#episode 5 just got me so mentally ill-ing out here
crazy how people can just mess you up so irreparably bad and then just. move on with their lives! great job with your side quest giving me years worth of trauma i guess
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chasingfictions · 1 year
also uno reverse card-ing florence back at u <3
on that note:
fav song: KING. i cant describe what this did to me when i heard it for the first time. most insane song in the world . listen to the live at msg version and try not to have full body shivers it;s impossible
least fav song: ok i have certain songs that i have listened to less over the years but lately ive been coming back to them and being like wait does this actually fuck??? which is to say my answer is probably strangeness and charm but now im kind of into it. also toxic opinion i did not enjoy cosmic love for a while like i think it just feels like a song i get fatigued of more? but lately i listened to it again for the first time in a while and i was like OH!! this FUCKS!! holy shit!!! which is to say fatm has the same principle as btvs which is no bad songs / no bad episodes. all good. even when it's bad it's good.
fav album: genuinely dance fever is the best album ever made. like. i think it combines everything that works abt the sound of the lungs/ceremonials era and everything that works abt the sound of the hb3/high as hope era into one perfectly balanced album. NO SKIPS ALBUM. like florence has no bad songs but she does have songs where im like ok im not feeling this right now. im always in the mood for every song on dance fever. she said i am making an album about vampires and mental illness and being queer and god and dancing. and i said HEY!!! HEY I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!! I LVOE YOU!!! i have this album on vinyl also it's the only album i own on vinyl shout out to @ho-tato for buying it for me on vinyl
least fav album: ok dont hate me but i think high as hope is one of her weaker albums. like i still LOVE high as hope i love that whole era when it came out i listened to it on repeat for like 3 weeks. BUT idk for me i think the songs are a little less distinctive ? still obviously bops. 'no choir' is insane. literally she is out here making songs that speak to the rest of her discography. 'no choir' is cousins with 'restraint'. and like if u asked me abt any individual song on high as hope i'd be like yeah it FUCKS. but as a whole album i think it's a little too muted? or maybe i just wish it was longer? idk. i love you high as hope. youre my cherished baby high as hope im sorry i said all this.
song that got me into them: ok this is so hard to say bc i have loved fatm since like. the 7th grade. but the first song i remember getting REALLY into is 'landscape-demo'. EVERYONE GO LISTEN TO LANDSCAPE DEMO. SHE'S JUST LIKE THE WEATHER! CANT HOLD HER TOGETHER! BORN FROM DARK WATER! DAUGHTER OF THE RAIN AND SNOWWWW. oh my god. shrimp emotions.the right way to listen to that song is when ur 13 and on the bus to middle school and it's a dark morning shifting into daylight and also you just started practicing witchcraft .
seen live; YES!!!!! ive seen her 3 times!!!!! for the first time at a music festival during the hb3 era, and then at a free concert for a talk show also during the hb3 era and then i saw her in CONCERT during the high as hope era every single time changed me as a person. i couldnt go to her concert in my city during the dance fever tour bc it was the same weekend as my brother's wedding. im fine about it. im FINE. i just wish her and my brother had planned better. would some cross communication have been so hard. and also i know her intimately from my whole chest and my spirit so in that sense i see her live every day.
rating: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10  !!! one million!!! ten billion!!!!!!!!! there is no numerical value for her she transcends that. i want to be ejected into outer space with her.
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abuttoncalledsmalls · 4 years
Take A Giant Step - Chapter 7
Warnings: Alcohol, Anxiety, Language, Panic Attack, PTSD episode, Some Sexual Content
Pairings: Frankie Morales x f!OC
Word Count: 1.8K
A/N: Here is Chapter 7! I have tried my best to handle the subject matter the best as I could with the research I’ve done. As for panic attacks, I am just pulling from my vast experience with those. If you would like to be tagged (or un-tagged) in upcoming chapters, please don’t hesitate to let me know. Shout out, as always, to the AMAZINGLY LOVELY @yespolkadotkitty​ for beta-ing this! Please enjoy. <3
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6
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Banner by @yespolkadotkitty​
The smell of stuffed shells baking permeated throughout my small townhouse. I was making last minute preparations for dinner that evening. Frankie was coming over to my place for the first time. Although we had been together officially for three weeks, I still desperately wanted to impress him. That’s how I ended up spending almost the entire day making his favorite dish from scratch. For anyone else, I would have just gotten the premade pasta shells and salad mix. But for Frankie, he was worth every second of frustration I experienced with that damned pasta maker. Only for him, would I have gladly made cannoli and not have complained when a splash of hot oil hit my wrist. Or at least not too much. 
Frankie didn’t know exactly what I was preparing for dinner, but he kept on insisting that I didn’t need to go to a lot of trouble. That he would have been perfectly happy to share an order of McNuggets as long as we were able to spend time together. I was happy to make a fuss over him, though. 
My kitchen windows were open, letting in the warm August breeze and band music from my local park. My county held their annual Founder’s Day celebration that day. Every year our board of supervisors would hold a huge event to commemorate the 1635 founding of Hallifax. It was an entire production with local businesses, community groups, and most residents. There were bands who played throughout the day, a parade that traveled from the courthouse all the way to the park, and a huge finale in the evening involving a fireworks show. While I found myself rolling my eyes at Founder’s Day, I did enjoy the fact that I lived close enough to the park to see the fireworks from my backyard. I had specifically chosen that evening for Frankie to come over because I wanted to share that experience with him. 
Right at 7:00 PM a knock sounded on my front door. I took the shells out of the oven and placed them onto the counter before I went over to let Frankie in. When I opened the door, he was standing there with a boyish grin on his face. He held his hands behind his back and stepped forward.
“Hi Frankie.” We stood in a bashful silence for a few seconds. It wasn’t an awkward pause, but one based in slight disbelief. How in the world did I manage to enter into a relationship with this beautiful and warm man? I eventually came back to Earth and moved out of the way to invite him in. When he stepped into the house he took his hands from behind his back to reveal a bountiful bouquet of daisies. 
“I, uh, got these for you. I know they’re your favorite and I, uh, thought you’d like them. I picked the prettiest bunch since you’re the prettiest girl.” My cheeks turned pink as I giggled softly. I brought Frankie in to me and kissed his full lips. When I pulled away his eyes were still closed.
“Thank you so much. They are gorgeous. I’ll put them in some water right now. Make yourself at home.” I went into the kitchen and pulled a vase out from one of the island cabinets. Frankie followed me.
“Something smells really good.”
“I hope you’ve come with an appetite, Mr. Morales. I have made stuffed shells in marinara sauce from scratch and a fresh garden salad with veggies obtained from the farmer’s market. For dessert, a special surprise.” I gave him a flirty wink. He gave a small groan in return and pulled me in for another kiss.
“Mmm. I have a huge appetite. Can we start with dessert?” Frankie began to give my neck little kisses as his hands moved to squeeze my ass. My breath hitched and my hands came up to feel his broad shoulders. If the food had not been ready at that moment, he would have been sitting on my sofa with me straddling his lap. It took every ounce of self control I had to break away.
“You’ve got to eat your vegetables like a good boy before you can get your dessert.” He pouted and gave me puppy dog eyes. “I don’t make the rules, baby. I just enforce them.”
“I’ll be good.”
“Fantastic. Then after dessert, you can be as naughty as you want.” He grinned at me and I gave the dimple on his right cheek a peck. “But we need to start eating soon before the food gets cold.”
We both served ourselves, sat down, and began to eat. I asked how Frankie’s day had been. He spent most of the morning building platforms for our scenic stock. Afterwards, he met his friend Milton for coffee and then held his weekly Facetime chat with Santiago. 
“How’s Santiago doing?”
“He’s good. Just started another consultation job with a new company. He might be coming out here again in the next few months. He said this company has a location just outside of town.”
“That would be great! We could have him over for dinner and you two can hang out.”
“I’d like that.” Frankie paused briefly. “Do you know what the best part of my day was?”
“I really hope it’s not related to any of Jeff’s shenanigans…”
“No, but those are fun. It’s getting to spend an evening with my Maggie May over a delicious dinner she made.” I couldn’t help but sheepishly look down and blush. Frankie started calling me Maggie May just days after we began to date. I’d always been Mags, Mango, Maggot, and the very rare Margaret. But it felt right that I was his Maggie May. When I looked up, he greeted me with a sincere smile.
“Thank you, but it’s not like I’m Gordon Ramsay. I just used my mom’s recipe and chopped up some vegetables. That’s all.”
“I don’t know who that is, but I know you made a better meal than they ever have.”
“You’re really laying the good boy act on thick, aren’t you?” His eyes widened and he feigned shock.
“No. I’m being honest and if that just happens to make me a good boy, then it’s a win-win.”
I chuckled as I rose from my chair and gathered our empty plates to take them to the sink. As I began rinsing them off, I felt two strong arms wrap around my middle. Frankie was gently swaying me from side to side as he rested his head on top of mine. 
“Mmmmm, that feels nice,” I responded. “Maybe I can put a pin in doing the dishes at the moment.” I put down the plate I was scrubbing and removed my green rubber gloves. I turned around and moved in closely to his chest.
“Baby -”
All of the sudden, I found myself and Frankie on the floor. His eyes quickly surveyed my kitchen. His breathing quickened.
“What the fuck was that,” he barked.
“I guess they started the fireworks for the celebration at the park already.”
“You knew there were going to be fireworks and you didn’t fucking tell me? Jesus Christ, Maggie!”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t think it would be an issue-”
“Well it is. Fuck!”
I felt my heart drop into my stomach. My boyfriend was completely pissed off at me for not giving him advanced notice about a fireworks display. I wanted to cry right there, but I couldn’t. Frankie looked like he was about to trigger into a full blown panic attack and it was my fault. 
“Frankie,” I whispered. He looked at me with rage, panic, and helplessness in his eyes.
“Frankie,” I repeated.”It’s okay. You’re safe. We’re gonna move to another room, away from the fireworks. Is that okay? I’m gonna stay with you the entire time.” 
He nodded his head like an obedient child. I helped him up and we slowly made our way to my bedroom. It was the area farthest from the fireworks. When we got to the room, I sat him gently down on the bed and shut the door. 
“Lay back, honey. Just like that. I’m going to move across the room and turn the fan on. It’s gonna get a little cooler and a soft whirring noise is going to come on.” I walked over to my tower fan and pressed the on button. The fan’s blue power light blinked on and began to blow out cooler air. I moved back closer to Frankie.
“What can I do to help?” His dark chocolate eyes looked up at me. The anger and fear were leaving them only to be replaced with exhaustion. I wanted nothing more than to hold him and let him know that I didn’t mean to hurt him. I was sorry and I should have let him know ahead of time about the display. I tried to blink back tears. Crying at that moment was not going to help him at all. 
“Maggie, hold me?”
“Of course.” I crawled onto my bed and wrapped my arms around him. He nestled in close, resting his head on my chest. I kissed the top of his head.
“I’m sorry that I ruined tonight.”
“You didn’t. It was my fault. I wanted to surprise you with the fireworks and I didn’t even stop to think - “
“No. You were just trying to make tonight special and I fucked it up majorly. I haven’t been near an active combat zone in years and this shit still messes with my head. You’ve got to think I’m a nutcase. A grown man who cowers at fucking fireworks and yells at his girlfriend. I don’t blame you if you want to leave. Find someone normal who doesn’t flip out like this. I’ve tried therapy - it doesn’t do shit. I’m just fucked up.”
I could not believe what I was hearing. Did Frankie really believe that someone would throw him aside over a mental illness? Was there somebody in his past that was cruel enough to actually do that? I gently tilted his chin up and looked into his eyes.
“Francisco, I am not going anywhere. I am wild about and care so much for you. I need you to understand that I am here with you for the long haul. I may not completely understand all of what’s going on, but I am one-hundred percent in your corner and will support you in any way that I can. I promise you.”
“Thank you. Maggie?”
“I’m sorry for yelling at you. Can you forgive me?”
“Already forgiven and forgotten.” I gave him a reassuring smile. “The fireworks will continue for another forty minutes. Would playing music or the tv help you?” 
“That would be nice.”
“How about Cheers?” I grabbed my remote, logged onto Hulu, and pressed play. Frankie adjusted his position to that of the little spoon so he could see the television. I didn’t mind being his big spoon that night. I wanted to protect him from all harm - real or perceived - and completely envelop him in my love. Fifteen minutes into the episode, Frankie looked back at me.
“Maggie May?”
“Yes, honey?”
“Can we have dessert tomorrow?”
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ichijikanme · 7 years
From your experience; are you aware when someone enters your sx zone? or you just realize it someday like: wow i really do care about this person a lot? when you are interested in someone how do you act around them? or you dont act at all? Do you ever feel out of place in a group and that you just dont fit in? how did the guilt tripping used on you for your behaviour affected you when you where younger? how does your 9 fix manifests with your sp/sx? sorry about the bunch of questions lol
Yes. When I end up sx-ing with anyone, I get like this huge adrenaline rush. We usually end up talking about deep crap with this happens? The last time was when I was with my friends brother and we were talking about her and also what it's like dealing with ADHD and anxiety and he was telling me about how he went through a depressive episode at one point. My brother was also there. And then the time before that, I was chatting with my one ESFP friend about how my mother's upbringing as an abuse survivor and foster child made her a very unloving mother and how it has created our family today that is very unfeeling and unemotional and more on the averse side to affection between siblings. My bro was there also. LOL
I can feel out of place in groups but like... When I'm with MY group, I never do. I may not interact with the group while in MY group, but it's usually because I'm more interactive in smaller groups/one on one things. In MY larger group, I just enjoy sitting back and observing. Just vibing on the feel going on, you know? It's a great feeling.
The guilt tripping on me when I was younger. I got two forms. I was a very cynical kid when I was younger. Behind doors, I was p honest and rude when giving my opinion of my sister. Bc nobody ever ever took my side when it came to how spoiled, manipulative, and taunting my younger sister could be? Because I didn't love her like everyone else and was convinced she wasn't all LOVE AND HAPPINESS IS ALL I NEED :D with her, my father would call my a monster and that I would care at all if my sister died. When I gave my opinion to other sock concerns, my dad would go back to jokingly calling me cruel and heartless.
As for my mother, she wouldn't guilt trip as much as scold me about everything. My friends used to forget to invite me out a lot? Whenever I'd bring it up to my mother, she'd talk about how it was because of my lack of sock attributes that made my friends not want to be around me. "It's because you never smile that nobody wants to be around you, Sheri." "It's because you aren't fun. You're really boring." "It's because you're mean all the time." "You're too serious, Sheri. That's boring and irritating."
How did it affect me? Well after I graduated, something ended up happening with my friend that ended up triggering my genetic predisposition to mental illness and I sank into a p damn bad depression for a year and irreparably ruined my GPA etc etc etc. And then I went to therapy and realized I'm fucking awesome and anyone would be blessed to have such an amazing person like me as a friend like shit okay I'm p that damn awesome. I'm a fucking one of a kind INFJ and if my parents or friends couldn't realize that about me, fuck them. LOL
And how my 9 appears? It...... Actually doesn't tbh. Like I really confused right now if my gut fix is correct. I think it is? But at times, I feel too aggressive to be a 9 fix. I think it's due to my being a 5 main that I'm more on the aggressive side with my friends? Not necessarily in a rude sense. When Fives are comfortable around a specific subject or specific people, they pseudo integrate. Like they have fake integration traits. I personally am more on the assertive side at least when causing fun debates here and there, yet also drawing the line when a 6 or 2 gets too overbearing. The only reason why I changed to a nine recently is because my reaction towards being harassed by a woman. She stalked and threatened me and I turned into a doormat. Other than that, my 9 fix doesn't come out a super whole lot.
And no problem! These were fun questions!! I enjoyed it! :D
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mhagnolia · 4 years
avpd asks by @acevoidant
i thought this might be a good (?) activity to better understand myself. i’m definitely on the road to recovery but i had a sad episode today and found avoidant tags on tumblr. 
1. how did you find out about avpd? on my fifteenth birthday, i knew i should be happy, but, the whole day i couldn’t stop thinking about my mental space. i think this is one of my symptoms, constantly trying to rationalize and fix my mental state rather than confront the pressing behaviors that cause this (my avoidance). i got ready for bed but i wanted to know what was so wrong that i could never have a normal day. i stopped assuming it was depression, anxiety, ocd, schizophrenia, etc. and considered the next thing i had heard of but never checked: personality disorders. after reading about the criteria for avpd, i found it was strikingly similar to my experience in a way no other disorder has. in short, i guess i just tried searching for an answer for the umpteenth time and found it.
2. are you professionally diagnosed? nope. i don’t know if i really need to be; for me, right now, it’s best if i figure this all out on my own.
3. what age do you think you started having avpd symptoms? my first memories of avpd like symptoms are from second grade when i was about 8 years old. we were let out of the classroom to go to the bathroom and i didn’t want my friends to walk before me (lil meanie) and my teacher called me back into the classroom. i don’t really know what the proper reaction to this is but i went back to my seat, muttered to myself how i was such a bad student, and pulled my hair tie onto my wrist to hurt myself.
4. do you have other mental illnesses? Does avpd complicate these illnesses? If so, in what way? in truth, in truth, in truth, i’m not that sure. i feel anxious often like when i wash dishes or share an opinion but i don’t think its too debilitating. my anxiety is usually just fuzzy chest feelings i get every so often. depression is questionable, but right now, i’m definitely facing a dysfunction that i so often associated with depression (slipping grades, losing sleep, not eating). i believe that my avpd sort of trumps any other mental issues i face and makes my relationship with them much more complex i.e., “i don’t deserve a community/a common place”; “i deserve less than depression”.
5. what do you do to deal with loneliness? i guess busy myself. i never find myself actually reaching out to others.
6. what do you do to deal with depression? if i knew i wouldn’t be writing this.
7. what do you do to deal with anxiety? hmm, i guess try to reason myself out of it? my anxieties usually deal with forces outside of myself, so, it’s much easier to rationalize it. i try to think of my blossoming self growth, my goals, my dreams, and the trust i have in others.
8. if you experience dissociation, what is that like for you personally? i don’t believe i’ve ever experienced dissociation. i think i sometimes do experience depersonalization, though.
9. were you ever misdiagnosed? if so, which mental illness were you misdiagnosed with? how did that affect your treatment? never been diagnosed
10. do you have a safe person? i’ve told my mom i believe i have avpd but we don’t do much about it and i’ve only talked to her about on maybe three occasions. i find a lot of solace in my mom’s side of the family and when i’m with certain cousins i find that my minds quiets and i become a bit of a different person :).
11. have you ever been hospitalized? Ii you have been hospitalized, what was it like and did it help you in any way? never been hospitalized
12. what is your advice to someone who is considering hospitalization or is about to be hospitalized? i don’t think i would really recommend it for anyone dealing with a mental disorder if you don’t pose to a danger to yourself or others. however, honestly, i’m not really versed on what actually occurs in a psychiatric hospitalization. it just doesn’t seem like a positive or pleasant experience that would help,
13. have you ever been in residential treatment? if so, what was it like and did it help? never received treatment
14. what is your advice to someone who is considering residential treatment or is about to start residential treatment? same as above
15. what is your advice to someone who has just been diagnosed with avpd? not sure, i don’t think i could allow myself to muster anything. i guess just find help, whether in a medical respect or in a social respect.
16. who do you look up to that influences your personality/way of thinking? what personality traits/ways of thinking have you taken on because of them? anyone who is materially or emotionally successful, definitely. i find myself often trying to internalize others’ kindness, helpfulness, work ethic, passion, etc. it’s a culmination of different books characters, movie characters, online “personalities,” friends, relatives.
17. who did you look up to when you were young (real or fictional)? i don’t really know, no one really comes to mind in particular.
18. how have you changed since you were first diagnosed? never been diagnosed, however, since i somewhat found my “answer,” i’ve certainly been a lot better than before. whether that has to do with my initial discoveries isn’t clear to me but i am surely better than before.
19. what are some things related to your avpd that you still want to work on? ahaha, everything? the disorder still affects me in the same way than it did at my peak, just to lowered degrees.
20. how are you feeling right now? What is currently influencing your mood? i’m alright rn, we just went to a few parks and walked around different vistas. i had hoji cha bubble tea and i’m feeling ok.
21. do you have any friends with avpd? Ii so, how is that friendship different than friendships with people who do not have avpd? i don’t believe i have any friends with avpd.
22. favorite songs to listen to when you’re in a bad mood? right now it’s ribs by lorde, streetcar by daniel caesar, less and less by maltese, and a story playlist i made for a wattpad fanfic. if i’m in a bad mood and i want to feel better i listen to adam melchor.
23. what do you do to get yourself through a breakdown? i listen to music, watch particular youtube videos, read!!!, or journal.
24. what are your top 3 healthy coping skills? i’m not really sure, i guess breathing, taking a break, and preventing anger/blaming.
25. do you channel your pain into any art forms such as drawing, singing, poetry, etc? “channel pain” lol. i guess i do.
26. are you more of the type to isolate and avoid others or need to be with people all the time because you’re afraid to be alone? isolate
27. are you more of the type to overshare too much personal information or keep too much of yourself a secret out of fear of rejection? definitely keep to myself
28. does avpd affect your appearance? for example, do you change your hair or clothing style frequently? ah, no way. i’ve been 200% better about this recently but a few years ago, i was afraid to wear new clothes and change hairstyles.
29. what keeps you alive? everything and everyone. i love the world, a lot.
30. how open are you about having avpd? maximum security >:( unless you’re my mom. but then again, i think talking about a daily dysfunction-ing disorder twice in about five years isn’t all that much haha.
31. when starting a new relationship, when do you usually think it’s the right time to tell your partner you have avpd? i don’t know if i could start an honest and genuine relationship with someone if i didn’t let them know beforehand. but this could change.
32. do you listen to any songs that perfectly describe how you feel as a person who has avpd? not perfectly but i love first love, late spring by mitski, eartfquake by tyler, the creator, sense by tom odell, if i’m being honest by dodie, why by bazzi, cursive by billie marten, and listen before i go by billie eilish. music wise (not really lyrically) is the entire submarine ep by alex turner, only ones who know by arctic monkeys, singularity by bts, bad religion by frank ocean, and here’s an obscure one: bran-new lovesong by the pillows.
33. were you more of an innocent quiet child or a trouble maker growing up? innocent! i always followed rules.
34. are there any coping skills you want to try that you haven’t yet? coping skills are not really things apart of my routine. sounds like it would be good but i’m just trying to get to college.
35. are you currently in recovery? if so, how is that going for you? i would say yes! it’s going alright, some more lows than highs, but i’m insurmountably grateful for all of my highs.
36. what keeps you motivated? my dreams of becoming a writer/creative/academic and my personal responsibility to stay true to my identity.
37. name five qualities you like about yourself. sorry, this isn’t really a question i’m comfortable answering.
38. do you journal? if so, does it help you cope? yes! though it does help me in a stoic way, like meditation, it also helps because i’m really passionate about all forms of writing.
39. list some of your favorite avpd blogs. i have none; probably won’t ever have one.
40. how do you handle social interaction? i’m pretty good at leveled social interaction and i’ve gotten over my awkward quirky stage of adolescence (i think) lol. anything super deep is difficult for me, though. i almost never have heart to heart’s with anyone anymore.
41. are there any quotes/lyrics/etc that resonate with you? i already have a list of my favorite lyrics so here: “I leave you broken and shaking / but you still call me baby” “Please hurry leave me / I can't breathe / Please don't say you love me / 胸がはち切れそうで / One word from you and I would  / Jump off of this / Ledge I'm on / Baby” “You're the sun, you've never seen the night / But you hear its song from the morning birds / Well I'm not the moon, I'm not even a star / But awake at night I'll be singing to the birds” “She said: He might just be a big story / But there's more to life than truth” “in a foreign place / the saving grace was the feeling / what it was the heart he was stealing” “some people think its supposed to hurt / like it couldnt be real / if its putting you first” “its a hail mary / i bet it all that you dont want to see me now / but ill take my shot in the dark / for you” “Don't leave, it's my fault“ concerning quotes, i have none, but aza holmes’ monologue toward the end of turtles all the way down by john green when she’s hospitalized made me sob, really cry. i’ll always remember it as when one of the first times i’ve really felt seen and completely understood. i considered ocd for a bit because of this monologue.
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mobilemovies-blog1 · 7 years
Lady Gaga and 9 Other Celebrities Who Struggle With Mental Illness
We frequently expect that VIPs are impeccable, and in this way don't need to stress over anything. Over that presumption, psychological sickness is forbidden in our general public, so individuals would prefer not to discuss it. Be that as it may, there are numerous VIPs who have valiantly stood up about their psychological well-being keeping in mind the end goal to bring issues to light and separate stereotypes.So which big names have recounted their own stories? Here are 10 superstars who stood up about their psychological wellness.
1. Adele on post-birth anxiety
After the vocalist had her child, she encountered dejection, however, didn't swing to the solution. Rather, she vented to her dear companion about it. "One day, I said to a companion, 'I f***in' abhor this,' and she burst into tears and stated, 'I f***in' loathe this, as well,'" Adele uncovered to Vanity Fair. "What's more, it was finished. It lifted."
2. Adam Levine on ADHD
The vocalist has opened up about having consideration shortfall/hyperactivity issue and what that implies for him. "For the duration of my life, I battled with ADHD," he said by Very well. "It was hard for me now and again to take a seat, center and complete school work. I was disappointed due to the difficulties I was having in school. I was truly struggling."So what does it mean for him as a grown-up? "As a youthful grown-up and grown-up," he proceeded with, "I kept experiencing issues in the studio as I was attempting to compose new tunes and concentrate on finishing my work. On the main collection, I recall particularly being stuck and not having the capacity to center. What's more, I had 30 thoughts skimming through my brain and just couldn't archive them."Eventually Levine concocted a treatment design with his specialist's assistance.
3. Woman Gaga on PTSD
The artist has stood up in help of the LGBT people group all through her profession. Be that as it may, as of late, she has been discussing post-horrendous anxiety issue since it was something she encountered after she was raped."My claim injury in my life has helped me to comprehend the injury of others," she said. She has additionally gone by grounds to address understudies about the subject. "I told the children today that I experience the ill effects of a psychological sickness. I experience the ill effects of PTSD. I've never informed that to anybody, so here we are."
4. Lena Dunham on OCD
The Girls maker presented her character's over the top enthusiastic on the show, yet it didn't precisely appear suddenly. The on-screen character is really tested by it, all things considered. She expounded on this in her book, Not That Kind of Girl. There she uncovered that because of her issue, "I fear everything."
5. Jim Carrey on misery
The clever man likewise battles with wretchedness and has been dealt with for it. "I was on Prozac for quite a while," he said by The Australian. "It might have bailed me out of a tricky situation for a smidgen, yet individuals remain on it for ever. I needed to get off at one point since I understood that, you know, everything's simply OK."
6. Demi Lovato on bipolar confusion
The vocalist got into inconvenience before on in her vocation. While on visit with Nick Jonas she punched a reinforcement artist. Turns out, her conduct was because of her bipolar issue going untreated. This savage episode is the thing that prompted her getting treatment."Getting the analysis sort of clarified why I would carry on," she said by Elle. "So when I was analyzed, I backpedaled and told my chief and my folks and my dearest companions. I resembled, 'Hello, so I'm bipolar … that is the reason… .'"Now, the on-screen character discusses her dysfunctional behavior transparently and made The Lovato Treatment Scholarship Program, which enables the individuals who to experience the ill effects of psychological instability to get medicinal services.
7. Jon Hamm on gloom
The Mad Men star played an extremely dim and complex character for quite a long time. It turns out, the performing artist has fought with despondency and fixation in his own life. "I battled with incessant wretchedness. I was could be better," he disclosed to The Observer. He in the end got it treated with treatment and antidepressants.He proceeded with, "You can change your cerebrum science enough to think: 'I need to get up in the morning; I would prefer not to rest until four toward the evening. I need to get up and … go to work and … ' Reset the auto-meter, kick-begin the motor!"
8. Kesha on dietary issues
Many overlook that dietary issues are likewise a type of psychological sickness. Kesha went to recovery to address her battle, at that point spoke straightforwardly about it. "That first day at the treatment focus was the scariest of my life," she wrote in an opinion piece. "I felt like an aspect of my responsibilities was to be as thin as could be expected under the circumstances and, to get that going, I had been mishandling my body. I simply wasn't giving it the vitality it expected to keep me solid and strong."This weight purportedly didn't simply originate from the vocalist herself. It has been uncovered that her maker, would call her a "fat f****ing cooler" and would censure her eating routine.
9. Dennis Quaid on anorexia
Regularly in our general public, ladies are the concentration when we discuss dietary problems. Nonetheless, men experience the ill effects of them too. The on-screen character opened up about his own particular involvement with it. "I'd look in the mirror and still observe a 180-lb. fellow, despite the fact that I was 138 pounds," he disclosed by People Magazine. "For a long time, I was fixated on what I was eating, what number of calories it had, and how much exercise I'd need to do." He likewise was physically frail, "My arms were skinny to the point that I couldn't haul myself out of a pool."
10. Carrie Fisher on bipolar turmoil
The Star Wars star is known for her pretending Princess Leia in the space adventure. Yet, when she wasn't composing and acting, she was speaking pretty transparently about her battle with bipolar confusion. She expounded on her encounters in her diary, Wishful Drinking. Fisher likewise discussed it in interviews and on her one-lady appear, additionally titled Wishful Drinking. She likewise clarified that she experienced electroconvulsive treatment to deal with her despondency.
"They put you to rest," she clarified on Oprah. "They give you a prescription so there are no more shakings or anything … It's over rapidly and you go home and sleep." She proceeded with, "Some of my recollections will stay away for the indefinite future. They are lost – alongside the devastating sentiment annihilation and sadness. Not a colossal cost to pay."Fisher knew that it was so imperative to confront the disgrace of dysfunctional behavior. "I have a concoction irregularity that, in its most extraordinary state, will lead me to a mental doctor's facility," she said in a meeting with Diane Sawyer. "I am rationally sick. I can state that. I am not embarrassed about that. I survived that, regardless i'm surviving it, yet expedite it. Preferable me over you."
Content credit: mobile-movies
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readexplorerepeat · 7 years
Got Scared? Best Horror/Mystery TV Shows to watch
We are BIG fans of horror, mystery, sci-fi and supernatural genre shows.  It’s the mysteriousness of the plots that twists our minds into this never-ending web of happiness.  It’s food for our minds, I guess, if I had to simply explain it.  So I put together my top 10 shows to watch, if you want to feed your mind with our kind of fuel. From number 10, to my number one, they are all worth your time.
 10. LUCIFER (Fox)
This show just aired its first season over the winter/spring 2016 on Fox.  I wasn’t so sure about it, as it seemed kind of dumb. The devil himself decides to take a vacation from his devil-ing duties in Hell and moves to L.A. only to meet a beautiful lady detective, and help her solve crimes. I watched the first episode, and then the second, and the third, and next thing I knew, I was into it.  It has the perfect combination of crime, drama, comedy, and mystery. The plot of the series got better as it went on (I was a little afraid it was not going anywhere), as more characters are introduced and a more substantial storyline is revealed.  Plus, Lucifer is British, and, well, he’s quite charming.
 9. ARROW (CW)
Arrow first aired in 2012 and since it's debut, it has stolen a piece of my heart. Stephen Amell, who plays millionaire (spoiled-brat-womanizer) Oliver Queen, is a fantastic actor. After a boating “accident” Oliver gets stranded, alone, on a remote island, where he must learn to find his real-self in order to survive. Throughout the show, flashbacks of Oliver’s life on the island explain why he does the things he does, as he returns home. Oliver adopts the alter-ego/vigilante identity that everyone knows as “The Green Arrow”.  This storyline is so rich, dark, and full of surprises that you will not be disappointed.  
I love everything to do with Sherlock Holmes.  From the many movies and books to the random stories incorporated into other shows; so when I learned about the series Sherlock (starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman) I squealed. The episodes in this series are broken into only three, one and ½ hour, episodes.  Each episode is like a mini movie in itself. The ingenuity, and the level of acting, along with the cleverness of the plot is just marvelous. The only thing I dislike is the fact that the seasons are so far apart. You must wait over a year (or two) for a new season to be released.  Season 3 ended in 2014, and season 4 is set to be released sometime this year, hopefully.  
The first season came out in 2015 and it was only 8 episodes. This show explores a world where artificial intelligence takes a step forward, and humans are trying to deal with it, both morally and technologically. In this story, “synths” (as they call AI-robots) are here as helpers and each household has one to assist with chores. But a few synths are not who they seem to be. They are more than intelligent; they feel, they reason, they remember. And there is, Leo. A human who also has part synth in his body (must watch to know why).  He will do anything to find his synth family and be reunited them, before they are destroyed.  
A spin off on the original movie. Yes, it has a headless horseman, and the iconic Ichabod Crane. It is filled with witches, demons, and even angels. I was very skeptic at first because a whole TV show dealing with a headless horseman can get old after a while; but they found a way to make it interesting and, now going on season 4, they’ve introduced other folk characters and villains to keep things fresh. Can’t wait to see what season 4 brings!
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What’s really neat (if you can call horror and gore neat) about this series is that while all 4 seasons consists of (roughly) the same cast of actors, the story lines change from season to season. A haunted house,  an insane asylum in the 40's, a coven of witches in New Orleans, and a traveling circus/freak show in the 50's. Season five which hasn't been released yet on Netlix was my favorite so far alternating time periods in a haunted hotel. (Lady Gaga nailed it in her TV debut!). It should be available in October 2016 at the same time that Season 6 will debut on TV.
 4. DAMIEN (A&E)
What I like about this series is the fact that it reminds me of the Omen; which was a big part of my childhood mystery/thriller-watching upbringing. The Omen was one of my favorite horror movies, and the whole idea of Damien Thorn fascinates me. In this series, Damien starts off not knowing he is the Antichrist. Now 30 years old, he’s lived his life as a news photographer, photographing the world's most dangerous zones, without a scratch. But, when mysterious deaths start to occur all around him, he realizes something is wrong. Little by little he learns his fate. The question is, will he allow the monster in him to be woken?
Another spin-off of a classic. Roughly based on the storyline of the movie Psycho, Bates Motel integrates the good-ole Norman Bates, and his crazy, but not-so-crazy mother, Norma. The depth and the way the characters are written, combined with outstanding acting, makes this series one of my favorite. Its mysterious, terrifying, twisted, sad, real, and surreal all at the same time. It’s one of those things that makes you say “well, this could happen in real life” or “I wonder how many people think like that”. Yeah, it’s spooky because it’s very realistic. By the way, this show gets better and better with each season.  
No horror/thriller list is complete without mentioning zombies. But, for those who don’t know, this show is way more than just dead walkers. It’s about people, and the aftermath of the end of the world as everyone knows it. It’s about the most inner feelings of our society, it’s about how far, we as humans, would go to survive and to defend our family. It’s not about the zombies at all (well, yeah, just a little bit about the zombies), but about the depth of the characters and their individual stories. This show is amazing as far as the complexity and the freedom it provides to explore human behavior in a end-of-of the-world setting.
And now my number one pick. Supernatural. 11 seasons of awesomeness. We have been watching this show since the beginning, that’s back in 2005. I mean, after 11 seasons (going on 12) it becomes part of your family. In fact, the Supernatural fandom considers itself a family. Dean and Sam Winchester are two brothers that were brought up in a world of demons, ghosts, ghouls, witches, and angels. A world where they grew up hunting (the family business) supernatural creatures, in an effort to keep their world secret from the rest of humanity. Throughout the course of 11 years, they have made friends with angels and demons alike, and have fought Lucifer himself when preventing Armageddon from happening (thanks boys). I love this show because it has the perfect combination of action, horror, mystery, comedy, not to mention that the Winchester boys are delicious eye-candy (insert cheesy smile here). The main actors, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, and Misha Collins are constantly involved with the fandom, as well as their own charities and events to help society overcome many “real ghosts”, like mental illness, and depression, which are overlooked and dismissed by many.
Besides my top 10 favorite thriller tv shows, are others that I actually just started to watch.  Preacher on AMC is a great one so far (only a few episodes into the first season). And of course there's the cable TV shows like Game of Thrones and Dexter - but that's another review.  So many great shows to choose from! What's your favorite and why? 
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