eremikaweeks · 6 years
when i was a child there were no crows
Title: when i was a child there were no crows
Notes: Hobo Eren and Mikasa. Made for the 2018 eremika gift exchange for my lovely friend Janet (aka @mrsstampede). Title is taken from “San Francisco Crows” by Deborah Major.
 The hayloft where she’s meant to find Eren sits empty and abandoned, the crows cawing above the evening sun. His letter remains on her person, folded carefully within the pockets of her trousers. He’s managed to wither his way into here from the hospital he’s been staying at, and Mikasa wonders just how he managed it with only one leg. Though she knows that the missing limb will grow again, it’s still difficult to think about it. The pain must have been terrible - agonizing and terrible.
 The door shuts softly behind her. She can still hear the cawing of crows and hopes that they stop soon otherwise she might just go crazy. She’s never liked crows. They were - well, they scared her, for a reason she still does not understand. If she tries very, very hard, she can almost remember her mother foisting away crows from the meat she left outside.
 There’s a shift, a shuffle of feet, a small movement, but Mikasa can tell, she can always tell. Her eyes meet green ones and for a second, she can’t help but gasp slightly. His hair is longer now, almost to his shoulders, making their way down to his back, and a bandage is wrapped around his head, covering his eye. His face is unshaven, and his appearance is dishevelled, but what really takes hold of her notice is the cane he leans on; his left pant leg thats been tied to a knot at around his thigh, signifying the loss of a limb.
 “Mikasa,” he says, his voice far away. “I’m glad you made it.”
 For a second, she’s unsure of what to say. It’s useless to say anything because of course she would’ve made it. She would have tried to find him through any means possible. Would’ve scoured the whole world just for a glimpse of him. It’s only the one letter he’s sent to her that’s stopped her from doing so. Questions swarm through her mind, who, what, where and why. She doesn’t expect them to be answered though, Eren has… he’s changed. Something in him that she’s not used to seeing - something in him that isn’t quite him.
 Perhaps it’s the paths, the memories of the previous titan holders disturbing his peace of mind. He’s confessed to her in the dark of the night, where secrets would come unspooling, about how he was afraid. He was so vulnerable then, so soft by the orange glow of the candle light that Mikasa could almost kiss him. Summon up the bravery and do it - for what else did she have to lose? But she was also afraid, for their friendship, for the news of the world and their place in it. She would remain in her seat and look away, thinking of the shame she’d feel even if she kissed him and Eren would reject her anyways.
 He sighs as she says nothing, seating himself on the ground besides a pile of hay. His movements are shaky, and she knows that doing anything with only one leg must make even the basic of things difficult. Her heart breaks for him, for everything he has to go through, for everything he has gone through.
 “Are you alright, Eren?” Is what she says instead, moving to sit next to him. His right leg presses against her left, and for a moment she revels in this. Of touches so phantom-like they might as well not even exist. But this exists, and Mikasa will take what she can get. Even if it’s small, even if it’s insignificant.
 His smile is small and wry, lone eye almost crinkling as he says, “You’re still worried about me?”
 “I’m always worried about you,” she immediately says. “All the time.”
 “I’m undeserving of your concern, but thank you anyways. I’m alright.”
 “Eren,” Mikasa frowns, pulling his hand into her own. “I… stop this. Stop acting like this, it isn’t you.”
 He pries his hand away from her gently. “And what isn’t me?” He says, and he almost sounds serious, almost expecting of an answer from her until he steamrollers on. “What am I supposed to be, Mikasa? The boy that I was, the man I’m supposed to be, the saviour people expect me to be?”
 “No,” she says, almost sadly. “You don’t have to… no, Eren. You just have to be you.”
 “And who is that, then?”
 Mikasa turns her head away from him, unsure of the answer herself. It’s funny, she thinks, how you can know someone your entire life and feel like a stranger in their midst. But she and Eren are no strangers, so what is it that she thinks him to be? The boy he was is gone now, and the man he’s supposed to be is almost there, right in his grasp. However, even she doesn’t know what man he will one day become. All she knows is the boy he used to be, the saviour he is expected to be.
 “I wish I knew so that I could tell you,” she says. “I’m sorry.”
 “Don’t be sorry,” his voice is far and distant, like the roar of waves being heard from all the way inside the walls. “It was a stupid question anyways.”
 “It wasn’t. It’s important. It’s important to you, right? If so, then it wasn’t stupid.”
 The calm stillness lulls into the background, and there is nothing left to say. Eventually, Mikasa knows, he will talk because there are still reasons as to why he’s brought her here. But she finds she does not mind this quietness. Comfortable and almost peaceful. It will not last though, it hardly ever does. This is the calm before the storm she’s heard so much about, and just like the distant roars of the ocean, this storm thunders and rumbles across a faraway sky, making its way here, wherever here may be.
 “I missed you.” He says, breaking the silence. Softer, almost like a whisper, he adds, “I dreamt of you.”
 She sits there, almost stunned, because this is a confession she has never heard from him before. The words imprint themselves into her mind, and almost as though they were written down, she traces an imaginary finger around them. I dreamt of you. I dreamt of you. I dreamt of you.
 “I missed you too.” Is all she can say, and she turns to look at him, the light of the sunset that peeks through holes and gapes of the wooden walls making him look so soft, so vulnerable, that she could almost kiss him. To her surprise, she does. And to her even greater surprise, he lets her. They are tender presses of lips and sighs and something more. She wonders if he’s thought about this just as long as she has. She wonders why he never took the chance. She wonders if he was afraid, just like her.
 His kisses tastes like war, but Mikasa has been a soldier for as long as she can remember. There is no fight that she will not back down from, and this one shall be no different
 Before she even realizes it, she seated herself upon his lap, hands moving into his mess of hair, and his own at her waist. She pulls away to breathe for a moment, and they both look at each other as if seeing one another for the first time. Her heart beats so loud in her chest, and she thinks of how long she’s waited for this, how long she’s wanted this.
 “Eren,” she says.
 “I know,” he replies. “I know.”
 And they kiss again, for real this time. A lovers kiss. All tongue and heat and passion. His lips move from her mouth to ear, kissing the shell behind it, and she sighs with pleasure, fingers tightening in the strands of his hair. He traces kisses down and down, until he meets her neck and replaces soft lips with sharp teeth and she gasps from shock and pleasure as he keeps with it, nibbling and pulling at the skin. She finds herself rocking her hips against his, a fire in her stomach and a heat between her legs. He’s still busy with leaving purple bruises on her neck, marking her in some territorial way. She finds that she does not mind it, finds that she even likes it. She wants to be marked by him, wants the world to see and know how he loves her.
 He spreads her legs apart with his knee, and pulls away her shirt. She can feel his manhood pressing against her, hot and hard and she scrambles to peel off his shirt. They both sit there, arms wrapped around each other, breath mingling, and chests pressed together, skin to skin. He unclasps her brassiere, and she shrugs it off, his hands instantly cupping her breasts, and she shivers from the contact - of his warm, hot hands against her bare cold skin. He massages gently, circling her nipples with his thumb until they’re hard and peaked and aching.
 “Eren,” she says, sighing, and he descends upon her, mouth upon her breast, kissing and licking and sucking, making her back arch and a moan escapes her mouth. He moves her down onto the ground, pinning her hands above her head, and suckles at her breast needy and wanting until she’s writhing against the ground, her legs trembling and squirming, rubbing them together to get some friction going. He notices this, and goes to instantly removes her trousers and underwear, setting them aside until she’s bared to him, naked just as the day she was born. He ghosts a finger against her sex, making her groan, making her cant her hips up in a half-hearted attempt to make his finger stay there.
 “So wet,” she hears him murmur, and then louder, he says, “you need to tell me how to make this good for you. I want this to be good for you.”
 He’s so foolish, she thinks fondly. This feeling, this scene right here, right now, is more than enough to make her feel good. It’s more than enough to make her happy and content, perhaps for the rest of her life even. But she acquiesces to his request anyways, and with little more than a blush on her face, she moves his hand to the top of her mound where her clit rests, and guides his fingers in her own to make small circles that have her gasping and moaning.
 “A little faster,” she tells him, when the pleasure starts to cave in. “Just a little faster.”
 Mikasa ought to be ashamed, to be so wilfully wanton, but she isn’t. She could hardly care less when this is something they both want - something they both have wanted. In this arena, Eren has just as much experience as she - meaning to say, not at all. They both have been so focused on other things, on the titans, on the war, on Marley and his brother and her long lost Oriental family. And they had been surrounded by so many people, had to do so many things, that sex was hardly at the forefront of their minds. Oh, there would be late nights when she’d think that everyone was fast asleep and would quickly push a hand down her night skirts, getting herself off until she was satisfied. She’d imagine her fingers to be Eren’s own long, almost graceful ones. And now that fantasy is coming alive, and it makes her peak harder than she ever could by her own hand.
 She’s still trembling from the aftershocks of her orgasm when Eren moves to place himself between her legs. Her feet lifts up to caress the outline of his throbbing manhood and he hisses, grabbing onto her knee for support. But then, realization hits her, and concern overtakes as she asks, “Eren - your leg?”
 “It’s fine,” he tells her. “Don’t worry about it. It doesn’t hurt.”
 It’s not enough to abate her worry, but he kisses her, slipping his tongue into her mouth, melting that worry away until it’s replaced with that familiar need again. His hips move shallowy, finding for friction, and she tries to remove his trousers until he discards them on his own, throwing them away. Now, they’re both bare and naked, their bodies slicked with sweat and heat, and her eyes move to his cock which sits proud and upright, the head leaking with precum. She almost blushes once more - almost, until his lips find hers again, and they are once more lost in this haze. His lone eye mists with lust and want as they pull apart, and Mikasa brushes her fingers through his strands of hair, looking at him with the utmost love and trust which he slowly returns.
 “Go,” she whispers to him. “I want you.”
 It’s all the encouragement he needs. His cock starts at the entrance of her sex, and he pushes in, making her writhe and moan against him. He presses his hand on the floor next to her head for support as he inches his way inside her until he’s fully sheathed. He stays there for a while, allowing both him and her to get used to this feeling, to be familiar with this new side of each other. Mikasa thinks she’s never felt so whole in her life, she’s never felt so right in her life. Eren begins to move, pulling away before pushing himself back in. It’s difficult to find a proper rhythm at first, but as the tension fades from their shoulders and their breathing becomes calmer, Mikasa gains a swell of confidence and spreads her legs wider, eventually wrapping them around his waist when Eren starts to move.
 He takes it slow at first, pressing in and out of her, moving her hips with every movement he makes. He starts going faster now, and her chest heaves, her nipples brushing against his chest, his face tucked into the crook of her neck, until there’s nothing left but the sound of their pleasure; wet and lewd. She’s still sensitive from her first orgasm, but Mikasa thinks she could come again if keeps with his pace.
 “Please Eren,” she moans, “please.” And with that, he gets the hint, surging his hips against her hard and fast until the sound of skin on skin overtakes her ears. He muffles his groans, biting in her shoulder as he takes his pleasure, and presses in her deep, spilling himself inside of her with a groan he cannot hide. That’s enough to push her over the edge, enough to get the heat to unspool from within her as she comes again. And despite her oversensitivity, despite her ache, she thinks of this to be the best.
 He collapses once more, face pressed against her breast. Their bodies are sweat-ridden, and Mikasa knows that they should get up and clean after themselves, but she finds it difficult to care. He rolls over to be besides her, their legs a tangled mess, and if Mikasa can try hard enough, she can almost imagine his lost leg amongst the heap. The questions come back again, swarming her head, and she knows they need to be answered, knows that she needs to ask them, but right now she can’t. The storm is far away now, and even if it does rain, they have shelter and warmth and each other.
 And it’s night time anyways. The sun set long ago and the crows have stopped their cawing. She knows they will begin soon, but for now, for now she will rest, just as they do.
 In the morning, the crows make no sound. Mikasa sleeps and does not wake up until later, nestled in Eren’s arms.
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sonderlivra · 6 years
The Kind of World Where We Belong
My gift for @doctorarchangel in the Eremika Gift Exchange organised by the amazing peeps at @eremikaweeks!! You wanted something with Beach Boys music incorporated into it, but I’m so sorry, I’m not very familiar with their music, so I used one of their lyrics as the fic title! :)
Hope you like it, and Happy Holidays!
Modern AU; ~3k words
Read on Ao3.
That smile. Goddamn it, Mikasa missed that smile. She wished she could see it everyday, all the time, but they barely managed once a week now.
Eren squinted in the pixelated video. “Are those gifts I see…?”
With a gasp, Mikasa slapped her palm onto the laptop camera. Eren's protests came a full five seconds later because of the delay in their shitty connection.
“Hey, c'mon, I couldn't even see them properly!”
“Wait a sec,” she told him sternly and turned her laptop around. She brought out her blanket and draped it over the pile of boxes she had dumped on her bed, still waiting to be wrapped by her meticulous hands. When she judged everything hidden from view, she turned the laptop around again.
“You can look now.”
“I thought you bought my gift last week?” He grinned.
“I did,” Mikasa shrugged. “These are for the others.”
“And I couldn't see them because…”
“Because you'd tell them.”
“Hey! I can keep a secret!”
She raised a skeptical eyebrow. “Really, Eren?”
He laughed at that, and once more Mikasa's chest twinged with the usual mix of happiness and longing. She watched him sip something from a glass dripping with condensation. Even looking at it sent a small shiver down her back.
“What is that?”
Eren glanced at his glass. “Iced tea.”
“Must be really hot there huh.”
“It is.” His smile turned fond. “You'd love it.”
She pulled her heavy sweater closer around her frame. “Maybe someday.”
She saw him move his hand to touch his laptop screen, and she pretended that his fingers were touching her actual lips. “Maybe,” he agreed.
“Well if it isn't Mikasa fucking Ackerman.”
She whipped around, and felt a smirk grow on her face when she saw the other woman. She reached for a handshake, but Ymir batted her hand away and caught her in a quick, rough embrace.
“It feels like years, girl, how've you been?”
“I'm a TA now.”
“Oh, so you'll be Professor Ackerman soon, huh?”
Mikasa smiled. “Doctor Ackerman first. Then we'll see. How are you, Ymir?”
“Staying at home and getting fat, mostly,” Ymir said, but there was no complaint in her tone. “Oh, and,” she yanked off a woollen glove, her grin widening, “happily hitched.”
The gold ring gleamed in the dull light of the supermarket, and Mikasa was glad to note that her voice did not seem forced when she gasped, “Congratulations!”
Ymir hummed, looking genuinely pleased. “Thanks. Sorry we didn't invite you, but there was nothing to invite you to anyway. We just went and signed some shit and exchanged rings. Her sister witnessed.”
“I'm really happy for you,” Mikasa said sincerely.
“Thanks, Mikasa. So, what about you?”
Highly aware of the microwave dinners she had piled into her cart, Mikasa shrugged. “Eren's in Australia.”
Ymir’s eyebrows rose. “Still?”
“Eight months more.”
“Damn. You're a strong girl, Mikasa.” Ymir shook her head. “Don't think I could do the whole long-distance shebang.”
Mikasa turned away, took up a pack of napkins she didn't need. “You would if you had to.”
“I guess.” There was an awkward pause. “Well I guess I'll let you get back to it.”
“Yeah.” Mikasa made sure her expression was back to normal before she turned around. “Take care, Ymir.”
Ymir placed her warm hand briefly on her shoulder. “You too, Mikasa.” Flashing her a rare smile, Ymir walked away.
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Mikasa read the messages on her phone for perhaps the tenth time. She knew he'd be busy today, since the holidays were fast approaching. They weren't due for a video call for a few days, anyway.
Holding back a sigh, she focused on the task at hand, making sure to wrap the edges carefully until a neat package sat in front of her.
There was a faint tinkle from behind her, followed by a baleful meow.
She turned around. “I know. I miss him, too.”
Moon-moon simply blinked, and meowed again, louder.
“You don't care, do you?” She actually sighed this time, getting up. “You just want your food, you fat bastard.”
She paused at the refrigerator, running her gaze over photographs she had imprinted on her mind. She still loved looking at them.
Eren and her, at elementary school. Eren and her, at an ice rink. Eren and her, sullen at a fancy occasion she didn't remember. Eren and her at prom, with their respective dates. (That one always made her smile. What idiots they had been, denying what they had for each other for years.) Eren and her outside their college dorm. Eren and her on their first date. Eren and her, at their first vacation together. Eren and her with their degrees.
Eren and her in a selfie taken at the airport. It felt like ages since that last one was taken.
She pulled out her phone from her pocket and held her finger poised above the screen, Eren's name waiting.
I miss you
She almost typed it; but she put her phone away, took up her pen, and wrote his address on the package instead.
The trill of the video call connecting lasted barely a second. There was a click when the call was answered, and the pixelated video feed came into view.
“Hey, how was-” Mikasa stopped abruptly. The person on the screen was not Eren.
“Hello, Mikasa.” His voice was milder than she expected. “It's nice to finally speak to you.”
She recognised him, of course. “Um. Same.”
The video was slowly turning clearer and so was his smile. “You know me, then?” He sounded inordinately delighted.
“Of course. Eren… speaks highly of you.”
He chuckled, and for a second she thought she saw Eren's father sitting there on the other side. “That's good to know. I haven't been the easiest kind of brother, I'm sure.”
“N-no, he's very grateful.”
“What's there to be grateful for? He's family.”
She had nothing to say to that, so she asked instead, “Is he there?”
“Hmm? Oh, Eren?” Zeke leaned back and crossed his arms behind his head. “He's just popped out for a bit.”
“Oh.” When no further information was coming, she continued, “Will he be back soon?”
“Can't say,” Zeke said cheerfully. “He's gone to drop a friend off at the station.” He leaned forward suddenly, the light in his glasses glinting. “They're very close, Annie and him, so it might be a while before he gets back.”
“Oh.” Mikasa looked at the way his smile seemed almost kind, and clenched her fist on the table. “I'll call later, then. Sorry to disturb you.”
“Such a lovely girl could never be a distraction,” he said gallantly.
“Right. Thanks, um, I'll call Eren later.”
“Alright. Happy Christmas, Mikasa,” Zeke said softly.
“You too,” she managed to mutter before clicking on ‘End call’. She glanced outside, saw the snow falling heavily now, and shivered.
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Christmas had always been Eren's thing. He was the one that revelled in the decorations, the snowmen and snowball fights, the carolling, and the gifts.
“Christmas isn't​ Christmas without snow,” Eren had always said, until this year. Since his parents were going to be visiting him anyway, Eren had decided to stay in Australia for the festive season, despite it being summer there.
“Won't you miss the snow?” Mikasa had asked him teasingly, a long time ago, it seemed.
He'd just laughed and said he wouldn't mind trying something new.
Mikasa thought of that laugh, that smile, as she stood outside the store window. Then, squaring her shoulders, she went inside and made her purchases.
“Moon-moon, no!” Mikasa wailed, but it was too late; her brand new fake Christmas tree tipped over and fell with a crash. Again.
The ringing of her phone probably saved the miserable cat's life. With a huff, she turned away and slouched over to her desk.
“Hey, Mikasa.”
“Armin!” She gasped and sank into her chair with a smile, irritation forgotten. “How are you? How's London treating you?”
“It hasn't killed me yet, but it's trying its best. It's so cold!”
Mikasa laughed, and kept laughing for a while as Armin regaled her with his stories about adapting to British culture. She missed him too, she realised. Armin was her best friend and he always had a way to make her smile.
“So, how’s Eren?”
Mikasa hesitated. “Busy.”
“I'm sure. I haven't spoken to him in months.”
“Yeah, he's… got a lot on his plate.”
“Always one to take as many responsibilities as possible,” Armin remarked wryly. “He hasn't changed at all, has he?”
Mikasa was smiling again. “No.”
Armin chuckled warmly. “God, I miss you guys.”
“We miss you too,” Mikasa said softly.
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“So, you got my gift yet?”
“You sent it already?” Mikasa gasped.
“Of course.” He grinned at her. “You've got to open my gift on Christmas day.”
Mikasa smiled. “I won't open it till then.”
“Good.” She watched him check his phone. “Hey, Miks, listen. The guys here are planning a little trip around Christmas time-”
“Yeah. There's some hiking and some pretty good views. It looks really good.”
Mikasa fiddled with her wristwatch -an old gift from Eren. “You're going then.”
“Yeah. We're leaving the day after Uni breaks, actually.”
“So…” Mikasa struggled to keep her tone even. “No calls until after?”
Eren leaned forward. “I'll call you, of course. Maybe not video calls, though.”
She swallowed hard and simply nodded. “Okay.”
“And… maybe not during the trip. They say cellphones are pretty much useless out there.”
He stared at her in the pause that followed. “Are you mad?”
Mikasa sat up. “Eren, we've discussed this. I'm not going to be weird and clingy about stuff like this.” She forced a smile that she hoped would look genuine in the pixelated video. “You go have fun.”
Eren smiled, then reached out and touched the screen again. “I wish you were here, Mikasa.”
I wish you were here, she wanted to say, but simply said. “I love you.”
“Love you more,” Eren shot back, and they both laughed.
The package came when there were only a few days left for Christmas, and Mikasa nearly skipped down the hallway to her door. She hurried inside, dug out her craft scissors, and attacked the wrapping.
She failed to see the stamps, so when she opened the box to see a beautiful pair of soft, crimson gloves, she felt a strange twist in her chest, which was explained when she opened the card that was inside the box.
Just adding to the ensemble.
Merry Christmas!
Mikasa sighed and couldn't help smiling. Armin was referring to her favourite scarf, the one Eren had given her years and years ago, which matched the fluffy wool of the gloves in the box.
She ignored the disappointment she felt and sent him a thank you text.
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Sasha had insisted on spending Christmas Eve with her. Mikasa had tried to get her to change her mind, then finally gave up. Sometimes, Sasha could almost be as stubborn as Eren.
“And so Jean, the absolute idiot, goes and asks her-”
“Hey, Sash?” Mikasa said suddenly. Sasha looked up from her mug of hot chocolate.
Mikasa reached across the table and grasped her wrist warmly. She didn't have to do this. She especially did not have to bring all these sweets, or the gourmet dinner made by her own hands, or the stupid dangling toy that successfully distracted Moon-moon for hours and kept him from bothering Mikasa.
“Thank you,” she murmured, and Sasha beamed at her.
“What are best friends for?”
“And-” She glanced at the clock behind Sasha. “Merry Christmas.”
“Ohmigosh!” Sasha nearly spilled her hot chocolate as she scrambled over to Mikasa and caught her in a bone crushing hug. “Merry Christmas!”
Maybe this'll be a nice Christmas after all, Mikasa thought to herself, laughing.
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Sasha had to leave early in the morning, and Mikasa couldn't sleep after she left. The good mood that Sasha had brought seemed to have disappeared along with her. Mikasa sat listlessly on the couch, her gaze resting often on the crumpled, half-decorated plastic tree that Moon-moon had finally gotten bored of.
She kept going over old conversations with Eren on her phone, looking at old pictures that sent her, memes and selfies alike, and felt worse with every passing minute.
When he'd first told her he wouldn't be coming that year, he had assured her that she wouldn't feel his absence. He'd be sending her multiple gifts like every year, she would have her Christmas lunch with his parents like every year, he'd be right there on the video call with her all day. She wouldn't even notice, he'd said.
Biting her lip, she shot him a line of text on her phone before she could regret it.
When no reply was forthcoming, she tossed her phone aside with a sigh, and turned on her laptop instead.
She was always a little possessive in nature. Early on in their relationship, she and Eren had gotten into a lot of fights because of it. She had understood, tried hard not to seem so 'clingy’, as he put it. She had tried, and it had worked.
She was still trying.
Was it too clingy of her to want to be with him? Was it too clingy that she wanted to at least hear his voice on a day that had always been special for both of them? Was it too clingy to look at airplane tickets to Australia on Christmas morning?
If anything, the prices decided for her, reminded her why she hadn't gone to visit him in the first place. She could have worked on her thesis in Australia, she could have even worked with her partner on the paper they were supposed to publish soon. No, those weren't her actual reasons; she couldn't go because it was too damn expensive. It was why Eren had chosen to live with his brother in the first place. The unfairness of it all stung her and she felt like breaking something.
Her phone vibrated loudly in the silence, and Mikasa jumped in her seat, startled. Then she grabbed her phone.
Hey Miks did you get my gift?
She frowned. No greeting, no “merry Christmas”, and no call. She sent him back one word, even more annoyed now.
His replies came a minute later, and Mikasa badly wanted to ignore them.
But she couldn't.
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With a sigh, she got to her feet. Just her luck. Of course the package she was looking forward to the most had gotten delayed. Of course it had to happen.
She shrugged on her coat and trudged to the front door. Of course the universe would mess things up for her-
She opened her door and-
-there he stood, with those sparkling green eyes and that smile, beaming down at her.
“Merry Christmas, Mikasa.”
She froze, her jaw dropped. The silence stretched on, and he reached up and scratched his head in his characteristic gesture of nervousness.
“Uh, say something.”
She tried. “Eren…”
He let out a nervous huff of laughter. “Yup. It's me. I'm really here.”
And still she couldn't speak a single coherent sentence because she was utterly, completely dumbstruck.
And that was when she noticed the bags. He had a lot of bags. Eren followed her stare, and nodded. “I'm not going back.”
She almost stumbled backwards and fell then and there. “W-what?”
“I got myself transferred back for the last semester. That, uh, that's why I was so busy.” His fingers were buried in his hair again. “So much fucking paperwork, you won't believe-”
“But-” Mikasa realised her voice was too high, too loud, and she struggled to calm herself. “You loved it there.”
Eren shrugged, his eyes holding hers captive. “I love you more.”
Her hand flew to her mouth and this time her knees did buckle, but he was already there, already holding her, already sharing his blazing warmth with her.
“Hey, it's okay,” he murmured into her hair, while she clutched at him, at every inch of him she could grab onto, his heartbeat loud and reassuring next to her ear.
“Eren,” she practically sobbed and hugged him tightly, loosening her grasp only when he let out a small sound of pain. “I missed you,” she sighed as his fingers gently poked a smile onto her face.
“Missed you more,” he whispered.
“Doubt it.”
“Wanna bet?”
“Oh, you're on.” She tightened her arms behind his neck and pulled him down until their foreheads were pressed together and their noses were touching. “You have no idea how badly I've missed you.”
He chuckled, and she could feel the mirth echo from his chest to hers. “Well,” he smiled against her lips, “maybe I should ask Moon-moon.”
“Or maybe I can tell you myself.” She could hold back no longer and pressed her lips onto his, warmth spreading in her veins and shivers running down her skin at the same time, breathing him in and holding him tight, feeling like everything in her life had finally clicked into place.
The kiss ended too soon, but Eren asked her, “So, did you like your gift?”
She grinned sweetly up at him. “Let me tell you just how much I liked it.” And she kissed him again.
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Mikasa'a Christmas Smile
@meme-kasa Hi, My Precious Fluff!! Merry Christmas (Difficulties appeared and shit happened with the submit and I have no idea what take that up with the Eremika week Blog) I love you, and I was so happy that I got you!! And, this is not really your SS, bc something wayyy better will be up by New Years!! I had accidently deleted the other one, and didn't have enough time to recreate it!! I'm sorry, and I love you so so much!!!!! So, expect something better, and longer, sooner!!!! “Wake up!!” screamed two high pitched voices as they jumped on Eren and Mikasa’s bed. “SANTA CLAUSE WAS HERE. SANTA. WAS. HERE.” Mikasa jumped up, startled by the loud screaming until she noticed it was coming from her children and, now, her awoken husband. She grabbed Carla, who was 4 years old and had her father’s bright green eyes, and started tickling her. “Who dares wake up the mama monster? Grr!” Mikasa loved hearing her daughter shrieking laugh. She then pulled her 6 year old son from her husband’s grasp, giving Eren a quick kiss in the process, and tickling Armani, named after their precious friend Armin. She felt Eren shift to get out of bed, grabbing Carla and and Armani and throwing them over his shoulders, them screaming with laughter. “Let’s go open presents that Santa brought!! Mikasa?” He asked, turning around. “Coming.” She jumped up. As they descended the stairs, they heard the door open and a voice yelling. “HO HO HO, I COME BEARING EXTRA GIFTS THAT SANTA COULDN’T FIT UNDER THE TREE, SO HE LEFT THEM WITH ME” They got to the bottom of the stairs, and the children hopped off of their father, running and screaming about Uncle Armin. Mikasa laughed and was pulled into the kitchen by Eren. He pecked her on the lips with a quick kiss, wrapping his arms around her waist. Pulling her closer, his lips brushing her ear, “Merry Christmas, Mrs. Jaeger.” Mikasa giggled, “Merry Christmas, Mr. Jaeger.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into a deep kiss. There was a crash in the living room. Mikasa sighed, and pulled away. “Armin Arlert if that is because of the presents you brought, I just might kill you.” She heard Armin let out a nervous laugh as she entered the living room, Eren right behind her. Honestly, seeing her stuff broken because of something Armin bought the children doesn’t surprise her anymore, it’s such a normal occurrence, especially his Christmas presents. He usually made them himself, in his lab. This year, he built mini helicopters and airplanes. And they crashed into the flower vase. RIP. Eren wrapped his arms around Mikasa’s waist, his chin resting on her shoulder. Together, they watched Armin and their children, laughing and opening presents. Mikasa smiled.
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eremikaweeks · 6 years
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A Kiss on the cheek  
This is for the lovely @nobluesea, I hope you have a great year this 2019! 
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eremikaweeks · 6 years
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For @eien-no-tsuki !! Sorry if it’s not as angsty as you would’ve wanted…
(The url above is my primary blog. I signed up as @nobluesea. Sorry about that)
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eremikaweeks · 6 years
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For @perchedsouls I hope you like my gift! Genderbent modren au with a smooch 
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eremikaweeks · 6 years
Jaeger MD?
To: @the-eren-plush-blog From @ili-akkaman
Eren trying his best to care for a sick Mikasa
(Hope this was fluffy and silly enough >-< ) 
Eren knew it from the very moment he saw her. She had a fever even thought she had tried to deny it since the beginning, until she flopped on the bed, tired and with a flushed face.
He knew something was wrong about this picture. She must be really sick because…
Mikasa Ackerman.
He took her temperature, ignoring her weak attempts and protest. No matter how much she refused and assured him she was fine, he had to make sure. Eren gasped in shock when he saw the number on the thermometer and shook his head, staring at her almost disappointed.
Well, he wasn’t disappointed. He was just… a little upset at her for not taking care of herself.
“I told you before, but you never listen. I told you that needed to rest because you have the flu, but you’re always overworking yourself. Even when you don’t need to you always push yourself. You know you have to care for yourself as much as you care for other”
He was mad, and she knew it. But she also knew that all he needed was a kiss and he’d cave.
And so she called out to him.
“Hey,” she told him. “Mr. Grumpy.”
“What?” he said, slightly frowning. Mikasa winked at him, holding back her laughter.
“Come here. I think you’re sicker than me,” she smirked, teasingly motioning with her finger for him to come over. No matter how mad he was at her, he went to her, dragging his feet all along the way to the side of the bed.
“Don’t talk nonsense. Look at you, you can’t even move an inch,” he sat next to her and began soaking the next compress in cold water to lay on her overheated forehead.
“And you need a kiss, because you are all bitter and grouchy”
“And you need a doctor,” he answered, as bitterly as he could muster while she had that silly look on her face.
“Be my doctor, then”
Eren grumbled underneath his breath, but deep down he had liked her proposal. He loved when she did such things.
“Hmph,” he said, carefully placing the compress on her warm head. Despite all her general unease, she managed to straighten up a little so she could kiss his right cheek. Eren smiled, against his will.
“Wait here. I’ll be right back.”
“Where are you going?” she asked, flopping back on the bed. Her tired body enjoying the softness of the bed.
“Just wait.”
He said nothing more and exited their room. Mikasa was perplexed by his abrupt departure. She waited patiently, closing her eyes for a second while he did whatever it was he was doing.
But sooner than expected, he was making his way back into the bedroom, dressed ridiculously in a white lab coat and a bright red clown nose. In one hand a spoonful of cough syrup and in the other a bowl of some kind of soup, likely microwaved and from a can, ready to be shoved into his girlfriend’s mouth.
Tired as she was Mikasa couldn’t help but giggle the picture her boyfriend made.
“Doctor Jaeger is here. And he’s gonna inject you if you don’t take your meds,” he stated, making her laugh more. Eren sat on the bed next to her and help up the spoon full of syrup to her mouth “Open” Mikasa wrinkled her face in disgust but opened her mouth. Eren quickly placed the spoon in her mouth and Mikasa grimaced, for the liquid was too bitter for her to digest.
“Bleh. Don’t make me drink that thing again, Eren.”
“If you want me to be your doctor, you have to deal with my methods,” he warned her, smugly. She giggled, seeing him so invested in his role as a doctor. “Now, eat this. It’s gonna make you feel better.”
“What’s that?”
“Soup. I made it by myself.”
“It’s from a can isn’t it?”
Eren narrowed his eyes at her words.
“You’re being a meanie, huh. I’ll have you know I made this myself”
“You know I’m just kidding,” she said. Eren smirked, kissing her in the middle of a gasp. “Hey! I’m sick. You shouldn’t be doing that!”
He shrugged “Never mind that. Now it’s better for you to drink this-” right when he grabbed the plate it slipped from his hand, the whole contents now spilled all over the floor, splashing the liquid onto the bed sheets and Eren’s shoes and pants. He face palmed and groaned in frustration. Mikasa giggled again; her tummy growled but she couldn’t blame him, he was doing his best to take care of her. It was a cute show to see him try so hard.
“Oh-oh… You will have to prepare another some more.”
“Damn. I’m a fucking mess.”
“But you’re the most adorable and caring mess I’ve ever seen.”
He was the one smiling this time. He kissed her again, right in the lips, standing up with an empty spoon in hand.
“I have to clean this shit.”
“Don’t cuss. And don’t kiss me again, or you’re gonna catch my flu.”
“If I do, it will be worth it.”
The next kiss was going to be the umpteenth that morning.
“I warned you” she giggled again, “I wont go easy on you if you get sick”
He gently tugged the sheets off the bed from under her, making sure not to jostle her “Oh are you going to be mean doctor?”  
“mmmhhh, the meanest” she watched as he placed the soiled sheets in a pile and walked the short distance to the closet holding their clean sheets. A few short seconds later he reemerged with a clean set, one she recognized right away.
She snorted at the sight “really? Batman sheets, I thought you said those were a joke gift never to be put to actual use” her laughter cut off by a cough
Pouting Eren continued towards the bed “Laugh but batman is why you’ll sleep in warm, clean sheets and not on a cold mattress”
If not for her cough, she would have continued to laugh “hmmm if you say so” Suddenly she was being lifted from bed and being carried to the red plush arm chair they kept by the window. Before stepping away he covered her with a throw blanket.
“Now my cheeky patient, stay here while batman and I rescue the bad” he dropped a kiss on the top of her head, went back to bed and started covering it in super hero sheets.
Mikasa watched the scene with amusement “I didn’t even realize they made super hero sheets in adult bed sizes. Still can’t believe Armin was able to find a set just like the ones you had a kid”
Eren groaned again, his face growing a warmer “Just be glad we have them, the rest of our sheets are dirty” he finished tucking in the last sheet and turned back to her “Ok Miss. I fascinated by superhero bed linens, back into bed you go” she was once again lifted into his arms and deposited into the freshly made bed.
She was tucked into the bed snugly, with an extra blanket added on just for good measure. “Eren! This is too much” she was currently just a head among a sea of blankets
“You’re warm aren’t you?” Mikasa had to laugh at that, she was in fact very snug “You’re right, my toes are very toasty. Thank you”
Eren looked very smug as he replied “It’s my job as your doctor but you’re welcome”
“Of course, of course doctor” she agreed, feeling the warmth of the blankets seep into her bones making her yawn.
“Food first then you can nap sleepy head” she sleepily nodded and he quickly made his way out of the bedroom again. Returning a few minutes later with another hot bowl of freshly made soup. “Ok time to eat” as he stepped into the room he was greeted by a very comfortable looking Mikasa “You ok there Mikasa?”
With eyes half closed and a smile on her face she responded “Mmmmhhhhmmm”
Eren chuckled at the sight “I’m guessing no soup then” Then Mikasa uncharacteristically whined “Nooo, I’m hungry”
He sighed “Oh man I suck at this, I forgot you always get loopy on this stuff. Your uncle always reminds me to use the daytime stuff” he grimaced at the memory of the short man scolding him for buying the wrong type of cold machine. Non drowsy was the way to go unless you wanted a loopy Mikasa.
“Feed me Eren” she comically opened her mouth and waited for soup.
He couldn’t help but find her adorable and may have taken a few pictures for later “Ok, lets feed you so you can rest up”
Soup was devoured with a little fanfare and a few more kisses shared, this time given much for freely.
Three days later, Mikasa will be his nurse, and Eren the happiest and luckiest patient in the world.
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eremikaweeks · 6 years
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“This is a secret santa gift for @ili-akkaman, on the theme of ‘New Beginning’. Happy New Year to you!
Eren and Mikasa started a new life in a new house, and it’s their first Christmas together as sweethearts. Eren decides it’s a perfect time for another new beginning…to live with Mikasa as a married couple and start a family! Eren gets a little help from his puppy Pokémon partner “Rockruff”, who also chooses Mikasa as part of it’s family.”
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eremikaweeks · 6 years
Part 1 of 2 of my Eremika gift to Sonderous Opia
-The oven was brooding with heat, the oven held sweet chocolate chip cookies for Eren and Mikasa. It’s their first Christmas together since the Jaeger household took Mikasa Ackerman in from when her parents were murdered, and Eren promised to make her smile tonight on Christmas Eve. Eren’s mother, Carla Jaeger and Mikasa were pitching in on making the second batch of cookie dough while Eren and Grisha were setting up the last of the wrapped presents. Carla has been kneading the dough while Mikasa rolled the cookie dough into little bits of clumps for the oven.
“You’re really good at doing that, Mikasa.” Carla commented.
“Thank you, Carla.” Mikasa muttered lightly.
Eren noticed across the room that she’s still grieving. Even Carla could see it, but she can tell she’s still healing.
Ever since, Mikasa became a member of the Jaeger household, she’s been quiet. To Eren it’s understandable, but he was hoping he could make her smile again, after all it’s been almost seven months since that day, and the memories still haunt her in her dreams.
Eren finally hauled in the presents he could carry and placed them under their tree. The intoxicating smell of fresh baked cookies linger inside Eren’s nostrils, which lures him towards the kitchen like a fish on a line.
“Hey Eren.” Carla Waved as she placed the hot tray of cookies on the table layered with a thick to avoid the table from burning.
“Here Mikasa, this is a treat for helping me with the cookies.” Carla handed Mikasa a good fresh cookie that was covered with lots of chocolate chips.
Eren reached out for a cookie of his own but Carla smacked his hand away from the batch.
“No cookies for those who don’t help with the baking.” Carla nodded.
Eren wanted to explode with anger and yell at his mother, but before he could attempt, he saw Mikasa walk towards him, and she broke off half of her cookie, and gave it to Eren. Mikasa may have been robbed of her parents and a special part of her childhood, but deep down she’s as kind as she ever was. Eren looked at his mother to see if it’s okay with her. She smiled warmly and pretended to look away to get the rest of the raw cookies in the oven.
“Thank you Mikasa.” Eren took the second half of Mikasa’s cookie and they both chowed down on their split cookie.
“Eren?” Mikasa spoke a tad more loudly than before, “Do you have any milk?”
“Ugh… Yeah, it’s over here.” Eren went over to the pantry in the back of the kitchen to find a small glass bottle of milk.
“There’s not a lot left, maybe for one cup.” Eren said as he was observing the amount of milk left in the bottle.
“Can’t we split it again?” Mikasa asked.
“Yeah sure. I think.” Eren said.
“Here.” Eren handed Mikasa the bottle of milk while he went to the cuppard to get two glasses
Eren grabbed two small glasses from the shelf and poured what’s left of their milk.
“Alright you two, share it evenly, okay Eren?” Carla brought over a plate of her cookies and left them to devour it all.
“I promise.” Eren swore. “Wait, why am I being singled out?”
“Because you can eat two whole plates of these cookies. Save a good half for Mikasa, okay?” Carla explained.
Eren looked down for a moment as the realization hit him, “Okay, mom.”
Mikasa placed a hand on Eren’s shoulder, hoping it would cheer him up a little bit. Eren could feel a sense of warmth in Mikasa’s gaze, and for that he gave Mikasa another cookie. She accepted Eren’s cookie, dipped it in her glass of milk, and took a big bite. The delicious chocolatey taste surrounded Mikasa’s taste buds in just a brief moment, and her entire body melted to it’s warm texture. For just a moment Eren could see Mikasa smile, but it died quickly when she saw him looking at her. Eren looked away himself and took another cookie for himself.
Later in the night, after midnight. Eren can call this day a victory, he may not have made Mikasa smile for as long as he was hoping, but he got her to smile for just a quick moment.
Mikasa lays quietly asleep next to Eren, who is wide awake. Ever since she came to stay with the Jaeger’s she wouldn’t sleep by herself due to her nightmares. She laid still snuggling with Eren’s right arm. Every time he looks down at her, she can see her rest well, but every time he tries to nudge off of her, she clutches back to his arm. Or worse, the risk of a nightmare. They were less frequent these days, but Eren does fear they could happen again. On the other side of the room, Eren can see snow fall down from his window. He wants to go see the snow landing on the ground, but he doesn’t want to leave Mikasa on her own. So he decides to take a risk.
“Hey Mikasa, wake up.” Eren nudges Mikasa awake.
She’s slowly coming to her senses, and when she finally notices where she’s at, Mikasa finally opens up her eyes and notices the window and it’s view of falling snow.
“Wow.” Mikasa is mesmerized.
“C’mon, let’s go see.” Eren offers, getting out of the bed, he gives her a hand to hold. She gladly accepts Eren’s hand and they go see what’s out on the front yard.
The entire front yard is completely layered in a thick blanket of snow.
“Hey! You wanna go out and play?” Eren offered, but Mikasa hesitated.
“But it’s late out there.” Mikasa responded.
“Yeah, but c’mon, look out there.” Eren pointed out there.
“Hmm, yeah alright.” Mikasa gave in, it wasn’t hard considering how nice it looked out there.
Eren and Mikasa snuck outside with their warm clothes on and started playing in the snow to their heart’s contempt.
Eren and Mikasa were having loads of fun, given how much there’s to do around. An idea hit Eren with a sly smirk on his face; he scooped up a pile of snow and rolled it into a ball, and threw it right at Mikasa. She looked at him with a pouty face and returned the favor with another snowball. Direct hit to and from both of them. Eren took cover from the nearby barrel while Mikasa took cover from the wall of their home. Eren landed an even amount of hits and hurts from eachother and once Mikasa was out of snow, Eren snuck from around Mikasa and surprised her with a tackle in the snow. They both couldn’t take the excitement anymore and began to laugh their hearts out. Certainly the whole neighborhood could hear them at this point. Eren and Mikasa looked at each other for a moment and both of their faces began to warm up from the inside. Mikasa nudged up closer to Eren who was on top of her and rubbed the tip of his nose with her own.
“Thank you, Eren. For everything.”
Eren blushed deeper in the red and couldn’t take his eyes off her.
“You’re welcome, Mikasa. Y’know I never did thank you for saving me too that day… Thank you Mikasa.” Eren responded.
Mikasa smiled big this time with a large tear coming from her right eye.
“Let’s go inside.” Eren offered and took Mikasa’s hand.
Eren took Mikasa inside, into their home. For once Mikasa felt safe again. Safer than she’s ever been.
The following morning two hours after dawn, Armin showed up at Eren and Mikasa’s front door.
“Hey guys, they’re caroling a few blocks from here, you wanna go watch?” Armin offered.
Eren and Mikasa gladly accepted.
(Sadly the fanfic was 1308 words instead of 1500, so I added an AMV to the gift, link below!) @elivra-fanfiction
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eremikaweeks · 8 years
To: @eremikadefensesquad                                   From: @captainkaltar
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eremikaweeks · 8 years
Her Gift
For @cupcakes-and-cash Merry Christmas!!!! I hope you enjoy!!! 
From: @askladarmin
He believed the world was always out to get him. He didn’t believe there was any good left in the world. Losing your mother at eight years old could do that to you. Believing your father had the capability to save her and then didn’t made it worse. Life wasn’t good to him.
Eren didn’t believe life could ever be good to him. Even though he was  twice the age he was when he lost her, he still ached.
Eren wasn’t alone. Not technically, anyways. His father, Grisha, a doctor with a heavy drinking problem could occasionally be seen trudging around the house. Eren couldn’t go as far to say he liked his father, memories could be poisonous, he felt. His mother’s death hadn’t only destroyed Eren.
They weren’t poor, but due to Grisha’s incapacity to work under a constant state of fog, they didn’t have enough money to be rich, either. They were in a state of struggling in-between. Sometimes they had extra cash, which Grisha spent on his vodka, gin, and the occasional bottle of Pinot Noir on his celebratory days. Those were few and far between.
“I don’t care about school,” he said to his father, plopping onto the couch.
“Eren, come on, you can’t ditch school.”
“You ditch work.”
“I go to work every day, Eren.”
“Can’t imagine you get much done when you’re drunk off your ass.”
“Watch it.” His father’s voice was stern, and sharp. It didn’t even faze the brunet.
“I’m going out.”
Eren was uncontrollable. Eren was Stubborn with a capital S. He was determined to do whatever it was he pleased. Grisha knew that, and sighed, believing it was easier to let him have his way than to start an argument. As Eren walked out the door, Grisha went to the cupboard.
Eren hopped into his car and sped off down the cul de sac and out onto the main road. The roads were smooth, newly paved. Trees above held the sun on their canopy, and little streaks of light would fleck the road in front him on sunny days. Today, however it was grey, just like how Eren was feeling. The radio played meaningless pop music, and Eren rested his head on his hand at the stoplight.
“I am lost
I am vain I will never be the same Without you.”
Eren sighed, and continued down the road. Pulling into a parking spot, he exited his car. Stretching, groaning, and cracking a few bones in his back. He then decided to walk around in Downtown. The streets were graced with hundreds of little shops. He glanced into windows, avoiding collisions with the other passersby.
Something caught his eyes, then. A little shop with black wood, and purple lettering on the window.
“Dai’s Den.”
Eren cocked a brow, and slipped into the shop. Pretty crystals, incense, and card decks lined the walls and tables. He opened a drawer to find more rocks. He wasn’t exactly sure what any of it was. “Calcite, for calming-” Eren stopped reading. Really? Do people really believe this shit works?
“Oh! Hello. Welcome to Dai’s Den. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.” A small voice called out, reserved and quiet.
He looked for the source of the voice, and found a girl, approximately his age, jet black hair, and steel grey eyes. There was no one else in the store, and she was standing behind the cash register. She was distracted by something on her phone, and fiddled with it in her hand. She was cute, pretty even. Eren looked back to the stones, lifting a few into his hand. He saw the price on one of them, andara, and placed it back down carefully, backing away from it. Definitely didn’t want to end up paying for that.
He blew out a breath he had no clue he had been holding, and turned to the girl. She was still distracted.
Well, one stone for the road wouldn’t hurt, right? I mean, she wouldn’t notice one stone. And hey, it’s a quick way to make a few extra bucks.
After making his decision, he watched her as he slowly pocketed a piece of obsidian. He turned, walking towards the door. He had pocketed plenty of things in the past.
Shit. “Yes?” Eren knew he was in a shit ton of trouble now. There was no ability to feign innocence here, so he put the stone back, “Look I’m sorry, please don’t call the pol-”
“I’m not calling the police.” She said, crossing her arms over her chest. “I have other things in mind.”
Eren cocked a brow at this statement. “…Look I mean, I know I’m pretty attractive but-”
The girl lost it, laughing. “Oh my god. No, I mean. Jesus Christ.” She covered her mouth and grabbed his arm, dragging him further into the store. “There’s a reason you came in here. Fate, destiny, karma, whatever it is, you were brought here.” She noticed him rolling his eyes, and smacked his arm.
“Well. You came into this store. Something attracted you and you came in just like a magnet.”
“What do you want?”
“You’ll be working for me for the next few weeks.” She turned and started towards the counter. She turned and waved him on.
“So… Are you Dai?” He asked.
“No, she’s my mother.” Eren sucked in a breath, and looked as the girl continued onwards into the back of the store. “She died a few years ago. I run the shop. Dad died last year, so his life insurance pays for the rent, I guess. I live with my aunt, now.” She said, and shrugged before tiptoeing to reach something. “I’m Mikasa. I think we were in the same class a few years ago. Er…Eren, right?”
Eren grabbed the box that Mikasa had been bouncing to get. He handed it to her. They were about the same height, but Eren had long arms. “Yeah. I think we were in a History class together?
“Thank you.” Mikasa offered a seat to the boy, and she beamed. “Oh right! Yes!” As Eren sat, Mikasa took the seat opposite to him. She began to pull out papers and pens. “Okay, so,” She laid out three papers in front of him. “I’ll be paying you about 11$ an hour, and you are going to be offered any of the services we provide here.”
“Services?” He held the pen in his hand tightly, He knew he if he squeezed harder, the ink would be dripping down his hand.
“Tarot readings, spellbooks, use of stones, et cetera.” She said, marking where he needed to sign with X’s on the page.
“And if I don’t use the services?” Mikasa grinned, placing her pen down.
“Then you’re gonna be stuck with me for a lot longer.”
“I do this, you won’t call the police?”
“Nope. You’ll just have to do some manual labor.”
Eren nodded, and began to sign.
“You know, just because he’s your father it doesn’t mean you have to love him.” She said, leaning over the counter as he straightened the mirrors on the wall.
“Well, I do love him. He raised me, he took care of me. I mean… A part of me hates him.” He said, looking at his reflection. He found himself trying to groom his hair quickly, finding that the hedgehog-look wasn’t for him.
“He could have saved her, you have a right to be hate him. The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb” She said matter-of-factly, plopping back down into her seat, “Tilt it to the left a bit.”
As he did so, he sighed.
“Bonds made by choice are stronger than those by birth.”
“I know what it means, Mika.”
“…Did you?” She questioned playfully.
There were many days like this. The shop had weaseled itself into Eren’s life. There were days where the shop was flooding with customers, people with their dogs, and kids as they looked at stones and oils. Some days were like this, empty minus themselves.
“Yes, I do. I may not be a genius like your friend Armin, but I’m not completely stupid.”
“Surprise, surprise!” She chirped. The growl and glare Eren shot her way made her laugh harder, and that in itself made Eren smile. So, he had a “tiny” crush on her. No biggie.
The bell on the door clanged, and Eren climbed down the ladder.
“Hey Er’. Hey Mika.” Armin, Eren’s next door neighbor came into the shop with his quiet girlfriend Annie on his arm. Apparently, they both were into witchcraft, which at first gave Eren a LOT of explanation for events that would happen in the backyard.
It was routine now, but it wasn’t tedious. It wasn’t a rut that he found himself stuck in.
“Hey, Er’. You still wanna do that tarot reading?” Armin held up his deck. “I brought the pretty one.”
“Pretty ugly,” Annie coughed into her hand before grinning at Mikasa.
“Go on boys, have fun. Back room is all yours.”
As the boys made their way to the back, Eren found himself to be nervous. Mikasa had offered to give him readings, which he didn’t take, so it was still new to him.
“Here’s the deck, all shuffled. Ask her a question.”
Eren nodded, and held the deck in his palms, pressing his question into the cards.
Armin placed the cards on the table.
“The first card is your past.” He said, flipping it over. “Five of cups. Okay so look at this card. You were upset, with loss, or disappointment. The three cups spilled at the man’s feet here indicate the loss you’re experiencing. You may not be aware of the strong support that remains, see, the two cups still standing. Your friends and loved ones are offering their support but you are focusing too much on the pain. The river here suggests the troubled emotions that are making you feel lost and distant; you are cutting yourself off from the joy and love associated with home. Notice the bridge that isn’t far from view. It can lead you home again, into the arms of your loved ones.” Eren swallowed and nodded, looking over the card.
“Your second card is your present.” Armin flipped the card over, placing it on top of the first one. “Eight of Swords. You may be feeling trapped, alone, unable to see your way through to a solution. The castle in the background suggests maybe an authority figure is keeping you down. The swords are the opposition that is keeping you where you are. Look closer. Notice that the woman in the picture does not have her feet tied, nor are the swords blocking her way. You’ve been free to go all along. You may be feeling that it’s time to move on. Trust your inner voice.” Eren smiled solemnly, looking at Armin as he grabbed the third card.
“The third card is your immediate future.” Eren cracked his knuckle under the table, his hands feeling terrible swift as Armin flipped over the card. “Two of Cups is about love and friendship. You may be entering into a fulfilling relationship. This union is based on passion and strength, symbolized by the lion here, and a healthy attitude. The man and woman facing each other, staring into one another’s eyes, suggest the deeper sense of understanding that exists between them. You are understanding with this person that you have felt with few others, if at all. Perhaps marriage is on the way~?” Armin grinned as he placed his chin on his hand. “Ooo is Mr. “I Hate the World” falling in love?” Eren’s face went red and that’s all it seemed he needed.
“Thank you,” Eren croaked, wiping the tears coming to his eyes.
“Hey, that’s what friends are for.”
“Witchcraft and making people cry?”
They exited the back room, finding the store to be filled with people, dogs sniffing the stones.
“Thank god you’re here,” Mikasa yelped as she rang up items. “Can you go open the clear case to show off those knives? Customer wants to see them.”
Another day in paradise, Eren smiled.
“So even though you’re pagan, you still celebrate Christmas?” Eren asked as he strung up the lights across the storefront.
“Well, yes and no. Do I celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ? No. But most Christmas traditions are in fact pagan rituals. Christmas trees came from the Pagan’s winter solstice celebration. Except they didn’t cut down the trees and take them into their homes, like some people. When Christians decided to celebrate Jesus’ birth, they wanted to convert Pagans and used the trees from the winter solstice celebration to make the conversion easier.”
“Hm, I didn’t know that.” Eren said as he hammered in the last nail. He draped the lights over the nail and hammered it into place.
Mikasa shrugged as she offered her hand to him to help him down the ladder. “It’s just interesting is all. Ringing bells is also a Pagan tradition.”
Eren took her hand as he helped himself down the ladder. He didn’t let go of her hand once his feet hit the ground. She looked up at him, noticing the grip of his hand tighten.
“Mika, I… I’d really like you to come over for Christmas dinner. Dad’s going to be at work, and I’m going to be alone again, and I just. I’d love it if you’d join me.” He shuffled his feet a little, nudging a rock down the sidewalk.
“Is this a date, Eren?” She asked.
His face burned red, and he bit his lip. “…Yes. I mean, I’d like it to be.”
“I’ll see you at 6 o’clock then.” She grinned, leaning up to kiss his cheek. She took her hand back and slipped inside.
Eren Jaeger didn’t know it was possible to feel like this.
“Hey dad, I’m home.” Eren cheered as he came through the door. His father was passed out on the couch, with an empty wine bottle tipped over on the table. Eren cringed, but went over to him anyways. “Dad, hey. Wake up.” He said, gently shaking him awake.
“Hmm?” The light made Grisha ache. “Ow, dammit, Er’ can you turn down the lights.” The boy nodded and did so and returned. “What’s wrong, kiddo?”
“I love you, you know that, right.”
“Of course I do, why?”
“Look. I’ve been working at a new job these past few weeks, and I’ve… I’ve learned a few things about myself. I’ve started to see the good in the world and I’m starting to see that there truly wasn’t anything you could do for mom. There wasn’t anything you could do. So you let it eat away at you, and I was angry, because I thought you could do something. But this? All you’re doing is making me angry, and mean, and I don’t want that. After Mom died, you’ve been drinking constantly. I can’t live with it! I can’t keep coming home fearing you being wasted and incoherent! The hospital can’t fire you for taking time to go to rehab. I just, Dad, I need you to try. I need you to try and be sober because your sorrow over Mom makes me feel worse. I feel like I can’t do anything, like I can’t help you. Dad. Dad I need you to do this for me. I don’t care how many times you have to go in and out. Just try this. Try this for my sake if not for your own.” Eren let out his breath quickly, and stared hopeful at his father. Tears came falling down his cheeks in large droplets, and he felt relief wash over him. At least he could know he tried to talk to him at least. Even if nothing came of it, he still stepped out of the binds.
Grisha stared wide-eyed at his son. He placed his hand on Eren’s head. Ruffling his hair, he nodded. “Okay. Okay.” He said, confidence wavering the second time. He pulled in his son, close to his chest. “I’ll try and give you your dad back.”
“I’ll try to give you your son.”
Grisha checked himself into rehab that afternoon, leaving Eren by his lonesome.
A week had gone by, and Christmas Eve had hit him like a train. It didn’t take as long as he thought to decorate the house in baubles and lights.
In fact, there were probably way too many baubles and lights, and Eren found he couldn’t stop. He wanted the house to look as festive as possible. Evergreen branches decorated the doors, and bells sat in the window sills along with the candles Mikasa and him had made.
He lit them all one by one, grinning at the starry glitter specks in each candle.
“I hope she loves this,” he whispered to himself.
Moments later, he saw her unmistakable red harley, and he sped to the door. He looked at his sweater, and back up at the mirror near the door. He ruffled his disheveled hair, trying to make it lay a little flatter. He licked his thumb and forefinger and smoothed his eyebrows, and listened for her knock. He couldn’t let her wait, afterall.
He opened the door the second he heard the first knock, startling Mikasa out of her shoes. “Oh!” She shrieked, clasping at her heart. “Gave me a heart attack.”
“Come on in, please!”
“Someone is an Eager Mcbeaver.”
“Well, I… I’m. Fuck, what are words? Shit. Okay, I want you to enjoy this dinner. I… I’ve never cooked a whole dinner before so I just want to-”
“Eren.” She interrupted briskly.
“What?” He asked as he turned to her.
“You planted mistletoe.”
“I what?”
Her finger pointed upwards, pointing to the doorframe. He had dragged her all the way to the dining room, and he had been rushing into the kitchen without realizing what was happening. “Did you plan to kiss me, Eren?”
“N-Yes? No? I wanted to but I wasn’t banking on it? You’re too good and I’m just a mess and…”
“I just wanted… I like you a lot, Mikasa. I really really do. And I just wanted to spend time with you, and I wanted to make the house look nice and I guess I hung it without thinking and I just-”
This time, instead of words, he was cut off by Mikasa’s lips. Her cherry red lips were smooth against his, which he knew were horribly chapped. “Merry Christmas, Eren.”
“H-Happy Solstice, Mikasa. Can I um… Can I kiss you again?”
“After dinner. I’m starved.”
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eremikaweeks · 8 years
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From: @alphaofdarkness
Merry Christmas @jaegerchips !!!! I really hope you like this fluffy Eremika! ~~~*~~~*~~~ Eremika clearly unaware of the mistletoe above them as they try to talk from ‘ch 88’ realization. Until Armin points it out to them; clearly both are embarrassed but Eren here takes the opportunity and kisses her cheek or through Mikasa’s scarf~ cause Armin and Co. to tease them in the background :3 As well as adding a background XD Honestly, let them be happy and lovely dovey together. Merry Christmas again Alexa! ^^
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eremikaweeks · 8 years
Warmth-Eremika Secret Santa 2016
Merry Christmas, Lyssala! I hope you’ve had a wonderful holiday and you enjoy this <3 It was an honor getting to write something for you!!
Word count: 1.7K
AO3, to be added later 
From: @annieleonhardt
“Okay! I’m gonna hit the gas again! Get ready to push!”
Eren shouted from the driver’s seat of the chevy. The wheels’ skid, with exhaust smoke emitting powerfully from the pipe. Mikasa held her breath, trying desperately to hold back a persistent cough. Despite her absurd strength, the car refused to budge further than a centimeter or two. The snow and ice had their driveway on lockdown, and from the corner of her eye Mikasa could see Eren fuming.
“Damn!” He shouted, beating the steering wheel with his fist. “I just changed the damn tires!”
“Mother nature doesn’t follow our schedule, unfortunately.” Mikasa stood back, wiping her now-dusty gloves on her pants. Despite his obvious frustration, brow furrowed and face red, Mikasa smiled. Eren, she’d realized many years ago, was stubborn as hell. Admitting defeat even in this situation would be difficult. You’re almost adorable. “Let’s go back inside. I’ll call Armin and tell him we’re not coming. I’m sure he and Annie will understand.”
Eren clicked his teeth, and huffed his way out of the car. As he slammed the door, large chunks of snow fell off and at his feet, taunting him mercilessly. He looked ready to continue the challenge, but Mikasa made sure to neutralize it before the snow won again. She grabbed his hand tight, giving him a soft smile underneath the red scarf.
“Shit…and we already brewed the Bailey’s, too.” He sighed, and looked up at Mikasa’s waiting eyes. She nodded with a snicker, and led him back toward the house. Afterall, between the two of them, no Irish Cream was going to be going to waste that night.
As they got back into the house, each kicked off their boots and threw their coats toward a nearby chair. Eren’s dark brunette hair stuck up in every direction the moment he took his hat off. The cowlicks and waves were made worse as he combed through it with his hand, paying no mind to the mess. Instead, he continued to glare out at their trapped car.
“Yeah, I’m sorry Armin. I hope you guys weren’t up all morning cooking- oh, you were? Not with- Ah. Yeah. Babies do that. Peter’s at Eren’s parents house for the afternoon. It just started to snow again so who knows when he’ll be back.” Her phone was wedged between her shoulder and ear. Mikasa walked over behind Eren, wrapping her arms around his waist. “You too. Tell Annie I said hi. Merry Christmas.”
  Mikasa hung up her phone, tossing it on the couch before continuing to squeeze Eren’s waist. Her cheek rested against his back. The faint sound of his heart beating met her ear, and she smiled. “You know, it’s been awhile since we’ve been alone on Christmas eve.”
Before responding, Eren turned around, his green eyes meeting her blues. He’d grown over the past couple years. It surprised her sometime to see him just barely tower over her. Enough for him to lean his nose against her forehead, and smile. The same smile that, even as a child, never failed to make her heart race. He held her close, and she wrapped her arms around his neck.
His frustration from earlier seemed to have fully melted away by the time he tilted up her chin, and met her with a kiss. He’d always been better at expressing himself physically, through action rather than words. It was something they both had in common, after all. She absolutely reveled in his response. With their son at his grandparents, and their car completely snowed in, nothing was stopping them from getting, well, completely physical.
Eren hoisted her up, seating her on top of the couch arm. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him as close as their clothes would allow. In typical Eren style, he was quick to deepen their kiss. Mikasa, in turn, let out a sigh that was quick to get his attention. They fell backwards onto the couch, each snickering before quickly pulling the other to continue the kiss.
“You’re gonna fall off.” She whispered, smiling against his lips before going right back in. He didn’t care. Eren was just as soon ready to slip his hand under the seam of her leggings, not even trying to be subtle. A chill ran up her spine at the feeling of his hand against her skin.
Eren was rough, but well meaning. Playful and teasing, always eager and rarely subtle. His foreplay, Mikasa found, was perfectly in line with him. She tilted back her head, reveling in every moment of it as he pressed kisses and bites against her neck. His lips travelled up her neck and across her jaw, cheeks, ear, and finally nearing her lips before-
He stopped completely. Eren furrowed his brow, and sat up, straddling her waist as he placed the back of his hand on her forehead.
“…Eren, what are you doing.”
He paused in thought, before shaking his head and clicking his teeth.
“Damn it, Mikasa, why didn’t you tell me you’re running a fever?”  
“I am? Hm. I guess I do feel a little sick, but it’s no big deal.” She sat up, looking no worse than before. “You could easily be feeling the heat from another source, if you know what I mean.”
Before she realized it however, Eren had grabbed the thermometer from the coffee table drawer and pressed it against her forehead. She rolled her eyes, and waited stone faced for him to finish.
“…103! Mikasa, get your ass in bed!” His brows knit in worry. Eren was the first to stand up, offering a hand out to help her stand too. She simply sat there, eyebrow raised.
“Why? There are things to be done. I don’t feel that bad.” She crossed her legs and arms, looking up at her husband and trying to hide her little smile. It’s hard to when you’re like this. “I can’t let you wrap Peter’s presents alone.”
As she stood (rather sat) her ground, so did he. Eren practically shoved the results of the thermometer in her face, pointing to the number as if she refused to read it. She read it perfectly fine. Mikasa simply didn’t care.
“Come on, Mika.” He pleaded, grabbing her hand and pulling her up. “Don’t think I didn’t notice you feeling fatigued the past couple of days.” Despite the fact that Mikasa could easily benchpress him, and had on several occasions, Eren tried his damned best to pick her up. She was heavy, but he still managed to bring her to their bedroom. “Please rest, come on. For me, maybe? Because if I get sick too, you’re stuck caring for me.”
“Is that so different from usual?” She teased as he set her down. Eren huffed, and pushed her toward the bed.
“Lay down!” His voice was stern, but she could practically hear the worry. “I’ll go make you some tea. Don’t you dare get back up, Mikasa!”
Eren leaned against the bedroom doorway, food tray in hand. For a moment, he watched as she did her crunches. As if it were any other day, and she wasn’t running a fever over 100 degrees. It was his fault, really. He should have expected as much from her. He still had vivid memories of her jogging a mile while 8 months pregnant with their son.
“Are you kidding me right now?!” He finally spoke up, barely phasing her. She sat up, looking up at him as normal as ever did. “I said not to get up! You’re sick, Mikasa! I don’t want you making it worse!”
She took a swig of er nearby water bottle and shrugged. “I always work out at this time, Eren. You know that.”
“When you’re healthy!” He huffed, and set the tray down on their nightstand. He’d been out of the room for barely an hour making her soup. Eren walked over and helped her up, quickly guiding her back to bed. “Please settle down? You’re looking pale.”
“I always look pale.” She deadpanned as she rolled back under the covers. Mikasa let out a sigh. “Stay with me?”
Eren handed her the bowl, and paused for a moment as red creeped up on his cheeks. “I was going to wrap presents, actually. I don’t want you to use up all your energy on-”
Their eyes met, and for a moment he forgot what he was saying. Even running a fever, she was beautiful. Not that he was about to say that. After all, he had to be stern. She wasn’t about to get away with it just by looking gorgeous. Not that time, at least.
However, there was something else he saw on her face. Mikasa really had grown pale, and he knew exactly why. Before either of them spoke, they hopped out of bed towards the master bathroom. He had her hair held back before she even leaned over the toilet.
Eren rubbed her back, waiting for her to finish. It took about as long as he expected, thankfully she hadn’t even eaten that much yet.
She took in a couple deep breaths and sat back.
“…Don’t say it.”
“Say what?” He asked, filling a cup with mouthwash.
“You know what.”
“You mean ‘I told you so’? Because, I told you so.”
She snatched the cup out of his hands, and gurgled it as he stood behind her. A smug smile rested on his face. Mikasa would have loved that look were it directed at anyone else.
“Fine. I’ll lay down, but only if you lay with me. We can wrap presents here together.” She crossed her arms, and looked directly at him. Eren clicked his teeth, but the smile on his face was still evident.
“Alright, but if I get sick and you take care of me, I don’t want to hear any whining.” He walked over to her, pulling Mikasa into a tight hug.
She relaxed against him, taking in his scent and listening to his heart beat in his chest. “I never complain. Hey, maybe I’m not even sick. Maybe we’re having another baby, ever thought of that?”
“Please, Mika, don’t make me throw up too!” He snickered, leading her back to the bed. “I…I love you, okay? I just want you to be healthy.”
Mikasa looked up at him with shining eyes, and happily pulled him in for another quick soft kiss. “Thank you.”
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eremikaweeks · 8 years
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From: @jaegerchips
Here is a Eremika family drawing for @annieleonhardt !! I tried to do a Christmas card vibe for this. I hope you like it! :’>
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eremikaweeks · 8 years
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Part 3 of 3
From: @ask-eren-plush​
This is the final part of the secret santa gift for @alphaofdarkness! Eren and Mermaid Mikasa start a family together, and Mikasa gives birth to a boy. (We wanted to include the fluff and starting a family prompts too). We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
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eremikaweeks · 8 years
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Part 2 of 3
  From: @ask-eren-plush​
This is the second part of the secret santa gift for @alphaofdarkness! Eren marries Mermaid Mikasa and wraps his scarf around her as a symbol that they will always be together.
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