#err 3️⃣
hedonicghosts · 5 months
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would you believe that this took three months to do? either way... something something hearing innerworld commotion in the front while trying to sleep sucks. especially when a bunch of teenagers are playing mental guitar hero
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wrappedinamysteryy · 6 months
🌷 All about Zakaatul-Fitr (Fitraana)🌷
by Asma bint Shameem 
1️⃣ What is Zakaatul-Fitr?
Zakaat al-fitr (also known as sadaqatul Fitr or Fitraana) is an act of worship that is obligatory for every Muslim, young or old, man or woman, if he has enough wealth for himself and his family for one day and night, on the day of Eid. 
He must pay one saa’ of a local staple food to the poor Muslims on behalf of himself and for EACH of his dependents. 
🍃The scholars said:
“Zakaat al-fitr is obligatory for every Muslim, to be paid on his own behalf and on behalf of those on whose maintenance he is obliged to spend, if he has wealth surplus to his and his dependents’ needs for the day and night of Eid: one saa‘.”
(Islamqa Fatwa # 207225)
🍃 Ibn ‘Umar radhi Allaahu anhu said:
“The Messenger of Allaah Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam enjoined zakaat al-fitr, a saa’ of dates, or a saa’ of barley, for EVERY MUSLIM, slave or free, male or female, young or old, and he enjoined that it be given before the people go out to the prayer.” 
[al-Bukhaari (1503) and Muslim (984)]
So if there’s a family of 6, for example, the head of the household must pay Zakaatul-Fitr X 6. 
2️⃣ WHY do we give Zakaatul-Fitr?
First of all, Zakaatul-Fitr is given because it’s an ORDER of the Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam to ALL Muslims. 
Secondly, the reason why we give Zakaatul-Fitr is because it’s a purification for any mistakes or shortcomings that we may have had in our fasting. 
🍃Ibn ‘Abbaas radhi Allaahu anhu said:
“The Messenger of Allaah Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam enjoined zakaat al-fitr as a purification for those who fasted from idle or obscene talk, and so as to feed the poor.”
(Abu Dawood 1609; hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood)
3️⃣ How much is one saa’?
🍃 The scholars of the Standing Committee said:
“What is meant by a saa’ here is the saa’ of the Messenger of Allaah Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam, which is four times the amount that may be held in the two hands of a man of average build.” 
(The Standing Committee For Academic Research And Issuing Fatwas, 9/364)
This is equivalent to 2.1 kilograms according to Shaikh Ibn Uthaymeen and about 3 kilograms according to Shaikh Ibn Baaz. 
The difference is because a saa’ is a measure of “VOLUME”, and not “weight”. 
And different grains have different weights. 
So it’s better to err on the side of caution if one can afford it and give 3 kilograms. 
4️⃣ Zakaatul-Fitr as food or money?
Zakaat al-Fitr is supposed to be paid in the form of the usual local staple FOOD, according to the majority of the scholars. 
That’s the default. 
🍃Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri radhi Allaahu anhu said: 
“At the time of the Prophet Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam we used to give one saa’ of food, or one saa’ of dates, or one saa’ of barley, or one saa’ of raisins.” (al-Bukhaari) 
🍃Shaikh Ibn Baaz said:
“It is not permissible to pay the value in money, according to the majority of scholars; this view has the stronger evidence. 
Rather it must be given in the form of food, as the Prophet Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam and his companions radhi Allaahu anhum did. This is also the view of the majority of the ummah.”
(Majmoo’ Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn Baaz, 14/200)
So the basic principle is that Zakaat al-Fitr it to be paid as FOOD. 
But you may give it as CASH to an organization or an individual who will then distribute this in the form of “food” to the poor. 
🍃 Shaikh Muqbil said about this issue:
“They send it (Zakaatul Fitr), even as money, to a trustworthy man who will buy for everyone a Saa’ of grain or raisin or dates or cottage cheese. [That was ] a good notification.”
5️⃣Timing of Zakaatul-Fitr 
Zakaatul-Fitr is due on the first of Shawwaal BEFORE Salaatul Eid. 
But it’s permissible to pay it a day or two earlier, especially since a lot of people are giving Zakaat al-Fitr to organizations and it takes time to distribute it. 
The recipients should receive this Zakaat al-Fitr before salaatul Eid. 
🍃Ibn ‘Abbaas radhi Allaahu anhu said: 
“The Messenger of Allaah Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam enjoined zakaat al-fitr as a purification for the fasting person from idle and obscene speech, and to feed the poor. 
Whoever gives it before the prayer, it is zakaat al-fitr, and whoever gives it after the prayer, it is ordinary charity.”
(Abu Dawood -hasan by al-Albaani)
However if you’re giving your zakaatul Fitr to a person or an organization who will give this to poor people then it is permissible to give zakaatul Fitr earlier in the month so that the money reaches the recipients in appropriate time.
🍃 Shaikh ibn Jibreen said;
“It is permissible to give the price (of zakaat al-fitr) at the beginning of the month to an agent who will buy (zakaat al-fitr) and deliver it to deserving people at the time when it should be paid, which is the night before Eid or two days before that.”
(Al-Fataawa Al-Jibreeniyyah Fi’l-A’maal Al-Da’wiyyah Li Fadeelat Al-Shaykh ‘Abd-Allaah Ibn Jibreen, P. 33)
6️⃣Local or overseas?
It’s better to give zakaatul Fitr locally.
But it’s allowed to send Zakaat al-Fitr overseas if it’s more needed over there. 
🍃 The scholars of the Standing Committee said:
“It should be given to the poor Muslims in the land where it is given, but it is permissible to send it to the poor in another land if the need is greater.” 
(Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 9/369, 370)
🍃 Shaikh Ibn Uthaymeen said:
“There is nothing wrong with sending zakaat al-fitr to another country on the grounds that there are no poor people in one's own country. 
But if that is done even though there are poor people who need it in one's own country, then it is not permissible.”
(Majmoo’ Fataawa Ibn ‘Uthaymeen, 18/question no. 102)
7️⃣ Can I give zakaatul Fitr to my poor relatives?
Yes as long as the person is a poor Muslim, he or she is eligible to receive zakaatul Fitr.
And you would get more reward because you would be upholding ties of kinship as well.
🍃 The Prophet ﷺ said:
“Charity given to a poor person is charity, but charity given to a relative is two things, charity and upholding the ties of kinship.”
(al-Nasaa’i, al-Tirmidhi- saheeh by al-Albaani)
However we’re not supposed to give zakaatul Fitr to those who we are obligated to spend on.
So, for example, the father cannot give zakaatul Fitr to his son or his parents.
🍃Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said:
“It is permissible to give zakaat al-fitr and the zakaah of one's wealth to poor relatives, and indeed giving it to relatives is better than giving it to strangers, because giving it to relatives is both charity and upholding the ties of kinship.
But that is subject to the condition that by giving it he is not protecting his wealth, which would be the case if the poor person is one on whom he is obliged to spend.
In that case it is not permissible for him to meet the other person’s needs with any of his zakaah, because if he does that then he is saving his wealth with what he gives of zakaah, and that is not permissible or allowed.
But if he is not obliged to spend on him, then he may give his zakaah to him, and in fact giving his zakaah to him is better than giving it to a stranger, because the Prophet ﷺ said:
“Your charity given to a relative is both charity and upholding the ties of kinship.”
(Majmoo’ Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen 18/question no. 301).
And Allaah knows best
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islamic-scholars · 1 year
All about Zakaatul-Fitr (Fitraana)
by Asma bint Shameem 
1️⃣ What is Zakaatul-Fitr?
Zakaat al-fitr (also known as sadaqatul Fitr or Fitraana) is an act of worship that is obligatory for every Muslim, young or old, man or woman, if he has enough wealth for himself and his family for one day and night, on the day of Eid. 
He must pay one saa’ of a local staple food to the poor Muslims on behalf of himself and for EACH of his dependents. 
🍃The scholars said:
“Zakaat al-fitr is obligatory for every Muslim, to be paid on his own behalf and on behalf of those on whose maintenance he is obliged to spend, if he has wealth surplus to his and his dependents’ needs for the day and night of Eid: one saa‘.” (Islamqa Fatwa # 207225)
🍃 Ibn ‘Umar radhi Allaahu anhu said:
“The Messenger of Allaah Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam enjoined zakaat al-fitr, a saa’ of dates, or a saa’ of barley, for EVERY MUSLIM, slave or free, male or female, young or old, and he enjoined that it be given before the people go out to the prayer.”  [al-Bukhaari (1503) and Muslim (984)]
So if there’s a family of 6, for example, the head of the household must pay Zakaatul-Fitr X 6. 
2️⃣ WHY do we give Zakaatul-Fitr?
First of all, Zakaatul-Fitr is given because it’s an ORDER of the Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam to ALL Muslims. 
Secondly, the reason why we give Zakaatul-Fitr is because it’s a purification for any mistakes or shortcomings that we may have had in our fasting. 
🍃Ibn ‘Abbaas radhi Allaahu anhu said:
“The Messenger of Allaah Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam enjoined zakaat al-fitr as a purification for those who fasted from idle or obscene talk, and so as to feed the poor.”
[Abu Dawood (1609); hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood]
3️⃣ How much is one saa’?
🍃 The scholars of the Standing Committee said:
“What is meant by a saa’ here is the saa’ of the Messenger of Allaah Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam, which is four times the amount that may be held in the two hands of a man of average build.” (The Standing Committee For Academic Research And Issuing Fatwas, 9/364)
This is equivalent to 2.1 kilograms according to Shaikh Ibn Uthaymeen and about 3 kilograms according to Shaikh Ibn Baaz. 
The difference is because a saa’ is a measure of “VOLUME”, and not “weight”. And different grains have different weights. 
So it’s better to err on the side of caution if one can afford it and give 3 kilograms. 
4️⃣ Zakaatul-Fitr as food or money?
Zakaat al-Fitr is supposed to be paid in the form of the usual local staple FOOD, according to the majority of the scholars. That’s the default. 
🍃Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri radhi Allaahu anhu said: 
“At the time of the Prophet Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam we used to give one saa’ of food, or one saa’ of dates, or one saa’ of barley, or one saa’ of raisins.” (al-Bukhaari) 
🍃Shaikh Ibn Baaz said:
“It is not permissible to pay the value in money, according to the majority of scholars; this view has the stronger evidence. 
Rather it must be given in the form of food, as the Prophet Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam and his companions radhi Allaahu anhum did. This is also the view of the majority of the ummah.”
(Majmoo’ Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn Baaz, 14/200)
So the basic principle is that Zakaat al-Fitr it to be paid as FOOD. 
But you may give it as CASH to an organization or an individual who will then distribute this in the form of “food” to the poor. 
🍃 Shaikh Muqbil said about this issue:
“They send it (Zakaatul Fitr), even as money, to a trustworthy man who will buy for everyone a Saa’ of grain or raisin or dates or cottage cheese. [That was ] a good notification.”
5️⃣Timing of Zakaatul-Fitr 
Zakaatul-Fitr is due on the first of Shawwaal BEFORE Salaatul Eid. 
But it’s permissible to pay it a day or two earlier, especially since a lot of people are giving Zakaat al-Fitr to organizations and it takes time to distribute it. 
The recipients should receive this Zakaat al-Fitr before salaatul Eid. 
🍃Ibn ‘Abbaas radhi Allaahu anhu said: 
“The Messenger of Allaah Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam enjoined zakaat al-fitr as a purification for the fasting person from idle and obscene speech, and to feed the poor. 
Whoever gives it before the prayer, it is zakaat al-fitr, and whoever gives it after the prayer, it is ordinary charity.” (Abu Dawood -hasan by al-Albaani)
However if you’re giving your zakaatul Fitr to a person or an organization who will give this to poor people then it is permissible to give zakaatul Fitr earlier in the month so that the money reaches the recipients in appropriate time.
🍃 Shaikh ibn Jibreen said;
“It is permissible to give the price (of zakaat al-fitr) at the beginning of the month to an agent who will buy (zakaat al-fitr) and deliver it to deserving people at the time when it should be paid, which is the night before Eid or two days before that.” (Al-Fataawa Al-Jibreeniyyah Fi’l-A’maal Al-Da’wiyyah Li Fadeelat Al-Shaykh ‘Abd-Allaah Ibn Jibreen, P. 33)
6️⃣Local or overseas?
It’s better to give zakaatul Fitr locally.
But it’s allowed to send Zakaat al-Fitr overseas if it’s more needed over there. 
🍃 The scholars of the Standing Committee said:
“It should be given to the poor Muslims in the land where it is given, but it is permissible to send it to the poor in another land if the need is greater.” (Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 9/369, 370)
🍃 Shaikh Ibn Uthaymeen said:
“There is nothing wrong with sending zakaat al-fitr to another country on the grounds that there are no poor people in one's own country. 
But if that is done even though there are poor people who need it in one's own country, then it is not permissible.” (Majmoo’ Fataawa Ibn ‘Uthaymeen, 18/question no. 102)
And Allaah knows best
ஜகாத்துல்-பித்ர் (ஃபித்ரானா) பற்றி அனைத்தும்
by Asma bint Shameem
1️⃣ ஜகாத்துல் ஃபித்ர் என்றால் என்ன?
ஜ��ாத்துல் ஃபித்ர் (ஸதகதுல் ஃபித்ர் அல்லது ஃபித்ரானா என்றும் அழைக்கப்படுகிறது) என்பது ஒவ்வொரு முஸ்லீம், சிறியவர் அல்லது பெரியவர், ஆணோ பெண்ணோ, தனக்கும் தன் குடும்பத்துக்கும் ஒரு நாள் இரவும் பகலும் போதுமான செல்வம் இருந்தால், அவருக்குக் கடமையான ஒரு வழிபாட்டுச் செயலாகும். ஈத் நாள்.
அவர் தனது சார்பாகவும், தன்னைச் சார்ந்துள்ள ஒவ்வொருவருக்கும் உள்ளூர் முக்கிய உணவின் ஒரு சாவை ஏழை முஸ்லிம்களுக்குச் செலுத்த வேண்டும்.
🍃அறிஞர்கள் கூறியதாவது:
“ஒவ்வொரு முஸ்லிமுக்கும் ஜகாத் அல்-ஃபித்ர் கடமையாகும், அவர் தனது சொந்த சார்பாகவும், யாருடைய பராமரிப்புக்காக அவர் செலவழிக்கக் கடமைப்பட்டிருக்கிறாரோ அவர் சார்பாகவும், அவர் மற்றும் அவரைச் சார்ந்தவர்களின் தேவைகளுக்கு இரவும் பகலும் செல்வம் மிகுதியாக இருந்தால். ஈத்: ஒன் சா". (இஸ்லாம்கா ஃபத்வா # 207225)
🍃 இப்னு உமர் ரழி அல்லாஹு அன்ஹு அவர்கள் கூறினார்கள்:
“அல்லாஹ்வின் தூதர் ஸல்லல்லாஹு அலைஹி வஸல்லம் அவர்கள் ஒவ்வொரு முஸ்லீம், அடிமை அல்லது சுதந்திரம், ஆண், பெண், சிறியவர் அல்லது பெரியவர் என ஒவ்வொருவருக்கும் ஜகாத் அல்-ஃபித்ர், பேரீச்சம்பழம் அல்லது ஒரு சாம் பார்லியை கட்டளையிட்டார், மேலும் அவர் அதைக் கட்டளையிட்டார். மக்கள் தொழுகைக்குச் செல்வதற்கு முன் கொடுக்கப்படும். [அல்-புகாரி (1503) மற்றும் முஸ்லிம் (984)]
உதாரணமாக, 6 பேர் கொண்ட குடும்பம் இருந்தால், குடும்பத் தலைவர் ஜகாதுல்-ஃபித்ர் X 6 செலுத்த வேண்டும்.
2️⃣ நாம் ஏன் ஜகாத்துல்-பித்ர் கொடுக்கிறோம்?
முதலில், ஜகாதுல்-பித்ர் வழங்கப்படுகிறது, ஏனெனில் இது அனைத்து முஸ்லிம்களுக்கும் நபி ஸல் அல்லாஹு அலைஹி வஸல்லம் அவர்களின் கட்டளை.
இரண்டாவதாக, நாம் ஜகாத்துல்-பித்ர் கொடுப்பதற்குக் காரணம், அது நமது நோன்பில் ஏற்பட்டிருக்கும் ஏதேனும் தவறுகள் அல்லது குறைபாடுகளுக்கு ஒரு சுத்திகரிப்பு ஆகும்.
🍃இப்னு அப்பாஸ் ரழி அல்லாஹு அன்ஹு அவர்கள் கூறினார்கள்:
"அல்லாஹ்வின் தூதர் ஸல்லல்லாஹு அலைஹி வஸல்லம் அவர்கள் ஜகாத்துல் ஃபித்ரை சும்மா அல்லது ஆபாசமான பேச்சிலிருந்து நோன்பு நோற்பவர்களுக்கு தூய்மைப்படுத்தவும், ஏழைகளுக்கு உணவளிப்பதற்காகவும் கட்டளையிட்டார்கள்."
[அபு தாவூத் (1609); சஹீஹ் அபி தாவூதில் அல்-அல்பானியின் ஹசன்]
3️⃣ ஒரு சா’ எவ்வளவு?
🍃 நிலைக்குழுவின் அறிஞர்கள் கூறியதாவது:
"இங்கே ஒரு ஸா' என்பதன் பொருள் அல்லாஹ்வின் தூதர் ஸல்லல்லாஹு அலைஹி வஸல்லம் அவர்களின் ஸா' ஆகும், இது சராசரியான ஒரு மனிதனின் இரண்டு கைகளில் வைத்திருக்கும் தொகையை விட நான்கு மடங்கு அதிகம்." (கல்வி ஆராய்ச்சி மற்றும் ஃபத்வாக்களை வழங்குவதற்கான நிலைக்குழு, 9/364)
இது ஷேக் இப்னு உதைமீனின் கூற்றுப்படி 2.1 கிலோவுக்கும், ஷேக் இப்னு பாஸின் கூற்றுப்படி சுமார் 3 கிலோவுக்கும் சமம்.
வித்தியாசம் என்னவென்றால், ஒரு saa என்பது "VOLUME" இன் அளவீடு, மற்றும் "எடை" அல்ல. மற்றும் வெவ்வேறு தானியங்கள் வெவ்வேறு எடையைக் கொண்டுள்ளன.
எனவே ஒருவர் அதை வாங்க முடிந்தால் மற்றும் 3 கிலோகிராம் கொடுக்க முடிந்தால் எச்சரிக்கையுடன் தவறு செய்வது நல்லது.
4️⃣ ஜகாதுல்-பித்ர் உணவாகவா அல்லது பணமாகவா?
பெரும்பாலான அறிஞர்களின் கூற்றுப்படி, ஜகாத் அல்-பித்ர் வழக்கமான உள்ளூர் பிரதான உணவின் வடிவத்தில் செலுத்தப்பட வேண்டும். அதுதான் இயல்புநிலை.
🍃அபு சயீத் அல்-குத்ரி ரழி அல்லாஹு அன்ஹு கூறினார்கள்:
“நபி ஸல்லல்லாஹு அலைஹி வஸல்லம் அவர்களின் காலத்தில் நாங்கள் ஒரு ஸா உணவு, அல்லது ஒரு சாப் பேரிச்சம் பழம், அல்லது ஒரு சாம் பார்லி அல்லது ஒரு சாம் உலர் திராட்சையை கொடுத்தோம். (அல்-புகாரி)
🍃ஷேக் இப்னு பாஸ் கூறினார்கள்:
“பெரும்பான்மை அறிஞர்களின் கூற்றுப்படி, பணத்தின் மதிப்பை செலுத்துவது அனுமதிக்கப்படாது; இந்தக் கருத்து வலுவான ஆதாரங்களைக் கொண்டுள்ளது.
மாறாக நபிகள் நாயகம் ஸல்லல்லாஹு அலைஹி வஸல்லம் அவர்கள் ரழியல்லாஹு அன்ஹூம் அவர்கள் செய்ததைப் போல உணவின் வடிவில் கொடுக்கப்பட வேண்டும். இதுவே பெரும்பான்மையான உம்மத்தின் பார்வையும் கூட.”
(மஜ்மூ ஃபதாவா அல்-ஷேக் இப்னு பாஸ், 14/200)
எனவே அடிப்படைக் கொள்கை என்னவென்றால், ஜகாத்துல் பித்ர் அதை உணவாக செலுத்த வேண்டும்.
ஆனால் நீங்கள் அதை ஒரு நிறுவனத்திற்கோ அல்லது ஒரு தனிநபருக்கோ பணமாக கொடுக்கலாம், அவர் அதை ஏழைகளுக்கு "உணவு" வடிவில் விநியோகிப்பார்.
🍃 இந்த விவகாரம் குறித்து ஷேக் முக்பில் கூறியதாவது:
“அவர்கள் அதை (ஜகாதுல் ஃபித்ர்) பணமாக அனுப்புகிறார்கள், அவர் அனைவருக்கும் ஒரு சா’ தானியம் அல்லது திராட்சை அல்லது பேரீச்சம்பழம் அல்லது பாலாடைக்கட்டி வாங்குவார். [அது] ஒரு நல்ல அறிவிப்பு."
5️⃣ஜகாதுல்-பித்ர் நேரம்
ஸகாதுல்-பித்ர் ஸலாத்துல் ஈத் முன் ஷவ்வாலின் முதல் நாளில் உள்ளது.
ஆனால் ஒரு நாள் அல்லது இரண்டு நாட்களுக்கு முன்னதாக அதை செலுத்த அனுமதிக்கப்படுகிறது, குறிப்பாக நிறைய பேர் ஜகாத் அல்-பித்ரை நிறுவனங்களுக்கு வழங்குவதால், அதை விநியோகிக்க நேரம் எடுக்கும்.
பெறுநர்கள் இந்த ஜகாத்துல் பித்ரை ஸலாத்துல் ஈத் முன் பெற வேண்டும்.
🍃இப்னு அப்பாஸ் ரழி அல்லாஹு அன்ஹு அவர்கள் கூறினார்கள்:
“அல்லாஹ்வின் தூதர் ஸல்லல்லாஹு அலைஹி வஸல்லம் அவர்கள் நோன்பாளிக்கு சும்மா மற்றும் ஆபாசமான பேச்சிலிருந்து தூய்மைப்படுத்தவும், ஏழைகளுக்கு உணவளிக்கவும் ஜகாத்துல் ஃபித்ரை கட்டளையிட்டார்கள்.
தொழுகைக்கு முன் அதை யார் கொடுத்தாலும் அது ஜகாத்துல் ஃபித்ர், தொழுகைக்குப் பிறகு யார் கொடுத்தாலும் அது சாதாரண தர்மமாகும். (அபு தாவூத் -ஹசன் எழுதியது அல்-அல்பானி)
இருப்பினும், நீங்கள் உங்கள் ஜகாதுல் ஃபித்ரை ஒரு நபர் அல்லது ஏழை மக்களுக்கு வழங்கும் நிறுவனத்திற்கு வழங்குகிறீர்கள் என்றால், அந்த மாதத்தின் தொடக்கத்தில் ஜகாதுல் ஃபித்ரை வழங்க அனுமதிக்கப்படுகிறது, இதனால் பணம் பெறுநர்களுக்கு சரியான நேரத்தில் சென்றடையும்.
🍃 ஷேக் இப்னு ஜிப்ரீன் கூறினார்கள்;
"ஜகாத்துல் ஃபித்ரின் விலையை (ஜகாத் அல்-பித்ர்) ஒரு முகவருக்கு மாதத்தின் தொடக்கத்தில் வழங்க அனுமதிக்கப்படுகிறது, அவர் அதை வாங்கும் (ஜகாத்துல்-பித்ர்) மற்றும் அதை செலுத்த வேண்டிய நேரத்தில் தகுதியானவர்களுக்கு வழங்குவார்கள். பெருநாளுக்கு முந்தைய இரவு அல்லது அதற்கு இரண்டு நாட்களுக்கு முந்தைய இரவு. (அல்-ஃபதாவா அல்-ஜிப்ரீனிய்யா ஃபில்-அமால் அல்-தாவிய்யா லி ஃபதீலத் அல்-ஷேக் 'அப்து-அல்லாஹ் இப்னு ஜிப்ரீன், ப. 33)
6️⃣உள்ளூரில் அல்லது வெளிநாட்டில்?
ஜகாதுல் ஃபித்ரை உள்ளூரில் கொடுப்பது நல��லது. ஆனால் ஜகாத் அல்-பித்ரை வெளிநாடுகளுக்கு அதிகமாக தேவைப்பட்டால் அனுப்ப அனுமதிக்கப்படுகிறது.
🍃 நிலைக்குழுவின் அறிஞர்கள் கூறியதாவது:
"அது கொடுக்கப்பட்ட நிலத்தில் உள்ள ஏழை முஸ்லிம்களுக்கு வழங்கப்பட வேண்டும், ஆனால் தேவை அதிகமாக இருந்தால் வேறு நாட்டில் உள்ள ஏழைகளுக்கு அனுப்ப அனுமதிக்கப்படுகிறது." (ஃபதாவா அல்-லஜ்னா அல்-தாயிமா, 9/369, 370)
🍃 ஷேக் இப்னு உதைமீன் கூறினார்கள்:
“தனது நாட்டில் ஏழைகள் இல்லை என்ற அடிப்படையில் ஜகாத்துல் பித்ரை வேறு நாட்டுக்கு அனுப்புவதில் தவறில்லை.
ஆனால், சொந்த நாட்டில் தேவைப்படும் ஏழைகள் இருந்தாலும் அவ்வாறு செய்தால், அது அனுமதிக்கப்படாது. (மஜ்மூஃ ஃபதாவா இப்னு உதைமீன், 18/கேள்வி எண். 102)
மேலும் அல்லாஹ்வே நன்கு அறிந்தவன்
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linguario · 2 years
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🇸🇦 1⃣ 01 Árᥲbᥱ - العربية‎ ᥲᥣ-ʻᥲrᥲbīყᥲh - Arᥲbs #للخطأ هو #الإنسان ولكن رمي #لوم الآخرين هو أكثر إنسانية 🇬🇧 2️⃣ 02 Iᥒgᥣᥱ́s - Eᥒgᥣιsh to #err is #human but throw the #blaming others is even more human 🇪🇸 3️⃣ 03 Esρᥲᥒ̃oᥣ - Sρᥲᥒιsh #Errar es #humano pero echarle la #culpa a los demás es más humano todavía 🇳🇱 4️⃣ 04 Hoᥣᥲᥒdᥱ́s - Nᥱdᥱrᥣᥲᥒds - Dᥙtᥴh #vergissen is #mens maar gooi de #anderen de schuld geven is nog menselijker 🇦🇿 5️⃣ 05 Azᥱrί - Azərbᥲყᥴᥲᥒ - Azᥱrbᥲყjᥲᥒι #səhv etməkdir #insan amma atın #başqalarını günahlandırmaq daha insani bir şeydir 🇩🇪 6️⃣ 06 Aᥣᥱmᥲ́ᥒ - Dᥱᥙtsᥴhᥱ - Gᥱrmᥲᥒ #irren ist #mensch aber wirf den #anderen die Schuld zu geben ist noch menschlicher 🌾🌾 7️⃣ 07 Lᥲtίᥒ - Lιᥒgᥙᥲ Lᥲtīᥒᥲ - Romᥲᥱ Imρᥱrιᥲm #erro #humanis sed iacto #culpae aliis etiam plus hominum 🇧🇾 8️⃣ 08 Bιᥱᥣorrᥙso - беларуская bιᥱłᥲrᥙskᥲjᥲ - Bᥱᥣᥲrᥙsιᥲᥒ #памыляцца значыць #чалавечы, але кінь #вінаваціць іншых яшчэ больш па-чалавечы 🇫🇷 9️⃣ 09 Frᥲᥒᥴᥱ́s - Frᥲᥒᥴ̧ᥲιs - Frᥱᥒᥴh #tromper est #humain mais jetez le #blâmer les autres est encore plus humain 🇧🇦 🔟 10 Bosᥒιo - босански bɔ̌sᥲᥒskι - Bosᥒιᥲᥒ #grešiti je #ljudski ali baci #okrivljavanje drugih je još ljudskije (en Surabaya, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnftZpJtXiV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gtgplumbingllcwa · 2 years
A Team of Plumbing Professionals for All Your Plumbing Needs - GTG Plumbing Tacoma | Puyallup
We are a Washington State licensed plumbing company located in Puyallup, Washington that provides premium quality plumbing at a competitive price. 
The company was founded by an experienced plumbing veteran and an experienced real estate investor, and it’s a recipe for success. 
Our two founders Gary Gustafson and Benji Heitman lead every project themselves and make sure the results are based on high quality work -  with the principle being that quality work lasts, reputation grows, and the business grows based on solid word of mouth.
With Benji’s decades of experience in the plumbing industry, you can expect him to come up with plumbing solutions and innovations that match your needs and vision. 
Under his leadership, we have a team full of plumbing experts that are ready to help with all your plumbing issues and renovations.
High-quality fixtures and modern designs have never been easier. With GTG Plumbing you can have both at the same time.
Here are some examples of our most often booked jobs:
Homes get remodeled or renovated, and improve / upgrade their plumbing at the same time.  We get many jobs like this, and work closely with local builders to ensure an amazing finish.
New Builds
This makes up a good portion of our work, and our network is strong in the Tacoma and Puyallup areas.  The local building teams enjoy working with our squad of elite plumbers!
Cracked or damaged pipes?  Need someone to inspect and diagnose?  We are experts at repiping - they are tough jobs and we love the challenge!
Here are some hints about repiping, and of course feel free to reach if you need to ask any questions about these points:
7 Signs It's Time To Repipe Your House
1️⃣ THE WATER DOES NOT SMELL RIGHT. Poor tasting or smelling water means that your pipes might be in the process of deteriorating. ...
2️⃣ PIPES ARE MAKING NOISES. ...any funny noises or anything unusual should always be cause for investigation.  
3️⃣ TEMPERATURE IS HARD TO CHANGE. ...been to a new house and thought the plumbing was simply amazing? 
4️⃣ CORROSION ON PIPES. ...if you happen to see rust or corrosion, then you might want to get our plumbers to inspect your plumbing.  You don’t want to find out too late that a pipe was faulty!
5️⃣ LEAKY PIPES. ...big indicator - as soon as you see signs like this, reach out to us. 
6️⃣ WATER DISCOLORATION. ...your water should never be strangely colored - let us know if you spot this. 
7️⃣ WATER PRESSURE ISSUES - if your water pressure seems hard to manage, or changes often, is way too low, you might need to call us in. 
These are just some more obvious things that you can spot.  With plumbing and water, the potential damage can be enormous, yet the maintenance and improvement before problems arise can be relatively easy and cost effective.. So always err on the side of “call the plumber!”
Some other services we provide:
Leak Detection
Toilet Installation
Toilet repair
Pipe Repair
Pipe replacements
Pipe replacements
Pipe replacements
Outdoor tap and sprinkler systems
Drain cleaning and repair
Emergency Plumbing Services 
Some more services:
Drain cleaning and repairEmergency Plumbing Services Some more services:
Service Plumbing
We are a Washington State licensed plumbing company located in Puyallup, Washington that provides premium quality plumbing at a competitive price. 
The company was founded by an experienced plumbing veteran and an experienced real estate investor, and it’s a recipe for success. 
Our two founders Gary Gustafson and Benji Heitman lead every project themselves and make sure the results are based on high quality work -  with the principle being that quality work lasts, reputation grows, and the business grows based on solid word of mouth.
With Benji’s decades of experience in the plumbing industry, you can expect him to come up with plumbing solutions and innovations that match your needs and vision. 
Under his leadership, we have a team full of plumbing experts that are ready to help with all your plumbing issues and renovations.
High-quality fixtures and modern designs have never been easier. With GTG Plumbing you can have both at the same time.
Here are some examples of our most often booked jobs:
Homes get remodeled or renovated, and improve / upgrade their plumbing at the same time.  We get many jobs like this, and work closely with local builders to ensure an amazing finish.
New Builds
This makes up a good portion of our work, and our network is strong in the Tacoma and Puyallup areas.  The local building teams enjoy working with our squad of elite plumbers!
Cracked or damaged pipes?  Need someone to inspect and diagnose?  We are experts at repiping - they are tough jobs and we love the challenge!
Here are some hints about repiping, and of course feel free to reach if you need to ask any questions about these points:
7 Signs It's Time To Repipe Your House
1️⃣ THE WATER DOES NOT SMELL RIGHT. Poor tasting or smelling water means that your pipes might be in the process of deteriorating. ...
2️⃣ PIPES ARE MAKING NOISES. ...any funny noises or anything unusual should always be cause for investigation.  
3️⃣ TEMPERATURE IS HARD TO CHANGE. ...been to a new house and thought the plumbing was simply amazing? 
4️⃣ CORROSION ON PIPES. ...if you happen to see rust or corrosion, then you might want to get our plumbers to inspect your plumbing.  You don’t want to find out too late that a pipe was faulty!
5️⃣ LEAKY PIPES. ...big indicator - as soon as you see signs like this, reach out to us. 
6️⃣ WATER DISCOLORATION. ...your water should never be strangely colored - let us know if you spot this. 
7️⃣ WATER PRESSURE ISSUES - if your water pressure seems hard to manage, or changes often, is way too low, you might need to call us in. 
These are just some more obvious things that you can spot.  With plumbing and water, the potential damage can be enormous, yet the maintenance and improvement before problems arise can be relatively easy and cost effective.. So always err on the side of “call the plumber!”
Some other services we provide:
Leak Detection
Toilet Installation
Toilet repair
Pipe Repair
Pipe replacements
Outdoor tap and sprinkler systems
Drain cleaning and repair
Emergency Plumbing Services 
Some more services:
Leaky Pipes: When hearing the tem “leaking pipes” we tend to imagine a faucet or shower head dripping. We can hear it and see it. But the “leaky pipes” we should really be worried about are the ones we can’t see or hear. The pipes in the walls, concrete, basement, and irrigation system can cause serious damage to the rest of your house following a burst or leak. 
With these leaks you might notice one or some of the following:
Higher than normal water bill.
A drop in water pressure.
Bubbling paint.
Discoloration in walls and floors.
Unusual odors.
Wet spots in your yard.
SO - anything at all in the plumbing spectrum, in Washington State (most of our clients are from Puyallup and Tacoma, and areas around there), call us up at GTG Plumbing on (253) 292-5906 or contact us from this link: https://gtgplumbingllc.com/contact/
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sauvesparlekong · 2 years
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✈️ 🌁🏛🎡3️⃣ « Jeunesse adieu jasmin du temps
J’ai respiré ton frais parfum
A Rome sur des chars fleuris
Chargés de masques de guirlandes
Et des grelots du carnaval Adieu jeunesse blanc Noël
Quand la vie n’était qu’une étoile
Dont je contemplais le reflet
Dans la mer Méditerranée
Plus nacrée que les météores Duvetée comme un nid d’archanges
Ou la guirlande des nuages
Et plus lustrée que les halos
Émanations et splendeurs
Unique douceur harmonies Je m’arrête pour regarder
Sur la pelouse incandescente
Un serpent erre c’est moi-même
Qui suis la flûte dont je joue
Et le fouet qui châtie les autres » Les collines Guillaume Apollinaire #sauvespourlebac #sauvesparlekong #sauvepourlebac #sauvesparlapoesie #alchimieduverbe #carnetmagique #sauvesparlequiz #bac2023 #bacfrancais #baccalauréat #sauvespourlaphilo #longlivethebook #tutoring #privatetutoring #uncafeavecrimbaud #hongkong #philo #baccalaureat2023 #baccalaureat (à Stanley Bay, Hong Kong) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjXjBWdLMyD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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socialwings · 5 years
3+1 ingyenes online marketing eszköz II. rész
1️⃣ Közösségépítés
2️⃣ Blog
3️⃣ Nyereményjáték
+1️⃣ Kérdezd meg a vevőidet miért döntöttek melletted
Bővebben 1️⃣ Közösséget építeni hosszabb távon kifizetődő megoldás. Ezt a legegyszerűbben a Facebook üzleti oldalunkhoz kapcsolt csoport létrehozásával tudjuk elkezdeni. Gyűjts ide olyan embereket, akik már vásároltak tőled vagy érdeklődnek a terméked iránt. Fontos, hogy ne hagyd magára a csoportot! Folyamatosan törődj velük és éreztesd, hogy egy kiemelt figyelmet és ajánlatokat élvező közösség tagjai. 2️⃣ Ez a módszer szintén nem rapid módon fogja meghozni a vásárlókat, de ha hosszú távon gondolkozol, akkor ez az egyik legjobb módja annak, hogy a későbbiekben meggyőzd az érdeklődőket, hogy igazán értesz ahhoz, amit csinálsz és már a "problématudatos" fázisukban elérd azt, hogy amikor készen állnak a vásárlásra, akkor téged válasszanak. 3️⃣ A nyereményjátékokat mindig nagy érdeklődés övezi a Facebookon és az Instagramon egyaránt. Van néhány szabálya a közösségi oldalaknak, amit érdemes betartani ennek kapcsán. A jó nyereményjáték mindig kapcsolódik valamilyen formában a vállalkozás termékéhez és aktivizálja a célközönséget. A résztvevőkkel ne felejtsd el közölni a játékszabályzatot, hogy elkerüld a későbbi kellemetlenségeket! +1️⃣ Akár online, akár személyesen értékesíti egy vállalkozás a termékeit erre mindig van lehetőség. Ha igazán vevőközpontú vagy és fel akarod venni a piac ritmusát és rugalmasan akarsz alkalmazkodni a vásárlói igényekhez, folyamatosan végezz ilyen felméréseket, piackutatásokat.
Ha érdekel még több ilyen módszer keress minket a [email protected] címen.
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Como Fazer a Barba Crescer Mais Rápido » 9 Dicas Poderosas
Se você chegou neste ponto no texto destinado a entender tal como criar a mento progredir mais acelerado, menos apresentar cada pedinte, parabéns você isto no extrato certamente.
Me como certa enigma: você joga no quadro que possuem persuasão que a mento nunca é apenas mais uma modinha e depósito destinado a apoderar-se?
Dessa forma oriente escrita é com o objetivo de você meu benevolente! Jamais é a atualidade que o figura barbudo caiu no palato da galé bem como começou a gerar a opção desde várias mulheres.
No entanto, ao contraditório do que diversos imaginam, ter uma barba grande, admirável bem como salutar exige bem também tolerância e também poucos interesses básicos.
Desejaremos achar-se seus parceiros e também radiante contribuir a entender quais salubre a principais dicas bem como truques dentre que nem colocar a barba progredir melhor acelerado.
Assim você pode avaliar se realmente compensa por outra forma negação tornar sua baba aumentar com feitio e também recusa ficar com aspecto suja bem como desleixada, parecendo um primata das cavernas!
Plá #1 – Como formar a mento subir melhor acelerado? Comece com assiduidade
Paciência a fim de deixar a mento crescer
Uma etapa inicia com o primeiro parte. E também no momento em que se trata a colocar a barba progredir nunca é estranho. Não obstante a afogadilho é só enorme inimiga dos homens que querem demonstrar mento.
Saiba logo que com finalidade de colocar a barba desenvolver e ganhar maneira, você obrigatoriamente deverá mostrar resignação bem como atender uma vez que a sua mento necessita de algum período nem intromissão da palheta com finalidade de possuir resultados.
Apesar dos pelos terem tempos distintos de desenvolvimento, varia muito dentre companheiro destinado a homem, a nota é de triplo meses com finalidade de que você imediatamente tenha pensamento dos seus pelos faciais bem como inclusive em que será capaz de alcançar sua mento grávida.
Orientação #2 – Resista a já-começa na mento ao colocar subir nos primeiros dias
Pessoa com coceira na mento
O etapa a florescimento dos pelos é o mais maçudo do sucessão de cultivar certa barba. Posto isto, nesse disposição os pelos começam a amolar na casca bem como pruir bastante.
Os pelos rompem a casca visto que se fossem folhas com espinhos, standard cactos bem como isso motivo certo descômodo, já-começa e vermelhidão.
Em vista disso é fundamental desaceitar isso espaço de já-começa na mento. Lembre-se que é alguma período que castigo galgar em cima de preciso. Basta achar-se forte bem como mantenha o mundo inteiro os precauções necessários com sua barba.
Plá #3 – Faça a ciência sanitária da barba com regularidade
Higiene no dianteira
Negação é somente o cabelo que exige afazeres. A barba inclusive acumula bastante em grau superior impurezas, fungos e bactérias durante o dia, podendo até reproduzir caspa.
Então consistirá necessário essa consciência em relação a alguma agradável saneamento diária da sua barba.
Pala #4 – Apare os pelos rebeldes com presença
Aparando a barba conforme as regras
De que jeito fazer a mento subir com breve? Primeiro com cessar sua mento aumentar aprenda que uma mento longa necessita de trabalho e também disposição. Não adianta deixá-la subir descontroladamente com finalidade de alçar no estatura que você idealizou.
Lembre-se sempre a receber os pelos, em especial do respectivo gargalo e também das bochechas. Desta maneira mais adiante dentre publicar qualquer modo a sua barba te deixará melhor pacífico e também venusto.
Orientação #5 – Cautela! Nunca erre na horário desde se barbear
Desacertos na momento a criar a barba
A partir deste momento vem qualquer plá imprescindível! Quando você atender no parar a mento dentro de moradia tome pessoas o cuidado com finalidade de jamais frustrar sua mento. Dessa forma o ideal é ganhar sobre alguma agradável máquina e também continuamente mostrar giletes virgens no estoque.
Só portentoso maneira dentre preservar-se erros na horário com se barbear é usar certo papá a barbear é costumar determinado pente sui generis a fim de mento, certa babugem tal como único aguardente particular.
Informação #6 – Você vai necessitar com um aguardente com o objetivo de sua mento
Visto que criar a barba progredir com breve
Fácil em grau superior grossos bem como ressecados do que os pelos da pelota veloso, os pelos da mento necessitam usar cada soma para hidrata-los.
Este preocupação além com hidratar, pascentar, falece tornar os fios brilhantes e mais fáceis de compor.
Informação #7 – Visto que fazer a mento progredir também acelerado? Utilize o minoxidil kirkland
Isto pode ser que vá a informação em grau superior poderosa deste artigo. No entanto único criação oportuno com realizar sua barba crescer também acelerado. Entretanto poucos homens tem discernimento deste efeito.
Utilizado por cidadãos a qualquer o universo. O Minoxidil Kirkland é cada impressionante energético a fim de o crescimento a barba e cabelo.
Criamos determinado editorial ensinando seco a seco como usar o minoxidil da aparência correta.
Aproveite com finalidade de se informar a cerca de o criação, de que jeito dá certo e também confirmar teu Estojo Minoxidil também atualmente. Pare clicar a este respeito.
Informação #8 – Vitaminas que beneficia a barba progredir com rápido
Preenchendo loucuras na mento visto que criar a mento crescer
Acredite ou jamais, os nutrientes presentes na refeição rendimento servem que nem influências caso queira fazer a barba subir em grau superior rápido. Adotar as vitaminas e também minerais certos pesam grande, realmente que você sinta apenas algumas semanas além disso ,lembre-se somos brasileiros bem como nunca desistimos em nenhum momento. Para formar a mento desenvolver mais rápido dentre forma apropriada, procure utilizar alimentos que possuam alguma generoso cifra com Vitamina D, Dinheiro, e Magnésio. Esses nutrientes afetam sem demora o desenvolvimento com barbas e também cabelos. Poucos exemplos conseguem estar vistos a marchar.
Miolo dentre Laranja
Bife dentre Ânimo
Plá #9 – Como realizar a barba subir em grau superior internúncio: Pare com fumar bem como deixe a barba crescer
barba cheia que nem realizar a barba progredir
Se você fuma, pare. Se não fuma, e não pense dentro de inaugurar, é só ótimo plá que estou apenas dando. Por em grau superior que afumar seja capaz fazer você concepção com tranquilo e esbranquiçado o cigarro só traz malefícios para o corpo. Além desde coarctar sua espera a alimentação.
Fumar atrapalha o crescimento da mento e também dos cabelos, lote ao envelhecimento extemporâneo e atrapalha a passagem bem como a produção desde testosterona. A fumaça do cigarro inclusive contribui para o amarelamento dos fios, especialmente dos brancos.
Muita pessoa recusa tem alguma genética que favoreça só mento com comprida com responsa, por isso justamente surge a hesitação: decorrerá que minoxidil a fim de barba tem êxito? Visto que se faz cabeça progredir na crânio, por que nunca nessa país né verdade? E com! Que nem costumar minoxidil na barba?
Vem aqui que ego trepar ponta universalidade! À frente vamos esclarecer que o minoxidil é bem-conceituado neste momento o tratamento parâmetro arame a fim de careca, ou melhor, já é consolidado por animar o crescimento e flora proveitoso dos fios.
Minoxidil com o objetivo de mento realmente compensa?
Os cientistas também não possui otário sinceridade em cima de os mecanismos de força do minoxidil, no entanto de que jeito imediatamente é usada existem vários anos e também possuimos pesquisas comprovando sua fiança, acaba era tratamento de referência de que jeito disse.
Substancialmente o mercadoria vem sobre loção e também você precisa pregar a 1 a 2 ocasiões ao atualidade, isso inclusive, narcisismo disse o mundo inteiro os dias rsrs, a fim de que se garanta o proveito convincente.
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Passo 1️⃣ Visto que empregar minoxidil na barba?
Obviamente sua casca necessita estar poda anteriormente com primordial, dessa forma você necessita higienizar a característica com sabonete particular bem como tal como incessantemente membro por neste lugar, o perfeito é que isso acontece ao acordar e ao alterar-se dormir, ou melhor, use 2x ao momento propício.
O realmente ocorre no nosso procedimento a seco com tal como cotiar minoxidil na mento, o padrão é usá-lo 2x similarmente com finalidade de melhores consequências rigorosamente posteriormente lustrar o dianteira!
Procedimento 2️⃣ Que nem costumar minoxidil na barba?
Você débito imprimir o gênero propriamente na sua casca, focando na origem, onde existem pelos. Isto mesmo, aplique na causa dos fios bem como espalhe o criação com os dedos por íntegra a país da barba, exclusivamente naquelas exigências falhadas que você quer aumentar.
É bem fundamental aplicar uma cifra com gênero generosa o satisfatório a fim de cessar a película úmida, focando na raiz e também evitando ao ótimo a extensão dos fios, isso talvez pode ressecar sua mento e não indignação ocasionar qualquer finalidade positivo.
No interior dentre poucos minutos o mercadoria é ocupado e também evaporado, sumindo na derma!
Eis igualmente:
» Minha legenda deixando a mento progredir
» Consequências usando minoxidil inconveniente careca
Seco 3️⃣ De que jeito utilizar minoxidil na barba?
Tenha em mente que minoxidil é qualquer componente e também jamais talante, sendo a botica a fraude dentre fé o excelente lugar pra adquirir com custo X interesse.
Fora a muita gente no Brasil fazer automedicação e adaptar o minoxidil na barba menos prescrição medicinal, do meio de mais benefícios, o doutor dermatologista castigo provocar o sô minoxidil na entrelaçamento que melhor te agrade, podendo achar-se até em cima de escuma, nata ou no máximo líquido com borrifador, sendo o extremo acima adequado pra imprimir com mais necessidade.
Isto beneficia a reduzir os efeitos nocivos como ressecamento da epiderme bem como ainda permite que se use o produto associado a outras substâncias que ajudam no desenvolvimento da barba.
Após a inflição você débito preservar-se a inflição com alheios objetos por outra forma tomar banho/lustrar a casca nas próximas horas para não acabar minoxidil kirkland interferindo na indústria do minoxidil.
Antes bem como após minoxidil na barba
Querido camarada, se você tem mento falhada com pelos ralos, o minoxidil destinado a mento tem êxito sim e a execução é acima crédulo!
Espero mostrar radiante ajudado a perceber de que jeito usar minoxidil na mento, nunca esqueça de adotar isso parte a passo bem como ter pelos na área por causa de o criação age em cabeça dos folículos pilosos existentes, sacou? Recusa possui portento, é ciência ainda que 😀
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kajferoce · 7 years
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09/05 Happy 3rd!!! Thanks for err' thing! 3️⃣ #HappyAnniversary 🖥⌨☎️ (at Eton Centris)
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enibetbot · 4 years
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Az AI.MARKETING - ahogy a neve is sugallja, ötvözi a mesterséges intelligenciát és a marketinget. A cég partnerségben áll több mint 20 000 vállalattal (pl Microsoft, Lacoste, Adidas, Kaspersky, Google, Apple, stb), akik számára biztosítja a folyamatos reklámot. Teszi ezt a MarketBot-ok által. Működési elve, hogy tömeges hirdetéseket hoz létre a MarketBot-onkon keresztül és értékesítéseket generál ezeknek a partnereknek. A közösségi hálózatok (Instagram, Facebook, Yandex, Youtube, Google) használatával teszi mindezt. Mivel regisztráció után minden tag 1-1 Marketbot tulajdonos, mikortól elnevezi a saját robotját és az forgalmat generál, az adott robot forgalma az adott irodához köthető, így voltaképp pénzt kereshetsz az interneten az általad befektetett "hirdetési költségvetésen" keresztül jutalék formájában. Teszteld le demó időszakban 50$ céges kölcsönnel, mely kb egy hét teszt időszakot biztosít neked. Ez idő alatt eldöntheted, hogy érdekes-e számodra ez a lehetőség. Ha igen, akkor célszerű kalkulálni egy minimum 100$ reklámköltséggel, amivel tovább dolgoztathatod a robotodat, így ő további profitokat generál neked! ⚡VILLÁM KALKULÁCIÓ ⚡ 1️⃣ Ha elkezded az 50$ kölcsönnel* + 100$ feltöltéssel, akkor első hónapban a 150$ reklámköltségre generál a robotod az alap 35%-al 52,5$-t, vagyis összesen 202,5$ cashback-et (150$+52,5$). 2️⃣ Ha ezt a 202,5$-t visszaforgatod a második hónapban, akkor további minimum 35%-al számolva generálni fog neked a robotod 70,8$-t, vagyis összesen 273,3$ cashback-et (202,5$+70,8$). 3️⃣ Ha ezt a 273,3$-t továbbra is visszaforgatod (és javasolt tovább visszaforgatni az első 3-6 hónapban legalább), akkor erre a reklámköltségre az alap 35%-al keresni fog neked a robotod 95,6$-t,vagyis összesen 368,9$ cashback-et (273,3$+95,6$). ...stb... Jól láthatod ebből a példából, hogy folyamatos visszaforgatással és a minimális 35%-al számolva egyre növekvő és garantált profitokat érhetsz el! *A céges kölcsönnel való indulás megkötései, hogy 1) visszaadd a kölcsönt, amint összegyűlik annyi cashback-ed és 2) a kölcsön visszaküldése utáni első cashback visszaforgatás és/vagy kikérés nem lehet kevesebb 100$-nál. #aimarketing #marketbot #cashback #profit https://www.instagram.com/p/CMr6gyfBkFY/?igshid=19oovxgbmxlz
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