katzanone · 3 years
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My gift to @eyeshields for the 2021 gift exchange organized by, well, @eyeshields. Hope you like it and Merry Christmas!
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eyeshields · 3 years
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“what useless accuracy....” devilbats hit the arcade on a day off. hiruma cleans the ufo catcher out.
a late gift for @ducksandknights. sorry for the wait!!
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gyroshrike · 3 years
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Hiruma needs to be sure that Yukimitsu is ready to dance with the devil himself.
My part for the Eyeshield 2021 gift exchange for @blaka-smoko​! I’m so glad I got you as my giftee! Happy Holidays!
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deviko · 3 years
Merry Christmas everyone !
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Especially to @annja514 :D !
Thanks again to @eyeshields for organizing this gift exchange !
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ducksandknights · 3 years
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The final 0.5 part of my gift for @yelpfic!
I don’t really make art, so this pushed me.  But I loved the idea of a samurai au and wanted to try--here’s the bonus part of your Secret Santa gift!
Thanks again @eyeshields for setting this up!!
Part 1.5/1.5
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yanderefoeyay · 3 years
A Brothers Care
For @katzanone ! Merry Christmas!! 🥳🥳🥳 Hope I gave you that Unsui goodness!
Unsui knew something was wrong, ever since yesterday his body had begun to betray him, his throat was sore, his muscles felt weak and he had a headache, he didn’t know what had caused this, infection? Stress? Well the fact that he generally didn’t take care of himself too well outside of training might be a factor, one he didn’t enjoy the thought of, sure he went out for runs in winter in just a hoodie and the fact he was pulling all nighters for a test but plenty of people do that and are fine so what is he? Just unlucky as usual…
He woke up the next morning, not any better, hell maybe even worse, his head was swimming when he stood up but he didn’t let it deter him, he staggered out his room and walked towards the kitchen, he could hear Agon was awake in his own room, up early for once weirdly, he pushed all his focus on each next step his breath more laboured than it should have been, he managed to take one step into the kitchen when the black spots in his vision started to take over completely, he fell limb and heavy to the wooden floor, a loud thud echoed in the quiet home, Agon emerged from his room annoyed by the noise bothering his hangover “What the hell are you doing Unko Chan?!” He walked down the hallway and saw his brother collapsed and rushed over frantically “UNSUI!” He shook him, no response, he was panicking now, he moved Unsui from his back to onto his side, into the recovery position and immediately went to grab the phone and call for help.
A few hours had passed and Unsui finally awoke, weakly opening his eyes he saw he was in his own room in bed, Agon sat on the edge staring at him.
“Agon?..” “Don’t try to speak idiot you need all the energy you can get” Unsui went back to silence, his dry sore throat thanking him for it “you almost gave me a heart attack yknow baldy? You were just lying there like a corpse, I swear I could feel time slow down waiting for the ambulance, then the doctor finally gets here and she tells me you’ve got a fever and fatigue, making me panic over something that simple, I swear the minute you’re better I’m kicking your ass and sending you to the hospital for something actually serious” Unsui let’s a small smile rest on his face ‘So you panicked over me huh?’ Feeling warmth seep into his heart at the fact his brother does genuinely care even if he has a weird way of showing it.
“You’re not going to school or training for awhile” Unsui immediately tried to get up and object but Agon pushed him back down and sneered at him disapprovingly “Don’t you dare Unko chan you’re not going anywhere and I’m going to make sure of it” Unsuis brows furrowed unhappily but knew he wasn’t going to win in any case so he fully relaxed and got comfortable even if he still had some internal guilt at the thought of not being productive, and as if Agon could read his mind he said “Thinking like that is what got you here in the first place so consider this whole experience a lesson dumbass”.
Agon really meant it when he said he was going to make sure Unsui stay put and his method of doing so was becoming Unsui’s nurse.
A thought that worried Unsui cause although Agon was incredibly intelligent he also left Unsui to do all the household chores, so now Unsui was stressed that the house was getting messy and the fact Agon was cooking God knows what for him.
Agon came busting through the door, tray in hand, a smirk on his face “Your 5 Star care service is here, be thankful sicko” Unsui was already wondering if Agon looking after him was actually helping or adding to the fatigue as Agon plopped down the tray onto his lap, he didn’t know what to expect but he was pleasantly surprised to see a cheese omelette with toast and fruit on the side with juice, it looked great, he looked to Agon for a moment who had a smug look on his face, telling him to eat up and immediately tucked in, it was delicious, he felt so refreshed after, he finished and was about to thank Agon but instead he felt a hand pet his head softly, an action Agons always been fond of since they were kids, a way to easily show affection without awkward words, and only said “Get some sleep” before picking up the tray and leaving the room, a satisfied smile on his face.
Unsui leaned back in his pillow feeling content and loved, and drifted off happily.
It continued like this for a few more days, Agon being equal parts snarky and warm towards him. He was glad he got to see this side of him others didn’t, know that even after all these years, and all they’d been through they still cared about and loved each other and in these past few days Unsui truly saw that version of Agon he was before all the ego got to him.
Agon saw the same in Unsui, his stoic brother who rarely showed weakness and always pushed himself to hard was now smiling happily at him when he walked through the door to take his temperature to see if his fever had subsided, he hadn’t seen that smile in awhile and especially not aimed at him, he smiled back but acted nonchalant about it, can’t have Unko chan thinking he’s going soft.
He took his temperature, it was Normal and all signs of fatigue were gone, he had made a full recovery, all thanks to his brothers care.
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yelpfic · 3 years
The Twelfth Labor of Habashira(cles)
[Happy holidays to @time-to-change-away, for the Eyeshield 2021 Winter Gift Exchange! With many thanks to @eyeshields for organizing!]
For a perilous journey to the Underworld—that land of death from which no mortal had ever returned—the trip downward was awfully dull.
And cold.
The deep, rocky cave had been just as deep and rocky as the oracle had promised, and in the very darkest ass end of it, Habashira had wormed his way into an even tighter and less comfortable crevice. This had developed into a narrow tunnel that sloped lurchingly downward with his every step, and closed in around him until the icy stone walls were hugging at his shoulders and scraping at his thighs. It was all he could do to push one sandal in front of the other, and grope his way forward, downward, blindly into the monotonous dark.
Fandom: Eyeshield 21
Pairing: Habashira/Hiruma
Status: Complete (2525 words)
Inspired by: Greek mythology! Featuring Habashira as Heracles, Megu as Megara, Hiruma as Hades, and Cerberus as Cerberus
Read @ AO3
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blaka-smoko · 3 years
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a smidge later than I expected to have this finished, but here is my gift to the delightful @gyroshrike for the ES21 Winter Gift Exchange! 💞💞💞
I wanted to draw YukiMamo, but the drawing wasn’t coming out the way I wanted, but thankfully I had a HiruYuki exchange that I knew they would love!
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katzanone · 3 years
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My gift to @yanderefoeyay for the ES2021 gift exchange organized by @eyeshields
Prompt: Unsui magically turns into a baby and Agon has to take care of him
It was such a fun idea and though there would be much more to do with it, I hope you like my interpretation!
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eyeshields · 3 years
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“anyways, that was e minor.” “........which part??”
akaba seems like a really good choice for a guitar teacher until you remember he breaks into solos at the drop of a hat
my gift for @tyrian-bizkits for the eyeshield (20)21 winter gift exchange!
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eyeshields · 3 years
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WE’RE MAKING IT HAPPEN!! #ES2021giftexchange Like Eyeshield 21? Want fan art/fic/edits? Join the 2021 gift exchange!
Details under the cut:
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This is the 2021 ver. of our annual holiday gift exchange. Something a little bit different this year is that I wanted to expand what you can gift/receive to include edits (like icons, gifs, phone bgs, etc.) so if that’s something you’re interested in making or receiving it’s an option this year!
If you’re new here, this is a secret-Santa-style digital gift exchange where you get assigned a person to make an Eyeshield 21 related gift for (art, fic, and/or edits) and in turn someone gets anonymously assigned you. You keep your identity a secret until the end, when we all post what we’ve made (and you also receive your gift!)
Interested? Here’s how to participate:
STEP 1. Fill out the Google Form < click through for link > between Mon, October 25th and Sun, November 7th. If you have preferences RE: what you give and what you get, the more detail the better for those questions. (I will do my best to match people up so that you will be both creating and receiving what you indicated was your top choice.)
STEP 2. Optionally, reblog this post so more people see it.
STEP 3. Wait for a message/ask from me (eyeshields or batdevils) telling you who you’re making a gift for between Mon, Nov 8th and Sun, Nov 14th. These are supposed to be anonymous until the very end, so if you have questions for your giftee ask on anon or ask me and I’ll relay your questions/answers. (I’m also participating and can’t exactly assign myself someone anonymously, so if whoever gets me has questions just send ‘em to me.)
STEP 4. Between Mon, Nov 15th and Fri, Dec 24th, work on your gift.
STEP 5. Give your gift between Sat, Dec 25th and Fri, Dec 31st! Post to tumblr under the tag #ES2021giftexchange. There’s some wiggle room there for last minute wrap-up and vacations, but let me know if this time frame doesn’t work for you.***
STEP 6. Haven’t received anything by Jan 1st, 2022? Send me a message & we’ll work it out.
*** if you don’t think you will be able to finish your gift please message me (PM or asks, anonymous or not, work) AS SOON AS POSSIBLE and we will work something out. Me or another participant can step in & create another gift if needed. (FYI in this case of this happening, I don’t need a reason. Real life gets crazy sometimes, I totally understand. The most important thing is I know as soon as possible so I can re-configure.)
Questions, comments, etc? Feel free to send me a PM or ask @ eyeshields.tumblr! Have fun!!
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eyeshields · 3 years
that the preliminary deadline for the ES2021 gift exchange signups is in 3 days!! this sunday! you can access the google form link through eyeshields.tumblr.com/signups or through the direct link which i’ll add in the reblogs for our mobile users (check the replies!)
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eyeshields · 3 years
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HERE’S YOUR REMINDER that the gift exchange period begins tomorrow, Dec 25th!!
Remember when you post your gift to tag the person the gift is for, and to throw the event tag #ES2021giftexchange in there too! Really looking forward to seeing what everyone made!!
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ducksandknights · 3 years
My gift for @yelpfic - I was your Secret Santa!  Hope you find it a fun read!
Thanks so much to @eyeshields for organizing this!!
“We’re gonna play a game. Your choice,” Hiruma starts, an idea taking shape as the words leave his mouth. “A competition. But you better choose well.” He jabs a finger out, pointing at Yukimitsu’s chest. “If you lose, I’ll take you out of the game.”
In which Yukimitsu gets a boost of confidence from an unlikely source.
Part 1 / 1.5
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eyeshields · 3 years
Last day...
of our 2021 gift exchange is today! Thanks so much to everyone who participated this year!!
> if you haven’t posted your gift yet, get ‘er in!
> if you have posted your gift and I haven’t reblogged it (you can check the #es2021giftexchange tag on my blog if you’re not sure) DM me and I’ll check you off the list
> if nothing has been posted for you by tomorrow (Jan 1st), send me a message!
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Go go go!
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