#erebus nightblood
clan-nightblood · 2 years
Erebus Nightblood
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PHYSICAL TRAITS  Age: 28  Pronouns: He/Him/They/Them  Race: Wildwood Elezen  Height: 6'10"  Weight: 198lbs  Body Type: Slim with lean muscle  Hair Color: Black and Silver  Eye Color: Ice Blue  Skin Color: Pale  Distinctive Physical Features: Blue marks emblazoned on their face, fangs, long black claws  General Attire: Tight jet black pants, loose shirts or no shirt, black leather boots, no hat, sometimes black leather gloves.
GENERAL DETAILS  Homeland: Gridania  Nationality/Culture: Elezen of the Twelveswood  Spirituality: Pays lipservice to the Twelve but believes primarily in what a person can do with the power they have.  Languages: Carries the Echo - everything makes sense.  Current Residence: Apartment in Ishgard  Favored Environment: Thick forests, cliffs, places near water.  Occupation: Scion, Researcher and Alchemist  Associations: Scions of the Seventh Dawn, Marauders Guild, Tonberries of Nim, Students of Baldesion
PERSONALITY  Key Words: Adventurous, flirtatious, silver-tongued, laid back, diligent, fun-loving, supportive, relaxed, curious, reliable, intelligent, resilient, heavy-hearted.  Details: Erebus lives and breathes curiosity - from researching random things to running alchemical experiments, to chatting up local passers by who draw intrigue. In general he is rather cheery and friendly, inviting people to his home or his curated library and laboratory. In darker moods, he is more apt to keep to his experiments and research, only speaking with the other Nightbloods or completely taking time alone. Though he cares greatly for the community at large and his friends, there is no deeper care he holds than that of his care for Tisiphone.
"Aren't you curious? Don't you want to experiment with me? Imagine the discoveries we could make together."  - Erebus Nightblood
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clan-nightblood · 2 years
Members of Clan Nightblood
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Clan Nightblood is a family of folk who came together through many and varied walks of life. Each of them has their own story, but they have chosen to be bonded together. The members of Clan Nightblood are: 
Tisiphone Nightblood  Erebus Nightblood  Nyx Nightblood  Luna Nightblood  Trystal Nightblood  Celeste Nightblood  Luscius Nightblood 
While each of these people live their own lives, they can occasionally be found in Nightblood Manor, located in the Mists of La Noscea. They do bear some resemblance to each other in looks, tastes, and mannerisms, which you will find more and more.
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clan-nightblood · 2 years
Erebus Nightblood's First Apartment - A Flat In Limsa
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Decoration by Erebus Nightblood
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clan-nightblood · 2 years
In The Brink of Time
A tall, pale Elezen briskly walked through the gates of Nightblood Manor, which yielded to him immediately. There was only a sliver moon in the sky, lending the dimmest light to the area. But Erebus Nightblood had no need of the light to be able to see.
A tall au ra male, clad in a fine suit, hair pulled back from his face, opened the door before Erebus could even reach for the handle. They made eye contact, brows and jaws set firmly, but neither of them spoke. There was no time. The silence made the urgency of the matter even more apparent to Erebus, and the servant shut the door more swiftly than he had openned it.
Erebus sprinted up the stairs, skipping steps on the way, and turned down the hall to the right. No lights were lit upstairs save for the faint glow of a candelabra at the end of the hall which cast the shadows of the gargoyle on the wall behind it. To the left of the statue, he walked through the door and into Tisiphone's bedroom.
In the pitch black room, he quickly made his way to her. She was curled up on the ground, and had wedged herself between her desk and her armoire, which now both sported deep gouges from her claws. Her frame shook, and her breath was heavy and quick, and as he approached her she stifled a whimper and tried to push back with her feet, until she realized who he was. Tisiphone attempted a word, but her humanity had all but eroded completely. Erebus hushed her softly, pulling a bottle from the satchel on his hip and removing the cork, immediately pressing it to her lips. Grasping it so hard the glass began to crack, Tisiphone threw her head back and eagerly glugged the contents without question. She tapped the bottom of the bottle to get every last drop, and licked any small remnants from the mouth of it. Tears streaked her alabaster skin as she immediately felt the edge taken off her thirst.
Tisiphone took deep breaths, and Erebus lit a fire in the hearth - a hearth which usually never lay empty. A short time passed by, the rooms silence finally broken by soothing crackling and the sound of flames. He returned to his sister's side, and took her by the forearms to help her stand, guiding her slowly over to the bench that rested at the foot of her bed in front of the fire's warmth. She was uneasy, but Tisiphone followed him and let herself come to rest there.
"Tisi, how many days has it been?" "I don't know... I think I lost track at a month... maybe more-"
Erebus growled deeply, and cupped her cheeks in both his hands, turning her face to make her look him square in the eyes.
"You need to feed."
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clan-nightblood · 2 years
A Quiet Evening of Alchemy
Clink, clink. Rap-tatap-tap. Bubble bubble. Tsssssss.
The sounds of his work filled the air as Erebus ground away at some herbs, the scraping of stone on stone adding to the little symphony. In the quiet of his study, he worked diligently on filling a shipment of ingredient preparations - grinding herbs, boiling down saps, extracting essences, and gingerly putting the bottles into well-cushioned crates.
The elezen looked up just at the moment a whistle began to howl into the air. A tiny smirk dawned his lips as he briskly made his way to a stove nearby, where he grasped the handle of his kettle. A cup nearby contained a small sachet of tea, and he poured the boiling hot water slowly over the bag, watching the water turn a soft pink, and then to a deeper reddish-orange hue like that of the setting sun. Setting the kettle back on the stove, he let the tea steep while he continued working.
Moving back to his work station and taking a quill in hand, Erebus began to scribble some notes on a piece of parchment. On the parchment was a chart of herbs names and their alchemical properties, each usefulness indicated by a particular symbol. For health, a small red cross. For antidote, a purple tear drop. For magic, a small blue star. For intelligence, a light green eye. He had been developing this sorting system over time, and sometimes things changed, but the little system of symbols helped both himself and his clients learn the values of different ingredients and commit them to memory more quickly.
He looked up at the clock, and with a wider grin, he picked up his cup of tea and took a sip, allowing his eyes to drift closed.
Only half past nine, he thought. This will go by in no time.
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clan-nightblood · 2 years
Great to see you agaaaaaain!!! How’ve you been? Working on anything interesting these days? I’m sure you’re probably working on something fun!
"It's excellent to see you again, Anna! I've been quite alright. My alchemical research has kept me busy of late; I've been working on some new experimental potions that have..." Erebus briefly paused, biting his lip and letting out a flirtatious chuckle. "...entertaining effects."
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clan-nightblood · 2 years
Tell me about your OCs!
I want to know:
Favourite food
Day job
Shoe size
Deepest fear
Preferred genre of music
Full name and all titles
Most embarrassing ship-related moment (if any)
Best friend's name
Bra size (if applicable)
Leisurely pasttime
Preferred mount, including name and any headcanons
All the scars they have (if applicable)
Favourite flower
Place of residence
Where they consider "home"
Skill level with regards to juggling (if any)
And one fact that you always want to talk about that is too obscure to come up in normal questions
- Signed, someone who wants to know about your OCs
Tisiphone Nightblood answering. Favourite Food: "Blood. Though I also greatly enjoy sushi, and my latest fixation is pancakes." Day Job: Warrior of Darkness/Light Shoe Size: "I've never paid attention to sizes. I have my boots custom made. Many places don't carry sizes big enough for me so it's easier this way." (US women's size 14) Deepest Fear: "Being judged and feared by those I've come to know as friends." Preferred Genre of Music: "Anything melodic, soft music from many cultures." Full Name and All Titles: "Tisiphone Nightblood, Hemitheos, Warrior of Darkness, Warrior of Light, Scion, Hyedalin's Champion, Goddess of the Land, Mistress." Most Embarrassing Ship-Related Moment: "One time I was leaving my house, and G'raha was coming to knock on my door, and I opened the door right as he knocked. This caused him to instead knock on my left tit. Being tall is, if nothing else, entertaining." Best Friend's Name: "Erebus Nightblood." Bra Size: "I don't wear those. They're cumbersome and a waste of my time." Leisurely Pass-time: "Fishing, and finding new places to go fishing." Preferred mount, including name and any headcanons: "My black pegasus. He doesn't have a name, but we never need communicate through words." All the scars they have, if applicable: "I have no scars on my body." Favourite Flower: "Lilies. Particularly the orange ones. I do also enjoy deep red roses." Place of Residence: "I own a house in the Mist, right on the ocean. The view of the storms that happen are the best when you can see the flash of the lightning reflect off the waves." Where they consider "home": "My heart is, has been, and always will be, in the First. The high cliffs of Eulmore and the look of the sun against the sky often run through my mind when I'm homesick; the lavender trees of Lakeland dance through when I'm happy." Skill level in regards to juggling (if any): "I don't juggle. I can toss my rapier beautifully, or my chakrams, but please do not involve more than two items." And one fact that you always want to talk about that is too obscure to come up in normal questions: "I have died multiple times and my aether keeps getting ripped back out of the void. Always by scientists."
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