#err 📚
hedonicghosts · 5 months
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would you believe that this took three months to do? either way... something something hearing innerworld commotion in the front while trying to sleep sucks. especially when a bunch of teenagers are playing mental guitar hero
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🤔🩸 What's the difference between an Oldblood and a Newblood Gallifreyan?
So the Doctor is an Oldblood, and the Master is a Newblood. You may think there's not too much difference, but being Oldblood or Newblood offers a couple of general differences in their psychology and biology.
🌀 Key Differences
📚Origin: Oldbloods hail from the ancient Houses, while Newbloods come from the equivalent of Gallifreyan new builds.
🫀Hearts: Oldbloods often develop their second heart after their first regeneration, while Newbloods are born with two hearts.
💥Regeneration: Oldbloods often find it hard to control their regenerations, while Newbloods have excellent control.
👁️Features: Oldbloods often have purple-flecked eyes, while Newbloods don't.
🧠Psychology: Generally, Newbloods are noted to be a little more ... err, eccentric than Oldbloods.
⚖️Social Dynamics: Clashes often occur, with Oldbloods viewing Newbloods as overambitious and irresponsible and Newbloods considering Oldbloods boring and stuck in the past.
+ there are, of course, exceptions to the rules.
So it's pretty simple, really. Have you tried asking your Gallifreyan if they're Oldblood or Newblood? You may (or may not) be surprised.
Gallifreyan Biology for Tuesday by GIL
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired😴
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sm-081-squ · 4 months
what's with the leg on the desk?
>"Wha-- Leg? Let me squint at the webcam feed with my non-existent eyelids..." ... >"Oh! What do you know! That is aaaa---------- @#ERR!!$?#8;1;8;1;8;1 >"..." >"...Oh..."
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romirola · 1 year
You know me. I gotta ask 📚 again I’d copy and paste the question but I’m on mobile sorry
From this ask game (still open!)
📚 share a snippet where the character is being academic/is in an academic setting/is showing off their knowledge
Oh, @starlitangels, I should have known you'd pick this one! It is as if this ask was MADE for you! I obviously picked an excerpt that features Starlight sharing what they can with David, Milo, and Marie to help the wolfpack understand what happened to their magic. Because this ask specially asks for an academic character showing off their knowledge, the snippet I'm sharing might be a bit spoilery (read at your risk!), but I'm relying on the fact that as telling as it appears, there is more information you need to understand the full thrust of what Starlight discusses. Enjoy! And thank you for asking!
“The Exchange Ritual is quite a regular occurrence for shifter groups, but that doesn’t mean it’s simple or well-understood from an academic perspective.” Starlight twisted their torso so that they could diligently search through their filing cabinet. “While there is some promising, exciting research coming out within the last few years about its origins and how packs observe the occasion, the ritual remains fairly elusive for both shifters in recently established packs and total outsiders like me. It’s often something alphas pass down to one another secretly. Many don’t even disclose the details to their pack until the four-hundredth moon approaches.” Starlight popped up from their filing cabinet, emerging with some papers that they passed out to their small but captive audience. “This handout is from an independent study I once taught for an eagle shifter. What a bright student she was,” Starlight remembered fondly.
Milo idly cracked his knuckles as he scanned the paper, unaware at how noisy his nervous habit grew. Marie leaned over to give his wrist a light slap.
Ever an attentive lecturer, Starlight made sure not to let themselves get diverted into a digression. “But that student and her accomplishments are neither here nor there,” they noted. “As you can see from this material, the Exchange Ritual is something that allows well-established packs the chance to, well, exchange magical cores temporarily. It’s aptly named.” The freelancer gave a bit of a giggle. “The group, err, pack, in this case,” Starlight corrected, always one to be as specific as possible when tailoring a lesson to their class. “The pack would gather together, usually following a big feast, on the designated day of the ritual, which would be an equinox, because on an equinox, day and night, sunlight and moonlight is balanced and equal. Balance is the name of the game for this ritual.” They held out their hands and then threaded their fingers together to form a fist. “An alpha would determine, before the ritual took place, which pack members would switch cores. It was he,” Starlight snorted, “Or she or they,” the professor added purposefully, “who was responsible for coordinating the ritual amongst the pack. The alpha’s goal would be to select pairings that would allow the pack members to somehow learn something from a new perspective, to experience something they might otherwise lack, to get the chance to walk a mile with someone else’s wolf, so to speak. Everyone would find their assigned partner and be in some sort of physical contact. It’s the physical contact that initiates the actual magical process.” They patted their chest. 
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phdmama · 6 months
Thank you pal!! xox
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app? 
Oooo huh. Lemme look.
A rough draft of this poem - which, honestly, I am not super thrilled with it. Might want to rework it!
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Imma be real with you pal, I *heavily* curate my dash for my own fandom experience so I'm pretty sure I'm completely out of the loop wrt to unpopular opinions about any of my beloved blorbos! I really work hard to fling myself into love and joy and let other people do their thing (and you know, if it happens to often I just unfollow and move along haha!).
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
it is perhaps no secret that I've fallen deep down the hockey rabbit hole, both with real life and with hrpf, and I'm having an absolute blast. If that's your thing, I would highly HIGHLY highly recommend:
@donderwolkenblog (I can't even tell you how many times I've read in the honey and how much I love it, also everything else they wrote pretty much)
theaa on AO3 (we're the heirs to the glimmering world is GORGEOUS)
@notthequiettype knows how VERY STRONGLY I feel about their writing (how to cherish your own shadow KILLS ME ALL THE TIME and I've read like it. So many times. AND ALSO THEIR STEREK OMG)
thehoyden on AO3 has written some massively popular fics and they deserve it - gorgeous writing
same for turningterrific - gorgeous fic (they also wrote one of my all time sterek fics too)
like for real, I can give you a LOT of recs as I've really... err... .yeah. Read some stuff.
thanks for the ask!! xox
Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
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kikikokonihongo · 8 months
🌤(何という意味?)☁ 🌳(๑꒪▿꒪)📖ノ('ω'๑ )🌼
Continue to master being confused in Japanese with us!
&🎧listen to helpful conversation examples!
📌𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐉𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐨𝐟 ��𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐰//𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐙𝐁𝐎™ 【○○は何と言う意味ですか】 ʀᴇᴀᴅ&ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴ ʜᴇʀᴇ:
(๑・ω・)[๑・▿・๑](・ω・๑) Learning isn’t just making mistakesー
It’s being able to correct them and expanding on that knowledge🌠
That's why to err is to learn!
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manhajsalafiyyah · 16 days
🪞Do not let a person's eloquence, counselling and apparent conduct deceive you
🎓Shaykh Muḥammad bin Ghālib al-ʿOmarī - ḥafiẓahullāh - said:
💬❝Do not be deceived by someone's speech until you see their actions conform to their speech. For how many people preach patience but lose their temper, how many speak of wisdom but fall into foolishness and injustice, and how many encourage acsetism but fall into that which is unlawful for them. Therefore, aquaintance and accompaniment are crucial in judging a person. Many people may be eloquent and expressive in their speech but are obscure and err in their actions.❞
📚Source: the official X account of the Shaykh @m_g_alomari
✍🏼Translated by Zubayr bin Muḥammad ʿAbbāsī
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genealogyrus · 3 months
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В Эстонии начали демонтировать надгробия в месте захоронения красноармейцев. В эстонской деревне Техумарди начался демонтаж надгробий на месте захорон��ния погибших в годы Второй мировой войны красноармейцев. Останки советских солдат собираются перезахоронить, а надгробия возвращать не планируют. По некоторым данным в могиле находятся около трехсот тел красноармейцев. Власти острова Сааремаа давно заявляли о планах провести раскопки мемориального комплекса и переместить останки советских солдат на кладбище. Всего демонтажу подлежат 90 могильных камней с пятиконечными звездами. Обелиск в форме меча останется, однако часть текста на нем будет стерта, уточнил эстонский телерадиовещатель ERR. Посольство России в Эстонии в феврале осудило планы работ на мемориале и назвало действия властей Эстонии верхом цинизма, кощунственной попыткой осквернения памяти о павших героях-освободителях и бессовестным переписыванием итогов Второй мировой войны. Дипмиссия призвала руководство Эстонского военного музея и волости Сааремаа задуматься о последствиях и "не допустить воплощения преступной по своей сути инициативы". Сражение под Техумарди произошло осенью 1944 года после освобождения Красной армией Таллина в ходе Моонзундской десантной операции. Битва на Сааремаа в ночь на 9 октября 1944 года завершила первый этап военных маневров. В 1967 году на месте сражения появился мемориальный комплекс, в состав которого вошли братская могила и композиция с обелиском в виде меча из бетона и доломита. https://rodina-history.ru ПРОШЛОЕ - РЯДОМ! 🌳📚🔎 🌳📚🔎 🌳📚🔎 🌳📚🔎 🌳📚🔎 🌳📚🔎 🌳📚🔎 🌳📚🔎 ✅Услуги составления родословной, генеалогического древа. 💼 ЗАКАЗ РОДОСЛОВНОЙ на нашем сайте: www.genealogyrus.ru/zakazat-issledovanie-rodoslovnoj 💼 ЗАКАЗ РОДОСЛОВНОЙ в нашей группе ВК: https://vk.com/app5619682_-66437473 ✉ ��ли напишите нам: [email protected] или администратору группы.
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branded-perceptions · 3 months
To keep a cool head with so much bla bla bla
double meanings
our collective by Abrahamic religions' via irony mocked hypocritical attention stream mythos
📚propaganda edward bernays
and an exaggerated manic agitation similar to the compulsory irrational
self-doubt / public self-reflection / upon causal problem-solving focused discussion lacking
C-19 vaccination genocidal group hype peer pressure
in relation to objective reality
one of the most important variables for the long-term profitability of any "company" is what a "company" (what do you "do"?)
in their relation with objective causal reality of all our daily lives
behind all our Santa Claus fantasies (🎶LOSING MY RELIGION - R.E.M.)
in the aspects that are important to most people (the "society")
(🎶Oh, Life, it's bigger, It's bigger than you, and you are not me)
in which direction the innovation flow flows:
Sooner and later,
all money flows / value exchange / demand / no matter what new forms of currency or social forms prevail in the future
to what is most useful in the propagated consciousness of the average population in real everyday life for our real BIOLOGICAL and not necessarily metaverse-anchored life in causal reality (🎶THE LENGHTS THAT I WILL GO TO)
and not any advertised vain err reputation managed appearance packaging strategies
direct our focus (🎶THE DISTANCE IN YOUR EYES) or Gaga Gaga hype stories or fantasy values ​​of NFT personality cult pyramid schemes, no matter how many identity faces, celebrities or hot breasts you print on them: the fact is that the consumer values ​​the health of the breasts of the average population that he can touch every day in the real world more than any photoshopped advertising posters.
The legitimate fears of the population behind our attention fantasies (🎶TRYING TO KEEP UP WITH YOU)
and the authentic discussion aimed at causal problem solutions (🎶AND I DON'T KNOW IF I CAN DO IT)
are far more important than the "fake" status "heaven"🤥😷😇 fantasies of constantly grinning advertisements that help us through the causal consequences of their ashamed attention shadows (🎶THAT'S ME IN THE CORNER)
to achieve the dreamed status reputation "Paradise" (🎶THAT'S ME IN THE SPOTLIGHT) / afterlife https://www.youtube.com/shorts/xiF-1VT0Zas / immortally good reputation of self-perceptions ever faster:
why do we motivate each other in brand communication to spend so much money (and thus social incentives for innovation motivation) on the beautiful appearance of metaphorical coffins and gravestones and polished status reputation and trallala and so little on preventive medicine or high-quality, delicious healthy food whose quality continues to decline because we focus more and more on its symbolic fantasies?
Why do we pay more attention to the appearance of products and their relationship to our status reputation than their actual relationship to our vitality?
Are we a death cult that with "positive" hypes
("stay safe", "we are in this💉 💉 💉 together": 🎶THAT WAS JUST A DREAM, TRY, CRY, TRY, WHY, THAT WAS JUST A DREAM)
with the motivational euphoria
our market "LEADERSHIP" stories and argumentative propaganda and thought motivations https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ID3p9pAnFu8
with bombastic causal consequences https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-03odgoZLVE
such as due via vain err appearance story packaging of causal creation of quality of products definining markets' misdirected attention focus grown obesity and worldwide growing chronic diseases due to detached
vain err propaganda anchored in the mainly poor causal quality of food products
and not the via fantasy stories overvalued number of calories
plunges itself into causal ruin, in all possible topics as it is in the irony https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=goon
of many aspects of the advertising industry becomes clear
when you compare their motivation with the motivations of the average population that can be communicated via music
via such pondering bringing the question of the craziness of many like the next best vain err "positive" severe-mental-illness-embodying
(anyone who is smiling while severely in irrational actually avoidable ways causally harming themselves and others while never really publicly discussing or trying to warn or problem-solve that what they knowingly continue to hype others' motivations to has obviously "lost it": the mental argumentative touch with objective reality https://www.facebook.com/share/p/XGLrhYSfvJnSJE13/ )
packaging of next best health-destructive causally exploitative supermarket foods
one-sided reputation-managed from actual causal reality of the audience detached hype fantasy "Führung" (🎶CONSIDER THIS, THE HINT OF THE CENTURY)
of market motivations "to the point": don't worry, the legality of the Hitler comparison, which is used for educational purposes in a somewhat exaggerated but nevertheless appropriate way, was tested last year with two independent test examples up to the Supreme Court, and the argumentary exemplary decision seems to have been clear: if it corresponds to the reality of social-psychological dynamics, you can "get to the point" for educational purposes, including advertisements, like the square, practical little moustache.
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onsieluenkeli · 5 months
20 🍨 Trüffel
First there's a layer of ladyfingers, then a layer of jam, then custard - which I made from scratch - then raspberries, more ladyfingers...
Kedvesen respektáltad az ☀️ Évát, és jól látod... ő volt a nagyon motivált coach típus. Te inkább kritizálni, terelni szeretsz, lopva, apránként. Legalábbis inkább így hatsz. De azért tudom hogy van benned is olyan 💪🏻küzdő szellem. És az Éva biztos örülne a Bíborszínnek is. Az is jó. Olyan jó.
(Furcsa hogy régen is mindig ezt csináltuk. És ők felemeltek tégedet is sokszor, csak nem igazán vetted észre mennyire jók hozzád. Túlságosan magas lépcsőn voltál... )
...then beef sautéed with peas and onions, then a little more custard, then bananas and I put some whipped cream on top!
J.K. Robertet viszont nem igazán értem. - Miért? - Miért pont most?
Tudod... kedves tőled hogy kihagytad 📚 🏳️‍⚧️ azt a részt, de nem kell ilyesmiket megtenned. Szerintem attól hogy bojkottálunk egy könyvet, vagy elégetjük, és hasonlók, Robert még nem fog megváltozni, és elfogadóbb lenni. Sőőőt.
„A rosszak nélkül, a jók sem léteznének”
Valójában nincsen bajom a könyveivel. És amit 🏳️‍⚧️ felénk művel J.K. igazából vannak észrevételei és kritikái amelyekkel mindig is egyetértettem. Sok sorstárs Németországban, Svédországban szintén. (A versenyek esetén például én sem tartom korrektnek hogy minket is engednek, ahogyan a doppingolást is csalásnak tartom).
De akkor mégis mi a bajunk? ⤵️
Az, hogy számos alkalommal próbálták rávenni kerekasztal beszélgetésekre. Aktivisták, politológusok, szociológusok, pszichológusok, orvosok, genderszakértők, ismert emberek stb... és nem azért hogy lealázzák, nem azért hogy büntessék és átmossák az agyát, hanem hogy megtalálják legalább a közös minimumokat. - és erre J.K.Robert nem hajlandó. Olyan mint Putyin. Beakadt nála a lemez, és folyton támadásban van.
J.K. a radikálisok között találta meg a helyét. Mert ők az egyedüli barátai. Sajnos. Velük ért szót. A szélsőségeseket pedig szinte lehetetlen meggyőzni. És a radikálisok sosem voltak kedvezőek a világhoz. - A rohadt politikának nem szabadna minket használnia. Ahogyan semelyik kisebbséget sem szabadna!
Sértő. Sokszor az. Gondolj bele... nem mindegy, hogy valaki azt mondja - neki nem tetszik az a patkány Hamas konfliktus. Vagy inkább csak azt mondja - nem tetszik mindaz, ami Izrael és a Hamas között történik. Azzal hogy Robert személyeskedik, és sérteget másokat, annak körülbelül annyi értelme és haszna van, mint hogy én meg látványosan kib@sznám a könyveit. + Csak magát égeti le, nem a sorstársakat. Ahogyan én is inkább magamat égetem le, mint őt, ha mutatok sértődötten egy kuka fotót tele a könnyveivel. (Persze azért fantáziálni szoktam 🔥 róla)
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A múltkor írtam, hogy szeretném hogy magaddal foglalkozz, éld az életedet... az ilyen problémák csak az enyémek. Sosem lesz vége tudom jól, és nekem kell megtanulnom valahogy kezelni őket. Nyugodtan olvasd ha akarod.
Igen, vannak J.K.-hez hasonlók akik miatt néha nagyon nehéz, és frusztráló, és szenvedek, de nem adom fel.
// Ott van a WMN-es főszerkesztő Kurucz Adrienn aki mostanság rajtad is szórakozik. Egy olyan nő aki magát égeti le rendszeresen azzal hogy 🚩mások MAGÁNÉLETÉBEN kotorászik, 🚩zaklat, és 🚩manipulatív... És azzal is leégeti magát, hogy nekem 🚩a személyes határaimat is rendszeresen átlépi, 🚩az ismerőseimet zaklatja... például tégedet, pedig hozzád végképp nincsen köze!
Teljesen hülyének néz mindenkit, éppen most jött azzal a bullshittel hogy önmaga fizikai határát kezdte el fejtegetni, nem pedig az emberek és a kapcsolatok személyes zónájának az átlépését értelmezte! <- Ez mennyire egy gennyes terelés... Ráadásul még azt is sérelmezte hogy az embereknél manapság már minden "magánügy". ❕ Igen, a Kurucz Adrienn féle beteg nők miatt!
Nagyvalószínűséggel mindenkivel hasonlóan átléphet privát zónákat, hiszen a saját újságírói sem igazán segítik. Kurucz Adriennek kínos, hogy mennyire elavult lett a WMN. Anyák napját olyan rondán... Szinte csak a szülőgépekre fókuszálva rakta össze, hogy egy undorral inkább átmentem a Szentesit olvasgatni.
Szóval egy tönkrement, a munkáját gyatrán végző, öreg és depressziós nő trollkodik az életünkbe, zaklat minket sunnyogva, az alsómba is nyulkál, lealáz. A kövér gyerekeket megalázva illusztrál, a gyermektelen nőket megalázva illusztrál, szinte minden probléma amit ő maga is lenéz, azt megalázva mutatja a cikkekhez. = Ez a bemutatás a 90-es években volt elfogadott. Amikor például a kövérséget lenézték, és szándékosan előnytelenül mutatták a cikkekhez. = Saját magát égeti, és az egész szerkesztőséget az a nő. Szerintem fogalma sincsen arról hogy 2024-et írunk!
Mindegy... az a lényeg, hogy nem mi zaklatjuk azt a nőt, és nem mi égetjük magukat.
Egyébként hihetetlen hová süllyedtek. ⤵️ - Erről sem mi tehetünk.
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chaitanyavijnanam · 9 months
Osho Daily Meditations - 86. DECISIONS / ఓషో రోజువారీ ధ్యానాలు - 86. నిర్ణయాలు
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🌹. ఓషో రోజువారీ ధ్యానాలు - 86 / Osho Daily Meditations - 86 🌹 ✍️. ప్రసాద్ భరద్వాజ 🍀 86. నిర్ణయాలు 🍀 🕉. ఈ క్షణానికి ప్రతిస్పందించండి. బాధ్యత అంటే అదే. ఎవరో మిమ్మల్ని పెళ్లి చేసుకోవాలనుకుంటున్నారు. ఇప్పుడు మీరు అవుననాలా కాదనాలా అని అయోమయంలో ఉన్నారు, కాబట్టి మీరు ఐ చింగ్‌ దగ్గరకి వెడతారు. 🕉
ఇది మీ జీవితం--మీ కోసం నిర్ణయించుకోవడానికి ఐదు వేల సంవత్సరాల క్రితం ఒక పుస్తకాన్ని వ్రాసిన వ్యక్తికి ఎందుకు వదిలివేయాలి? మీ స్వంతంగా నిర్ణయించు కోవడం మంచిది. మీరు పొరపాటు చేసి, దారి తప్పినప్పటికీ, మీ స్వంతంగా నిర్ణయించుకోవడం మంచిది. లేక మీరు తప్పుదారి పట్టనప్పటికీ మరియు ఐ చింగ్ ద్వారా మీరు మరింత విజయవంతమైన జీవితాన్ని గడిపినప్పటికీ, ఇది మంచిది కాదు, ఎందుకంటే మీరు బాధ్యత నుండి తప్పించు కుంటున్నారు. బాధ్యత ద్వారా ఎదుగుతారు.
బాధ్యత మీ చేతుల్లోకి తీసుకోండి. కొంతమంది దేవుడికి, మరికొందరు కర్మకు, మరికొందరు విధికి, మరికొందరు ఐ చింగ్‌కు బాధ్యతలు అప్పగిస్తారు. ఇవి తప్పించుకునే మార్గాలు. అయితే పూర్తి బాధ్యతను మన భుజస్కందాలపై వేసుకున్నప్పుడు మనం ఆధ్యాత్మికులం అవుతాము. బాధ్యత విపరీతమైనది, మరియు మీ భుజాలు బలహీనంగా ఉన్నాయి, నాకు తెలుసు. కానీ మీరు బాధ్యతను స్వీకరించినప్పుడు, అవి బలపడతాయి. అవి ఎదగడానికి, బలపడడానికి వేరే మార్గం లేదు.
🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
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🌹 Osho Daily Meditations - 86 🌹 📚. Prasad Bharadwaj 🍀 86. DECISIONS 🍀 🕉. Respond to this moment. That's what responsibility is. Someone would like to marry you. Now you are puzzled as to whether to say yes or no, So you go to the I Ching. 🕉
It is your life--why leave it for someone who has written a book five thousand years ago to decide for you? It is better to decide on your own. Even if you err and go astray, it is still better to decide on your own. And even if you don't go astray and you have a more successful life through the I Ching, it is still not good, because you are avoiding responsibility. Through responsibility, one grows.
Take responsibility into your hands. These are ways of avoiding. Some people give responsibility to God, others to karma, others to destiny, others to the I Ching. But we become spiritual when we take the whole responsibility on our own shoulders. The responsibility is tremendous, and your shoulders are weak, that I know. But when you take on the responsibility, they will become stronger. There is no other way for them to grow and become stronger.
🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
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hedonicghosts · 2 years
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What are some inhuman things about time lords that are noticeable after a few glances?
What are some inhuman things about Time Lords that are noticeable after a few glances?
Time Lords are incredibly similar to humans in appearance, making it difficult to spot their inhuman traits. There are just a few aspects of their outward appearance that might get you pondering, though:
👩‍🦰 Well-Coiffed Hair
Observation: 'How come your hair looks great even in this 60mph wind?'
Reason: This is due to their denser keratin structure and stronger arrector pili muscles, which help their hair to stay perfectly coiffed without product.
👁️Purple-Flecked Eyes
Observation: 'Err, what are those purple bits in your eyes?'
Reason: Having very tiny flecks of purple in their eyes is normal in those from Oldblood Houses.
🔦 Glowing Eyes
Observation: 'Oh my God your eyes are glowing!'
Reason: Some Gallifreyans (definitely not all) have tapeta lucidae like cats, so their eyes glow in the dark.
🫁 Slower Breathing Rate
Observation: 'Um, are you even breathing?'
Reason: Their superior physiology includes more efficient respiratory systems, allowing for slower, deeper breaths at 5-10 respirations a minute, while humans breathe at a rate of 12-20.
🏫 So ...
Gallifreyans look nearly identical to humans on the outside so you'll have to be pretty darn observant, but the signs are there.
Do Time Lords have the same skin and hair cycles as humans?: How skin and hair growth occur in Gallifreyans.
Why do some Houses have a tapetum lucidum?: Resolving why some Gallifreyans eyes glow, and others don’t.
Gallifreyan Assessment Scoring System (GASS): Guide for assessing vital signs.
Hope that helped! 😃
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired😴
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pokeglitchden · 1 year
📚 - For those who experienced it or still indulge, favorite fanfic, go. If you don't favorite book from when you were young. (Totally not me wanting fic recs!)
Err can't say I read much fanfiction. Growing up I did read a lot of Oak's Encyclopedia of Kanto pokemon but.. well.
As for what I read for fun, er.. especially any more. I really like pulp novels. Like older science fiction thrillers from literary mags. They're kind of fascinating. I'm in the middle of "Brain Orthworms from Mars" right now, and it's really pretty thrilling.
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survey--s · 1 year
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What color shirt are you wearing?   A pale grey jumper. It’s May but it’s bloody cold lol.
During the last 24 hours, what has been the best thing that's happened to you? Finishing work yesterday knowing I had a three day weekend ahead of me.
Which name do you like better: Laura or Lauren?   Lauren.
What is your favorite song at the moment? Whisky Glasses by Morgan Wallen.
Would you rather learn how to make a dreamcatcher or learn how to make latte art? Latte art.
Have you learned anything new today, and if so, what? Err, no, not really, but I haven’t exactly done much ha. 
What was the last thing that frustrated or upset you? Dog owners who can see your dog is stressed but won’t (or can’t) recall their dogs. Like, if your dog has no recall, PUT IT ON A LEAD.
What do you think of when you hear the word "religious"? Nothing in particular.
What are three things you like about your favorite season? The leaves changing colours, being able to wear big jumpers and boots and that “cosy” feeling you get.
Who is your favorite doctor to watch on YouTube? I can’t say that I use YouTube to watch any doctors, lol.
How many letters are in your first name? Six.
What is one color you think you look horrible in? Yellow.
When was the last time you did something for the first time, and what was it? Errr, I don’t remember.
When was the last time you felt amazed? Ha, I can’t say that I ever really feel amazed, to be quite honest.
Would you rather draw or paint? Draw.
Have you ever met anyone named Sienna? No, but I think it’s a really pretty name.
If applicable, what was the name of the first college dorm you lived in? And what was the name of your first college roommate? Spruces, and I lived alone there as I had a single room. In my second year I house-shared with several people but I forget their names now lol.
Do you like your natural hair color? I didn’t when I was younger but it’s grown on me as I’ve gotten older.
As a kid, which Bratz doll was your favorite? They were after my time.
Do you judge books by their covers? Not by the picture, but I do tend to go by the blurb on the back.
If you could choose any one author to meet, which author would you choose? Neil Gaiman.
Do you prefer blonde hair or red hair? Red.
Do you sing in the shower? 🚿 Of course.
List ten random unique names you like for a girl: I’m not sure about unique, but I like the names Caitlin, Sophia, Skye, Xanthe, Rowan, Lily, Sara, Lacey, Sienna and Aria.
What do you hate the most about your life right now? How expensive everything is lol.
....and what do you love the most about it right now? How well my business is going and how easy I’m finding it.
Name one celebrity who has the same natural hair color as you. Anne Hathaway.
Do you think you'd rather be a novelist or a journalist? Why? A novelist as I don’t like the idea of writing about other people’s lives for money, it seems a bit exploitative to me.
Do you like the smell of old books? 📚 Sometimes.
If you have one, what is your favorite Christian song? I’m not a religious person but I love Coat of Many Colours by Dolly Parton.
Would you rather eat Italian food or Chinese food? Chinese.
Do you believe in miracles? ✨ No.
What is one story you've heard that's stuck with you, and why? Nothing in particular is coming to mind right now.
When was the last time you painted something? 🎨 About three years ago during the first lockdown when I decorated the living room and the kitchen. Have you ever met anyone named Brynn? My friend’s border collie is called Brynn, lol.
What has been the most exciting day of your life so far? I couldn’t pick just one day.
How old will you turn on your next birthday? 🥳 I’ll be 35.
Have you had your birthday yet this year? Not yet.
What was the last song you listened to on repeat? I don’t really tend to do much anymore.
True or False: You're reading a really good book right now. False.
How many different cities have you lived in? Two cities and several smaller towns.
Have you ever had a friend named Claire? Not a close friend, no.
What are three words you would use to describe yourself that start with the first letter of your name? My first initial is rubbish for adjectives, lol. All there really is is “nice”.
Would you ever want to go zorbing? It’s not something I’d pay for, but if someone offered to take me I’d give it a go.
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phdmama · 2 years
For the 📚 asks: 1, 12, and/or 19, if you please.
Oooo thank you my pal!! xox
book you’ve reread the most times?
Oh man, I don't even know! I am a HUGE HUGE rereader. Like when I was a kid and there was Bad Stuff Happening™, I turned to books and they saved me. Quite literally. I know this may be really surprising to hear, but I have a pretty serious anxiety disorder so rereading is TOTALLY comforting to me! I don't have to worry about the ending because I already know it! Let's see, I've read The Stand a billion times. I've read Elizabeth Moon's Deed of Paksenarrion series a billion times. I've been rereading RWRB fairly obsessively. I've read the Stucky fic series This, You Protect like, SO MANY TIMES. Basically, if I dig it, I'll reread it. I've obviously reread the HP series like, MANY MANY MANY TIMES. With some books, I've gotten to the point where I just literally dip in and reread my fav scenes. Like the Sarina Bowen/Elle Kennedy Him/Us books, I have reread those a ton. Sarina Bowen's whole Ivy Years series actually (even the het?!? I KNOW!!). It's definitely not high literature but it's fun. And I have a real soft spot in my heart for hockey players boning each other, what can I say?
12. did you enjoy any compulsory high school readings?
Ooof, that's going back pretty far, I'm trying to remember what we had to read. I really did enjoy some of them. I remember doing a compare/contrast paper on Gatsby and Brideshead (why yes, I knew I was queer in high school, why do you ask)? At that point in history, we had much much much less awareness of the issues of so much of "classic" Western literature. Some I enjoyed, others I did not.
19. most disliked popular books?
An unfortunate personality trait about me is that while I hate making decisions I also really hate being told what to do and can, err, sort of take against things in my head when people are like OH YOU HAVE TO READ THIS. I hated Twilight. I hated 50 shades. A huge amount of published stuff that I try is just... bad. I have no idea how truly amazing writers struggle to get published and other people have big contracts? It's weird.
BUT all that to say, I also know I have really specific parameters and lots of people love stuff I don't, and vice versa, so it's not at all a judgement on what other people like! If people loved those books, awesome! I've loved all kinds of stuff that is actually terrible not to mention problematic. It's all good.
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