twitchylittlethespian · 3 months
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idk of these have already been posted here, but roosterteeth posted some info on the new season on instagram!
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FISH KIN: @transprince, your fish kin is...
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THE DIADEM DOTTYBACK! This cute little fish is popular in aquariums, but lives naturally in coral reefs! Reportedly, they're the first species of Dottyback to be kept in aquariums. They're also known for their ability to change sex!
(Also, i hope the purple stripe reminds you of something...) Thank you very much for your donation!
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bingerzone · 4 months
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Me and @aberranteidolon did an art trade of Falin, Laios, and our D&D PC's swapping clothes, because their dynamics are very similar :) Joey (the blue one) is He/Him and Erid (The pink one) is She/Her!
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Also, a close up :3
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waffulaa · 8 months
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A.I.Voice VY Nancy and VOCALOID3 KYO on e-Ride Tokyo Homepage.
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sangre-y-estrellas · 5 months
¿Por qué se habla tan poco de las chicas que quedamos en segundo plano?
Somos esas chicas que siempre estamos ahí para sacar una sonrisa a quienes atraviesan momentos difíciles, incluso si esas personas nos han herido. Somos casi invisibles para todos. A pesar de ser conscientes de ser la segunda opción, seguimos presentes, sonriendo y esperando que, en algún momento, llegue nuestra oportunidad de ser las protagonistas de nuestra propia historia.
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cursedthing · 1 year
We're so normal the normalest out there literally so normal look at us go and be so normal the icon of being normal
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anon-skeleton · 1 year
Goddess of discord
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Es hija de Bill (de hwamyong) y Lust (de nsfwshamecave)
Tiene 30 años
Mide 1,66M
Bisexual Aromantica
Es apática y manipuladora, pero actúa como una chica coqueta
Es psicópata
Ella está en busca en busca de un objeto especial que la ayudaría a desatar caos en el multiverso.
She is the daughter of Bill (by hwamyong) and Lust (by nsfwshamecave)
She's 30 years old
She's 1,66M tall
Bisexual Aromantic
She is apathetic and manipulative, but acts like a flirtatious girl.
She's psycho
She is on the hunt for a special item that would help her wreak havoc on the multiverse.
Cya next post
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randomaj · 6 months
WAIT are the Erids from "Project Hail Mary" based on the Tholians from Star Trek?
The descriptions match up really close both appearance-wise and also with their weight/temperature/etc..
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morb1dcan1d · 2 years
I promise that my icon shenenigans are almost done, I am slowly seeing the finish line, but till then I shall post more
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Casey // Moss
Casey is a punk he/they partaker of anarchy, as you would expect he does enjoy arson.. for better or worse Moss on the other hand is a cartographer, and loves travel. They also have a bird companion and are mute!
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Ethan // Erid
The most edgy bastard but in the "Will Cry" and not "Anger Issues" kind of way Erid is simply a magic man, that stays away from people, as he is unsure of how to socialize with others
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think I’m just gonna keep Erid as the main guy
too lazy to wanna come up with a sona or whatever you wanna call it
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camp camp headcannons
david hates canada and math
max either despises or is mcrs biggest fan. there is no in between
neils favorite holiday is passover or purim. idk why it just is. he also immensely judges people if they eat matzah bread year round
nikki loves the kardashians, not because theyre pretty or anything, but because theyre dumb
gwen LOVES inside job a bit too much. shes also conservative or reform jewish, but was raised orthodox
erid is reform jewish, or was raised jewish but doesnt believe in judaism. she had an ocean themed bat mitzvah, shes also from california
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yourcoffeeguru · 2 years
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Vintage The Children of Cherry Tree Farm by Enid Blyton 1972 Book // autradingpost - shop
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bingerzone · 3 months
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More portraits :D This time it's the PCs!!
This session we fuckin. Went against three Vrocks at lvl 6 and none of us took damage the entire time aside from Joey (the blue one) who took six damage dkjfhkjdfs and Erid exploded their heads. I guess my 19 AC is finally paying off hehehe
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potatobugz · 2 years
OK WAIT i just remembered what's that fic u did the drawing of w eridan n feferi? i think eridan was a trans girl ?or something. what is it
oh oh oh it was from The Golden Mile by RoseGardenofEden on Ao3!! This fic is actually sorta like a sidequel/sequel to another work by the same author called Early June , so if you want like the full context u can read that one first if you'd like,,
anywho I canot reccommend them enough ooug, these were both very fun 2 read >:D
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pauldelancey · 11 months
Paul’s Awesome English Dictionary – Today’s Word: Eride
Why is humanity so mired in mediocrity? Why do we not post better blogs? Because we erase ideas from our brains from lack of writing them down or simply forgetting them as soon as their thought up. But we don’t have a word to describe this behavior. It’s high time to correct this oversight. TODAY’S AWESOME WORD eride Awesome entry #17   – Paul De Lancey, The Comic Chef, Ph.D. My…
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thedogsleg · 2 years
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