#episode 4x07 “Tommy Dearest”
ramblingdisaster73 · 2 years
Episode 4x07 “Tommy Dearest” thoughts
-This Owen/Paul scene is great – I love this Owen
Most people planning a wedding are rookies
-That centerpiece is actually really tame compared to what I would have expected from Owen
-This is actually good relationship advice from Owen – If someone lights you up like that – make it happen.
This upside-down thing is nuts & a nightmare situation for me
Dude your wife keeps dying – just say you were having sex when she started dying
I am glad it was a pacemaker thing and not a neurological one  
Why does everyone look so good this episode? (not that they don’t in every episode – but this episode was particularly full of adorable hotness)
That would be a firetruck ride that would be hard to forget
Tommy in particular is trying to kill me with her looks
Tommy and Trevor are cute & their chemistry is amazing
So, is Melody older than Evie & Izzy or are they the same age?
A little lasagna baby – lol
The “What about Julius” was just as hilarious the second time as it was the 1st.
This kid – she is one devious tween
“Inside there lurks a heart of darkness” – man I love Judd Ryder
I figured that the issue Melody had was because of it being the first relationship for her parent’s divorce – I think this is something that is fairly normal for a kid that age – but she is a bit hardcore in her efforts.
I love Mateo – “Oh great the HR lady again.”
Their attempt to blackmail was ridiculous to begin with
Paul has zero chill
I love the way Nancy & TK just pick up on it & Mateo is like “Huh?” “Do HR ladies actually date?”
So many quotable moments in this episode
I agree with Nancy & TK
“You should totally take her out for some nut-free coffee.” Mateo Chavez
I love all the callbacks they make in this show – more than any other show I can think of
I can’t believe that the delivery drivers don’t have to dress in medieval clothing (like the knight & maiden from season 3)
This call is a bit of a callback to 1x08 with 2 calls from the same house.
An online CPR class? I thought you needed some hands on for that.
TNT is far too cute this episode
Mushroom & Fennel?
It’s totally cool you jolted me – I don’t care. I love you anyways
Damn that dress
Like really
Babysitter Grace – who is watching the twins? I am just so confused on why a 12-year-old needs a babysitter.
I think that dress was a great idea
“YOU LIED!” another season 1 callback
This episode has so much humor
But – Asha – not a yearbook from Chicago
Brian really killed this episode – you could feel his feelings
This kid is so hardcore in her efforts to break up her father & Tommy
But Tommy is just as hardcore
That is the most disgusting drink possible – and this kid just takes it (props to her for fully committing to her game)
“You’re a lunatic” Melody Parks
Tommy talking out of her ass about the nasty drink is just so funny
I say all the time that this cast has the best facial expressions – and once again they proved it. Grace’s faces while Melody drinks that thing are hilarious
TK in the sweats & Nancy in the leggings are equally hot
This is the best Owen – the one that is a Captain, a leader. Someone that genuinely cares about his crew/family
I love this storyline for Paul & that they aren’t rushing it. I love that they are giving him a chance to show us what life is like for him – that we are getting more insight to what goes on in his head.
I hadn’t thought about how Asha knew him in the past/had seen behind the doors – but, wow that makes so much sense to why he is struggling.
I love the Judd/Tommy friendship just as much as I do the Grace/Tommy friendship
I mean – I don’t blame her for not wanting another drink from Tommy, but at least she recognizes that she was not playing against a novice
Uncle Julius – I kinda love how this kid manipulates Tommy into admitting about Julius – I knew it would come up again – they like parallels & callbacks way too much not to take advantage of it.
“Why am I picturing a prison yard” Tommy Vega
“Brother-in-law” Tommy Vega yells throughout the firehouse
Grace’s face over the Julius confession
Tommy & Judd both have this way of answering a question without answering a question.
“How was it?” Grace “Kind of mind blowing” Tommy – these two are hilarious
Grace just keeps giving Tommy her very tried and true “what the actual fuck” face when Tommy is telling her about her TikTok blackmail. Just like in the 4x02 surprise double date
Cramps are a bitch
I love how Trevor is trying to piece it all together
“I can’t believe this is going to be the rest of my life” – yeah – it really fucking sucks
“Maybe undump him?”
I love the basketball scene – it was something that Paul needed & something that Owen could give him.
Owen acknowledging his failings during TK’s childhood gives me hope for the conversation between him and TK in 4x08 that Ronen keeps talking about
Do they have a new probie or are they just still referring to Mateo as probie?
I agree with Melody & Trevor about the Mango & Cookies and cream – not a mix for me
I wonder how much of next week will be Marjan or if her stuff will come closer to the end to lead into 4x09 “Road Kill”
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911lsbts · 4 months
Tumblr media
Yangzom Brauen is directing one of the episodes in season 5. She has also directed:
3x06 "The ATX-Files"
Jamie Kessler is a writer for the show and has written a couple episode for season 5. She has written:
3x07 "Red vs Blue" w/ John Owen Lowe
3x17 "Spring Cleaning"
4x04 “Abandoned" w/ Jalysa Conway
4x07 "Tommy Dearest" w/ Bob Goodman
4x11 “Double Trouble"
James Leffler (not pictured) is also a writer for season 5 and has written the current episode they are filming. He has written:
1x04 “Act of God" w/ Molly Green
2x02 “2100°" w/ Molly Green
2x06 “Everyone and Their Brother" w/ Molly Green
3x06 “The ATX-Files" w/ Molly Green
3x15 “Down To Clown" w/ Molly Green
4x01 “The New Hotness" w/ Molly Green
4x05 “Human Resources" w/ Molly Green
4x10 “Sellouts" w/ Molly Green
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chenlopez · 2 years
9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4
4x01 - The New Hotness - Jan 24
4x02 - The New Hot Mess - Jan 31
4x03 - Cry Wolf - Feb 7
4x04 - Abandoned - Feb 14
4x05 - Human Resources - Feb 21
4x06 - This Is Not a Drill - Feb 28
4x07 - Tommy Dearest - Mar 7
4x08 - Control Freaks - Mar 14
4x09 - Road Kill - Mar 21
4x10 - Sellouts - Mar 28
*bold italics represent Ronen’s most anticipated episodes
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televisionpromos · 2 years
9-1-1: Lone Star 4x07 "Tommy Dearest" Promo - Capt. Strand and the 126 help a husband whose wife “dies” when she is not upside down. Grace takes a call from a pizza delivery driver who is in for the shock of his life. Tommy is worried Trevor's young daughter is a bad seed as she attempts to break them up. Paul is hesitant to go on a date with Asha, who knows him prior to his transition in the all-new “Tommy Dearest” episode of 9-1-1: Lone Star airing Tuesday, March 7th on FOX.
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911lsbts · 2 years
4x07 "Tommy Dearest" Post-Mortem Interviews 
TV Line | 9-1-1: Lone Star's Brian Michael Smith Celebrates Paul's Personal Discovery, Laments Losing His 'Soul Sister' Marjan 
TV Guide | 9-1-1: Lone Star's Brian Michael Smith Breaks Down Paul's Romantic Breakthrough Episode 
TV Insider | ‘9-1-1: Lone Star’: Brian Michael Smith on Paul Grieving His Past, Plus His Future With Asha
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