#ep: mauerpark
fell-4u · 2 years
I just noticed this...
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tatort ep “Mauerpark”
unnecessary touches that are necessary because they’re dating.
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felixstark · 2 years
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tatort ep “Mauerpark”
I love all of these pics but the last one is still the highlight of this day.
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valkoinenlintu · 2 years
agender and maverique flags color picked from tatort berlin
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tatort ep "Mauerpark"
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tatort ep "Der vierte Mann"
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heilewelt · 5 years
2019 is over. Here are a few things I loved.
This year went by way too fast and occasionally I feel like I haven’t done anything, haven’t experienced anything. Busy with a full-time job time flies by and it’s been way too quiet on here. However, in the last couple of days I reflected on the musical side of the year, wondering if I experienced as little as I think and remembered some very fine moments, concerts, album I fell utterly in love with and new discoveries.
Orville Peck is the combination of all. I did an interview with him earlier this year and he has been such a great conversation partner and seeing him live just made be fall in love forever and always. I’m fascinated by the way he creates his character on stage and his performance – somewhere between a Country star and the theatrical elements of an musical and musically influenced by all kind of genres, even punk and grunge. I kept returning to his debut album “Pony” all year long. This love won’t be over anytime soon.
Most loved concerts in 2019 in no particular order:
Patti Smith.
Archive. Favorite all-time band. 25. Anniversary concert in Paris. Do I need to say more? This band keeps being incredible.
Reignwolf returned to Berlin with a new album “Hear Me Out” and it was one hell of a show. Purest Rock’n’Roll. Sweat was involved.
The Raconteurs. 10 years. It was about time. I went to see them in London, Cologne and Berlin and it was such a joy!
KISS. The best. The last concert in Berlin. Perfect.
Caspian are an absolute must live. They always made me feel all the feeling – joy and sadness were lying so close when I saw them live in Dresden. They didn’t play in Berlin this year, so I had to travel to the nearest town.
Ida Mae are such a wonderful, heartfelt band. I saw them a few times this year and every time they got better and better. Glad they are stubborn and wouldn’t want to be a country pop duo but a very fine Blues influenced Folk music.  
Low Cut Connie was a complete surprise. I remember winning the tickets and thinking I’d see a nice quite Folk band as I haven’t checked their out beforehand. Boy, was I wrong! Jerry Lee Lewis meets Elvis meets Elton John. What a live band – within a  minute they had me dancing.  
Faces On TV got me dancing.
North Mississippi Allstars reminded me what (live) music is for when I almost forgot it: to make you forget about daily life and enjoy the moment. What amazing talents and what a joy of playing live.
The Picturebooks are another band to save Rock’n’Roll. Always fun to watch.
Matt Andersen doesn’t need much. He just sits there with his guitar and it’s all you need. He makes you dance, feel, laugh. His energy and laughter always blows me away.
My favorite festivals couldn’t be more different from each other: Watt En Schlick on the beaches of Dangast, Germany, this August and the UK version of AmericanaFest which takes place in a couple of small clubs in Hackney, London, UK. Both are not very big and feel just intimate in a way. Friendly people who organize the festivals, great audience and the selection of the artists is very diverse. I loved both festivals.
Albums, EPs or songs that have been played a whole lot this year in no particular order: The Raconteurs “Help Us Stranger” – I’ve been waiting for this album 10 years and I’m so glad these four found their way back into the studio.
Reuben And The Dark “UnLove” – I love Reuben voice for so many years but with “UnLove” it felt like a renewed love. Especially the song “Breath” gets me every single time.
Poor Nameless Boy “Wake Up Call” – for reasons I don’t understand his music always feels like home, very comfortable, even when the topics are not that comfortable. 
deFrance “Second Wind” – I should’ve written a review about it. I met Drew DeFrance earlier this year at Americana Fest UK when he played guitar for Arkansas Dave. “Second Wind” is a bit of old school Rock’n’Roll, some Friday night music but for me it just doesn’t get boring. I enjoy it so much and feel terrible for not writing the deserved review about it. Listen to them. Just do it. 
Arkansas Dave “Live at Music in the Park at Montreux Festival” – Dave’s live energy is fantastic. I travelled to AmericanaFest London in January 2019 mainly to see him live and he’s so good. The live recordings from the Montreux Festival capture his energy on stage perfectly. Rock, blues and fabulous guitar play. Great dude as well. Hopefully I get to see him again in 2020.
Great Defeat – “A supergroup of bands you’ve never heard of” is written in their twitter bio but I know the bands and I love them and therefore I love this band.
Sunset Sons “Blood Rush Déjà vu” – “Alien” on repeat.
The Glorious Sons “A War on Everything” – Actually my album of the year, with “Panik Attack” being my hymn for the year.
Blown Away Soundtrack – It’s a movie by two guys travelling the world, meeting musicians in every country and compiling this wonderful record. My favorite song is “Radiate” with Jack Mantis. I saw it live after the movie was shown in Berlin and couldn’t forget it.
Sam Isaac “This Year” – This EP is the reason you shouldn’t start your End of the Year list beginning of December. It was released on the 27th of December. He could have joined Great Defeat as my love for his music come from the same time and because of the same record label Alcopop. I stumbled over his new EP on the 27th when it was released. I didn’t knew it was coming. That evening I listened to it until I fell asleep.
My favorite new discoveries:
Rival Karma are so much fun. Gotta love this bearded, guitar/drum, rock’n’roll duo.
Rosborough has a sweet Irish accent and makes heartfelt music.
I found Ian Noe through an instagram post of Jason Momoa. What a beautiful deep voice!
Beranger are super fun. Their concerts are fun. They have classical piano and Pop and Beranger is an entertainer par excellence. Whether it’s on a small floating stage or a sold out venue in Berlin. He plays Mauerpark, Berlin, and there you just can’t sit quietly on your piano to have the people stop at your place. Certainly one’s to watch.
Willie Jones combines Rap with Country. Sounds like it doesn’t fit? When Willie Jones takes care of it, it’s a perfect match but to experience his music to the fullest you got to see him live!
And now let’s get 2020 started with a bit more live music and a few more words written!
Thank you for reading,
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Performance | Alice Phoebe Lou | TEDxBerlin
Alice Phoebe Lou is a passionate street musician originally from South Africa. She shares some of her own story and music at TEDxBerlin The Next Step (http://www.tedxberlin.de). Alice Phoebe Lou's debut album "Orbit" will be released globally (ex-N.America) on the 22nd of April, 2016. Pre-order here and get the single and a unheard bonus track: https://alicephoebelou.lnk.to/Orbit Alice Phoebe Lou is a force to be reckoned with. Growing up in Kommitje, South Africa, Alice knew that as soon as she finished school she would pack up her things and see the world. And that's what she did: She packed a bag at the age of 19, went off to Europe in search of adventure, and found her path playing music in the streets of Amsterdam and Berlin. After settling in the German capital in 2013, she began performing in U-Bahn stations and street corners, and started drawing increasing numbers of listeners every time she played. After less than a year in the city, she has become a fixture of Berlin's vibrant street sounds, whether on the famous bridge to Friedrichshain or at the Mauerpark on Sundays. The few shows Alice has played in a clubs have sold out, the latest being at Berlin's Lido for the release of her first EP, Momentum. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx
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lachansonceleste · 7 years
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© Romy Maxime
Léon / 30 novembre 2016 / MUSIQUE
MUSIQUE: Alice Phoebe Lou, la douceur folk à contre-courant
C’est en août 2015 que j’ai rencontré pour la première fois Alice Phoebe Lou. Outre ses nuits sans fin, à la population éclectique et vitaminée, Berlin vit aussi de jour. Les coins de rue et les endroits comme Mauerpark regorgent de musiciens plus singuliers les uns que les autres. Alice Phoebe Lou fait partie de ceux-là, de ceux devant lesquels on souhaite s’arrêter en sirotant un club maté, hypnotisé le temps d’un instant. Assise par terre à la sortie de station Warschauer Straße – où j’apprendrai plus tard qu’elle est une habituée – je suis très vite captivée par la musique folk de la jeune artiste.
Du Cap à Berlin
Originaire d’Afrique du Sud, Alice Phoebe Lou grandit à Kommetjie, un coin reculé dans les montagnes à 40km du Cap. Ses parents documentaristes la baignent dès son plus jeune âge dans l’art, du théâtre à la danse, en passant par la musique. Elle décide pour l’été de ses 16 ans de réaliser son premier voyage en Europe. Arrivée à Paris, elle s’émerveille devant les joueurs de feu et choisit de pratiquer elle aussi. Elle ira par la suite à Amsterdam, multipliant les rencontres et les spectacles. Une expérience inspirante et formatrice qu’elle considérera dure parfois face aux épreuves de la rue. L’été touche à sa fin, Alice Phoebe Lou retourne finalement en Afrique du Sud pour terminer ses études.
En 2013, avide de voyager à nouveau, elle se met en chemin pour Berlin. Cette fois-ci ses poïs enflammés sont mis de côté et c’est au chant et à la guitare qu’elle s’essaye. Elle devient alors musicienne de rue et commence à composer ses propres chansons. La communauté artistique berlinoise l’accueille rapidement et lui permet d’assurer diverses collaborations. Elle rencontre celui qui sera son futur acolyte de performance, le multi-instrumentaliste Matteo Pavesi.
Adoptée par la ville, les spectacles de rue s’enchainent pour la sud-africaine et le succès est au rendez-vous. Les admirateurs sont de plus en plus nombreux à assister à ses représentations, attirés par l’énergie extraordinaire qui émane de la musicienne. Sa voix parfois fragile, mais galvanisée par son assurance, surprend et émeut. En avril 2014, elle réalise un premier EP intitulé Momentum dans lequel on retrouve les excellents « Berlin Blues » et « Grey ». Produit par 5 personnes différentes, il est à la fois enregistré à Berlin et en Afrique du Sud.
“ The songs themselves are about many things; the exhilaration and difficulties in my nomadic lifestyle, my idealistic and anarchistic views about the world and the human condition, my observations of the people I meet along my journeys and trials of the heart.
Une authenticité rare
Née un an avant la fin de l’apartheid, Alice Phoebe Lou est imprégnée par de fortes valeurs sociales et désirs d’émancipation que lui inculquent ses parents. On retrouve cet héritage dans ses musiques qui sont pour la plupart engagées et appellent au changement.
Au-delà de son talent indéniable, ce que l’on remarque chez Alice Phoebe Lou c’est sa force de caractère et son indépendance d’esprit. Ses expériences à travers l’Europe et outre-Atlantique la confortent dans l’idée de vivre de sa passion. Néanmoins, sa volonté intransigeante de ne pas transformer ce qu’elle fait en business reste inchangée. Son public s’étonne de ne pas la voir signer avec une maison de disque, alors que les propositions sont pourtant florissantes. La sud-africaine décline les offres, reprochant à l’industrie musicale d’être un milieu trop formaté. Elle refuse le succès conventionnel, s’affranchit d’une factice sécurité. Elle privilégie au contraire le lien direct avec son public, ce qui lui vaudra sa belle authenticité. En 2014, elle signe avec BMG Rights Management et Mesanic Publishing, un jeune label basé à Kreuzberg en adéquation avec ses valeurs. Elle s’est récemment vue proposer d’être la première partie de Coldplay pour leur tournée européenne, mais l’artiste préfère son public de rue et les concerts plus intimistes.
Son premier album « Orbit » auto-produit avec des amis est sorti le 22 avril dernier. A 23 ans, Alice Phoebe Lou continue de vivre à contre-courant, à notre plus grand émerveillement.
Pour celles et ceux qui seraient intéressés par sa folk envoûtante, vous la retrouverez à Amsterdam le 17 janvier prochain ainsi qu’en Allemagne pour une suite de concerts au début de l’année 2017.
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someleaves · 7 years
https://youtube.com/watch?v=BepU74BYOtg Alice Phoebe Lou is a passionate street musician originally from South Africa. She shares some of her own story and music at TEDxBerlin The Next Step (http://www.tedxberlin.de). Alice Phoebe Lou's debut album "Orbit" will be released globally (ex-N.America) on the 22nd of April, 2016. Pre-order here and get the single and a unheard bonus track: https://alicephoebelou.lnk.to/Orbit Alice Phoebe Lou is a force to be reckoned with. Growing up in Kommitje, South Africa, Alice knew that as soon as she finished school she would pack up her things and see the world. And that's what she did: She packed a bag at the age of 19, went off to Europe in search of adventure, and found her path playing music in the streets of Amsterdam and Berlin. After settling in the German capital in 2013, she began performing in U-Bahn stations and street corners, and started drawing increasing numbers of listeners every time she played. After less than a year in the city, she has become a fixture of Berlin's vibrant street sounds, whether on the famous bridge to Friedrichshain or at the Mauerpark on Sundays. The few shows Alice has played in a clubs have sold out, the latest being at Berlin's Lido for the release of her first EP, Momentum. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx
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schlindwein-music · 7 years
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Another day of sun! Preparing myself for Berliner Elektrosalon tonight. #berlin #elektrosalon #respectortolerate #label #party #release #newmusic #ep #sunny #day #2017 #mauerpark #sunglasses #dj #djlife #livemusic #piano #producer #chill #happymood #selfie #performing #tonight #ableton #electronicmusic #potd http://ift.tt/2od2TB9
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felixstark · 2 years
felix is gay, so fuckin gay. love it. keep the gay shit up, my beloved.
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tatort ep “Mauerpark”
like how often did he already sit like that. he is so gay, can’t convince me otherwise. love my lil gay man <3 he is a damn cutie💕
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fell-4u · 2 years
felix and till do that staring AGAIN. and I LOVE it😭💞
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tatort ep “Mauerpark”
just look at them and enjoy these two lovebirds being in love.
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felixstark · 2 years
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tatort ep “Mauerpark”
felix’ outfit!! look at it🥺 it’s so damn cute..
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felixstark · 2 years
are you fuckin serious. (felix edition)
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tatort ep “Mauerpark”
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valkoinenlintu · 2 years
lutz & felix appreciation🥺
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tatort ep "Mauerpark"
like c'mon. these are two short, lovely guys. appreciate them. <3
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felixstark · 2 years
sad felix🥺
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tatort ep “Mauerpark”
I’m sorry I had to..
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felixstark · 2 years
felix is cold and just cute omg🥺
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tatort ep “Mauerpark”
I love everything about that picture..💕
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felixstark · 2 years
felix stuck in his deep thoughts..
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tatort ep “Mauerpark”
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