#eso grathwood
muiri-noir · 2 years
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wading through the wilds of Valenwood
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elllesims · 3 years
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deepbluefrog · 5 years
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The cure of this dreadful disease involves the focusing power of crystals, like Aeonstone and Welkin Stones, of that I am sure. But how?
As I uncover more secrets in Ayleid ruins and forbidden crypts, only one thing is clear - nobody has successfully recovered from the Knahaten Flu.
Should I try a bargain with Clavicus Vile or another Daedra? or is there another way?
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screensoftamriel · 7 years
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nastykat · 7 years
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The Devil Wrathmaw
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sephiratales · 4 years
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Although no one really cares, here is a little update about my ESO characters. Reminder that some things are my own HC and may be lorebreaking. From left to right, up to down :
- Eldariel Oronthïe : Vampire necro mage, ancient Eye of the Queen. She is supposed to have died in Skyrim during a mission with Raz and Elvi. Not really dead, but furious against her former team. Member of the bad guy in Greymoor.
- Ciel Aurilie : A breton nightblade, thief. He has basically spent all his life in thieves’ gangs and knows Drachan-Karr. He thinks he’s really charming, but he is just dumb.
- Elvi the Tiny : Bosmer warden with a bear named Berry. She is an Eye of the Queen, very good friend with Raz. She saved Drachan’s life once and they began to hang about with each other until Elvi disappeared. She is one of my Vestige and met Liv in Coldharbour.
- Drachan-Karr : Redguard dragonknight. She was found and raised by a couple of khajiit who ran a mercernaries’ troop. She was supposed to take the lead of the troop after her parent’s death, but there was a mutiny and she was left for dead in Grathwood where Elvi saved her. When Elvi disappeared, she looked for her, this is when she met Ver’drani. Married to Ver’drani.
- Kalissandre the First : A breton necromancer. Raised in a family that did not want her, she had to survive by herself in Daggerfall. In her teens, she met an old necromancer in the sewers, they discovered she was gifted for necromancy and teached it to her.  She ends up in Euraxia’s army but decided to betray her. She is married to Alduril and she is the ancestor of my Dragonborn Kali.
- Liv Steelmaiden : Nord templar. She left her family when she was 20 to help people everywhere. She met Ver’drani in Vvardenfell and they became really good friends. One day, she helped the wrong people and is sacrified by Mannimarco. She is my other Vestige with Elvi, whom she met in Coldharbour.
- Ver’drani : Dunmer nightblade, former member of the thieves guild. She left Vvardenfell to explore the world and ended up robbing everything she can. Once she returned in her homeland, she met Liv and decided to stay with her for adventure. When her friend vanished, she wandered everywhere to find her and ran into Drachan, who was doing the same for Elvi. Married to Drachan.
- Nallia of Artaeum : Nord sorcerer, might be a time traveler. Orphan raised by Valsirenn, she has no memory of her life before 8-9 years old. Good with magic, quick learner. May be the daughter of one of the others.
- Alduril the Kind : Altmer warden. His brothers were slayed by necromancers and he was badly wounded, he still has scars. He went to Elsweyr to help people against necromancers. He met a breton woman named Kalissandre and fell quickly in love with here. After a lot of internal fights, he leaves his family for her. Married to Kalissandre and ancestor of my Dragonborn Kali.
I know I twisted the lore, but there are my HC not lore truth :) Anyway, if you have questions about my OCs, feel free to ask !
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freya-theirondragon · 8 years
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Unfurnished Grand Topal Hideaway
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
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ja-khajay · 7 years
I'm playing ESO!! I'm in grathwood join me
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deepbluefrog · 5 years
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Scholarly pursuits have their limits... and soon enough, wanderlust becomes impossible to ignore.
My next journey takes me back to the jungles and ruins of Shadowfen, Greenshade and Grathwood, where I cross path with old and new acquaintances.
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screensoftamriel · 7 years
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deepbluefrog · 6 years
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Grahtwood - Finding my spirit animal and helping a queen assert her rule over the Dominion.
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nastykat · 6 years
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freya-theirondragon · 8 years
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Unfurnished Grand Topal Hideaway
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
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sephiratales · 4 years
Other ESO OCs, what’s their family ?
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Elvi the Tiny : 6 brothers and sisters (3 of each), parents still alive in Grathwood. Elvi is in the middle.
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Ver’drani : An older brother, not very close. Her mother is still alive among the Ashlanders.
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Drachan-Karr : Biological parents unknown, may be dead. Adotpive parents dead from old age, no siblings.
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Alduril the Kind : Parents still alive, 2 olders brothers dead, a younger sister alive.
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Eldariel Oronthïe : Only child, parents alive.
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Ciel Aurilie : Parents alive, but hiding from authorites and thieves’ guild. No siblings known.
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