turangalila · 2 years
Matheus de Sancto Johanne (– ca.1391)  Science n'a nul annemi [(fol.57r) MS 564 (Chantilly Codex). Musée Condé, Chantilly, France] 
Science n’a nul annemi se non ceulz qui sont ignorant: Envieuz sont, je le vous di. souvent sur ceulz qui sont sachant et vont melodie abatant tout voulentiers per leur haut cry. *Qui plus haut crie: “Hay avant,” c’est trop bien fait, disons ainsy.
Ilz n’ont mesure ne demi. ny ton n’a-t-on ne peu ne grant ne proportion; et je qui vois leur haut cry bien escoutant dy auz compaignons maintenant: Escoutés, seignours, je vous pri;*
Souvent se monstrent estre ami en grans proumesses proumetant. Maiz ja per eulz nient acomplir. quar ilz usent de faulz semblant. Maudiz soient telz partisant. quar de tant que j’en ay oy.*
_ Graindelavoix directed by Björn Schmelzer Live performance in February 2020, Festival Llums d'antiga, Basilica of Santa Maria del Pi
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ochoislas · 2 years
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Escucha, leñador, detén un tanto el brazo: más que selva es aquello que en tierra derribas; ¿no ves correr acaso la sangre a raudales de ninfas que moraban bajo la corteza? Matancero sacrílego, ¿si un ladrón cuelgan por robar un botín de menguado valor, cuantos fuegos y cepos, muertes y suplicios no merecerás tú, que nuestras diosas matas?
¡Selva, de nemorosas aves alto albergue! Ya el ciervo solitario y los ligeros corzos no guardarán tus sombras, ni tu verde crin empecerá la luz de ardiente sol de estío. Ya el zagal amoroso, apoyado en un tronco, su pífano de tres agujeros hinchiendo, a los pies el mastín, la cayada al costado, no cantará el ardor de su linda Juanilla: todo tornará mudo; y sin voces el eco; te tornarás campiña, y en vez de tu espesura, que menea despacio sombras vagarosas, sentirás del arado el dental y la reja. Perderás tu quietud, tus sátiros y panes, no esconderá la cierva sus aleros contigo.
¡Desventurado aquél que pone fe en el mundo! ¡Oh dioses, qué veraz es la filosofía! ¡que toda cosa, dice, ha de morir al fin, y, mudando de forma, revestir lo nuevo! De Tempe la vaguada un día será cima, y el Atos encumbrado una vasta campaña; Neptuno alguna vez las mieses cubrirán: la materia perdura y se pierde la forma.
Escoute, Bûcheron, arreste un peu le bras : Ce ne sont pas des bois que tu jettes à bas ; Ne vois-tu pas le sang, lequel dégoûte à force, Des Nymphes qui vivoient dessous la dure escorce ? Sacrilège meurtrier, si on pend un voleur Pour piller un butin de bien peu de valeur, Combien de feux, de fers, de morts, et de détresses Merites-tu, meschant, pour tuer nos Déesses ?
Forest, haute maison des oiseaux bocagers ! Plus le cerf solitaire et les chevreuls légers Ne paistront sous ton ombre, et ta verte crinière Plus du soleil d’esté ne rompra la lumière. Plus l’amoureux pasteur sur un tronc adossé, Enflant son flageolet à quatre trous persé, Son mastin à ses pieds, à son flanc la houlette, Ne dira plus l’ardeur de sa belle Janette : Tout deviendra muet ; Echo sera sans vois ; Tu deviendras campagne, et, en lieu de tes bois, Dont l’ombrage incertain lentement se remue, Tu sentiras le soc, le coutre, et la charrue. Tu perdras ton silence, et Satyres et Pans, Et plus le cerf chez toy ne cachera ses fans.
Que l’homme est malheureux qui au monde se fie ! Dieux, que véritable est la philosophie, Qui dit que toute chose à la fin périra, Et qu’en changeant de forme, une autre vestira ! De Tempe la vallée, un jour, sera montagne, Et la cyme d’Athos, une large campagne ; Neptune, quelquefois, de blé sera couvert : La matière demeure et la forme se perd.
Pierre de Ronsard
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house-elf-magic · 11 months
My fucking SO makes this stupid spanglish joke all the time of “es-schooch-ey por favor” which, whatever right? They’re trying to jokingly say schooch as though it were spanish and instead mangling “escouter” like a dumbass, but fine.
This dumbass got me saying it when we got groceries, and I unthinkingly repeated it. Next to the hispanic family also checking out.
Someone end my suffering
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durchquer22u23 · 1 year
Alpentourismus - Anmerkungen eines alternden Mannes
Insbesondere in Frankreich fiel auf, dass der Frauenanteil an Bergwanderern gegenüber früheren Jahren deutlich zugenommen hat. Frauen sind nicht nur als Partnerinnen unterwegs. Sie gehen allein, zu zweit oder in kleinen Gruppen.
Auch der Anteil an Trailrunnerinnen, früher eine Männerdomäne, hat deutlich zugenommen, an manchen Tagen fast 50%.
Ebenfalls überrascht waren wir über die Menge der Menschen, die im Umfeld von Hütten zelten bzw. Iso-Matten am Rucksack befestigt haben (für uns ein Zeichen, dass draußen geschlafen werden soll). Vielleicht ist das dem guten Wetter geschuldet oder der teuren Schweiz, vielleicht aber auch eine Reaktion auf Corona.
Für meine Tour hatte ich Outdoor verworfen, weil zu viel Gepäck, obwohl ich es sehr spannend fand. Aber mittlerweile genieße ich entgegen meiner früheren puristischen Einstellung (Duschen haben auf Berghütten nichts zu suchen), Duschen und warmes Wasser nach einer anstrengenden und schweißtreibenden Wanderung.
Barrierefreiheit - Alpen auch im Alter genießen können
Vor kurzem wurde in der Presse die Fertigstellung der Matterhornseilbahn auf der italienischen Seite groß als Möglichkeit gefeiert, die Alpen per Seilbahn überqueren zu können. Eine schöne Idee, aber als Ankündigung etwas zu groß geraten.
Trotzdem: Seilbahnen/Lifte könnten (so denn die Stationen barrierefrei ausgebaut wären) neben anderem eine wichtige Rolle dabei spielen, die Alpen zugänglich zu machen.
Die An- und Abreise kann mit ÖPNV erfolgen, viele Orte sind per (Niederflur)Bus erreichbar. Bei der Übernachtung ist man zwar leider eher auf neuere, und damit auch teurere Hotels angewiesen. Bei einer systematischen Förderung von Barrierefreieheit könnte sich das aber ändern.
An den Bergstationen der Lifte gibt es schon heute zahlreiche Möglichkeiten rollend die Bergwelt zu genießen: Fahrrad (eMTB), Trotinette/Escouter (Roller mit großen luftgefüllten Reifen und Bremsen) oder Mountaincart (flachgelegtes Dreirad) können dort angemietet werden. Der Fallschirm fürs Paragliding muss noch selbst mitgebracht werden.Teilweise können die eigenen Fahruntersätze auch im Lift bzw. Seilbahn transportiert werden. Bis der eigene geländegängige E-Rolli mitgenommen wird, bräuchte es nicht mehr viel.
In Regionen mit hoher Liftdichte gibt es in der Regel viele Wege, die die Lifte nicht nur verbinden, sondern die durchaus auch für geländegangige Rollstühle befahrbar sind.
Viele Regionen bieten mittlerweile aus ökologischen Gründen einen regelmäßigen, kostenlosen Bustransfer zu den Ausgangspunkten von Wanderungen an. Diese sind zur Zeit nicht nicht so einfach für bewegungseingeschränkte Menschen nutzbar. Mit einem intensiveren Marketing bzgl Barrierefreiheit wäre die Anschaffung entsprechender Fahrzeuge nur ein kleiner Schritt.
Was die Zukunft bringt, muss sich zeigen. Roboter können mittlerweile auf zwei Beinen gehen und schwierigsten Geländer bewältigen. Der Schritt zu einem Exo-Skelett, das wie schon in Japan ansatzweise entwickelt, bewegungseingeschränkte Senioren beim sicheren Gehen unterstützt, wäre sicher eine gute Ergänzung für einen barrierearmen Alpentourismus.
Im Übrigen: in der Region Pays du Saint-Bernard gibt es 415 km Trailrunning-Routen mit 33000 Höhenmetern. Die Region denkt strategisch und zukunftsorientiert: Trailrunner runieren ihre Gelenke und nutzen in 30 Jahren die anmietbaren Off-Road-Rollstühle, um ihrem Hobby weiter frönen zu können.
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dontknowsomething · 4 years
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Frankfurt am Main, Germany 08/2020
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antonioarchangelo · 4 years
Um exemplo de solidariedade intergeracional
Um exemplo de solidariedade intergeracional
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Imagem disponível em <https://jornaldesafio.com.br/jovem-larga-tudo-para-cuidar-de-avo-de-105-anos-com-alzheimer-na-zona-rural-de-serra-talhada/> Acesso 24 de junho de 2020.
Europa, taxa de fertilidade e futuro econômico: todos sabemos que essas palavras têm um relacionamento complicado cada vez mais. As maiores dificuldades estão na viabilidade do sistema de pensões, no aumento dos custos com…
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hexsmixs · 5 years
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Sailor Jupiter! That’s right I’m still doing this! I found a new program that I really like! #art #artistsoninstagram #artist #anime #sailormoon #sailorjupiter #sailorscouts #escouts #pastel #animegirls https://www.instagram.com/p/B7mMr3xg53R/?igshid=bumzuvw2rni
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les-epees · 3 years
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Sire le Roi, qui envoyiez vos plus beaux chevaliers en escoutes à la pointe de l'armée chrétienne, daignez vous souvenir d'un fils de France qui voudrait se hausser jusqu'à vous pour mieux servir sire Dieu et dame sainte Église Donnez-moi du péché mortel plus d'horreur que n'en eut Joinville qui pourtant fut bon chrétien, et gardez-moi pur comme les lys de votre blason. Vous qui teniez votre parole, même donnée à un infidèle, faites que jamais mensonge ne passe ma gorge, dût franchise me coûter la vie. Preux inhabile aux reculades, coupez les ponts à mes feintises, et que je marche toujours au plus dru. Ô le plus fier des barons français, inspirez-moi de mépriser les pensées des hommes et donnez-moi le goût de me compromettre et de me croiser pour l'honneur du Christ. Enfin, Prince, Prince au grand cœur, ne permettez pas que je sois jamais médiocre,mesquin ou vulgaire, mais partagez-moi votre cœur royal et faites qu'à votre exemple je serve à la française, royalement.
Ainsi soit-il.
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martimrc · 4 years
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“¿Lo vas a intentar?” inicia, paseando su mirada entre el laberinto y la persona que ahora le acompaña. Había pasado ya demasiado tiempo en medio de demasiada gente. De repente, la idea de perderse por un rato no se le hace tan mala, motivo por el que se encontraba solo. “Dicen que hay formas infalibles para salir de un laberinto, pero no estoy tan seguro que tan “infalibles” sean realmente,” o era lo que había escuchado alguna vez, posiblemente en algún curso tonto de boy escouts. “O, hey, otra es entrar y, si nos perdemos, te subes a mis hombros y buscamos la salida,” termina a modo de broma con una sonrisa cordial.
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whitetaildrifter · 6 years
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Taking a slower approach in 2019. The goal is to be more efficient with boots on the ground time by doing more escouting. Or in this case a traditional approach. . . What other methods besides technology do you use? . . #lifesapassionpursueit #knowwhereyoustand #scentoffgameon #iowa #sportsmansatlas #whitetails #publicland #escouting #droppingpins #hardearnedbucks (at Iowa) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtOpuFTBJiZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=llb0ef8bbrez
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readingloveswounds · 5 years
French Accented Letters
Learning French and coming from a language without a lot of accents – or even just different accents, the accent system may prove to be a bit of a challenge. I think part of the difficulty comes from having to learn both spelling and pronunciation at the same time. The main way to learn them is pretty much practice and memorization, but I wanted to walk through each one and provide some tips that may make it easier to remember or study them.
ç – c cédille:
This one makes the ‘c’ which would otherwise be hard (the ‘k’ sound in English) into a soft sound (the ‘s’ sound in English).
Français, for example – the ç makes that ‘s’ sound. Others include garçon and ça.
However! This is only with a, o, and u. ‘ci’ and ‘ce’ in French already have the soft s sound. Ceci (this one) is the perfect example of that. Thus the only way ‘ca’, ‘co’, and ‘cu’ make a soft ‘s’ sound is to add a cedille.
I think part of what can make this difficult is that verb conjugations can play tricks on you.
For example: lancer - it goes je lance, j’ai lancé, etc. BUT in the imperfect, present participle, and ‘nous’ command form, it shows up as this: je lançais, en lançant, and lançons. This is because you always need the soft ‘s’ sound in the word. (lancais sounds like lahn-kay and that sounds wrong). Just be aware that if your verb originally has that ‘ce’ or ‘ci’ sound, you will probably need to add a cedille to forms that change to ‘ca’, ‘co’, and ‘cu’
TO REMEMBER: need that ‘ca’, ‘co’, and ‘cu’ to make a soft ‘s’ sound? Add that cedille. But as you see in the word cedille, you don’t need one on ‘ce’ or ‘ci’.
é – e accent aigu:
Like the cedille, this accent only shows up on one letter – the ‘e’. However, this is one of the most common accents you’ll come across, so it’s really important to use properly. I remember one of my French teachers making me and another student conjugate écrire over and over and over again until we used the proper accents.
Apparently in some cases, it indicates a word that historically was a combination of ‘e’, ‘s’, and another consonant - escouter became écouter. (French has removed the letter ‘s’ from a LOT of words over time)
The cheat code: it sort of makes the ‘ay’ sound in English, while ‘e’ alone often makes a more ‘euh’ sound. E accent aigu makes IPA /e/, if that is also helpful.
There are a lot of endings in French that make a similar sound (’-aient’, ‘-er’…the list goes on and on), but if you know that a word starts or ends with the e and has that ‘ay’ sound, you’ve got a good chance of it being é.
Past participles of regular ‘-er’ verbs always have an é.
Back to écrire – we were told it’s ‘ay-creer’ not ‘euh-creer’ which may be a good way to remember various words that use the é.
The internet warns me that I shouldn’t say that ‘é’ sounds like ‘ay’ because of how English has diphthongs, and that’s true. ‘Ay’ is longer, whereas I would cut an é much shorter when pronouncing it. So that’s something to keep in mind, but if you absolutely cannot remember the ‘é’ in a word, just go ahead and try to exaggerate the difference between the accented ‘é’ and the non-accented ‘e’.
â, ê, î, ô, û - accent circonflexe:
château, fête, dîner, hôtel, bien sûr – all words that use that accent circonflexe. Why is it there? In many cases, the circonflexe means that in older versions of French, that word used to have an s (or another letter) following the vowel – fête used to be ‘feste’, etc. I don’t know if this will help you remember where it’s used, but I thought it was interesting to know.
For the most part, this is one where straight memorization may be required.
It does technically have an effect on pronunciation, but it may be slightly more difficult to distinguish in some cases. For ‘â’, ‘ê’, ‘ô’, these letters then make the IPA /ɑ/, /ɛ/ and /o/. In Parisian French, which is what is taught in many cases in the US, the ‘â’ and a make the same sound.
Good news for students: if ‘î’ or ‘û’ doesn’t distinguish similarly spelled words, you don’t have to use it, according to the 1990 reforms. Chaîne and chaine are both perfectly acceptable spellings.
Where it’s very useful to keep the circonflex in mind is when it distinguishes between similarly spelled words.
sur vs. sûr – on vs sure
mur vs. mûr – wall vs mature
du vs. dû – of (de+le) vs had to (past participle of devoir).
à, è, ù - accent grave :
This section can be divided into two parts – à + ù and è.
à and ù
à by itself is used to differentiate between the conjugation of the verb avoir and the preposition ‘to’. If you see an ‘a’ without the accent, it’s the third person present of avoir. If you see an ‘à’ then it means very generally ‘to’. Unless you’re using avoir, à always has that accent.
There is also the la vs là distinction. Are you using the feminine pronoun (la) or indicating position (là)? It’s the same sort of thing as above – the accent doesn’t really change pronunciation, but it does help you tell two very different words apart.
‘ù’ shows up again to make a difference clear – between ‘where’ and ‘or’. ‘Où’ is ‘where’ and ‘ou’ is ‘or’. So if you’re asking where something is, you always want to have that accent. If you’re giving options, then you don’t want the accent. The ù only shows up in the word où and nowhere else in standard French, so that’s just one word to keep track of!
This one is a little different.
The ‘è’ is pronounced something like ‘eh’ in English. It’s the IPA /ɛ/ sound. Essentially it’s a marker that you need to pronounce the ‘e’ in a specific way, since there are many different pronunciations (or lack therof) of regular ‘e’ in French.
There are some rules to using it. If you have a word that ends in ‘ere’, that first ‘e’ will often have the e accent grave – for example, père.
TO REMEMBER: ‘ere’ often indicates ‘è’ on the first ‘e’.
ë, ï, ü – tréma:
The main purpose of the tréma is to make sure that the vowel it is on is pronounced.
It’s usually on the second vowel in a row – examples: Noël, coïncidence, Haïti.
Pronunciation: Noël – no-el Coïncidence – co-ah-ci-dence Haïti – ‘ay-ee-tee
In each of these three examples, you pronounce both the first vowel and the second one with the trema on it. Otherwise, you’d end up with combinations of those two vowels – the ‘oe’, the ‘oi’, and the ‘ai’, which would sound very different.
Weird case alert:
‘guë’/’güe’ - I didn’t actually know about this until I was researching for this post, but apparently when you’re making words that end in ‘-gu’ feminine, you need a tréma. This is because the ‘-gue’ ending just makes the ‘g’ sound - like in bague. So you need to show that you still pronounce the ‘u’ with ‘-gu’ words.
Let’s take ‘aigu’ as an example, since I think this is probably the most common case. To make it feminine, you would think that it’s just ‘aigue’, but because you need to pronounce the ‘u’ at the end, you’d initially write it aiguë. However, with the 1990 reforms, you can actually move the tréma to the ‘u’, thus making the modern spelling aigüe. All that to say, if you’re making a word that ends in ‘gu’ feminine, you need to put a tréma on the ‘u’ before adding that ‘e’.
(ÿ technically exists, but really only in proper nouns, mostly of towns, and very rarely even then. Don’t worry about it.)
Wrap-up and ways to practice
I tried my best to make sure this is accurate, but if people have additions or edits to suggest, please feel free. Also feel free to ask me questions. There also may be some very specific cases that I didn’t mention, but that is because I wanted to make this a general guide.
How to practice? Even though many people hate them, I’d recommend doing dictées, where you listen to a text read slowly and repeated and write down what you hear. It helps you learn French phonetics and it will help you visualize for yourself the way accents are used. It’s not super easy, but it will help.
I did a quick google search and here are a couple of results that popped up (note that both sites are entirely in French):
https://dictee.tv5monde.com/ - lets you choose your level (A1-C2) and has you type up what you hear. It then checks over your work and shows you the mistakes you made. Upper levels will have more accents and go faster.
https://www.lalanguefrancaise.com/general/les-30-meilleures-dictees-pour-ameliorer-son-francais/ - The list they provide here has dictées on a lot of different topics. It has a list of links to other sites as well as some on their own site.
If listening activities are not a great resource for you, I’d say that writing little paragraphs and then checking your spelling afterwards is probably the best way to practice this. Don’t check spelling until you’ve done the whole thing, so that you can keep up a writing rhythm. It doesn’t matter what you write about - just that you have the opportunity to use words and make decisions on accents. I’d avoid writing in a program like Word that can check your spelling automatically because you want to go through the work of making those checks yourself (or just turn off spell check while you’re doing this). For writing prompts, I’d suggest either finding a prompt blog/website or trying one of the challenges on @languagessi​‘s post here
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getbestdealz · 2 years
PARAGON Men's Green Escoute Sandals
PARAGON Men’s Green Escoute Sandals
Price: (as of – Details) These formal sandals for men from Paragon’s Escoute range are available in an olive green colour with Velcro straps and 1 to 2 inch heels. Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 30 x 16 x 12 cm; 1.1 Kilograms Date First Available ‏ : ‎ 3 June 2021 Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Paragon Polymer Products Pvt Ltd ASIN ‏ : ‎ B096KZ4KJ5 Item model number ‏ : ‎ PV0400G_Green Department ‏ : ‎ Mens…
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enginethusiast · 4 years
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Had a great weekend out with scout ⛺️ #enginethusiast #escout https://www.instagram.com/p/CKLNOMYhIBb/?igshid=facbcatypuv5
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lyricssongs2021 · 3 years
PARAGON ESCOUTE Men's Brown Flip-Flops
PARAGON ESCOUTE Men’s Brown Flip-Flops
Price: (as of – Details) Go casual with the Paragon Escoute Men’s Casual one-toe flip-flops in brown. The flip-flops feature the unique and durable design on the front and can be worn with western and ethnic wear alike. Closure: Slip OnShoe Width: MediumOuter Material: NylonClosure Type: Slip OnToe Style: Open ToeWarranty Type: ManufacturerWarranty Description: 30 days
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agentfascinateur · 4 years
A bit of history...
King Louis IX of France, better known as Saint Louis, had for most important concern to pacify, reconcile enemies and quell conflicts, particularly between France and England (1258). But he also dreamed of returning to the Holy Land and on way, he died in Carthage in Tunisia in 1270. From the Holy Land, he had brought back Jesus's crown of thorns among relics for which he built Paris's Sainte Chapelle. Here's an ancient prayer to him:
"Sire le Roi, qui envoyiez Vos plus beaux chevaliers en escoutes à la pointe de l’armée chrétienne, daignez Vous souvenir d’un fils de France qui voudrait se hausser jusqu’à Vous pour mieux servir Sire Dieu et dame Sainte Église.
Donnez-moi du péché mortel plus d’horreur que n’en eut Joinville qui pourtant fut bon chrétien, et gardez-moi pur comme les lys de Votre blason. Vous qui teniez Votre parole, même donnée à un infidèle, faites que jamais mensonge ne passe ma gorge, dût franchise me coûter la vie. Preux inhabile aux reculades, coupez les ponts à mes feintises, et que je marche toujours au plus dru.
Ô le plus fier des barons français, inspirez-moi de mépriser les pensées des hommes et donnez-moi le goût de me compromettre et de me croiser pour l’honneur du Christ.
Enfin, Prince, Prince au grand Cœur, ne permettez pas que je sois jamais médiocre, mesquin ou vulgaire, mais partagez-moi votre Cœur Royal et faites qu’à Votre exemple, je serve à la française, royalement.
Ainsi soit-il."
Excerpt translation of a passage that stands out:
"Do not allow that I be mediocre, malicious or vulgar(...)"
And another: "...You who kept Your word, even given to an (*Infidel), make so that never a lie clear my throat, should frankness cost me my life..."
* the term Infidel is from the Crusades, and modern day use of it is thrown back mostly at colonizers. Originally, reports of damage to Jerusalem brought French armies to the Holy Land. Then as most things, the initial intent was lost.
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rheinsiegmagazin · 5 years
Wieder verletzte und alkoholisierte E-Scooter-Fahrer in Köln
#Wieder #verletzte und #alkoholisierte #E-Scooter-Fahrer in #Köln
Köln (ots)
Auch am Donnerstag (25. Juli) haben sich E-Scooter-Fahrer (m33, w36, m51) bei Stürzen ohne Fremdeinwirkung und einem Zusammenstoß mit einem Auto in Köln verletzt. Ursachen nach ersten Ermittlungen sind neben Alkoholisierung auch heute wieder die Tücken kleiner Räder sowie der ungewohnte Umgang mit dem im Stadtbild noch neuen Gefährt für eine Autofahrerin. In der Donnerstagsbilanz…
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