#Clan Nightblood Lore
clan-nightblood · 2 years
Erebus Nightblood
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PHYSICAL TRAITS  Age: 28  Pronouns: He/Him/They/Them  Race: Wildwood Elezen  Height: 6'10"  Weight: 198lbs  Body Type: Slim with lean muscle  Hair Color: Black and Silver  Eye Color: Ice Blue  Skin Color: Pale  Distinctive Physical Features: Blue marks emblazoned on their face, fangs, long black claws  General Attire: Tight jet black pants, loose shirts or no shirt, black leather boots, no hat, sometimes black leather gloves.
GENERAL DETAILS  Homeland: Gridania  Nationality/Culture: Elezen of the Twelveswood  Spirituality: Pays lipservice to the Twelve but believes primarily in what a person can do with the power they have.  Languages: Carries the Echo - everything makes sense.  Current Residence: Apartment in Ishgard  Favored Environment: Thick forests, cliffs, places near water.  Occupation: Scion, Researcher and Alchemist  Associations: Scions of the Seventh Dawn, Marauders Guild, Tonberries of Nim, Students of Baldesion
PERSONALITY  Key Words: Adventurous, flirtatious, silver-tongued, laid back, diligent, fun-loving, supportive, relaxed, curious, reliable, intelligent, resilient, heavy-hearted.  Details: Erebus lives and breathes curiosity - from researching random things to running alchemical experiments, to chatting up local passers by who draw intrigue. In general he is rather cheery and friendly, inviting people to his home or his curated library and laboratory. In darker moods, he is more apt to keep to his experiments and research, only speaking with the other Nightbloods or completely taking time alone. Though he cares greatly for the community at large and his friends, there is no deeper care he holds than that of his care for Tisiphone.
"Aren't you curious? Don't you want to experiment with me? Imagine the discoveries we could make together."  - Erebus Nightblood
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theredpharaoah · 1 year
I think they should’ve had the entirety of the main Kru stay in Polis: Clarke, Bellamy, Octavia, Raven, Monty, Jasper, Lincoln, Harper, Miller, Murphy, etc. They could’ve been there to support Clarke, and the other plot could’ve been Abby and Kane vs Pike. The Becca lore drop could’ve been used as an excuse by Skaikru to argue they deserved a place in the conclave too. Then maybe they had nightblood in that case Becca brought down. It could’ve had some sci-fi lock or some shit for Raven to crack. Or alternatively, Clarke became Luna’s second after Mt Weather. That could’ve been fun. She went to Luna instead of roaming around for 4 months and learned from her. Then maybe Luna put her name behind Clarke for the conclave. Or she gave Clarke a transplant after learning about it from Abby so she could become Commander. Someone else can figure out the logistics of it all. Or you know what would’ve been cool? If they’d had a Rite of Caste thing like in Xena. And Lexa on her deathbed gave Clarke her Rite of Caste. That would then cause Titus to open the silver case with the “sacred” like last 5 bottles of nightblood serum and inject it into Clarke before giving her the flame. It could be viewed as like Lexa’s rule wasn’t really over - she chose to “incarnate” in Clarke. Some sort of cultural soulmate shit or something. Like even Clarke’s official titles would’ve been “Lexa Kom Trikru Kom Clarke Kom Skaikru” or some shit. Of course this would cause Hell with the clans, but it would’ve got us payoff for 2 seasons of Lexa teasing Clarke as her heir. I wonder what Jason’s original plan was for that? He must’ve came up with the Nightblood at the start of Season 3 which is why he scrapped it, and tried to placate us with the Ontari/Clarke transfusion. Again, they should’ve just done a bone marrow transplant with Ontari. Her ass was already dead and they wouldn’t have had to deal with the seizing and shit.
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ace-takes-pride · 3 years
so today i told some kid at school a little bit about the lore from The Burning Flower on the Arson SMP
i went like "yeah i mainly stream on this server called the arson smp, we like to do lore inside our clan called the burning flower, sire an nightblood are married, aster and i are together, not married just together".
she said "well at least you have a boyfriend".
of course, my first instinct was to correct her. "girlfriend" i said. to my surprise, she took it almost normally. "oh, so... bi?" "panromantic, but my character is homoromantic." "oh, nice. i lean more on the straight side..?" and the conversation went naturally from there.
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favvnsongs · 7 years
Ok, I might be late, but the necromancy thing sounds cool. What's the story? Tragic lovers, pulled apart by cruel fate? One buries herself in practices no person should ever perform, because the void in her chest hurts more than trading her soul? Or maybe Clarke raising a dead Lexa looking for help or protection or knowledge? Do they know each other? Is Lexa human? Is Clarke? Did they communicate before the ritual of awakening?
so the initial thought was canon divergence from 3.07 (with an overarching lore divergence, because everyone knows i hate the ai storyline/backstory with a burning enraged passion) but gosh like. nightbloods as practitioners of blood magic? commander of the blood? black blood being a result of extended magic use. anyhow. 
lexa dying and titus being killed because fuck that guy. shifty glances from the nightbloods because they know that technically it’s an option, but they also know that it’s stupid dangerous and forbidden and really a pipe dream because none of them know how to raise the dead anyways. but that doesn’t mean it’s a lost skill? exiled nightbloods? driven out and cast into the darkness because they practiced dark magic? 
clarke thinking that if she’s going to have ‘commander of death’ following around for the rest of her life, she might as well make use of it? and it should balance out the scales, right? she’s killed so many but if she can bring someone back? someone like lexa? someone good and earnest and well meaning? 
lexa’s known peace though. true peace. she’s known rest! clarke thinking she’s doing a good thing but a good portion of her need to have lexa back is selfishness and guilt. a need to fix everything for everyone, a need to fix this for herself? 
exiled nightbloods finding, and then pulling lexa’s soul out of the void? wrestling it back down to the world and forcing her back into her body? 
rumors spreading quick though! dark magic. squirmy magic. dangerous magic. able to feel it ripple out through the woods and the countryside when she comes back? protective sigils and herbal cleansings! grounders looking to the sky like they expect it to split open? 
technically this is in the faith!verse insp folder but i think it fits with lexa in this one too? Isabelle Eberhardt’s "I will always be haunted by thoughts of a sun-drenched elsewhere."
alycia in Friend Request is a really good example of the mess that lexa is? doesn’t quite fit her own body anymore? not supposed to be in the world anymore? a conflicted yearning soul?
clarke and lexa bringing stability to the clans again? peace between grounders and sky people? clarke expecting everything to be okay! they fixed it! they made everything right again! warm golden summer and everyone is at ease and everything is good but lexa....lexa always wistful longing?
clarke wanting her love to be enough? wanting to be enough but no amount or intensity of love can quite fill the hollow? can patch the cracks? 
lexa wont ask clarke to kill her. and she wont kill herself. but clarke knowing that the right thing to do is to send lexa back. to let her rest again? 
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The Flame
[also on AO3]
“-one-year anniversary of the massive multi-player online game that swept the world. We are here with-"
"-what made The Flame so unique was the removal of items like health potions and instead a more reality based system were certain items and actions are required to trigger healing and other results. This system opened up an entirely-"
"-the gaming platform which the Flame utilizes was made by the late Theodore and Alihana-"
"-just announced that they will be adding a 13th Clan to the game play options. This is not to be confused with the non-playable Clan known as-"
"-the new clan will be initially populated by 100 randomly selected users who will lose their original characters if they accept. -"
"-everyone is now wondering what will the infamous Holder of The Flame do now? Will they bring the 13th Clan into the alliance or will-"
"-dedicated gamers are beginning to wonder if this new clan will lead to a character finally claiming the coveted title of 'The Flame's Chosen'. No one has held this title since the death of the young gamer who previously-"
"-in local news, the trial for the murder of renown mechanical engineer Jake-"
"-a reminder that the C-LX VR platform has a safety feature built into allow users immersed in the world to still hear things like fire alarms in the real world which will cause their avatar to pause while the player is forcible returned to the real world in order to check their surroundings. This feature was added after the tragic deaths of designers-"
With a sign one Eliza Lex rose from the battered second-hand couch and headed to her one of her best friend's bedrooms in the back. Having meet in undergrad the three of them had become inseparable, to the point where they agreed to move in together after graduation. Well, after they graduated. Eliza herself was still in med-school.
Walking into her friend's room Eliza couldn't help but laugh.
Lindsey was caught in the process of changing, clothes half-off but entangled in her bushy hair and snagged on knee brace. It appeared as if she had attempted to change her pants and when that had failed decided to change her shirt only to also get stuck there as well. Over all the image was hilarious.
"Oh, stop laughing miss high and mighty and help a lady out."
Grinning Eliza walked over, automatically helping her friend even as she teased the mechanic.
"How is it that you can change parts on over a dozen machines with your eyes closed but you can't change your clothes on your own?"
"It's not my fault the stupid brace-" Lindsey cut herself off. A flash of pain crossed her expression before she blanked it. "So, anything good on the news?"
Eliza sighed. "Just the anniversary of The Flame and various deaths."
"Oh." Lindsey winced again. This time because of which death she was sure have been on the news.
"I'm fine Linds."
Lindsey didn't look like she believed her, but by this point Eliza had finished helping her get dressed. Both women stood there awkwardly for a moment. At last Lindsey sighed.
"Come on. Let's get going before you're late to your shift."
Normally Eliza would go by herself, however, today was Thursday. Lindsey had rehab at the hospital Tuesdays and Thursdays, so she would carpool with Eliza and hang out at the hospital until Eliza's lunch break at which point the other woman would give her a ride to work. Their third roommate - Marie - would then pick Lindsey up from work.
It'd been two months since Lindsey had been released after the accident. It'd be at least another three before she would be cleared to drive again.
Ten minutes later the house was empty.
No one would notice the blinking new email notification on the desktop until significantly later. By that point, everything would be different.
"-no Cory. I have no intention of telling her." The woman sighed into her phone as she entered the waiting room. Distracted from her searching, Eliza couldn't help but wonder who the woman was, who she was talking to, and why she sounded so tired.
"Of course, I'll be fine. I'm of the Woods Clan." Eliza rolled her eyes. It'd figure that The Flame would spread to influence people so much. Her respect for the stranger went down some. Not that she should be judging someone based on a one-sided conversation she overheard.
Quietly Eliza went back to flipping through medical records looking for the one she needed. With half an ear she heard the other woman end her phone conversation. Silence filled the small area until someone cleared their throat awkwardly.
"Um excuse me? I'm here to check in for my appointment. Alicia Woods?"
Eliza raised an eyebrow. Well. Maybe she had judged too soon that the woman was a Flame fanatic. Sighing to herself she sets down the file she was flipping through.
"Hang on. I'm not really supposed to handle appointments. The secretary stepped out, but I'll see if I can't grab one of the nurses."
Alicia nodded. She remained quiet while Eliza used the pager to call for the nearest nurse for the front desk. Eliza fought the urge to fidget as they waited. Turning back to the file she'd set down earlier she was startled when the other woman spoke again.
"So, what do you do? If you're not supposed to handle appointments."
"Oh." Turning back around Eliza met the other woman's eyes, momentarily distracted by the sharp green of her eyes. "I'm finishing up my doctor's degree here. Technically I know how to do it, but they don't like me doing the nurses jobs for them when I'm supposed to be a surgeon."
Eyebrows raised in surprise, although Alicia's expression remained otherwise blank. She opened her mouth to presumably ask another question when a harried nurse skirted around the corner.
"I'm sorry Dr. Lex, we had a- a situation with one of the patients."
Smiling softly, Eliza stepped out of the way and allowed the frazzled woman to login at the terminal and gather the needed paperwork.
"It's alright Misty. Was it old man Quan again? I can go talk to him if he's giving you problems again."
"Oh no Dr. Lex. There's no need for you to get involved. You do enough as it is. There's no need for you to worry. We'll handle it. You're supposed to be off shift anyways." Despite the placating tone Misty had started with, her gaze had narrowed onto the folder held loosely in Eliza's hands. Smiling sheepishly Eliza handed over the folder when Misty gestured for it.
"I just wanted to see how she was doing."
"Mhm. And she wouldn't tell you? She's your roommate after all." Eliza sighed.
"You know how stubborn she is. Even this morning she-"
"*crackle* Doctor Eliza Lex, Doctor Eliza Lex, please report to your mother's office. *crackle*"
Eliza sighed. Rolling her eyes she sent a soft, apologetic smile to Misty.
"Duty calls."
She tried not to think about the pair of green eyes that followed her out.
The Flame. A world renown MMORPG which utilized the C-LX Virtual Reality gaming platform made up of gloves and headpiece. Characters can now choose from 14 Clans, one of which is the non-playable clan known as the Maunon, or the Mountain Men. At the time of the initial game release the original 12 clans were arrayed on a map set 90 years after the Apocalypse. Each clan was given a history, culture, and various clan only titles and positions they can achieve, as well as inter-clan titles and positions they could go after.
A portion of that history included an on-going conflict with the non-playable clan. According to the game guide it was possible for players to defeat the Mountain, however, in the year since the games release no one has figured out how to do so. There is no record of any prerequisites, conditions, or anything else which may hint at how to defeat the mountain and the Mountain Men which live inside. Most players believe that doing so is the end-game condition for The Flame and so beating the Mountain may alter the very format of the game in some unpredictable manner.
Players - upon choosing their clan of origin - are required to pass a short quiz on their clan history, choose a character name from the millions allowed for their clan, and other basic features for their character. Upon death the character resets, losing all titles, levels, and special items. Only non-quest items are kept, but as most of those have stat or level restrictions, players work very hard to avoid death and the character reset. Players can change clans upon petition and meeting the requirements set by the clan's current leaders.
There is one aspect of the game lore that is standard across the clans. The Flame. A unique item which when claimed gives the player with it the title of 'The Commander', or 'Heda' in the games language. In order for a player to utilize the Flame they must first achieve the status of Natbilda or 'Nightblood', a status that so far appears to be randomly achieved. The clan of origin doesn't matter, as once one becomes a nightblood, their clan affiliation changes to that of 'Polis'. Confusion swept the game world when the first nightbloods and members of Polis were discovered. What followed was an extensive search of the world map and the discovery of a no-PVP zone known as 'The City of Polis'.
Initially made up solely of NPC's, Polis was a treasure trove of information on game lore, quests, items, and player titles. Included among these NPC's is the Flame Keeper, Titus. When approached by a non-nighblood, Titus gives a standard speal about him being the protector (ruler) of Polis and advisor to The Commander - The Holder of the Flame as Titus calls them. Thus the media calling the player currently holding the Flame 'The Holder of the Flame' rather than Heda or the Commander. Political leaders didn't like the media calling a random citizen by such a seemingly high rank, even if it was just in a reference to a game.
It wasn't until shortly before the current Commander's rise to power that the message Titus gives the nightblood was released to the public. Apparently, the nightbloods are told a significantly more in-depth version of the game lore. This includes what qualifications they must meet to become the Commander. Most interpret it as demonstrating three traits, passing a test on their lore knowledge, and equipping the Flame. It's the last on that lead to the standing belief that a nighblood must kill the other nightbloods to secure their rise to power. Most players - the ones not obsessive with PVP - think this is bull, as many who gain the nightblood status don't actually aspire to be the Holder of the Flame. That doesn't stop the threads, blogs, and comments about players needing to ensure the death of other nightblood players.
Prior to about four months ago, the clans had waged war against each other as well as the Mountain. Then a new Commander rose to power. No one knows how she found the Flame, only that her first act as Commander was to begin uniting the Clans. Once people started to get on board with an alliance between the Clans, new titles and positions were discovered, serving to increase public sway to the new alliance.
For a short period of tie during this initial uniting period it looked like the game world would also have their first Flame's Chosen - the second-in-command to the Holder of the Flame. At least that's what everyone assumed when news of the new Commander's shadow was discovered. This shadow was another female character who was nearly always spotted at the Commanders side. An overheard conversation confirmed that the shadow player would become the Chosen. Neither player was seen without the other. Until one day the Commander's Shadow didn't. No one knew what happened until someone connected the dots to a local gamer dying while playing the game.
Just after that report all rumors of the player chosen as the Flame's Chosen were squashed. Brutally. In the three months since then the Holder of the Flame has ruled over the world of the Flame and lead multiple attempts to defeat the mountain. Each one only slightly more successful than the previous. But that success cost a lot of well-known players their character stats. Shortly after they began, the assaults stopped. A balance returned to the game world. Violence against the mountain and competitions between the clans to keep from outright war.
This is the situation into which the 13th Clan will be added. We can only wonder how the new clan will adapt, and who will be chosen for the initial 100 members.
    -A thorough summary of The Flame's history, by Bos-Kin Gamers
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clan-nightblood · 2 years
Tisiphone Nightblood
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PHYSICAL TRAITS Age: Complicated Pronouns: She/Her/They/Them Race: Hemitheos Height: 7'3" Weight: 277lbs Body Type: Curvy with lean muscle Hair Color: Black and Red Eye Color: Stormy Blue (can become Deep Red) Skin Color: Alabaster Distinctive Physical Features: Red marks emblazoned on their face, long black claws, fangs, consistently appears striking and otherworldly no matter the circumstance. General Attire: Tight fitted jet black clothing; outfits generally consist of thigh boots, leather pants, shorts, or skirt, shirt that either barely covers anything or covers nearly everything, no hat.
GENERAL DETAILS Homeland: Norvrandt Nationality/Culture: Galdjent Spirituality: Believes in her own agency and power. Languages: Carries the Echo - Everything makes sense. Current Residence: The Mists of La Noscea Favored Environment: Forests with flowing water, or beaches with wide open skylines. Occupation: Warrior of Darkness/Light Associations: Amaurotines, Warriors of Light, Scions of the Seventh Dawn, Eorzean Alliance, Students of Baldesion
PERSONALITY Key Words: Hard-working, compassionate, calming, intelligent, wise, diligent, heavy-hearted, emotional, bold, courageous, relentless, vengeful, creative, passionate.  Details: Tisiphone is a steadfast and hearty individual with a love for all things warm and comforting. When not being the WoD/WoL, she finds herself buried in creature comforts such as warm baths, home decor, fashion design, delicious food, and music. A rather introverted creature, Tisiphone can often be found in Nightblood Manor enjoying the warmth of home, researching in the Studium, or conversing with close friends. She is slow to trust, but it is rare that anyone will find a deeper heart and, when earned, more loyal ally. Beneath the surface of her immaculate beauty and boisterous laughter lies a heavy heart, a twisted past, and a relentless vengeance that never forgets and never forgives.
"I will save those I love, and I don't care how many times I have to die to do it!" - Tisiphone Nightblood
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clan-nightblood · 2 years
Luscius Nightblood
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PHYSICAL TRAITS Age: 25 Pronouns: He/Him/They/Them Race: Mi'qote - Keeper of the Moon Height: 5'8" Weight: 173lbs Body Type: Muscular and sturdy Hair Color: Black and White Eye Color: Emerald Green Skin Color: Alabaster Distinctive Physical Features: Black marks emblazoned on his face, fangs, long black claws. General Attire: Often seen without a shirt, pants allowing for easy movement, work boots, and gloves. Colors include black and jewel tones.
GENERAL DETAILS Homeland: Limsa Lominsa Nationality/Culture: Lominsan culture Spirituality: Idly thanks the Twelve sometimes. Languages: Common Current Residence: Nomadic - does not have a permanent residence. Favored Environment: Towns and cities, though occasional beach trips are nice. Finds something to enjoy anywhere he may go. Occupation: Interior Designer Associations: All Guilds of Disciples of Land and Hand.
PERSONALITY Key Words: Creative, hard-working, carefree, adventurous, precise, resourceful, frugal, honest, intelligent, relaxed. Details: Luscius Nightblood lives and breathes all things housing. Toss him some coin, a list of amenities, and your house key, and he'll have a house ship-shape in no time. He travels the Source in search of inspiration, work, and new comforts he hasn't experienced yet. When not working, he can be found enjoying the cities of the land enjoying all manner of frivolity with the locals - whether that's indulging in delights of the flesh or starting the bar fight that will be talked about for the next fortnight. Luscius will occasionally take a night alone with his thoughts, finding a tree to curl up under while he writes letters home, telling the Nightbloods of his adventures and performing his nightly rituals that make him feel close to his family again.
"I'm not a house cat, I'm a housing cat! There's a difference!" - Luscius Nightblood
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clan-nightblood · 2 years
Luna Nightblood
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PHYSICAL TRAITS Age: 34 Pronouns: She/Her/They/Them Race: Plainsfolk Lalafell Height: 3'2" Weight: 45lbs Body Type: Curvy, soft but strong Hair Color: Black and Midnight Blue Eye Color: Silver Skin Color: Alabaster Distinctive Physical Features: Long black claws, fangs, blue marks emblazoned on her face but she covers them with makeup to stand out less in a crowd. General Attire: All black formal attire.
GENERAL DETAILS Homeland: La Noscea, on the border of Thanalan Nationality/Culture: A mix of Lominsan and Ul'dahn Spirituality: Does not have time for spirituality. Languages: Every language she can get her hands on. Current Residence: Apartment in Ishgard Favored Environment: Anywhere with wide open spaces, preference toward warmer climates. Occupation: "Courtesan" Associations: Scions of the Seventh Dawn, The Syndicate, most high societies of The Source.
PERSONALITY Key Words: Quick, shrewd, chaotic, ambitious, loud, emotional, manipulative, sarcastic, intelligent, energetic, fun-loving, volatile, discreet, observant. Details: Luna is busy. End of story. This relentless lalafell never stops moving and is constantly going from one place to the next in search of information. Posing as a courtesan, rubbing elbows with the elite in any nation, one can often find Luna in the chambers and ballrooms of the Source, bringing a lively spark to any room and skillfully getting people talking. Once people are talking, she remembers every detail and brings that information to the person who needs it most - Tataru Taru. Luna prides herself on being one of the best informants in Tataru's employ, and it's made her life both entertaining and lucrative. The Nightbloods happen to benefit greatly from having an ear on the inside of every chamber as well.
"Oh? Tell me more! The intricacies of the peppercorn trade sound absolutely riveting. Here, have another glass of wine." - Luna Nightblood
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clan-nightblood · 2 years
Nyx Nightblood
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PHYSICAL TRAITS Age: 26 Pronouns: She/Her/They/Them Race: Veena Viera Height: 6'3" Weight: 163lbs Body Type: Lithe yet curvy Hair Color: Black and Midnight Blue Eye Color: Sapphire Blue Skin Color: Alabaster Distinctive Physical Features: Blue marks emblazoned upon her face, long black claws, fangs, massive ears, wild and fluffy rabbit tail General Attire: Pirate attire or formalwear - there is no in between. Common colors include black, white, and a scale of blue ranging from vibrant to dark.
GENERAL DETAILS Homeland: Sharlayan Nationality/Culture: Sharlayan Spirituality: Occasionally mutters something to Nald'thal and Llymlaen about work. Languages: Common, Elezen, and tiny bits of other languages picked up in travel and commerce. Current Residence: Apartment in Ishgard Favored Environment: On the sea or on the beaches that touch the sea. Occupation: Privateer, delegate Associations: Sharlayan gleaners, Merlwyb, the Maelstrom, House Durendaire
PERSONALITY Key Words: Curt, quiet, cunning, assertive, persuasive, focused, respectful, goal oriented, shrewd, resourceful, intelligent, observant, perseverant. Details: Nyx Nightblood is a name known by noble and swabbie alike; from the high houses of Ishgard to the alehouses of pirates. Beyond mere lines of work, her reputation denotes her as a silver-tongued mistress who would gladly bruise both one's pride and one's jaw if so provoked, and still manage to steal a man's heart in the process. Nyx is often found privateering with Captain Carvallain and ordering around the crew of the Kraken's Arms; when not at sea, she can be found in Ishgard talking up the noble houses as a delegate from Limsa Lominsa. When someone gets to know her beyond the rough exterior, she can become a bit warmer, and be a very good listener to a friend in need. One would be wise in keeping on her good side, no matter how close she chose to hold them in that regard.
"If you make the mistake of falling for me, that's your problem - not mine. Your heart will wind up on a shelf in a jar with all the others." - Nyx Nightblood
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clan-nightblood · 2 years
Tell me about your OCs!
I want to know:
Favourite food
Day job
Shoe size
Deepest fear
Preferred genre of music
Full name and all titles
Most embarrassing ship-related moment (if any)
Best friend's name
Bra size (if applicable)
Leisurely pasttime
Preferred mount, including name and any headcanons
All the scars they have (if applicable)
Favourite flower
Place of residence
Where they consider "home"
Skill level with regards to juggling (if any)
And one fact that you always want to talk about that is too obscure to come up in normal questions
- Signed, someone who wants to know about your OCs
Tisiphone Nightblood answering. Favourite Food: "Blood. Though I also greatly enjoy sushi, and my latest fixation is pancakes." Day Job: Warrior of Darkness/Light Shoe Size: "I've never paid attention to sizes. I have my boots custom made. Many places don't carry sizes big enough for me so it's easier this way." (US women's size 14) Deepest Fear: "Being judged and feared by those I've come to know as friends." Preferred Genre of Music: "Anything melodic, soft music from many cultures." Full Name and All Titles: "Tisiphone Nightblood, Hemitheos, Warrior of Darkness, Warrior of Light, Scion, Hyedalin's Champion, Goddess of the Land, Mistress." Most Embarrassing Ship-Related Moment: "One time I was leaving my house, and G'raha was coming to knock on my door, and I opened the door right as he knocked. This caused him to instead knock on my left tit. Being tall is, if nothing else, entertaining." Best Friend's Name: "Erebus Nightblood." Bra Size: "I don't wear those. They're cumbersome and a waste of my time." Leisurely Pass-time: "Fishing, and finding new places to go fishing." Preferred mount, including name and any headcanons: "My black pegasus. He doesn't have a name, but we never need communicate through words." All the scars they have, if applicable: "I have no scars on my body." Favourite Flower: "Lilies. Particularly the orange ones. I do also enjoy deep red roses." Place of Residence: "I own a house in the Mist, right on the ocean. The view of the storms that happen are the best when you can see the flash of the lightning reflect off the waves." Where they consider "home": "My heart is, has been, and always will be, in the First. The high cliffs of Eulmore and the look of the sun against the sky often run through my mind when I'm homesick; the lavender trees of Lakeland dance through when I'm happy." Skill level in regards to juggling (if any): "I don't juggle. I can toss my rapier beautifully, or my chakrams, but please do not involve more than two items." And one fact that you always want to talk about that is too obscure to come up in normal questions: "I have died multiple times and my aether keeps getting ripped back out of the void. Always by scientists."
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clan-nightblood · 2 years
Celeste Nightblood
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PHYSICAL TRAITS Epithets: Celeste Furydottir, Glacier-Daughter, Child of War, Ice Maiden Age: Unknown Pronouns: She/Her/They/Them Race: Half Au Ra, half Elezen Height: 5'5" Weight: 152lbs Body Type: Slender with lean muscle Hair Color: Silver Eye Color: Silver Skin Color: White Distinctive Physical Features: Blue marks emblazoned on face, fangs, black claws, icy cold body, more scales than average au ra, extremely strong skin like armor. General Attire: Soft draping cloth that is easy to maneuver in, generally in black, white, or greyscale.
GENERAL DETAILS Homeland: Coerthas Western Highlands Nationality/Culture: Solitary outlander life, Dravanian culture Spirituality: Daughter of Halone Languages: Common, Dravanian, Elezen Current Residence: Apartment in Ishgard Favored Environment: Ice and snow, glaciers and mountains, cold waters Occupation: Nomadic sellsword, protector of the people Associations: Wild creatures, dragons, the nation of Ishgard.
PERSONALITY Key Words: Glacial, cold, slow, methodical, inevitable, intelligent, diligent, helpful, caring, stern, stoic, realistic, rageful, brazenly unafraid, calm. Details: Raised by Dravanians in the icy glaciers of Coerthas, Celeste is a hardened and quiet individual, rarely making facial expression or raising her voice, moving slowly and methodically through life. She is utterly serene, even when the world threatens to burn, for ice and divinity have taught her that there is time for everything and rushing only wastes vital energy. Celeste doesn't know etiquette or value wealth in any form, and she is sharply honest with her words and actions. Above all she values the land and the ways of the natural world, but second most she values community - she becomes particularly warm and nurturing to those she considers friend and family. However, she is very slow to trust and quite secretive about herself; the only reason she opens up to Trystal is because he vaguely looks like her.
"If you get in my way, I will kill you." - Celeste Nightblood
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clan-nightblood · 2 years
Trystal Nightblood
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PHYSICAL TRAITS Age: 24 Pronouns: He/Him/They/Them Race: Au Ra - Xaela Height: 7'1" Weight: 206lbs Body Type: Muscular and fit Hair Color: Black and Midnight Blue Eye Color: Violet Skin Color: Deep blue-purple Distinctive Physical Features: Blue marks emblazoned on face, fangs, long black claws General Attire: Leather pants, leather boots, and a few straps that make up what one could call a shirt. Everything in jet black.
GENERAL DETAILS Homeland: The Steppe Nationality/Culture: Kagon Tribe Spirituality: Devout belief in the gods. Languages: The Echo - everything makes sense. Current Residence: Apartment in Ishgard Favored Environment: Wide open lands with high peaks to view it all from. Occupation: Scion, Adventurer Associations: Various Xaela tribes, crew of the Kraken's Arms, Scions of the Seventh Dawn, Warriors of Light.
PERSONALITY Key Words: Focused, fun-loving, alert, caring, hard-working, charming, heavy-hearted, intelligent, passionate, perseverant, detail-oriented. Details: If you hear someone actively hissing at the sun, it's likely Trystal. Thriving by night, this young Xaela finds himself at home in assorted cities, helping people in search of adventure and with a thirst to learn more about the world than simply what his tribe believes. Though he may still be in the throws of self discovery, several things about him are certain: Trystal will do anything he can for the people around him, he values freedom above nearly all else, and he believes that nothing in this world is impossible.
"Nhaama as my witness, I refuse to fear the sun." - Trystal Nightblood
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