#seph breaks the lore and she knows it
rottenpumpkin13 · 4 months
I used to see Sephiroth and think “damn he’s the Marilyn Monroe of video games and anime,” but after delving into his backstory and seeing Crisis Core/Reunion and Ever Crisis I just feel sad.
I mean when you think about it he really had no one. He only knew Glenn, Matt, and Lucia for that one mission but he never forgot about them, despite all of them leaving him behind. Then Angeal and Genesis who- I’m sorry, I know this is also an unpopular opinion- also treated him like crap. To me it always seemed like Genesis didn’t really care about Sephiroth at all. We’ve never seen him being nice to him, even prior to degrading. During that one spar we saw of them three Genesis really seemed like he was going for the throat and like he was letting his rage and jealousy take over, and Angeal had to break them up. At first I used to think that at least Angeal was a decent friend to Sephiroth, but the more I think about it the more it seemed like he was on Genesis’ side because he was his childhood friend and simply acted as a peacekeeper between them three than anything else. Sephiroth didn’t hesitate to offer his blood/cells when Genesis needed it and Angeal even commented on how Sephiroth had lost weight when he sees him the last time, probably from stress and depression.
So not only did he never have friends who cared about him and who he always cared more for than they cared for him, he was also raised in a lab his entire childhood by a psycho who’s his biological father (he didn’t know about that part but it’s still horribly messed up.) And even with all of that he still grew up to be a good person- before all the trauma drove him crazy. He still wanted to genuinely help and save people, and he got attached so quickly. Even with every reason to be horrible he wasn’t, until the whole dam of emotions and mistreatment broke.
Sorry for the long post. I was just looking back at the Seph lore and started feeling really sad 😕
Sephiroth is a very tragic character, and he was failed by every adult in his life from the very beginning, first by his parents—one being an unethical twat and the other being his mother, someone who he would later come to really yearn for and had no idea she was part of the reason why his life was the way it was. He was Shinra's lap dog from birth to Nibelheim, and the only respite he had from it all were his friendships—and he was an extremely loyal friend to everyone. He was loyal even to SOLDIER despite the program being part of the problem.
It appears Glenn, Matt and Lucia were his first friends who really taught him what it was like to care for other people. The thing is: the FS trio were as much of Shinra's pawns as Sephiroth—albeit to a lesser extend because Seph was their golden boy. And so were Genesis and Angeal. They were victims of the Jenova Project too, and had every right to be angry, and Genesis' actions are more understandable (not excusable) once you take into account how the degradation likely preyed on his mental state. Genesis and Angeal are complex characters, but unfortunately we don't have as much narrative context and content for them as we have for Sephiroth, which ultimately makes Sephiroth easier to sympathize with despite what he goes on to become later. He's an incredibly tragic character who everyone rightfully adores, also because of who he was as character Pre-Nibelheim, before he understandably lost his mind. It's a damn shame so many people disregard the compilation, because there's so much of Seph's backstory to be explored that adds even more depth to his character.
I think Genesis and Angeal were good friends to Sephiroth, but you have to understand that they were both degrading while Sephiroth was (physically) fine. So of course they latched onto each other and left Sephiroth behind, especially if they thought Sephiroth wouldn't understand their desertion and wouldn't abandon Shinra to come with them. I don't think they were bad friends, but they—Genesis especially—underestimated how good of a friend he was to them. I hope chapter 2 of FS can show Sephiroth and Angeal's (fingers crossed Genesis too) friendship before the crisis ever started. Only then will we know what their dynamic was like.
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altocat · 1 year
As much as I love all the fleshing out of our boi (lil bit of a negative rant here) I dont really like how he was given an picture of his actual birth mother tbh
To me it kinda destroys the whole idea of Seph's uncertainty about her, how he never even saw his mother, never met her, never knew what she looked like, but only ever knew her "name", which is why when he meets "Mother" during the Nibelheim Incident years later, its such a big moment for him because thats what hes searched for his whole life, and now hes seeing "her" for the first time
Like I'm sure you can maybe find a way to change my mind since your pretty good at that stuff, but honestly Im not sure about this idea anyway (if they rlly wanted a photo, maybe it couldve been a very blurred photo of Lucrecia or Jenova or some Random Woman, but still im iffy on it)
Sorry for da ramble btw, I love your look into Sephiroth's character and I just wonder how you feel bout it
(my opinion plz dont be mad aaah)
No, no! That's all totally understandable.
I'm personally pretty split on the photo. On one hand, it's extremely on the nose and tbh I'd prefer if Seph was almost completely kept in the dark about his mother, rather than know what she looks like. I'd always been under the impression that he was completely kept in the dark. Now he at least has a kernel. And that can take away a lot of the punch.
That all said, I think the scene is more of a means of reminding casual fans that Sephiroth has some serious abandonment issues in relation to his mother. These are things I've been talking about for a long time, but the games are surprisingly meager when it comes to ever bringing them up. He has some serious mommy issues and always had. If it took an added scene with a photo to illustrate this to fans, good. That's fine.
It also adds a new layer of sadism in Hojo's upbringing of him. Hojo gave him the photo, but also completely lied and then refused to tell him anything. That's....incredibly evil. And messed up. Perhaps it shapes how Sephiroth sees Jenova. Perhaps it resembles Lucrecia to him. Or perhaps he thinks the photo is a complete lie by the time he finds things out, hence why Hojo never told him anything.
I don't think it breaks his backstory lore that much. It's more of a refresher to players that this child has been bereft of his mother since birth and is now fighting a war. Is it a bit clumsily handled? Yeah. And I can see some people really disliking this change. But it's not too much of a big deal for me. And hey, we got a new render of Lucrecia just in time for Rebirth. If Rebirth and Part 3 are set up as legitimate entries in the series, perhaps we will FINALLY get some Lucrecia-Sephiroth closure.
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sunsetsnz · 2 years
Omgg, yess!! More OC lore : DDD
May I request 5, 8, 9, and 12? 🧡🦊
thank you ahri!! 💗 12 is answered here
5) What is their overall physical condition? Are they healthy or do they get sick easily?
i’ve said it already, but jonathan gets colds more frequently than seph. they’re both healthy enough, jonathan just happens to have a weaker immune system ig :’)
8) How do they react to someone around them being sick? Does it make a difference whether it’s a friend or stranger?
jonathan is the Quietly Concerned Stranger who will offer tissues to the person next to him if they look like they need them. with friends, he’ll offer to make them a nice soup or some other hot food they like and bring it over. in theo’s case, he’ll just do it without even asking bc they’re so close and he knows she doesn’t look after herself enough. he’ll go over and watch a movie with her, keep her company. he is of course excellent at caring for seph when he rarely falls ill too. he’s a very comfortable caretaker, it’s in his blood haha
with strangers seph prefers to keep his distance. with friends he shows concern and he’ll offer to do things for his friends that they just don’t have the energy to. he’ll go shopping for them or make them a fruit smoothie or milkshake with a sticky ‘feel better’ note on it. he’s quick to tell when micah feels under the weather, not just bc they live together but also bc micah is just so…sunny and loud. you can’t ignore his presence, but he shrinks into himself when he’s sick. they all miss micah’s energy but especially seph, and he knows how lonely micah gets, so he always makes sure to try and cheer him up a bit 💕
i think it goes without saying that seph is pretty…enthusiastic about jonathan having a cold. he’d never wish illness on him, but i mean, if he’s already caught it…might as well make the most of it 👀 he takes it upon himself to take care of him in every possible way hehe
9) How do they feel about sneezing? Do they do it in public? Or are they trying to avoid it?
we all know jonathan sneezes quite a lot. he doesn’t exactly want to break into a fit of sneezing in public, but trying to hold back is futile and draws more attention. stifling makes the tickle worse. so he really doesn’t have much choice. he finds it embarrassing and feels kinda gross about it, although seph helps him feel less so over time
seph enjoys sneezing but it feels too intimate to him, for obvious reasons. he can usually hold back, though if he can’t (or if he does feel confident enough letting it out, for whatever reason) then he stifles it. when he’s with jonathan or when he’s alone are the only times he lets his sneezes out fully. or when he’s sick and his nose gets too oversensitive, so he has no choice 😈 he haaates that. it’s so embarrassing.
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sephiratales · 4 years
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Although no one really cares, here is a little update about my ESO characters. Reminder that some things are my own HC and may be lorebreaking. From left to right, up to down :
- Eldariel Oronthïe : Vampire necro mage, ancient Eye of the Queen. She is supposed to have died in Skyrim during a mission with Raz and Elvi. Not really dead, but furious against her former team. Member of the bad guy in Greymoor.
- Ciel Aurilie : A breton nightblade, thief. He has basically spent all his life in thieves’ gangs and knows Drachan-Karr. He thinks he’s really charming, but he is just dumb.
- Elvi the Tiny : Bosmer warden with a bear named Berry. She is an Eye of the Queen, very good friend with Raz. She saved Drachan’s life once and they began to hang about with each other until Elvi disappeared. She is one of my Vestige and met Liv in Coldharbour.
- Drachan-Karr : Redguard dragonknight. She was found and raised by a couple of khajiit who ran a mercernaries’ troop. She was supposed to take the lead of the troop after her parent’s death, but there was a mutiny and she was left for dead in Grathwood where Elvi saved her. When Elvi disappeared, she looked for her, this is when she met Ver’drani. Married to Ver’drani.
- Kalissandre the First : A breton necromancer. Raised in a family that did not want her, she had to survive by herself in Daggerfall. In her teens, she met an old necromancer in the sewers, they discovered she was gifted for necromancy and teached it to her.  She ends up in Euraxia’s army but decided to betray her. She is married to Alduril and she is the ancestor of my Dragonborn Kali.
- Liv Steelmaiden : Nord templar. She left her family when she was 20 to help people everywhere. She met Ver’drani in Vvardenfell and they became really good friends. One day, she helped the wrong people and is sacrified by Mannimarco. She is my other Vestige with Elvi, whom she met in Coldharbour.
- Ver’drani : Dunmer nightblade, former member of the thieves guild. She left Vvardenfell to explore the world and ended up robbing everything she can. Once she returned in her homeland, she met Liv and decided to stay with her for adventure. When her friend vanished, she wandered everywhere to find her and ran into Drachan, who was doing the same for Elvi. Married to Drachan.
- Nallia of Artaeum : Nord sorcerer, might be a time traveler. Orphan raised by Valsirenn, she has no memory of her life before 8-9 years old. Good with magic, quick learner. May be the daughter of one of the others.
- Alduril the Kind : Altmer warden. His brothers were slayed by necromancers and he was badly wounded, he still has scars. He went to Elsweyr to help people against necromancers. He met a breton woman named Kalissandre and fell quickly in love with here. After a lot of internal fights, he leaves his family for her. Married to Kalissandre and ancestor of my Dragonborn Kali.
I know I twisted the lore, but there are my HC not lore truth :) Anyway, if you have questions about my OCs, feel free to ask !
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huntershowl · 3 years
many many thoughts about seph and arc.ane characters because i’m Buzzing over getting more content tomorrow. (spoilers ahoy. also disclaimer: i have not played league, i do not intend to play league, i am simply in love with the show and occasionally get game lore info from my housemates.)
when i tell you the amount of Kinship i felt every time there was a scene with silco and jinx. BRO WHEN I TELL YOU!!!!
i think it’s... i mean, it’s the devotion, for sure, and silco’s extremely surprising genuine compassion towards her. that’s like... that’s a dad,?? that’s a whole crime dad?
but also, we HAVE NOT gotten the full picture and as someone who has never played league, i have no idea if there’s some huge fuckin Chunk of manipulation or neglect i’m missing from their relationship. so... putting a pin in that. 
but. god. ok. actual character thoughts.
in regards to the above, i think if hellhound knew even a sliver of jinx’s story, she would have a very hard time not having Feelings about it. there are huge parallels – their mental states, while seph is always very controlled about it, are pretty similar... and they share that “you’re all i have left” devotion to their respective benefactors. if seph wasn’t so reined-in, and perhaps hadn’t gone through some of the other things she went through later, i think they would be a lot more similar.
so many more fuuuucking parallels i am IN LOVE 
so i think... vi holds a similar spirit to seph before Life Happened. as some of y’all know, she has a twin brother named leto – a painter, who lost his hands in the same incident as seph's arms. she was endlessly, immensely protective over him, until they had a horrible falling-out and stopped talking altogether. as of now, seph is avoiding him, hoping that doing so will draw him from her enemies’ attention and make him Not a Target.
so. basically. learning about vi and jinx’s relationship would break her heart... 
additionally, i think vi and seph would vibe on the principle of being angry, violent fistfighters. they’d be great sparring partners, probably on a similar level in terms of skill and power – seph has an advantage with her prosthetics, but vi has more raw strength.
it’s time for me to go the fuck to sleep so i’m ending this here for now but (points) im not fuckign done with yuo i will be back
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