brightprofiler · 5 years
-hugs- In case you didn't know, you're a pretty amazing person and a fantastic writer. Any verse you write in is lucky to have you. The life you give your characters is astounding. You inspire me. Thanks for being part of my life. :)
WE’RE ALL LUCKY TO HAVE YOU. that’s the real deal here. You are so amazing and i’m so grateful for all the kind messages! 
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solarsought · 5 years
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“Are you sure that you have to go on your recruiting trip, Dad?” Gracie asks but she’s still helping him pack. “I’m sure somebody else can go with Dadd I hate when you’re both gone.” She tells him lips forming a bit of a pout. “Please?”
@erictwd // random things
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eric-raleigh · 5 years
Name Change Alert
@erictwd --> @eric-raleigh 
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mxndwitch · 5 years
-hugs- You're such an amazing person and I've loved getting to write with you (even though it takes me a billion years to reply). Thanks for bringing your gift of writing to this site and being part of my world here!
You are such an amazing, kind person and really made me happy with this message, because this week has been quite rough. I hope you feel a lot better soon and can enjoy the weekend
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boltsandashes · 5 years
Hello lovely! I hope you're doing well and making the most of the new year so far! Have an amazing day today!!
Thanks hon, you too snugs
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🌞🌞 The sunshine fairy is here to sprinkle you with good vibes and love for the New Year!! I wish you all the happiness in the world for 2020!! 🌞🌞
thank you darlin! you’re a blessing cause i certainly needed this. i’ve just felt awful for DAYS about everything. i need all the good vibes i can get. 
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damneddixon · 5 years
{ @erictwd cont. from here }
So perhaps Daryl was trying to get Eric at least a little bit drunk. But hell, they had been through some tough times together, and there was no better way to relax than feeling alcohol course through one’s body and feeling the familiar sensation of elation that came afterwards. And if anyone deserved to cut loose a little bit, to let it all out, it was Eric. Not that he seemed uptight, but...definitely like he could blow off some steam. 
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“One, I ain’t doin’ nothing. You’re the one drinkin’ that glass right there,” Daryl scoffed, glancing down to the newly filled glass that the other was already picking up. “And two, I dunno. Anythin’ about you. Feel like I don’t know much of it,” he shrugged. He froze for just a second as Eric’s hand reached up to brush back the lock of hair that had fallen across Daryl’s face, the moment seeming so soft and intimate that it almost made Daryl nervous. But he didn’t let that show. “Tell me a secret. Somethin’ no one else knows. Can be anything. Tell me what you wanted to be when you grew up. Tell me ‘bout your first boyfriend. Tell me somethin’.” Don’t gotta be all three. Just... whatever you want. Just want to know you better.” 
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drcloyd · 5 years
tell me about your crush!!!!!!!
hMMMMMMM. okay well she’s v. cute and is sunshine personified and is an amazing writer AND her dogs are adorable. 
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t-chambler-archived · 5 years
I kind of want to see what you'd write for Eric and Tara with the ‘just kiss me.‘ prompt considering they're both not attracted to the opposite sex. XD
Alexandria ➡️ @erictwd
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"--it was..." Christ, he was like a southern grandmother. "...it was just a Spaghetti dinner?" She tilts her head at Eric. Wasn't he with Aaron. Like, that little detail did not go unnoticed. Her friends didn't kiss her like that when she made it back safely on a jank leg. Yeah... they were definitely a thing. Still?
"Um... well, okay." Jeez, these Alexandrians were weird. She leans forward and kisses his cheek. Just how she would kiss her sister. (His face was smooth like Lilly's, too). "I usually don't kiss on the first noodle date--" She pat his front shirt pocket. "So you, uh, you hang on to that memory, dude."
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apostleled · 5 years
Hi lovely!!! I hope you have an amazing day today! Thank you for being an inspiration to my creativity, and a light that shines upon the world.
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// you are adorable. i freaking love you. listen. you keep on shining, too. cause when it comes to light? we’re all 20w bulbs compared to your sunshine!
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brightprofiler · 5 years
Just a reminder, you're precious and ilu!! I hope you have an amazing day!!
you’re the more precious one! i hope you have an amazing day and always remember how wonderful you are!
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aarontwds · 5 years
@erictwd l plotted starter
"C'mon Gracie," Aaron cajoled, bouncing the seven-month-old in his arms. She'd been cranky today, tossing every toy he gave her to the floor, pushing food away, and worst of all, screaming at the top of her little lungs. She'd been perfectly fine, cooing and babbling when Eric had left them the day before, but as soon as he'd tried to sit her down to eat her dinner of baby cereal, it'd started.
And it hadn't stopped.
She'd slept for all of two hours (collectively) the night before, and Aaron had gotten....significantly less than that. He could barely keep his eyes peeled open as he paced the living room floor, occasionally tripping on the toys she'd strewn around as he'd tried to comfort her. He hadn't realized how many toys they had for her until he was accidentally kicking them all across the room.
Gracie continued to scream.
"What is it?" he asked, trying to be comforting but coming off a little laced with desperation. "You're changed, you had some mash for breakfast - half of which I'm wearing - you had a bottle, huh, whatsamatter Gracie?" he asked, patting his hand soothingly over her back. Maybe she was gassy?
For a moment she was quiet, and Aaron let out a slow breath of relief. Maybe she had been g - her next screech was so loud Aaron almost flinched, brow drawing into a furrow. He was glad the house was far enough away from the wall to not attract attention.
"Come on baby," Aaron said, near tears himself. "It's okay."
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semperfidelium · 5 years
"Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody." — Unknown. Thanks for always making me feel like a somebody!! Sending lots of love your way.
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// thank you for being someone who always makes anyone you come in contact with feel like a somebody. and not only a somebody but a somebody that’s truly cared for and wished good things for. you’re so brilliantly bright. i adore ya. sending all the love back!
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healsiick · 5 years
Hello lovely!!! I hope you're 2020 is off to a fantastic start!! Don't forget to take care of yourself and make time for YOU. Have an amazing day today!!
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// bb. i hope your whole world is fantastic. you deserve nothing but the best. and you best be taking care of yourself, too. cause i adore you way too damn much for you not to. seriously. i’ll give you a lecture. you don’t want that. no one does. :P love you to bits!
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boltsandashes · 5 years
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   • A A R O N •
     i need to help.           i need to try.
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hartsiick · 5 years
May you have a day filled with kind words, positive thoughts, happy people and beautiful moments. Have a very great day today.
You're so very sweet! Right back at you. The weekends almost here! Hope you have a great week AND weekend!!!
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