#epson all in one printer
everytechever · 2 years
Epson Unveils World’s Smallest and Lightest 20K Lumens Laser Projector
Epson announced the new PU2200 series of three high brightness projectors that range from 13,000 to 20,000 lumens of equal color and white brightness. #Epson #Projector
Epson announced the new PU2200 series of three high brightness projectors that range from 13,000 to 20,000 lumens of equal color and white brightness. The EB-PU2220B projector is the world’s smallest and lightest 20,000lm projector1. The PU2200 range of projectors boasts a unique liquid cooling system and a newly optimized structure. Designed to deliver stunning image quality at resolutions that…
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munchboxart · 5 months
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It's just a spot of weak vinegar
Good tree fertilizer
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atalienart · 9 months
Does Al also make you paranoid?
Look at this picture. Is it art or is it an Al generated image? Look at this text. Is this useful piece of information or Al gibberish? Look at this video? Is this real or fake?
I stare at drawings, analysing every line, I go through people's social media to see if they're artists or thieves. I look for references and take a close look at every image because I don't want to reference distorted reality. I show someone a video of snow falling somewhere and instead of "look how beautiful" I go "do you think this exists?" and I read something and then give up recognising dry like a summer desert language of a robot. I hate it here.
Today's no different. I see a picture that looks kinda nice but I immediately notice there's something wrong with it. I go to the source and there's more. Every day the person adds a new fully finished piece. Under every piece people (because they can sense something's off) ask the owner of the account what medium he uses. The answer is: "I've been using the computer to create my art since 1980, and then I print it with a vintage ink on my epson printer". The fuck? Sounds like the printer does more work that he does on the computer. They guy's old, I give him the benefit of the doubt, his bio says he's a curator of art in some institute. One of the commenters says he posts regularly and his "style" didn't change much. I go through his feed. In fact his "style" changes a lot. But oh, most of the images he posts belong to other people who have their own exhibitions and no online presence, and it's all Al shit, clear as day. I scroll down and it turns out the guy used to be into abstract art, there's tons of it before Al started to ruin everything. In another life I'd scroll past that pretentious fuck without losing 12 minutes of my life. I hate it here. I see another artist and they seem legit but even when I see their art with all the human imperfections I can't shake the feeling they reference Al images. I see their process video but I cannot tell if they're just new to digital art and they use traditional methods or it's a bit shady. Am I paranoid or their video is just recorded that way, because I've already seen the erasing liars and pretending idiots.
It's exhausting. Constant vigilance! I don't want to waste my time on something people didn't bother to spend their time creating. They don't care about their thing, why should I?
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wolfliving · 4 months
Meanwhile, in Brickland
Cory Doctorow:
Analog companies can raise their prices, or worsen next year's model of their products. *Digital* businesses can *travel back in time* and raise the price of something you already own, but need to pay a "subscription" fee for. They can reach back in time and remove features you've already paid for. They can even go back in time and take away things you already own. The omniflexible, omnipresent digital tether between a device and its manufacturer creates *so many* urges that they can't resist:
Are you one of 4,000,000 people who built "smart home" products from Wink into your walls, ceiling and foundation slab at any time since they started shipping in 2014? Surprise! Now you have to pay a "subscription" for all of those gadgets or they'll *brick your fucking house*:
Did you buy a "Mellow Sous Vide" gadget? Surprise, it now costs $48/year to use that gadget!
Did you buy an Exogen ultrasound device to stimulate bone growth after a fracture? Surprise, it bricks itself after you've used it 343 times! Enjoy your e-waste, Hopalong!
Did you *buy a Ferrari performance sports-car*? Surprise, it bricks itself if it detects "tampering" - and the only way to un-brick it is to connect it to the internet, so you'd better hope it doesn't brick itself deep in an underground parking garage. Oops!
Did you buy a Peloton treadmill? Surprise, your $3,000 "smart" treadmill no longer works in standalone mode - unless you pay $480/year, that treadmill is now a clothes-drying rack:
Did you buy an Epson printer? Surprise! It will brick itself after you print a certain number of pages, *for your own good*, because otherwise its ink-sponges might leak:
Did you get - no, wait for it - *did you get a neural implant?* Surprise. The company's new owners don't want to continue supporting your implant, and they won't let anyone else do so either. So now, *part of your brain* has been bricked:
This is like a lifetime money-back guarantee - *for companies*. Any company that experience's seller's remorse can cancel or alter the transaction, retroactively. It's as if Darth Vader opened an MBA program whose only lesson was *I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it further":
Darth Vader has the Force. Corporate enshittifiers have something even more powerful: IP law. Companies can cleverly arrange overlapping layers of IP - anticircumvention, trademark, patent, trade secrecy, terms of service, cybersecurity law, contracts - to criminalize otherwise legal activity, like reverse-engineering, jailbreaking, creating alternative clients or third-party parts:
That means that companies know that they can enshittify to their heart's content without fearing a competitor's disenshittification products. Raise the price of ink all you want, because you've figured out how to criminalize generic ink cartridges:
That's a lesson Spotify took to heart. Aaaallll the way back in 2022, Spotify started selling $90 "Car Thing" tablets - little car-vent-mounted gadgets that made it slightly easier to connect your car stereo to your Spotify account. Now that a suitable interval has gone by, Spotify has decided to remotely brick every one of these solid-state devices, no later than December of 2024:
Now, this may seem like a loss to all those Car Thing owners, who are out $90. But consider this: our descendants are *gaining* thousands of pieces of immortal, infinitely toxic e-waste.
So there's that.
Then there's this: Jason Koebler just published a breakdown of a leaked sSamsung repair contract on 404 Media, revealing how Samsung requires its "independent" repair partners to trick you, abuse you, spy on you, and literally destroy your phone:
First: every time you bring a phone to an independent Samsung repair shop, the company has 24 hours to notify Samsung, providing your name, email, phone number, address, the IMEI of your phone, your warranty status and complaint.
Then, the technician is required to inspect your device for any evidence that you have had it serviced by unauthorized technicians or fixed with third-party replacement parts. If they believe you have failed to act in accord with Samsung's shareholders' interests, the technician is required to *immediately destroy your phone* and notify Samsung.
(This is radioactively illegal, and has been since 1975, when Congress passed the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, which protects your right to use third-party parts:)
Why does Samsung do this? They can't help themselves. It's in their nature.
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chubsonthemoon · 2 years
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This is To Hell and Back Again, by dear dear @perexcri. Cover design by @byierficrecs (thank you SO much for letting me use your design!). Binding by me!
I'm not in ST fandom, but I had the pleasure of skimming this fic while I was typesetting, and can I just say? I'm rooting for these kids SO hard. I'd go to hell and back again for them--[GUNSHOT]
But in all seriousness, Leah's writing is whip-smart, sincere, and funny as hell. I cannot recommend it enough to anyone who is a fan of these crazy kids. Her ao3 is a veritable treasure trove of excellent byler stories, which you should absolutely check out right now go do it!!!
As usual, process chatter and more pics, under the cut! <3
Title: Hellprint
Heading/Chapter Headings/Spine Titling: Norwester
C4 Summary: Roboto Condensed
Main Body Text: Garamond
COVER MATERIAL: Epson Premium Presentation Paper Matte, printed on my Epson Ecotank (more on that later baha)
HEADBANDS: Trebizond silk thread in the colors Garnet and Black
EDGE PAINTING: Acrylic paint in Crimson and Black
TITLING: Red iron-on foil for the text and white HTV for my maker's mark. Cut by Charlotte, my Cricut!
This was my first go at a German Bradel binding! I've seen lots of Renegade folks use this method and am so psyched I got around to trying it myself. I modified DAS's approach a bit and tipped on endpapers instead of sewing them in (there were a lot of new things to learn so I decided to shelve sewn endpapers for the next binding XD). I also only had 2.0 mm bookboard instead of 1.0 mm, so instead of layering two of the same boards like DAS did, I instead used one 2.0 mm board and one very thin piece of cardboard to create the groove for the hinge. The original article that DAS bases his video on actually uses boards of two different sizes too--a "thick" board and a "thin" board--but I still want to experiment with DAS's way of doing it, especially since I think it'll be easier to do cutouts on thinner board.
As far as matching the groove with the hinge, I think I did pretty okay for my first try! One board is definitely better fitting than the other though baha. There's always room for improvement, but hey that's where half the fun is anyway (and also you can't tell after the case-in whew), so I'm not stressed about it :D
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Nearly all of my design decisions for the color scheme were based off of @byierficrecs's gorgeous cover design! They were so generous in letting me use their cover and answering my questions about fonts, for which I can't thank them enough. And with so many wonderful elements to work with, it was so much fun to tease out the elements I loved from their work!
I decided to keep with the theme of red/black, which I also thought was fitting for a ST fic set largely in the Upside Down. Thus, black painted edges with red vines, as a kind of inverted, "upside down" continuation of the cover:
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Even the thread I used to sew the signatures is red/black! :3 (please also ignore how the picture of the textblock is not focused on the actual textblock ajsldkfjs it was very late when I took that photo)
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This was my first time printing a cover on my new printer (!!!), and BOY oh boy was it an adventure. Figuring out the dimensions took a second, but not as long as it took me to figure out what settings produced something I was happy with. Behold, all my test prints:
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Very long story short, let's just say now I understand why being a prepress color specialist is literally a career you can have in publishing LOL.
Also, for some reason I could only sometimes get the bleed to work? Basically what I ended up doing was painting over the parts where the design didn't quite extend over the turn-ins, using with the same black acrylic paint I used for the edges. You can see this more clearly in the photos I took of the groove, and the endpapers covered the messy bits when I cased in:
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Finally!! The most important part of the process!!! HI LEAH ILY!!!! This fic is special for a lot of personal reasons, but chief among them is LOVE!!!! Your A/N's made me tear up when I first read it, because AH! You read my words of love!!! And went and wrote hundreds of thousands of your own words of love!!! And now I hope I've given that love back once again :3 And on and on we go, ad infinitum, until we are relieved of the curse of literacy and greet whatever comes after all this, thanks be to Todd. But until then, I'm so glad I get to shoot holes out of bagels and scream about radioactive tumblr posts and cry over fake people with you, friend :] Truly, peace and love on FUCKING Planet Earth. We are making it and we will all go together when we--[ANOTHER GUNSHOT]
I'm so excited to see where we're going, and what other stories we have to tell. But for now: EEEEEEEE YOU WROTE A BOOK!!!!!!!
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java-dragon · 11 months
Bookbinding/Fan binding for beginners by... a beginner PART ONE
RIGHT! so it felt like maybe it might be sorta kinda helpful to put something about a 'how to do the thing' together. Buckle in this is going to be a ride and a half. Edit as of November 16th 2023 The Master List for EVERYTHING is
SO, first thing is first- if you're fan binding there is a bit of etiquette to follow. But it is just good manners to ask permission to fan bind the fic you're interested in. See if the author has a FAQ available where they state the Yay or the Nay. Submit a DM or a comment. But as a note of disclaimer- this is for PERSONAL USE ONLY. THIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE SOLD ANYWHERE. LOOKING AT YOU ETSY FAN FIC SELLERS THAT CAN GET EVERYONE INTO A FUCK TON OF TROUBLE. That is a breech of fair use laws. Don't breech fair use laws. Don't be a dick.
If you happen to have a EPUB or PDF copy of a fic that has been deleted and you wish to bind it or if you receive no response to the author in question, nod your head, know that you did your best and proceed on with the project and make your fic to put on your shelf. Sleep well knowing you did your best and you can do nothing else.
But if you receive a Nay- don't be a dick honour the author's choice and plop the fic on your ereader and call it good.
Now that we got that all out of the way. ONWARD!
MATERIALS! Musts: (The optional materials will be marked as "OP") Access to a Word processor Printer with duplex printing (It prints on both sides of the page) Fic Printer Paper- regular printer paper is FINE if you're being budget conscious. But if you'd like to splurge:
Hammermill Copy Paper But the Most bang for your buck is Church's Paper
Please note: These are US based links, and I am going from what and where I am located you might have to go to a local paper shop. If you want your book to feel very book-like see if your paper shop can take 11 x 17 paper and cut it in half for you which yields 8.5 x 11 paper on the short grain (paper has a grain there is a stiff side and a floppy side, much like fabric, by cutting the paper in half it makes it more 'floppy' and thus more book like)
a punch cradle I use one made by HoneyMinCo - or some sort of punch guide
Glue- Elmer's Glue All, Tacky, Lineco , PH Neutral all will do what you need it to do
Waxed linen thread
Curved Needles
Book press- you can make these for cheap with wooden cutting boards, bolts and wing nuts.
A brush you don't mind getting glue all over or you can use a silicone face mask brush like this hell I even use my fingers at times
box cutter or any sort of cutting tool, rotary tool
metal rulers help
spacers (Not necessary but helpful to have you can also DIY this for cheap) OP
Davy Board/Chip Board/Book Board AKA dense AF cardboard
and some sort of thick paper- like a cardstock
bone folder - butter knives also work in a pinch
For Printers- Epson ECO Tanks are the best bang for your your buck ink wise and has duplex printing. Inkjet and colour options. Some binders swear by laser printers for speed and the general look for the final product but use what you have. Just make sure you have extra ink on hand.
The upfront costs can be pretty steep but a lot of the materials can be steep but you can get crafty and raid a dollar store and charity shops.
Up Next- How to get a Fic from AO3 to your word processor and how to format a document to get it ready for printing and likely more links, and some people to watch on TikTok or Youtube.
Edit: 11/1/2023:
There is a Fan Binding Starter Kit Found here
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honeybeeofficial · 2 months
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did you know? Epson Workforce WF-2540 All-In-One Printer can perform top surgery!
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fledglingdoodles · 2 years
Hi if you don’t mind me asking how do you take such good pictures of your traditional art work? I really like digitally coloring my traditional inks but I can never seem to get a good picture of it :(
Great question! I use one of these bad boys:
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Epson V600 scanner which are ~$300-350 USD. I've also used scanner functions from various Canon all-in-one printers in the past. If you're doing a lot of professional work then a scanner is a must have but it's just for a hobby then you might be able to get away with using a phone camera!
Some of these recent pieces I've done were cleaned up and levels-edited in Photoshop using photos from my phone:
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Admittedly, I have a hard time getting a good picture of my work on my phone too as it's not particularly high end and my hand tends to shake leading to lots of just-blurry-enough-to-be-unusable pictures. In that case I just have to keep trying until it's 'good enough.' Hope this helps a bit!
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quodekash · 1 year
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i love him with all my soul, your honour 
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vehicular theft. nice one, cher. real classy. 
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sir why do you have an american flag on your arm 
why america 
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imagine the shenanigans they get into. just on a normal day. 
i want to know what work was like before cher was an intern 
cos their friendship is so damn precious 
i love them both so much 
so so so much 
and they both have IMMACULATE hair 
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i love him 
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are- are you sure? 
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now im just thinking about that pomegranate i ate for the first time while watching this exact series a few weeks back 
it took forever to eat 
and was a mess 
and the mess looked like blood 
but MAN it was good 
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this snapshot is just. perfection. i love them so much 
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this feels like my brain 
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hes trying so hard not to laugh 
i love him 
and his perfect hair 
have i mentioned his hair enough today? 
i dont think so 
“i used the food delivery app” dANG IT THAT’S GENIUS 
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an epson printer? not a canon printer? and he’s getting angry at it rather than listing all its good qualities? 
guys i think they have something against epson printers 
maybe theres some long-time rivalry between epson and canon 
dang it now im thinking of bad buddy and therefore of a romance story between two printer brands 
what is wrong with me 
why does the lighting keep doing that thing 
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anyway, cher, i think youve bitten off more than you can chew 
this entire thing is so fun and i fully support the idea, but when it comes to the actual businessy stuff, you kind of need gun to do it. hes the boss and hes the one that knows what the guy actually said, and hes also the one who actually owns the company. so. yeah. 
never mind hes actually doing pretty well 
that was unexpected 
yayyyy cher did good 
i love this so much 
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go to sleep 
(look at his hair) 
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why that shirt. what is it with all the america stuff today. 
omg theyre eating spicy chicken thats hilarious 
“5 orders each” oh gosh theyre gonna make all the orders dirty arent they 
“youre not just a lover, cher. you’re my life partner.” BROOO IM GONNA CRY 
“cher, im ordering you to lie down” did i not say it. 
oh okay then that wasnt dirty??? 
cher’s last one will be, surely 
“im ordering you to love only me forever” well that was both expected and unexpected 
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they smooch :33 
im so excited for wednesday night 
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everytechever · 2 years
Epson Reveals Global Attention Focuses on Climate Change
Awareness of climate change leads people from around the world to adopt more sustainable lifestyles. #epson #climatechange #environment #everytechever
Across the world, people are stepping up personal efforts to avert climate change, according to the latest findings from Epson’s second Climate Reality Barometer. Research from the global technology leader suggests that while the world economy proves to be a distraction from efforts to address climate challenges, climate change remains a primary concern for many.  Despite a year of unprecedented…
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cat-arsenal · 1 year
Selling this scanner I don't get along with and a ton of books and Pokemon cards (still)
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splendidsneb · 2 years
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Happy Holidays all, time for a Halloween picture!
So for Christmas, my family very generously chipped in a bought me the wide format printer that I had been looking at for a while, the Epson XP-15000 .
I make a lot of digital art for gifts, and now that I’ve moved, there is only one local printing place, and it’s really subpar. I used their services once, and it was a -3/10 experience. So I thought, what if I just buy a printer and print the work myself? Fuck paying other people to (poorly) print MY art.
Which leads me to where I am now.
While waiting for the specialty printing paper I ordered to arrive, I decided to print one of my older line arts (whoa 2010!), slap it on my light box, and trace/redraw/ENHANCE it. I wanted to make the background have more to do with the actual Horror Land map in Mario Party 2, rather than the stuff I just tossed in there to fill space the first time I drew it.
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Like so.
Then after I finished it, I scanned it and cleaned it up and then did a test print.
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The printed version is a bit warmer than the original, but that’s because I upped the saturation after I scanned it, so that will be something for me to keep in mind going forwards. It is a learning process!
All in all, I am very excited to continue moving forwards with my new toy. Maybe I can start selling prints to those who are interested!
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Hey there Miyabi! How do you get such high-res, beautiful, and professional scan quality? What's your process?
Thank you! I certainly don't think I do anything that professional, so glad you have been decieved into thinking that about them! LOL I started doing this scan of the day stuff just to bring better quality to a lot of the older contributions of mine floating around the web. Looking at them on here, the Megaman wikia and other places, they just felt small and dirty. Especially as basic technology had gotten better over the decade or so since I first scanned them. I have 2 different scanners, one of which is a fancier Epson that I bought specifically to scan film slides a year or so ago. Still use it for basic scans from time to time. But honestly, for the settei, I'm still just using my general home HP Envy printer/scanner combo. I always scan at 600 DPI. After that part is done and the bitmap image is scanned to my computer, it's really just doing some heavy touchup. As I have alluded to in some recent posts, some of these sheets will take me an hour to an hour and a half just to clean up, because they have so many artifacts and dotty garbage on them. Settei at auction are mostly just scanned copies themselves after all, so there's a bit of residue to clean up. Ever wonder why sometimes I don't post these at a regular time of day? That's why, I'm still working on touchup before I post (and probably off from work, so I'm not prepping the night before, like when I post at a scheduled time).
Let's use this recent Gauss sheet as an example.
The original scan was pretty messy. Probably can't see it as well in tumblr resize scale, so here's the original scan. But it is dotted all over the place, there's like a smudge line which goes through the whole bottom of the sheet, where the "Final Draft" stamp, character/episode number marking is, and through some of Gauss' headshots as well. You can also probably see some black on the edges, where the sheet comes to an end within my scanner.
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The first bit of touchup I usually do is within my image viewer. I use FastStone Image Viewer to help organize and view everything. In there, I will adjust the brightness, contrast, and sometimes the gamma, to get the sheet background a bit lighter and the lines darker.
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I just like the number 14. Is it always 14? No. But that's usually my baseline starting point. After that's saved, into the photo editing program of choice we go. I match my brush color to the background white and just paint over all those ugly dots and wipe those black edges away.
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Zoom in at 100% to try not to miss those artifacts you don't notice zoomed out. Look at Gauss' speckled fingers. Ugh, cleaning that stuff up is hell. But I do it, so you all can see clean-ish looking art. Do I get everything? No. But I try to at least get the major issues out of the way.
Some things I take liberties on. The shading on his jacket goes outside the lineart. Should I leave it as is for authenticity? Probably. But if I'm cleaning it, I'm gonna clean it all. So you'll see in the finished version I posted, those shading lines are all inside the lineart only.
Some people are jerks and could easily resell these settei just by printing scans and claiming them as original. Another way I try to have a way to differentiate my edits without slapping a watermark on is my editing of the text boxes. See the top left and bottom right of it above Netto? There's almost always some overhang on the originals. I have usually taken the liberty of editing that overlap line off, so that the text box is a clean rectangle where the line stops at each corner, as close as I can take it. It's a dumb, but simple way for me to tell if it's my edit.
Otherwise, that's really it. Just a lot of added effort in touchup, honestly.
Cel scans are a little different, because most of them are too big for either scanner. Especially cels with backgrounds. So many of those involve 2-4 scans and then stitching them all together. Much less touchup that I do to them, but otherwise it's mostly the same. 600 DPI, and some brightness/contrast or slight color saturation adjustments to them, if needed.
And now you know!
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spockandawe · 1 year
re: printer anon and your discussion on types of printer--there is currently an Epson eco tank on sale for 200 (80 off) at cost co if you or a friend has a membership to jump in on! I haven't been able to confirm 100% if it can do full-page/full bleed prints but it *seems* like it can, so if anyone into fanbinding is looking for a new beast of burden I would recommend taking a look, the sale is online and in warehouse until the 23rd :)))) I'm almost certainly going to grab one the next paycheck with breathing room
Ooh, for any followers interested in buying a new printer, this sounds like a hell of a deal! And if it can do full-bleed printing, that is a SCORE for a home printer! I'm all out of space in my apartment, but hell yeah, this sounds awesome for anyone who has money and space :D
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smokymtnnotary · 1 year
Equipment and Supplies for Notary Signing Agents
As a Notary Signing Agent, there are several essential items you will need to perform your duties effectively. Here are some of the basic equipment and supplies that you might need:
Notary Journal: A notary journal is a record of all notarial acts performed by the notary. It is an essential tool for keeping track of your notarial acts and helps in preventing fraudulent activities.  I use and recommend the hard cover Modern Journal for Notarial Events.  I like that journal because it fits in my notary bag and I can also use it to write on top of, when doing notary work where there's no table.  It beats carrying around clipboards!
Notary Stamp: I like and use the slim round notary stamp.  It fits well in my bag or purse and I like it much better than the one that slams down!  I always get my commission expiration date on the outside of my stamp.  I know you'll hear people say that you aren't allowed to have your expiration date on your notary stamp - in Tennessee that is not true!
Pens: It is essential to have a good quality pen that writes smoothly and doesn't smudge. You may need to sign or fill out several documents during a signing appointment, so it is best to have multiple pens available.  I use blue Bic pens - you can order them through Amazon.  I also use pens for promotional matrials and those I usually buy from Amsterdam Pens.
Printer and Paper: A printer is necessary for printing out documents that require notarization. You will also need a good quality paper that is suitable for printing legal documents. I use Brother HL-L6200DWT printers.  The only problem is I also use a Mac and Brother printers don't want to print legal size documents correctly from a Mac.  I found the solution to that is to go into Adobe and turn the pages upside down and they print properly for me.  BUT that can be a hassle when your busy and forget to do that - so I just bought a windows based laptop that I print closing docs from.  The paper I usually use (letter size) is Hammermill Paper.  You'll also need Legal Size Paper.  
Laptop or Tablet:  I like the Lenovo with the number keys at the side.  I do most of my online closings on my laptop also.  If you are doing IPEN (in-person electronic notarizations) you'll want to have a tablet. I use and recommend the iPad Pro 12.9" and also the iPencil.  You might want to get a couple iPencils if you are doing a lot of IPEN so that each signer has a pencil to sign with.  If you use a platform, such as EscrowTab they have a couple tablets that work with their platform - one is the iPad Pro.  
Mobile Hotspot: A mobile hotspot is necessary for conducting remote notarizations where an internet connection is required.  You can also use the hotspot, if available, on your smartphone.
Scanner:  I mainly use Epson scanners.  I have one I keep in my office and a couple portable scanners I carry with me.  The portable scanners I use are Epson ES-300W. The ES-300 is direct connect, so if I'm out in the middle of nowhere I can connect to my scanner from my phone.  It actually connects better when I'm in the middle of nowhere than when I'm doing closings in an office building!  When I'm doing closings in an office or where there's a lot of other wifi going on my phone is always trying to connect to all the other wifi's except for my scanner.  I use the Aproca carry case for my portable scanner, I just wish it came with a sholder strap!  The Epson I use in my office is the workforce ES-580W.  No matter what scanner you get you want to get a professional scanner that's going to send scans that are readable and printable!  Don't be the signing agent that uses thier phone to do scan backs with!
Fingerprinting Supplies: If I'm ever doing genera notary work for the elderly, handicapped, or hospice patient and they aren't able to sign their name as well as they use to I always get their thumbprint in my journal!  I also get quite a few calls for mobile fingerprinting jobs - mainly for traveling doctors and nurses.  If you want to add mobile fingerprinting to your work, you'll also want to get FD-258 fingerprinting cards and carry them in your bag.  
Travel Bag: A sturdy travel bag is essential for carrying all the necessary equipment and supplies. It should be large enough to hold everything you need, but small enough to be easily transported. I use Coach leather bags.  I know they are more expensive than other bags but I feel I get my monies worth out of them because they last me a long time and leather is pretty easy to clean.  
Shipping supplies: Keep Fedex & UPS envelopes in both legal and letter size.  Keep these on hand so that when you get busy your packages are ready to be dropped off.  You can open an account at both Fedex & UPS for free and have supplies delivered to you directly.  
These are just some of the essential equipment and supplies that a notary signing agent might need. Depending on the specific requirements of your notary work, you may need additional items as well.
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