#eric r bittle
bittysovenbetsy · 2 years
thought of the day: drunk bitty fighting about pecan vs pecan
I feel like tipsy/drunk bitty would 1000% start a fight about the pronunciation of pecan. pie bans would be put in place almost instantly (to dex, shitty, and nursey, ransom, and holster). chowder and lardo would be smart enough not to argue. jack doesn’t quite know what to say. he doesnt want to fight with bitty but he also knows its pecan.
he may or may not get sent to the couch for the night. bits wakes up alone and hungover and goes to snuggle with jack on the couch, not quite remembering why jack isnt in bed with him.
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read a fic from señor bun’s pov
why yes i did weep
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imbackonmy-bullshit · 11 months
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I found the most Eric R Bittle Christmas ornament the other day at Farmers, I really want to buy it but am I willing to have the conversation to explain to my family wtf it's about .
The thing I find interesting is it's American butter like our butter is a completely different shape we don't have these little sticks unless it's like a specialty one usually it's 500gm blocks
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asterlark · 2 years
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"chirping and flirting are variants on the same idea" -eric r bittle
(alternate caption: they were in love here)
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foryouandbits · 1 year
Ok ok ok so I know this is a daddy daughter thing but Jack ABSOLUTELY does this for one Eric R Bittle on their wedding day and the picture in the middle is 100% them in their Samwell uniforms on the ice before the failed championship game.
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freebooter4ever · 10 months
You worry about the theoretical possibility of someone hitting your guys the way trouba hits everyone else instead of worrying about the not-theoretical guys he puts on IR multiple times a season?
He’s a real problem now, not just in your imaginary world where he’s on any other team.
So it sounds like you might really really dislike troubs, and if you don't want to block me the other option is blacklisting "NYR" - tumblr makes it really easy, and i am usually very careful to tag all my r*ngers reblogs/posts with that. I myself have one specific player's name blacklisted because just seeing it triggers me into anger. (discussion of the physical part of hockey got long, under tag)
There's two options: full tag, and also in the body of the post so tumblr will filter out ALL posts with that word. But it won't hide the posts it just gives a nice greyed out warning so you don't have to see it. Trust me, its great, it's the only way i got through having that asshole on my favorite team for a few months. (and you can still click to unhide the post, like say when geno is defending the pens goalie and swatting the asshole player like a fly and you want to reblog the gif)
For a direct response to your second point: troubs' hits were legal. I'm not afraid of him being traded to another team, i am quite literally afraid of another similar hitter on an oposing team taking retribution by landing a similarly legal hit on our forwards. I feel like troubs style leads to escalation and thats what worries me. like troubs targeting vulnerable mistakes of oposing forwards is putting a giant target on our own forward's backs.
BUT im a wimp. Always have been, i know this about myself. I dont like contact sports. I will watch football but not closely, i absolutely despise boxing, and even wrestling is pushing it sometimes. My formative years were spent in a karate dojo that emphasized self defence always. I excelled at kata and bunkai, but put me in the sparring ring and i wilt. One of my most distinct memories when i was 13 or 14 and shooting up taller than a weed was being forced to spar with this obnoxious teenage guy a head shorter than me. He had something to prove and landed an illegal punch on my nose. I was so mad i took that kid down with almost full force and then ran to the bathroom and bled all over my pristine white expensive cotton gi and cried like a baby and didnt come out till one of the women senseis sat with me and calmed me down. They never forced me into the sparring ring again after that, lol. what im saying is i dont like fights. If I had my way we would eric-bittle-ify hockey and checking wouldn't be a thing.
BUT with hockey im trying to be more open minded and understand how this fits into the game. And learn to appreciate it in addition to how much i admire the speed, and strategy, and more refined aspects of the game. Some parts i dont think i'll ever understand: like the borderline illegal hits, or the ones that are legal but extremely dangerous like the one that gave the poor penguin defense man a concussion during his first big league game. Now i have not been watching long but i have heard that troubs has hit sid in the past? I dont know anything about it, i dont think i want to. If it happened again? Yeah troubs might end up on my blacklist. But for now he's still the captain of the team, and the team genuinely seems to appreciate troubs very loyal very aggressively defensive phsyical style of play.
But also i mean, trochk picked on geno for like three games straight last season, and i dont think geno was even injured, but ive lowkey hated trochk ever since and have a hard time rooting for trochk as much as the rest of the guys on the team so lol dont hold me to any loyalties.
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zimmerwhore · 1 year
just watched this man on youtube and got transported to a universe where eric r bittle is real and teaching me how to make fruit butters
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bittysovenbetsy · 2 years
Red Robe, Red Ribbon, Red Boxers
Summary: Jack and Bitty get busy on Christmas Eve. Written for the @deckthehaus prompt fest. Thank you for organizing this!
Also on AO3
When Eric walked into the living room on Christmas Eve after both sets of parents had gone back to the hotel, his jaw dropped. 
Logically, he knew this was the plan, but knowing something didn’t make seeing it any less astonishing.
It: Jack on his knees beside the Christmas tree. A soft, velvety robe was falling off his shoulders and tied at the waist, accentuating his narrow hips. Expanses of pale skin and hard muscle were on display, all for Eric. 
Jack was beautiful.
“Jack,” Eric croaked out. He tried again. “Jack.”
Jack looked up from his knees, wide eyes meeting Eric’s. Jack quirked his head, smiling softly. Eric swallowed hard. 
“Honey, I’m going to tie your hands now, okay?”
“Okay,” Jack whispered.
Eric kneeled behind Jack, pulling his arms behind him. “So pretty, sweetheart,” Eric said, kissing Jack’s shoulders, nosing at the hair on the bottom of his neck. He wrapped red ribbon around Jack’s wrists, tugging gently, and knotting it. “Feel good?”
“Yeah,” Jack murmured, nodding.
“Good.” Eric rose to his feet and sat down on the couch, pulling a blanket around himself and drawing a mug of hot chocolate close to his chin. “I’m going to work on the cookbook, okay, baby? I just want you to sit there and look pretty.”
Jack swallowed, nodding.
“Can you do that?”
“Yes.” The word was almost imperceptible, but Eric was listening for it.
Even though his laptop was open on his lap, Eric wasn’t editing. His fingers graced the keys occasionally, pretending to be working a little.
Really, his eyes were focused on Jack.
Jack. Sweet Jack.
His cheeks were flushed, almost matching the color of his red velvet robe. 
Eric couldn’t believe such a beautiful boy was his.
Jack looked up, meeting Eric’s gaze briefly. He must have felt eyes on him. Jack looked back at the ground, his knees shifting slightly.
“Honey, stop squirming,” Eric said, a smile soft on his face.
The second time he noticed Jack moving, he raised an eyebrow. “Mister Zimmermann.”
Jack blushed and squeezed his eyes shut. Embarrassed, then. 
Eric turned back to his laptop, typing and deleting a few sentences.
When Jack started shuffling on his knees again, Eric knew it was almost time. “Jack,” he said, the word dragged out. It was slow, like honey, and it made Jack’s stomach clench in a way the previous two times didn’t.
“Jack, look at me,” Eric said, closing his laptop and setting his empty mug to the side.
Jack raised his eyes to meet Eric’s. His eyelashes were gorgeous. Eric couldn’t wait to press soft kisses to Jack’s face.
“How you feeling, honey?”
Jack whined softly before collecting himself and saying “feel good.”
“You want me to come over there?”
Jack just nodded, flushing even more than he already was.
“Tell me,” Eric said, voice low. He was trying to sound sharp, assertive, but anyone who was listening could hear the adoration in his tone.
“Want you. Come over. Please.”
Eric walked over slowly to stand in front of Jack. “Hey, sweetheart,” he murmured, hands framing Jack’s face.
Jack blushed and his eyes fell to the floor. He leaned forward, forehead against Eric’s hip, and pressed soft kisses to his thighs.
A sharp tug to Jack’s hair pulled him back from Eric’s body. “Hey. I want you to ask for it.”
“Please what?”
“Please.” Jack took a short breath in an effort to force himself to slow down and think. “Please I want you.”
Eric pulled Jack’s hair again, forcing his face up to look at his fiancė. “Can you ask nicely?”
Jack whined, the intensity of the eye contact somewhat uncomfortable. His hands twitched, but the ribbon held fast, a soothing reminder that Bitty had him.
“You okay, sugar?” Eric asked, quickly picking up on Jack’s slight discomfort. “You wanna close your eyes?”
Jack did just that and then nodded as much as he could with Eric’s hand still tight in his hair. “I’m okay. I’m good. Eye contact is…it’s hard sometimes.”
“I know, baby. You’re doing so good; I’m so proud of you.” Eric’s other hand came to cradle Jack’s cheek, his thumb softly tracing the cheekbone. “Do you need anything?”
“A kiss please?”
“Of course.” Eric leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to Jack’s lips. Jack kissed back, groaning low in his throat when he went to touch Bitty but couldn’t.
“Something you want?” Eric asked, pulling back to quirk an eyebrow.
Jack nodded, swallowing hard.
“You wanna ask for it?”
“Please, Bits. Wanna make you feel good. Please.”
“Okay, sweetheart, go ahead.”
Jack smiled to himself, licking his way up Eric’s thighs, then moving to his abs. He sucked a soft bite into the skin on Eric’s hip.
“Good thing you’re… in the locker room. And not… me,” Eric panted, hand resting on the back of Jack’s neck. “That would be. Difficult, ah, Jack! To explain.”
The red boxers Eric had on were getting in Jack’s way, so he tugged at them with his teeth. “Off. Please.”
Eric shivered, but his voice was firm. “Ask.”
“Please. I…can you please?” Jack bit at Eric’s hip again.
“Jack, you’re so good,” Eric said, pulling the boxers off and then kissing Jack.
Jack’s eyes slipped close. The carpet was soft on his knees. The ribbon tying his hands was a tight, comforting pressure. The velvet robe was slipping off his shoulders, but Jack found that he didn’t care. Bits’ hands were on him, one on the back of his neck and the other on his cheek, anchoring him in place. 
Jack smiled into the kiss.
It may have been Eric’s idea for a Christmas gift, but Jack was enjoying it just as much.
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shygryf · 1 year
ship: suzanne/rick, genre: romcom, word prompt: yellow (@parvuls)
Ooh nice. Thanks for the ask @parvuls
Someone keeps putting yellow flowers inside Suzanne's locked office at her new job. the flowers start as roses, then shift to daffodils and buttercups and daisies. The notes all are signed with R. She goes systematically through every single man in the directory but there aren't any. Eventually it's revealed that it's Eric Richard Bittle Jr. Everyone in the company calls him junior but he prefers Richard. He says the flowers reminded him of her beautiful hair
Anyone who wants to participate in the reverse ask meme leave me an ask with your username.
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samwellgalpal · 3 years
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The time has finally arrived! Here is my @omgcpbigbang2021 piece 
 It is for @wannabe-someone’s wonderful fic The good, the bad and...the hungry, perfect for those aching for Bitty and Bad Bob interactions and also surprisingly wholesome Kent P appearances, y’all are gonna love it 
 [Image description: Two men are in a big spacious kitchen. One of the men is a young blonde and he is pulling a fresh pie out of the oven. The other man is a middle aged brunette with a worried expression and he is standing a little ways behind the blonde, scratching the back of his head.]
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asterlark · 2 years
i think we don't talk enough about how bitty was captain of his high school coed hockey team junior AND senior years!! i don't have anything to add i just love eric r bittle and him being captain of things makes me emotional
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foryouandbits · 1 year
My dash tonight is mostly one Jack L Zimmermann being horny on main for Eric R Bittle and let me tell you I am here for it
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actualhockeyrobot · 5 years
Jack and Coach be like
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shittybeans-blog · 6 years
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apple notes is an underappreciated drawing program-
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bittysovenbetsy · 2 years
thought of the day: shoveling
I feel like every person has a different shoveling technique. Where do you start? How do you hold the shovel? What motion do you make with the shovel and your body? etc etc.
When SMH has to shovel the porch and sidewalk, I think there’s big arguments about how people shovel. Jack is a machine at shoveling, so naturally Holster thinks he’s purposefully baiting him into a fight. Dex is also a machine at shoveling due to long winters in Maine. Bitty does his best to get out of shoveling. “It’s too cold” “you play an ice sport, Bittle”
Chowder is SO EXCITED his first winter!! He gets the whole team to build a snow family, fort, and then initiates a snowball fight.
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acountrygirlsfun · 7 years
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The downside to being a close friend to one of the NHL’s top players on the most successful new expansion team is that Bitty ends up in the press. A lot.
But this is different.
Jack just won his second Cup in three years. The celebratory parade brought out people in the city of Providence in droves. The beer was flowing and the laughs were infectious. Bitty may be out of college but his alcohol tolerance has stuck with him. He’d wound up buzzed and napping in the sun on a patio somewhere high above the city. He’d felt so high up, so out of view from the rest of the world, he’d been brave when Jack came out to check on him.
Brave enough to pull his fiance down on top of him so they could kiss lazily for a while. Slow and warm and happy.
They didn’t know people were looking out of the windows from the building next door. Didn’t know they’d wind up on the front page of magazines and websites. They were planning on coming out to the public, but not like this.
Georgia nearly had a coronary.
Their carefully laid plans had been blown to pieces; now they’re left to just do damage control.
OUT Magazine
Eric Bittle, close friend of Jack Zimmerman how we got him all wrong.
Written by Allan Hughes
Meeting Eric for this interview was less like entering a stranger’s home and more like going home to visit your aunt that always has your favorite sweets and a gift for you to take home. Walking into the door of Bittle’s small but neat home you’d think to expect a bachelor pad of sorts. 
Beer cans and pizza boxes and hockey memorabilia strewn about like most college athletes, even former ones, tend to live for a while after graduation. But aside from a hockey bag spilling out of the front closet there was a distinct lack of disarray. 
Sitting in a sunny kitchen, sipping proper sweet tea made me feel like I wasn’t in New England anymore but had somehow been transported to southern Georgia where Eric was born and raised.
“I’ve gotten used to livin’ through summers without the humidity. I don’t honestly think I could go back to that,” Eric jokes lightly when I ask about his decision to stay up north after graduation. The Georgia native managed to compete in not one but two ice related sports in his lifetime in the southern state. His first round of success came from his talent and dedication to figure skating.
“How did you make the switch to hockey?”
Eric laughs and birds outside the window chirp back.
“Better scholarships up here for hockey,” he admits and then turns towards the counter to grab the plate full of cookies and tarts and muffins. My sweet tea is refilled before I even noticed the glass was low while he continues. “I was ready for a change; those skin tight sequin covered costumes lose their luster after while,” he joked and my tea grew sweeter.
Eric doesn’t flat out refuse to talk about his time at Samwell, but he spends most of the time talking about his teammates instead of himself. He doesn’t talk about the way he grew as a player in his time there. Doesn’t talk about how playing on Jack Zimmerman’s line helped the NHL prospect in the long run. He doesn’t even mention how he was unanimously voted to captain the team his senior year, or how during his captaincy the team raised more money for charity than any of the other frat houses on the block. When asked about playing with Zimmerman, Eric’s answer was simple, “It changed my life.”
Conversation wandered as it tends to when you are so comfortable and absolutely completely catered to. We talked of his business, Bits & Butter, and how it has taken off with the help of baking classes and private catering in the evenings. When I mentioned I’d never had a coffee cake quite as perfect as his strawberry rhubarb one he stood from his chair and started opening cupboards. I watched as his deft hands and strong arms started mixing ingredients easily and automatically with not a recipe card in sight. As he worked we talked about his charity events the bakery has contributed to, and their focus on queer youth and connecting them with college scholarships.
Because not everyone has what it takes to make it through college on an athletic scholarship. The relentless schedule for workouts and games and practice keeps athletes at every collegiate level occupied constantly. The strength on Eric’s small frame was not hidden by his fitted jeans and snug t-shirt. Watching his muscles flex while he folded fresh strawberries and neatly cut rhubarb into the dough was mesmerizing.
Eric Bittle, entrepreneur, talented baker, literal embodiment of sunshine and boyfriend of NHL player Jack Zimmerman.
Or should I say, Jack Zimmerman, boyfriend of Eric Bittle?
Either way, the truth is out there now: our favorite NHL star and his BFF are not as they first seemed. But really, does it change anything? You all fell in love with Eric Bittle, the sweet southern baker. And you were already in love with shy and modest heartthrob Jack Zimmerman.
What the sports world has demanded from us fans and supporters is to renounce our loyalty to well beloved players when they are brave enough to share their orientation.
But the sports world also used to demand separate leagues for people with different colored skin. It also continues to pressure young children and their parents to make the lifelong commitment to sports and training and injuries.
The sports world has made progress. But it’s not enough. This is the time to show the sports world that we love our players for who they are and what they do for our teams more than who they go home to at night.
The soft look on Eric Bittle’s face as he talked about his boyfriend left no doubt in my mind of their happiness together.
Shouldn’t that be enough?
The article comes out in short order after the interview and Bitty blushes the whole time he reads it. He hadn’t meant to butter up the reporter, but he’d been so nervous a little extra Southern charm had slipped through. Jack just tells him not to worry, every bit of good press for them is good right now anyway. 
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