the-creator-v · 6 years
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Name: Quinne Jore
Gender: Male
Nicknames: “Qun”
Race: Naga
Class: Warrior
Alignment: Lawfully chaotic
Deity: N/A
Age: 27 (Human years), 486,000 (Naga years)
Body Type: Bulky and built
Weight: 33,000lbs or 15,000kg
Complexion: Tan and freckled
Hair: Dark black with green ombre
Eyes: Dark ivory green with black slits for pupils
Handedness: Left handed
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Quirky, witty, determined, jokester at times, arrogant
Mannerisms: Extroverted, Is comic relief at times, relatively polite when told to, sometimes rowdy and uncontrollable, Brave hearted, and on task
Likes: Raw meat, Larc's drinks, being buried under hot sand, sleeping in caves, deserts and forests, buffalo, his glasses
Dislikes: Kidnappers, Clorse's rants/tea, altitude, humans(iffy), people testing if he's actually sleeping with his eyes open, when his glasses break
“A Warrior of forgotten sand blood, kidnapped and enslaved as a child, returns to fight and defend for the honor of his lost dead home.”
Quinne, or Qun respectively, is the 3 out of the four Masters in Ephemeral. He is also widely known as one of the last Nagas on earth. He is also one that follows the warrior/paladin trope of Ephemeral. He was the third character created by Creator V for this world.
Qun is a robust and stocky man built well from years of self work and fight. His height fluctuates since, as a Naga, his remaining lower half is of snake tail-but estimated guess is about 7’2”. Qun has black ombre sleek straight hair that is messily held between a tribal headband that he found within the ruins of his kingdom. In addition, Qun wears emerald green and golden armor that he fashioned himself. Adapting the blacksmithing techniques he had read within the kingdom’s secret library, he had manufactured his own set of armor and weapons from the last gold pieces of his kingdom; Golden armlets, shackles and braces for his arms; a thick layered chest and neck plate; eccentric earrings; plated collapsing armor for his long tail; and his signature emerald infused spear and shield. Asides from these handmade items, later on in his life, he gains glasses due to an incident occurring with Larc Portein in their first meetings
Qun’s snake looks are relatively simple. Since he is of genetic jungle python, his color scheme is relatively dark greens, black and rare yellow- his patterns very sharp and edged, a dangerous trait for a snake. Though, his birth is in Saes’reasah, a desert location, most Nagas bore vivid colors associated with dry and warm tones-but some were different.
Unfortunately, upon the deserted lands of where his kingdom once was, it bore sad histories. During his childhood, Qun was enslaved for twelve years and trapped by a group of wealthy Sultans.  Unwillingly encased as a pet, he became rare pet towards a child and never knew the war that broke out with his kingdom and the neighboring capitals.
The War-otherwise known more as the raid called “ The Hunt”-was rampant between neighboring kingdoms and Qun’s kingdom (Saes’reasah). Due to the political uprising and publicly successful open commercial trade Saes’reasah was abundant for, other governments were jealous and fearful for the growing peaceful agriculture. So, in fear, surrounding kingdoms made misunderstanding propaganda against the Saesr’ian people and provoked raids until the last raid destroyed the kingdom into ruins leaving none to live. Asides from Qun, who was far from the kingdom, none was left to be seen when he had escaped.
Once learning the reason his home was destroyed, Qun sought solace in seeking revenge. Years of training and years of anguish lead him to play role in the War of Masters. Where coincidentally, made Qun a Master.
(A Master is a protector of lands and region, specializing in vigilante duties and responsibilities. Commentated and regulated by the UATO-United Agnés and Trios Organization.)
After the war that brought his name and the years of acceptance, Qun had been able to live reliably against humans and nonhumans. Being a recognizable humble icon, his personality began to flourish into a more kooky and lovable extrovert. Being now proud of who he became and what people accept him for, Qun is a valiant warrior that fights for the willing and living.
Authors note: Qun helps nurse abandoned or lost eggs/babies and had refurbished his kingdom that had fell beneath the sand as his own lair. When he sees an abandoned animal he rushes to it and protects it until the mother shows up or he will take it under his own wing. In addition, Qun had let go of his grudge against humans and began fighting for their rights and needs as if they were his own. Although the past hurt him, that was then and the new age needed help and he provided as a vigilante to aid.
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the-creator-v · 6 years
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Lucifer MorningStar
Yet another reiteration of the infamous biblical figure, Lucifer is an almost primordial being who looks after Ephemeral. A character who systematically runs as a “GM" (GameMaster). He is Ephemeral’s organizer and referee, the “Creator”. Although Creator V creates the story from scratch, Lucifer acts almost as a 4th wall character and persona of Creator V, to manage Ephemeral. A mistakenly mirrored copy of one another, in some terms can be mistaken as either or or thought of as one and the same.
Following similarly to his Biblical side, he keeps his respective pasts, but Ephemeral Lucifer is rather a tamed persona. Taught by the teachings of God, Lucifer is still a fallen Angel that is utterly infatuated with the ideals of creation and the power God bestows upon life. So in practice, creates his own world to showcase his teachings to god. Although his admiration by God’s ideal should be commended, it was overlooked by God as a sin. Even if thrown into slumber and stripped off of power each punishing smite from God, he is always released for God is subsequently allured by his works- like one father would be to his son if he were to draw something for him. Still, as Lucifer is, he is a trickster with a knack to being a little overpowered. Full of pride, he creates his own world with rules that oppose God's creations. Unlike God’s plain humans, Lucifer experiments with the ideals of beings with magic, immortality, injustice, sin and power. Lucifer is more of a fallen angel dedicated to the favorability of “what could?” not “What couldn't.” A mere metaphor of determination in all its sins and purifies, Lucifer demonstrates the passion of lucid creation and the will of continuation when there is always that burden of failure or the disgrace of others in societal ruling opinion. He looks at the positive analysis and will always push to see the results of “what if" in his grab to be as noteworthy as his maker.
Author's note: Ephemeral Lucifer is just a smol boy who really loves writing, drawing and fixing his chandelier. But don't let that take away from him being a sky god who is an omnipotent creature of live and death.
Lucifer is rarely present in his own world, but many of his creations mistakenly see him as a famous female Valkyrie. Whom, in legend, started their realms by the mixture of her tears and blood for peace. Even though truthfully misunderstood in gender and history,Lucifer does not mind but finds it endearing than offensive.  In other natures, he is seen as an entity as big as the sky, an omnipotence people acknowledge in the background as a largeness overwatching, but rarely seen.
Pictures from 2017 & 2016
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the-creator-v · 6 years
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Name: Larc Portein
Gender: Male
Nicknames: "The Witch", "The Master"
Race: Cannibalistic Ancient Tribe
Class: Witch/Warlock
Deity: Valkyrie
Age: Debatable
Body Type: Firm, yet slightly shoulder broad-- Flexible
Height: 5'8"
Weight: Debatable
Complexion: Fair, peachy
Hair: A shaggy blonde with two long side bangs tied
Eyes: Magenta
Handedness: Very fluid in hand motion, cautious touch, gentle, primarily left
Relationship Status: Debatable
Personality: Overtly shy, won't speak to anyone he does not know personally, mysterious
Mannerisms: Can't look people in the eye, polite, soft spoken
Likes: Hand made drinks, Acceptance, Privacy, Alone time, Not being looked in the eye
Dislikes: Nosy people, Loud personas, his past being the topic, smell of meat, being outgoing, being revealed
Alignment: Lawfully Neutral
"A Cannabalistic Witch who has been trying to outrun his shameful past and hiding in secrecy to stay alive as a new person each meal."
Larc Portein is 2 out of four “Masters" in Ephemeral. Known for the Wizard/warlock trope of Ephemral, he is ironically a healer and a shapeshifter by birth with some mysterious powers and alluring piercings. He was the second character created by the Creator V for this world.  
Larc is rather a tall man of average proportion and likable features to the eye, rather pleasing. Due to his Clan being a specific class of beings able to become what they eat, his appearance is an ironic topic to talk about since he can literally shape shift into the previous beings he had eaten. Due to being the rare last of his kind, he's eaten so many over his lifetime that his original skin had been drowned and forgotten along with the memories and sanity of his old body. Canonly, now, he's built himself a look that he believes suits him as a person in general. Asides from his disguises of younger men, a wise old warlock or a stunning virgin forest elf, he is naturally and strongest when seen as his built self;
Underneath his large fuchsia hat is his tousled hair with long side bangs that drop besides his slender untouched complexion, bright magenta eyes, and a tall body tattooed fairly with his clan markings. Accommodating his tattoos, he has several places where he has corset stitches: back of calves, his back running from his lower back and up towards his back, back of forearms and his neck.
Furthermore, he wears baggy pants tied at his waist and prematurely around his knees and down to his ankles, no shoes, a magenta hat, and to tie off his whole fuchsia/magenta matching attire he has a marble staff.
Larc hates wearing 'normal clothes' with common shoes and shirts, but isn't uncommon of wearing them in disguise. He feels most comfortable wearing his regular attire though due to culture.
Author's note: Larc is also known well in the group for being surprisingly Vegan and living off of a diet of hand grown vegatables and herbs mixed in flavored potions. Due to his powers of shapeshifting allowing him to become whatever he eats, eating meat has left him quite disturbed and so doesn't prefer to eat meat when presented until needed to for protection. He doesn't mind others eating meat, but will prefer to create potions that will create the feeling of being full or satiated (this also helping his other god friends who can't be satiated by human serving sizes.)
Larc (Or Lorcarnara) was born into a clan known for being one with nature and beings who were mistaken for God at time due to their ability to form into any creature they'd like. His people loved the aspect of life and what can become of being one with it and appreciating what it held within, Humans at least made them curious. They were simple gatherers of the wild at that time. Though, that description of them truthfully became history as time went on and they were evidently and changed to be viciously known to be "ungodly cannibal natives" due to misunderstanding/fear.
Back in unknown time, his clan were known as "savages" that where born onto the lands as almost a predator to man and being that breathed. People fled, fought, died and escaped the grasps of what his clan had done and only managed to see their rampage as the Clan became heavily engulfed in strength, numbers and unrecognizable faces in a sea of millions. Over years, as magic grew stronger and holy knights saved the earth of the more "impure", Larc's people began to be hunted down as "Witches" and "Demon spawns". Thousands, trillions, and nearly every clan member was quickly vanquished from earth. Years and years of efforts spending on detecting these Cannibal witches paid off and the Holy knights fled to the skies to join the Valkyries, unknowing that they haven't killed the last two remaining: The chief and his brother. After being cornered to last wishes, the Chief begged Larc to eat him and run free with the last of the clan's power to safety. Gobbling his brother in tears of rage, Larc was captured and tied to a lighting pyre. Filled in pure rage and anguish of the loss of his family, Larc released his power in the fire and destroyed an old colony and burnt everything and everyone to the ground, leaving all consumed. He sat in a pile of ash and fresh bone crying at the people he adored and admired to watch as a civilization, and the family that fought hard to survive. He eventually dissipated into the shadows. The sight of a powerful Witch last standing struck up news and hunts for a few thousand years, but then hunts stopped.
Time when on and a new face arrived at a minor village made out of red rock and slab. A poor city near the desert outskirts received news that a man of greatness was sent by God. All were stupefied by this "Witch Doctor" of magical practices. "Larc" was his Godsent name and so people praised his works and loved him at all heart. They cherished his being and adored his beauty. Larc felt so loved and fulfilled of his past mistakes, he promised the village he'd give them a gift. The people were amazed that the witch provided a potion of endless creativity (A potion to make them advance in life and society to live forever), they rejoiced and loved him more. Larc didn't drink any, it was for them anyways.
Then, skies bore down a preacher in white robes and told the villagers that the man who made them blind to the truth was a Witch of the past- The old Ancient Witch that had escaped- The last of the Cannibals. Everyone went into rage and started cursing at the man. They threw stones at him, food at him, and cornered him at a cliff and demanded he jump for the safety of the world and the next generation, they told him that, "His potion was a trick to be stupid as he was". Yet, after the harassment, Larc stood and took the harassment, feeling as if it was truly his fault.
"Go die, Witch." The people chanted and pushed him to the edge.
In a tearful gaze, he looked at history repeating itself and tipped his hat, cursing the people of their blindness (indeed).
"You will no longer think past what you know now."
And the Witch exploded into white feathers, gone.
Larc Portein 2015, & 2016 old drawings.
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the-creator-v · 6 years
“A Dry Taste”
In dismal parched wastelands of dry sand hid a stale forgotten place of hollow ruin. A desolated kingdom defeated by the humans that walk, it became a shattered grave of its past existence. In it’s previous life, the capital was ruled by a fiery clan of astute slithering scaled civilians. In the carnage that has been swept beneath the timely sands, the remnants hide beneath collapsed prosperity. A society once bustling in triumphant tastes for commerce, a marketing business in the exotic and dubious culture of monetary exchange, all resided defaced from history in the battle that left all of its people to none but one.
Kidnapped and forcefully plucked from his family like eggs for the fetching, the snake was dragged off as an accolade towards a ministry of sultans far far away. In sudden fear of loss and tear from it’s home, the snake flew into rancorous behavior and its most destructive emotion, sadness, destroyed its innocence. Captive and confined within arms of a young master, a promise was made within the cold dry walls of his cage;
“To trust humans or anyone that wasn't of my blood was a mistake.”
It was infuriating, a cruel life it was for the poor being. His heart ran cold in dehydrated nights and over time, his vengeance seeped deeper within his hardened scales. With each riveting muscle in his body, the snake coiled around its plan-its plan to break free. Years it wouldn’t rest, nor would he eat by humans. Not even with his master, his pet, the snake would suffer without nourishment. With no food, the master began to worry.
“Please eat.. I beg you..” The master pleaded offering bountiful amounts of feed. The snake declined confined within its black shadow, refusing. Though malnourished, the snake was large and effortlessly strong. Even among the pillars of its cell, it was looming immense and cracked jars that used to hide him entirely. Now wanting isolation, the snake burried itself in the darkness and played with one of its toys. Curious about its endeavors, the master wondered what stolen relic the snake had gotten today to be capered.
He wandered closer. “ Common now! What treasure do you have?”
The snake was tacit. It moved slowly around an object, but with a slow plodding crack, a dismembered piece had fallen between the gap of the coils. Half of its face already eaten, the master watched in terror. The child’s sanity fled from safety and his youthful impression cracked, tears soon fell. His father ,missing for days and presumed on a journey to the east, had returned. The child wept and yelled at the snake for the cancerous murder.
The snake loomed over his master with eyes of vengeful green. It wanted revenge.
“ For what you’ve taken from me,” The snake hissed and gripped the child, “ I will take from you.”
The snake then tore his owner into two pieces. Then from the fleshy chunks reformed two small albino snakes. Unwillingly, they followed without command to be with their apex predator. The snake then retreated hours after the blood had poured from the palace steps, his business concluded and karma paid.
As charming and attractive the snake was at first, never take from what you did not sow.
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the-creator-v · 6 years
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A redraw of one of my all time favorite OCs in my batch. To commemorate the findings of my old art from 2013ish I decided to digitally redraw one of my first complete OCs.
Clorse 2018 & Clorse 2015
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the-creator-v · 6 years
“Drink This”
In a lost city far from realities reach lived a witch doctor born from superstition. The witch lived among the people, healing the minds whom been infected with the sickness- the sickness of being “normal". The city gave him a wondrous welcome. They named him the “Living Larc", Larc being his “God given” name. People say he appears to the land in a foreboding force no man can explain.
It was simply mysterious.
Over the years the witch was made into a local person, meaning that he was known popular. His powers amazed many people, all who've been cured from being “normal". Larc was loved and in return larc made potions of eternal truth. Larc preached that the drink was the cure to “normal", it was a way to set them free. It was a way to let them out of the box that locked them, it was a way to free the isolation in their minds.
Everyone drank the potion, Larc didn't.
A few days later a priest appeared and sanctified the land, putting the people out of their rose gold mind and to realization. The townspeople fell into sudden deep hatred for the witch and forced him to die.
Larc was at a loss for words, he thought that he had freed all of them. He thought he' had cured them, he was wrong.
He didn't want to go so eagerly so in his last moments, he cursed all who drank the liquid. The people became furious once again and began to assault him. Pelting the poor witch with rocks.
The witch stood his ground and tipped his hat, a sudden array of feathers exploding around him. The witch took off into the sky and dissipated into the sun, never to return for that his curse lay his soul into the town permanently.  He had known this day would come.
Till this day. Descendants of the townspeople cry themselves to sleep knowing… that they've been cursed to be “normal” forever.
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the-creator-v · 6 years
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Name: Clorse Macher
Gender: Male
Nicknames: "The Librarian", "The Master"
Race: British/American
Class: Human
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Deity: Valkyrie
Age: 22
Size: Slimming
Body Type: Broad yet tender
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 175lbs
Complexion: Fair
Hair: Dark brown, but seems rather black in appearance
Eyes: Caramel chocolate brown
Handedness: Right handed
Scars: Specific burn marks that run diagonally across his face, down his neck and across his body
Relationship Status: N/A
Mannerisms: He rather is peculiarly strict, but not arrogantly strict. He is very cautious of his actions
Likes: Tea, baking, reading, gardening, practicing summoning, tending to flowers
Dislikes: Loudness, "winging it", unpreparedness, Qun sleeping, not bathing, smell of bleach, burnt cookies
“The mysterious Librarian, a cordial man himself, is cursed unwilling to serve a devious deed from a demonic book eternally. “
Clorse Macher is 1 out of four “Masters" in Ephemeral. Known for the iconic figure of a well kept man (almost butler material) wielding a cursed sentient book, he was one of the first characters created by the Creator V for this world.  
Clorse is usually seen wearing almost an identical outfit everyday: Well pressed beige long sleeve button up shirt, ironed black pants, Black loafers and an adorning cross for an earring. With his outfit at hand, he usually keeps one side if his hair swooped backwards. Only thing else that is kept as an accessory is his demonic book that is always at hand. Either that or an occasional cup of tea. All this is true until he exceeds enough power to reach his Demonic form- but that's a whole new description.
Clorse’s personality is simple and straight forwards as he is. Easily, he is not one to “wing" anything. He is a man strictly reinforced by “doing it by the books". Clorse is the type to never be late, nor never be early. He, although a strict man, has understandment to those who don't meet eye to eye with him. Coming from a harsh childhood, Clorse is not one to discriminate either.
In addition, years of schooling and advantageous book smarts, he has more than a colloquial sense of language. Well mannered, hospitable, Clorse speaks words from legacies and memorized etiquette to fawn the aristocracy. With his loved appearance came his attitude and soon Clorse was a dictionary with a tongue like honey to every women and men he meets.
Author's note: Yet, over the years (since like 2012) Clorse has began to attain a personality more like a father figure since he had adopted one of his deceased friend's Daughter, Moesashi Minami.
Clorse Macher 2016 & 2015
I'm cringing at how old my art style is omfg
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