windslar · 3 days
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"Medium oat milk latte!" Dara reached for the cup until -- oh no. It was him. The rude, always-on-his-phone, guy from yesterday reaching for her latte. "Hey, that's mine!" they blurted simultaneously. They argued over whose drink it belonged to as they barista raised an eyebrow. Less than a minute later, in the most nonchalant tone, the barista called again, "Medium oat milk latte!" Dara's face burned. The man looked at the two identical drinks on the bar then back at Dara, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. He gestured to the first latte, "I'm sorry, miss. You were right."
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tartoasta · 6 days
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move in day
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sinfulwunders · 6 days
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priscilla grimm - founder - MBTI legacy challenge🖤
gen 1: advocate
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bloomingkyras · 28 days
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Move into the big city for a big hope.Luckily, the old tenant left some of their old funiture that can be re used. But the new tenant still need to buy some more furniture for his apartment especially for his own office.
(*intro coming soon)
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simgerale · 27 days
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guinevere "gwen" sands 🌊
INFP: Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause. 
Gwen is a gentle soul with a heart that overflows with kindness. A champion for lost causes, she sees the potential for good in everyone. And beneath her idealism lies a hidden well of dreams and unspoken thoughts. Gwen drifts through life a bit like a poet, clinging to the past and finding beauty in the subtleties overlooked by others. With rose-tinted glasses, she possess the ability to unearth goodness in even the darkest of souls. Her desire to please others sometimes hides her true self, making her even more of an enigma to the rest of the world. Driven by pure intentions, she chases her ideals with unwavering faith. But her love for contemplation can lead her down paths of self-doubt and isolation, leaving her tethered to a beautiful, make-believe world. 
introducing my founder for the MBTI legacy challenge by @windslar!! i was inspired the moment i read the post, and then i went through the google doc and was like.... WOW!!!! i did the test and found i was an INFP, which checks out lol, so i made my founder the same personality as suggested!
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romantisim · 1 month
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🎮 Finley Jacobs — The Logician
A man of few words, Fin spends most of his time in his single wide mobile home with his cat, Yoda. He was born in Oasis Springs to a single mother who spent most of her time working to provide for her only child. Fin inherited the mobile home upon her passing, and he has hardly gone out since. Left to his own devices for much of his upbringing, he struggles to socialize with others and keeps to himself, preferring the company of a computer screen more than other people. He has only one friend beyond his cat; an outgoing young man named Onyx Grove, who has spent his life cracking jokes, smoking weed, and attempting to drag Fin out of the house occasionally.
A light introduction to my mbti legacy founder. I intend to focus more on storytelling than on finances and keeping score. While I write for myself privately, this is the first time I've seriously begun a sims storytelling project. I have been incredibly influenced by @cinamun, @ashubii, @windslar, and @awkwardwhims, as well as others in our lovely creative community. Regular posts will begin sometime this week. I don't know if I will keep a posting schedule or not, but I imagine it will not be more than once or twice a week since posing and setting a scene is incredibly new to me. If you read all this, thank you! I hope you enjoy.
goes by fin
hates leaving the house
(brings dead mice in the house)
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toothspurs · 1 month
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infj : demetra wallace
“with a gaze that seems to see beyond the present, the INFJ moves through the world with quiet grace. Tirelessly empathetic, they understand everyone but feel misunderstood in return. Driven by a vision of a better tomorrow, they delve into the heart of problems, seeking not temporary fixes but lasting healing. Despite their reserved nature, they navigate social situations with artful precision; yet they share their truest selves only with those who have earned their trust. The INFJ possesses an uncanny intuition allowing them to predict what happens next, guiding them away from conflict toward peaceful resolutions. In love, they are poets of affection, yet fiercely guarded and prone to withdrawal the moment trust wavers.”
more under cut!
traits: bookworm, gloomy, perfectionist, unconventional, and philosopher. career: freelance author aspiration: bestselling author skills: writing, logic, photography
super hyped to start playing @windslar's new mbti legacy challenge, check it out! it's very in-depth and has a ton of gameplay :)
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sunyos · 1 month
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Whitney Day 𓆩♡𓆪
I'm starting a legacy challenge!!!!!! I'm participating in the wonderful @windslar 's MBTI challenge! As a resident enfp, I feel this is only appropriate ‹𝟹
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corbeausim · 14 days
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OKAYYY started a challenge with this boy : MBTI legacy challenge
so here's the stats of my gen 1 -> INTJ
name : Mynts Stafford traits : perfectionist, hates children, snob aspiration : musical genius career : criminal (oracle) focused skills : logic, programming, guitar
i also rolled for different aspects of his life (good or chaotic) -> under the cut
relationships are chaotic lol (sabotage)
In relationships, you sabotage your own chances. The contrived rules of dating feel trivial and insulting, and you refuse to participate in those games. When emotions arise, you feel vulnerable and exposed, uncomfortable with conventional displays of affection. Rather than reach compromise, you instinctively give your partner reasons to leave. The paradox of longing for connection while rejecting the very mechanisms to attain it leaves you trapped in self-imposed solitude
professional life is “successful”
In the professional arena, your high standards align seamlessly with the culture of your workplace. Your dedication to continuous improvement and innovation not only enhances your own professional growth but also contributes to the success of the organization as a whole. Recognizing your contributions, your workplace is eager to invest  further in your development, fostering an environment where ambition and achievement are celebrated. 
parenting is “baby genius”
As a parent, you prioritize raising capable, self-reliant children with clear interests and robust critical thinking skills. They embrace freedom responsibly, navigating life’s challenges with confidence and resilience. By reframing challenges as learning opportunities, you inspire your children to think rationally and problem-solve effectively
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heyastra · 1 month
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🌾 infp - poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.
with a heart that knows no bounds in its gentle kindness, astra valentis embraces the world with empathy and optimism. even when the world has been unkind to her, astra has never relented in forgiving the forces outside of her control. never quite able to let go of the past, yet still looking at it with rose-tinted glasses and a longing for the simplicity of youth is how astra moves through life, dancing around her longings for what is gone as well as what awaits her.
i was messing around in cas when i came across the mbti legacy challenge by the lovely @windslar and instantly fell in love with the premise for my type's corresponding generation. so, here's my founding sim, astra!
while i can't promise i'll post about this sim and her life very often, i just wanted to show her off for now! maybe i'll post occasional updates, but again, no promises!
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d00dleybear · 7 days
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I'm starting the MBTI Legacy Challenge by @windslar
Gabrielle Carter is ISTJ: Logistician
The ISTJ is a pillar of reliability carved out of duty and reason. Their principles are as sturdy as a mountain, their word as reliable as sunrise. Straightforward and honest, they navigate life with unwavering discipline. Amidst chaos, the ISTJ is a calming presence, guided by an unyielding compass of right and wrong. Loyal to tradition and institutions, they are the guardians of order. This adherence to rules can make them seem rigid and judgmental, but in a world seeking stability, they are a constant. Their quiet strength and practical mind offer a haven of certainty in uncertain times.
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windslar · 2 days
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tartoasta · 4 days
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someone responded to quinn's roommate ad!
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moonlilli · 28 days
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Now to try and hide a large vocal dog in a quiet apartment. But who could resist that face.
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bloomingkyras · 27 days
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INTRO: MBTIL CHALLENGES - ESTJ (Executive) BY @windslar
Excellent administrators, unsurpassed at managing things or people.
Meet the ESTJ Executive Founder (prologue)
Cayden and his dog, Evee move from Brindelton Bay to SanMyshuno to achieve his dream to become a successful politicians. He currently studying at Brightchester University in History. His life is not as happy as his parent, which can be said, successful. There are many twists and turns that he has to face of. Will he manage to survive and success?
Focus skill: Robotic | Research and Debate | Fitness
Events and scenarios: (Random pick)
site notes: I'm no longer play with nsb since I don't see him roll that aspirations from the challenge. So I decided to tackle Ily new challenge and so far I love how its goes.
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simgerale · 26 days
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A tear-stained paper reads, "…left you her dog Tuna and a hefty sum of 24,000 simoleons to “travel the world and create human memories.” Strange phrasing, but please contact…
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