#es una tortura
saijteoklous · 2 years
No. 98
Odio cuando la gente me pide que le recuerde algo, ellos saben la mala memoria que tengo ¡ni siquiera soy capaz de recordar mis propias cosas! La mitad de mis problemas se deben a mi terrible memoria. Y después me siento mal hasta por días por haber olvidado lo que la gente me pidió, ya tengo suficiente sintiéndome como una basura por olvidar mis propias tareas, no necesito más.
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arcy-lethra · 9 months
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Touken en paint
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brainfondue · 6 months
Tengo que mandar mensajes.
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3amdistress · 6 months
me querias para ti sola, y ahora q conseguiste mi corazon y ya no tengo nada para nadie mas, me dejas. eres la peor persona q he conocido en mi vida… y lo peor de todo? aun asi t amo… no me dejas estar contigo, pero en cuando me recuerdes y vuelvas, me vas a encontrar aqui, esperandote. pq ya no puedo lastimarte mas… aunq me sigas rompiendo, yo ya no quiero q dudes de mi amor mas, q t enojes conmigo por celos ni por decepciones… solo t quiero a ti.
no puedo llorar joder. este vacio en el pecho me esta matando… se me corta el aire y me cuesta respirar. el nueo en mi garganta y la bola esta q siento en el estomago son asfixiantes… lo daria todo por poder hablarte aunq sea un rato, aunq fueras el unico q dijera cosas. tengo q escuchar tu voz, pero nunca vas a entender lo q se siente extrañar tanto a alguien al punto q prefieres ser una desalmada y dejarte llenar con los restos de amor de otros a seguir dejandote ahogar por las lagrimas estas q no pueden salir…
dios mio… pero aqui me quedo. sola en el frio invierno. las flores de primavera florecieron muy temprano y ya se están marchitando, mientras q mi corazon sigue congelando entre tus finas manos. cuantas veces mas lo dejaras caer? pq lo tratas como jugete? no lo es. ya tiene muchas grietas, es q no t doy pena? creo q ahora hasta me contentaria de tu lastima por mi. asi de tan patetica me he vuelto. q puto asco me doy. y si tan solo me rompieras de una vez por todas?
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El problema es pensar que las cosas siguieran siendo iguales cuando en realidad debemos de aceptar que no lo será. Posiblemente estemos equivocados.
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malkaviian · 2 years
also uh, pensamiento que tengo desde hace unos días, pero me pregunto si maverick alguna vez habrá matado a alguien, siendo que siempre tuvo gustos "curiosos" en cuanto a gente, y le habrá tocado algún loquito que le pidió que mate a alguien. y obvio que él lo haría.
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elbiotipo · 2 years
si mis personajes de Los Biopunks fueran alquimistas, suponiendo que están en la Florencia Renacentista...
Marcos: Obesionado con los escritos de alquimistas del pasado, constantemente especula sobre la vida en otros mundos, se llama Marco
Florencia: Más herbalista y yuyera que alquimista aplicada, sabe cosas que serían consideradas brujería por la iglesia pero ella insiste que todo bien
Ariel: Es el que hace los ambeliques los frascos y todos los elementos de vidrio, siempre cubierto de hollín y con un buen vaso de vino, tiene interés por la relojería...
Melanie: Una persona bastante radical para su época, tiene ideas poco ortodoxas sino herejes, se mete demasiado en la política de la República aunque no está permitido
Marina: Recién llegada a Italia con perspectivas de otras tierras, tiene un tesoro de libros y sabe leer desde latín hasta arameo, muy buena astróloga
Pancho: Una ninfa (o ninfo?), o sea uno de los espíritus del agua según Paracelso, deseoso de entender como funciona la sociedad humana y terrestre
Si mis personajes de Los Alquimistas estuvieran en la sudamérica biopunk del año 2143...
Luciano: Bien porteño, considera que el biopunk se enfocó demasiado en la estética en vez de soluciones prácticas, deseoso de empezar una revolución pero no sabe de qué
Silvia: Bastante hippie con ideas místicas poco ortodoxas, explora el lado más espiritual del biopunk (tienen almas las células?) mucho más conocedora de lo que parece
Antonio: Jefe de un startup que ha visto tiempos mejores, no entiende las ideas de Luciano y Silvia pero son buenos con el CRISPR así que no hace mucho caso. No habla mucho de sus planes a futuro...
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ultramarine-spirit · 2 years
This is very random but I have always imagined that Diana dances like Shakira. It's just that Shakira has a very happy, elegant and attractive dance, also since they are both blondes I couldn't help but relate them
Boy do I have the fanart for you, anon. And a version with music!
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kuroari23 · 2 months
Yo tengo paciencia, tengo paciencia, la tengo. Pero... Tenemos cierre de un curso con una presentación virtual grupal y más o menos lo estoy pariendo, sin embargo lo pongo onda para no enfermarme.
Es lunes a la noche, una no se sabe si esta o no, otra se confundió de material, le está dando una leída así nomás y JODE con cambiar todo. Ayer jodía porque veía nuestras diapositivas y no encontraba de dónde salía la información (claro, la hdp no había leído el material)
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28cum · 2 months
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longtimewish · 2 months
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vampiromano · 6 months
es como q on one hand es re gracioso q milei la pase mal pq es un hijo de remil puta y burlarse de él siempre está bien. pero on the other Q CULPA TIENEN SUS PERROS. SUS PERROS Q MALTRATÓ DESDE Q NACIERON Y Q SEGURO MURIERON A CAUSA DE SU MALTRATO Y NEGLIGENCIA. PQ ESTAMOS BURLANDONOS DE SUS PERROS (no de q "tome consejos de ellos" o sus falopeadas, eso está bien pq es burlarse de él, pero de los bichos en sí me refiero) CUANDO ELLOS SON SUS VICTIMASSSS. AJDKWKDK AMIGO UN TOQUE DE HUMANIDAD NO TIENEN? PQ LES DA RISA ESOOO. eran animalitos inocentes. no hicieron una mierda. no es su culpa haber sido propiedad de un enfermo del orto al q hay q cagar matando
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the-friend-of-chickens · 10 months
me cago en la teoría de la literatura. me lleva por el camino de la amargura
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brainfondue · 1 year
Everytime i get food stuck in the holes of my missing wisdom teeth i feel like killing and maiming
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elalmadelarosa · 2 years
pueden por FAVOR dejar de seguirme bots de mierda
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wileys-russo · 3 months
Alexia Putellas, “just let me in and accept I’m not going anywhere”, reader’s kitchen
a.putellas II cross the line
you grunted as you worked the dough, sleeves rolled up to your elbows and sweatshirt dotted with flour as you punched, rolled and kneaded it across the board.
with a sigh you grabbed your rolling pin, flattening it before repeating the actions all over again, oven chiming to alert you that it had finally pre heated.
repeating the routine twice over you picked it up and dropped it into a shallow pan, sprinkling the foccacia with oil and massaging it in, gently prodding in holes and finishing it off with some rosemary and seasalt.
you sighed with relief as you carefully closed the oven door, rolling your shoulders and neck which were heavy with tension, making a mental note to con your girlfriend into giving you a massage later not that it often took much to convince her to get her hands on you.
a hot shower helped to melt away a little of the tension, and a thorough washing of your hair helped you to feel like a human being again and not a bag of flour.
you left your skin care for before bed and got changed into a pair of your girlfriends national team shorts and a shirt so large the two of you could have fit into it.
you were happy with how the bread was progressing, your first timer going off as you set multiple other alarms, knowing this next block of time was the most crucial.
baking had always been an escape for you, something taught to you by your grandma and passed down, your sundays spent at her house learning all her tips and tricks while your mum worked her second job to keep a roof over your head.
you'd first met alexia when she was in london for a nike shoot, the photographer a close friend you were temping for while on break from university.
there was a miscommunication from her team which lead to a somewhat heated conversation you could see she felt uncomfortable about, hanging awkwardly to the side while her agent lead the charge.
you'd stepped in and asked if she'd liked a coffee, assuring you were doing a run anyway and that it was no bother to grab her one on the way. she'd accepted but bargained she had to come with you, a little reserved at first but eventually the two of you got to talking.
and as everyone says, the rest was history.
you heard alexia's keys jimmy with the lock, front door popping open as her footsteps sounded in the hall, a small grunt as she wrestled off her trainers and a gentle thump of her gym bag hitting the floor.
"hola mi amor." you greeted with a warm smile, meeting her halfway in a tight hug, laughing as she exhaled tiredly into your neck making you squirm and poke at her sides.
"are you baking?" she mumbled into your shoulder, hunched over as you hummed and slipped a hand down the collar of her top, scratching gently at the base of her neck.
"stop that!" you laughed as once more she exhaled, pushing her away and ignoring her whine of annoyance as you did so. "i have not seen you all day." your girlfriend complained with a slight pout, hands tugging at the back of your shirt.
"you've been gone for three hours!" you rolled your eyes playfully, spinning away from her grabby hands and back into the kitchen. "exactly! tal tortura." alexia huffed, lips still turned downward into an annoyed pout.
"pobre bebé." you mocked as her eyes narrowed but once again you dodged her reaching for you. "i'm baking." you warned with a coy smile, your girlfriend throwing her head back with a dramatic groan as if she'd just been shot.
"the bread does not need your attention princesa, i do." alexia tried to follow after you but grunted as your hand shot out stopping her in her tracks. "nice try putellas, you know the rules." you warned, booping her nose making her scowl.
"this line-" you trailed your finger from the counter to the stove. "-is not to be crossed." you wagged your finger at her. "esta es una regla estúpida!" the footballer argued, still hovering right on the line.
"it isn't a stupid rule when you cook and i am not allowed past it, is it?" you challenged, hands on hips and raised eyebrows. early on in your relationship you and alexia established you both adored the use of the kitchen, only there was just one small problem.
you both hated sharing that space with someone else, even one another.
so the line rule was implemented to save future arguments, and most of the time it worked a charm. however your girlfriend was a passionate woman and fiercely stubborn, and when she wanted something there wasn't much that could stand successfully in her way.
"ale please i spent so long working on this bread i really need it to be perfect!" you sighed as her hand shot out and grabbed your top pulling you over the line, nose tucking into your neck as gentle kisses were fanned across the skin.
"such a perfectionist." your girlfriend teased quietly, silencing your quip back as she pressed her lips properly against yours, the timer going off in the background.
"no no not yet, little more cariño por favor." alexia purred, strong toned arms wrapping around your hips as she held your body captive, back pressed to her front and lips peppering kisses across your neck.
"ale!" you sighed, eyes fluttering closed for a moment as she kissed a little less sweetly, teeth grazing your shoulder. "mm?" she hummed, large hands squeezing your hips as your eyes opened and you spotted the oven, brought back down to earth.
"no!" you groaned, pushing against her and catching her off guard as she stumbled and you darted back into the kitchen. you ignored her complaining about a lack of attention as you sprayed the top of your bread with a spray bottle of oil.
"vale you fussed over your bread, my turn." alexia stomped her foot not unlike a child throwing a tantrum making you smile in amusement. "later, the bread is almost done amor be patient." you winked, bending down to peer through the glass of your oven.
"so i cannot cross the line, sí?" alexia clarified as you hummed, not thinking much of it. though as you turned around, that all changed. "alexia!" you laughed in disbelief seeing her pulling herself up onto the counter.
you watched on as she spun her body and shuffled forward slightly, dropping to the ground with a wolfish grin. "did not cross the line." she took a deep bow as you rolled your eyes. "you are so-" you started to lecture as her grin grew.
"no no." her finger pushed against your lips silencing you as you raised an eyebrow. "just let me in and accept i'm not going anywhere princesa." your girlfriend smiled cockily, drawing your body closer into hers.
"that is because you are so stubb-" you started, words swallowed by the rosy pink lips which pressed against yours, breath hitching as her hands slid around your hips and cheekily squeezed at your ass, alexia using this to slip her tongue into your mouth.
you resisted the urge to moan as her hands pinched and squeezed, paying all of your body just as much attention as your mouth and sending your head into a spin.
but then, you smelled it and pushed away, spinning around and dropping to the oven.
"putellas if this bread is burnt you're sleeping outside for a week!"
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