#entertainment logo png
ariaterramoon · 14 hours
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The Blakk Gala | Week 2 — Walking the Red Carpet | Of Slugs and Ghouls
You've had 1 week to find your outfits and now it's time to show them off! Meet your fellow employees and their plus one's. Time to mingle, people!
Don't worry, I have not forgotten about our precious slugs and ghouls! Are they too in their Sunday Best? Or are they simply as they are, just happy to be there? Are your slugs friends with others? How about your ghouls? Let's see these little buddies mingle, too!
Scan your invites, bribe the guards, charisma your way inside, and go compliment some of your fellow OCs' outfits!
Story Hint: The home cavern of Blakk Indsutries has been entirely decorated! Although still a desolate cavern, it looks much more alive than it ever has been. Pillars leading the way to the main door, guards standing side by side between the pillars to keep watch, entertainers on the side such as blindfolded slug tricks, flame breathers and even dancing Flaringos look at them go!
As you enter the Citadel, you notice that the main hall is so much bigger! Elegantly decorated with the Blakk Industries flair. You see, everything is Blakk Industries theme for even the cutlery has the logo delicatly etched into the silver.
You wonder who you'll be sitting beside. If you're an infiltrated guest, just how much risk did you put yourself in? Will someone recognize you? What decorations caught your eye?
Someone of you already posted your outfits haha but is oki uwu
I'll be posting Story Events later this week as well as other PNG's for you to use. You'll see what I mean uwu This isn't the only post for this week >wO
Be creative!
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Gainax Home Video Entertainment
Logo Opening:
Logo But In PNG Version:
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keeplanau · 3 months
How Is Town Planning Transforming Bega, Tathra, Merimbula, Pambula, Eden, and Cooma?
Bega is a well-known for its dairy industry and scenic landscapes that is presently undergoing significant Town Planning Bega to balance growth with heritage preservation. The focus of the planners is to keep BegaÕs historical charm intact while having room for new residential and commercial buildings. The main aim is to enhance connectivity between different parts of the city through improvement of infrastructure such as roads and public means of transport among other things.
Strategic Town Planning in Tathra: Enhancing Coastal Living
TathraÕs beautiful beaches are a real gem in town that faces unique challenges and opportunities in relation to Town Planning Tathra. There are efforts made in Tathra towards sustainable coastal development so as not to damage the environment. While making their plans on how they can develop parks and recreational facilities for members of the public as well as improve tourism infrastructure without interfering with beauty of the municipality.
Developing Merimbula: A Hub for Tourism and Community Life
Town Planning Merimbula has always been a busy tourist spot that has magnificent beaches and an active community life. In this regard, any town planning being done here aims at striking a balance between residentsÕ needs and those of people who frequent it because of leisure issues. Key initiatives include transport link upgrades; enhancement of existing common areas; construction of new accommodations as well as entertainment facilities that would foster green practices within the area including protection against marine life destruction or sustainable erosion control practices.
PambulaÕs Town Planning: Preserving History and Promoting Growth
The rich history behind Pambula informs its Town Planning Pambula which seeks to preserve tradition while encouraging modernity. This involves improving water supply systems by updating them besides upgrading sewerage disposal system alongside other basic amenities. Development projects seek inputs from local communities thus aligning them with their needs for economic growth.
EdenÕs Town Planning: Sustainable Development for a Thriving Future
Eden is famous for its whaling history as well as natural harbor and itÕs embracing sustainable Town Planning Eden to make sure a thriving future. There are efforts made in Eden towards revitalization of the waterfront by building tourism facilities that can host eco-friendly practices among others. Further, theyÕve concentrated on improving public services ranging from good student regulatory policies or amenities like health care facilities besides attracting new residents and businesses into the area through this way.
CoomaÕs Town Planning: Gateway to the Snowy Mountains
Because of its strategic location Cooma is referred to as the gateway to the snowy mountains hence Town Planning Cooma. The efforts being done by planners here involve improvement in transport infrastructure meant to cater for mountain tourists just as much as support local industries . Every city has unique problems/opportunities while planners aim at achieving sustainability inclusive prosperous environment. These towns are moving towards a bright and sustainable future through balancing growth with preservation, enhancing public amenities, promoting community engagement.
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tinio2100494 · 4 months
A Day in the Life: Embracing Digital and Smart Technology 📱💻🎧
Hello, everyone! Welcome to my blog where I share how digital and smart technology seamlessly integrates into my daily life, making my tasks easier and more efficient. From communication to academics and leisure, technology plays a significant role in how I navigate each day. Let’s dive into a typical day in my life with all my favorite tech gadgets and apps!
🌞 Morning Routine
My day begins with the gentle chime of my iPhone alarm, waking me up at 6:30 AM. I use my iPhone not only to set alarms but also to check my schedule and set reminders for tasks I need to accomplish throughout the day. After freshening up, I head to the kitchen, where I catch up on messages from family and close friends on iMessage while having breakfast.
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📚 Academic and Work Tasks
Once I’m ready to dive into my academic responsibilities, I turn to my MacBook. This powerful laptop is my hub for all educational tasks. I use it to access course materials, write essays, and complete assignments. For better navigation and efficiency, I use my Magic Mouse. This accessory enhances my MacBook experience by providing precise control and ease of use, especially when dealing with design projects on Canva.
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Microsoft applications are essential for creating documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Canva is my go-to tool for creating visually appealing presentations and projects.
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📱 Communication and Social Media
Throughout the day, I stay connected with my peers through Facebook and Messenger. These platforms are vital for group projects and staying updated on school-related activities. Instagram is where I share snippets of my life and keep up with the latest trends and updates from friends.
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🎶 Music and Focus
To stay focused and motivated, I use my AirPods to listen to Apple Music. Whether I’m studying, working on a project, or just needing a moment of relaxation, music helps me stay in the zone. The convenience of AirPods allows me to move freely without being tethered to my devices.
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🏃‍♀️ Leisure and Fitness
In the evenings, I unwind by browsing TikTok. It’s a fun way to relax and discover new content before going to bed.
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For physical activity, I use Strava to track my walking routines. This app helps me monitor my fitness progress and encourages me to stay active.
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🛡️ Security and Safety
Security is a top priority in our building, and the biometric system and CCTV cameras on every floor ensure that all tenants feel safe. These technologies provide peace of mind and contribute to a secure living environment.
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At the end of the day...
Embracing digital and smart technology has transformed how I manage my daily life. From enhancing productivity and communication to providing security and entertainment, these tools and devices are indispensable. I hope this glimpse into my tech-infused routine inspires you to explore how technology can enhance your everyday life as well.
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Apple Music. (n.d.). https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQHZOb7tS0ZNKzsbbq2VPFpn7Gaz86F_1Lg2u5vc2Fk0w&s
Facebook. (n.d.). https://1000logos.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Facebook-Logosu.png
Imessage. (n.d.). https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/51/IMessage_logo.svg/2048px-IMessage_logo.svg.png
Instagram. (n.d.). https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/95/Instagram_logo_2022.svg/1200px-Instagram_logo_2022.svg.png
Messenger. (n.d.). https://cdn4.iconfinder.com/data/icons/social-media-2285/1024/logo-512.png
Strava. (n.d.). https://e7.pngegg.com/pngimages/328/136/png-clipart-strava-running-android-android-orange-logo-thumbnail.png
Tiktok. (n.d.). https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/previews/006/057/996/non_2x/tiktok-logo-on-transparent-background-free-vector.jpg
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lizziempress · 7 months
Custom Emoji Design
If you can draw, you can design engaging emojis. While illustration rules are sometimes better broken, there are proven methods that will produce effective emojis.
I enjoy receiving emoji and sticker requests. At Home Brew Agency, I’ve created artwork for major entertainment properties, including Pokémon: Detective Pikachu, The Curse of La Llorona, Blockers, Mama Mia!, The Croods: A New Age, The Animaniacs, The Suicide Squad, SCOOB!, The Conners, 2019 CMA Awards, Trolls World Tour, and Abominable, to name a few. Let’s talk about what it takes to build a solid design that is ready to go live.
Anyone may submit a proposal for a new emoji to the Unicode Consortium. However, only a small percentage of these submissions will be encoded.
Don’t allow yourself to be discouraged. Believing in your potential is essential. Equally important is the ability to weather rejection. That is an inevitable part of following any creative career path.
Fortunately, there isn’t only one platform by which emojis enter the world. Great clients may call upon you to illustrate emojis for exciting properties. The marketing departments of major films and TV shows love to feature their characters as custom Twitter emojis, Facebook stickers, GIPHY stickers, and Apple Store sticker packs.
Don’t have a client base yet? Then this is the perfect time to build a portfolio. Or, upload your set to a creative market site to offer your indie designs and build up your fan base. Just keep going.
Many clients and platforms will have strict specs for you to follow. The client may provide a document detailing the nuts and bolts of what they’ll need. Dimensions, file format, vector vs. bitmap, style, etc. If they don’t present a set of specs, ask for one.
It doesn’t hurt to do a little research first. Then you’ll be able to ask informed questions such as “Would you like this to be delivered as a 1x1 transparent PNG at 72dpi?” or “Will the platform requires that we deliver the original vector file?” Twitter will require you to submit vector files with a 1x1 aspect ratio. GIPHY stickers, however, have slightly different requirements. Ignore this at your peril. If you don’t design the file correctly, you will likely face building it over again. Don’t waste your time (and the client’s time). Do it right from the start. You’ll probably need that time to handle the client’s design revisions.
Emojis are a bit like contemporary hieroglyphics. This medium is all about communication. What is your emoji’s intended message? Make sure your design’s message is abundantly clear. Of course, we all know certain emojis have double meanings (particular fruit come to mind). But even in that case, make sure the drawing of your eggplant reads as an eggplant, not as a random oblong object. It is helpful to check out Emojipedia. Not only will you be able to study the wide variety of styles created to differentiate between brands, but the meaning of each emoji is listed. https://emojipedia.org/
If you approach emojis like a logo designer tackles a new icon, you’re on the right track. Designing impactful, legible illustrations that register at a small size is your primary goal.
Twitter emojis always work best when they are simple. For most characters, stick with a head shot. Clients will want a distinctive representation of their character. The tendency is to yearn for detail. But remember, this isn’t a portrait painting. Do your best to use as little information as possible while still achieving a good likeness. Once you add shoulders and limbs, you’re in sticker territory.
Stickers are a unique category. You may view the Wonder Woman stickers ©2017 Warner Bros. Ent. All Rights Reserved TM & © DC Comics that I illustrated at Home Brew Agency at the Apple Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/wonder-woman/id1241224506
As you can see, stickers provide more real estate for detail and depicting action. When you submit a figurative drawing that is complex, the face will probably become too small to read within a line of text. If a hand or other extra detail is required to express a specific emotion or action, enlarge the head (think cartoon proportions) to accommodate. Too many details will become a muddy mess once the emoji is live. Bold and concise is best.
As with all illustration projects, a few minutes of thumbnail sketches in the beginning, will save you hours in the end. Work out the kinks and discover the design challenges now, before you take the time to build out a polished finish.
Show your favorite concepts to the client. They’ll have ideas from there. Entering the second round of sketching is still faster than repeatedly editing a finished illustration. Thumbnails don’t need to be perfect. This is the stage when you and the client get to experiment with concepts.
If this is a personal project, ask some friends what they think of your thumbnails. There are also online design hubs like Dribbble, where you may get feedback from other artists and professionals. You will become a stronger artist and more resilient to critique.
Have I ever gone straight to a finish (without a sketch)? In a few cases, when a client’s request was unambiguous, and the turnaround was ultra-tight, yes. Entertainment advertising deadlines are no joke. I fondly call these assignments emoji emergencies.
However, rushing will often lead to mistakes. Mistakes cost money. I wouldn’t recommend skipping the sketch phase or blasting through a finish if you can help it. Don’t be afraid to communicate this to the client, either. You’re the artist. You know your capabilities.
Time yourself on a trial run if you aren’t sure. Does it take you less than an hour to build a representation of a flower or a symbol, but triple that amount of time to draw a face? How long does it take you to create a collage of three celebrity likenesses? Be open about your production timeline with the client. Why not share a sample chart with your work and how long each piece took you to create? This way, everyone involved can plan adequately.
If you aren’t already in love with the magical world of infinite scalability, get comfortable using a vector-based illustration program now. Specific platforms (such as Twitter) will require it. When you scale a vector image file, there will be no loss of quality. Due to the need for responsive artwork capable of adapting to varying screen sizes, vector files are necessary for modern design.
I recommend that you build vector art from scratch. Should you chose to skip ahead by using image trace, be prepared to do clean up work. Diligently remove any excess information you don’t genuinely need. The fewer points you use, the smoother your curves will be. As for texture, you can produce a lot of incredible imagery and depth within a program such as Adobe Illustrator. A quick google search will fill in your knowledge gaps. Just remember to economical with your choices early on so that future edits will be a breeze.
Now that your polished emoji is ready for its debut — test it. Consider mocking up your emoji in a line of text for your chosen platform to avoid any mishaps. That way, both you and the client will know how well it will work in reality. Share a sharp, full-size preview of your working file with your audience as well. Though it will appear significantly smaller when live, we are here to make beautiful representations of characters and emotions.
Emoji development is a rewarding challenge. Enjoy the sense of accomplishment and share your work with the world. I look forward to seeing your creations go live!
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mi5019tomberry · 7 months
Video Ideas
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With the coffee video above as a point of reference for this project, I scribbled out a couple of visual ideas about this project. Then to get a better understanding of what I liked about the coffee visuals, I briefly analysed the progression of the video some the stylisation to each drawing which acts as visual entertainment and symbolic/literal representations of what is being discussed. I need my own symbols to be a little more abstract as that is the nature of this module, I want to experiment and explore shape and iconography and play around with repetition, shapes and transitions to get a short punchy video about AI. I need to keep things simple with enough room to play around until I can find a happy medium between practicality and creativity so that I end up with a finished product that I like.
Kurzgesagt is another channel with engaging colourful visuals and I will draw inspiration from the harmony between the bright animation and the calm curious voice-over. I don't have access to voice-overs myself so I could try it myself, find a friend or use AI, I haven't decided yet as whatever I decide upon can play into the tone of the video - silly VS serious or both.
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Some more ideas I was playing around with, I was taking a bit too many notes and started leaning into narrative too much and which takes away from the abstract visuals that are the core premise of this project. I need to find fun trippy methods to transition between each visual subject guided by the narration and sound effects to explore the topic of AI either from my own perspective or that of the artist or an average Joe.
I am aiming for a light-hearted somewhat informative style of video so I want to replicate in some ways the TV static and old fashioned radio voice in training videos from decades ago. The video above is a satire of the same style of video focused around surviving in the apocalypse with a little character guided by a narrator. Again, I don't want a character to be the focus and instead want to maintain a fluidity of motion all of which is guided by sound and music.
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For the projection side of things, I need to figure out a way to give it that vintage educational video aesthetic so once I have animated a clean version of the video, I will need to rough it up with TV static, grain etc... I want to go for an old cathode ray tube style or as if it was made using film to give it a more interesting visual aesthetic. I may use some of the tutorials above but I have not looked deeply into this side of things yet however I do know that I will need to try and build my own old fashioned TV out of cardboard or find an old cheap TV that I could play it on.
For this project I am aiming to make something that incorporates stylistic elements from similar videos to the one above and also the motion graphics feel of the coffee video.
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I started thinking about the limitations of the project because that is where I have messed up in the past; there is only a small window of time for me to make this animation and the duration cuts short any detailed expansion. Topics need to be covered in brief aided by visuals fast paced dialogue and visuals. Just to get a judgement of the depth of my dialogue, I counted the words in the coffee video which came to 109 words in 34 seconds; concise narration is crucial if I am adding narration.
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There's a lot of similarity between these shapes for simple transitions of key topics of this video:
Robotics = Cog
AI = OpenAI logo
Earth & Humanity = Globe
Digital Humanity = Digital Globe
Whilst searching for that iconography I found out about The Noun Project which has 5,000,000 icons for different topics which could be essential building blocks that I can expand upon when trying to represent complex themes with simple geometry.
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eleristanton · 10 months
// IMAX Branding \\
I looked on their corporate information page on their website and found how they branded themselves in their own words. 
“IMAX Corporation is an entertainment technology company, specialising in motion-picture technologies and large-format motion-picture presentations. Leading the way in immersive theatre experiences since 1968”
I also looked into different marketing campaigns that IMAX have already done, such as the “Films to the Fullest” brand design system that they partnered with TBWA/Chiat/Day Los Angeles. The customer landscape was confused due to competitors entering into the marketplace. Therefore their message got lost in the sea of other cinema campaigns and new films coming out. So they created a new campaign with film posters “To the Fullest” This created ‘The IMAX Frame’ that became synonyms with the brand. 
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I also checked on their logo font as I thought that was an important detail when even considering any design. Microgramma D OT Bold Extended by URW software. 
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I found that the colours synonyms with the brand is the bright blue and black in the logo as well as excluded in silver whenever animated.
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iamvector · 10 months
How to make a creative 3D professional logo design?
Consider strolling down a bustling downtown street, past stores and companies of various types. Among the busy people and bright lights, one item stands out: a spectacular 3D logo that appears to burst out of the shop’s window. It’s a monument to the power of design, making a lasting impression in a sea of enterprises.
Have you ever wondered how these eye-catching 3D professional logos are made? What goes into creating a logo that symbolizes a company and stands out in a crowded market?
Today, we’re going on a creative trip to discover the secrets of creating jaw-dropping 3D professional logos. So, are you ready to enter the design realm and learn how to create a memorable logo? Let’s start by delving into the art and science of this engaging kind of branding.
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What is 3D Professional Logo Design?
A 3D professional logo design includes three-dimensional components that provide depth, dimension, and realism. 3D logos give an added degree of visual appeal by imitating depth and giving the brand a more alive aspect. These are the inverse of 2D logos, which are flat and two-dimensional. 
In a 3D logo design, components of the logo appear to burst out from the backdrop or fade into the distance. This may be accomplished using a variety of design strategies. It incorporates shading, lighting effects, and perspective. You may also utilize gradients to create the appearance of depth. To produce these effects, digital design tools and software are frequently used.
Businesses and organizations wishing to project a modern, dynamic, high-tech image choose 3D professional logo designs. These logos may be incredibly successful in technology, entertainment, gaming, and architecture. Here, a sense of depth and dimension can increase a brand’s visual impact.
Creative Concept Development
Creative idea creation is a cornerstone in 3D professional logo design. It pushes visual identities to new heights. A systematic approach to concept creation is essential. It sets the foundation for a brand’s distinct and memorable portrayal. 
The combination of creative inventiveness and technological expertise is equal to creating a visual symphony. It connects with the target audience. To create a capturing logo, designers must manage the dynamic interplay of form, color, and symbolism. You can also select formats for your projects. It can be SVG icons, PNG image,s or JPEG images.
Aspiring designers explore the complexities of 3D logo development. They traverse a realm where innovation meets elegance. Learners are prepared with a broad skill set that extends beyond the limitations of traditional graphic design. It ranges from creating distinctive brand identities to understanding the technical subtleties of 3D rendering tools. 
Tools and Software for 3D Logo Design
Making a 3D logo can be thrilling! To begin, you may use tools such as Adobe Illustrator or CorelDRAW to create your logo’s fundamental shapes and features. Once you have the 2D version, you may add depth and dimension with 3D modeling tools. Blender is a capable and free alternative, while Autodesk Maya and Cinema 4D are also famous. If you don’t want to get into complete 3D modeling, specialized 3D text generators online will allow you to tweak and save your logo. 
Read rest of the article here
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iconverty · 1 year
10 Life-Changing Tips about Social Media
Social media can have a profound impact on our lives, both positive and negative. Social media can be a powerful tool for communication, networking, and entertainment when used mindfully. 
Social media platforms enable people from all corners of the world to connect and communicate instantly. This has greatly expanded the reach of communication and allows individuals to stay connected with friends, family, and colleagues regardless of geographical boundaries.
Image converters enable you to easily adapt your images to fit the specific requirements of different social media platforms. Whether it's resizing, cropping, or changing the file format, these tools ensure your visuals look their best on each platform.
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Images play a crucial role in social media:
Images are a fundamental component of social media because they enhance engagement, convey messages effectively, and contribute to the overall appeal and success of your social media presence, whether for personal use or business marketing.
PNG to JPG converter online is perfect for a wide range of applications. Whether you're a professional photographer, graphic designer, or simply need to convert images for personal use, this tool can help you get the job done quickly and easily. It ensures your data is handled with care, and no images or personal information are stored. Your privacy is protected. 
With its intuitive user interface, you can effortlessly transform your JPGs into high-quality PNGs without any pixelation or loss in detail. This versatility ensures that you can convert PNG to JPG for your specific requirements, whether it's for web design, graphic design, social media, or other purposes.
10 life-changing tips about social media:
Visual Engagement: Humans are naturally drawn to visuals. Images capture attention more effectively than text alone. Scrolling through a feed filled with images is more engaging and visually stimulating.
First Impressions: In many cases, your profile picture and cover photo are the first things people see when they visit your social media profile. A well-chosen image can make a strong first impression.
Storytelling: Images can tell a story or convey a message quickly and effectively. They can evoke emotions, making your content more relatable and memorable.
Brand Identity: For businesses and personal brands, consistent and visually appealing imagery helps establish and reinforce brand identity. People often associate logos, colors, and visual styles with specific brands.
Increased Shareability: Posts with images are more likely to be shared, liked, and commented on. Visual content is easily shareable, helping to increase the reach of your messages.
Improved Click-Through Rates: In social media advertising, using compelling images in your ad campaigns can significantly increase click-through rates and conversions.
Visual Communication: Images can simplify complex ideas or convey information more effectively than text. Infographics, for example, are popular for sharing data and statistics.
Showcasing Products and Services: For businesses, social media is a powerful platform to showcase products or services. High-quality images can highlight the features and benefits of what you offer.
Enhancing SEO: On platforms like Instagram and Pinterest, using relevant images with proper descriptions and tags can improve discoverability and search engine optimization (SEO).
Global Appeal: Images are a universal language. They can transcend language barriers, making your content accessible to a broader global audience. Large image files can slow down loading times on social media, leading to a less pleasant user experience. PNG to JPG converter can compress and optimize your images to maintain quality while reducing file sizes, ensuring fast load times.
Memorability: People tend to remember images better than text. If you want your message to stick in someone's mind, accompany it with a memorable image.
Expressing Creativity: Social media provides a platform for creativity and self-expression. Images allow individuals and brands to showcase their creativity and uniqueness.
Breaking Up Text: On platforms where longer posts are common, such as Facebook and LinkedIn, images can break up text and make it more digestible.
Image converters play an important role in crafting eye-catching content for social media. These tools allow you to transform, enhance, and optimize your images to make them more engaging and visually appealing. 
Choosing an online image converter can offer numerous benefits such as convenience, versatility, affordability, user-friendliness, accessibility, and data security. It provides a convenient and efficient way to convert PNG to different formats for various purposes, making it a practical choice for individuals and businesses alike.
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farhanali55 · 1 year
Mastering the Art of Creating a Vector YouTube Logo
YouTube has become a powerful platform for content creators to showcase their talents, share knowledge, and entertain millions of viewers worldwide. A visually appealing and professional logo is crucial for establishing brand identity and attracting an audience. Creating a vector YouTube logo offers several advantages, such as scalability, versatility, and high-quality output. In this article, we will explore the art of mastering the creation of a vector YouTube logo.
Understanding Vector Graphics:
Before delving into the process of creating a vector YouTube logo, it is essential to understand what vector graphics are. Unlike raster graphics (such as JPEG or PNG), which are composed of pixels, vector graphics use mathematical equations to define shapes and lines. This unique characteristic allows vector graphics to be infinitely scalable without losing any quality, making them ideal for logos.
Conceptualization and Sketching:
The first step in creating a vector YouTube logo is conceptualization. Take the time to brainstorm ideas, consider your brand identity, and think about the message you want to convey through your logo. Once you have a clear vision, start sketching rough outlines on paper or using digital sketching tools to give your ideas a visual form.
Choosing the Right Design Software:
To bring your sketched concept to life in vector format, you'll need a design software that supports vector graphics. Popular options include Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW, Inkscape, and Affinity Designer. Choose the software that suits your preferences and skill level.
Creating Basic Shapes:
Begin by creating basic shapes that form the foundation of your logo. Use the shape tools available in your chosen design software to create circles, squares, triangles, or any other shapes that align with your concept. Keep in mind that vector graphics allow for smooth curves and clean lines, so ensure your shapes are precise and well-defined.
Adding Details and Typography:
Once you have the basic shapes in place, start adding details that enhance your logo's aesthetics. This may include lines, gradients, patterns, or custom illustrations. Additionally, carefully select a font or create a custom typography style that complements your logo and reflects your brand's personality.
Color Selection:
Choosing the right colors is crucial in logo design, as they evoke emotions and contribute to brand recognition. Opt for a color scheme that aligns with your brand's identity and resonates with your target audience. Ensure your colors are well-balanced, visually appealing, and consider using Pantone or CMYK color values to maintain consistency across different platforms.
Refining and Finalizing:
After adding all the necessary elements, it's time to refine and finalize your vector YouTube logo. Pay attention to details, adjust proportions, and ensure everything is visually cohesive. Zoom in to check for any imperfections or inconsistencies and make necessary tweaks. Once you are satisfied with the final result, save your logo in a vector file format (such as SVG or AI) to preserve its scalability and quality.
Testing and Implementing:
Before unveiling your logo to the world, conduct tests to ensure it looks visually appealing and functions well across different devices and platforms. Try scaling it up and down, viewing it on various screens, and experimenting with different backgrounds. Once you are confident in its versatility, implement your vector YouTube logo across your channel, social media profiles, website, and any other relevant platforms.
Mastering the art of creating a vector YouTube logo requires a combination of creativity, design skills, and attention to detail. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a professional and visually captivating logo that represents your brand effectively. Remember to continuously refine and adapt your logo as your channel evolves, ensuring it remains a powerful symbol of your content and identity on the vibrant platform that is YouTube.
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logocreatorbd · 1 year
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🎤 Do you want to introduce your brand? ☘ So why delay now create an attractive creative professional unique logo design for your company or organization that plays an important role in your business and adds value to the company. 📢 Our Services:- 👉 Logo design (with 3D mockup) 👉 Visiting card design 👉 Company ID Card Design 👉 Company Pad Design 👉 Cash memo design 👉 Facebook cover photo design 👉 Business page set up design 👉 Facebook Boost 👉 Google Business Setup Professionally 👉 Gmail signature ✅ The files you will get after work are JPG, JPEG, PNG, PSD, PDF, AI, EPS 📢 We also have website design service ☘ The websites we build ☘ ☑ 1. E-commerce website ☑ 2. Corporate website ☑ 3. Online news portal ☑ 4. Travel website ☑ 5. School-college website ☑ 6. Restaurant Waysite ☑ 7. Real estate website ☑ 8. Entertainment and media websites ☑ 9. Hospital and Clinic Website ☑ 10. Buying, Garments website and any personal and business website 📢 Apart from this, we also have printing services:- ✅ School, madrasa, college pocket badge printing Label and solder badge printing Dyeing, printing tie ✅ ID card ribbon printing Visiting card printing ID card printing ✅ Company Pad Printing Cash memo printing Message or call for any design, printing, website etc Call: +8801568958969 (Whatsapp) Gmail: [email protected]
#SimpleLogo#flatlogo#ClassicLogo#ArabicLogo#logoflow#Textlogo#fontlogo#Gorgeouslogo #logo #logotypes #logotype
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gamersflix · 1 year
New Product has been published on GamersFlix
New Product has been published on https://gamersflix.com/product/kuu-notebook-intel-celeron-j4105-student-laptops/
KUU Notebook Intel Celeron J4105 Student Laptops
KUU Notebook Intel Celeron J4105 Student Laptops
Each of our laptops will help customers to install the system and can be used normally. Please do not replace other systems on our laptops without authorization. This may cause some drivers to be lost. If this happens, the customer Is responsible for himself, we can help you solve the problem, but we do not assume the problem of system incompatibility is caused by reinstalling the system. If you think what I said is unreasonable, please don’t buy it, thank you for your cooperation!
Ultra Thin Notebook, 14.1inch 1920*1080P IPS Display.
Intel Celeron J4105 four-core Processor.
Intel UHD graphics 600 GPU,
8GB DDR4 RAM And 128GB SSD Storage.
Pre-installed Windows 11 Pro System by default.
2.4G/5G WiFi and Bluetooth.
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14.1 inch 1920x1080P FHD Display
KUU Xbook comes with a 14.1-inch 1920×1080 IPS display, giving you vivid colors and an unbounded vision.
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Powerful Upgrade CPU for Smooth Experience, install Windows 11 Pro system
KUU Xbook is powered by an Intel Celeron J4105 processor. Intel processors help apps load faster and allow multiple tasks to run simultaneously without lag.
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Blazing-fast, Mass Storage
KUU Xbook of up to 8GB RAM allows multiple tasks to run simultaneously without lag, while 128G/256G/512G SSD provides plenty of room for your documents, photos, and videos.
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Front Speakers Deliver Stereo Enjoyment
By optimizing the internal design of the device, Xbook adopts a front speaker design that lets users hear the sound directly, giving a better stereo effect and more powerful sound.
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Long and Safe Battery Life, 30W front camera
Equipped with a 3800mAh Li-polymer battery, you will enjoy long-lasting work and entertainment battery life.
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Basic Information:
Brand: KUU
Model: Xbook
Material of back cover ( With logo ): plastic
OS: Windows 11 Pro
CPU: Intel Celeron Processor J4105
Core: 4 Core 4 Threads
Graphics Type: Integrated Graphics
Graphics Chipset: Intel UHD 600 Graphics
ROM: 128GB/256G/512G SSD
Bluetooth: 4.2
LAN Card: No
Support Network: 2.4GHz/5.0GHz,WiFi
WIFI: 802.11 ac
Screen type: FHD, IPS
Screen size: 14.1 inch
Display Ratio: 16:9
Screen resolution: 1920 x 1080 (FHD)
Camera type: Single camera
Front camera: 0.3MP
Audio Jack: 3.5mm Earphone / Mic
Card Reader Interface: Yes
DC Jack: Yes
TF card slot: Yes
USB Host: Yes (1x USB 3.0 Host, 2x USB 2.0 Hot)
Mini-HDMI Compatible
Battery type: 3800mAh, Li-on polymer battery
Power device Type: AC Adapter, 100-240V / 12V 2A
Languages: Supports multi-language
Media Formats:
3D Games: Supported
MS Office format: Excel, PPT, Word
Music format: AAC, FLAC, MP3, WMA
Picture format: BMP, GIF, JPEG, JPG, PNG
Video format: 1080P, AVI,H.264, MP4, MPEG4
Product weight: 1.25 kg
Package weight: 1.8 kg
Product size (L x W x H): 32.10 x 21.00 x 1.8 cm
Package size (L x W x H): 38.00 x 24.30 x 8.3 cm
Package Contents:
1 x Notebook
1 x Charger
Gift 1: Keyboard Stickers
Our keyboard is the QWERTY English standard version, but we will send keyboard stickers of other languages below as a gift. If you need it, just leave us a message.
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Gift 2: plug Adapter
We will send an EU/US/UK/Australia/New Zealand plug adapter as a gift.  This is good if you plan to move or travel to other places other than the United States.
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1) Storage and Language
The original keyboards are English. We only have Russian, Spanish, German, French, Arabic, and Hebrew stickers. The OS of our device supports 100+ languages.
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kilopgene · 2 years
Contra returns logo
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By increasing max level cap to 310, more difficulty on event mode has unlock as well. Use Quint and select your ability along the way, experience different type of gameplay each run and win the reward! New 2nd Anniversary Version is now online, all type of rewards waiting for you Konami famous IP collaboration: Jackal, Green Beret and Life Force classic scene and Boss all remaster at here.
Remember the secret code of KONAMI? After 30 years, the contra that you and I familiar is back! Publish by Garena, collaboration from famous japanese game company KONAMI and Tencent Timi has developed this classic title on mobile”Contra Returns”! “Contra: Returns” remain the classic side scrolling shoot em up mechanic, unique two player playstyle, Alien Boss that appear for the pass series, each scene and music bring out the original title atmosphere completely! Brand new HD Graphics and 3D Character Model, all the amazing effect will give you a different visual experience! PVP mode, unique heroes, pet system and party mode ignite your spirit instantly! Return of the Legendary Hero Bill and lance, let us fight together and save the world!
But let’s just hope that the much loved series is treated with the respect it deserves.Garena Contra Returns Apk 1. It’s nice to hear of the return of an old friend. Remember the secret code: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A to get extra lives After a 30-year hiatus, the Contra you know and love is.
Search more high quality free transparent png images on and share it with. It is important that you check your order or items upon receipt and always before use. We reserve the right to change this Returns Policy at any time. The reimagined version of the popular classic. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. T-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more, designed and sold by independent artists around the world.
In addition, Konami also went on to reaffirm their plans to use more of their traditional retro franchises in the same way, stating that they plan to:Ĭontinue to distribute new titles from its various IPs across a range of devices, platforms, and game formats, to provide customers worldwide with new and exciting entertainment. Download Contra Timeline - Contra Return Logo Png PNG image for free. Our Returns Policy forms part of, and must be read in conjunction with, our Terms and Conditions of Sale. Konamis new Contra Returns mobile game is finally available for Android and iOS fans to download and play. High quality Contra Returns Contra Returns Contra Returns Contra Returns-inspired gifts and merchandise. and Blacklist Games, players can experience Contra as a four-player co-op board game. Will retain the style and themes that Contra fans know and love. After 34 years, Contra will finally get its own tabletop game in 2021. Within the announcement Konami stated that the side-scrolling shooter: We can still hope for some classic Contra gameplay, can’t we? However, that might not be the only blow to everyone who was hoping for a return to Contra of old, as this game has currently only been announced for release in China, and will feature a free to play mechanic. As such, this new Contra title is being developed exclusively for iOS and Android. Whilst still without an official title, we do nevertheless have some details about Contra’s return, and these plans follow Konami’s recent decision to focus on the mobile market. However, this may not be the return you’d hoped for. Shop unique artist designs on fabrics, clothing, homeware & accessories. This week Konami announced that Contra, one of the company’s most loved retro franchises, is set to make a comeback. The contra that you and I familiar is back Publish by Garena, collaboration from famous Japanese game company KONAMI and Tencent Timi has developed this classic title on mobile 'Contra Returns' with famous Masami Kurumada manga adaptation mobile game Saint Seiya: Awakening collaboration.
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adagreys · 2 years
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greyssj · 2 years
Mods ski region simulator 2012 maps
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#Mods ski region simulator 2012 maps install#
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Cattle and Crops American Truck Simulator Recent Ski-Region-Simulator 2012 Mods. Nov 7, 2011: New screenshots of the upcoming Skiregion-Simulator 2012 DLC1 from GIANTS Software are available here.
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A fun experience for a lazy afternoonĪll in all, Ski Region Simulator 2012 gets boring rather fast, but you always find yourself returning to it just to pass the time, since the game world is so vast and you can simply observe the landscape as you drive around the mountain peaks. Fs 15 Kamyon ModuDownload FS 19 maps mods and enjoy the highest quality. Moreover, people just pass through you and they do not seem to mind the snow plowers either, since they can simply walk over them with ease. One of them is the collision mechanics, which are pretty basic and don't do very much anyway, since nothing can be broken or destroyed. Technical-wise, the game cannot exactly be called realistic, since there are a lot of things that do not behave as they should. There are a variety of snow groomers and plowers you can drive around the resort, all of which are quite easy to control, as long as you do not find yourself suspended somewhere, without the possibility to move. The missions, however, usually require you to be aboard a vehicle, in order to be able to carry out the desired task. It is worth noting that the game world is actually quite large and completely open to exploration, which means that you can always just go for a stroll on the nearby mountains. Right from the bat, various assignments start pouring in, which require you to take care of certain situations around the resort, using the facilities that are under your ownership. The action takes place somewhere in the Swiss Alps and you start off with barely a few possessions to your name, but a lot of ambition and funds that await to be spent in the right places. of the virtual Earth according to their own construction company logo png. Thus, whether the slopes need cleaning, or there's someone in danger, you are the one who must intervene and make sure everything runs as smoothly as possible. BBQs) & location -Only a few short blocks to town and ski lifts yet on a. Ski Region Simulator 2012 gives you a first-hand experience on what it means to own such an establishment and puts everything at your disposal in order to provide the visitors with everything they need to enjoy their vacation. In the case of ski resorts, there are a lot of things to consider, such as motels, ski slopes and equipment, as well as the required vehicles to maintain the area and intervene in case of emergencies. The Ski Region Simulator contains plenty of features and possibilities: In the career mode you enter a unique and large winter landscape and experience.
#Mods ski region simulator 2012 maps install#
Because of the improved mod system you are able to install the new content easily and automatically.Winter is a magical season, and not only for the tourists that go on vacation to relax, but also for those who own ski resorts and various other establishments that provide entertainment and relaxation for weary travelers. If the variety of machinery does not meet your needs, you can download plenty of vehicles, equipment and other modifications from the Internet. LSBrandi Modding presents the Grosseck Map for Skiregion Simulator 2012 Immerse yourself in an authentic ski resort.
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Thanks to the cooperation and official license of Kässbohrer you take control of authentic Pistenbully snow groomers. Liens des mods dans la description 21 pisode des tests de mods, dans lequel vous allez dcouvrir la map Kronstein 1.1, par Austrian Modding Te. Through several activities you build up financial resources allowing you to buy better equipment. Welcome To Tarkov Learn everything you need to know about the Customs map in. In the career mode you enter a unique and large winter landscape and experience the workaday life in the swiss alps in a completely adapted and freely accessible world. 12 Patch,Weight (KG),Rub price,Damage,Accuracy (),Recoil (),Penetration. Liens des mods dans la description 27 pisode des tests de mods, dans lequel vous allez dcouvrir la map Fauners V2, cre par AustrianModdingT. The "Ski Region Simulator Gold Edition" contains plenty of features and possibilities:
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