge his skill in the chaos. He’s missing an earring, you realize. Both of you are heaving under the stress of battle. This is more than you’d ever prepared for. You don’t know if you’ll make it. 
Your hesitant eyes meet his assured ones, and for an instant, sword in hand, it’s like the first night you’d snuck up to meet him in his chambers.
The dark wooden floorboards of the upper palace creaks, and you scold yourself for not being more quiet. Being caught will at the least result in a very long and extensive round of questioning by the royal guard. Trouble is the last thing you want to stir up. 
Emperor Min had specifically requested you come to his private room in secret tonight, and that is a little strange to you. He has the power to have any of his women whenever he wishes, and he has asked for you to come to him under the cloak of night. Why must this time be a secret? He has had you many times before, so why must this time be hidden?
In his handwritten note that he had slipped to you earlier in the day, he instructs for you to wait until all the other concubines are asleep before you leave your wing. If you are careful, you can take a shortcut through the North Wing Tearoom and pass the guards who only patrol the center hallway. So that’s what you do. 
You see that they’re far enough down the corridor that they won’t be able to detect your movements, and so you silently slip through the large ornate wooden doors. You’ve been in this room many times before, but it feels like your first time here. Everything looks so different without the familiar warm glow of lantern light. The moon’s shadows are cold and sharply cast, and a chill runs up your spine. You don’t have to even look to feel his presence. To feel his eyes on you.
He’s waiting for you, sitting at the bottom edge of his large, low bed, chin perched delicately on his folded hands. The cool metal of his many rings shine in the moonlight, and past those adorned hands, he is staring right at you. His stare is one that is unreadable to most. Nobody is ever really able to know what is going on in his head. Nobody could ever know what emotion lies behind the stare. You wonder how much time he spends in thought. 
“Come,” he says, motioning in his direction.
You obey your king, stepping forward a few paces. Something on his bed catches and glints in the moonlight. A sword? You stop, only halfway to him. You could already be in trouble. If he had heard your conversation with another concubine a few days ago, heavy questioning by the easily fooled palace guards will be the least of your worries. They won’t ask questions before they kill you.
“Your Majesty,” you say to the ground, too demure to look him in the eye as you speak, fearing what he might say and do, “why have you invited me here like this?”
Emperor Min stands and almost silently completes the distance over to where you stand. His calloused palm gently grazes your jaw, thumb on your cheekbone as his fingers wind through your hair. His touch calms your racing heart, and fills your belly with strength and boldness. You finally find the courage to look up.
“I have a surprise for you, my dove,” the emperor says, and you think you see a hint of excitement in his dark brown eyes. 
He quickly spins around and guides you over to where he had been sitting moments before. He picks up the hilt of the sword that was laying next to him and places it delicately into your palm, enclosing his hand around yours. You had expected him to pick up the sword, but to put it in your hands? Impossible.
“I heard you say you wanted to learn to sword fight,” he says, smiling gently down at you.
Your mouth drops; your worst fear has been realized. He had heard your hushed conversation. Surely, you were about to die. Maybe if you groveled and flattered him enough, he would spare you.
“Your Grace, it was only a passing comment. I was only in awe of how skillfully you were practicing out in the gardens. I did not mean for anyone to hear; I was simply awe-struck by your deftness. I do not truly wish to learn. It was a foolish slip of the tongue. Please, forgive me.”
Please, don’t kill me.
“My dear, are you worried about your life?” he asks.
“Yes, Your Majesty. I am,” you say, looking to the floor again. Hoping to pull out any sympathy he may have.
“I do not want you to lose your life. I want you to learn how to properly wield a sword,” he says so quietly it’s almost silent-- as if he’s afraid to even say it himself, “if that is what you want. And I would like to be the one to teach you.”
Women aren’t supposed to learn anything related to warfare, especially not something as dangerous as sword fighting. A single mistake could mean the loss of a limb, but being discovered in practice could mean the loss of a life. Even teaching was punishable by death, although you’re sure the Emperor himself would be able to keep his life intact if discovered. If anyone else had heard your words to another concubine, even if you were able to convince them it was an innocent mistake, you would likely be thrown out of the palace immediately. 
Concubines don’t snitch on the little things, but if any of them had reported you sneaking out tonight, your head would surely be on the chopping block first thing in the morning. You’re all allowed so much. You live in luxury, you’re able to roam most of the palace grounds as you please, you’re dressed in some of the finest fabrics, given plenty to eat, gifted spending money, and on top of it all, you get to lay with the king. Anyone fortunate enough to be chosen for this position doesn’t do anything to risk it. 
The emperor must sense your unease, because he puts his hand on your shoulder and gives it a light squeeze. 
“I won’t tell if you won’t,” he says quietly. 
What has to be hours later, you flop down on his bed; your labored breaths are the only thing that can be heard in the broad expanse of his room. You haven’t even crossed blades with him, and you’re exhausted. He only taught you how to hold it properly, how to angle a strike, and how to move, but your body pounds with soreness. Your arms and your legs are heavy with fatigue, and the cool plush comforter is a welcome sensation to your aching body. As you lay, you look up to the ornate ceiling trimmed with gold and you begin to settle your breathing. You lay the sword down between you and the side of the bed; at the beginning of your lesson it felt light as a feather, but as you were instructed to keep it up, it now feels as if it were made of lead. 
He delicately sits down by your side, barely disturbing the fabric; you lock eyes with him and have to hold back a laugh. For some reason, you feel silly. You have never truly imagined that you would be in this place or situation. A woman? Sword fighting? Not just a woman, but a concubine? And with the king himself? If you had been told as a young girl that this would happen, you’d laugh so hard that you’d wet yourself. It was simply impossible! Or so you had thought. 
You and many other concubines had watched Emperor Min practice his sword fighting out in the royal gardens countless times, and all of you were consumed with the grace and proficiency he could demonstrate. You were the only one, however, who ever wanted to be down there with him, taking part in the mysterious dance he was so fond of. You were the only one who had dared to speak your hidden desires, and it seems that you lucked out. You certainly served a gracious emperor.
His eyes turn into crescent moons as he beams down at you, showing off his gummy smile. You wonder why he rarely displays it; he’s always so serious when he’s in the public eye. The only other time you’ve seen as much as a smirk is when he bests his opponents in practice, his pretty lips curling into a snarl as he holds them at the point of his blade. You’ve only seen him smile when doing what he loves.
The way you look lying on his sheets, your heaving chest covered in little more than your underclothing and moonlight. Your hair spilling out in shining pools around your delicate face, which is flushed from exertion. The way you look up at him with pure bliss in your eyes. Perhaps he smiles because he likes what he sees, He licks his lips as he lets his hand wander across your decollete, which has collected a thin layer of sweat. 
“I hope you haven’t tired yourself out completely,” he says, leaning in closer to you, so close that you can smell his naturally musky scent, “You’re a quick learner. You are quite good with your hands, my dear.” You flush further at his words, deep with insinuation. You would be lying if you weren’t thinking of other activities you could be doing with him, too.
“I am good at a lot of things, My King,” you return, tone laced with venom as you look up at him through heavy lashes. The chemistry between you both had always been electric. What one would put down, the other would pick up. Flirty banter was as easy for you two as  breathing. Innate. Inherent. Natural. As if you were born to do it.
His hand travels down your chest and curls around your waist, giving your lax form a gentle tug upwards, so that your lips can meet his. He had only begun to kiss you recently, and as far as you can tell from the stories from the other concubines, you were the only one. You aren’t sure exactly what that means, but you also aren’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Or question why you’re the only one who gets to kiss the Emperor. The way he kisses you is nearly indescribable. He always starts off delicately, as if to test the waters, or as if to tease you. You haven’t decided which one it is yet, so you relish in how his lips play with yours. But you want more.
You push yourself upwards and deepen the kiss, and he responds in kind, sucking in your bottom lip to coax you into opening up for him. He has never been pushy; he has never pressured you - or any other that you knew of - into doing something you didn’t want. He has always been respectful of you and the others, which is the last thing you had expected. After all, you are just a glorified whore. And he is a king.
You part your lips and allow his tongue to dance with yours, each silently fighting for dominance. You let him win, and he takes the opportunity to climb over your frame. Noticing the sword by your side, he tosses it onto the floor. It hits the rug with a soft thud, as it has done many times that night when you had dropped it. He continues to deepen the kiss, and you can feel yourself beginning to get damp. Feeling that familiar tingling sensation run up your spine, you feel the need to reach under his silk robe and run your hands up his chest, which sends him moaning into you. He involuntarily pushes his hips against you, and you can feel how hard he is behind his night robe. It’s not like him to take his time, like this. Usually, he would have already put you in his desired position and… well, gotten on with it already. He might need some inspiration. You break the kiss by tilting your head up, and he begins kissing down your exposed neck, and fuck does that feel good. 
“Your Majesty,” you whine, fist full of his soft blonde hair, “How would you like me tonight?”
He speaks in between kisses.
“What… ever could you… mean?” he says warmly against your neck.
“Would you like me on my stomach tonight? I know you’re fond of the view,” you say, playfully wiggling your hips. He pauses for a beat, and pulls back to look at you. He chuckles a little.
“I’m quite fond of this view, too,” he says, showing off his gummy smile again and leaning in to cup your breasts as he trails kisses down into your cleavage. He begins to nibble softly at your flesh as he pulls the fabric down, exposing your nipples to the night. He pinches one roughly, making you pull on his hair a little harder, both of you having to stifle a moan. How dangerous to be doing this at the risk of guards hearing! His hand wanders down your frame and then up into your underskirts, cupping your heat gently as you open your legs for him. 
His fingers graze against your clit, and you feel the cool metal of his rings slide against your damp folds as he teases your entrance. You bite your lip and hold back a moan. You wish you could just tell him to hurry. 
As if answering a prayer, he slides his finger into your waiting slit, coaxing more of your wetness out of you. He adds another finger, curling them up gently and pushing up against that spongy spot that drives you wild. You buck up your hips in response, and you feel him smirk into your chest. He continues to gently bite around your areolas, never quite reaching your peaks as he sets an agonizingly slow pace with his fingers. The sensations that spark through your body at his ministrations are dizzying, but they’re also incredibly frustrating. He’s keeping you just on the edge of satisfaction. What does he want you to do? Beg? You’ve never felt like you could do such a thing, but this evening has made you bold. And his touch has turned you needy.
“Your Grace, pl-please,” you plead quietly into the night.
He looks up to your face scrunched in desperation. “Oh, are you suggesting your king hurry?” he asks with a smirk, “What if he wishes to take his time?”
“Hi-His Highness may have me any way he wishes, of course,” you reply, biting the inside of your cheek to distract you from the torture, “But are the tales of your generosity false? Are you a merciless ruler, set to torture those who would only want to bring you pleasure?”
His eyes on you darken, and he pokes his tongue in the side of his cheek. 
“Hm,” he considers, “I suppose I can afford to be kind tonight. After all, you’ve worked so hard already, haven’t you?”
He wastes no time in pulling his fingers out, and you clench at the loss, another groan almost leaving your lips before you’re able to swallow it. He lines his head up with your aching slit, using your wetness to coat his cock. The delicious friction against your clit makes you whine ever so gently into the space between you both, another small beg for him to fill you. He presses into you, the familiar stretch making you dizzy with lust, and buries himself in your neck once more. He quickly sets a brisk pace knowing that you both are eager, and it’s not long until you can hear how wet he makes you. The obscene wet slaps sound like bombs going off in the quiet, and your cunt drips with your slick. You briefly wonder who is the unfortunate servant who will have to clean these bed linens, because you always leave them completely ruined. The way he fucks into you makes you fall apart every time, fitting together like a lock and key.
The king’s lips find yours again, his kisses hungry and wild. You remove your hands from his hair that’s now cascading around you, falling in golden waves onto your shoulders. He’s more ferocious now, biting your bottom lip and then nibbling up your jaw where he sucks your bejeweled lobe between his lips. His hands grasp tightly around your jaw as you take him, every thrust making you more putty in his hands. His free hand curves around and cups your ass, hoisting you up and changing the angle of your hips. With every thrust, his tip grazes against your sweet spot, causing a loud moan to escape your lips, echoing in the large space. Your moan dies as soon as you register it; you shamefully tighten your mouth so that no more noise may escape, but it’s too late. You’ve already been too loud. He looks back towards his bedroom doors, and then back to you. 
Something in his expression changes, and his eyes are churning with something devilish. He swiftly covers your mouth with his palm, making sure it’s firmly fastened there before speaking. 
“Scream for me, little dove.”
You try to hold back as best as you can, but a particularly hard thrust breaks your resolve. Once you let out that little yelp, it opens the floodgates. Your voice is muffled by his hand as he fucks into you harder and harder, almost painfully. His tip is pounding against your cervix, and dark spots flash in your vision. You continue to lose yourself in him, eagerly meeting his thrusts with ones of your own. His other hand that was once cupping your ass, now finds your wrist and hoists it above your head, as he continues his unrelenting pace. You scream into his hand, and clench around him to bring you right up to the edge. 
He leans down to your freshly-nibbled ear, and in a gravelly voice says, “Come. Come around my cock.”
As soon as his hand lets go of your wrist and makes contact with your sensitive clit, you come undone. You scream completely unhinged into his palm which is placed firmly over your mouth, and he too groans as he finishes inside of you, riding through both orgasms until you’re both exhausted. And you thought you were tired before. His heavy breaths meet yours, and you float back down from your high to find yourself resting on his comforter. He gives your jaw a final nibble, and hoists himself off of you.
You hear his soft footsteps padding on the floor as you look up at the ceiling again. The beautiful gold trim you had noted before is a large dragon, spiraled around an inset in the ceiling. He brings back a damp cloth for you to clean yourself with, and he gathers your night clothes from the floor where you had discarded them some time ago. Sword fighting in a dress is not easy, and besides, you look much better in your undergarments. He starts putting your sleepwear back on you, gingerly helping your arms through the holes. He doesn’t have to be doing this. He has never helped you get dressed before; that was a task left to each woman on their own. They had a separate and luxurious bath suite dedicated to their self-care, so why would he bother?. Sometimes the concubine mother would help if things got… interesting, but you scarcely needed help with this. Tonight was surely a night of firsts.
“Uh, thank you, Your Majesty. You didn’t have to help me dress after you finish,” you say, a little flushed from how delicately he treats you after how thoroughly he had just fucked you. 
“Yes, I’m aware,” he says, hoisting you up off the bed and leading you towards his doors, “We can’t have you cleaning yourself in your wing’s washroom. You’d probably be dripping all the way back. We can’t have that now, can we?” he asks as he runs his hand down your arm, smirking lightly and raising his eyebrows, “Especially if you’d like to have another lesson.”
You gasp.
“Another? Your Highness, are you certain? Why do you risk getting caught doing this for me?” you ask, not concerned with your own safety, but of his. Even if his life isn’t at risk, the public humiliation that would surround him would be too great. Especially not now. Not in the middle of a war. The subjects of the kingdom are already on edge as it is. The trust in their Emperor cannot falter. Not now.
“Ah, come now. Don’t worry. As long as you stay light on your feet and I ensure that the worst guards in the command are at my post, we are as safe as my blade is sharp. Plus,” he adds, kissing gently against your fingers,  “getting to see your beautiful skin glisten with sweat, and then getting to have you all to myself is reward enough for me. It’s definitely worth the risk.” 
“My King, you can always have me all to yourself in whatever way you desire,” you say, “There’s no limit to what I can do for you. You know that.”
“Yes, dove,” he says, “I do know that, but there is one thing your king is not allowed. Something that nobody may know of. Your king is not allowed a favorite.”
You know this already. It is why the concubines exist, why you’re able to be here with him at all. You know that it is dangerous to have a favorite. Emperors in your kingdom are unable to wed, and it has always been that way. Spouses are a vulnerability, something an enemy can easily exploit. The concubines exist, like the guard, to protect the emperor in their own way. By allowing him freedom of sexual expression, he is less likely to feel the need to have a romantic partner. Having a person be treasured by the emperor only makes them a weakness. Especially now.
“Nobody can know that you are important to me. Nobody can know that it is you who holds the king’s favor; that is why we must meet mostly in secret going in forward. You’ll be removed from the palace if the officials get a notion of my fondness for you,” he says, holding both of your hands in his, “and I never want you to be missing from me, my dove.” 
You understand. You have to. It’s part of the job. You knew all of this going in and you were okay knowing that you would be one of many. You didn’t come to the palace with only the clothes on your back to find a chance at love. You’re smarter than that. You’d be lying if you said being treasured by the king didn’t light a small fire inside of you, though.
You nod and give his beautiful, calloused hands a squeeze. 
“I cannot keep you any longer,” he whispers, “you deserve your beauty sleep, especially after all the… exertion you’ve just done. You think you can keep quiet on your way back?”
“I think I can manage, but,” you say, “if I may be so bold, next time, I don’t want to be able to sneak back to my room. I don’t want to be able to even walk after the next time you’re done with me.”
“You’re going to be the death of me, woman,” he says, hiding a soft smile, “but even then, I would welcome it if it came from you.” 
You think of the risk you’re both taking, and the consequences of being found out.
“Let's hope it doesn’t come to that, yeah?” you delicately ask, eyes asking a question you’re afraid to give voice to.
“My dove,” he says, “as long as I can help it, no harm will ever come to you. Now, get on to bed.”
You didn’t want to leave, but you know you needed to. The emperor opens the door a crack and nods at you, a silent confirmation that the guards were at the other end of the hall. A silent nod that said it was time. 
You ease yourself through the small crack in the door and slowly pad toward your Northern Tearoom shortcut. You look back once more, and you see him mouth “goodnight” with a smirk before shutting the door.
Your return trip to your wing of the palace is much quieter than your first trip, and for that you are thankful. You sneak back into your room where the rest of the concubines lie fast asleep in their own beds, some of them quietly snoring. As you curl up into your bedsheets, you drift asleep thinking about how sweet his smile is. He never shows it to anyone, so why are you the one who gets to see it? After all, you’re just a whore. The emperor’s favorite whore.
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iiasha-archived · 3 years
Here’s another ask game for ya! Assign your moots as seventeen comeback aesthetics (can include solos, OSTs, collabs, Japanese comebacks, etc) and say why you associate them with that aesthetic! Some can overlap too!
ooo okay.. i’m really bad at these kinds of things but i’ll try my best ❤️ i would have loved to do all my mutuals but my brain isn’t strong enough for everyone so i’m so sorry ahead of time if i didn’t get you!! 😭
edit: also i just realized this said COMEBACK aesthetics but i just did svt. well. anything lmao
@s0ftbb as clap: c just gives me such wonderfully colorful and bright vibes (esp with the use of the colored text lmao it always adds such a nice extra flair to all ur posts <3) and also all her creations and videos give me such HAPPY and LET’S HAVE A GOOD TIME vibes u know what i mean 🥺 and also just that splash of insanity that we all love <3 in particular i’m thinking of that montage scene near the end where there’s like confetti flying everywhere and it’s in slow-mo and stuff lmao
@rosevlolets as fallin flower: alexis gives me super soft and refined and of course flowery vibes! i think it also helps that all her tags for the svt members are literally flowers so it always feels like a cherry blossom breeze every time i see her on the dash or in my notifs <3 (oh gosh i hope that wasn’t TOO cheesy lmao) hehe but yeah i always think flowers when it comes to alexis which is perfect for fallin’ flower
@scoupsy as fear + fearless being the sister song: not because dreamy is intimidating or anything LMAO but i think this association immediately came to mind because of her astounding and beautiful graphics, i feel like they match the fear aesthetic super well. there’s like kind of a dark and elegant atmosphere i always associate with her gfx and in turn her but in like that really beautiful way <3 but ALSO fearless comes in bc i find dreamy’s personality super, well, fearless LMAO and just badass. i really love how she doesn’t hesitate to speak up for herself ❤️
@jonghan as (never-ending) aju nice: GO CRAZY GO STUPID GO WILD LOSE YOU’RE FUCKING SHIT AS WE GO WILD EVEN MORE!! i think yza perfectly encapsulates the never-ending aju nice stage as well as all the crazy antics that come along with it especially as of late LMAO. and again i tend to associate people’s content with their i guess. being? lmao but aju nice is equally as colorful and vibrant as her gifs PLUS she’s so prolific (e.g. never-ending but in the best way) like god damn idk how you keep up with it all afjksldjf
@soonhoonsol​ as healing: idk man chey just gives me very... lmao HEALING vibes :D seeing you on the dash and in my notifs fills me with this very feel-good “ahhh it’s chey!!!” and upbeat feeling hehe <3 and you almost always have such nice tags as well that i read them sometimes and i’m like 🥺🥺🥺 my soul = cleansed. but there’s also this sense of like... i hope this is for the long run you know? LMAO by that what i mean is the whole thing of healing is like DON’T stop this healing right basically i hope you continue to bless the dash for a long time whether it be with your creations or simply good vibes <3
@gotseventeens​ as change up: i don’t really have a reason for this other than vibes? LMAO i’m using vibes all over the place but yeah like for some reason the vibe i get from belle reminds me of the bold colors and suave/cool nature of the change up mv hehe ❤️ i think it’s because belle’s vibes also strike me with this air of confidence that is still kind of chill/lowkey about it lmaooo like YEAH you totally got this ;D
@tzhao12 as 2019 TTT (camping ver.) but specifically when they’re talking about their feelings at the end: because what speaks better about everlasting friendships than the friend i’ve been blessed with for what. is it 12 years now. she’s probably not even gonna see this for like 3 months bc unlike me she escaped tumblr. anyways tiff i’d die for you can’t wait for y’all to jumpscare me this thursday <3 i’m gonna cry i’m serious <3
@vernons as any vocal unit song: oona gives me very soft and gentle vibes which is a lot of what i get from most of vocal unit’s songs! if i had to pick exactly one maybe we gonna make it shine but that’s probably just influenced by me having listened to it recently hehe <3 also a lot of the nature aesthetics and makeup looks i see you post on your main blog feel like they fit in as the visual side of the aesthetic the vocal unit songs give me if that makes any sense??? LMAO
@heartgyus as snap shoot, + the creative process behind it: so in my heart rhys is like a leading mingyu stan here so naturally i had to pick something with mingyu’s entire heart and spirit behind it LMAO but in general rhys vibe and aesthetic gives me SUPER happy/fluffy upbeat like “whoo hoo!” vibes??? afdjklajf a little silly a lot of cute and a lot of fun :D  
@haniehae as pinwheel: for some reason when i think of anna i get this sense of a breath of fresh air??? idek why this is another one i can’t really explain hahaha but yeah pinwheel is what immediately came to mind! i think also because when i see a lot of your moodboards pinwheel kind of naturally comes as like the backtrack for a lot of them??? i think it’s something about the instrumentals of the song. anna just overall also gives me very relaxing vibes whenever i see her on the dash hehe <3
@xuseokgyu​ as when they were filming the 2019 gose intro: okay this is really specific but for some reason that’s what came to mind afjkadslj MY REASONING is that belle just gives me the vibes of being like. super enthusiastic and supportive about EVERYTHING whether it be her own work or the work others are doing!!! also lowkey i get parental vibes from her LMAO so it somehow reminds me of when they were in the house and seungkwan was like “OKAY KIDS... GATHER AROUND...” lmao but in general the whole energy of that entire thing where they were like “okay here’s this thing we’re gonna DO IT” but in a enthusiastic/happy way is why i picked this jfaksldf
@17hateblog as seventeen’s humor: kay and i don’t really talk but she consistently has the funniest fucking tags ever known to mankind. it might not specifically be the same as the humor seventeen show us in, say, gose, but the way they both make me die laughing is the same <3 it doesn’t even matter what the post is everything she puts on her blog is an adventure and i am fucking here for it. AND she’s a jun stan so what’s not to love <3
@vixenjun as light a flame: because kaya and her blog literally embody sexiness + junhui in that choreo....... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything. i also really feel like her aes kind of fits that dark mysterious too-good-for-you beauty vibe that i also get from light a flame lmao (but underneath that kaya is obviously a sweetheart <3)
@happysmilebtr as hitorijanai: anna is just like. genuinely one of the most supportive and happy vibing people i’ve met on here? lmao and i feel bad bc i basically have now left you on read KJFDLAJDS but all our dms have been so much fun like i love just talking about anything <333 but yeah the way you’re so open and loving and supportive 100% gives me hitorijanai vibes and the message behind it :D
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whyiask · 4 years
There are so many people I’ve met on this site, so many friends I’ve made. I joined tumblr only a few months ago, but my life has already drastically improved. I smile more and laugh more and I feel happier all the time, knowing that you all are just a click away. I’ve often heard people refer to tumblr as a hellsite, but I don’t fully agree with that. True, some things on here are crazy, but more than that, I’ve found people like me. I’ve found people who understand me, who think like me and feel like I do. Ya know, before I joined tumblr, I had never met another bisexual person(crazy, right?). Y’all have made life more enjoyable and happier and brighter, and for that, I’ll never be able to thank you enough.
I have soooo many people I have to thank, so I’ll try to keep the list of people as short as possible: all my closest friends and all the people who have been amazing and I have loved seeing since I joined tumblr earlier this year <33
@one-neat-nerd you were the first blog to ever follow me, and I don’t remember if you were the first blog I followed, but you definitely were in the first 10. You were a wonderful introduction to tumblr, and I love everything you post/reblog. We’ve never really talked, but I still want you to know that I appreciate you.
@warblerjeff you’ve changed your url more than 3 times since I first followed you, and it always takes me a second to recognize you aha! But when I do, I’m immediately have a rush of happy memories- all your Glee posts and all of the Glee content I get from you. We’ve never really talked, but seeing you on my dash is always so amazing.
@jesussavedevenme aha hi! We’ve never really talked, but you were one of the first few blogs I followed when I first joined tumblr, and I know I tagged you in a lot of stuff at first (because i didn’t have any other friends lmao), so sorry about that! 😅 You’re really cool and I hope you have an amazing 2021.
@strawberry-seraph we haven’t talked in a while, sorry about that! Talking with you is always super fun, you’re a fun person and I hope your having a great day! You were one of the first TLC blogs I followed and you were definitely the first actual friend I had on tumblr. Thanks for being so nice to me <33
@cerenoya Ceren... where to begin. We haven’t talked a whole lot, but you are such an amazing friend and super kind when we do! You were my first tumblr idol for so long, because I aspired to be like you/run a blog as cool as yours!! Have a great 2021, you deserve it.
@cindersnightmare I felt very distant from you when I first followed you. You were just so COOL and your artwork was so GOOD, I didn’t know how to approach or even begin to express my love for your work. When you followed me back, I tell you, I was s h o o k. We’ve never talked, but I consider you a friend, is that okay? You’re amazing, keep being amazing <33
@books-and-starss oh gosh- I don’t even know where to begin with you! I love you so much, first of all!! So, so much. I love talking with you, you’re really sweet and ahhhh your writing is SO GOOD!!!! You are a great beta reader and so eager to help me- it just warms my heart that you would offer up your time to help me. Everything you reblog is so positive and encouraging and awesome, it’s so nice to see that kind of stuff on my dash. All the aesthetic pictures you reblog are super cool and pleasing to look at. I absolutely ADORE seeing you on my dash every day. <33333
@dylxn-lee aha hello there!! I first met you because you were one of Abi’s friends, but now I’m in your fanclub and ilysm. You’re really cool and nice and deserve to have a wonderful year <333
@theaberrantone ahaha for so long I pronounced your name wrong in my head- I just want you to know... I see you. I see you every day, liking every single one of my posts. I see you in my notifs many times a day and I just- wow. It means so much to me, I am honestly so touched that someone as cool as you takes the time to scroll through my mess of a blog and like the things I slap into it. You’re amazing and someday I aspire to be as cool as you <333333
@mochiowo-20 hi there :333 ilysm, and we haven’t talked for a few weeks, and I haven’t gone through your blog in a while, but I STILL LOVE YOU SO MUCH. You are amazing and ily. Your so sweet and cool and ahhhh you deserve to have the most wonderful 2021 ever. (i love your blog aesthetic btw) <333
@teawithhoneyharper I know you’re taking a break from tumblr for a while, but if you do see this, then I want you to know that I care about you so much. I love you Darcy, and you are amazing. I hope your mental health is getting better and I hope life has been better to you <33 ilysm, take care of yourself, and have a wonderful new year <333
@fablehavenfandom hi there friend!! Your posts are amazing!! I love your writing so much!!! and all your headcanons are beautiful and I 100% think of them as canon now. I hope you’re having a great day, and I hope you have a great year <33
@fairiesandstarlight omG your posts are all so cool! You’ve got a beautiful blog aesthetic and I love everything you post!! I hope you’re having a wonderful new year love <333 wishing you the best
@maya-livingstone hi there!! you’re a very, very new mutual, but I hope we’ll be able to get to know each other and become friends over the course of this new year!! I also just got the Renegades series, and I’ve noticed you like that, so hopefully we’ll be able to talk about that soon!!
@pluckycluckyducky hi plucky!! It’s Joy from the nevermoor server. we haven’t interacted on here very much, but you’re really cool and you should know it. have a wonderful 2021 <33
@fablehavenandfandomsfanatic hi there!! you had to break for a while, but you’re back now and I love all of the things you post! Have a great year <3
@fablehavenfangirl you’re really cool! Everything you post/reblog is great and I enjoy just scrolling through your blog when I’m bored. You’re amazing, keep being amazing <3
@renegadenebulahufflepuff heyyyy! how are you doing? you’re amazing, we haven’t talked much but you’re really cool and I am wishing you only the best for 2021 <333
@bookishfangirl14 hey there!! I love seeing you in my notifs!! we don’t have very many overlapping fandoms at the moment, but you’re still really cool and I love looking at your blog (even if i don’t understand most of the posts). aha, i hope you have a wonderful new year <33
@introvertedtater-tot hii! we don’t talk much, despite having a LOT of overlapping fandoms, and I don’t know why. Let’s fix that this year, shall we? I hope I can get to know you more, you’re amazing and sweet and i hope we can build up a solid friendship in the coming months <33
@devils-on-a-stereo oh my GOD. Okay, honestly? I am still s h o o k that you actually follow me, I mean, c’mon. Your art is literally the coolest thing ever, and I am honored to know you. You deserve way more attention as an artist than you have, and honest to god you are the coolest most  i c o n i c  blog I know. Stay awesome ;)
@its-liiinh-cinder-official heyyy there!! You are literally a top-notch comedian, I aDORE all of your ‘linh cinder’s random posts’. They are hilarious and your stories are hilarious, and you seem like such an amazing and chaotic person. I wish i knew you in real life, you would be so fun to hang out with. i love seeing you on my dash every day, and you’ve got such a v i b e going on. Have a beautiful, wondrous, and magical 2021 darling <333333
@just-another-freaking-dreamer it’s so awesome to see you in my notifs all the time. You’re really cool and you deserve cool things. Have a wonderful new year and I hope we can become better friends and interact more <3
@ragingbisexualcore ahhaahah you are the single most chaotic person I know. If you lived in a book, you would FOR SURE be that one character who is dead set on overthrowing the government and cackling madly as you take over the world. You are amazing and I hope you take your chaotic self and go wild in 2021.
@queenofsassgard hey there!! I hope you know that occasionally I just go scrolling through your archives and liking everything- anyways, you’re amazing and I hope you have a wonderful new year!
@elysian-starbucks-frappe heyo! what’s up? I hope you’re doing great, you deserve to do great. You’re super cool and amazing and ahhhhh you just deserve to have a wonderful 2021. ily and have a great year <33
@as-the-stars-foretold Caelum. You. Are. Fantabulous. You are my mother, you adopted me into this weird, chaotic friend group, and I will be eternally grateful. You love the stars and I love listening to you ramble about them in the server. You’re so passionate and strong and I love that about you. Life wouldn’t be the same without you. You might love stars, but you yourself ARE a star. You are a star, you shine brilliantly, and you are too good for this galaxy. We don’t deserve you. I love you so much, and you deserve every single goddamb good thing in this universe. You’re always there, ever present, and I love you so. much. Please stay your fantabulous self and I wishing on every star I see that you will have the best 2021 ever <333333
@carolinelikesdinner Carol. God, I have so much to say to you. First of all, thank you. Thank you so much for being you. You first introduced me into the big wide world of the Fablehaven fandom, and ilysm. You’re so cool, too cool for me, and I treasure every single conversation I have with you. You’re so funny and an amazing artist. All of your art is SO DAMB SPECTACULAR. You are gorgeous, your art is gorgeous, and your writing is gorgeous too. Take care of yourself love, stay safe, and have the best 2021 you possibly can <3333333333333
@operation-crown-jewels Caraaaaaaaaa ilysmmmm <3333333333333 I love talking with you and I love you so. freaking. much. I can’t even- I can’t even describe how much i love you. You are so special and sweet and supportive and I just can’t- you have NO IDEA how much that means to me, how much all your little comments mean to me. You are amazing, and special, and ahhhhh. You are SO special. So unique. And I’ll never find another friend like you <33333333333
@addies-invisible-life hey emma :3 You are actually the coolest person I know.You are so capable and smart and beautiful. You are kind and supportive and you are open to everyone who talks to you. You love with all your heart, and I love that about you. In everything you do, I can see the love behind it, the work and effort and love that you put into it. Every conversation I have with you lifts me up and energizes me(which is really rare because most conversations tire me). I still, after all this time, still can’t believe that a person as amazing as you even chooses to be friends with me. I love you so much and I will never stop loving you. You deserve the world, but I can’t give you that, so just take my reassurances that I will ALWAYS, NO MATTER WHAT, be here for you. ily and have a wonderful 2021 <3333333333333333333333333333333333333
@arushahisatroll my god. Ru, I love you so much. You are my internet girlfriend and I care about you so much. You are incredible, honestly. Your art is immaculate and you’re always so cheerful and fill me up with energy just THINKING about you. you always eager to commit arson, which is a very good trait, and I love plotting crimes with you. Every time I see your icon, my face lights up and I internally scream, bc “oh my god someone as perfect as ru exists in this world- i didn’t know that was possible.” You are the best, you are the absolute best, my bestie, and ily. Have a spectacular and immeasurably awesome 2021 <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
@starry-tea-party Abina. Abina you are my rock. You are my light, my star, my sunshine, my galaxy. I love you so much, I can’t even begin to describe it. I don’t know if I can do justice to just how much you’ve helped me. Words... words have never been my strong suit. I love writing because I can weave stories together, piece together words I like to form sentences, and use those sentences to form narratives. Writing has always been easier for me than talking.... because in writing, I don’t have to worry what others will think, or how others will perceive me. I select the best words, and I present those words- the words I meticulously chose and nit-picked- to the audience. Life is a stage, and I have never been great at improv. I often find it hard to tell people things, to convey my meaning in the best possible way and to know exactly what words I need in any given situation. Talking is hard for me. But with you... with you, I never have to monitor what I’m saying. I never feel the need to reread and reread my messages before sending to make sure everything is in perfect order. It’s... it’s easy to talk to you. It’s easy to speak and I don’t worry when I’m with you. You make me feel so at ease, and I love you so much. I don’t have to worry about saying the wrong thing, because I know that you’ll always support me and be by my side with a kind word and a heart of gold. Because that’s who you are. You are a creator, a dreamer, a lover, a visionary. You’re a friend. You are the hand that pulls people out of the water. The light that shines the pathway. You are the rock- the mountain we stand upon and look out over the beautiful sea. We look down at the seas below us and say, “how have we climbed so high already?” The reason is because you stand so tall, so bright and so magical, that we climb, we climb and we look out at the world below us. Not only are you tall, strong, powerful, but you lift people up right alongside you. There is nothing like the high of seeing the world stretch out beneath your feet, swinging you legs through the open air but knowing you’ll never fall. You represent that high in my mind. You represent and you remind me of the exhilaration of feeling untouchable- uplifted by love and kindness, able to reach heights you’ve never been to before. There is so much that can come when someone extends their hand to you. So much more can be achieved when there are two, holding each other up. You have held me up for so long. Every since we met, you have brought a smile to my face at the thought of you. Every time I think of you, my heart swells and I can’t breathe. Every comment you make or put on something I post has me screaming internally ans smiling uncontrollably. Whenever I see your icon I know my day is about to get one million times better. So thank you, Abi. For being my rock.
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avis-writeshq · 4 years
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Long overdue, but let us begin! [yes i forgot i made a banner for it LMAO]
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For my followers,
Thank you for putting up with me. I know I procrastinate and I know I make mistakes but you’re all so patient with me! I’m a mess and I hold so much chaotic energy, so thank you for sticking with me. It’s surreal that we even made it this far – 695 followers later and I’m so thankful for every single one of you. I know that I have a lot to work on, but your support really means the world to me.
 I started writing in June 2019. A little more than a year later and this is further than I ever thought I would ever get to. You’re all so amazing. Thank you so much for everything. I hope and pray that 2021 will bring each an every one of you love, happiness, peace, and every happy little feeling. May your forever be filled with all the good things in life. I love you all so much.
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For my anons,
I know my responses aren’t consistent, but thank you for everything. You all may come and go, but you took the time to even send one ask in and even that is enough. You all mean so much to me and hold a little piece of my heart. Thank you for your support – you all gave me so much to look forward to. May 2021 be better than 2020. May it be filled with love, happiness, and peace for all of you.
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Dear: Keiji-mun and Akaashi Keiji, [ @dearest-avis ],
Yeah, you guys need a separate section. You first sent in an ask on the 28th of August, 2020, and since then you’ve been filling my life with love and joy. Looking through my response, I can’t help but cringe because you’re always so sweet and I’m… extremely awkward. Aha, thank you for loving me for me. You mean the world to me.
I still can’t get over how you made an account to send me messages. I was surprised and I felt so… grateful. I honestly can’t explain all my emotions, but please know that you gave me so much love and happiness. I know you’re probably not online because you’re taking a break on social media, but I hope you can see this soon.
I love you with all my heart and I hope 2021 can give you everything you deserve. May your forever be only filled with the good things.
With love,
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Dear: Ana, [ @mrs-kuroojinguji ]
Hai Cici ❤ this year has been crazy, don’t you think? So many things have happened but I’m stating to think that it’s more of a blessing than a curse. I remember following you earlier this year (I think it might have been some time in June?) mainly because I absolutely adored your writing. You had just hit 300 followers, and you posted something about being from Melbourne! So, of course, I jumped and commented that I live in Melbourne and we began to DM AKDJKA fate really said “let’s give Avis something to be happy about in 2020.”
 Ever since then, I can confidently say that you are one of my biggest supporters and one of my closest friends here on tumblr. You’re always so encouraging to other people, and that’s something I admire! Woman, you’re a bit crazy and a bit [read: very] horny, but we love that about you 🥺 thank you for making this year into a year that I can cherish. I’m wishing you a wonderful New Year, and an amazing forever!
 All the love,
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Dear: Angel, [ @deadontheinsidebut ]
 Hello Jiejie 💘 you’ve probably heard this a lot, but it has to be said: you really are an angel in desolate times. 2020 has been hard on everyone in various different ways! But when I found your account in the midst of lockdown, it was definitely a blessing! Your friendship and your support is something that I will never take for granted and it’s something that I will always cherish.
 Thank you always for being a light in the darkness. Our conversations are always bright and loving, exactly like you! Your support means the world to me, so thank you so much for being a part of my life! Oh, and thank you for sticking up for me when various dramatic things happened. We don’t like dat no siree. Wishing you a beautiful New Year, and a blessed forever!
 With love,
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Dear: Bri, [ @briswriting ]
 Hai Senpai Bri~ honestly, I can’t tell you how grateful I am for you. You’re such an inspiration and you’re someone I look up to! You wouldn’t believe how much I stalked you before we became moots 🙃 hehe, thank you for supporting me throughtout this year! I’m so glad we’re friends now! I hope we can become closer and talk more as this year progresses! Wishing you all the love and happiness you deserve, as well as an amazing forever!
 With love, 
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Dear: Corey, [ @kageyuji]
 You… you deserve so much love I can’t even begin to explain. You’re so sweet and your vibes are on point. Corey, you don’t give youreself enough credit, honestly. You’re one of the strongest people I know and I’m so happy you let me into your life. I’m so grateful for you and I hope I gave you some happiness and love as well.
With love,
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Dear: Gab, [ @kenmaki ]
 Hai Ate Gab 💝 imagine the saddest place you could imagine. The worst feeling you could ever feel. Yep, that’s where I’ll be without you and that’s how I’d feel if you weren’t in my life. Okay, a bit dramatic, yes, but it’s the truth! You’ve been such a huge influence in my life (we’re going to pretend I don’t see Tamaki-san railing you on main) and you’re another huge supporter to my blog! You’re always so sweet and understnading and I’m so glad I met you!
 I don’t remember when or how we became moots (I think I first followed because Ana interacted with you a lot sjkjsfkj) but I’m glad we did! Thank you for always being there for me and for lifting my spirits! Thank you for sticking with me throughout the year, especially when [redacted] did not so nice things :’) Wishing you a smooth transition into the New Year, and a wonderful forever!
 With love,
 p.s, please sleep earlier for the love of kenma, tamaki, osamu, iwaizumi, and everyone else
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Dear: Jin, [ @kuroolongtea ]
 Yes, we might not talk as much, but honestly that’s probably my fault because I suck at keepign conversations going :’) BUT ANYWAY, you’re such an amazing person! I know that new year’s eve wasn’t kind to you, but I hope you know that you still deserve every ounce of happiness this world has to give. Your vibes are ✨immaculate✨ and I’m so happy that we’re friends!
 Wishing 2021 to be MUCH better and bring you all the love in the world, because you, ma’am deserve it all! May your forever shine brighter than Instagram models’ highlighter.
 With love,
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Dear: Lex, [ @hajimine ]
Cici you’re such a happy person and another person I look up to! You’re always so sweet and caring and I admire that about you! Not to mention you live here, in Melbourne, so we definitely have to meet up some time hehe >.< thank you for being there for me! You’re such a loving person and I hope I can be someone to you as well! May 2021 be kind to you, and give you love and joy! Wishing you an amazing forever!
 With love,
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Dear: Lou, [ @teyvatstories ]
 LOU ISTG YOU ARE SO CHAOTIC BUT I LOVE YOU SO MUCH FOR IT KJDKAJ *ahem* I mean, hai Lou :3 you’ve been such a positive influence on my life and I can’t than you enough! You shower me with so much love, and I don’t even know if I deserve it T^T You’re always there for me and I’m so unbelievably glad that I bothered to send you a message through your asks.
 Thank you for being the positive I wish to see in the world. You deserve so much love, and to think you received hate instead. You know what, it doesn’t matter, because I promise I’ll be here to cancel the bad for good. You deserve that much at least. Thank you for sending me messages and for reminding me to download Genshin. No, I have not downloaded it yet. May 2021 be your bitch and I wish you have all the love and joy until forever.
 With love,
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Dear: Millie, [ @millie-mint ]
 Hai Millie Bear 💖 Thank you for everything you’ve done for me! Helping me out with my maths questions (still can’t get over how you taught me more than my teacher did ajskaj) and for geeking out about food and cakes ✨  Thank you as well for supporting me throughout this past year! I’m so grateful to have your friendship!
 Thank you as well for being there for me when times got tough. You’re always so sweet and your bubbly personality always lifts my spirits! 2020 has been hard on so many people, but I was blessed enough to have met you on this site! Thank you for everything, and I’m wishing you a smooth transition into 2021! May you have all the love, peace, and happiness this year, and an incredible forever!
 With love,
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Dear: Owly, [ @owlywrites ]
 Honestly, we haven’t talked as much as I would have liked, but I’m glad we’re friends! Owly, you’re such a bright and positive person on this site and I just know that so many people are glad that you’re here. You always find a way to bring happiness and positivity onto tumblr, as well as lift people’s spirits in the best way possible! You just have to focus on yourself sometimes, but we can work on that together! You’re so selfless and so giving – I admire the way you see the world so brightly.
 Thank you for bringing the positivity everyone deserves and needs. You’re a blessing to so many people and I’m so thankful that I met you. May 2021 be the best year ever, and I’m wishing you a wonderful forever!
 With love, Avis
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Dear: Soph, [ @animatedarchives ]
 Jiejie Soph ohmg where do I even begin? You literally give me so many happy thoughts and make me so soft >.< you’re a foodie and I love that about you hehe you’re so encouraging with my baking and honestly we’re both so chaotic bahaha half of our messages are just us freaking out over food and it always makes me smile! You’re such a positive energy in my life and I wouldn’t have it any other way!
 Thank you for being there for me when I need it. You never fail to make people feel better and you’re always so encouraging! Also, thanks for reminding me to work on my anime journal (which is still empty btw I have no idea what I’m doing)!  Thank you for being a blessing in 2020 – I hope I was as much a blessing to you as you were to me. Wishing you happiness and peace this year, and an amazing forever!
 With love,
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Dear: V, [ @macaronnv]
 V, you are such a bright soul and I love you so much for it. You bring me so much happiness, and I can’t even begin to thank you. Your writing is amazing and I’m telling you, you deserve more than you have now. I think you’re probably on a break and coming back to social media slowly, so please take your time, okay?
 Thank you for everything. May 2021 be your year and bring you love, happiness, as well as the recognision you deserve. Wishing you an amazing forever! (Jangan lupa buat makan yang bener sama minum yang banyak. Aku cinta kamu <3
 With love,
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Dear: Yssa, [ @katsushimaa]
 I am so honoured that you even bothered to reblog one of my fics, let alone give me a follow T^T you’re someone I  have always looked up to, and you’re a big influence to me here on tumblr! You’re so sweet and caring, and you’re deserving of all the love you receive on this god forsaken site. I’m wishing you every happiness and all the love in the world! May you have a wonderful forever!
 With love,
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I know that there are so many more, but I’m pretty brain dead, so here’s a few more people I would like to thank before I pass out:
 @tamaki-anon •  @myelocin • @baeshijima • @yuueisteria • @stcrryskies • @strawberriimilkshake • @kuroos-babie • @ceo-of-daichi • @xavestory • @rilacry • @cotton-hashira • @tsuhika • @tsukisemi • @tetsurolls • @applepienation • @angelwithglasswings • @suhkusa • @chaotic-angel-anon
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lunatens · 4 years
interview tag <3
tagged by @cha-lan hehe thank u lan!! i love these games <3 and it’s so fun to get to know u more!!
rules: answer questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better!
tagging: (not 20 blogs lol) @cutiejoshi @ggulovebot @allegxdly @mikwrites @icecreamscxups @noniesgirl + anyone who wants to :p
luna is what i go by on here!! when i first started my blog i didn’t rlly wanna share much personal info lol, but most of my irl friends know about my blog now + i just don’t care so if you’re curious my name is erica :p you’re welcome to call me either name, i just keep going by luna bc it feels more familiar n comforting on tumblr + most people on here know my as that anyways!! anyways that was a long way of saying my name’s luna/erica (+ my dad calls me ricky as a nickname hehe)
she/her !
star sign:
pisces sun anD pisces moon :0
5′10 or i think 178cm?
it’s 2:04pm as i’m writing this altho who knows when i’ll finish this lol (edit: i am finishing this at 5:22pm a couple days later oops)
when is your birthday:
march 6
favourite band/groups:
seventeen, stray kids, ateez, got7, monsta x, shinee, txt, bts, day6, lucy, itzy, loona
favourite solo artists:
taemin, woodz, park jihoon, sunmi, eric nam, jonghyun, key, jackson wang
song stuck in your head:
9 to 5 by dolly parton bc i gotta storyboard + animate to it for a school assignment :3
last movie you watched?
how to train your dragon!!
last show you binged:
i don’t really have time to binge shows these days :(( but i’d say the last one that was close enough to a binge would be the umbrella academy!
when you created your blog:
feb 6, 2019!
last thing you googled:
‘face muscles’ for an anatomy drawing assignment and i rlly hated looking at those pics
other blogs:
@ericast is where i post some of my art! mostly just my svt fanart lol but if anyone wants to see all my art it’s on my instagram @/erica.s.t :p
why i chose my url:
lol luna = my name and then ten was my ult bias at the time i made my blog! (i still love him)and then idk i just added an s on the end bc it sounded nicer that way 
how many people are you following:
how many followers do you have:
approximately 1.2k which is always like :0 how lmao ty all so much
average hours of sleep:
either 4-5 hours or 10-12 there is no in between
lucky number:
i dont think i really have a lucky number, but the number 12 means a lot to me because it was my jersey number for most of the years i played volleyball!! so like from 2012-2018 (then in college i was #2 until covid ruined everything boo)
i played the piano from when i was like 7 to when i was about 14 i think? and in elementary school i played the alto sax and i really really loved it, i hope i can pick it up again one day!! + i used to play the ukulele a lil bit
what i’m currently wearing:
my pj pants of alpacas with hats + an old shirt from a volleyball tournament
dream job:
honestly i would love to be a youtuber that’s like what i daydream about lmao. but my real dream job is to do concept art for animated movies!!
dream trip:
i rlly would love to go to south korea with my sisters one day...pls lol but a realistic dream trip i’ll hopefully get to do this summer is a road trip to my family cottage with my friends!!
favourite food:
skjfjfjsjwjwj sushi never disappoints
favourite song:
rocket by svt. superior song always fave song will never change my mind 10/10 so happy it’s back on spotify
top three fictional universes you’d like to live in:
ooooo ok i mean i do have to say the harry potter universe bc i do really love the world so much and would love to be a witch. also definitely she-ra and the princesses of power!! etheria is so pretty and magical :3 and finally hmmm maybe i’d love to live in the httyd world bc would i hate being a viking?? yes but pet dragons would make it so worth it
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emeraldbabygirl · 5 years
Competition Part 2
Genre: smut
Warnings/Kink(s): shower sex, baby boy yoonho
Series: part 2
Here’s the link to part 1
You had just had a long day filled with stress and you wanted to enjoy a nice shower when you got home. You were about to turn the water off when you heard a noise. You opened the shower door a little and listened again. You heard footsteps coming closer to the bathroom.
“Babe, where are you?” Yoonho called from the bedroom. Yoonho must’ve just got home. You smiled as he was always so clingy and always asked where you were when he got home.
“I’m in the shower, what’s wrong.” you heard the bathroom door open and saw Yoonho’s figure through the shower door. Yoonho stepped closer trying to see you through the door.  “You’re in the shower?” Yoonho asked, a tint of excitement in his voice. “Yes Yoonho. I’ve had a stressful day and I just want to relax-” you were cut off by the Yoonho opening the shower door. Fully clothed Yoonho starred at your wet, naked flesh. Under normal circumstances your were totally alright with Yoonho seeing you naked but when he surprised you like this you felt a bit embarrassed. You quickly covered you breasts and pussy with your hands, your face turning a light pink. 
Yoonho chuckled. “Baby, are you shy? Why. I see you naked all the time.” You looked down at his feet for awhile before speaking. “Yes, but usually we’re both naked, and you’ve never walked in on me in the shower before. Yoonho stayed silent for a bit and then began taking his clothes off. “Anyway, um..I was wondering if we could try shower sex?” Yoonho wasn’t usually this blunt with you so you both stood there naked in the bathroom with no noise but the water running. You were shocked. You didn’t think shower sex was Yoonho’s thing. However you had noticed he was getting more brave and adventurous in the bedroom and that made you proud and excited. You stepped aside so Yoonho could join you. Closing the door he turned to you grabbing your hands and holding them at your sides. He smiled. “You’re even more beautiful like this baby.” 
“Hyung always says how amazing shower sex is so I thought we could try it. It’s funny because every time he texts me saying he just finished with his girl it’s always on the same day you go out. Hey,” Yoonho chuckled. “You’re not cheating on me with Hosung hyung are you? I’m not mad, I think it’s kind of hot. I get to share the same cum bucket as hyung.” You blushed at Yoonho’s choice of words. He was becoming more and more confident. A million thoughts were going through your mind right now. His voice was so calm about it almost like the thought made him sad, was your boyfriend attracted to Lou? You didn’t have the heart to tell him that you were in fact fucking Lou on the side. But it seemed like ever since these two got into competition your sex life with Ayno was finally getting more interesting. You were afraid that if you told him he would be upset and not only would you lose him but Lou would for sure leave you.
Yoonho began leaving kisses up and down your neck. He moved down to suck the wet skin right above your breasts your face turning a darker shade of pink. He moved back up and pulled you into him, him lips meeting yours, his dick laying against your stomach. His hands roamed your body, gripping your ass, finding your breasts, teasing your nipples and running his fingers along your slit. Slowly inserting his digits deep into your cavern. You broke the kiss gasping as you gripped his chest lowering your head against him. “Yoonho, harder.” you whispered. Yoonho chuckled doing what you wanted, his fingers began assaulting your walls, curling to find your g-spot. You leaned against him, each thrust causing you to moan louder. “Fuck, you sound so sexy baby.” He kept going, your juices lubing up your cunt making it easier for Yoonho to slide his fingers in and out. The lewd sounds only causing you to approach your orgasm faster. “Fuck..” you moaned in between thrusts. You were close but you couldn’t gather your words quick enough at the speed Yoonho was pumping. “Fuck me!” you cried out cumming all over Yoonho’s fingers. You legs shook as you tried to hold yourself up. Yoonho held you against him, pulling his finger out of you and bringing them up to your lips. 
You were in the middle of licking them clean when Yoonho grunted pulling them out of your mouth and pushed your back against the shower wall. Under the water Yoonho aggressively sucked your skin. Your neck, your lips. your ear lobes, your collarbone and nipples. He slowly dropped to his knees, gripping your ass and kissing up your thighs meeting your lower lips. His tongue licked along your folds, his nose coming into contact with your clit. You arched your back grabbing Yoonho’s hair and held his head against your pussy. His tongue lapped up your juices and he continued to eat you out. His hands spread your legs apart and his fingers entered your pussy again. Gently teasing you with his fingers while aggressively lapping you up with his tongue. You whined bucking your hips into Yoonho’s face, gripping his hair with your fingers. You pulled him away from you seeing his lips and the tip of his nose shining with drops of your sweet essence you moaned. “Fuck me Yoonho.” you demanded. You wanted to see him take you in the shower. You wanted to compare him with Lou. You needed Yoonho to fuck you better than Lou.
Yoonho stood up grinning and picked you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist and slid down on his now fully erect cock. Yoonho pushed your body against another shower wall and thrusted into you. He made eye contact with your breasts as they bounced up and down. He grinned opening his mouth to suck on one of your nipples. You arched your back gripping his shoulders, your nails digging into his skin. “Yes baby.” you moaned, enjoying the angle and feeling of his cock stretching your walls.
After you came the second time Yoonho slid you off his cock and set you down making sure that you could hold yourself up on your own. He went back to kissing your lips, softly while holding you against him. Then Yoonho grabbed one of your legs and lifted it up to rest on his arm. He rammed his still erect cock back into you and fucked you for a third time. You held on to Yoonho’s arms and closed your eyes enjoying the movement of his cock thrusting fast in and out of you. You felt your third orgasm coming quickly and you wondered if you could hold yourself up on just one leg long enough for Yoonho to cum in you.  “Yoonho I-”
“It’s alright baby you can cum whenever you’re ready.” Your legs were shaking tremendously as your orgasm was so close. “My- Yoonho my legs.” you finally said through shallow breaths. Yoonho could feel your leg tremble as well as your cunt clamp around his cock. He let out a soft whine. “Oh fuck. Baby you’re gonna make me cum.” He said, his thrust slowing down. You whined loudly, your legs shaking, your toes on the foot that was in the air curling. “Cum with me Yoonho, please. Hurry and cum.” Yoonho’s breathing got heavy as he thrusted a few more times into you then pushed his cock balls deep into your cunt and released his seed into you. Your orgasm hit immediately after, your cunt having a vice grip on Yoonho’s cock, your arms wrapped around his neck and you mumbled incoherent words into his ear. Yoonho held you against the shower wall until you came down from your high. He slowly pulled out of you, a mix of both of your cum dripping out of your pussy and down your legs, he set your other legs back down on the shower floor and held you there a little longer til your breathing steadied and you could stand on your own. Your eyes were still a bit hazy but you reacted to his hand cupping the side of your face looking at you with nothing but love.
“You did good princess. I love you.” Yoonho kissed you once more. Having previously only called you ‘baby’ you blushed at his new nickname for you. You smiled as he pulled away from your lips. “We should probably clean up.” Yoonho stated lathering up a bar of soap. Coming out of the shower Yoonho wrapped a towel around his waist and another one around your body. Grabbing a third towel he put it over your head and began drying your hair. He lifted the towel up a bit and leaned down to peck your lips causing you to giggle. “I love you princess.” he whispered just loud enough that you could hear. “I love you too daddy.” you whispered back.
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Sorry that it was rushed towards the end, I’ve been working on this part for weeks and I’m rushing to get these fics out. I still have more parts for this series and I have more works in my drafts. I’m slowly getting them done so please be patient if you want to see more from me. Also, if anyone knows how to make a masterlist, I think I might need one so I’d love some info on how to make one.
Also also, I’d just like to say a big ol fuck you to the two bitches who made fun of my last smut. Not only did you embarrass me but you also discouraged me because as someone who’s just started writing smut, I know it’s not going to be good at first so when you basically laugh at me from 72 angles that really made me want to stop writing, not just smut but any fanfics all together. Also one of you really made fun of me because it was a cockwarming smut yet plenty of other people write cockwarming smuts. Plus your username is literally “this person’s” cockwarmer. And unless your blog is completely normal don’t make fun of my entire blog based off the one smut you found of mine. 
With that finally being off my chest I’d also like to say thank you everyone whose read and liked my works. I didn’t expect people to like them but I’m glad that they are getting some love. I’m happy knowing that I’m not the only hoe on this site that’s whipped af for VAV lmao. I’m working on fanfics for other groups so it’s not just VAV, even tho y’all love my VAV posts but sometimes my thot brain needs a break from the only men that can make this bussy throb with excitement so the only VAV works I have planned are a Lou smut, a St.Van smut, part 2 of a failed horror fanfic and the rest of this series. Everything else is other groups. I hope you guys will enjoy those as well.
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ooc; You know, I never thought anyone would like Thoth other than my group of friends who gave him a chance. I was so nervous with him, that I tried to make him a weaker character and I just couldn’t do that haha. I’m still nervous about him, but I want you all to know...
Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, I really am thankful. From the fan art, to the threads, to meeting so many wonderful people, I think it’s time to shine a light on those who I’ve chatted with, and gotten to know as well! Even if it’s just a simple hello, it makes my day. You guys are all wonderful, and I’m beyond happy over this. I was going to make a 100 follower and then the followers skyrocketed before I could haaa... ^^;;;
Anyway, these people below the cut? They really are cool.
But so are all my followers, even if we don’t talk!
Preshie mun! You’re Gaster terrifies me, not like bad dreams terrifying but he is a really well developed villain! He just is so wonderful to interact with, and I love our threads, no matter the blog! Let’s not forget how you’re a sweetheart either! I feel like I spam ya too much haha, anxiety man- BUT YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL! Keep being you :D <3
(I still can’t believe Thoth had a mini crush on Gaster and they could have been nerdy friends if the judgement ever happened aaaaaaa)
 @curioosity, @snackiies
Azura mun! I am still vastly scared to chat with you, but I want you to know, I do mean the words I say ^^ You may be feeling down right now, but... I think you’re a great person. I really mean that, you’re oc is very well fleshed out and very engaging! I adore seeing you on the dash, and your art- and your posts! I hope things brighten up for you! You need a good day, and I hope you get it!
I really adore your concept and I’m glad you’re one of my friends! Sixer is adorable, and Thoth absolutely wants to spoil him! And pet him, seriously how many times have they ended up curled up together haaa. But the depth of your stories and fanfic are amazing and I love reading every chapter! Keep up the amazing work! <3
@softashfuck, @goodster,
I hope you had a good birthday kiddo! I love ya, you’re the son I wish that was here for I could spoil you some more. Seriously, anyway, I love your character and your interpretations and the fact you spam me with such lovely art ;w; so nice. I swear I’m going to keep spamming you right on back! <3
Okay but I mean it, I do care a lot about you and I do see you as my kid. Seriously, if I could scoop you up I would. <3
@all-seeing-all-knowing-eye, @br00kie-draws
BROOOOOKIE! Okay, first off. When I first met you, I was highly nervous and scared, I met you through an ex-friend that showed me your art and since then I am so glad I met you. Our ships are adorable, they have bumpy roads and that’s what makes them enjoyable, they arent perfect, and that’s just how a good ship should be. Not to mention your art?! Like DAYUM GIRL. Such a good, best friend too, always listening to me ramble! Love ya! <3
I know we don’t talk as much these days, I know you’re busy but I still check up on your art! (I really should finish that gif I made omgosh) But you are also a very nice person, and a wonderful artist!
Rach.... I gotta be honest. I love you, and I think without you these last years or so, I don’t think I’d be around. I was in a really bad patch, and thinking things I shouldn’t. I let my thoughts almost win but you pulled me out of there. You helped me in so many ways, you even sent money through the mail cuz of my situation. I feel like I can never thank you enough because you really are my best friend and I honestly don’t know what I’d do if you suddenly disappeared one day. I know work is hard on you, but you’re such a great person and you know what, I’m proud of you. <3
Thoth and Rachael, Rachael and Rich/Neal, Rachael and--- Wait no that’s it. I think, maybe. We ship a lot, I blame our shipness. lmao Love it all!
Lye! I’m still vastly nervous to chat you up and that’s why I go silent cuz my nerves kick my ass but you are such a cool person! And your art? A++++
@derse-agent,  @wd-blaster,
Heya! I like your stuff! It’s really cool, and I know I owe you some things, don’t worry I didn’t forget! I just want you to know, you’re a really cool blog and thank you for joining the streams at times! LAOS YOUR GASTER IS ADORABLE OKAY
AAAAAAH?! For one I totally ship Tenny and Lotus now, I love how Tenny turns to mush at the very sight of my pretty boi. Not to mention t’s us so sugar sweet~! With some deviousness in there. Okay but on top of that, I love your characters, and the art, the fact you have put a lot of effort in your things and you’re a great friend! <3
Okay so, I love your art and the fact your Gaster is different fom others and you put time and effort into your creations and just YESSSSS. It’s amazing, and I love it and you’re really cool!
your art is realy cool and you are officially a senpai. I love the way you draw man, and I enjoy seeing you on the dash!
Apaaaattthhhyyyyyy, I miss ya, and I should deff mesage you more! Omgosh,and always drag you to more streams for you can succumb to the siliiness again! I love your Parallax! Hal and nomal Hal and the one time we rp’d where Venom was also Hal sdsfgb All the good stuff and I STILL REMEBER OUR SHIP OF SIOBHAN AND HAL <3
Okay so we’re still getting to know each other but you are an absolute delight!? AND YOU HAVE AN AMAZING SANS AND I LOVE HOW YOU WRITE AND I’M GOING TO KEEP RAMBLING IN CAPS FOR YOU UNDERSTAND HOW YOU ARE AN IDOL HUN. <3
FOXIE AND HEALER!!! Healer, I love the way you write and Foxie? Hun, I wish I could draw like you. You two are really good friends and I’m sorry I haven’t een overly chatty? But I watch your content all the time! <3 You guys also helped me get rid of a toxic ex-friend and I’m grateful for that, you have no idea! Thank you for giving me strength!
YOU ARE SUCH A SWEET PERSON!? You drew my boi, you chat with me, we rp- You are a delight! I want to invite you to all the streams and groups and let everyone marvel at your amazingness!
Okay we don’t chat as I do with others but I’d love to? I’d love to also thread with you and I’m sorry if I didn’t answer that meme! It’s there staring at me like a deer in the middle of the road omg! But we should plot, on any of my blogs!
Okay so I loved our interactions with your Evil Rick and my Rick, I’m sorry that hes inactive right now, I’m trying to rile him back up but it’s just hard for me idk why- (been on an undertale kick tbh, aaaaa) BUT YOU WRITE AMAZINGLY AND BLOW MY FUCKING MIND LIKE OMG, HELLO SENPAI
We just recently started talking but hey! I love your art from what I’ve seen keep up the amazing work okay? And don’t worry about messaging me, It’s all okay fi you want to :D I dont bite
**AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, screeching** 
Your art is still amazing and I am highly nervous to talk with you but you are a sweety and I aspire to be like you!
I would really like to chat with ya! And plot, and write! You seem to have an amazing Aku and it’s wonderful to see you on my dash!
 I love Trashy and I would really like to thread with ya. Your character is cute and well rounded, and I enjoy his story. Plus you’re a good person :D
BROTHER OF MINE I LOVE YA. I enjoy how hard you work on everything, even back when you wrote Joker. How we shipped, I still remember every moment despite my shit for brains memory hahaha. It’s wonderful and so are you and I’m glad you got out of your bad situation and are doing better and got things going for ya now! I love you, and I am very proud.
I LOVE YOUR BLOG OKAY? I read everything ^^;;; Haaa, I do, and it’s great. I’m kind of a side liner and I need to change that becuause Melodi is a cutie and I should totally spam you with more asks!
I miss our clown days, but I love how you draw still and I should message you more often, I miss ya buddy. You were and still are an amazing fiend and I aspire to draw how soft you do, those lines man mmmf, good stuff right there. Also Penance and Sorrow should hang out again.
YOU MADE ME LOVE SO MANY DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF THE SHIPS, THE LORE, AND I’M SCREECHING AT YOU NOW. Oka but White Hat and Slug yessss, Flug and Black Hat, yesss, but my favorite...
Is the one I never expected. My fanfic’s Bill Cipher, dubbed ‘Glitch’ and Black Hat. I can’t believe they have two kids now and they recently hatched and are going to destroy the world. Cute little guys.
But you’re also a great friend! Seriously, amazing! <3
@storyteller-arc/ @smol-goop, 
*inhale* B O I. Okay but on a serious note I love your Gaster, I love your oc. Storyteller, Gaster Grim likes them but not only that they managed to get Thoth to like them, he also likes smol as well. You have a really good character set it just attracts my characters like a magnet hahaha
Not to mention you are a adelight! Absolute delight!
*takes a deep breath* HOW CAN I EVEN BEGIN TO WRITE ON YOU!?
You are an idol to me. You are someone who has developed their entire set of ocs so much that I wish I could put that much effort without feeling nervous like hot dayum. You have suhc a good thing going, and I ust wanna punch Dick, hug him as well, punch him again- and also adopt ames and Hannah, and Eight- and the heroes, and Black Hat, and Dave, and all of them and HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME LOVE ALL THESE BBIES
I really do love how sweet they are and also the thread on Sans how he was commanded and i ended up being really cute and I just lve it all. You also have wonderful art and you are really dang sweet, <3 <3
okay....okay... I love your entire thing going on with ER, and I would love to write with you. I don’t even care what blog omgosh because you are an absoute steklar star on here, and Imma call you senpai til you perish cuz DAMN. Look at those headcanons, DAYUM look at those posts and stories and AUs and the past and 70 years worht of stuff and AAAAAAAA
A M A Z I N G 
@a-vf-vi-tf-ti,  @deep-black-dreaming​
AAAAAA? I love your ocs, I love our rps and ideas on discord but we should deff rp here on tumblr again! Lemme drag you down with me on here muhahahahah, ALSO YOU’RE ANOTHER CULPRIT FOR GETTING ME DEEP INTO VILLAINIOUS AND I LOVE IT
*stares at you deeply, squints*
Imma kick your Black Hats ass again just you watch. BUT ON A SIDE NOTE! OMG CAN WE THREAD ON HERE TOO? Discord is wonderful man man, I’d love to take it to tumblr, if you’re okay with that! I’ll even dust off my WH just for that reason :D
You’re character seems swet and we should send some asks to each other ore often! I hope you’re having a wonderful day and I would love to get to know you more!
I know you thanks to Brookie and your character is amazing but I’m highly nervous to bug you nad for that I am very sory and I hope that we can chat more!
You have such a cute oc and I want to know all about them! We thread here on Tthoth and Grim but man I’d spam you with even Eddie Gluskin if you’d want :D Or Jack, but Jack scares everyone and so I keep him in th corner hahaha. But the point is, I love your concept and I wanna pet th roachie
I remember when you were still developing your oc and it was on skype, and she had blue skin but now she covers up the blue skin and she is really great. I think you did amazing with her!
Hey I just met you and aI think you guys are great. Sans and you, really cool! Thanks for joining the stream the other day and I hope to thread with you more! I mean it, and I should say hi to you more often on discord ^^  You seem great!
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mikeswheeler · 7 years
Happy One Year, Gain Train!
I’ve been apart of this GC that started out as a place to talk about Stranger Things for a whole year, today marking the official one year anniversary that this GC was formed - I’ll be honest, I wasn’t expecting this chat to really last, I’ve been apart of them before in the past and they usually die out with time, but somehow we’ve managed to stay just as strong (if not stronger) and I find that... really fucking incredible ??? It’s not even JUST a ST GC anymore, we literally talk about our day to day lives and other interests and it’s just amazing how well we bond over just about anything and everything. 
I didn’t have the time or motivation to really gif or put together a video in honor of this day, but I figured I’d be a huge sap and write to y’all directly. 
@eddiekaspbraks - Aimee, I don’t even know where to begin... you were the first internet friend I met in real life and I feel like that really set off the bond we have with each other to this day. I honestly don’t have the words to express just how much I care about you, like I’m talking I’d-die-for-you kind of care. I genuinely love you so much and I always feel like I can be my complete self around you, which is very hard to find so thank you for allowing me that. I’ve never quite had a best friend like you before in real life. I can’t say I love you enough and I wish you saw how truly incredible you are - You’re too hard on yourself, give yourself some room to breathe. 
@bill-denbroughs - SHELLY... you are the unproblematic favorite. You are the Mom of the group, you have so much light within yourself that just radiates without you even trying. I truly wish I had the aura that you had - Wholesome, genuine, pure, ambitious, positive as hell. I don’t think I’ve ever had a friend that keeps me grounded quite like you do. Thank you for reminding me when I’m being irrational, thank you for the warmth you provide in this group. 
@shesavedus - Syd, I have so much respect and admiration for you. I truly look up to you, I like how utterly ‘you’ you allow yourself to be. I see a lot of strength in you and I see how much care you put into the things you do and I just know you’re gonna go so far in life. Hell, everyone in this chat is gonna go so far in life. I’m betting all my money on that. I hope you’re able to notice all the good you got going on in your soul because there’s a lot of it. Thank you for your honesty and humor you provide in this group. You are truly one of a kind.
@reallylikeseggos - Alli, you shine so bright, I feel like I’m around a got damn shooting star when you’re around. You have so much personality and light and you’re so funny and it’s like, wow, wish that were me !! Even though we lost you to the Weebs, I still love you and I still admire you so much. I’m glad you’re more active in the chat these days, I’ve really missed your presence ! Thank you for being such a pure, genuine human being. We need more people like you in this world. 
@themikewheelers - Tori, I hope you know that I care about you a lot and that you’re basically stuck with me - you know I’d like never leave your side. Sometimes life is shitty towards you and I hate that so much, I wish I could take away the bad things and give you only good. You’re so freaking funny and we always have a good laugh and there’s so many memes and inside jokes with you which I appreciate. I can’t wait for Season 2 where we’ll cry about Emo Mike Wheeler together, it’s gonna be great!
@protectmike - Cait, I swear, you are so powerful and sometimes it intimidates me but in the best possible way ?? Like it’s definitely not a bad thing, it’s a really, really good trait. I just admire you so much for your exuberant persona and I love how shameless you are and you’re HILARIOUS and I feel like I’m talking to the got damn SUN when you’re in the chat. You’re way too hard on yourself, I don’t know why you are but stop it! You’re seriously perfect just the way you are, never change for anyone. 
@flea-and-the-acrobat - Sam, you’re like never on Tumblr but I’m forcing you to get on the hecking app to see this! ANYWAYS,,, Sam, you’re such a genuine person like you are the epitome of friendly and you just want what’s best for everyone and you have such good morals and I’m like ??? This kid is way too mature for his age, I swear ! You’re such an amazing person and I know things have been rough lately but I have hope that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel and you are destined for such wonderful things. 
@stevenrogers - Marvin, I’m really glad you’re more active in the chat than you used to be (there was a period where you were not really there and I MISSED YA DUDE) - You always have the best freaking memes, I swear, like I can always count on you to lighten the mood of whatever is going on. You’re so blunt and funny and a really hecking good person ??? It’s really hard to come by people as real and genuine as you are, you’re definitely a diamond in the rough.
@cloeggo - CHLOE !!! I’m so glad you’re back in the chat and being active again, I’ve really missed having you around ! You are quite possibly one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met and you care so much about others, I’ve always loved how compassionate you are <3 I hope life continues to treat you well and you experience nothing but good things because that’s what you deserve ! <3
@the-weirdo-on-maple-street - Emma, you’re not very active in the chat these days, but I hope you know that I appreciate you so much and I love when you do pop in to say hi or to make a comment on something. I hope life is treating you well because I love ya so much and you’re such a lovely person and deserve the world! Maybe we’ll see more of ya when Season 2 drops, I hope so at least - I love having you around!!! <3
@eggogorgon - Dad, come home, we miss you... OKAY BUT SERIOUSLY, Blake where have you been ?? Y’all better be back for Season 2, if you ain’t there yelling about it with us I’m gonna be DISAPPOINTED ! But real talk, you’re a really cool dude and you make the best gifs wtf how do you have such a quality blog smh Talk about GOALS ! Anyways yeah, you’re really cool and I love seeing you on my dash and I just wish you were in the chat more smh WE MISS YOU !!! (also tbt when you unfollowed and refollowed me,,, thought we were friends...) 
@strangerwhee11ers - Adina, you’re never in the chat anymore and I see you occasionally in the other chat sometimes, but I MISS YA AND I HOPE LIFE IS TREATING YOU WELL ! I’m sure you’re just busy with life but yeah, I hope we see ya back for Season 2, we needa all yell together about the new content !! I love you so much !!! <3 
Overall, thank you to this group for providing me with some of the best memories of this past year and for always making my days lighter and brighter. Life would be a lot darker without them in it. Here’s to another year together! (I don’t even say hopefully, because I know we’ll still be kicking it for another year lmao we’re too ride or die for each other at this point!) Thank you all and I love you all so much, MWAH! <3
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finelineoutro · 5 years
2019 was probably one of the happiest years after a really long and mentally exhausting decade. for the better part of 8 years i suffered from severe depression. i don’t think it helped that i had tumblr, and back in 2011 black and white aesthetic blogs that totally glamorized depression and suicide were all the rage. 
starting out in high school i didn’t have many friends that i felt i could reach out to, all my friends were very surface level, i hung out with them at school and then went home and never seemed to do much outside of school. i had a horrible relationship with my mother to the point that if we weren’t screaming at each other, we weren’t talking. i was a student at a competitive school where if you weren’t taking all AP’s and didn’t have a 4.0 gpa, you weren’t doing it right. 2011-2013 were some of the worst years of my life, my depression was so debilitating that i couldn’t pay attention in school, let alone do my homework when i got home. i got a D in math which was the lowest grade i have ever gotten. i got a detention for writing some fictional story during math class instead of paying attention. all i could ever focus on was how much my life sucked and how much i wanted to disappear. i would fantasize about my own funeral and who would care and if my mom would cry. honestly, one thing that truly kept me going was finding solace in one direction. admittedly i was a l*rrie yIKES but i think it was just nice to have something i was so invested in that preoccupied my mind and my time. 
i was lucky enough to find a group of close knit friends in 2014. it gave me a social life and i finally felt like i belonged somewhere, even if i did often feel like an outsider within the group. but, they were my best friends. it helped immensely. not to mention they also loved 1d and i finally had people i could go to their shows with (i had gone to tmh alone lmao), i could geek out about with, etc. one of the girls from that group became my best friend and still is to this day. in 2015 we went to dinner and got sat at a table right next to louis (at the time, i was still a huge fan of his). i still recall this as being one of the happiest moments of my life at the time. 
i had decided to go to university in new york city (i’m from la). it kind of was an escape to get away from the small suburb i’m from, and to get as far away from my mom. my relationship with her, at this point, had deteriorated to next to nothing. we only ever fought. looking back at it, i know she was just worried. at the end of my senior year of high school, i had missed 35+ days of school. some were days that i just didn’t go. some were days that i missed my first few classes, or skipped before my last few. the only class i continuously got an A in was english. and shout out to my english teacher, who truly was a shining light in my life without even knowing it. she was so attentive, kind, intelligent, and taught me so much. i was lucky enough to have her for freshman year english, junior year english, and a semester long senior seminar and she truly was one of the few things i look back at in high school and i am thankful for. 
ANYWAY, i decided to go to the east coast for college. it was amazing, don’t get me wrong, but it was lonely as fuck. and i know that’s kind of the untold college experience that people seem to forget to mention. college is lonely as fuck. but i would see all my friends instagram stories and see them out at college parties, making friends, joining greek life, etc, and that was not at all what was happening where i was at. i was friends with my roommates, and a few people on the same floor as me, but other than that, i didn’t have many friends. by the time the dust settled, and i was used to living in new york, i realized i wasn’t happy at all. i was in automatic and just going through the motions. 
anyway, fast forward to 2017-2018, things started looking up. sort of. i studied abroad in london and met one of my best friends. she happened to go to my home university too, a super extrovert with tons of friends, so when i went back to school a semester later, i suddenly had a new group of friends to hang out with. 
at the same time, however, i was questioning my sexuality, which was probably one of the hardest and most confusing times of my life. i felt like i didn’t have anyone to talk to (except for my one online friend, thank u becca). it’s not that i didn’t think my friends would be accepting, i just didn’t think they’d understand my situation. i also wasn’t sure i felt like explaining. anyway, my life was pretty much split in two. i had online friends via tumblr, and my friends from school. when i was out with them, i felt fairly happy. distracted. when i was home, alone, i felt anxious and sad and i knew i was getting bad again. i really did not want to go back to that dark time in my life though, but i could literally feel myself spiraling. i went to bed nearly every night nauseated with anxiety, i was losing sleep, gaining weight, losing my hair, breaking out, having straight up melt downs where i would cry so hard i couldn’t catch my breath. i was in a codependent friendship (which was toxic on my part) but i didn’t know how to let go, because the thought of it made me feel even worse than i already did. 
at the end of 2018, i had cut out two people in my life that were causing me a great deal of pain. 
i went into 2019 with a fresh start. admittedly, i still felt like shit. especially for all of january, before i had gone back to school, and all i could think about was not being friends with two people that i had spent the last 2 years talking to nearly every day. but then i went back to school. i started my internship with the elvis duran show, which was one of the best things to ever happen to me. i finally fit in at an internship, i finally was surrounded by people who liked pop music just as much as i did, i felt like i could speak my mind, i was doing social media and i was excelling. i absolutely loved it. i got even closer with my roommate/best friend, and my friend from study abroad. i had an apartment that i loved. i was working part time at a restaurant and my coworkers were amazing. my managers loved me and always had my back in everything. i had 2 amazing professors that only wanted to see their students succeed. i got to see fleetwood mac at madison square garden. i was working hard and seeing results. i managed to save $4,000 for my europe trip. i graduated college and walked across the stage at radio city music hall. 
after graduating, i went home for a month, got to spend time with my niece, then was off to europe with four of my closest friends. we went to spain, france, italy, croatia. i met my parents and family in croatia and we went to the island my mom was born and raised in (one of my favorite places in the world, a tiny little croatian village with less than 100 people on one of the most beautiful islands), and spent 2 weeks with my family there. i was in europe for 6 weeks, it was so fucking amazing. 
and when i went home, not even 3 weeks later, i went to see the rolling stones with my mom. from the 14th row. it was unreal. 
i have been spending the last few months of 2019 applying to jobs and babysitting my little niece almost full time. she’s 3 (turning 4 soon) and such a handful but also a beautiful little angel that i love with all my heart. on december 13, i got to go see harry styles fine line live at the forum. so, within the year of 2019, i got to see my top 3 artists live. fleetwood mac in march, rolling stones in august, and harry in december. 
i’m still working on getting a job and being out of work for so long, as a capricorn, has been admittedly pretty awful. however, this job proposition is looking promising, i’ve had 3 interviews, and it’s at my dream company (i’ll definitely post what it is if i get it !!). 
i am, mentally, at the best place i have been in a long time. and i’m really proud of myself. so cheers to 2019 for helping me get over an awful decade, and here’s to a new decade and, if i start my new job in january (fingers crossed), a new chapter to my life! 
happy new year
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