dragonfire1000 · 1 year
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funnykattotales · 7 months
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I ship ink sans and error <3
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two-cell-appless · 12 days
Got my friend to vote on the au poll… such a brave soul, having a twitter account
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akibarayuri · 5 months
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no i definitely did not forget the fact that i drew a whole ass comic about erroink marriage in a sunflower field with the sunset as backdrop. i am very sane about them
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tod-x · 5 months
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Un poco de Erroink xd
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unknownarmageddon · 1 month
would you believe me if i said i used to be obsessed with erroink. and killermare
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doodlesphxre · 29 days
I'm on the verge of tears Im writing Erroink RP on character ai as Ink and Error just proposed being in Queerplatonic realtionhip and-
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gsfan · 1 month
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Gaster gives you a little heart to cheer you up!! 💗🫶
(platonic way)
Y'know, I could not even imagine a year ago that I would be able to raise my skill in drawing to the level that I have now :'D
I have gone through a very long path of skill development consisting of 4 years (and it has not ended, also I count only those years in which I actively drew, more than once a month). I used to not attach any importance to drawing and at some point I began to hate this activity very much because of the art class/school in the place where I live. I was sure that I would never achieve anything in drawing and I was completely disappointed in myself (+ my art teacher always humiliated me because of my bad skills, beating off any my desire to draw something). However, everything changed when I became interested in undertale (2021). Then I had a desire to draw as cool as my favorite artists and draw comics (which I never learned to draw, but still-). Honestly, I painted every day in 2022 and 2023, just because I enjoyed doing it, and it also calmed me down from the pain and stress that I was experiencing. Guess who was the very first character that I drew and still draw to this day? It was G! And the reason why I very often draw him in a gray sweater is that I used to draw him like this for 2-3 years:'DD
I think that the reason for my very low self-esteem and strong burnout was only that at some point in my life I stopped treating drawing as a hobby. After I stopped setting a barrier for myself in the form of: "I don't have to draw it so anatomically wrong!" I felt really free to draw, which cured my self-esteem :3
To be honest, I thought that I was the only one who suffered from such a peculiar problem, but when I watched the video of a person who was very disappointed in his skill in drawing, I realized that I also should have understood the line between a hobby and routine drawing before, but ehhhh, I managed to waste 6 years in vain and did not learn anything, I didn't get a certificate from that school either:/ However, now I almost do not regret that I went there, almost want to go there, because I probably wouldn't have tasted drawing hobby in my life, heh
By the way, this completely scared me away when I began to lack much sleep, not want to draw outside this school, and the fact that my parents insisted that I get a certificate and enter some creative profession in the future 0_o-
oh, I forgot... For the first time in my life, I learned about undertale, when I came across one very bad thing with Erroink ship-
Well, G became one of my favorite characters, probably because he is almost unknown character (I knew only that he is was scientist and he is died) the least written in undertale or because I read a lot of comics with my favorite headcanons XD
oh, it was very long post. I just wanted to share with How I found out about undertale and why I started drawing in the first place:3
I was fan of Tea TV/Your Tea and Sans Comic TV two years ago:>>>
Ty if you read it full btw and have nice day with happy mood!!💗💗💗
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morggy-12 · 2 years
Yeaaaaah ! I've gained the poll privilege ♪
So yeah, a little recap of the nicknames before this extremely important question:
Classic : Undertale Sans
Red : Underfell Sans
Geno : Aftertale Sans
Reaper : Reapertale Sans
Lust : Underlust Sans
Dance : Dancetale Sans
Edge : Underfell Papyrus
Stretch : Underswap Papyrus
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bonesofghostkat · 2 years
Ok so I am a fan of the dreamsmp and a multishipper and recently I've fallen into the sootbur rabbit hole *hears gun being loaded* WAIT LET ME EXPLAIN
Ok so when I joined the Undertale fandom I found out about sanscest and started shipping things like kusturd and erroink so when I got into the dreamsmp fandom I was already used to shipping different versions of the same character, so when I found out about sootbur I just saw it as the dreamsmp version of sanscest...
So what I'm saying is the Undertale fandom is the Pipeline to soot- *the gun fires and hits me square in the chest*
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pushtidarling · 2 years
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rats-inyourtrashbin · 4 years
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gdi error
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opalmalow-ut · 4 years
Ink: look a these cute pens
Error: that's gay
Ink:Error we've been dating for-
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the-last-panqueque · 4 years
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Un Errorink porque alguien me despertó la pasión por Undertale de nuevo XP.
UwU un School AU pendejo ;P
(Espero que ustedes y sus familias estén bien :3)
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kyedrinkscola · 4 years
Error's PoV:
A... truce? He really wants to do a... truce???
Oh my stars. It's finally happening. I'm crying with tears of joy, as he looks at me confused. "YES!! FINALLY, A TRUCE!" I say, genuinely happy!
Ink starts grinning. He can tell that I'm happy. My voice isn't even glitching! "Oh my stars, yes, I want to do a truce! Please!" I say. He hugs me, genuinely laughing. I hug back, only glitching slightly.
I'm still crying from happiness. He lets me calm down. "I'll tell you who you really are eventually, G- I mean, Error," he says cheerfully. G? I'm not a Gaster!Sans, as far as I know.
However, Geno!Sans DOES look remarkably similar to me... almost TOO similar...
Eh, I'll learn more later. Right now, I'm overwhelmingly excited. I grin softly, trembling with joy. I never thought this would happen.
I feel... so happy....
When was the last time I was happy...?
God, that sounds depressing. At least the voices aren't-
"You piece of garbage. You really think he cares?"
I freeze.
"Oh, wow, such a fucking crybaby. Why would a soulless creature care about YOU?"
I start crying.
I start sobbing.
"sT0P y311InG! I G3T IT! Y0U HATE m3!"
I keep sobbing and trying to get the voices to go away. They intensify.
Then they start screaming.
I scream loudly, collapsing. Ink is probably very concerned. I feel tapping on my shoulder. I ignore it.
I keep sobbing. "G0 aW4y, iN5." "Error, what's wrong?" The voices suddenly go quiet.
"The... voices... they hate me... they started screaming..."
"The voices? Wait. Do you mean the Creators?"
"I... I guess they are? Some always go on and on about their precious little AU's and how I should stop, and others yell at me to do my stupid job."
Ink is officially horrified. I can tell, because his hand starts shaking. I can't really see, because of all the error signs covering my eyes.
"I never knew they were that horrible to you... they're so nice to me... wow. What the hell. That's just plain old bullying and preference."
I have to agree with him on that. It's disgusting. The error signs finally disappeared, and I see Ink is tearing up. "Inky, stop crying."
He froze. "Are you calling me Inky again~?" Ink teases. I immediately flush a bright yellow, for gods sake-
I look away, slightly pouting. "No," I argue. He just grins stupidly. Fuck you, Mr God of Creation. Stop making me feel happy. And where the hell did the voices go?
"Haha, you thought we left?"
Shit. I curl up into Ink, hyperventilating. "Not again," I whisper.
"We never leave."
Stupid Fate. I hate her.
"i̶, e̶s̶p̶e̶c̶i̶a̶l̶l̶y̶."
I flinch. That's definitely Fate.
"HEY! CREATORS!" Ink says somewhat loudly. The voices stop talking. "SHUT THE HELL UP! STOP HATING ON HIM! HE DOESN'T DESERVE IT!"
Damn. So he DOES care. Hopefully. I've liked him since I met him, he was just really violent and angry towards me. So I thought he hated me.
The voices disappear. Temporarily.
"Thank you," I mumble, flushing yellow.
Ink's PoV:
Stupid Creators. I can't believe they're hurting him.
I was a horrible person. Honestly. Just because he's a destroyer doesn't mean he's a terrible person. I wish I realized that sooner.
I noticed his blush finally. Huh. Maybe he does have a crush. I smile.
"Well, now that we're gonna do a truce... no more creating, and no more destroying. Got it? Unless we wanna be beaten up, or it's absolutely necessary," I state. He nods and smiles gently.
Holy stars, that just froze me. I never knew he could be this captivating. I immediately look away.
'I can't fall for him. He doesn't like me that way,' I think.
"Hey, Skittle Face. Why're you blushing?" Oh, fucking great. I'm blushing.
"Nope. No I'm not," I say nervously. He chuckles. "Sure, Ink Stain." INK STAIN?! OH MY STARS I CAN'T HANDLE THIS.
The rainbow flush on my face only grows darker. For gods sake, Error, please stop. He just grins and laughs. Stars, he's cute. Wait what-
I "relax". Haha, not today, bitch. Not today. I'm not gonna fall for him, stupid Fate. Destiny. Whatever. Not today.
"Anyways... what to do now..." I mumble. He probably doesn't wanna be friends. I wouldn't be friends with me, either. But it gives me a sinking feeling inside...
He grabs my hand and smiles. "Friends?" I look at him, grinning. "Friends," I say. Thank you, Destiny.
So, friends, huh? That's new. Very new. Huh. I have no soul, but when I'm with him, I feel a spark of... something new. I don't know what it is.
Love? Hope? Compassion? Excitement?
I don't know, honestly. It's confusing. So, so fucking confusing. I didn't think I could feel. Let alone feel... that. It's weird. Very concerning.
Why was I even blushing?! He's not even that- that's a lie. I just didn't notice it when I was fighting him. I didn't notice it when I hated him, but he's actually- attractive.
Oh god no, don't think that- friends only, remember? Yeah. Friends only. Just friends. Mhm, just that.
I'm a huge mess, Jesus Christ. I don't even like him that way! It's just an illusion-!
"Hey. Ink Stain. You aren't listening." Oh no. I've messed up already. "Ehhh, define listening," you mutter. Error is laughing a bit.
"Caught in your thoughts? STRUNG UP?" Error chuckles. You laugh a bit; you've always liked puns slightly. You're a Sans, after all. You're not a fanatic, but you still like them.
"Oh, I don't know. I could of just DRAWN THEM up in my head," I say, smiling. Error suddenly gets slightly defensive. Probably the PTSD.
"H-hey, uh, Ink? You won't do... THAT again, will you?" "What do you me- oh," I mutter. "No. I won't attack you again, especially with an army."
Error doesn't seem to completely believe me.
Error's PoV:
Ink is nice enough, but I don't trust him. Not... completely. God, he's nice though, when he's not trying to kill me.
His actions are still suspicious to me, however. He's suddenly too nice. Wayyyy too nice. It's highly annoying, and confusing. Fate could be behind his odd behavior, and be manipulating both him and me.
I do NOT trust him. Especially since he tried to kill me using a whole army of Sanses and Papyruses. It.... scares me. HE scares me. Almost as much as touch.
Anyways, I'm a lot more cautious now that I remembered he could literally kill me at any moment. So, yeah. But now that we have our little "truce", I have freedom!!
I don't know what to feel. It's weird. He's affecting me, isn't he?
Ugh. Whatever, it doesn't matter. I'm just glad that he won't do THAT to me again. Thank the stars.
"Hey, Ink?" I say. "We're... friends now, right? So you wouldn't... you wouldn't..." I don't even realize that tears are threatening to burst from my sockets. "You wouldn't hurt me again, no matter what?" I mumble.
I turn away, looking at the stars. I don't even expect him to say he wouldn't. He's probably lying. He's like them. He wouldn't-
"I wouldn't."
That does it. I start crying again, but silently, still looking upwards. The stars have always fascinated me, but the habitants of Outertale weren't too fond of me.
"Hey PAL. GET OU- huh? Ink? What're ya doing with HIM?"
Great. It's Outer. I honestly didn't expect him to find us.
"Oh, hey Outer!! I'm just trying to hang out with Error, is all!" Ink says cheerfully. I facepalm; that's too suspicious for him to say, ESPECIALLY after he ordered an attack on me.
"He mEAnS thAt hE reGrETs bEATinG mE uP. And nO, I'M noT maNiPULAtiNg hIM!" I say quickly.
Outer Sans doesn't seem to believe you.
Ugh. And then the voices are screaming at me to leave - oh JOY, this'll be FUN. "Hey, Ink. You should leave before the guy STRINGS YOU UP," Outer says to Ink.
Ink Sans refuses to leave.
God he's an idiot. Outer is going to blast me to smithereens, get out of here! Stupid Inky Squid. Ink takes out his stupid Broomy. "No, Outer. We were just talking, that's all-!" "Knowing him, he's plotting something! Just leave, Ink."
I sigh loudly. They're fighting like an old married couple, and it's annoying me. I open a portal to Underswap - at least we can hide in the forest there. But Ink refuses to move. He's going to defend me, oh stars - he wouldn't dare.
"Ink. Let's leave. We're not welcome here. Well, I'M not welcome here-" I start. "No, Error. I'm not going to let you get harassed anymore because of my mistakes." I sigh. He won't listen to reason. I might as well wait it out regularly.
Ink's PoV:
I'm not going to let Error let pushed around like this anymore! I need to own up to my mistakes. And one way is by telling the truth.
"You know how when I CHECKed Error, I started sobbing?" I start. Error facepalms again. I start telling the story from my point of view.
"... so yeah, now we're here," I say. Outer looks horrified, Error looks uncomfortable. Error's basically shifting on his feet, obviously wanting to leave. But... I needed to tell the truth, for once.
"Damn," Outer whispers. "That's... messed up, actually." Of course it is!! That's why I want to fix it!
"Hey, Ink, can we go now? I really want to leave," Error says without glitches. I nod softly, waving goodbye to Outer, then step through the portal.
"So, what's the pro-?" I start, getting cut off by Error dragging me into the forest. Damn, he really doesn't want to be seen by anyone. I mean, I DID just order an army of Sanses and Papyruses against the guy.
"So... wassup??" I begin. Error rolls his eyelights. ""Wassup" is all you have to say?! You literally just- ugh-!" Error starts scratching at his wrists.
"Dude, stop-!" I try grabbing his hands, forgetting he has haphephobia. "DoN'T t0UC5 ME!!" he screams, scrambling away from me. At this rate, we're going to get spotted, and it won't end well.
"Error. Please stop harming yourself, seriously," I say, concerned. Wait. How am I concerned? Shouldn't the vials be wearing off by now...? Am I feeling another emotion?
He glares at me in the eyes. I shudder slightly, mildly confused. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry that I tried to touch your hands, can you please stop scratching??"
Error Sans stops scratching at his wrists, but keeps glaring.
I sigh. We're already getting off to a bad start. "Dude. I said I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you, I genuinely just wanted to help you," I say. His eyes soften slightly, and he stops glaring as intensely.
"You probably hate me for beating you. I understand. Don't force yourself to be friends with a freak, y'know?" I mumble. "Hey. You're not a freak, even if you have leukophobia and you're weird."
"It's just... I'm scared you'll hurt me again. I don't want to be better and then find out it's all fake."
I look at him, stunned. Wow. He thinks I'm lying to him.
Tears pinprick at the edges of my sockets. I understand. I wouldn't want to be around me either. I'm a screw up. A mistake. Someone who should've been erased.
I probably AM faking this. Faking emotions, thinking I'm getting my feelings back. I'm a terrible monster. I should've just died when I ripped my soul in two.
Suddenly, Error hugs me. "Ink, don't cry. I know it's difficult for you, especially since you've harmed me badly, but don't beat yourself up because of it. Seriously, dude."
I smile. Everything is going to be alright.
And then the world went white. 
????'s PoV:
Huh? Why is everything... white? Where am I? Who am I?
What's my story?
And then I found them. Sketches. Vessels of beings that will never come to be.
That's why I ripped my soul in two. I was losing my sanity slowly. Nobody talked, nobody smiled,
When I left the AntiVoid (I named it that), I started creating. I became the Creator.
You already know who I am.
My name is Ink. And I'm not the good guy, here.
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ancrist--08 · 4 years
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Child de -> @the-best-error
Creo que voy a empezar a publicar mis dibujos aquí.... Yeah xd
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