#eryka speaks
c28hunter · 1 month
Nace Jordan I just want you to know that I am so fuck proud of you and seeing you gaining so much confidence is giving me hope that I will also reach this level one day
Nace Jordan I love you, you are amazing, beautiful, talented and kind hearted and I am so insanely happy for you
Nace Jordan you inspire me every day to challenge myself and search for more
Nace Jordan the man you are
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da-proti-toku-grem · 4 months
If someone ever asks me to describe Joker Out to them, I'll show them this:
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mitamicah · 6 months
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Hahahahah YES x'D
AAA batteries unite x'D
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capitanschampagne · 1 year
eryka is my wife and I'll never get a divorce because we have a child together
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yasmijn · 2 years
Yuni (2021)
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Udah beberapa minggu terakhir ini timeline penuh sama bahasan perfilman, dan Yuni adalah salah satu yang lumayan seling seliweran, ganti-gantian sama Seperti Dendam dan juga Georgia. Tadi siang ada yang bilang kalau hari ini terakhir Yuni tayang di bioskop, jadi begitu beres jam kerja ku langsung cabs ke BEC untuk nonton yang jam 18.05.
Jujur ini film bagus. banget. 
Baru kali ini aku sesenggukan begitu film selesai dan credit mulai rolling. Kayak udah dikasih cue bahwa: ‘Filmnya udah beres, silahkan kalau mau nangis.’
Kaya pedih aja, hati kayak diremas, dan bikin berpikir: ‘Kok susah banget ya jadi perempuan?’
Yuni adalah cerita tentang perempuan. Nggak cuma tentang Yuni, tapi juga tentang teman-teman Yuni, Ade, Suci, Bu Lis, kakak-kakaknya Tika, Teh Asih, Bu Kokom, dan ibunya Yuni. Tentang hidup seorang perempuan yang dicampuri terlalu banyak tangan. Para laki-laki tak dikenal yang baru lihat sekali lalu merasa patut untuk langsung bertamu ke rumah dan melamar anak orang yang lulus SMA pun belum, mulut-mulut nyinyir murid satu sekolah yang sibuk mengomentari pilihan Yuni, komentar tetangga yang sok tahu dan mengesankan bahwa semua masalah perempuan akan selesai begitu ia menikah.
[spoiler alert]
Ada tiga adegan film yang buat aku nangis. #1, adegan saat Yuni dan 2 temannya mengisi acara pernikahannya Sarah yang menangis di pelaminan, #2 waktu Yuni curhat di rumah kosong sama Yoga, bilang bahwa dia ngga tau dia mau jadi apa tapi yang jelas dia gamau hidupnya jadi suram, dan #3 waktu bapaknya Yuni selesai potong kuku Yuni dan bilang bahwa dia akan berusaha sebisanya untuk meringankan beban hidup Yuni.
Benci banget sama para tokoh laki-laki yang nggak menganggap Yuni adalah sesuatu yang bisa diminta begitu saja ke keluarganya tanpa perlu dilibatkan atau paling tidak diberikan heads up dalam prosesi lamar-melamar yang seenaknya ini. Tapi masih untuk Yuni punya keluarga yang masih memberikannya kebebasan untuk memutuskan akan menerima/menolak semua lamaran itu. 
Tokoh Suci (Asmara Abigail) juga perannya bagus dan penting sekali di film ini. Kisah hidup yang berat dia ceritakan dengan ringan saja, bikin Yuni diam, mungkin menyadari kehidupan seperti apa yang mungkin akan dia jalani. Keguguran berkali-kali, dipukuli, diceraikan, dan dibuang oleh keluarga karena dianggap lebay. Cerita Tika yang juga baru melahirkan tapi suaminya tidak pernah muncul sekalipun di layar. 
‘Di rumah ibunya.’ Begitu kata Tika. Dua orang kakak perempuan beserta anak mereka yang masih kecil, kembali hidup seatap dengan Tika juga orang tuanya. Yuni bertanya: ‘Suami mereka mana?’ Tika angkat bahu. Tidak tahu.
Rasanya lagi eneg dan capek banget aja, baca berita-berita tentang kekerasan seksual di sosmed, para mahasiswi yang baru berani speak up tentang kelakuan para bandot yang mengaku pengajar, cowok-cowok goblok yang keukeuh dengan analogi bahwa pria adalah buaya/kucing/hewan buas sedangkan perempuan adalah ayam. Seperti kata Sonia Eryka:
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Akhir kata, Yuni bagus banget guys dan sungguh adalah sebuah film yang tepat untuk ditonton sendirian agar lebih khidmat dan bisa menangis lebih lepas. Untung juga tadi pake masker jadi muka ga jelek-jelek amat lah kalau dilihat sama orang yang lalu-lalang.
Verdict: 10/10
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sohlaelwaylly · 3 years
Hi eryka 👋🏽I’m so confused. With Bon Appetit youtube channel returning to life, I don’t get why people are pissed with the BIPOC representation?? I get that they screwed up when they didn’t offer their existing bipoc staff respectable video contracts leading to their departure. I also get that its weird to hire poc for new videos when they could have used the past poc staff like rick priya etc and agreed to their demands. But what I don’t get is why people are shitting on ba for these recent...changes on the comment section😰 ps: I live in india so I’m not up to date on this.
Hello!! This is a very good question thank you!
So I did my research and went to the comment sections and it's much nicer than I thought itd be. The dislike ratio is tragic but honestly that's to be expected. I'm going to speak for myself here but my opinion doesn't seem to be that different from what a lot of other commenters are saying so here we go.
I'm not really unhappy about representation in videos as much as I'm upset about the fact that it seems like BA is sweeping all of their awful treatment of poc under the rug.
For me any hope I had for the media side of BA (or conde nast entertainment I guess) was shattered when they refused to pay poc equally for their video appearances. They were told about where they were doing wrong, looked at that flaw and essentially decided to not do anything actually productive about it, instead they did a weird little dance that made it seem better but was really just a cop out.
So their decision to bring in new poc really just feels cheap and performative at this point. [Like they literally payed a company to legally say there was no racial discrimination in the workplace (ie hired Prosauker Rose, a notorious union busting company who doesn't do the right or thorough work to check if there are poor practices in the workplace for context but you could maybe listen to the sporkful reckoning at Bon Appetit podcast if you want more details I think?).]
So really I don't think they've changed at all, they're just a corporation that's looking to make money off of this appearance of diversity. Also we don't actually know if the new video hosts are actually being payed equally (they're probably not actually if they're new, there's more room for them to be taken advantage of) and it just seems like BA sees poc as replaceable dolls they can switch in and out.
Anyways uh tldr we hate BA because they don't actually care about poc this all a facade to seem 'diverse' without actually putting in the effort to treat these people equally. I also want to add in that the new video hosts at BA deserve absolutely no hate at all because they're just trying to get some work in a global pandemic yknow? (although the comment section seemed pretty positive towards the hosts so :)) The company however can rot.
Also: some comments that also just sum it up pretty well
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suckerforv · 3 years
Your Protectors (Hybrid!BTS x Female Reader)
You walked through the door, smiling as your bunny hybrid, Jungkook, bounded up excitedly to meet you. “Y/n!” he exclaimed, his bunny ears bouncing as he flew into your arms. “I missed you,” he mumbled into your neck, making you giggle. “Don’t stay away for too long next time.”
   “Kookie, I wanna hug her too, don’t hog her all to yourself,” your other fox hybrid, Taehyung, whined, his plush lips forming a pout and his ears drooping sadly. You laughed and held your arms out to him. He burrowed his nose into your neck, scenting you. You were used to it; you often had to stay for long times at your school where you taught. You would come home after being around other men and boys, “smelling like trash,” as Tae called it. After adopting both Taehyung and Jungkook, you decided to adopt five others: Namjoon, a wolf hybrid, Jin, an alpaca hybrid, Jimin, a cute calico cat hybrid, Hoseok, a golden retriever hybrid, and a panther hybrid, Yoongi. It was challenging sometimes, dealing with all of their different personalities, but you loved them all so much. Namjoon was quiet and intelligent, yet extremely clumsy. You had no idea how many items he broke in the house, yet you loved his quiet and comforting character. He was studying at a college especially for hybrids and was pursuing business and English Literature Arts. Jin loved to help you cook and clean, because everyone knew you weren’t the best cook in the house. You would often come home, tired and exhausted from a long day at work, and Jin would have tea and a fluffy blanket ready for you on the couch. He was really a sweetie. Jimin was very intimate, and he loved to cuddle with you while watching Finding Nemo on the TV. He loved singing and dancing, which he did a lot while you were away. He required a lot of attention and care. Hoseok was the ball of sunshine, always finding ways to cheer you up if you were feeling down or sad. He loved to play catch and dance, and you encouraged him to pursue his dreams. He was currently at the same school Namjoon was at, and he was studying dance. Taehyung was very like Namjoon, but goofier and sillier at times. He loved chasing squirrels and playing with his toys. Jungkook was best friends with both Tae and Jimin, and they all loved playing with each other. When you first adopted Jungkook, he was very shy and used to not talk most of the time. Once you adopted Taehyung and Jimin, he began opening up and you would often hear him laughing and talking with Tae and Jimin. Eventually, he began warming up to you, and you were on speaking terms with him now. A word that could describe Yoongi was sleepy. Of course, Yoongi loved to sleep and eat. He loved to sleep, spooned by you. He seemed like an old, grumpy grandpa on the outside, but he was just a big softie on the inside. You smiled as you thought of your seven lovable hybrids. You were so glad you adopted them.
       You set your bag down on the counter and felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist, a wet nose burying into the nape of your neck. You felt a furry tail wrapping itself around your ankle. You reached back and scratched behind Jimin’s ears. Purrs reverberated throughout the room, and you giggled. “Jimin, it’s very nice to see you too,” you smiled as he snuggled closer to you. “How was your day, darling?”
    “Fun! Me, Taetae, and Kookie played chase and tag in the backyard! Then me and Taetae watched Finding Nemo, although it wasn’t the same without you,” he pouted at the last part. “How long will you have to stay like this, jagi?”
      You sighed, sitting on the couch and beckoned him to sit next to you. “I don’t know, Minnie. I’ve been trying to find another job I can take up, but I haven’t found any yet.”
     Your other hybrids appeared, one by one, listening to you speak, and to your surprise, Yoongi appeared as well. He was usually sleeping, so this was a pleasant surprise. Namjoon sat next to you, his head leaning on your shoulder. “Well, you just have to find out what you’re good at,” he commented quietly. “It’s not too hard to find a job once you figure that out.”
    “Well, I’m good with hybrids, I know that at least,” you said slowly. “Maybe I could take up a job at a hybrid shelter.”
   Jin frowned. “I don’t know, y/n. Some hybrids tend to be,” he hesitated. “violent and well, we don’t want you getting hurt.” Your other hybrids nodded in agreement, Yoongi coming to sit next to Jimin.
     “But if you really want to, y/n, I know some shelters that are looking for help,” Yoongi offered. “Some of my friends are working there, and they say it pays well and the environment is very positive and promising for the hybrids who live there.”
    You smiled, coming over to where he sat and hugging him. “Thank you, Yoongles. I knew I can always count on you guys. What’s the shelter’s name?”
    “Um, I think it’s Sunnyside Hybrid Shelter,” Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows, trying to remember. “Yeah, I think that’s it.”
    You took a deep breath. “OK, I’m going to go ask them about the job. Who wants to go with me?”
 “Me!” seven voices chorused. You chuckled; you should’ve have known all of them wanted to go. They were all very protective of you, especially Namjoon and Yoongi, them both being predator hybrids.
         Twenty minutes later, all of you stood in front of Sunnyside Hybrid Shelter. Namjoon slipped his hand in yours, his ears standing alert. You opened the door, your hybrids following you inside.
     “Welcome to Sunnyside Hybrid Shelter! How may I help you today? Oh my goodness, you have some hybrids already! Are you here asking about the job?” the cheery girl at the front desk prattled on. You felt Namjoon’s hand tense in yours. You knew her voice reminded him of his previous owner, who was very abusive and used to beat him whenever he made a mistake or broke something. You squeezed his hand comfortingly, reminding him that he was safe and you were with him now.
     “Yes, I’m interested about the job. I would like to apply,” you spoke, nervous.
“Perfect! How long have you had experience with hybrids?” the girl asked as she scribbled something down on a notepad. “Oh, and please call me Eryka.”
     “I’ve had my hybrids for about three years now,” you replied, smiling fondly at your seven hybrids. “I love hybrids, and I’ve been looking for a job, so this seemed like a good go.”
    “Awesome! I’ll take you to our manager, and she’ll ask you a few more questions and just show you around,” Eryka smiled widely at you and led you and your hybrids to the office.
     Taehyung stared at the hybrids’ faces pressed to the windows, some cold, some hopeful, and some just plain curious. He knew how painful and lonely it was to live in the shelter, his heart ached for some of the hybrids. They passed a play room, where baby and toddler hybrids played. Jimin’s tail twitched, aching to scoop a cute baby hybrid into his arms and cuddle with it.
    “Here we are,” Eryka announced, stopping at a well-furnished office. “Would your hybrids perhaps like to wait-”
    “No,” seven voices chorused forcefully. You smiled, and whispered to Eryka, “It’s okay. They’re well behaved, they just are protective of me.” She looked unsure, but nodded and let you all in anyway.
     The manager, who looked shocked as your seven hybrids filed in, quickly composed herself and smiled at you. “Hello, y/n, I am Carrie, and please do sit down,” she gestured to a chair in front on her desk. “Your hybrids, um-”
     “We can stand, ma’am, it’s fine,” Jin smiled at her kindly. You smiled internally at his manners, Jin was a very polite hybrid once people got to know him.
 She looked surprised at his polite manners and smiled at him. “Thank you, er-”
  “Jin, Kim Seokjin,” Jin bowed and introduced himself and the others to her. Each smiled and bowed to her as he addressed them.
     “Thank you. Y/n, I must say, you have very polite hybrids. You must have some good experience with hybrids, then,” Carrie commented as she sat back in her chair.
   “Well, yes. My father was actually a hybrid officer,” you began, ignoring the shocked looks of your hybrids. “He didn’t like hybrids that well, and didn’t do his job like he should’ve. I would always beg him to be compassionate towards them, but he would beat me. My mom found out, and threatened to separate if he didn’t change his ways. He didn’t, and my mom moved out and took me with her,” you blinked back tears and Jin came to stand besides you, laying a gentle hand on your shoulder. Jimin stared at you, mouth agape. He never knew this. “He eventually got fired. I got a job at teaching at a school and I am still doing that now,” you finished, wiping your tears with a tissue from the tissue box Carrie gave you. “Sorry,” you apologized, wiping the last of your tears away. “I haven’t talked about this in a while.”
      “It’s okay, y/n. I understand how you feel,” Carrie told you gently. “I was in a similar situation. My dad-”she frowned. “He really hated hybrids and used to abuse those he brought home. I moved out of the house with my mom, who loved hybrids, and she actually helped me start this shelter.”
     “That’s nice. Yeah, I have always loved caring for hybrids, that’s why I decided to adopt my first two hybrids: Taehyung and Jungkook, then I found out how much I enjoyed their company, so I went ahead and adopted five more,” you smiled at your hybrids who crowded around you, comforting you.
   “That’s great! Now I can show you around the compound,” Carrie smiled, leading the way out of the office. “It’s good that your hybrids are here to protect you, because-”
     A savage growl escaped the throats of Namjoon and Yoongi, shocking both you and Carrie. “Namjoon, Yoongi!” you scolded them. “Please, nothing bad will happen to me. Behave, or no cuddles,” you admonished.
     They flushed sheepishly, their heads bowed. “Sorry.”
 Carrie laughed. “So that’s what you use to punish them? No cuddles?” she asked you playfully.
You laughed sheepishly. “Yeah, my hybrids love cuddling, especially Jimin and Yoongi.”
    As all of you entered the hybrid room, a cute Black Lab ran up to meet you. “Hi, I’m Jisoo. Will you please adopt me?” Her eyes widened as she saw your seven hybrids. “Oh, never mind,” she mumbled, turning away.
   “Jisoo, wait!” you called after her, hoping she would turn back and hear what you had to say. Jisoo turned back with hopeful eyes.
    “Jisoo, I can’t say I can adopt you, but I can say that I will help you find you the perfect family for you. So don’t give up hope, okay?” you smiled kindly at the shy hybrid in front of you.
    Jisoo nodded, a smile gracing her features. “Thank you, y/n!” She hugged you suddenly, making you gasp a little and then giggle. “You’re welcome, Jisoo.”
     Carrie had been watching from afar, and when you came back to the group, she whistled. “She actually hugged you, y/n! Jisoo has been one of our hardest hybrids to reach, and she has spoken the most since she’s gotten here!”
    “Glad I could help-” your sentence was cut off as a snarling hybrid stepped in your path.
  “You smell like filth,” the hybrid sneered, but Namjoon and Yoongi placed themselves in front of you, growls escaping from them. “So you’re her two little sluts, huh?” the hybrid smirked, enjoying the way your body stiffened at the word sluts. “All humans aren’t to be trusted, you know,” he snarled. “Some like her, for insistence.”
     “Not all hybrids can be trusted either,” Yoongi snarled back, his jaw exposing his sharp canines and Namjoon’s eyes turned a deep crimson red. You could feel Jimin trembling behind you. Jimin had never seen this side of Namjoon and Yoongi, and he didn’t like it. The hostile hybrid hesitated, then muttered “spoiled brats” and walked away.
    You let out a deep sigh of relief. “Wow. Thank you, Joonie and Yoongi. I didn’t expect that to happen.”
Carrie sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck. “Sorry, y/n. That was Mark, our panther hybrid. He’s very-” she paused, then added, “violent and frightening.”
      Yoongi snapped, “I knew it! He smelled like a panther!”
“I smelled it, too,” Namjoon muttered, his tail still nervously twitching back and forth. “Y/n, are you sure it’s safe for you to work here?” he asked you, worry lacing his features.
   “Don’t worry, y/n. We’ll make sure you’re safe from him,” Carrie laid a reassuring hand on your shoulder and looked back at Namjoon, then added, “I promise.”
      Once you all got home, you asked everyone to gather in the living room.
Namjoon and Yoongi sat on each side of you, the rest of the boys sitting on the floor or on the fireplace’s hearth. Jimin sensed the tension and awkwardness in the air, and sat closer to Taehyung and Jungkook. No one knew when to speak, so you cleared your throat nervously.
     “Guys, I know how much you love me,” you began. “What happened today, I’m sorry. I promise I will be careful when I start working there. But I want you guys to know that I love you all so much, and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you all that stuff about my dad. I will be more careful.” As soon as you finished speaking, the boys started to cry. They all hugged you, a big ball of fluff surrounding you. You began to cry as well, overwhelmed by the love your boys were giving you.
    “We love you, y/n, don’t ever forget that,” your boys’ voice chimed together, Jimin nuzzling into your neck.
   “I love you guys so much, too,” you sobbed, smiling through your tears. You loved them all so much, your boys. Your protectors.
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cupofsquirrelfan · 5 years
Hi everyone!
I’m not normally the type of person to do this, but I’m really struggling.
I am a current student at the Community College of RI. Before I started here, I did one semester at Gordon College. I owe around $4000 to Gordon for my one semester. When speaking to the financial office earlier this year, I was told that once I set up a monthly payment plan I would be able to get my transcript. I set a payment plan last week and now I’m being told that my balance needs to be paid in full. Being a Christian College, I am appalled at the lack of compassion and honoring their word.
So here I am, tumblr. I am asking for help. I may not graduate on time if I can’t get my transcript from Gordon. I’ve set up a gofundme to raise the money. Please if you are able, please support this. I would really appreciate it!!!!!!!!!!
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lebaronlordking · 6 years
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Saturday Afternoon Reggae Show                08/25/2018 
04:07PM Bob Marley “Exodus”
04:08PM Skip Marley “Calm Down”
04:39PM Chronixx “I Can”
04:39PM Dre Island “Reggae Love”
04:40PM Don Minott “9-5”
04:41PM Tarmac “We Got iT” 
04:41PM Beanie Man ft Mya “Girls Dem Sugar” 
04:41PM Eek-A-Mouse ‎ “African Children”
04:41PM Damian Marley “Speak Life”
04:42PM Ras Muhamad “Bambu Keras” 
04:42PM Matishyahu “Step Into the Light” 
04:42PM Teecha Dee “Jah Jah is Calling” 
04:48PM Touch “Smoking” 
05:29PM Eryka Badu “In Love with You”
05:32PM Skip Marley “Refugee” 
05:33PM Black Uhuru “Sonja Reggae”
05:34PM Bob Marley “One Love/People Get Ready”
05:35PM Bob Marley “I Shot Sheriff” 
05:36PM Shaggy & Sting “Don't Make Me Wait” 
05:38PM Mysta “Empress Divine”
05:36PM The Ethiopians “Mek You Go On So” 
05:50PM Peter Tosh “Get Up Stand Up” 
05:50PM kymani Marley “Keepers of the Light” 
05:51PM Vanessa Bongo & the DrumKeys “Conversation and Weed” 
05:53PM Jah Rise “Spectacular” 
05:59PM Damian Marley “Welcome to Jamrock” 
05:59PM Meta & The Cornerstones “Mind Your Business” 
06:00PM Sean Paul “Shake It” 
06:00PM Mr Vegas “Head High”
06:01PM Jimmy Cliff “Many Rivers to Cross” 
06:01PM General Smiley “Cry No More” 
06:02PM Junior Kelly “Paradise”
06:02PM Matishyahu “King Without a Crown” 
06:05PM J Star ft Spikey Tee “Babylon Children” 
06:35PM Ziggy Marley “Look Who's Dancing” 
06:36PM Steel Pulse “Rollar Skates”
06:36PM Kabaka Pyramid “Can't Breathe”
06:37PM Royal Payne “Hungry Days”
06:38PM Capleton & Chronixx “Help the Weak”
06:39PM Capleton “Heathen Reign”
06:39PM LUCIANO “It's Me Again Jah” 
06:42PM Estelle ft Tarrus Riley “Love Like Ours” 
06:42PM Tribal Seeds ft Protoje “Gunsmoke” 
06:43PM Queen Ifrica “Trueversation (feat. Damian Marley)”
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c28hunter · 7 months
Okay, I'm not sure it this hasn't been already talked about but
Remember that one interview, when he said that back when he was a child he used to be called a "girl" because of his longer hair? And then he cut them short to stop the comments
And now? Now, during their BIGGEST concert he was wearing a Diana-revange outfit, his hair longer again and he absolutely slayed. The confidence shown, the joy while performing, all of his soul put into singing NGVOT... This man went through such a big change
I am so fucking proud of him, it must've taken him a while to figure all those things out, because these things are difficult to get through. And now here he is, slaying as hard as he can, being who he wants to be and not giving a fuck
That's an inspiration, that's an icon
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da-proti-toku-grem · 4 months
Cat theft
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Jure girlies be like:
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Love that this post showed up right before I answered the ask because, yeah
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elizabetdebicki · 6 years
Elise Wassermann faked her death with the help of her spy girlfriend Eryka Klein for them to be together! and they're travelling across South America, right now they're in Chile, searching more Eryka's past and they decided that after this they will marry and live in Hamburg, close to Eryka's grandmother. And Elise speak with Karl almost everyday telling him the news from her new and happy life and he and his family will be there for her when she and Eryka get married! and Eryka and Elise decided that they are prepared to have a baby, and decided the baby will born in Calais. and Karl and Olivier will be the godfathers of the baby, both of them! And Laura will be the godmother, of course. And they have discovered it is not just one baby, IT'S TWINS!! one boy and one girl, and and they'll name them after Manon, Elise's twin, and after Eryka's lost twin brother, and they'll live happily ever after.
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capitanschampagne · 1 year
my love language is sending you a song and telling you it's literally character (you like)
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mrmichaelchadler · 5 years
Sampa the Great - Energy (Ft. Nadeem Din-Gabisi)
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Sounds like: Lauryn Hill, Noname, Eryka Badu
What's so good?
One of the shining lights in the Australian hip-hop scene, Sampa The Great, ends 2018 with stellar new single "Energy."  Having recently won at the Australian Music Prize and Age Music Victoria Awards, "Energy" finds Sampa channelling Eryka Badu vibes as she expresses our need to balance our energy and invest time in the important things in life. This low key track includes traditional chanting, a hypnotic beat and spoken word piece from Nadeem Din-Gabisi. The accompanying film clip is also an eye catching watch, further adding to the power of the track. Speaking on the track Sampa told Pilerats: We need to constantly replenish both the masculine and feminine aspects of our energy. This song and visual symbolises finding this balance, thanking those who have supported this journey so far and bridging the gap between BBEE9 and the new music to come in 2019. If you're digging this one be sure to check out Sampa's 2018 album Birds And The BEE9.
1. Original post: Sampa the Great - Energy (Ft. Nadeem Din-Gabisi)
2. Find more music on Indie Shuffle's Indie Music Blog.
from Indie Shuffle - New Songs https://ift.tt/2EiXZvk
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blkwidowsweb · 6 years
A Conversation with Summer Oasis Guest DJ Righteous!
In a musical world that's full of egos and attitudes, it is refreshing to come across a talented, humble spirit that's hungry to do his thing. DJ Righteous embodies all of that.  Born and raised in Chicago and now making his home in Detroit, DJ Righteous is excited to be making his Summer Oasis Debut! I had a chance to chat with him about his career, his background in Spoken Word and his thoughts on his Summer Oasis Debut!
Black Widow:  Did you have a lot of music in your home growing up?  What were some of those influences?
DJ Righteous:  My grandmother always played Latin music like Celia Cruz and Tito Puente and my mom was an avid jazz enthusiast. I personally love Stevie Wonder, Roy Ayers, Earth Wind and Fire and of course, Chaka Khan!!! I love her forever! [Laughter] Those were all big influences.
Black Widow:  What was your introduction to House Music? When did you decide you wanted to DJ?
DJ Righteous:   I’d have to say Ron and Nate Carroll and these guys who were aspiring DJs in my neighborhood, The Harris Brothers.    Ron Carroll used to bring records to school whenever we would have our parties.  He would play these songs and we just fell in love with them.  Then of course, I was listening to the radio WBMX and the Hot Mix 5. 
Black Widow:  Are you a self-taught DJ?
DJ Righteous:  I learned by putting records together. [LAUGHTER] Definitely self-taught.
Black Widow:  In doing these interviews I always find it interesting to listen to how DJs select music. Typically, the longer someone has been DJing they tend to have a very specific process of how they choose and select music.  You come from the era were DJs were actually looking for music, going thru crates and such.
DJ Righteous:  Oh absolutely, you had to dig and look for music. There was an art to digging for records. You didn’t want to play what everyone else was playing. You wanted to find that nugget and play that.  You tried to find something fly.  You start off digging through your mom’s stack and your dad’s stack. Then when you were able to afford it, you got to digging in the records stores.   I was always looking for records. I still do. 
Black Widow:   How does that affect how you choose music now? It’s different since we are mostly digital nowadays.
DJ Righteous:  Honestly, I very seldom go to Traxsource unless it’s something I just have to have. 
Black Widow:  Like a Black Widow release! [LAUGHTER]
DJ Righteous:  OH FOR SURE! All your stuff! [LAUGHTER]  I try to go to different sites but I also still dig.  I play a lot of digital music but I also still buy vinyl. I order vinyl. It’s just a lot of stuff that you just cannot get digitally. It doesn’t matter where I go; I try to dig for records!  I don’t want to sound like anyone else and for me, especially coming back into this scene, I thought that was the formula. I thought I had to sound like “this” in order for people to book me. When I really found my own voice and flipped the script, that’s when things really started happening for me.
Black Widow:   I definitely relate.  When I started doing poetry, I thought I had to sound a certain type of way.  When you are new and coming into this scene, it can be a challenge if you don’t find your voice.  
DJ Righteous:  Yeah I got that a lot as a poet too!  You and I have similar stories!  That’s why I used to call my stuff “Unapologetic poetic”.  You either accept it or reject it but you gotta respect it.  People I grew up with had no idea I was an undercover lover of Haki Madhubuti, Sonia Sanchez, Nikki Giovanni but I grew up on the south side and we weren’t spitting poetry in the streets you know?
Black Widow:  Absolutely!   Finding your voice and your own style comes with time as you evolve. There has been a lot of discussion about the categorization of house music.  It’s disco, soulful, classics, afro etc.  Do you subscribe to that? If not, what are your thoughts on the sub genres of house music?
DJ Righteous:   For me personally, I love unscripted melodies. It’s disco, house, soulful, afro beats. It’s everything.  I like my sets like gumbo.    I want to take people on a journey of sounds. I like to give them textures. For me that’s has helped my evolution as a DJ.  
Black Widow:   It’s about giving your audience a good mix and honestly, it’s such a personal thing. I see it in my friends who are DJs.  I can see them through the music they play. That’s what gravitates me to certain DJs. They give me a piece of them when they play.   I don’t want a DJ to just give me what I want. Give me you.  It the same as a writer/poet, I want to give you a piece of myself thru my art.  That requires a certain amount of vulnerability. 
DJ Righteous: That’s that authenticity!  I completely get it!
Black Widow:  A lot of people don't know you have an extensive background as a Spoken Word Artist. 
DJ Righteous:  Yeah.  I'm known as Righteous Knowledge in those circles.  I remember my 1st open mic was on 35th & King Drive in 1999/2000.  I wasn’t spitting at the time I was just coming because I enjoyed it.  About two years later, I really started writing and we had a group called Third Eye Open Poetry Collective. We started our group on May 19th 2002 and we used that date in particular in the spirit of Malcolm X and The Last Poets.  I remember meeting Umar Bin Hassan from The Last Poets and he said that the only way we could use that date was if we show and prove we were worthy of that date. We started performing at festivals and open mics and a year later we had our anniversary show with The Last Poets.  It was so dope!  Fred Hampton Jr and his mother came.   From there, I traveled all around the country performing at colleges and universities, opening up for Common, Eryka Badu, KRS One, ICE-T, Big Daddy Kane, Public Enemy.  I’ve performed at the Essence music festival twice.  My spoken word history is deep.  
Black Widow:  Wow!  Has you being a spoken word artist influenced you as a DJ? Do you approach DJing differently because you have a writing background? 
DJ Righteous:  From a writer’s perspective, I write my poems like puzzles. It's putting those pieces together.  As a DJ selecting music I approach it the same way. Sometimes, I challenge myself not to play a particular song, even when I know it will get the people going.  You don’t want to be the DJ that people know what you are going to play before you play it. You don’t want to be predictable.  With writing and selecting music, it’s a very similar process.  I don’t have a folder or formula.  I go with what I feel. That is what helps me the most in both, playing and writing exactly what I feel.  Like I said earlier, I used to think I had to play and sound a certain way. When I started to just play what I felt, the people felt it as well.   If I ain’t feeling it, I’m not playing it.   How are your people going to feel it if you don’t?  I’m going to rock out whether it’s 10 people or 1000s of people.  I have to.
Black Widow:  Let’s talk about Summer Oasis.  What makes Summer Oasis special and different?
DJ Righteous:  Because I’m a first timer. I’ve watched from afar. I think what makes it different is that it’s not in your usual location.  This is a location that is historic for us. This is the Martha’s Vineyard of the Midwest, where the heavy hitters came to play back in the day.  It has serenity to it.  When you wake up and look at the lake in the morning, it’s breathtaking and it gives you peace of mind. The fact that I get to play music that started in my hometown at a festival where the greats have all been…it’s just surreal. I get to play house music in Idlewild with people I respect and have been fans of for years.  I feel like a kid in a candy store. I’m just honored and humbled to be a part of this.  I really am!  I can’t wait to express and share my vision with people who may have never heard of me. 
Black Widow:   You know when I was researching Idlewild and its history I was shocked to discover that my grandfather performed regularly at the Idlewild clubs and jazz festivals. Do you have a personal connection to Idlewild as well?
DJ Righteous:  WOW! That’s dope!  Yeah I do actually.     My great grandfather owned a club called Lead Sensations in Detroit.  They used to take artists from Detroit to go to Idlewild all the time.   I’ve also performed in Idlewild twice with the Last Poets.  We did poetry in the woods with The Last Poets and Savion Glover. I’ve been fortunate enough to perform there twice in a different capacity.
Black Widow:  What does the future hold for DJ Righteous?
DJ Righteous: I just want to continue to get booked! I want to do some traveling and have other people hear me play!  I’m just trying to do my best and give my all in what I do. I want to continue to build the brand that is DJ Righteous and continue to learn and grow in this thing called house. 
Black Widow:   I have no doubt that you will. Thank you so much for speaking with me today.  I’m looking forward to hearing your set at Summer Oasis!
DJ Righteous:  Oh no doubt. It was my pleasure!  I’m really looking forward to it.
The countdown to Summer Oasis is ON!!! I hope you enjoyed this interview with this talented artist! The Summer Oasis Festival Blog Series continues this week with more interviews and a special article on creating the perfect camp kitchen, complete with receipes! Stay tuned to the blog and subscribe to get every article delivered right to your inbox! 
Until next time!
See you at Summer Oasis
Black Widow
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futurepoetlaureate · 6 years
Rawest in the Rarest Form
A little piece of me died Trying to let time heal, I tried I watched my grandma float away Before she left I tried to pray I watched her where she laid But the memories never fade My last words to her I love you I know there’s no way we can go back If we do then our path would be off track Sweeping up the broken pieces No more rides in grandpa’s caprices Frozen in these moments I finally understand why I became a poet.
Rawest in the Rarest Form
Forever is a mighty long day
Plotting where my heart may stay
The taste of love is bittersweet
Knees become weak
I’m founding myself
Pulled myself off of grandpa’s dusty old shelf
Rawest in my rarest form
Lord these Decatur days taught me some southern charm
Probably will become the greatest some day
On bended knee as I pray
My soul swings on grandma’s patio
As the wind flows through hair
With hand’s caressing the crisp air
I’ll never be as a perfect
And I’m fine with that
My flaws molded by presence
Surprise! To the masses I’m their present.
Mixed Messages
Intentions full of mixed messages
Standing out on grandma’s terraces
Thinking too aloud
Wondering if my thoughts will allow me to drift into clouds
I want to be there with her
But I’m scared of what might occur
My soul wants to be free
But my mind won’t let me be
I’m feeling like this sunny day is meant for me
But these grey thoughts won’t let me see
They say actions speak louder than words
Every moment spent is pulling at my heart’s chords
Beauty in its rarity
Searching deep for some clarity.
Looking For Love
I heard you was looking for love
With your eyes to the doves
For a guy to secure your heart
I heard your looking for a new start
Looking for someone to trust
I heard you wasn’t in a rush
Somebody who will stand the test of time
Who knows your worth more than dimes?
I heard he might be your first
When you’re down he’ll give you a burst
Under the stars is where you laid
On bended knee you’ve prayed
Even wished on a shooting star
You deserve more than sub-par
I’ve been looking myself
Pulled my heart recently off the shelf
Dusted my ambitions off
The fear of being lonely has been shut off
I heard you was one of a kind
Somebody to spark your mind
There’s more to the process
I’ve been playing with love too much in recess
I’ve looked far and wide
While running in full stride
I stopped for a moment to look into the stars
Even though you shined your presence seemed far
Only way to get close was to strap a rocket to my back
And if you ever became a shooting star I would forever have your back.
Lord before I sink please let me float
I took small steps from the boat
I felt the tides against my face
Against the waves it felt like a race
I turned my eyes to the sun
My journey just started it was never done
I shared my best times with you
Questions arise like, “Who?”
The skies remained blue
The feelings for who name I wouldn’t mention remained true
I crossed the burning bridges to rescue my people
Ambitious highs felt from the church steeple
Feet swinging with views of below
I never knew being that high could make me feel so low
Picking up myself from the ashes
I ran into her as her world crashes
This world can be bitch, but I was taught women are worth more
Speaking to the masses became a household chore
My name became the limelight
Judged by the public’s eye I thought we may fight
The hatred against me was never alright
My future was always bright
I use to be my idol’s fan
But now I’m grown, I’m a man.
Eryka Badu
Poetry became my way out
The world’s hatred became my people’s clout
I don’t even know how I made it this far
Close enough to reach the stars
God helped me up when I had sinking feelings
The memories within are reeling
Pulling back on my presence
Waiting till Christmas to deliver my presents
Bringing my ambitions to forefront
I missing granny’s home front
Front stoop with my the kin
On bended knee asking forgiveness for our sins
How do broken hearts mend?
My people I will defend
I use to want to run away
But God gave me a chance to see another day
How else would I make it this far?
Radio Silence
I always felt myself as a target
Once I found myself they tried to pull me off the market
But all within finally became okay
My ambitious push me onto a new day
I walk with a joyful stride
I humbled my pride
Preserved my status in this life
Weathered myself in this current strife
I closed my eyes
I know exactly where the darkness lies
I know where my light shines towards
I know how to pull their heartstrings when playing chords
God has me speaking in my clearest mind
Lord I’m amazed at what I would find
My heart had my eyes on the prize
Before I could speak my future into existences my words capsized
Only way to heal my soul was Anita in the background
I’m blessed by what I found
My heart was in radio silence
I’m just praying I can turn feelings into a certain balance.
0 notes