#error legacy
beanstalk-sims · 4 years
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“...Kid, do I even want to know why you’re dressed like that?”
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vaduart · 2 years
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Chlodineweek: Feelings/Affection
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ldso-tron · 2 years
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Looks like the new TRON: Identity game has trees. So does that mean trees are "canon" now?
We always felt simulations of trees and plants should exist in the electronic world of TRON, so they appear in our User Error 2 and upcoming User Error 3 fan mission expansions for TRON 2.0.
(First screenshot is TRON: Identity, second User Error 2, third User Error 3.)
- TronFAQ
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opal-owl-flight · 2 years
My thoughts are FUCKING SCRAMBLED but. I saw RPGmonger’s new lore vid and I got thoughts. About the Ancients again bc of course
We know that the Ancients who were in the Forgotten Land made the rift tech. We know that they travelled to several dimensions; Another Dimension and Popstar’s dimension are the ones we know about. The guy said that these were the Tech Faction Ancients.
The Magic Faction has always been there in Another Dimension. Did they know about Rift spells? Elfilis and the Doomers are natives, and they both know how to do that via magic (I guess. Lets say that they do). Anyway; these two factions worked together, traveling across the galaxy and spreading their influence until the Jamba Heart crisis.
Theres three planets that come to mind when thinking of where they settled down (and rpgmonger said these too) — Popstar, Shiverstar, and Halcandra. At one point, both factions settled there. If this was the last stop, this is where the split occurred. This is the last planet the Tech faction settled on before…something happened to the planet (cough Haltmann? Cough…or it could be that the split of the factions wrecked the planet, who knows?)
We know that the Magic Faction is Hyness’s clan. If the hc of the Tech Ancients being Human is correct…
What if. What if Magolor was from the Magic Faction? What if he was a part of Hyness’s clan, descendant of the banished? (If not one of THE ORIGINAL BANISHED) What if he got sick of their anti-tech stance, their worship of Void? Got curious about the Tech faction, Investigated them, grew to appreciate them? Tried to become them?
If not that. Tried to become what the Ancients were in their peak — a combination of Tech and Magic. Look at how they influenced…conquered? The Universe when they were working together! If hes like Hyness with the desire to restore their clan…and angry enough that he wants justice…proud enough to know how to run the Universe “like the Ancients did in their peak”…
Wouldnt seeking an artifact that grants ultimate power be the way? An artifact that he knows is hidden on his old home planet. A planet he was banished from.
When he said he was from Halcandra, he was saying a partial truth. Like everything else he says…
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the-shark-well · 2 years
at this point, showing my face in these parts is a given seeing how much i like your hcs
-pulls up shades-
anyway, how 'bout lucas and mabel?
Lucas !! the boy . the fella .
- non-binary boy (he/they)
- gay , grey-sexual
- 15 years old , 5'7
- He stims a lot !! he also has a tendency to infodump to whoever would listen .. unfortunately Mabel n Lucy would always shut him down one way or another when he got too rambly abt a topic , causing him to clam up more often than not .
- Jake listens to him , though !! Lucas is hyperfixated on bug loomians and has probably caught or at least observed every one of them in some form . his loomipedia is nearly complete in the bug category KSJAKS
- Lucas has a ton of trouble sleeping . He needs a daydream in order to fall asleep comfortably , so on the nights where his brain can't settle on anything he ends up on his phone until like 3 am .
- He loves giving hugs and highfives n just generally being a sorta cheerleader for his friends
Mabel . my unfortunate beloved /lh
- genderfluid egg(doesn't realize it til later after allowing herself to comfortably explore her identity and herself as a person) (she/they/loom*/it/he) [*loom/loomianself]
- aromantic asexual (also doesn't realize it until later)
- 15 years old (the youngest , though) , 5'2
- Has absolutely no filter in the worst way possible . used to claim that they're just "brutally honest" when in actuality they were just kind of a douchebag
- only knew how to express loomianself by lashing out and being strong because thats what looms mother taught loom to do . A lot of Mabel's behavior was shaped by her mother , either on purpose or accidentally . Even though she doesn't like her mom .
- Mabel has trouble seeing the bigger picture beyond herself sometimes , leading her to mistreat her friends unintentionally . Jake later knocks some sense into her about how upsetting it is , which gets her to step back and really analyze herself .
- despite everything , she did always see Lucas n Lucy as her best friends . Mabel makes amends with both of them for treating them like minions more than pals .
- Cannot separate aesthetic attraction from romantic . he "caught feelings for Jake" before realizing he was genderfluid(and aroace) , and upon later reflection , Mabel realizes he was just gender envious of him KSNKAD
- despite their sour attitude , Mabel is genuinely dependable and will defend their friends if the time calls for it .
- After making amends w Lucas n Lucy and moving on to be a better person w the group , Mabel allows herself to be verbally affectionate w her friends to make up for lost time . stuff like "I love you guys" said before they split up , stuff like that .
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lsaltzmans · 4 years
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Mom became a vampire and everything was just... clear. Like she had this one moment that set her whole life on course. What if... I never get that?
Lizzie Saltzman in season three, episode three: Salvatore: The Musical!
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linddzz · 3 years
Jayce 🤝 viktor “cares about people as a whole but not so much…Persons” is just canon. Both Arcane and LoL. Jayce cares about Caitlyn and Viktor and Mel and that’s it. He’s basically “everybody loves me and thinks I’m great but I don’t care about Them [turns and yells] VIKTOR WHY DON’T YOU FAWN OVER ME?? GIVE ME ATTENTION. VIKTOR.” It’s hilarious.
I love them so much. They are such a great combination of being legitimate and sincere idealists. They are driven by a want to make the world better and to save people. Everything they aim for is with the goal of Making People's Lives Better, especially for those in the undercity.
But at the same time Jayce is an egotistical easily sidetracked pompous and pretty spoiled twit who has no idea what the undercity is actually like and he is a fantastic friend to people he likes but we see him constantly brushing aside people who don't register to him and I'd bet he very quickly gets a rep for "not nearly as charming as he seems."
Viktor is obviously way less privileged but also doesn't seem to be concerned with calling out Jayce's uninformed nonsense (except the time it directly effects Viktor lmao) and we see him just straight up ignoring people to let Jayce do the talking. Theyre both just very different flavors of "idealistic but self focused ass" who are nice to each other and also probably do not realize how they both come across as HUGE assholes to the people around them.
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moddersayethstuff · 2 years
No this can’t be real
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Next generation characters in Lette legacy
I've been thinking a lot lately about how my version of in-game events is going to be for my main character, and I'm starting to develop new characters for this (bc obviously it can't be Jett, Shailla, Raen and Auletta forever). These characters are not super detailed yet, and so far I've only given some background and roles in future stories, but wanted to share bc I already love them.
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Beirya Kerre, next leader of the Alliance. Yup, Jett isn't gonna be Commander forever (the reason is her leaving the Alliance at some point so she can focus more on Mando stuff and just her life), and Rya will take her place (well, people of Alliance will choose her).
Rya was found by the Jedi as a child and trained as one. She was somewhat struggling with meeting all the standards of the Jedi, but unfortunately she didn't have the opportunity to go through trials - when she was 13 her master was killed on a world invaded by Zakuul. Rya couldn't leave this planet because of Star Fortress, but she used her lacking training to survive and help people a little.
Almost 5 years after her master's death she stumbled upon Jett who also got trapped on this world (long story, but it was before the Alliance was formed, before chapter 9, and Jett didn't know about Star Fortresses). Rya helped her get off-world using Star Fortress and decided to stick with Jett to join the Alliance, as she felt she could help people more this way (and prove to herself that not being a perfect Jedi doesn't prevent her from being a useful person).
In the Alliance she trained under Jedi, Sith, Voss and other Force-sensitive groups. Being surrounded by such a diverse group and getting inspired by Jett that she doesn't have to be a Jedi to help and lead, Rya has gotten more confident in her abilities. While she was training, she was also helping the Alliance a lot, and people remembered that. She was showing signs of a good leader, so her being chosen as next Commander was only natural.
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Zinilev Lok. That's right, he's also from clan Lok. Zin is actually Artus' nephew (son of his brother. I don't care that there's no information on Mandalore's family, I say he has a brother. at least in this legacy). Born 10 years ATC, Zin was a wanted child, and his parents were somewhat overprotective over him. Not that they didn't train him as a Mandalorian, just were not keen on putting him in dangerous situations until he's old enough.
Zin got to meet Jett after she accepted Mandalore's offer (she even participated in his training at clan gatherings) often enough to remember her even at an early age.
When Zakuul invaded the rest of the known galaxy, Zin stood with his clan and helped where he could (he was just 7 by that time). One of the battles was especially hard for Mandalorians, being overwhelmed by sheer numbers of Skytroopers and might of Knights of Zakuul. Zin was hidden by his parents but he still could watch the battle. And he saw his clan losing many warriors. He panicked and escaped the battlefield, hoping that someone from clan Lok would survive and find him later. It will be years (it will happen in chapter 14 of KotFE) before he learns that Mandalore with the rest of clan Lok had perished in this battle.
He was ashamed by this act (to say the least), and while it was concerning that no one found him, Zin was also a little relieved by this fact, thinking he disgraced his himself and clan Lok rightfully exiled him for cowardice. Hiding on transports, he eventually ended up on Rishi. Zin knew it was previously the location of clan Vizla, but didn't find anyone there. He stayed on Rishi, not knowing where else to go or what else to do.
After around 4 years of living like this, he found an intruder at clan Vizla'a former base. To his surprise, the intruder turned out to be Jett (whom he thought to be dead). Zin was afraid she was there to punish him for cowardice and abandoning his clan, but she had no idea. He lied about the reason of him not being with their clan. That lie didn't hold up for long, but Jett didn't judge or get mad at him. Instead, she offered to come with her and try finding surviving Mandalorians and maybe fight Zakuul in the meantime (again, this happens before chapter 9 and Alliance).
After chapter 14 Zin was left with Mandalore until she would figure out what to do with him. The answer will come to her soon after - Shae assigns Zin to stay with Commander and work to prove himself.
Jett had a huge influence on his life - she replaced his lost parents as much as possible, helped him with guilt and shame (bc she went through something similar before), and after a lot of effort Zin grew into a capable and honorable warrior.
Also, as both grew up in the Alliance, Beirya and Zin formed a strong friendship.
(btw these outfits are placeholders because the ones I actually want for them are too expensive. damn you forced preferred status)
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sonicblooms · 3 years
not to flex but i’m sorting out my mods folder properly for the first time since i started playing ts4 and my game actually defies the laws of old/conflicting mods that ought to make a game not open or crash 🤷🏾‍♀️
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beanstalk-sims · 4 years
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They make an interesting couple, that's for sure
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apostatesims · 2 years
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“something feels . . . different . . .”
uh huh . . . 🙃
“you’ve . . . done something with the place?”
in a sense . . . 😏
“i see. and this ‘something’ wouldn’t have anything to do with getting my cat out of the spoiled spaghetti, would it?”
nope —  even better ! i FINALLY worked up the courage to fuck around and find out how reshade works, so we’ve officially moved up as a legacy thanks to simemi’s reshade preset and only like, idk, 15 different tutorials bc i was catastrophizing i’d wind up disintergrating my pc over a misclick. but i digress. how’s life in ~wonderous technicolor~ treating you, my guy? how does it feel?
“well, it feels like i’m living in filth. but . . . vibrantly, i suppose.”
that’s the spirit!
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ottersinhats · 2 years
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Violet celebrated her birthday and aged up!
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simming-in-the-rain · 3 years
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This is my magnus opus, I’ve mastered T.O.O.L. (Thanks to @dancemachinetrait​‘s encouragement), we can all go home.
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autonomousllama · 2 years
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Soooo, while Jane was sleeping, this error popped up several times, which was concerning, so i went and checked it out.
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I found this kid stuck on this bike in the middle of the road, i reset the bike, but this kid pulled out another one and got stuck on that too. Not to mention the first bike was still stuck.
I reset the kid instead and then deleted the bikes.
Bikes are evidently the enemy of children, so perhaps it was a good thing that Jane stole that kids bike?
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elysiansl · 3 years
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SPONSORED BY // Dappa, ERROR & Babyboo
- H A I R  -
‣ Doux - Cintia Hairstyle
- B O D Y -
‣ Legacy Meshbody
‣ Dappa - Roslyn Tattoo @ Blanc
- O U T F I T -
‣ DISH. & #error - Joanna Set @ Mainstore
- P O S E -
‣ Babyboo - Diem Poses @ LEVEL
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