#escalin week
ampedupkaon · 2 years
A Little Present for Merlin
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Merlin had heard Ban's laughter behind her as she approached her room. She put it out of her mind, more curious about what the present was. She pushed open the door and gasped in shock at what she found.
“When the captain said you were tied up, I didn't think he meant it literally.” She grinned. Escanor's cheeks blazed. Merlin noticed the tag on the ribbon read 'Merlin, I'm yours' in Escanor's handwriting. She also noticed that Escanor's skin was only covered by the ribbon.
“Did you want to do this, or were you tricked?” She asked. Not that I mind the view... She added in her head. He did look oh so tempting like this. His cheeks darkening told her he must have wanted to do this.
“I wanted to be tied up... but I didn't want to be naked underneath the ribbon.” He told her, unable to lie when she looked at him like that.
“Who put you up to it, the captain? Or Ban?” She asked. Escanor wasn't this bold.
“The captain. He said he'd like to surprise Elizabeth like this and... thought you might like finding me tied up.” There was a pause, Escanor's cheeks turning crimson.
“At your mercy, or lack there of. That was how he put it.” Escanor informed her. Merlin smiled.
Since today is Merlin’s birthday, I figured I’d post this. The words above are from a fic that I posted about a year ago, for Escalin Week 2021. If you want to read it, it can be found here: link
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leonhardtmills · 3 years
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(Demon x Goddess AU) 💜💚
I'm just in love with the idea of demon Merlin, that's it,that's how this AU came to be in my mind 😂
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bertazsleepyhead · 5 years
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Escalin week Day 4: courage/mystery
High school AU, where Escanor gathered all his courage through the years to finally ask merlin out and well… With some pushes LUCK he did it!
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galfridus1 · 5 years
Escalin Week Day 7: Free Day
And happy birthday to @bertazsleepyhead !!!’ Ely you are a wonderful person and artist and everything about you is amazing. Hope you like this fic @jacklynnfrost and I have penned :)
And thank you for writing this with me Sam! You are amazing to work with!
Fallen Pride
While he still has his wits about him, he strolls into the padded cell having to tilt sideways to fit into the ridiculously narrow doorway. He is growing by the minute and, no matter how slow the change actually takes, inside it feels as if his body is tearing apart, stretching with an almost unbearable burn as it makes room for more muscle, more height, and more power. It is a change he has become familiar with, but even after all these years, he is still not used to it.
“Before I slip,” Escanor begins as he shuts the door on himself and peers through the barred window at the beautiful woman he is trusting with such an important task, “I want to inform you just how honored you are that I permit that you study such a- I mean...” He stops as he catches her sardonic expression, her lips curving at the corners and her eyes bright with mirth that has his face burning in a way that has nothing to do with the change to his form. “What I mean to say is, ahem, thank you for helping.”
His eyes dart away, tensing as he looks around his new accommodation. The cell is getting smaller by the minute, the bed standing against the cushioned wall only big enough for his leg at his peak, but he knows he will not be sleeping here. Merlin’s soft voice chimes through the bars as she seals the magic around him. “Of course Escanor, we are just grateful you requested such a small thing in exchange for you joining us. The King himself foresaw-”
Escanor’s chuckle booms, his lip twitching as he regards the beautiful creature through the door, his eyes straying to her cherry red lips. “A small thing?” he mocks. He looks around at the room, feeling the strength of the magic woven into the stones. It is powerful, certainly, but whether it will withstand his own magnificent might remains to be seen. His night self would cringe in humiliation at the prospect of turning part of Liones castle into a mess of rubble but at present, as he pictures the ruin in his mind and the cross faces of the king and his subjects, all he can think is, I told you so.
Merlin is looking at him and the silence rings a little in his ears so, eyes darting from side to side, he mutters, “I have scoured the world in search of anyone who can contain me. All I have learned from this tedious experience is that promises mean nothing. I have not met a soul who can withstand even a poke from my index finger when I am fully charged.”
“Oh, I don’t doubt it.” Merlin’s voice vibrates with a sonorous warmth and Escanor once more feels his face flush. Why does the woman have to be so… delectable? “But I’m not just anyone. You will learn that in time.”
“I know that now,” he mutters to himself.
Merlin’s smile broadens. “What did you say? I didn’t quite catch it.”
“Nothing,” says Escanor quickly, then he grits his teeth hard, Merlin’s beauty forgotten as a volcano of power erupts through his form. “It’s coming,” he warns, his words strained as they reluctantly leave his clenched jaw. “You… you had better…”
“I told you, I am here to observe.” Light streams into the room, turning the dust in the air to gold specks as it spills across the polished stone floor. The sun is almost at its peak, and so is he. Escanor looks at Merlin, trying hard to control the mounting arrogance, the impossible urge to lash out and he clenches his hands hard into fists at his sides. “Oh, you needn’t do that, not on my account,” Merlin says, “just let yourself go. Do what you normally would. I am confident this room can withstand whatever you throw at it.”
And he does. Escanor shoots out a fist to punch the wall hard, his knuckles white and throbbing as he pummels the stone. It feels so good, so right, as he exercises his power by unleashing strike after strike on the walls, the window, the ceiling, whatever is in his reach. The bed smashes under his might, only to reform before his eyes, splinters of wood coalescing in the air before setting themselves back on the floor. He does it again and again but it rebuilds itself each time. He looks around, breathing hard, his lungs screaming in his chest with his exertion, but the room looks exactly the same as when he first entered.
“I told you. I’m not just anyone,” says Merlin smugly.
Escanor nods. His arms are like tree trunks, huge and wide and he wants to use them, to punch, kick, destroy. The sun is even higher now. It is so close to noon he can feel the white light of his power flash through his veins turning him from a man into an instrument of aggression. But perhaps it will genuinely be alright this time. The room has withstood all but his most brutal of attacks. Perhaps…
His jaw drops as Merlin appears before him, her form at first just an impression on the air, shimmering magenta, until her body solidifies. Long, lithe limbs clothed in… nothing at all to speak of, just a few wisps of royal purple cloth draped like wallpaper over her satin-smooth skin. Frozen, he stares at her in disbelief. “Merlin,” he manages to rasp out past the sudden lump in his throat. “Merlin! Get out of here now! Before I destroy you!”
Softly, she shakes her head no, her onyx hair shimmering from the light streaming in and it has an alluring sheen, just as all of her seems to awaken in him deeper thoughts. He’s taken for a moment with the sight of her before he feels how close he is to noon, the sun that sets Merlin aglow, sets him ablaze. “Get out!” he hollers, his voice booming in the room growing smaller by the moment. “Go!” His roar more resembles a lion than a man, “I don’t wish- Annihilation is all I’m capable of and you- Get the fuck out!” He reaches as if to force her to go but thinks better of it. If he so much as puts his hands on her while so close to his zenith, the only fate in store for her will be certain death.
At the last moment before noon, while resisting grabbing her, his hands rise to his hair to pull at his roots as he struggles to contain himself and save her from himself. “You think you can contain me?” he sneers, leering through narrowed eyes. “Do you know how many have tried?” His laugh echoes off the stone, he stretches, his fists connect to the opposite walls and his head cracks the ceiling above as he grows too large for the space. “The absolute arrogance it takes to put me in this box- to assume there is anything wrong with me! I have evolved beyond you, the masses are mere cattle in my presence and they are lucky I consider any of their tiny problems worthy of my attention.”
Merlin simply watches, eyes alight with curiosity and fascination. She’s not seen this kind of transformation before and it is not often she finds something that surprises her or stimulates her brain in such a way. The mage raises her hand, points her finger and twirls it in a clear indication that she wants him to spin. Escanor’s eyebrow quirks, his lip curving cruelly and a snort exhales from his nose. “You have the audacity to demand anything from me?” he asks and, rather than argue with him over such a small thing, Merlin levitates into the air by a few inches so that she can perform the circle herself in a hover.
She assesses how he grows, how his change goes beyond physical. His personality compared to the previous evening is, well, night and day. The man before her is clearly intrinsically linked to the sun: his power has bloomed as the orb has risen in the sky, and now that it is high noon she feels as if she is standing in a blistering sauna. But surely, this is a power she knows, one she has seen wielded by a shining goddess. How has Mael’s Grace found its way to a mere human, one with little intrinsic power of his own?
But that is a question that will have to wait. The immediate problem is how to enable this man, and any unfortunate enough to find themselves near him during the day, with the necessary protection to allow Escanor to join the Sins. A few possible solutions come to mind. Perhaps she can design a kind of liquid sunblock that he can rub on himself each night and so ward off the effects of the sun? But no. They will need Escanor in this state sometimes, however much of a strain it places on his body. Such a potion would make it too difficult to allow Escanor the ability to transform when required.
Merlin pauses in her perusal to look at the enormous human, biceps quivering and knuckles white. In this state, Escanor rivals Meliodas in sheer strength and power. Wasting that would be unthinkable.
The challenge thrills Merlin, a kind grin brightens her face. She has worked out how to contain demons through the goddess amber and now with Escanor before her she must work out how to do the same with Mael’s Grace. Only, this is more complicated as what she needs must be easily removed or this man's usefulness with be null.
When she completes her orbit around the sun-blessed man, she taps down to the cracking floor once more to peer up at him. The crumbling of the ceiling has not healed yet and she isn’t sure if his head did permanent damage or it simply can’t reform with Escanor having grown so large. She gives a flinching start when she sees his eyes trained on her, aggression coloring his expression when she has grown used to him looking softly upon her.
“You have made a mistake, Mage.” Escanor chuckles, eyes narrowing in as the air around him bends from the heat he is exuding. “The hubris it takes to follow me inside this containment unit!” His laugh bounces his bulging chest with each hissing inhale. “I suppose I cannot blame you, you are not the first moth drawn to my flame. You, of all people, will understand how graced you are to witness me at my best before your inevitable death. It is rather poetic.”
Merlin’s eyes grow wide, her heart races and she takes a step back remembering how at night, Escanor had warned her that he expelled as much of his excess energy as possible during his peak to make the next day a tad better, easier to manage. Here, that outlet is gone. It’s just her before him. “Escanor,” she scolds, acting stronger than she feels, “get ahold of yourself.”
“I am The One,” he intones and Merlin’s jaw drops as she looks at the man who is not a man. He is a monster: a shining, beautiful, terrible monster. “Behold my power and despair.”
Quick as a flash, Merlin waves a hand in the air, sealing herself inside a Perfect Cube. The roar, the rush of the blistering hot air, is suddenly stilled. Inside the cube, it is calm, cool and she watches with interest as Escanor flings a fist into her magic, the walls of her creation withstanding the might. He is an interesting specimen, certainly. Mael had not been subjected to the change in personality; this must be a sign that the human is controlled by the Grace and not the other way around. This would make sense of the man’s deep sense of shame when the moon is up and he is his true self: he knows that he is just a tool, an instrument manipulated.
Then a huge splintering smack resounds in her ears. Merlin stares in horror, blood freezing in her veins despite the onslaught of sudden heat as her Cube breaks, a visible crack spreading like a spider web from Escanor’s gigantic fist. “No,” she whispers, her eyes wide and her breathing shallow. “This is… impossible.” And she feels fear, fear such as she has not known since the day all the power of the Gods was hurled towards her home and the towers of Berialiun crumbled like dust to the floor.
Escanor’s face is stark, the light of the goddess clan circling like a halo as he peers down at her with a cold sneer. She feels as if she is inside the apex of a storm as if thunder is booming and lightning crashing before her. It is all she can do not to whimper as he places a giant finger on either side of the crack and pulls the Cube apart with his bare hands. She cannot speak, cannot cry out, the only thing running through her mind, This is a stupid way to die. She remembers that she cannot die, then wonders if even her immortality can survive the upcoming assault.
Her fear peaks as a jolt of electric adrenaline floods down her spine, the cube shatters and flakes like glass shards in the wind, it’s fallen. As she watches the Cube disintegrate into dust around her, twinkling as it fades, the man suddenly pulls back. He is still enormous, his head bowed so that he can look at her, but the expression he wears is suddenly less terrible and more tentative. He is breathing hard, his hands rigid at his sides as he takes several large gulps of air, his barrel of a chest heaving with considerable effort. He is winning the fight. The Grace inside him is burning, searing, but he does not give in.
He stands completely still, his form shrinking minimally with each passing second until he is back in the room, the roof reforming over his head, brightness falling as noon recedes further and further into the past. She does not speak - does not dare to interrupt Escanor’s effort - merely watching, absorbing every little detail of the transformation. The stillness inside the containment cell makes it seem as if time isn’t passing at all as the two stare, each having their own internal battles. It is imperative that she find some means to help, else the human will have little time left to him. The strain this change must have on his body is greater than any mortal can bear. It is, in fact, a miracle he is still alive.
“I have frightened you.” His voice still carries the booming qualities the Grace gives, and in spite of his attempt at calming her, she flinches. The stillness is broken. Merlin takes a deep breath to slow her racing heart as she reminds herself that the danger has passed and to never get near Escanor when he is in such a state without a clear escape route ever again.
“No, no, I was just surprised, it’s fine.” Merlin lies smoothly, finding her balance once more. Her kind smile returns but Escanor frowns as she is paler than she was before this started. He tries not to move too much as he is still large while he is coming down from the effects and scaring her further is unacceptable to him. “Good news though. From my observations and these new unveiled discoveries, I have an idea.” To him, her voice is a soothing balm on the burns left inside.
The spark of interest returns to her eyes and he can practically see her thinking as she vaguely looks over his body once more. He does not fool himself as he figures it is the prospect of experimenting that enlivens her so and not he, himself. “I cannot save you, but I can give you many more years that you would not have otherwise.” She looks to him and in his stillness he doesn’t understand that she is waiting for his answer, wanting an affirmation. He ponders her words before her expectancy becomes apparent to him.
He nods, slowly dipping his head forward and resisting the encroaching disappointment he has in himself for being unable to resist his own power. “Anything you can do to help will be greatly appreciated.” With his words, she gives a brilliant smile, one that starts a fire while the others are dying within, the flame of hope. Her backside is out of his magic prison in a blink and as she disappears the door stays cracked open in a clear invitation that he can leave when he desires.
It’s something he feels he hasn’t earned as with Merlin gone, in her pursuit to help him and prolong his life, his own failure pulls him under. He moves, sagging to sit on the slab bed provided, the mattress bending under his still-excessive weight. Though the peak of the danger has passed, he is still a monster, still an object of pity and fear, still less than a man, less than the prince he was born to be. As he mentally berates himself for not being strong enough to stay in control, the only comfort he has is the memory of her hopeful face and when he finally feels like himself enough to exit his prison he does it with faith in Merlin.
“That woman can do anything.” His voice still booms, louder than he intended but softened with the beginnings of a true affection that glows through him and does not fall with the passage of time.
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han100894 · 5 years
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The Moon is at its peak, but it does not matter. He has family—his suns to live for. He. Will. Not. Die.
For Escalin Week day 1: Sun and Moon. God there was so much more I could have done with this but I just didn’t have the time, but at least I got the main idea down. The scene where Escanor turns into day form despite it being night always got me, and so this is the version that happens in Escanor in Camelot Au. Any more info would be spoilors though XD.
And yes, that’s my representation of baby Morgan on the bottom there.
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k-karola · 5 years
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Escalin week: day 7
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strikerjoshy · 4 years
So Escalin week just ended and its october. A funny Cath-doodle i just saw remembered me:
I'm a depressed enough jerk bc of the gone wasted summer to talk bout my NnT Alternate Ending-idea that could totally grind some Escalin simp's gears:
- Escanor survived the DK Zel-fight
- Merlin turns out to be the final antagonist of the NnT manga (bc of reasons)
- That breaks Escanors heart, but he wants to stop his love from harming the world
- Its a hard fight (not just physically for our pride boy)
- Both kill each other with their final attacks and collapse in each others arms
(Okay the last one may be loved by some people)
Thats it.
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nostalgicbookworm · 3 years
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“I'll keep you locked in my head, Until we meet again.”
P!nk - Who Knew
Escalin Week Day 5: Euphoria
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ladymerlin-lab · 3 years
Diane: What happened Merlin?
Merlin: Well, Escanor and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by in a carriage and whistled at me while saying very inappropriate things.
Ban grinning: I can't wait to hear what Escanor did.
Meliodas, also grinning: Yes!! What did he do?
Merlin: *sighs* He chased him to the next crossroad and then-
Escanor opening the door: Who wants a wheel?
Meliodas and Ban: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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escalin-week · 3 years
We got some super exciting news…
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Escalin Week 2021 is almost here! This year, the week of November 7-13 will be the week of celebrating our favorite lovebirds/sins with a week of music, stories, and art. Post your art, stories and more on Tumblr and Twitter under the tags #escalinweek and #escalinweek2021! Remember to include these tags in the first 5 tags of your post.
In general, this event is not NSFW, hence, we will not be reblogging explicit NSFW/gore/heavy themes. However, we will reblog mild nudity/moderate gore and such. If they’re on par with the manga, especially manga panels directly out of the manga, we will reblog them. Please make sure to tag everything accordingly and include content warning when appropriate. We will also try to do so for the sake of everyone’s comfort level.
Under certain circumstances, we may reblog explicit NSFW works: We will reblog NSFW works if they’re tagged correctly, censored in some way and posted where users must consent to viewing the work.
For visual works, this means the explicit visuals must be cut off/censored, so the work is not explicit upon viewing in the preview. A link to an external site with tags such as NSFW, smut or lemon will do.
For fanfictions, you should add all appropriate tags and/or a clear summary, and a link to the entire work (such as AO3, FF, Wattpad, etc.)
There will absolutely be no stealing/plagiarism ever accepted, to respect the hard work and efforts of the amazing creators out there. Any violations will be reported and disqualified.
The prompts this year are:
The reward for participating for at least any 3 days, or the challenge, will be a 100-word Escalin drabble with a prompt of your choice by our mods this year: Nitefyre, Rory (RoryWild on AO3, author of “How It Should Have Gone” and “Searching for the Light”), and Aisling (sailingskye on AO3, author of the “All Kinds of Trouble” series). Details on the challenge will be announced within the next 2 weeks!
To show our gratitude for your support for Escanor and Merlin, we will be dropping little gifts, lovingly curated by Nitefyre, Rory and Aisling, throughout the weeks leading up to this year’s Escalin week, for everyone who chooses to participate this year!
Let us know if you have any questions. We hope you’re as excited as we are for the event! Can’t wait to see what you guys come up with this year!
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leonhardtmills · 3 years
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Day 5. Kiss it better | Euphoria | Amber
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bertazsleepyhead · 5 years
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Escalin week Day 7: free day/AU Well, u saw this coming! Of course I was gonna draw The lion of Britannia!
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rorywild-blog · 3 years
Escalin Week 2021: Day 5 (Kiss it better / euphoria / amber)
Summary: What can you do when you're confronted by something unexpected?Day 5 of the Escalin Week 2021: Kiss it better / euphoria / amber(Rated T just to be safe)
I know, I know, I’m late!! >.< I wasn’t able to finish all the stories on time, I’m sorry :( “^^
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galfridus1 · 5 years
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Escalin Week Day 1: Sun and Moon
Also a proper happy birthday to @x-strokeofmadness-x - hope you had an amazing day yesterday 😊🎉 Here’s your proper present. Fic and aesthetic and I hope you like them.
Thanks to the mods for organising this week! It’s been loads of fun to prepare for and I can’t wait to see everyone’s content.
It was loud. Really, really loud.
Escanor’s ears rang with the snouts of cheer as he shuffled past tables stacked high with empty glasses of ale and around bodies draped over the room in various stages of intoxication. The Holy War was over. Elizabeth’s curse was finally broken. Everyone - even the Captain’s brother - looked happy.
If only he could feel the same.
Lost in thought, he drifted towards the bar, determining to get himself a drink. “Hey watch it!” came an indignant squeal and Escanor pulled to a quick halt, just about managing to avoid tripping over the pig. “Why the glum face,” Hawk asked pointedly, his body visibly quivering in the soft lantern light. He had evidently eaten his own weight in scraps and was on the point of physically bursting.
Escanor stuttered, “I-I was going…”
“Are you not going to drink?” Hawk interrupted.
“No.” Escanor sighed deciding to give up on his errand. There were too many people between him and the bar for him to stand a chance of making it through. But was this not what he has always wanted? To be himself, the sort of man who could slip by unnoticed in a room full of people? He sighed again. Yes it was, and at the same time it most definitely was not. Everyone else was having a great time and he was on the edge, not left out exactly but not included either.
His eyes swung over to a smiling woman, hips swaying as she sashayed through the room, glass of red wine in one hand. She paused to laugh at Howzer’s joke, taking a stein from Veronica who was on the point of collapse. “You know, you really should tell her how you feel,” Hawk grunted as he jostled into Escanor’s side. “I told you so already. What’s keeping you?”
“I can’t...” Escanor’s words stuck in his throat, now burning with a sudden pain. “She’s too good for me,” he muttered as Hawk snorted in protest. “If you’ll excuse me…” Escanor stood, quickly making his way through a convenient path that had formed in the revelry, heading towards the exit, dodging enthusiastic claps on the back and waving off greetings from the drunken knights. He did not belong at this celebration. This party was for heros, not weaklings who had borrowed a goddess’ power.
As he left the bar, the door swinging to a close behind him, the crisp night air hit his face cooling the glow in his cheeks. The Boar Hat was stationed just outside Liones and he could see the city walls to the east, the Magical Research Building towering over the kingdom. Swallowing hard, he turned to the west, his feet carrying him over stones and grass and so through a cluster of shadowy trees. He kept walking, the drunken shouts and shattering glass fading to the soft hum of crickets and the majestic hoots of a pair of owls as they called to one another. Everyone had someone, even the birds.
He pulled up short as he broke through the copse, taking a sharp intake of breath on beholding the clearing before. It was bathed in a still, silver light. The moon was full as it shone the reflected rays of the sun onto the sudden expanse of ground below. This must be some sort of meadow, the sweet aroma of wild flowers drifting to him on the breeze and he began to relax, his heart rate slowing a little even though his chest ached.
“A penny for your thoughts.” Escanor whipped round, pulse racing once more as Merlin stepped towards him, her skin gleaming in the pale moonlight. He could just make out her features, her mischievous eyes unusually dark. She was even more beautiful than he had remembered, stunning in fact. It was hard to believe a woman so lovely could exist.
“What are you doing here?” he blurted out.
Merlin shrugged a little as she continued towards him. “I saw you leave,” she remarked as she drew up close. “What’s wrong, Escanor?”
When he did not reply, the mage continued, “The Grace is gone and your body will likely recover. Do you miss your power?”
“No,” he said a little too quickly. “I… hated myself, I still do, for not being able to control it, for turning into that… monster. It’s good Mael has his Grace back.”
“And yet you are unhappy.” Merlin peered at him, an uncomfortable heat pushing down his neck. “Why is that?”
Escanor opened his mouth, then shut it with a snap. How could he possibly tell her? Because I’ve seen the way you sometimes look at the Captain. Because you care for that king - our saviour - so much more than me. Because I will never be good enough for you…
“Escanor,” Merlin said softly as she took another step forwards, pressing into his personal space so that the hairs stood on the back of his neck, “I want you to tell me. Just say exactly what is on your mind.”
“I…” Escanor ground to a halt.
Merlin looked at him through her long, dark lashes, her cherry red lips curved in a smile. “You will never know unless you try.”
“I love you.” Escanor closed his eyes, horror and elation struggling for control. A part of him wished vehemently that he could retract his admission, but now the words were out, still resounding like echos through his mind, he found he could not stop his tongue. “I love you, more than anything. I have done since the moment I saw you. You are my sun, my moon, my stars. You are the most incredible being to ever walk this earth. I love you. I would die for you. I would do anything to see you smile. And I… I know that isn’t enough. But it’s all I have.”
His gaze swung to the ground, his breathing ragged as Merlin’s hand cupped his face. “Escanor,” she said softly as she tilted his chin so that he was looking directly into her eyes. “It is more than enough. It always was, and it always will be.” Before he could speak her lips were on his, and he melted into her arms, blood pounding triumphantly in his ears as he held the woman he adored, carefully as if she were made of the most delicate china. He had pictured this in his head many, many times, each and every fantasy falling short of reality.
Breaking apart, Merlin pulled him into a close embrace. “I love you back,” she whispered into his ear, sending a shiver down his spine.
They stayed locked together, fingers entwined as night turned to day and the sun rose in the sky.
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prolestariwrites · 3 years
I wanted to give a little update on me, since I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve been super active on this writing blog.
I’m still writing, currently working on two Resident Evil fics and a Kacchako fic. I haven’t fully abandoned NnT (will any of us really get out?), and actually had an idea for a Melizabeth fic the other day. I’m also hoping to do something for Escalin week because I kind of miss my Escalin AU. I’ve been doing a couple of zines the past year and having my writing featured there. Lastly, I have two unfinished fics that I think about every day.
I want to start posting more and going back to Six Sentence Sunday and all that. I really am writing almost every day, but it just seems so much slower to come nowadays. I’m also considering doing requests for Kinktober next month.
Writing seems really hard anymore. I was never one to be able to just sit down and put words on paper; I need a formed idea. It’s like a puzzle, I only have a piece or two anymore of a picture, when you need at least half to be able to tell what it is. I also feel sometimes like I’m floating without a fandom. Not sure if I have a place in NnT anymore, and on the outside looking in to other fandoms. But I’m not complaining, just stumped as to what to do.
I’m definitely living in this weird limbo of either having ideas and no time or having time and yet no ideas. I really hope I can get back to posting regularly again very soon.
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48glowsquids · 4 years
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Escalin week-end.
Day 1: Lost and Found/Nostalgic Memory
I'm so so late, but I was stuck in exam hell for too long 😔✊.
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