#ernaci schope
fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
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(credits to eternal_galaxys,metalchairz and idk where the other for the hair damn.)
If you remember the other credits please tell us so we can add them! ^_^
FIRST: Alternia or Beforus or some type of AU? Beforan Name (preferably include how you came up with it and why): Ernaci (from Erenacinae, the scientific name of hedgehogs) Sozpat (a butchered version of sociopath which is a bit of her. I need to think of better names bc I suck at it.)
Sociopathy is a term that’s been out of circulation for a while because it’s not actually very helpful and has mostly been used to stigmatize mentally ill ppl. Reading what I’ve read of her character, it seems less to me that she’s a standard or stereotypical “sociopath” (not a real thing) and is instead just Low Empathy. …I’m almost tempted to make a Shadow the Hedgehog joke here because of how you’ve described her personality, but I… shall refrain…. Still, it might be worth looking to him for some inspo since you’re hedgehog themeing her!
Either way, if you want to keep a similar sounding name, maybe you could do Schope, as a reference to Schopenhauer, a philosopher who helped establish the idea of the Hedgehog Dilemma. 
Age: 7.5 sweeps
Strife Specibus: needlekind (knitting needles but doesnt use it for knitting.)
Fetch Modus: (none yet)
You could have something like… a quill modus to further drive home the prickly theme. Everything is stored inside a spike ball. She has to reach in to grab it, but if she’s not careful she can get hurt.
Blood color: Indigo
Symbol and meaning: Sagira (Prospit, Mind)
Trolltag: doubleedgedBlabbermouth
Quirk: I actually don’t know aside from perfect caps. also commas instead of periods. Also speaks with some internet lingo. I just don’t know how to incoperate the hedgehog spikes to her quirk lol. Hun,,, you got a big storm coming on you,,,
\You could put spines around all her messages,,,/// <- Like That
Or you could have her use ->->-> When she’s being accusatory.
Special Abilities (if any): Super strength from being an Indigo-blood but doesn’t use it that much.
Lusus: Hedgehog in the size of an adult cat.
Verie Cute. I could make a joke here about like… having a hedgepony, As a hegemony pun. But that’s more of a ‘bluebloods having horse lusii’ joke and not a necessity. 
Personality: Ernaci is that one person who tries not to be an asshole. She is brutally honest (a double-edged sword) that it can hurt others without her knowing. Talkshitting is fine for her since she doesn’t feel bad after doing so. Ernaci has good intentions and ideas, it’s just that she struggles to word shit correctly so she gets misunderstood (put-foot-in-mouth 24/7). She is stuck between being a porcupine and emotionally/physically intimate. Ernaci really tries her best to overcome her flaws but the other side of her doesn’t want to change so she’s stuck again. She has a hard time showing emotions because she suppresses it. She’s also peak hedgehog’s dilemma.
EDIT: also things to add for Ernaci Sozpat: she’s also stuck between not caring about her reputation and actually giving a fuck about it and on asking help or just fucking stay like that forever.
I like this a Lot! You made her a mind character and I think all of this plays really well into that. The identity conflict, the objectivity. Mind players value action over feeling, they’re about the physical and not the spiritual and so that’s definitely something you can do with her. She knows how to Act, she knows how to Think, but she doesn’t know how to feel. And that means that when she gets close to people she can hurt them. 
So this creates a really interesting character dynamic! Desiring to get close but knowing it’s not a good idea but not knowing how to fix it or even if she wants to fix it. Being harsh with others and possibly drawing their criticism because she doesn’t understand feelings. It’s great tension!
As I said above, I also think she’s more low empathy than “sociopathic,” which just means she can’t understand how other people are feeling. It’s something you can research about online for further portrayal!
Interests: gossips, rom-com media, comedy media, film noir, self-deprecation memes, internet, internet drama (I want to add more interests but can’t think for something related to mind)
Mind is a hard one to really grab Interests for because it really is all about action. And usually facades, too. If she likes internet drama, she could probably even like like… internet trolling. Putting on a fake persona and stirring up shit on forums.
Title: Mage of Mind since she has mild sociopathic tendencies and also has to come to terms with her mind. (how can i portray her correctly lol)
I’ve said as much, but I really do agree with this. She understands Mind, Logic, Thought, and as a result she tries to passively push and form emotion to fit the mold of logic but it just doesn’t work. 
Land: (i havent thought of this one)
Land of Frost and Spines, maybe? Something chilly and spiky. 
Dream Planet: Prospit
Trivia: The songs that i’ve picked for her are also one of my favorite jams Bad Girls by Tennis, Sinful by Marina and Bad Reputation by Joan Jett. Also a lot of hedgehog jackshit because Hedgehog’s dilemma lol.   Honestly she kinda sounds like a Rage player writing this.
And oh I kind of projected on this character oof.
I like her a lot! And dw, I think she soudns more like a mind player than a rage. 
Design time!:
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Sorry for the lack of transparent background once more. But here we go! 
Hair: I made her hair a liiiittle spikier just for the Hedgehog Theme. 
Face: Her eyes looked a little too familiar, so I change them up a bit to make her look slightly harsher. I also turned her lips blue just for some Variety. And I gave her a suspiciously heartshaped mole because... Marina Diamandis. 
Body in general: I just did some color and outline edits to make things visually read a lil better! 
Sign: I just made it smaller so it wouldn’t be hidden by the kerchief. 
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